/* --- BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * --- END COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- */ #ifdef XP_WIN32 #define TPS_PUBLIC __declspec(dllexport) #else /* !XP_WIN32 */ #define TPS_PUBLIC #endif /* !XP_WIN32 */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "nspr.h" #include "pk11func.h" #include "cryptohi.h" #include "keyhi.h" #include "base64.h" #include "nssb64.h" #include "prlock.h" #include "secder.h" #include "cert.h" #include #include #include #include #include "plstr.h" #include "prmem.h" #include "prprf.h" #include "prtime.h" #include "tus/tus_db.h" static char *tokenActivityAttributes[] = { TOKEN_ID, TOKEN_CUID, TOKEN_OP, TOKEN_USER, TOKEN_MSG, TOKEN_RESULT, TOKEN_IP, TOKEN_C_DATE, TOKEN_M_DATE, TOKEN_TYPE, NULL }; static char *tokenAttributes[] = { TOKEN_ID, TOKEN_USER, TOKEN_STATUS, TOKEN_APPLET, TOKEN_KEY_INFO, TOKEN_MODS, TOKEN_C_DATE, TOKEN_M_DATE, TOKEN_RESETS, TOKEN_ENROLLMENTS, TOKEN_RENEWALS, TOKEN_RECOVERIES, TOKEN_POLICY, TOKEN_REASON, TOKEN_TYPE, NULL }; static char *tokenCertificateAttributes[] = { TOKEN_ID, TOKEN_CUID, TOKEN_USER, TOKEN_STATUS, TOKEN_C_DATE, TOKEN_M_DATE, TOKEN_SUBJECT, TOKEN_ISSUER, TOKEN_SERIAL, TOKEN_CERT, TOKEN_TYPE, TOKEN_NOT_BEFORE, TOKEN_NOT_AFTER, TOKEN_KEY_TYPE, TOKEN_STATUS, NULL }; static char *userAttributes[] = {USER_ID, USER_SN, USER_GIVENNAME, USER_CN, USER_CERT, C_TIME, M_TIME, PROFILE_ID, NULL}; static char *viewUserAttributes[] = {USER_ID, USER_SN, USER_CN, C_TIME, M_TIME, NULL}; static char *tokenStates[] = { STATE_UNINITIALIZED, STATE_ACTIVE, STATE_DISABLED, NULL }; #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif static char *ssl = NULL; /* true or false */ static char *host = NULL; static int port = 0; static char *userBaseDN = NULL; static char *baseDN = NULL; static char *activityBaseDN = NULL; static char *certBaseDN = NULL; static char *bindDN = NULL; static char *bindPass = NULL; static char *defaultPolicy = NULL; static int ccHost = 0; static int ccBaseDN = 0; static int ccBindDN = 0; static int ccBindPass = 0; static LDAP *ld = NULL; static int bindStatus = -1; static PRFileDesc *debug_fd = NULL; static PRFileDesc *audit_fd = NULL; extern void audit_log(const char *func_name, const char *userid, const char *msg); char *get_pwd_from_conf(char *filepath, char *name); static int tus_check_conn(); TPS_PUBLIC int valid_berval(struct berval **b) { if ((b != NULL) && (b[0] != NULL) && (b[0]->bv_val != NULL)) return 1; return 0; } TPS_PUBLIC void set_tus_db_port(int number) { port = number; } TPS_PUBLIC void set_tus_db_hostport(char *name) { char *s = NULL; s = PL_strstr(name, ":"); if (s == NULL) { set_tus_db_port(389); } else { set_tus_db_port(atoi(s+1)); s[0] = '\0'; } set_tus_db_host(name); } TPS_PUBLIC void set_tus_db_host(char *name) { if( ccHost > 0 && host != NULL ) { PL_strfree( host ); host = NULL; } if( name != NULL ) { host = PL_strdup( name ); } ccHost++; } TPS_PUBLIC void set_tus_db_baseDN(char *dn) { if( ccBaseDN > 0 && baseDN != NULL ) { PL_strfree( baseDN ); baseDN = NULL; } if( dn != NULL ) { baseDN = PL_strdup( dn ); } ccBaseDN++; } TPS_PUBLIC void set_tus_db_userBaseDN(char *dn) { if( userBaseDN != NULL ) { PL_strfree( userBaseDN ); userBaseDN = NULL; } if( dn != NULL ) { userBaseDN = PL_strdup( dn ); } } TPS_PUBLIC void set_tus_db_activityBaseDN(char *dn) { if( activityBaseDN != NULL ) { PL_strfree( activityBaseDN ); activityBaseDN = NULL; } if( dn != NULL ) { activityBaseDN = PL_strdup( dn ); } } TPS_PUBLIC void set_tus_db_certBaseDN(char *dn) { if( certBaseDN != NULL ) { PL_strfree( certBaseDN ); certBaseDN = NULL; } if( dn != NULL ) { certBaseDN = PL_strdup( dn ); } } TPS_PUBLIC void set_tus_db_bindDN(char *dn) { if( ccBindDN > 0 && bindDN != NULL ) { PL_strfree( bindDN ); bindDN = NULL; } if( dn != NULL ) { bindDN = PL_strdup( dn ); } ccBindDN++; } TPS_PUBLIC void set_tus_db_bindPass(char *p) { if( ccBindPass > 0 && bindPass != NULL ) { PL_strfree( bindPass ); bindPass = NULL; } if( p != NULL ) { bindPass = PL_strdup( p ); } ccBindPass++; } TPS_PUBLIC int is_tus_db_initialized() { return ((ld != NULL && bindStatus == LDAP_SUCCESS)? 1: 0); } TPS_PUBLIC int get_tus_db_config(char *cfg_name) { PRFileInfo info; PRFileDesc *fd = NULL; PRUint32 size; int k, n, p; char *buf = NULL; char *s = NULL; char *v = NULL; if (PR_GetFileInfo (cfg_name, &info) != PR_SUCCESS) return 0; size = info.size; size++; buf = (char *)PR_Malloc(size); if (buf == NULL) return 0; fd = PR_Open(cfg_name, PR_RDONLY, 400); if (fd == NULL) { if( buf != NULL ) { PR_Free( buf ); buf = NULL; } return 0; } k = 0; while ((n = PR_Read(fd, &buf[k], size-k-1)) > 0) { k += n; if ((PRUint32)(k+1) >= size) break; } if( fd != NULL ) { PR_Close( fd ); fd = NULL; } if (n < 0 || ((PRUint32)(k+1) > size)) { if( buf != NULL ) { PR_Free( buf ); buf = NULL; } return 0; } buf[k] = '\0'; if ((s = PL_strstr(buf, "tokendb.hostport=")) != NULL) { s += 17; v = s; while (*s != '\x0D' && *s != '\x0A' && *s != '\0' && (PRUint32)(s - buf) < size) { s++; } n = s - v; s = PL_strndup(v, n); if (s != NULL) { set_tus_db_hostport(s); PL_strfree( s ); s = NULL; } else { if( buf != NULL ) { PR_Free( buf ); buf = NULL; } return 0; } } if ((s = PL_strstr(buf, "tokendb.port=")) != NULL) { s += 13; v = s; while (*s != '\x0D' && *s != '\x0A' && *s != '\0' && (PRUint32)(s - buf) < size) { s++; } n = s - v; s = PL_strndup(v, n); if (s != NULL) { p = atoi(s); set_tus_db_port(p); PL_strfree( s ); s = NULL; } else { if( buf != NULL ) { PR_Free( buf ); buf = NULL; } return 0; } } if ((s = PL_strstr(buf, "tokendb.ssl=")) != NULL) { s += 12; v = s; while (*s != '\x0D' && *s != '\x0A' && *s != '\0' && (PRUint32)(s - buf) < size) { s++; } n = s - v; s = PL_strndup(v, n); if (s != NULL) { if (strcmp(s, "") != 0) { ssl = PL_strdup( s ); } PL_strfree( s ); s = NULL; } else { if( buf != NULL ) { PR_Free( buf ); buf = NULL; } return 0; } } if ((s = PL_strstr(buf, "tokendb.auditLog=")) != NULL) { s += 17; v = s; while (*s != '\x0D' && *s != '\x0A' && *s != '\0' && (PRUint32)(s - buf) < size) { s++; } n = s - v; s = PL_strndup(v, n); if (s != NULL) { if (strcmp(s, "") != 0) { audit_fd = PR_Open(s, PR_RDWR | PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_APPEND, 400 | 200); } PL_strfree( s ); s = NULL; } else { if( buf != NULL ) { PR_Free( buf ); buf = NULL; } return 0; } } if ((s = PL_strstr(buf, "tokendb.host=")) != NULL) { s += 13; v = s; while (*s != '\x0D' && *s != '\x0A' && *s != '\0' && (PRUint32)(s - buf) < size) { s++; } n = s - v; s = PL_strndup(v, n); if (s != NULL) { set_tus_db_host(s); PL_strfree( s ); s = NULL; } else { if( buf != NULL ) { PR_Free( buf ); buf = NULL; } return 0; } } if ((s = PL_strstr(buf, "tokendb.defaultPolicy=")) != NULL) { s += 22; v = s; while (*s != '\x0D' && *s != '\x0A' && *s != '\0' && (PRUint32)(s - buf) < size) { s++; } n = s - v; s = PL_strndup(v, n); if (s != NULL) { defaultPolicy = PL_strdup( s ); PL_strfree( s ); s = NULL; } else { if( buf != NULL ) { PR_Free( buf ); buf = NULL; } return 0; } } if ((s = PL_strstr(buf, "tokendb.userBaseDN=")) != NULL) { s += 19; v = s; while (*s != '\x0D' && *s != '\x0A' && *s != '\0' && (PRUint32)(s - buf) < size) { s++; } n = s - v; s = PL_strndup(v, n); if (s != NULL) { set_tus_db_userBaseDN(s); PL_strfree( s ); s = NULL; } else { if( buf != NULL ) { PR_Free( buf ); buf = NULL; } return 0; } } if ((s = PL_strstr(buf, "tokendb.baseDN=")) != NULL) { s += 15; v = s; while (*s != '\x0D' && *s != '\x0A' && *s != '\0' && (PRUint32)(s - buf) < size) { s++; } n = s - v; s = PL_strndup(v, n); if (s != NULL) { set_tus_db_baseDN(s); PL_strfree( s ); s = NULL; } else { if( buf != NULL ) { PR_Free( buf ); buf = NULL; } return 0; } } if ((s = PL_strstr(buf, "tokendb.activityBaseDN=")) != NULL) { s += strlen("tokendb.activityBaseDN="); v = s; while (*s != '\x0D' && *s != '\x0A' && *s != '\0' && (PRUint32)(s - buf) < size) { s++; } n = s - v; s = PL_strndup(v, n); if (s != NULL) { set_tus_db_activityBaseDN(s); PL_strfree( s ); s = NULL; } else { if( buf != NULL ) { PR_Free( buf ); buf = NULL; } return 0; } } if ((s = PL_strstr(buf, "tokendb.certBaseDN=")) != NULL) { s += strlen("tokendb.certBaseDN="); v = s; while (*s != '\x0D' && *s != '\x0A' && *s != '\0' && (PRUint32)(s - buf) < size) { s++; } n = s - v; s = PL_strndup(v, n); if (s != NULL) { set_tus_db_certBaseDN(s); PL_strfree( s ); s = NULL; } else { if( buf != NULL ) { PR_Free( buf ); buf = NULL; } return 0; } } if ((s = PL_strstr(buf, "tokendb.bindDN=")) != NULL) { s += 15; v = s; while (*s != '\x0D' && *s != '\x0A' && *s != '\0' && (PRUint32)(s - buf) < size) { s++; } n = s - v; s = PL_strndup(v, n); if (s != NULL) { set_tus_db_bindDN(s); PL_strfree( s ); s = NULL; } else { if( buf != NULL ) { PR_Free( buf ); buf = NULL; } return 0; } } if ((s = PL_strstr(buf, "tokendb.bindPassPath=")) != NULL) { s += 21; v = s; while (*s != '\x0D' && *s != '\x0A' && *s != '\0' && (PRUint32)(s - buf) < size) { s++; } n = s - v; s = PL_strndup(v, n); if (s != NULL) { /* read tokendbBindPass from bindPassPath */ char *p = NULL; p = get_pwd_from_conf(s, "tokendbBindPass"); set_tus_db_bindPass(p); if (p) { if (debug_fd) PR_fprintf(debug_fd, "freeing p - %s\n", p); PR_Free( p ); } PL_strfree( s ); s = NULL; } else { if( buf != NULL ) { PR_Free( buf ); buf = NULL; } return 0; } } if( buf != NULL ) { PR_Free( buf ); buf = NULL; } tus_db_end(); return 1; } TPS_PUBLIC char *tus_authenticate(char *cert) { char *dst; int len; int certlen; int rc = -1; #define MAX_FILTER_LEN 4096 char filter[MAX_FILTER_LEN]; char searchBase[MAX_FILTER_LEN]; struct berval **v = NULL; char *userid = NULL; LDAPMessage *result = NULL; LDAPMessage *entry = NULL; int i,j; char *certX = NULL; int tries; tus_check_conn(); if (cert == NULL) return NULL; certlen = strlen(cert); certX = malloc(certlen); j = 0; for (i = 0; i < certlen; i++) { if (cert[i] != '\n' && cert[i] != '\r') { certX[j++] = cert[i]; } } certX[j++] = '\0'; dst = malloc(3 * strlen(certX) / 4); len = base64_decode(certX, ( unsigned char * ) dst); free(certX); if (len <= 0) { if (dst != NULL) free(dst); return NULL; } PR_snprintf(filter, MAX_FILTER_LEN, "(userCertificate="); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { char c = dst[i]; PR_snprintf(filter, MAX_FILTER_LEN, "%s\\%02x", filter, (c & 0xff) ); } PR_snprintf(filter, MAX_FILTER_LEN, "%s)", filter); PR_snprintf(searchBase, MAX_FILTER_LEN, "ou=People, %s", userBaseDN); if (dst != NULL) free(dst); for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_search_ext_s(ld, searchBase, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, &result)) == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { if (result != NULL) { free_results(result); result = NULL; } return NULL; } if (result == NULL) return NULL; entry = get_first_entry (result); if (entry == NULL) { if (result != NULL) { free_results(result); result = NULL; } return NULL; } v = ldap_get_values_len(ld, entry, "uid"); if (v == NULL) { if (result != NULL) { free_results(result); result = NULL; } return NULL; } if (valid_berval(v) && PL_strlen(v[0]->bv_val) > 0) { userid = PL_strdup(v[0]->bv_val); } if( v != NULL ) { ldap_value_free_len( v ); v = NULL; } if (result != NULL) { free_results(result); result = NULL; } return userid; } /********* * tus_authorize * parameters passed in: * char * group ("TUS Agents", "TUS Operators", "TUS Administrators") * const char* userid * returns : 1 if userid is member of that group * 0 otherwise **/ TPS_PUBLIC int tus_authorize(const char *group, const char *userid) { int rc; char filter[4096]; int tries; LDAPMessage *result = NULL; PR_snprintf(filter, 4096, "(&(cn=%s)(member=uid=%s,*))", group ,userid); for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_search_ext_s(ld, userBaseDN, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, &result)) == LDAP_SUCCESS ) { break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { if (result != NULL) { free_results(result); result = NULL; } return 0; } if (ldap_count_entries (ld, result) <= 0) { if (result != NULL) { free_results(result); result = NULL; } return 0; } if (result != NULL) { free_results(result); result = NULL; } return 1; } /****** * get_authorized_profiles() * params: userid * : is_admin (1 if user is in admin group, 0 otherwise * returns: ldap filter with the tokenTypes the user has access to - to be appended * to any other user search filer. * examples: (|(tokenType=foo)(tokenType=bar) * example: (!