#!/usr/bin/perl # # --- BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat, Inc. # All rights reserved. # --- END COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- # use strict; use warnings; use File::Copy; use Sys::Hostname; use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions); use File::Slurp qw(read_file write_file); use lib "/usr/share/pki/scripts"; use pkicommon; ############################################################## # This script is used to convert an existing instance from a # non-proxy port configuration to a proxy port configuration. # # Sample Invocation (for CA): # # ./pki-setup-proxy -pki_instance_root=/var/lib # -pki_instance_name=pki-ca # -subsystem_type=ca # -ajp_redirect_port=9444 # -ajp_port=9447 # -proxy_secure_port=443 # -proxy_unsecure_port=80 # -unsecure_port=9080 # -user=pkiuser # -group=pkiuser # -verbose # ############################################################## ############################################################## # Command-Line Variables ############################################################## my $ARGS = ($#ARGV + 1); ############################################################## # Local Variables ############################################################## # Command-line variables (mandatory) my $pki_instance_root = undef; my $pki_instance_name = undef; my $subsystem_type = undef; # Command-line variables (optional) my $ajp_port = -1; my $ajp_redirect_port = -1; my $proxy_secure_port = -1; my $proxy_unsecure_port = -1; my $unsecure_port = -1; my $pki_user = $PKI_USER; my $pki_group = $PKI_GROUP; # Base subsystem directory paths my $pki_subsystem_conf_path = undef; # Base instance directory paths my $pki_instance_path = undef; my $pki_instance_conf_path = undef; my $pki_instance_webxml_path = undef; my $pki_instance_profile_select_path = undef; #proxy defaults my $PROXY_SECURE_PORT_DEFAULT = "443"; my $PROXY_UNSECURE_PORT_DEFAULT = "80"; my $UNSECURE_PORT_DEFAULT = "9080"; my $AJP_PORT_DEFAULT = "9447"; my $AJP_REDIRECT_PORT_DEFAULT = "9444"; sub usage { print STDOUT <<'EOF'; ############################################################################### ### USAGE: CA, KRA, OCSP, or TKS subsystem proxy setup ### ############################################################################### pki-proxy-setup \ -pki_instance_root= # Instance root directory # destination -pki_instance_name= # Unique PKI subsystem # instance name -subsystem_type= # Subsystem type # [ca | kra | ocsp | tks] [-ajp_port=] # AJP port, default 9447 [-ajp_redirect_port=] # AJP redirect port, # default 9444 [-proxy_secure_port=] # Proxy secure port, # default 443 [-proxy_unsecure_port=] # Proxy unsecure port, # default 80 [-unsecure_port=] # UnSecure port, # default 9080 [-user=] # User ownership, # default pkiuser [-group=] # Group ownership # default pkiuser [-verbose] # Print out liberal info # Specify multiple times # to increase verbosity. [-help] # Print out this screen EOF } sub pki_instance_already_exists { my ($name) = @_; my $result = 0; my $instance = ""; $instance = "/etc/sysconfig/pki" . "/" . $subsystem_type . "/" . $name; if (-e $instance) { $result = 1; } return $result; } # no args # return 1 - success, or # return 0 - failure sub parse_arguments { my $l_proxy_secure_port = -1; my $l_proxy_unsecure_port = -1; my $l_unsecure_port = -1; my $l_ajp_port = -1; my $l_ajp_redirect_port = -1; my $show_help = 0; my $username = undef; my $groupname = undef; my $result = GetOptions("help" => \$show_help, "pki_instance_root=s" => \$pki_instance_root, "pki_instance_name=s" => \$pki_instance_name, "subsystem_type=s" => \$subsystem_type, "ajp_port:i" => \$l_ajp_port, "ajp_redirect_port:i" => \$l_ajp_redirect_port, "proxy_secure_port:i" => \$l_proxy_secure_port, "proxy_unsecure_port:i" => \$l_proxy_unsecure_port, "unsecure_port:i" => \$l_unsecure_port, "user=s" => \$username, "group=s" => \$groupname, "verbose+" => \$verbose); ## Optional "-help" option - no "mandatory" options are required if ($show_help) { usage(); return 0; } ## Mandatory "-pki_instance_root=s" option if (!