// --- BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. // All rights reserved. // --- END COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- import java.net.*; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; /** * CMS Test framework . * This class fetches all the necssary ServerInformation to run the test . For example AdminServer information linke port , hsotname, Config LDAP server port, CMS servers Agentport,AdminPort, EESSL port, EE port etc.. */ public class ServerInfo { public String serverRoot, instanceRoot, instanceID; public String ldapPort, ldapHost, ldapSSLPort, ldapBaseSuffix, adminPort, admDN, admDNPW, singleSignOnPWD, domain; public String caSigningCertNickName, raSigningCertNickName, ocspSigningCertNickName, kraTransportCertNickName; public String ServerCertNickName, CertAuthority; public String CMSAgentPort, CMSEESSLPort, CMSEEPort, CMSAdminPort, IDBPort; public static CMSProperties props = null; public static CMSProperties CMSprops = null; // Private variables private int i; public String CMSConfigFile, AdminConfigFile; public ServerInfo() {} /** * Constructor. Takes Server root as parameter for example ( /export/qa). Reads and collects information about adminserver and Config LDAP server. */ public ServerInfo(String sroot) { serverRoot = sroot; AdminConfigFile = serverRoot + "/admin-serv/config/adm.conf"; readAdminConfig(); SystemInfo(); } /** * Constructor. Takes Serverroot ( /export/qa) and instanceRoot (/export/qa/cert-jupiter2) as parameters . Reads and collects information about Admin Server , Config LDAP server and CMS server . */ public ServerInfo(String sroot, String instRoot) { serverRoot = sroot; instanceRoot = instRoot; CMSConfigFile = instanceRoot + "/config/CS.cfg"; AdminConfigFile = serverRoot + "/admin-serv/config/adm.conf"; instanceID = instanceRoot.substring(instanceRoot.indexOf("cert-") + 5); readAdminConfig(); SystemInfo(); parseServerXML(); readCMSConfig(); } public String GetAdminPort() { return adminPort; } public String GetConfigLDAPPort() { return ldapPort; } public String GetHostName() { if (domain.indexOf(".") > 0) { return domain.substring(0, domain.indexOf(".")); } else { return domain; } } public String GetInstanceID() { return instanceID; } public String GetCMSConfigFileName() { return CMSConfigFile; } public String GetDomainName() { return ldapHost.substring(ldapHost.indexOf(".") + 1); } public String GetAgentPort() { return CMSAgentPort; } public String GetEESSLPort() { return CMSEESSLPort; } public String GetEEPort() { return CMSEEPort; } public String GetCMSAdminPort() { return CMSAdminPort; } public String GetInternalDBPort() { return IDBPort; } public String GetCertAuthority() { return CertAuthority; } public String GetCASigningCert() { return caSigningCertNickName; } public String GetRASigningCert() { return raSigningCertNickName; } public String GetServerCertNickName() { return ServerCertNickName; } public void setInstanceRoot(String instRoot) { instanceRoot = instRoot; CMSConfigFile = instanceRoot + "/config/CS.cfg"; AdminConfigFile = serverRoot + "/admin-serv/config/adm.conf"; instanceID = instanceRoot.substring(instanceRoot.indexOf("cert-") + 5); SystemInfo(); parseServerXML(); readCMSConfig(); } // Private functions private void SystemInfo() { try { domain = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(); System.out.println("Debu:SystemInfo " + domain); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Exception InetAddress : " + e.getMessage()); } } private void parseServerXML() { int AGENT = 1; int ADMIN = 2; int EE_SSL = 3; int EE_NON_SSL = 4; int IP = 5; int PORT = 6; BufferedReader in = null; try { String xmlFilePath = instanceRoot + "/config/server.xml"; in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(xmlFilePath)); String s = in.readLine(); while (s != null) { // = 0) { String str = s.substring(index + 20); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(str, "\""); if (tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) { String mServerCertNickname = tokenizer.nextToken(); } } // if (s.startsWith(" -1) { ldapHost = tmpstr.substring(ret + ldapHostStr.length() + 1, tmpstr.indexOf("ldapPort", ret) - 1); ldapHost = stripSpace(ldapHost); // System.out.println(ldapPort); } if ((ret = tmpstr.indexOf(ldapPortStr)) > -1) { ldapPort = tmpstr.substring(ret + ldapPortStr.length() + 1, tmpstr.indexOf("sie", ret) - 1); ldapPort = stripSpace(ldapPort); // System.out.println(ldapPort); } if ((ret = tmpstr.indexOf(adminPortStr)) > -1) { adminPort = tmpstr.substring(ret + adminPortStr.length() + 1, tmpstr.indexOf("ldapStart", ret) - 1); adminPort = stripSpace(adminPort); // System.out.println(adminPort); } } fis.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("exception " + e.getMessage()); } } private void readCMSConfig() { try { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(CMSConfigFile); CMSprops = new CMSProperties(); CMSprops.load(fis); System.out.println("Reading CMS Config file successful"); CertAuthority = CMSprops.getProperty("subsystem.0.id"); if (CertAuthority.equals("ca")) { caSigningCertNickName = CMSprops.getProperty( "ca.signing.cacertnickname"); ServerCertNickName = "Server-Cert cert-" + instanceID; } if (CertAuthority.equals("ra")) { raSigningCertNickName = CMSprops.getProperty( "ra.signing.cacertnickname"); ServerCertNickName = "Server-Cert cert-" + instanceID; } IDBPort = CMSprops.getProperty("internaldb.ldapconn.port"); fis.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("exception " + e.getMessage()); } } public static void main(String args[]) { ServerInfo s = new ServerInfo("Test", "Test"); System.out.println(" Admin Port : " + s.GetAdminPort()); System.out.println(" LDAP Port : " + s.GetConfigLDAPPort()); System.out.println("Hostname " + s.GetHostName()); System.out.println("InstanceID" + s.GetInstanceID()); System.out.println(" doamin name : " + s.GetDomainName()); System.out.println("AgentPort " + s.GetAgentPort()); System.out.println("EESSLPort " + s.GetEESSLPort()); System.out.println("EEPort " + s.GetEEPort()); System.out.println("CMSAdminPort :" + s.GetCMSAdminPort()); System.out.println("CAAuthority : " + s.GetCertAuthority()); System.out.println("CASigningCert:" + s.GetCASigningCert()); System.out.println("RASigningCert:" + s.GetRASigningCert()); System.out.println("ServerCert" + s.GetServerCertNickName()); }// end of function main } // end of class