(tokenType=foo)(tokenType=no_token_type)) -- if user is an admin, always * add no_token_type to catch admin events * example: NO_PROFILES -- not an admin, and no profiles * exmaple: (tokenType=no_token_type) : admin with no other tokens * * Caller must free the result (char*) **/ TPS_PUBLIC char *get_authorized_profiles(const char *userid, int is_admin) { int status; char filter[512]; char ret[4096] = ""; char *profile_filter = NULL; struct berval **vals = NULL; int nVals; int i; LDAPMessage *result = NULL; LDAPMessage *e = NULL; // Debug("TUS","get_authorized_profiles"); PR_snprintf(filter, 512, "(uid=%s)", userid); status = find_tus_user_entries_no_vlv(filter, &result, 0); if (status == LDAP_SUCCESS) { e = get_first_entry(result); vals = get_attribute_values(e,"profileID"); if (valid_berval(vals)) { nVals = ldap_count_values_len(vals); if (nVals == 1) { if (PL_strstr(vals[0]->bv_val, ALL_PROFILES)) { if (is_admin) { // all profiles PR_snprintf(ret, 4096, ALL_PROFILES); } else { // all profile except admin no token events PR_snprintf(ret, 4096, "(!(tokenType=%s))", NO_TOKEN_TYPE); } } else { if (is_admin) { PL_strcat(ret, "(|(tokenType="); PL_strcat(ret, NO_TOKEN_TYPE); PL_strcat(ret, ")(tokenType="); PL_strcat(ret, vals[0]->bv_val); PL_strcat(ret, "))"); } else { PL_strcat(ret, "(tokenType="); PL_strcat(ret, vals[0]->bv_val); PL_strcat(ret, ")"); } } } else if (nVals > 1) { for( i = 0; vals[i] != NULL; i++ ) { if (i==0) { PL_strcat(ret, "(|"); if (is_admin) { PL_strcat(ret, "(tokenType="); PL_strcat(ret, NO_TOKEN_TYPE); PL_strcat(ret, ")"); } } if (vals[i]->bv_val != NULL) { PL_strcat(ret, "(tokenType="); PL_strcat(ret, vals[i]->bv_val); PL_strcat(ret, ")"); } } PL_strcat(ret, ")"); } else if (nVals == 0) { if (is_admin) { PR_snprintf(ret, 4096, "(tokenType=%s)", NO_TOKEN_TYPE); } else { PR_snprintf(ret, 4096, NO_PROFILES); } } else { //error return NULL; } } else { if (is_admin) { PR_snprintf(ret, 4096, "(tokenType=%s)", NO_TOKEN_TYPE); } else { PR_snprintf(ret, 4096, NO_PROFILES); } } } else { // log error message here PR_snprintf(ret, 4096, NO_PROFILES); } profile_filter = PL_strdup(ret); if (vals != NULL) { free_values(vals, 1); vals = NULL; } if (result != NULL) { free_results(result); result = NULL; } e = NULL; return profile_filter; } static int tus_check_conn() { int version = LDAP_VERSION3; int status = -1; char ldapuri[1024]; /* for production, make sure this variable is not defined. * Leaving it defined results in weird Apache SSL timeout errors */ /*#define DEBUG_TOKENDB*/ #ifdef DEBUG_TOKENDB debug_fd = PR_Open("/tmp/debugTUSdb.log", PR_RDWR | PR_CREATE_FILE | PR_APPEND, 400 | 200); #endif if (ld == NULL) { if (ssl != NULL && strcmp(ssl, "true") == 0) { /* enabling SSL */ snprintf(ldapuri, 1024, "ldaps://%s:%i", host, port); } else { snprintf(ldapuri, 1024, "ldap://%s:%i", host, port); } status = ldap_initialize(&ld, ldapuri); if (ld == NULL) { return status; } // This option was supported by mozldap but is not supported by openldap. // Code to provide this functionality needs to be written - FIXME /*if ((status = ldap_set_option (ld, LDAP_OPT_RECONNECT, LDAP_OPT_ON)) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { return status; }*/ if ((status = ldap_set_option (ld, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, &version)) != LDAP_SUCCESS) { return status; } } if (ld != NULL && bindStatus != LDAP_SUCCESS) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); bindStatus = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (bindStatus != LDAP_SUCCESS) { return bindStatus; } } return LDAP_SUCCESS; } TPS_PUBLIC int tus_db_init(char **errorMsg) { return LDAP_SUCCESS; } TPS_PUBLIC void tus_db_end() { if (ld != NULL) { if (ldap_unbind_ext_s(ld, NULL, NULL) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { ld = NULL; bindStatus = -1; } } } TPS_PUBLIC void tus_db_cleanup() { if (ssl != NULL) { PL_strfree(ssl); ssl = NULL; } if (host != NULL) { PL_strfree(host); host = NULL; } if (userBaseDN != NULL) { PL_strfree(userBaseDN); userBaseDN = NULL; } if (baseDN != NULL) { PL_strfree(baseDN); baseDN = NULL; } if (activityBaseDN != NULL) { PL_strfree(activityBaseDN); activityBaseDN = NULL; } if(certBaseDN != NULL) { PL_strfree(certBaseDN); certBaseDN = NULL; } if(bindDN != NULL) { PL_strfree(bindDN); bindDN = NULL; } if(bindPass != NULL) { PL_strfree(bindPass); bindPass = NULL; } if(defaultPolicy != NULL) { PL_strfree(defaultPolicy); defaultPolicy = NULL; } if (debug_fd != NULL) { PR_Close(debug_fd); debug_fd = NULL; } if (audit_fd != NULL) { PR_Close(audit_fd); audit_fd = NULL; } } /***** * tus_print_integer * summary: prints serial number as hex string * modeled on SECU_PrintInteger. The length * 4 below is arbitrary - but works! * params: out - output hexidecimal string * data - serial number as SECItem */ TPS_PUBLIC void tus_print_integer(char *out, SECItem *i) { int iv; if (!i || !i->len || !i->data) { sprintf(out, "(null)"); } else if (i->len > 4) { tus_print_as_hex(out, i); } else { if (i->type == siUnsignedInteger && *i->data & 0x80) { /* Make sure i->data has zero in the highest byte * if i->data is an unsigned integer */ SECItem tmpI; char data[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; PORT_Memcpy(data + 1, i->data, i->len); tmpI.len = i->len + 1; tmpI.data = (void*)data; iv = DER_GetInteger(&tmpI); } else { iv = DER_GetInteger(i); } sprintf(out, "%x", iv); } } /*** * tus_print_as_hex * summary: prints serial number as a hex string, needed * because DER_GetInteger only works for small numbers * modeled on SECU_PrintAsHex * params: out - output hexidecimal string * data - serial number as SECItem */ TPS_PUBLIC void tus_print_as_hex(char *out, SECItem *data) { unsigned i; int isString = 1; char tmp[32]; PR_snprintf(out, 2, ""); /* take a pass to see if it's all printable. */ for (i = 0; i < data->len; i++) { unsigned char val = data->data[i]; if (!val || !isprint(val)) { isString = 0; break; } } if (!isString) { for (i = 0; i < data->len; i++) { PR_snprintf(tmp, 32, "%02x", data->data[i]); PL_strcat(out, tmp); } } else { for (i = 0; i < data->len; i++) { unsigned char val = data->data[i]; PR_snprintf(tmp, 32, "%c", val); PL_strcat(out, tmp); } } PL_strcat(out, '\0'); } char **parse_number_change(int n) { char tmp[32]; int l; char **v = NULL; PR_snprintf(tmp, 32, "%d", n); l = PL_strlen(tmp); if ((v = allocate_values(1, l+1)) == NULL) { return NULL; } PL_strcpy(v[0], tmp); return v; } TPS_PUBLIC int update_cert_status (char *cn, const char *status) { char dn[256]; int len; int tries; int rc = -1; char **v = NULL; LDAPMod **mods = NULL; tus_check_conn(); if (PR_snprintf(dn, 255, "cn=%s,%s", cn, certBaseDN) < 0) return -1; mods = allocate_modifications(2); if (mods == NULL) return -1; if ((v = create_modification_date_change()) == NULL) { if( mods != NULL ) { free_modifications( mods, 0 ); mods = NULL; } return -1; } mods[0]->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mods[0]->mod_type = tokenAttributes[I_TOKEN_M_DATE]; mods[0]->mod_values = v; if (status != NULL && PL_strlen(status) > 0) { len = PL_strlen(status); if ((v = allocate_values(1, len+1)) == NULL) { if( mods != NULL ) { free_modifications( mods, 0 ); mods = NULL; } return -1; } PL_strcpy(v[0], status); mods[1]->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mods[1]->mod_type = "tokenStatus"; mods[1]->mod_values = v; } for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_modify_ext_s(ld, dn, mods, NULL, NULL)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } if( mods != NULL ) { free_modifications( mods, 0 ); mods = NULL; } return rc; } TPS_PUBLIC int update_token_policy (char *cn, char *policy) { char dn[256]; int len, k; int tries; int rc = -1; char **v = NULL; LDAPMod **mods = NULL; tus_check_conn(); if (PR_snprintf(dn, 255, "cn=%s,%s", cn, baseDN) < 0) return -1; mods = allocate_modifications(2); if (mods == NULL) return -1; if ((v = create_modification_date_change()) == NULL) { if( mods != NULL ) { free_modifications( mods, 0 ); mods = NULL; } return -1; } mods[0]->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mods[0]->mod_type = tokenAttributes[I_TOKEN_M_DATE]; mods[0]->mod_values = v; k = 1; if (policy != NULL && PL_strlen(policy) > 0) { len = PL_strlen(policy); if ((v = allocate_values(1, len+1)) == NULL) { if( mods != NULL ) { free_modifications( mods, 0 ); mods = NULL; } return -1; } PL_strcpy(v[0], policy); mods[k]->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mods[k]->mod_type = tokenAttributes[I_TOKEN_POLICY]; mods[k]->mod_values = v; k++; } for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_modify_ext_s(ld, dn, mods, NULL, NULL)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } if( mods != NULL ) { free_modifications( mods, 0 ); mods = NULL; } return rc; } TPS_PUBLIC int update_tus_db_entry_with_mods (const char *agentid, const char *cn, LDAPMod **mods) { char dn[256]; int tries; int rc = -1; tus_check_conn(); if (PR_snprintf(dn, 255, "cn=%s,%s", cn, baseDN) < 0) return -1; for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_modify_ext_s(ld, dn, mods, NULL, NULL)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } if( mods != NULL ) { free_modifications( mods, 0 ); mods = NULL; } return rc; } /**** * update_tus_general_db_entry * summary: internal function to modify a general db entry using ldap_modify_ext_s * params: agentid - who is doing this modification (for audit logging) * dn - dn to modify * mods - NULL terminated list of modifications to apply **/ int update_tus_general_db_entry(const char *agentid, const char *dn, LDAPMod **mods) { int tries; int rc = -1; tus_check_conn(); for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_modify_ext_s(ld, dn, mods, NULL, NULL)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } return rc; } /*** * update_user_db_entry * summary: modifies an existing user entry * params : agentid - agent that is performing this action (for audit log purposes) * uid, lastName, firstName, userCN, userCert - for entry to be added * returns: ldap return code * */ TPS_PUBLIC int update_user_db_entry(const char *agentid, char *uid, char *lastName, char *firstName, char *userCN, char *userCert) { char dn[256]; LDAPMod a01; LDAPMod a02; LDAPMod a03; LDAPMod a04; LDAPMod *mods[5]; int rc = -1; int certlen=0; int i,j; char *certX = NULL; char *dst = NULL; char *sn_values[] = {lastName, NULL}; char *givenName_values[] = {firstName, NULL}; char *cn_values[] = {userCN, NULL}; struct berval berval; struct berval *cert_values[2]; a01.