$pki_instance_root) { usage(); emit("Must have value for -pki_instance_root!\n", "error"); return 0; } # Remove all trailing directory separators ('/') $pki_instance_root =~ s/\/+$//; ## Mandatory "-subsystem_type=s" option if ($subsystem_type ne $CA && $subsystem_type ne $KRA && $subsystem_type ne $OCSP && $subsystem_type ne $TKS && $subsystem_type ne $RA && $subsystem_type ne $TPS) { usage(); emit("Illegal value => $subsystem_type : for -subsystem_type!\n", "error"); return 0; } if ($subsystem_type eq $RA || $subsystem_type eq $TPS) { usage(); emit("Illegal value => $subsystem_type : for -subsystem_type!\n" . "Proxy configuration is not yet supported for TPS and RA subsystems", "error"); return 0; } ## Mandatory "-pki_instance_name=s" option if (!$pki_instance_name) { usage(); emit("Must have value for -pki_instance_name!\n", "error"); return 0; } if (! pki_instance_already_exists($pki_instance_name)) { usage(); emit("An instance named $pki_instance_name " . "does not exist; please try again.\n", "error"); return 0; } $pki_instance_path = "${pki_instance_root}/${pki_instance_name}"; # Capture installation information in a log file, always overwrite this file. # When modifying an instance it's a fatal error if the logfile # cannot be created. my $logfile = "/var/log/${pki_instance_name}-proxy-setup.log"; if (!open_logfile($logfile, $default_file_permissions)) { emit("can not create logfile ($logfile)", "error"); return 0; } printf(STDOUT "Capturing configuration information in %s\n", $logfile); emit("Parsing setup_proxy arguments ...\n"); if ($verbose) { emit(" verbose mode ENABLED (level=$verbose)\n"); } if ($username) { $pki_user = $username; } emit(" user $pki_user\n"); if ($groupname) { $pki_group = $groupname; } emit(" group $pki_group\n"); $proxy_secure_port = ($l_proxy_secure_port >= 0) ? $l_proxy_secure_port : $PROXY_SECURE_PORT_DEFAULT; emit(" proxy_secure_port $proxy_secure_port\n"); $proxy_unsecure_port = ($l_proxy_unsecure_port >= 0) ? $l_proxy_unsecure_port : $PROXY_UNSECURE_PORT_DEFAULT; emit(" proxy_unsecure_port $proxy_unsecure_port\n"); $unsecure_port = ($l_unsecure_port >= 0) ? $l_unsecure_port : $UNSECURE_PORT_DEFAULT; emit(" unsecure_port $unsecure_port\n"); $ajp_port = ($l_ajp_port >= 0) ? $l_ajp_port : $AJP_PORT_DEFAULT; emit(" ajp_port $ajp_port\n"); $ajp_redirect_port = ($l_ajp_redirect_port >= 0) ? $l_ajp_redirect_port : $AJP_REDIRECT_PORT_DEFAULT; emit(" ajp_redirect_port $ajp_redirect_port\n"); return 1; } # no args # no return sub initialize_paths { $pki_instance_conf_path = "${pki_instance_path}/conf"; $pki_subsystem_conf_path = "/usr/share/pki/${subsystem_type}/conf"; $pki_instance_webxml_path = "${pki_instance_path}/webapps/${subsystem_type}" . "/WEB-INF/web.xml"; $pki_instance_profile_select_path = "${pki_instance_path}/webapps/" . "${subsystem_type}/ee/${subsystem_type}/" . "ProfileSelect.template"; } # no args # no return sub update_server_xml { my $server_xml = "${pki_instance_conf_path}/server.xml"; my $new_match = < EOF my $old_match = < EOF my $new_ajp = < EOF my $data = read_file $server_xml; $data =~ s/$old_match/$new_ajp/; $data =~ s/$new_match/$new_ajp/; # back up existing server.xml copy_file($server_xml, $server_xml . ".pre-proxy.