Export Keys and Certificates

To setup a cloned subsystem, the master subsystem's keys and certificates (with the exception of the SSL server key and certificate) as well as the CA certificate chains need to be exported, and later imported into the cloned subsystem. All of these keys and certificates are stored in a single file in the PKCS #12 format which is protected by the password specified below. This export operation is performed only when the master subsystem's keys and certificates are stored in the software token.

If these keys and certificates are stored in a hardware token, the hardware token vendor needs to be consulted for information on how to export them.

For cloning, if the keys and certificates are stored in a hardware token, clones should use the same hardware token as that of the Master.

#if ($errorString != "")  $errorString #end
 Export subsystem keys and certificates
Password to protect the PKCS #12 file:
Password again:

 Don't export subsystem keys and certificates