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; a01.mod_type = USER_SN; a01.mod_values = sn_values; a02.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; a02.mod_type = USER_CN; a02.mod_values = cn_values; a03.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; a03.mod_type = USER_GIVENNAME; a03.mod_values = ((firstName != NULL && PL_strlen(firstName) > 0)? givenName_values: NULL); mods[0] = &a01; mods[1] = &a02; mods[2] = &a03; certlen = strlen(userCert); certX = malloc(certlen); j = 0; for (i = 0; i < certlen; i++) { if (userCert[i] != '\n' && userCert[i] != '\r') { certX[j++] = userCert[i]; } } certX[j++] = '\0'; dst = malloc(3 * strlen(certX) / 4); certlen = base64_decode(certX, ( unsigned char * ) dst); free(certX); if (certlen > 0) { berval.bv_len = certlen; berval.bv_val = ( char * ) dst; cert_values[0] = &berval; cert_values[1] = NULL; a04.mod_op =LDAP_MOD_REPLACE |LDAP_MOD_BVALUES; a04.mod_type = "userCertificate"; a04.mod_bvalues = cert_values; mods[3] = &a04; } else { mods[3] = NULL; } mods[4] = NULL; if (PR_snprintf(dn, 255, "uid=%s, ou=People, %s", uid, userBaseDN) < 0 ) return -1; rc = update_tus_general_db_entry(agentid, dn, mods); if (dst != NULL) free(dst); if (rc == LDAP_SUCCESS) audit_log("modify_user", agentid, uid); return rc; } TPS_PUBLIC int update_tus_db_entry (const char *agentid, char *cn, const char *uid, char *keyInfo, const char *status, char *applet_version, const char *reason, const char* token_type) { char dn[256]; int len, k; int tries; int rc = -1; char **v = NULL; LDAPMod **mods = NULL; tus_check_conn(); if (PR_snprintf(dn, 255, "cn=%s,%s", cn, baseDN) < 0) return -1; if (keyInfo == NULL && token_type == NULL) mods = allocate_modifications(5); else if (keyInfo == NULL || token_type == NULL) mods = allocate_modifications(6); else mods = allocate_modifications(7); if (mods == NULL) return -1; if ((v = create_modification_date_change()) == NULL) { if( mods != NULL ) { free_modifications( mods, 0 ); mods = NULL; } return -1; } mods[0]->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mods[0]->mod_type = tokenAttributes[I_TOKEN_M_DATE]; mods[0]->mod_values = v; k = 1; if (applet_version != NULL && PL_strlen(applet_version) > 0) { len = PL_strlen(applet_version); if ((v = allocate_values(1, len+1)) == NULL) { if( mods != NULL ) { free_modifications( mods, 0 ); mods = NULL; } return -1; } PL_strcpy(v[0], applet_version); mods[k]->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mods[k]->mod_type = tokenAttributes[I_TOKEN_APPLET]; mods[k]->mod_values = v; k++; } /* for userid */ if (uid != NULL && PL_strlen(uid) > 0) len = PL_strlen(uid); else len = 0; if ((v = allocate_values(1, len+1)) == NULL) { if( mods != NULL ) { free_modifications( mods, 0 ); mods = NULL; } return -1; } mods[k]->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mods[k]->mod_type = "tokenUserID"; if (uid != NULL && PL_strlen(uid) > 0) PL_strcpy(v[0], uid); else v[0] = ""; mods[k]->mod_values = v; k++; if (status != NULL && PL_strlen(status) > 0) { len = PL_strlen(status); if ((v = allocate_values(1, len+1)) == NULL) { if( mods != NULL ) { free_modifications( mods, 0 ); mods = NULL; } return -1; } PL_strcpy(v[0], status); mods[k]->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mods[k]->mod_type = tokenAttributes[I_TOKEN_STATUS]; mods[k]->mod_values = v; k++; } /* for tokenReason */ if (reason != NULL && PL_strlen(reason) > 0) len = PL_strlen(reason); else len = 0; if ((v = allocate_values(1, len+1)) == NULL) { if( mods != NULL ) { free_modifications( mods, 0 ); mods = NULL; } return -1; } mods[k]->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mods[k]->mod_type = "tokenReason"; if (reason != NULL && PL_strlen(reason) > 0) PL_strcpy(v[0], reason); else v[0] = ""; mods[k]->mod_values = v; k++; /* for keyinfo */ if (keyInfo != NULL) { if (keyInfo != NULL && PL_strlen(keyInfo) > 0) len = PL_strlen(keyInfo); else len = 0; if ((v = allocate_values(1, len+1)) == NULL) { if( mods != NULL ) { free_modifications( mods, 0 ); mods = NULL; } return -1; } mods[k]->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mods[k]->mod_type = tokenAttributes[I_TOKEN_KEY_INFO]; if (keyInfo != NULL && PL_strlen(keyInfo) > 0) PL_strcpy(v[0], keyInfo); else v[0] = ""; mods[k]->mod_values = v; k++; } /* for token_type */ if (token_type != NULL) { if (token_type != NULL && PL_strlen(token_type) > 0) len = PL_strlen(token_type); else len = 0; if ((v = allocate_values(1, len+1)) == NULL) { if( mods != NULL ) { free_modifications( mods, 0 ); mods = NULL; } return -1; } mods[k]->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mods[k]->mod_type = TOKEN_TYPE; if (len > 0) PL_strcpy(v[0], token_type); else v[0] = ""; mods[k]->mod_values = v; k++; } for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_modify_ext_s(ld, dn, mods, NULL, NULL)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } if( mods != NULL ) { free_modifications( mods, 0 ); mods = NULL; } return rc; } int check_and_modify_tus_db_entry (char *userid, char *cn, char *check, LDAPMod **mods) { char dn[256]; int rc = 0, tries = 0; if (check == NULL) { return -1; } struct berval check_ber; check_ber.bv_val = check; check_ber.bv_len = strlen(check); tus_check_conn(); if (PR_snprintf(dn, 255, "cn=%s,%s", cn, baseDN) < 0) return -1; for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_compare_ext_s(ld, dn, get_number_of_modifications_name(), &check_ber, NULL, NULL)) == LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE) { break; } else { if (rc != LDAP_SERVER_DOWN && rc != LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { return rc; } struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; return rc; } } } if (tries >= MAX_RETRIES) return rc; for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_modify_ext_s(ld, dn, mods, NULL, NULL)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } /* audit log */ if (rc == LDAP_SUCCESS) { audit_log("check_and_modify_token", userid, cn); } return rc; } int modify_tus_db_entry (char *userid, char *cn, LDAPMod **mods) { char dn[256]; int rc = 0, tries = 0; tus_check_conn(); if (ld == NULL) { if (debug_fd) PR_fprintf(debug_fd, "tus_db mod: ld null...no ldap"); return -1; } if (mods == NULL) { if (debug_fd) PR_fprintf(debug_fd, "tus_db mod: mods null, can't modify"); return -1; } if (PR_snprintf(dn, 255, "cn=%s,%s", cn, baseDN) < 0) return -1; if (debug_fd) PR_fprintf(debug_fd, "tus_db mod: modifying :%s\n",dn); for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if (debug_fd) PR_fprintf(debug_fd, "tus_db mod: tries=%d\n",tries); if ((rc = ldap_modify_ext_s(ld, dn, mods, NULL, NULL)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } if (rc == LDAP_SUCCESS) { audit_log("modify_token", userid, cn); } return rc; } int add_certificate (char *tokenid, char *origin, char *tokenType, char *userid, CERTCertificate *certificate, char *ktype, const char *status) { PRExplodedTime time; PRTime now; LDAPMod a01; LDAPMod a02; LDAPMod a03; LDAPMod a04; LDAPMod a05; LDAPMod a06; LDAPMod a07; LDAPMod a08; LDAPMod a09; LDAPMod a10; LDAPMod a11; LDAPMod a12; LDAPMod a13; LDAPMod a14; LDAPMod a15; LDAPMod a16; LDAPMod *mods[17]; int rc = 0, tries = 0; char dn[2049]; char cdate[256]; char name[2048]; char x_not_before[2048]; char x_not_after[2048]; char serialnumber[2048]; char *serial_values[2]; char *cn_values[2]; char *issuer_values[2]; char *subject_values[2]; char *cdate_values[2]; char *id_values[2]; char *userid_values[2]; char *type_values[2]; char *key_type_values[2]; char *origin_values[2]; char *status_values[2]; char *not_before_values[2]; char *not_after_values[2]; PRThread *ct; struct berval berval; struct berval *cert_values[2]; char *objectClass_values[] = { "top", "tokenCert", NULL }; PRTime not_before,not_after; char zcdate[256]; tus_check_conn(); ct = PR_GetCurrentThread(); now = PR_Now(); PR_ExplodeTime(now, PR_LocalTimeParameters, &time); PR_snprintf(cdate, 16, "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dZ", time.tm_year, (time.tm_month + 1), time.tm_mday, time.tm_hour, time.tm_min, time.tm_sec); /* unique id per activity */ tus_print_integer(serialnumber, &certificate->serialNumber); PR_snprintf(name, 16, "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dZ", time.tm_year, (time.tm_month + 1), time.tm_mday, time.tm_hour, time.tm_min, time.tm_sec); /* unique id per activity */ PR_snprintf(zcdate, 256, "%s.%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", serialnumber, time.tm_year, (time.tm_month + 1), time.tm_mday, time.tm_hour, time.tm_min, time.tm_sec); cn_values[0] = zcdate; cn_values[1] = NULL; a01.mod_op = 0; a01.mod_type = TOKEN_ID; a01.mod_values = cn_values; a02.mod_op = 0; a02.mod_type = "objectClass"; a02.mod_values = objectClass_values; cdate_values[0] = cdate; cdate_values[1] = NULL; a03.mod_op = 0; a03.mod_type = TOKEN_C_DATE; a03.mod_values = cdate_values; a04.mod_op = 0; a04.mod_type = TOKEN_M_DATE; a04.mod_values = cdate_values; id_values[0] = tokenid; id_values[1] = NULL; a05.mod_op = 0; a05.mod_type = TOKEN_CUID; a05.mod_values = id_values; userid_values[0] = userid; userid_values[1] = NULL; a06.mod_op = 0; a06.mod_type = TOKEN_USER; a06.mod_values = userid_values; berval.bv_len = certificate->derCert.len; berval.bv_val = ( char * ) certificate->derCert.data; cert_values[0] = &berval; cert_values[1] = NULL; a07.