$$", $default_file_permissions, $pki_user, $pki_group); write_file($server_xml, $data); set_file_props($server_xml, $default_file_permissions, $pki_user, $pki_group); } # no args # no return sub update_proxy_conf { my $template_file = "${pki_subsystem_conf_path}/proxy.conf"; my $server_file = "${pki_instance_conf_path}/proxy.conf"; #backup, just in case there already was a file copy_file($server_file, $server_file . ".pre-proxy.$$", $default_file_permissions, $pki_user, $pki_group); my $data = read_file $template_file; my $host = hostname; $data =~ s/\[PKI_HOSTNAME\]/$host/g; $data =~ s/\[PKI_AJP_PORT\]/$ajp_port/g; write_file($server_file, $data); set_file_props($server_file, $default_file_permissions, $pki_user, $pki_group); } # no args # no return sub update_web_xml { my $data = read_file $pki_instance_webxml_path; my $commented_proxy_stanza = < proxy_port --> EOF my $proxy_stanza = < proxy_port $proxy_secure_port EOF my $commented_proxy_stanza_2 = < proxy_port proxy_http_port --> EOF my $proxy_stanza_2 = < proxy_port $proxy_secure_port proxy_http_port $proxy_unsecure_port EOF my $ee_filter_head = < EERequestFilter com.netscape.cms.servlet.filter.EERequestFilter http_port $unsecure_port https_port $proxy_secure_port EOF my $active_stanza = < active EOF if ($data =~ /$commented_proxy_stanza/) { $data =~ s/$commented_proxy_stanza/$proxy_stanza/g; $data =~ s/$commented_proxy_stanza_2/$proxy_stanza_2/g; } else { $data =~ s/$active_stanza/${proxy_stanza}${active_stanza}/g; $data =~ s/${ee_filter_head}${proxy_stanza}${active_stanza}/${ee_filter_head}${proxy_stanza_2}${active_stanza}/; } # backup old file copy_file($pki_instance_webxml_path, $pki_instance_webxml_path . ".pre_proxy", $default_file_permissions, $pki_user, $pki_group); write_file($pki_instance_webxml_path, $data); set_file_props($pki_instance_webxml_path, $default_file_permissions, $pki_user, $pki_group); } # no args # no return sub update_cs_cfg { my $cs_cfg = "${pki_instance_conf_path}/CS.cfg"; my $data = read_file $cs_cfg; $data =~ s/proxy.securePort=[\d]*\n//g; $data =~ s/proxy.unsecurePort=[\d]*\n//g; chomp($data); $data .= "\nproxy.securePort=$proxy_secure_port" . "\nproxy.unsecurePort=$proxy_unsecure_port\n"; # backup old file copy_file($cs_cfg, $cs_cfg . ".pre-proxy.$$", $default_file_permissions, $pki_user, $pki_group); write_file($cs_cfg, $data); set_file_props($cs_cfg, $default_file_permissions, $pki_user, $pki_group); } # no args # no return sub update_profile_select_template { my $template_file = $pki_instance_profile_select_path; my $data = read_file $template_file; my $host = hostname; $data =~ s/https:\/\/$host:\d*\/ca\/eeca/https:\/\/$host:$proxy_secure_port\/ca\/eeca/; # backup old file copy_file($template_file, $template_file . ".pre-proxy.$$", $default_file_permissions, $pki_user, $pki_group); write_file($template_file, $data); set_file_props($template_file, $default_file_permissions, $pki_user, $pki_group); } ###################################### # Main program ##################################### sub main { my $parse_result = parse_arguments(); if (!$parse_result) { close_logfile(); exit 255; } initialize_paths(); update_server_xml(); update_proxy_conf(); update_web_xml(); update_cs_cfg(); update_profile_select_template(); parse_selinux_ports(); add_selinux_port("pki_${subsystem_type}_port_t", $ajp_port); } main(); exit 0;