# --- BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- # Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat, Inc. # All rights reserved. # --- END COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- # dn: cn=aclResources,{rootSuffix} objectClass: top objectClass: CertACLS cn: aclResources resourceACLS: certServer.general.configuration:read,modify,delete:allow (read) group="Administrators" || group="Auditors" || group="Token Processing Service Manager Agents";allow (modify,delete) group="Administrators":Administrators, auditors, and agents are allowed to read CMS general configuration but only administrators are allowed to modify and delete resourceACLS: certServer.acl.configuration:read,modify:allow (read) group="Administrators" || group="Auditors" || group="Token Processing Service Manager Agents";allow (modify) group="Administrators":Administrators, agents and auditors are allowed to read ACL configuration but only administrators allowed to modify resourceACLS: certServer.log.configuration:read,modify:allow (read) group="Administrators" || group="Auditors" || group="Token Processing Service Manager Agents";allow (modify) group="Administrators":Administrators, Agents, and auditors are allowed to read the log configuration but only administrators are allowed to modify resourceACLS: certServer.log.configuration.fileName:read,modify:allow (read) group="Administrators" || group="Auditors" || group="Token Processing Service Manager Agents";deny (modify) user=anybody:Nobody is allowed to modify a fileName parameter #resourceACLS: certServer.log.configuration.signedAudit.expirationTime:read,modify:allow (read) group="Administrators" || group="Auditors" || group="Token Processing Service Manager Agents";deny (modify) user=anybody:Nobody is allowed to modify an expirationTime parameter resourceACLS: certServer.log.content.signedAudit:read:allow (read) group="Auditors":Only auditor is allowed to read the signed audit log resourceACLS: certServer.log.content.system:read:allow (read) group="Administrators" || group="Auditors" || group="Token Processing Service Manager Agents":Administrators, auditors, and agents are allowed to read the log content resourceACLS: certServer.log.content.transactions:read:allow (read) group="Administrators" || group="Auditors" || group="Token Processing Service Manager Agents":Administrators, auditors, and agents are allowed to read the log content resourceACLS: certServer.auth.configuration:read,modify:allow (read) group="Administrators" || group="Auditors" || group="Token Processing Service Manager Agents";allow (modify) group="Administrators":Administrators, agents, and auditors are allowed to read authentication configuration but only administrators allowed to modify resourceACLS: certServer.registry.configuration:read,modify:allow (read) group="Administrators" || group="Auditors" || group="Token Processing Service Manager Agents";allow (modify) group="Administrators":this acl is shared by all admin servlets resourceACLS: certServer.admin.certificate:import:allow (import) user="anybody":Any user may import a certificate resourceACLS: certServer.admin.request.enrollment:submit,read,execute:allow (submit) user="anybody":Anybody may submit an enrollment request resourceACLS: certServer.clone.configuration:read,modify:allow (modify,read) group="Enterprise CA Administrators" || group="Enterprise KRA Administrators" || group="Enterprise OCSP Administrators" || group="Enterprise TPS Administrators":Only Enterprise Administrators are allowed to clone the configuration.