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_BVALUES; a07.mod_type = TOKEN_CERT; a07.mod_values = ( char ** ) cert_values; subject_values[0] = certificate->subjectName; subject_values[1] = NULL; a08.mod_op = 0; a08.mod_type = TOKEN_SUBJECT; a08.mod_values = subject_values; issuer_values[0] = certificate->issuerName; issuer_values[1] = NULL; a09.mod_op = 0; a09.mod_type = TOKEN_ISSUER; a09.mod_values = issuer_values; serial_values[0] = serialnumber; serial_values[1] = NULL; a10.mod_op = 0; a10.mod_type = TOKEN_SERIAL; a10.mod_values = serial_values; type_values[0] = tokenType; type_values[1] = NULL; a11.mod_op = 0; a11.mod_type = TOKEN_TYPE; a11.mod_values = type_values; key_type_values[0] = ktype; key_type_values[1] = NULL; a12.mod_op = 0; a12.mod_type = TOKEN_KEY_TYPE; a12.mod_values = key_type_values; status_values[0] = ( char * ) status; status_values[1] = NULL; a13.mod_op = 0; a13.mod_type = TOKEN_STATUS; a13.mod_values = status_values; CERT_GetCertTimes (certificate, ¬_before, ¬_after); PR_ExplodeTime(not_before, PR_LocalTimeParameters, &time); PR_snprintf(x_not_before, 16, "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dZ", time.tm_year, (time.tm_month + 1), time.tm_mday, time.tm_hour, time.tm_min, time.tm_sec); not_before_values[0] = x_not_before; not_before_values[1] = NULL; a14.mod_op = 0; a14.mod_type = TOKEN_NOT_BEFORE; a14.mod_values = not_before_values; PR_ExplodeTime(not_after, PR_LocalTimeParameters, &time); PR_snprintf(x_not_after, 16, "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dZ", time.tm_year, (time.tm_month + 1), time.tm_mday, time.tm_hour, time.tm_min, time.tm_sec); not_after_values[0] = x_not_after; not_after_values[1] = NULL; a15.mod_op = 0; a15.mod_type = TOKEN_NOT_AFTER; a15.mod_values = not_after_values; origin_values[0] = origin; origin_values[1] = NULL; a16.mod_op = 0; a16.mod_type = TOKEN_ORIGIN; a16.mod_values = origin_values; mods[0] = &a01; mods[1] = &a02; mods[2] = &a03; mods[3] = &a04; mods[4] = &a05; mods[5] = &a06; mods[6] = &a07; mods[7] = &a08; mods[8] = &a09; mods[9] = &a10; mods[10] = &a11; mods[11] = &a12; mods[12] = &a13; mods[13] = &a14; mods[14] = &a15; mods[15] = &a16; mods[16] = NULL; if (PR_snprintf(dn, 2048, "cn=%s,%s", cn_values[0], certBaseDN) < 0) return -1; for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_add_ext_s(ld, dn, mods, NULL, NULL)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } return rc; } int add_activity (const char *ip, const char *id, const char *op, const char *result, const char *msg, const char *userid, const char *token_type) { PRExplodedTime time; PRTime now; LDAPMod a01; LDAPMod a02; LDAPMod a03; LDAPMod a04; LDAPMod a05; LDAPMod a06; LDAPMod a07; LDAPMod a08; LDAPMod a09; LDAPMod a10; LDAPMod a11; LDAPMod *mods[12]; int rc = 0, tries = 0; char dn[256]; char cdate[256]; char zcdate[256]; char *cn_values[2]; char *objectClass_values[] = { "top", "tokenActivity", NULL }; char *cdate_values[2]; char *id_values[2]; char *result_values[2]; char *op_values[2]; char *msg_values[2]; char *ip_values[2]; char *userid_values[2]; char *token_type_values[2]; PRThread *ct; tus_check_conn(); id_values[0] = (char *) id; id_values[1] = NULL; result_values[0] = ( char * ) result; result_values[1] = NULL; op_values[0] = ( char * ) op; op_values[1] = NULL; msg_values[0] = ( char * ) msg; msg_values[1] = NULL; ip_values[0] = (char *) ip; ip_values[1] = NULL; userid_values[0] = (char *) userid; userid_values[1] = NULL; token_type_values[0] = (char *) token_type; token_type_values[1] = NULL; ct = PR_GetCurrentThread(); now = PR_Now(); PR_ExplodeTime(now, PR_LocalTimeParameters, &time); PR_snprintf(cdate, 16, "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dZ", time.tm_year, (time.tm_month + 1), time.tm_mday, time.tm_hour, time.tm_min, time.tm_sec); /* unique id per activity */ PR_snprintf(zcdate, 256, "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%06d.%x", time.tm_year, (time.tm_month + 1), time.tm_mday, time.tm_hour, time.tm_min, time.tm_sec, time.tm_usec, ct); cn_values[0] = zcdate; cn_values[1] = NULL; a01.mod_op = 0; a01.mod_type = TOKEN_ID; a01.mod_values = cn_values; a02.mod_op = 0; a02.mod_type = "objectClass"; a02.mod_values = objectClass_values; cdate_values[0] = cdate; cdate_values[1] = NULL; a03.mod_op = 0; a03.mod_type = TOKEN_C_DATE; a03.mod_values = cdate_values; a04.mod_op = 0; a04.mod_type = TOKEN_M_DATE; a04.mod_values = cdate_values; a05.mod_op = 0; a05.mod_type = TOKEN_CUID; a05.mod_values = id_values; a06.mod_op = 0; a06.mod_type = TOKEN_OP; a06.mod_values = op_values; a07.mod_op = 0; a07.mod_type = TOKEN_MSG; a07.mod_values = msg_values; a08.mod_op = 0; a08.mod_type = TOKEN_RESULT; a08.mod_values = result_values; a09.mod_op = 0; a09.mod_type = TOKEN_IP; a09.mod_values = ip_values; a10.mod_op = 0; a10.mod_type = TOKEN_USER; a10.mod_values = userid_values; a11.mod_op = 0; a11.mod_type = TOKEN_TYPE; a11.mod_values = token_type_values; mods[0] = &a01; mods[1] = &a02; mods[2] = &a03; mods[3] = &a04; mods[4] = &a05; mods[5] = &a06; mods[6] = &a07; mods[7] = &a08; mods[8] = &a09; mods[9] = &a10; mods[10] = &a11; mods[11] = NULL; if (PR_snprintf(dn, 255, "cn=%s,%s", zcdate, activityBaseDN) < 0) return -1; for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_add_ext_s(ld, dn, mods, NULL, NULL)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } return rc; } /** * add_tus_general_db_entry * summary: internal function to add a general ldap entry * params: dn = dn to add * mods = NULL terminated list of modifications (contains attribute values) * returns: LDAP return code **/ int add_tus_general_db_entry (char *dn, LDAPMod **mods) { int rc = 0, tries = 0; tus_check_conn(); for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_add_ext_s(ld, dn, mods, NULL, NULL)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } return rc; } int add_tus_db_entry (char *cn, LDAPMod **mods) { char dn[256]; int rc = 0, tries = 0; tus_check_conn(); if (PR_snprintf(dn, 255, "cn=%s,%s", cn, baseDN) < 0) return -1; for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_add_ext_s(ld, dn, mods, NULL, NULL)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } return rc; } int add_new_tus_db_entry (const char *userid, char *cn, const char *uid, int flag, const char *status, char *applet_version, char *key_info, const char* token_type) { PRExplodedTime time; PRTime now; LDAPMod a01; LDAPMod a02; LDAPMod a03; LDAPMod a04; LDAPMod a05; LDAPMod a06; LDAPMod a07; LDAPMod a08; LDAPMod a09; LDAPMod a10; LDAPMod a11; LDAPMod a12; LDAPMod a13; LDAPMod a14; LDAPMod a15; LDAPMod a16; LDAPMod *mods[17]; int rc = 0, tries = 0; char dn[256]; char cdate[256]; char *cn_values[2]; char *objectClass_values[] = { "top", "tokenRecord", NULL }; char *cdate_values[2]; char *modified_values[] = { "0", NULL }; char *uid_values[] = { "", NULL }; char *status_values[] = { "", NULL }; char *aid_values[] = { "", NULL }; char *resets_values[] = { "0", NULL }; char *enrollments_values[] = { "0", NULL }; char *renewals_values[] = { "0", NULL }; char *recoveries_values[] = { "0", NULL }; char *key_info_values[] = { "", NULL }; char *reason_values[] = { "", NULL }; char *policy_values[2]; char *token_type_values[]= {"", NULL }; tus_check_conn(); cn_values[0] = cn; cn_values[1] = NULL; policy_values[0] = defaultPolicy; policy_values[1] = NULL; if (uid != NULL) uid_values[0] = ( char * ) uid; if (key_info != NULL) key_info_values[0] = key_info; status_values[0] = ( char * ) status; token_type_values[0] = ( char *) token_type; a01.mod_op = 0; a01.mod_type = TOKEN_ID; a01.mod_values = cn_values; a02.mod_op = 0; a02.mod_type = "objectClass"; a02.mod_values = objectClass_values; cdate_values[0] = cdate; cdate_values[1] = NULL; a03.mod_op = 0; a03.mod_type = TOKEN_C_DATE; a03.mod_values = cdate_values; a04.mod_op = 0; a04.mod_type = TOKEN_M_DATE; a04.mod_values = cdate_values; a05.mod_op = 0; a05.mod_type = TOKEN_MODS; a05.mod_values = modified_values; a06.mod_op = 0; a06.mod_type = TOKEN_USER; a06.mod_values = uid_values; a07.mod_op = 0; a07.mod_type = TOKEN_STATUS; a07.mod_values = status_values; a08.mod_op = 0; a08.mod_type = TOKEN_APPLET; if (applet_version != NULL) { aid_values[0] = applet_version; } a08.mod_values = aid_values; a09.mod_op = 0; a09.mod_type = TOKEN_RESETS; a09.mod_values = resets_values; a10.mod_op = 0; a10.mod_type = TOKEN_ENROLLMENTS; a10.mod_values = enrollments_values; a11.mod_op = 0; a11.mod_type = TOKEN_RENEWALS; a11.mod_values = renewals_values; a12.mod_op = 0; a12.mod_type = TOKEN_RECOVERIES; a12.mod_values = recoveries_values; a13.mod_op = 0; a13.mod_type = TOKEN_KEY_INFO; a13.mod_values = key_info_values; a14.mod_op = 0; a14.mod_type = TOKEN_POLICY; a14.mod_values = policy_values; a15.mod_op = 0; a15.mod_type = TOKEN_REASON; a15.mod_values = reason_values; a16.mod_op = 0; a16.mod_type = TOKEN_TYPE; a16.mod_values = token_type_values; mods[0] = &a01; mods[1] = &a02; mods[2] = &a03; mods[3] = &a04; mods[4] = &a05; mods[5] = &a06; mods[6] = &a07; mods[7] = &a08; mods[8] = &a09; mods[9] = &a10; mods[10] = &a11; mods[11] = &a12; mods[12] = &a13; mods[13] = &a14; mods[14] = &a15; mods[15] = &a16; mods[16] = NULL; now = PR_Now(); PR_ExplodeTime(now, PR_LocalTimeParameters, &time); PR_snprintf(cdate, 16, "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dZ", time.tm_year, (time.tm_month + 1), time.tm_mday, time.tm_hour, time.tm_min, time.tm_sec); if (PR_snprintf(dn, 255, "cn=%s,%s", cn, baseDN) < 0) return -1; for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_add_ext_s(ld, dn, mods, NULL, NULL)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } /* audit log */ if (rc == LDAP_SUCCESS) { audit_log("add_token", userid, cn); } return rc; } TPS_PUBLIC int add_default_tus_db_entry (const char *uid, const char *agentid, char *cn, const char *status, char *applet_version, char *key_info, const char *token_type) { return add_new_tus_db_entry (agentid, cn, uid, 0, status, applet_version, key_info, token_type); } /**** * add_user_db_entry * summary: adds a new user entry * params: agentid - user who is performing this change (for audit log) * :userid, userPassword, sn, givenName, cn, userCert - details for user to be added * returns: ldap return code */ TPS_PUBLIC int add_user_db_entry(const char *agentid, char *userid, char *userPassword, char *sn, char *givenName, char *cn, char *userCert) { LDAPMod a01; LDAPMod a02; LDAPMod a03; LDAPMod a04; LDAPMod a05; LDAPMod a06; LDAPMod a07; LDAPMod *mods[8]; int rc = 0; char dn[256]; int i,j, certlen; char *dst = NULL; char *certX = NULL; char *userid_values[] = {userid, NULL}; char *objectClass_values[] = { "top", "person", "organizationalPerson", "inetOrgPerson", "tpsProfileId", NULL }; char *userPassword_values[] = { userPassword, NULL }; char *sn_values[] = {sn, NULL}; char *cn_values[] = {cn, NULL}; char *givenName_values[] = {givenName, NULL}; struct berval berval; struct berval *userCert_values[2]; a01.mod_op = 0; a01.mod_type = USER_ID; a01.mod_values = userid_values; a02.mod_op = 0; a02.mod_type = "objectClass"; a02.mod_values = objectClass_values; a03.mod_op =0; a03.mod_type = USER_PASSWORD; a03.mod_values = userPassword_values; a04.mod_op = 0; a04.mod_type = USER_SN; a04.mod_values = sn_values; a05.mod_op =0; a05.mod_type = USER_CN; a05.mod_values = cn_values; a06.mod_op =0; a06.mod_type = USER_GIVENNAME; a06.mod_values = givenName_values; mods[0] = &a01; mods[1] = &a02; mods[2] = &a03; mods[3] = &a04; mods[4] = &a05; if (givenName != NULL && PL_strlen(givenName) > 0) { mods[5] = &a06; } // now handle certificate certlen = strlen(userCert); certX = malloc(certlen); j = 0; for (i = 0; i < certlen; i++) { if (userCert[i] != '\n' && userCert[i] != '\r') { certX[j++] = userCert[i]; } } certX[j++] = '\0'; dst = malloc(3 * strlen(certX) / 4); certlen = base64_decode(certX, ( unsigned char * ) dst); free(certX); if (certlen > 0) { berval.bv_len = certlen; berval.bv_val = ( char * ) dst; userCert_values[0] = &berval; userCert_values[1] = NULL; a07.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_BVALUES; a07.mod_type = USER_CERT; a07.mod_bvalues = userCert_values; if (givenName != NULL && PL_strlen(givenName) > 0) { mods[6] = &a07; } else { mods[5] = &a07; } } else { if (givenName == NULL || PL_strlen(givenName) == 0) { mods[5] = NULL; } mods[6] = NULL; } mods[7] = NULL; if (PR_snprintf(dn, 255, "uid=%s,ou=People, %s", userid, userBaseDN) < 0) return -1; rc = add_tus_general_db_entry(dn, mods); if (dst != NULL) free(dst); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { return rc; } audit_log("add_user", agentid, userid); return rc; } /** * add_user_to_role_db_entry * summary: adds user to be member of group (administrators, agents, operators) * params: agentid -user who is performing this change * : userid - userid of user to be added to role * : role - Operators, Agents or Administrators * returns: LDAP return code */ TPS_PUBLIC int add_user_to_role_db_entry(const char *agentid, char *userid, const char *role) { LDAPMod a01; LDAPMod *mods[2]; int rc = 0; char dn[256]; char userdn[256]; char msg[256]; char *userid_values[2]; if (PR_snprintf(userdn, 255, "uid=%s, ou=People, %s", userid, userBaseDN) < 0) return -1; userid_values[0] = userdn; userid_values[1] = NULL; a01.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD; a01.mod_type = GROUP_MEMBER; a01.mod_values = userid_values; mods[0] = &a01; mods[1] = NULL; if (PR_snprintf(dn, 255, "cn=TUS %s,ou=groups, %s", role, userBaseDN) < 0) return -1; rc = update_tus_general_db_entry(agentid, dn, mods); if (rc == LDAP_SUCCESS) { PR_snprintf(msg, 256, "Added role %s to user %s", role, userid); audit_log("add_user_to_role", agentid, msg); } return rc; } /** * delete_user_to_role_db_entry * summary: removes user from role group (administrators, agents, operators) * params: agentid -user who is performing this change * : userid - userid of user to be removed from role * : role - Operators, Agents or Administrators * returns: LDAP return code */ TPS_PUBLIC int delete_user_from_role_db_entry(const char *agentid, char *userid, const char *role) { LDAPMod a01; LDAPMod *mods[2]; int rc = 0; char dn[256]; char userdn[256]; char *userid_values[2]; char msg[256]; if (PR_snprintf(userdn, 255, "uid=%s, ou=People, %s", userid, userBaseDN) < 0) return -1; userid_values[0] = userdn; userid_values[1] = NULL; a01.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_DELETE; a01.mod_type = GROUP_MEMBER; a01.mod_values = userid_values; mods[0] = &a01; mods[1] = NULL; if (PR_snprintf(dn, 255, "cn=TUS %s,ou=groups, %s", role, userBaseDN) < 0) return -1; rc = update_tus_general_db_entry(agentid, dn, mods); if (rc == LDAP_SUCCESS) { PR_snprintf(msg, 256, "Deleted role %s from user %s", role, userid); audit_log("delete_user_from_role", agentid, msg); } return rc; } /** * delete_profile_from_user * summary: removes attribute profileID=profile from user entry * params: agentid -user who is performing this change * : userid - userid of user to be modified * : profile - profile to be deleted * returns: LDAP return code */ TPS_PUBLIC int delete_profile_from_user(const char *agentid, char *userid, const char *profile) { LDAPMod a01; LDAPMod *mods[2]; int rc = 0; char dn[256]; char msg[256]; char *profileid_values[2] = {(char *) profile, NULL}; if (PR_snprintf(dn, 255, "uid=%s, ou=People, %s", userid, userBaseDN) < 0) return -1; a01.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_DELETE; a01.mod_type = PROFILE_ID; a01.mod_values = profileid_values; mods[0] = &a01; mods[1] = NULL; rc = update_tus_general_db_entry(agentid, dn, mods); if (rc == LDAP_SUCCESS) { PR_snprintf(msg, 256, "Deleted profile %s from user %s", profile, userid); audit_log("delete_profile_from_user", agentid, msg); } return rc; } /** * delete_all_profiles_from_user * summary: removes all attributes profileID from user entry * same as above, but passing NULL for mod_values * params: agentid -user who is performing this change * : userid - userid of user to be modified * : profile - profile to be deleted * returns: LDAP return code */ TPS_PUBLIC int delete_all_profiles_from_user(const char *agentid, char *userid) { LDAPMod a01; LDAPMod *mods[2]; int rc = 0; char dn[256]; char msg[256]; if (PR_snprintf(dn, 255, "uid=%s, ou=People, %s", userid, userBaseDN) < 0) return -1; a01.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_DELETE; a01.mod_type = PROFILE_ID; a01.mod_values = NULL; /* NULL will remove all values */ mods[0] = &a01; mods[1] = NULL; rc = update_tus_general_db_entry(agentid, dn, mods); if (rc == LDAP_SUCCESS) { PR_snprintf(msg, 256, "Deleted all profiles from user %s", userid); audit_log("delete_all_profiles_from_user", agentid, msg); } return rc; } /** * add_profile_to_user * summary: adds attribute profileID=profile to user entry * params: agentid -user who is performing this change * : userid - userid of user to be modified * : profile - profile (tokenType) to be added * returns: LDAP return code */ TPS_PUBLIC int add_profile_to_user(const char *agentid, char *userid, const char *profile) { LDAPMod a01; LDAPMod *mods[2]; int rc = 0; char dn[256]; char msg[256]; char *profileid_values[2] = {(char *) profile, NULL}; if (PR_snprintf(dn, 255, "uid=%s, ou=People, %s", userid, userBaseDN) < 0) return -1; a01.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_ADD; a01.mod_type = PROFILE_ID; a01.mod_values = profileid_values; mods[0] = &a01; mods[1] = NULL; rc = update_tus_general_db_entry(agentid, dn, mods); if (rc == LDAP_SUCCESS) { PR_snprintf(msg, 256, "Added profile %s to user %s", profile, userid); audit_log("add_profile_to_user", agentid, msg); } return rc; } int delete_tus_db_entry (char *userid, char *cn) { char dn[256]; int rc = 0, tries = 0; tus_check_conn(); if (PR_snprintf(dn, 255, "cn=%s,%s", cn, baseDN) < 0) return -1; for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_delete_ext_s(ld, dn, NULL, NULL)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } /* audit log */ if (rc == LDAP_SUCCESS) { audit_log("delete_token", userid, cn); } return rc; } int delete_tus_general_db_entry (char *dn) { int rc = 0, tries = 0; tus_check_conn(); for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_delete_ext_s(ld, dn, NULL, NULL)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } return rc; } /** * delete_user_db_entry * Deletes user entry * params: agentid - user performing this change * uid - user to be deleted * returns: LDAP return code */ TPS_PUBLIC int delete_user_db_entry(const char *agentid, char *uid) { char dn[256]; int rc =0; if (PR_snprintf(dn, 255, "uid=%s,ou=People,%s", uid, userBaseDN) < 0) return -1; rc = delete_tus_general_db_entry(dn); if (rc == LDAP_SUCCESS) { audit_log("delete user", agentid, uid); } return rc; } TPS_PUBLIC int find_tus_db_entry (char *cn, int max, LDAPMessage **result) { char dn[256]; int rc = 0, tries = 0; tus_check_conn(); if (ld == NULL) return -1; if (PR_snprintf(dn, 255, "cn=%s,%s", cn, baseDN) < 0) return -1; if (debug_fd) PR_fprintf(debug_fd, "find_tus_db_entry: looking for :%s\n",dn); for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if (debug_fd) PR_fprintf(debug_fd, "find_tus_db_entry: tries = %d\n",tries); if ((rc = ldap_search_ext_s (ld, dn, LDAP_SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, result)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { if (debug_fd) PR_fprintf(debug_fd, "find_tus_db_entry: found it\n"); break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { if (debug_fd) PR_fprintf(debug_fd, "find_tus_db_entry: server down or connect error\n"); struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } else {/* can't find?*/ if (debug_fd) PR_fprintf(debug_fd, "find_tus_db_entry: can't find\n"); break; } } return rc; } TPS_PUBLIC int find_tus_db_entries (const char *filter, int max, LDAPMessage **result) { int rc = LDAP_OTHER, tries = 0; LDAPSortKey **sortKeyList; LDAPControl *controls[3]; LDAPVLVInfo vlv_data; tus_check_conn(); controls[0] = NULL; controls[1] = NULL; controls[2] = NULL; vlv_data.ldvlv_before_count = 0; vlv_data.ldvlv_after_count = max - 1; vlv_data.ldvlv_attrvalue = NULL; vlv_data.ldvlv_count = max; vlv_data.ldvlv_offset = 0; vlv_data.ldvlv_version = 1; vlv_data.ldvlv_context = NULL; vlv_data.ldvlv_extradata = NULL; ldap_create_vlv_control(ld, &vlv_data, &controls[0]); ldap_create_sort_keylist(&sortKeyList, "-dateOfModify"); ldap_create_sort_control(ld, sortKeyList, 1 /* non-critical */, &controls[1]); for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_search_ext_s (ld, baseDN, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter, NULL, 0, controls, NULL, NULL, 0, result)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } ldap_free_sort_keylist(sortKeyList); ldap_control_free(controls[0]); ldap_control_free(controls[1]); return rc; } TPS_PUBLIC int find_tus_db_entries_pcontrol_1(const char *filter, int max, int time_limit, int size_limit, LDAPMessage **result) { int rc = LDAP_OTHER, tries = 0; LDAPSortKey **sortKeyList; LDAPControl *controls[3]; struct berval *cookie=NULL; struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = time_limit; timeout.tv_usec = 0; tus_check_conn(); controls[0] = NULL; controls[1] = NULL; controls[2] = NULL; rc = ldap_create_page_control(ld, max, cookie, 0, &controls[0]); ldap_create_sort_keylist(&sortKeyList, "-dateOfModify"); ldap_create_sort_control(ld, sortKeyList, 1 /* non-critical */, &controls[1]); for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { rc = ldap_search_ext_s (ld, baseDN, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter, NULL, 0, controls, NULL, time_limit >0 ? &timeout : NULL, size_limit, result); if ((rc == LDAP_SUCCESS) || (rc == LDAP_PARTIAL_RESULTS)) { break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } if (cookie != NULL) { ber_bvfree(cookie); cookie = NULL; } ldap_free_sort_keylist(sortKeyList); ldap_control_free(controls[0]); ldap_control_free(controls[1]); return rc; } static int sort_cmp(const char *v1, const char *v2) { return PL_strcasecmp(v1, v2); } static int reverse_sort_cmp(const char *v1, const char *v2) { return PL_strcasecmp(v2, v1); } typedef int (LDAP_SORT_AD_CMP_PROC) (const char * left, const char *right); static LDAP_SORT_AD_CMP_PROC *et_cmp_fn; struct entrything { char **et_vals; LDAPMessage *et_msg; }; static int et_cmp(const void *aa, const void *bb) { int i, rc; struct entrything *a = (struct entrything *)aa; struct entrything *b = (struct entrything *)bb; if ((a == NULL) && (b == NULL)) return 0; if (a == NULL) return -1; if (b == NULL) return 1; if ((a->et_vals == NULL) && (b->et_vals == NULL)) return 0; if (a->et_vals == NULL) return -1; if (b->et_vals == NULL) return 1; for ( i = 0; a->et_vals[i] && b->et_vals[i]; i++ ) { if ( (rc = (*et_cmp_fn)( a->et_vals[i], b->et_vals[i] )) != 0) { return rc; } } if ((a->et_vals[i] == NULL) && (b->et_vals[i] == NULL)) return 0; if (a->et_vals[i] == NULL) return -1; return 1; } static int ldap_multisort_entries(LDAP *ld, LDAPMessage **chain, char **attr, LDAP_SORT_AD_CMP_PROC *cmp) { int i, count, c; struct entrything *et; LDAPMessage *e; if ((chain == NULL) || (cmp == NULL) || (attr == NULL)) { return LDAP_PARAM_ERROR; } count = ldap_count_entries( ld, *chain ); if (count < 0) { /* error, usually with bad ld or malloc */ return LDAP_PARAM_ERROR; } if (count < 2) { /* nothing to sort */ return 0; } if ((et = (struct entrything *)PR_Malloc( count * sizeof(struct entrything) )) == NULL ) { //ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_ERROR_NUMBER, LDAP_NO_MEMORY); return -1; } for (i=0, e=get_first_entry(*chain); e != NULL; e = get_next_entry(e)) { et[i].et_msg = e; et[i].et_vals = NULL; if (attr == NULL) { /* if attr =NULL, sort by dn -- not yet implemented , fixme. char *dn; LDAPDN *ldapdn; dn = ldap_get_dn(ld, e); ldapstr2dn(dn, ldapdn, LDAP_DN_FORMAT_LDAPV3|LDAP_DN_P_NO_SPACES); et[i].et_vals = ldap_explode_dn(dn, 1); ldap_memfree(dn); */ } else { int attrcnt; struct berval **vals; for (attrcnt = 0; attr[attrcnt] != NULL; attrcnt++ ) { vals = ldap_get_values_len(ld, e, attr[attrcnt]); if (vals == NULL) { continue; } for (c=0; vals[c] != NULL; c++); et[i].et_vals = (char **) PR_Malloc((c+1) * sizeof(char *)); for (c=0; vals[c] != NULL; c++) { if (vals[c]->bv_val != NULL) { et[i].et_vals[c] = (char *) PL_strdup(vals[c]->bv_val); } else { et[i].et_vals[c] = NULL; } } et[i].et_vals[c] = NULL; if (vals != NULL) { ldap_value_free_len(vals ); vals = NULL; } } } i++; } et_cmp_fn = cmp; qsort((void *) et, (size_t) count, (size_t) sizeof(struct entrything), et_cmp); // reconstruct chain for (i=0; i< count-1; i++) ldap_delete_result_entry(chain, et[i].et_msg); for (i=count -2; i >=0; i--) ldap_add_result_entry(chain, et[i].et_msg); // free et for (i= 0; i < count; i++) { for (c=0; et[i].et_vals[c] != NULL; c++) { PL_strfree( et[i].et_vals[c]); et[i].et_vals[c] = NULL; } } PR_Free( (char *) et ); return 0; } /* this is not implemented in openldap and must be implemented in custom code. * This code is adopted from mozldap sort.c */ static int ldap_sort_entries(LDAP *ld, LDAPMessage **result, const char* attr, LDAP_SORT_AD_CMP_PROC *cmp) { char *attrs[2]; attrs[0] = (char *) attr; attrs[1] = NULL; return ldap_multisort_entries(ld, result, attr ? attrs : NULL, cmp); } TPS_PUBLIC int find_tus_token_entries_no_vlv(char *filter, LDAPMessage **result, int order) { int rc = LDAP_OTHER, tries = 0; tus_check_conn(); for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_search_ext_s (ld, baseDN, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, result)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { /* we do client-side sorting here */ if (order == 0) { rc = ldap_sort_entries(ld, result, "dateOfCreate", sort_cmp); } else { /* order == 1 */ rc = ldap_sort_entries(ld, result, "dateOfCreate", reverse_sort_cmp); } break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } return rc; } /** * find_tus_user_entries_no_vlv * params: filter - ldap search filter * result - hash of LDAP Search results. * order - 0 (order results increasing by uid), (!=0) order by decreasing uid */ TPS_PUBLIC int find_tus_user_entries_no_vlv(char *filter, LDAPMessage **result, int order) { int rc = LDAP_OTHER, tries = 0; char peopleBaseDN[256]; PR_snprintf(peopleBaseDN, 256, "ou=People,%s", userBaseDN); tus_check_conn(); for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_search_ext_s (ld, peopleBaseDN, LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, filter, userAttributes, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, result)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { /* we do client-side sorting here */ if (order == 0) { rc = ldap_sort_entries(ld, result, USER_ID, sort_cmp); } else { rc = ldap_sort_entries(ld, result, USER_ID, reverse_sort_cmp); } break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } return rc; } /** * find_tus_user_role_entries * summary: return the dns for the groups to which the user belongs * (TUS Administrators, Agents, Operator) * params: uid - userid * result - hash of LDAPResults */ TPS_PUBLIC int find_tus_user_role_entries( const char*uid, LDAPMessage **result) { int rc = LDAP_OTHER, tries = 0; char groupBaseDN[256]; char filter[256]; char *subgroup_attrs[] = {SUBGROUP_ID, NULL}; PR_snprintf(groupBaseDN, 256, "ou=Groups,%s", userBaseDN); PR_snprintf(filter, 256, "member=uid=%s,ou=People,%s", uid, userBaseDN); tus_check_conn(); for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_search_ext_s (ld, groupBaseDN, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter, subgroup_attrs, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, result)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } return rc; } TPS_PUBLIC int find_tus_activity_entries_no_vlv(char *filter, LDAPMessage **result, int order) { int rc = LDAP_OTHER, tries = 0; tus_check_conn(); for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_search_ext_s (ld, activityBaseDN, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, result)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { /* we do client-side sorting here */ if (order == 0) { rc = ldap_sort_entries(ld, result, "dateOfCreate", sort_cmp); } else { /* order == 1 */ rc = ldap_sort_entries(ld, result, "dateOfCreate", reverse_sort_cmp); } break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } return rc; } TPS_PUBLIC int find_tus_token_entries(char *filter, int max, LDAPMessage **result, int order) { int rc = LDAP_OTHER, tries = 0; LDAPSortKey **sortKeyList; LDAPControl *controls[3]; LDAPVLVInfo vlv_data; tus_check_conn(); controls[0] = NULL; controls[1] = NULL; controls[2] = NULL; vlv_data.ldvlv_before_count = 0; vlv_data.ldvlv_after_count = max - 1; vlv_data.ldvlv_attrvalue = NULL; vlv_data.ldvlv_count = max; vlv_data.ldvlv_offset = 0; vlv_data.ldvlv_version = 1; vlv_data.ldvlv_context = NULL; vlv_data.ldvlv_extradata = NULL; ldap_create_vlv_control(ld, &vlv_data, &controls[0]); ldap_create_sort_keylist(&sortKeyList, "-dateOfCreate"); (*sortKeyList)->reverseOrder = order; ldap_create_sort_control(ld, sortKeyList, 1 /* non-critical */, &controls[1]); for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_search_ext_s (ld, baseDN, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter, NULL, 0, controls, NULL, NULL, 0, result)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } ldap_free_sort_keylist(sortKeyList); ldap_control_free(controls[0]); ldap_control_free(controls[1]); return rc; } TPS_PUBLIC int update_token_status_reason_userid(const char *userid, char *cuid, const char *tokenStatus, const char *reason, int modifyDateOfCreate) { LDAPMod **mods = NULL; int status; char **v = NULL; int len = 0; tus_check_conn(); if (modifyDateOfCreate) mods = allocate_modifications(5); else mods = allocate_modifications(4); if (mods == NULL) { return -1; } else { if ((v = create_modification_date_change()) == NULL) { if( mods != NULL ) { free_modifications( mods, 0 ); mods = NULL; } return -1; } } mods[0]->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mods[0]->mod_type = get_modification_date_name(); mods[0]->mod_values = v; /* for token status */ if (tokenStatus != NULL && PL_strlen(tokenStatus) > 0) { len = PL_strlen(tokenStatus); if ((v = allocate_values(1, len+1)) == NULL) { if( mods != NULL ) { free_modifications( mods, 0 ); mods = NULL; } return -1; } PL_strcpy(v[0], tokenStatus); mods[1]->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mods[1]->mod_type = get_token_status_name(); mods[1]->mod_values = v; } /* for token reason */ if (reason != NULL && PL_strlen(reason) > 0) len = PL_strlen(reason); else len = 0; if ((v = allocate_values(1, len+1)) == NULL) { if( mods != NULL ) { free_modifications( mods, 0 ); mods = NULL; } return -1; } mods[2]->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mods[2]->mod_type = tokenAttributes[13]; if (reason != NULL && PL_strlen(reason) > 0) PL_strcpy(v[0], reason); else v[0] = ""; mods[2]->mod_values = v; /* for userid */ if (userid != NULL && PL_strlen(userid) > 0) len = PL_strlen(userid); else len = 0; if ((v = allocate_values(1, len+1)) == NULL) { if( mods != NULL ) { free_modifications( mods, 0 ); mods = NULL; } return -1; } mods[3]->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mods[3]->mod_type = "tokenUserID"; if (userid != NULL && PL_strlen(userid) > 0) PL_strcpy(v[0], userid); else v[0] = ""; mods[3]->mod_values = v; if (modifyDateOfCreate) { if ((v = create_modification_date_change()) == NULL) { if( mods != NULL ) { free_modifications( mods, 0 ); mods = NULL; } return -1; } mods[4]->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mods[4]->mod_type = "dateOfCreate"; mods[4]->mod_values = v; } status = update_tus_db_entry_with_mods(userid, cuid, mods); return status; } TPS_PUBLIC int update_token_status_reason(char *userid, char *cuid, const char *tokenStatus, const char *reason) { LDAPMod **mods = NULL; int status; char **v = NULL; int len = 0; tus_check_conn(); mods = allocate_modifications(3); if (mods == NULL) { return -1; } else { if ((v = create_modification_date_change()) == NULL) { if( mods != NULL ) { free_modifications( mods, 0 ); mods = NULL; } return -1; } } mods[0]->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mods[0]->mod_type = get_modification_date_name(); mods[0]->mod_values = v; /* for token status */ if (tokenStatus != NULL && PL_strlen(tokenStatus) > 0) { len = PL_strlen(tokenStatus); if ((v = allocate_values(1, len+1)) == NULL) { if( mods != NULL ) { free_modifications( mods, 0 ); mods = NULL; } return -1; } PL_strcpy(v[0], tokenStatus); mods[1]->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mods[1]->mod_type = get_token_status_name(); mods[1]->mod_values = v; } /* for token reason */ if (reason != NULL && PL_strlen(reason) > 0) len = PL_strlen(reason); else len = 0; if ((v = allocate_values(1, len+1)) == NULL) { if( mods != NULL ) { free_modifications( mods, 0 ); mods = NULL; } return -1; } mods[2]->mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mods[2]->mod_type = tokenAttributes[13]; if (reason != NULL && PL_strlen(reason) > 0) PL_strcpy(v[0], reason); else v[0] = ""; mods[2]->mod_values = v; status = update_tus_db_entry_with_mods(userid, cuid, mods); return status; } TPS_PUBLIC int tus_has_active_tokens(char *userid) { LDAPMessage *result; char filter[256]; int n = 0; int rc = LDAP_OTHER, tries = 0; LDAPSortKey **sortKeyList; LDAPControl *controls[3]; LDAPVLVInfo vlv_data; int max = 1000; tus_check_conn(); PR_snprintf(filter, 256, "(&(tokenStatus=active)(tokenUserID=%s))", userid); controls[0] = NULL; controls[1] = NULL; controls[2] = NULL; vlv_data.ldvlv_before_count = 0; vlv_data.ldvlv_after_count = max - 1; vlv_data.ldvlv_attrvalue = NULL; vlv_data.ldvlv_count = max; vlv_data.ldvlv_offset = 0; vlv_data.ldvlv_version = 1; vlv_data.ldvlv_context = NULL; vlv_data.ldvlv_extradata = NULL; ldap_create_vlv_control(ld, &vlv_data, &controls[0]); ldap_create_sort_keylist(&sortKeyList, "-dateOfCreate"); ldap_create_sort_control(ld, sortKeyList, 1 /* non-critical */, &controls[1]); for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_search_ext_s (ld, baseDN, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter, NULL, 0, controls, NULL, NULL, 0, &result)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((n = ldap_count_entries (ld, result)) >= 0) { break; } else { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } ldap_free_sort_keylist(sortKeyList); ldap_control_free(controls[0]); ldap_control_free(controls[1]); if (rc == LDAP_SUCCESS) { if (n > 0) return 0; else return -1; } return rc; } TPS_PUBLIC int find_tus_certificate_entries_by_order_no_vlv (char *filter, LDAPMessage **result, int order) { int rc = LDAP_OTHER, tries = 0; tus_check_conn(); for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_search_ext_s (ld, certBaseDN, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, result)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { /* we do client-side sorting here */ if (order == 0) { rc = ldap_sort_entries(ld, result, "dateOfCreate", sort_cmp); } else { rc = ldap_sort_entries(ld, result, "dateOfCreate", reverse_sort_cmp); } break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } return rc; } TPS_PUBLIC int find_tus_certificate_entries_by_order (char *filter, int max, LDAPMessage **result, int order) { int rc = LDAP_OTHER, tries = 0; LDAPSortKey **sortKeyList; LDAPControl *controls[3]; LDAPVLVInfo vlv_data; tus_check_conn(); controls[0] = NULL; controls[1] = NULL; controls[2] = NULL; vlv_data.ldvlv_before_count = 0; vlv_data.ldvlv_after_count = max - 1; vlv_data.ldvlv_attrvalue = NULL; vlv_data.ldvlv_count = max; vlv_data.ldvlv_offset = 0; vlv_data.ldvlv_version = 1; vlv_data.ldvlv_context = NULL; vlv_data.ldvlv_extradata = NULL; ldap_create_vlv_control(ld, &vlv_data, &controls[0]); ldap_create_sort_keylist(&sortKeyList, "-dateOfCreate"); (*sortKeyList)->reverseOrder = order; ldap_create_sort_control(ld, sortKeyList, 1 /* non-critical */, &controls[1]); for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_search_ext_s (ld, certBaseDN, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter, NULL, 0, controls, NULL, NULL, 0, result)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } ldap_free_sort_keylist(sortKeyList); ldap_control_free(controls[0]); ldap_control_free(controls[1]); return rc; } int find_tus_certificate_entries (char *filter, int max, LDAPMessage **result) { int rc = LDAP_OTHER, tries = 0; LDAPSortKey **sortKeyList; LDAPControl *controls[3]; LDAPVLVInfo vlv_data; tus_check_conn(); controls[0] = NULL; controls[1] = NULL; controls[2] = NULL; vlv_data.ldvlv_before_count = 0; vlv_data.ldvlv_after_count = max - 1; vlv_data.ldvlv_attrvalue = NULL; vlv_data.ldvlv_count = max; vlv_data.ldvlv_offset = 0; vlv_data.ldvlv_version = 1; vlv_data.ldvlv_context = NULL; vlv_data.ldvlv_extradata = NULL; ldap_create_vlv_control(ld, &vlv_data, &controls[0]); ldap_create_sort_keylist(&sortKeyList, "-dateOfCreate"); ldap_create_sort_control(ld, sortKeyList, 1 /* non-critical */, &controls[1]); for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_search_ext_s (ld, certBaseDN, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter, NULL, 0, controls, NULL, NULL, 0, result)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } ldap_free_sort_keylist(sortKeyList); ldap_control_free(controls[0]); ldap_control_free(controls[1]); return rc; } int find_tus_activity_entries (char *filter, int max, LDAPMessage **result) { int rc = LDAP_OTHER, tries = 0; LDAPSortKey **sortKeyList; LDAPControl *controls[3]; LDAPVLVInfo vlv_data; tus_check_conn(); controls[0] = NULL; controls[1] = NULL; controls[2] = NULL; vlv_data.ldvlv_before_count = 0; vlv_data.ldvlv_after_count = max - 1; vlv_data.ldvlv_attrvalue = NULL; vlv_data.ldvlv_count = max; vlv_data.ldvlv_offset = 0; vlv_data.ldvlv_version = 1; vlv_data.ldvlv_context = NULL; vlv_data.ldvlv_extradata = NULL; ldap_create_vlv_control(ld, &vlv_data, &controls[0]); ldap_create_sort_keylist(&sortKeyList, "-dateOfCreate"); ldap_create_sort_control(ld, sortKeyList, 1 /* non-critical */, &controls[1]); for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((rc = ldap_search_ext_s (ld, activityBaseDN, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter, NULL, 0, controls, NULL, NULL, 0, result)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } ldap_free_sort_keylist(sortKeyList); ldap_control_free(controls[0]); ldap_control_free(controls[1]); return rc; } TPS_PUBLIC int find_tus_activity_entries_pcontrol_1(char *filter, int max, int time_limit, int size_limit, LDAPMessage **result) { int rc = LDAP_OTHER, tries = 0; LDAPSortKey **sortKeyList; LDAPControl *controls[3]; struct berval *cookie=NULL; struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = time_limit; timeout.tv_usec = 0; tus_check_conn(); controls[0] = NULL; controls[1] = NULL; controls[2] = NULL; rc = ldap_create_page_control(ld, max, cookie, 0, &controls[0]); ldap_create_sort_keylist(&sortKeyList, "-dateOfCreate"); ldap_create_sort_control(ld, sortKeyList, 1 /* non-critical */, &controls[1]); for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { rc = ldap_search_ext_s (ld, activityBaseDN, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter, NULL, 0, controls, NULL, time_limit >0 ? &timeout : NULL, size_limit, result); if ((rc == LDAP_SUCCESS) || (rc == LDAP_PARTIAL_RESULTS)) { break; } else if (rc == LDAP_SERVER_DOWN || rc == LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR) { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } if (cookie != NULL) { ber_bvfree(cookie); cookie = NULL; } ldap_free_sort_keylist(sortKeyList); ldap_control_free(controls[0]); ldap_control_free(controls[1]); return rc; } int get_number_of_entries (LDAPMessage *result) { int n = 0, rc = 0, tries = 0; tus_check_conn(); for (tries = 0; tries < MAX_RETRIES; tries++) { if ((n = ldap_count_entries (ld, result)) >= 0) { break; } else { struct berval credential; credential.bv_val = bindPass; credential.bv_len= strlen(bindPass); rc = ldap_sasl_bind_s(ld, bindDN, LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE, &credential, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (rc != LDAP_SUCCESS) { bindStatus = rc; break; } } } return n; } int free_results (LDAPMessage *results) { return ldap_msgfree (results); } LDAPMessage *get_first_entry (LDAPMessage *result) { return ldap_first_entry (ld, result); } LDAPMessage *get_next_entry (LDAPMessage *entry) { return ldap_next_entry (ld, entry); } TPS_PUBLIC char **get_token_states() { return tokenStates; } TPS_PUBLIC char **get_certificate_attributes() { return tokenCertificateAttributes; } TPS_PUBLIC char **get_activity_attributes() { return tokenActivityAttributes; } TPS_PUBLIC char **get_token_attributes() { return tokenAttributes; } TPS_PUBLIC char **get_user_attributes() { return userAttributes; } TPS_PUBLIC char **get_view_user_attributes() { return viewUserAttributes; } CERTCertificate **get_certificates(LDAPMessage *entry) { int i; struct berval **bvals; CERTCertificate *cert; int c = 0; CERTCertificate **ret = NULL; tus_check_conn(); bvals = ldap_get_values_len(ld, entry, "userCertificate"); if (bvals == NULL) return NULL; for (i = 0; bvals[i] != NULL; i++ ) c++; ret = (CERTCertificate **) malloc ((sizeof (CERTCertificate *) * c) + 1); c = 0; for (i = 0; bvals[i] != NULL; i++ ) { cert = CERT_DecodeCertFromPackage((char *) bvals[i]->bv_val, (int) ( bvals[i]->bv_len ) ); ret[c] = cert; c++; } ret[c] = NULL; return ret; } struct berval **get_attribute_values(LDAPMessage *entry, const char *attribute) { int i; unsigned int j; struct berval **bvals = NULL; char buffer[2048]; int c = 0; struct berval **ret = NULL; tus_check_conn(); if (PL_strcasecmp(attribute, "userCertificate") == 0) { bvals = ldap_get_values_len(ld, entry, attribute); if (bvals == NULL) return NULL; for (i = 0; bvals[i] != NULL; i++ ) { c++; } ret = (struct berval **) malloc ((sizeof (struct berval *) * c) + 1); ret = (struct berval **) calloc (sizeof (struct berval *), (c + 1)); for (i=0; i< c; i++) { ret[i] = (struct berval *) malloc(sizeof(struct berval)); } ret[c] = NULL; c = 0; for (i = 0; bvals[i] != NULL; i++ ) { char *tmp = BTOA_DataToAscii((unsigned char *)bvals[i]->bv_val, (int)bvals[i]->bv_len); snprintf(buffer, 2048, "%s", tmp); PORT_Free(tmp); /* remove \r\n that javascript does not like */ for (j = 0; j < strlen(buffer); j++) { if (buffer[j] == '\r') { buffer[j] = '.'; } if (buffer[j] == '\n') { buffer[j] = '.'; } } ret[c]->bv_val = PL_strdup(buffer); ret[c]->bv_len = PL_strlen(buffer); c++; } if (bvals != NULL) { ldap_value_free_len(bvals); bvals = NULL; } return ret; } else { return ldap_get_values_len(ld, entry, attribute); } } void free_values(struct berval **values, int ldapValues) { if (ldapValues != 0) { if( values != NULL ) { ldap_value_free_len( values ); values = NULL; } } else { if( values != NULL ) { PR_Free( values ); values = NULL; } } } TPS_PUBLIC char *get_token_users_name() { return tokenAttributes[I_TOKEN_USER]; } struct berval **get_token_users(LDAPMessage *entry) { return ldap_get_values_len(ld, entry, TOKEN_USER); } char *get_token_id_name() { return tokenAttributes[I_TOKEN_ID]; } char *get_cert_attr_byname(LDAPMessage *entry, const char *name) { struct berval **v = NULL; char *value = NULL; if (entry == NULL) return NULL; v = ldap_get_values_len(ld, entry, name); if (v == NULL) return NULL; if ((valid_berval(v)) && (PL_strlen(v[0]->bv_val) > 0)) { value = PL_strdup(v[0]->bv_val); } if( v != NULL ) { ldap_value_free_len( v ); v = NULL; } return value; } int get_cert_attr_byname_int(LDAPMessage *entry, const char *name) { struct berval **v = NULL; int n = 0; if (entry == NULL) return 0; v = ldap_get_values_len(ld, entry, name); if (v == NULL) return 0; if ((valid_berval(v)) && (PL_strlen(v[0]->bv_val) > 0)) { n = atoi(v[0]->bv_val); } if( v != NULL ) { ldap_value_free_len( v ); v = NULL; } return n; } TPS_PUBLIC char *get_token_reason(LDAPMessage *entry) { return get_cert_attr_byname(entry, "tokenReason"); } char *get_token_id(LDAPMessage *entry) { return get_cert_attr_byname(entry, TOKEN_ID); } char *get_cert_tokenType(LDAPMessage *entry) { return get_cert_attr_byname(entry, "tokenType"); } char *get_cert_serial(LDAPMessage *entry) { return get_cert_attr_byname(entry, "tokenSerial"); } char *get_cert_type(LDAPMessage *entry) { return get_cert_attr_byname(entry, "tokenKeyType"); } char *get_cert_status(LDAPMessage *entry) { return get_cert_attr_byname(entry, "tokenStatus"); } char *get_cert_issuer(LDAPMessage *entry) { return get_cert_attr_byname(entry, "tokenIssuer"); } char *get_cert_cn(LDAPMessage *entry) { return get_cert_attr_byname(entry, "cn"); } char *get_token_status_name() { return tokenAttributes[I_TOKEN_STATUS]; } TPS_PUBLIC char *get_reason_name() { return tokenAttributes[I_TOKEN_REASON]; } TPS_PUBLIC char *get_policy_name() { return tokenAttributes[I_TOKEN_POLICY]; } char *get_token_status(LDAPMessage *entry) { return get_cert_attr_byname(entry, TOKEN_STATUS); } char *get_applet_id_name() { return tokenAttributes[I_TOKEN_APPLET]; } char *get_applet_id(LDAPMessage *entry) { return get_cert_attr_byname(entry, TOKEN_APPLET); } char *get_key_info_name() { return tokenAttributes[I_TOKEN_KEY_INFO]; } char *get_key_info(LDAPMessage *entry) { return get_cert_attr_byname(entry, TOKEN_KEY_INFO); } char *get_creation_date_name() { return tokenAttributes[I_TOKEN_C_DATE]; } char *get_creation_date(LDAPMessage *entry) { return get_cert_attr_byname(entry, TOKEN_C_DATE); } char *get_modification_date_name() { return tokenAttributes[I_TOKEN_M_DATE]; } char *get_modification_date(LDAPMessage *entry) { return get_cert_attr_byname(entry, TOKEN_M_DATE); } char *get_number_of_modifications_name() { return tokenAttributes[I_TOKEN_MODS]; } int get_number_of_modifications(LDAPMessage *entry) { return get_cert_attr_byname_int(entry, TOKEN_MODS); } TPS_PUBLIC char *get_dn(LDAPMessage *entry) { char *ret = NULL; char *dn = NULL; if ((dn = ldap_get_dn( ld, entry )) != NULL) { ret = PL_strdup(dn); ldap_memfree(dn); } return ret; } char *get_number_of_resets_name() { return tokenAttributes[I_TOKEN_RESETS]; } int get_number_of_resets(LDAPMessage *entry) { return get_cert_attr_byname_int(entry, TOKEN_RESETS); } char *get_number_of_enrollments_name() { return tokenAttributes[I_TOKEN_ENROLLMENTS]; } int get_number_of_enrollments(LDAPMessage *entry) { return get_cert_attr_byname_int(entry, TOKEN_ENROLLMENTS); } char *get_number_of_renewals_name() { return tokenAttributes[I_TOKEN_RENEWALS]; } int get_number_of_renewals(LDAPMessage *entry) { return get_cert_attr_byname_int(entry, TOKEN_RENEWALS); } char *get_number_of_recoveries_name() { return tokenAttributes[I_TOKEN_RECOVERIES]; } int get_number_of_recoveries(LDAPMessage *entry) { return get_cert_attr_byname_int(entry, TOKEN_RECOVERIES); } TPS_PUBLIC char *get_token_userid(char *cn) { LDAPMessage *result = NULL; LDAPMessage *e = NULL; struct berval **v = NULL; char *ret = NULL; int rc = -1; if (cn != NULL && PL_strlen(cn) > 0) { if ((rc = find_tus_db_entry (cn, 0, &result)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { e = get_first_entry (result); if (e != NULL) { if ((v = ldap_get_values_len(ld, e, TOKEN_USER)) != NULL) { if ((valid_berval(v)) && (PL_strlen(v[0]->bv_val) > 0)) { ret = PL_strdup(v[0]->bv_val); } if( v != NULL ) { ldap_value_free_len( v ); v = NULL; } } } if( result != NULL ) { free_results( result ); result = NULL; } } } return ret; } TPS_PUBLIC char *get_token_policy(char *cn) { LDAPMessage *result = NULL; LDAPMessage *e = NULL; struct berval **v = NULL; char *ret = NULL; int rc = -1; if (cn != NULL && PL_strlen(cn) > 0) { if ((rc = find_tus_db_entry(cn, 0, &result)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { e = get_first_entry (result); if (e != NULL) { if ((v = ldap_get_values_len(ld, e, TOKEN_POLICY)) != NULL) { if ((valid_berval(v)) && (PL_strlen(v[0]->bv_val) > 0)) { ret = PL_strdup(v[0]->bv_val); } if( v != NULL ) { ldap_value_free_len( v ); v = NULL; } } } if( result != NULL ) { free_results( result ); result = NULL; } } } return ret; } TPS_PUBLIC int allow_token_enroll_policy(char *cn, const char *policy) { LDAPMessage *result = NULL; LDAPMessage *e = NULL; struct berval **v = NULL; int can_reenroll = 0; int token_is_uninitialized = 0; int is_reenroll_attempt = 0; int rc = -1; char *token_status = NULL; if(PL_strstr(policy,"RE_ENROLL")) is_reenroll_attempt = 1; if (cn != NULL && PL_strlen(cn) > 0) { if ((rc = find_tus_db_entry (cn, 0, &result)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { e = get_first_entry (result); if (e != NULL) { if(is_reenroll_attempt) { token_status = get_token_status(e); if(token_status && PL_strcmp(token_status,STATE_UNINITIALIZED) == 0) token_is_uninitialized = 1; if(token_status) { PR_Free(token_status); token_status = NULL; } } if ((v = ldap_get_values_len(ld, e, TOKEN_POLICY)) != NULL) { if ((valid_berval(v)) && (PL_strlen(v[0]->bv_val) > 0)) { if (PL_strstr(v[0]->bv_val, policy)) { can_reenroll = 1; } else { if( is_reenroll_attempt && token_is_uninitialized) { can_reenroll = 1; } } } if( v != NULL ) { ldap_value_free_len( v ); v = NULL; } } } if( result != NULL ) { free_results( result ); result = NULL; } } } return can_reenroll; } TPS_PUBLIC int allow_token_renew(char *cn) { return allow_token_enroll_policy(cn, "RENEW=YES"); } TPS_PUBLIC int allow_token_reenroll(char *cn) { return allow_token_enroll_policy(cn, "RE_ENROLL=YES"); } TPS_PUBLIC int force_token_format(char *cn) { return allow_token_enroll_policy(cn,"FORCE_FORMAT=YES"); } TPS_PUBLIC int is_token_present(char *cn) { LDAPMessage *result = NULL; LDAPMessage *e = NULL; int present = 0; int rc = -1; if (cn != NULL && PL_strlen(cn) > 0) { if ((rc = find_tus_db_entry (cn, 0, &result)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { e = get_first_entry (result); if (e != NULL) { present = 1; } if( result != NULL ) { free_results( result ); result = NULL; } } } return present; } TPS_PUBLIC int is_token_pin_resetable(char *cn) { LDAPMessage *result = NULL; LDAPMessage *e = NULL; struct berval **v = NULL; int resetable = 1; int rc = -1; if (cn != NULL && PL_strlen(cn) > 0) { if ((rc = find_tus_db_entry (cn, 0, &result)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { e = get_first_entry (result); if (e != NULL) { if ((v = ldap_get_values_len(ld, e, TOKEN_POLICY)) != NULL) { if ((valid_berval(v)) && (PL_strlen(v[0]->bv_val) > 0)) { if (PL_strstr(v[0]->bv_val, "PIN_RESET=NO")) { resetable = 0; } } if( v != NULL ) { ldap_value_free_len( v ); v = NULL; } } } if( result != NULL ) { free_results( result ); result = NULL; } } } return resetable; } TPS_PUBLIC int is_update_pin_resetable_policy(char *cn) { LDAPMessage *result = NULL; LDAPMessage *e = NULL; struct berval **v = NULL; int resetable = 0; int rc = -1; if (cn != NULL && PL_strlen(cn) > 0) { if ((rc = find_tus_db_entry (cn, 0, &result)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { e = get_first_entry (result); if (e != NULL) { if ((v = ldap_get_values_len(ld, e, TOKEN_POLICY)) != NULL) { if ((valid_berval(v)) && (PL_strlen(v[0]->bv_val) > 0)) { if (PL_strstr(v[0]->bv_val, "RESET_PIN_RESET_TO_NO=YES")) { resetable = 1; } } if( v != NULL ) { ldap_value_free_len( v ); v = NULL; } } } if( result != NULL ) { free_results( result ); result = NULL; } } } return resetable; } TPS_PUBLIC int is_tus_db_entry_disabled(char *cn) { LDAPMessage *result = NULL; LDAPMessage *e = NULL; struct berval **v = NULL; int disabled = 1; int rc = -1; if (cn != NULL && PL_strlen(cn) > 0) { if ((rc = find_tus_db_entry (cn, 0, &result)) == LDAP_SUCCESS) { e = get_first_entry (result); if (e != NULL) { if ((v = ldap_get_values_len(ld, e, TOKEN_STATUS)) != NULL) { if ((valid_berval(v)) && (PL_strlen(v[0]->bv_val) > 0)) { if (!PL_strcasecmp(v[0]->bv_val, STATE_ACTIVE) || !PL_strcasecmp(v[0], STATE_UNINITIALIZED)) { disabled = 0; } } if( v != NULL ) { ldap_value_free_len( v ); v = NULL; } } } if( result != NULL ) { free_results( result ); result = NULL; } } } return disabled; } TPS_PUBLIC LDAPMod **allocate_modifications(int size) { int i, n; LDAPMod **mods = NULL; char *s; n = ((size + 1) * sizeof(LDAPMod *)) + (size * sizeof(LDAPMod)); s = (char *) PR_Malloc(n); if (s == NULL) return NULL; memset(s, 0, n); mods = (LDAPMod **)s; s += ((size + 1) * sizeof(LDAPMod *)); for (i = 0; i < size; i++) { mods[i] = (LDAPMod *)s; s += sizeof(LDAPMod); } return mods; } void free_modifications(LDAPMod **mods, int ldapValues) { int i; if( mods == NULL ) { return; } if (ldapValues) { ldap_mods_free(mods, 0); return; } for (i = 0; mods[i] != NULL; i++) { if ((mods[i]->mod_op & LDAP_MOD_BVALUES) && (mods[i]->mod_bvalues != NULL)) { if( ( mods[i] != NULL ) && ( mods[i]->mod_bvalues != NULL ) ) { PR_Free( mods[i]->mod_bvalues ); mods[i]->mod_bvalues = NULL; } } else if (mods[i]->mod_values != NULL) { if( ( mods[i] != NULL ) && ( mods[i]->mod_values != NULL ) ) { PR_Free( mods[i]->mod_values ); mods[i]->mod_values = NULL; } } } if( mods != NULL ) { PR_Free( mods ); mods = NULL; } } TPS_PUBLIC char **allocate_values(int size, int extra) { int n; char **values = NULL; char *s; n = (size + 1) * sizeof(char *); if (extra > 0) { n += extra * sizeof(char); } s = (char *) PR_Malloc(n); if (s == NULL) return NULL; memset(s, 0, n); values = (char **)s; if (extra > 0) { s += ((size + 1) * sizeof(char *)); values[0] = s; } return values; } TPS_PUBLIC char **create_modification_date_change() { PRExplodedTime time; PRTime now; char **v = NULL; if ((v = allocate_values(1, 16)) == NULL) { return NULL; } now = PR_Now(); PR_ExplodeTime(now, PR_LocalTimeParameters, &time); PR_snprintf(v[0], 16, "%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02dZ", time.tm_year, (time.tm_month + 1), time.tm_mday, time.tm_hour, time.tm_min, time.tm_sec); return v; } /** * Reads password.conf file */ static int ReadLine(PRFileDesc *f, char *buf, int buf_len, int *removed_return) { char *cur = buf; int sum = 0; PRInt32 rc; *removed_return = 0; while (1) { rc = PR_Read(f, cur, 1); if (rc == -1 || rc == 0) break; if (*cur == '\r') { continue; } if (*cur == '\n') { *cur = '\0'; *removed_return = 1; break; } sum++; cur++; } return sum; } #define MAX_CFG_LINE_LEN 4096 /* * Search for password name "name" in the password file "filepath" */ char *get_pwd_from_conf(char *filepath, char *name) { PRFileDesc *fd; char line[MAX_CFG_LINE_LEN]; int removed_return; char *val= NULL; if (debug_fd) PR_fprintf(debug_fd, "get_pwd_from_conf looking for %s\n", name); fd= PR_Open(filepath, PR_RDONLY, 400); if (fd == NULL) { return NULL; } if (debug_fd) PR_fprintf(debug_fd, "get_pwd_from_conf opened %s\n", filepath); while (1) { int n = ReadLine(fd, line, MAX_CFG_LINE_LEN, &removed_return); if (n > 0) { /* handle comment line */ if (line[0] == '#') continue; int c = 0; while ((c < n) && (line[c] != ':')) { c++; } if (c < n) { line[c] = '\0'; } else { continue; /* no ':', skip this line */ } if (!PL_strcmp (line, name)) { if (debug_fd) PR_fprintf(debug_fd, "get_pwd_from_conf found %s is %s\n", line, &line[c+1]); val = PL_strdup(&line[c+1]); break; } } else if (n == 0 && removed_return == 1) { continue; /* skip empty line */ } else { break; } } if( fd != NULL ) { PR_Close( fd ); fd = NULL; } return val; } void audit_log(const char *func_name, const char *userid, const char *msg) { const char* time_fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"; char datetime[1024]; PRTime now; PRExplodedTime time; PRThread *ct; if (audit_fd == NULL) return; now = PR_Now(); PR_ExplodeTime(now, PR_LocalTimeParameters, &time); PR_FormatTimeUSEnglish(datetime, 1024, time_fmt, &time); ct = PR_GetCurrentThread(); PR_fprintf(audit_fd, "[%s] t=%x uid=%s op=%s - ", datetime, ct, userid, func_name); PR_fprintf(audit_fd, "%s", msg); PR_fprintf(audit_fd, "\n"); } int base64_decode( char *src, unsigned char *dst ) { #define RIGHT2 0x03 #define RIGHT4 0x0f unsigned char b642nib[0x80] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x3e, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x3f, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a, 0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff }; char *p, *stop; unsigned char nib, *byte; int i, len; stop = strchr( src, '\0' ); byte = dst; for ( p = src, len = 0; p < stop; p += 4, len += 3 ) { for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if ( p[i] != '=' && (p[i] & 0x80 || b642nib[ p[i] & 0x7f ] > 0x3f) ) { return( -1 ); } } /* first digit */ nib = b642nib[ p[0] & 0x7f ]; byte[0] = nib << 2; /* second digit */ nib = b642nib[ p[1] & 0x7f ]; byte[0] |= nib >> 4; /* third digit */ if ( p[2] == '=' ) { len += 1; break; } byte[1] = (nib & RIGHT4) << 4; nib = b642nib[ p[2] & 0x7f ]; byte[1] |= nib >> 2; /* fourth digit */ if ( p[3] == '=' ) { len += 2; break; } byte[2] = (nib & RIGHT2) << 6; nib = b642nib[ p[3] & 0x7f ]; byte[2] |= nib; byte += 3; } return( len ); }