#!/usr/bin/python -t # Authors: # Matthew Harmsen # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # PKI Deployment Imports from .. import pkiconfig as config from .. import pkimessages as log from .. import pkiscriptlet # PKI Deployment Top-Level Infrastructure Layout Scriptlet class PkiScriptlet(pkiscriptlet.AbstractBasePkiScriptlet): rv = 0 def spawn(self, deployer): if config.str2bool(deployer.mdict['pki_skip_installation']): config.pki_log.info(log.SKIP_ADMIN_DOMAIN_SPAWN_1, __name__, extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_1) return self.rv config.pki_log.info(log.ADMIN_DOMAIN_SPAWN_1, __name__, extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_1) # NOTE: It was determined that since the "pkidestroy" command # relies upon a symbolic link to a replica of the original # deployment configuration file used by the # "pkispawn" command of an instance, it is necessary to # create any required instance and subsystem directories # in this top-level "infrastructure_layout" scriptlet # (rather than the "instance_layout" and "subsystem_layout" # scriptlets) so that a copy of this configuration file can # be saved, and the required symbolic link can be created. # # establish the top-level infrastructure, instance, and subsystem # registry directories for storage of a copy of the original # deployment configuration file used to spawn this instance, # and save a copy of this file deployer.directory.create(deployer.mdict['pki_registry_path']) deployer.directory.create( deployer.mdict['pki_instance_type_registry_path']) deployer.directory.create(deployer.mdict['pki_instance_registry_path']) deployer.directory.create(deployer.mdict['pki_subsystem_registry_path']) deployer.file.copy( deployer.mdict['pki_default_deployment_cfg'], deployer.mdict['pki_default_deployment_cfg_replica']) print "Storing deployment configuration into " + \ deployer.mdict['pki_user_deployment_cfg_replica'] + "." # Archive the user deployment configuration excluding the sensitive # parameters sensitive_parameters = deployer.mdict['sensitive_parameters'].split() sections = config.user_config.sections() for s in sections: for k in sensitive_parameters: config.user_config.set(s, k, 'XXXXXXXX') with open(deployer.mdict['pki_user_deployment_cfg_replica'], 'w') as f: config.user_config.write(f) # establish top-level infrastructure, instance, and subsystem # base directories and create the "registry" symbolic link that # the "pkidestroy" executable relies upon if deployer.mdict['pki_path'] != "/var/lib/pki": # create relocated top-level infrastructure base deployer.directory.create(deployer.mdict['pki_path']) deployer.directory.create(deployer.mdict['pki_instance_path']) deployer.directory.create(deployer.mdict['pki_subsystem_path']) deployer.symlink.create( deployer.mdict['pki_instance_registry_path'], deployer.mdict['pki_subsystem_registry_link']) # # NOTE: If "infrastructure_layout" scriptlet execution has been # successfully executed to this point, the "pkidestroy" command # may always be utilized to remove the entire infrastructure. # # no need to establish top-level infrastructure logs # since it now stores 'pkispawn'/'pkidestroy' logs # and will already exist # deployer.directory.create(deployer.mdict['pki_log_path']) # establish top-level infrastructure configuration if deployer.mdict['pki_configuration_path'] != \ config.PKI_DEPLOYMENT_CONFIGURATION_ROOT: deployer.directory.create(deployer.mdict['pki_configuration_path']) return self.rv def destroy(self, deployer): config.pki_log.info(log.ADMIN_DOMAIN_DESTROY_1, __name__, extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_1) # remove top-level infrastructure base if deployer.mdict['pki_subsystem'] in config.PKI_SUBSYSTEMS and\ deployer.instance.pki_instance_subsystems() == 0: if deployer.mdict['pki_path'] != "/var/lib/pki": # remove relocated top-level infrastructure base deployer.directory.delete(deployer.mdict['pki_path']) # do NOT remove top-level infrastructure logs # since it now stores 'pkispawn'/'pkidestroy' logs # deployer.directory.delete(deployer.mdict['pki_log_path']) # remove top-level infrastructure configuration if deployer.directory.is_empty( deployer.mdict['pki_configuration_path']) and \ deployer.mdict['pki_configuration_path'] != \ config.PKI_DEPLOYMENT_CONFIGURATION_ROOT: deployer.directory.delete( deployer.mdict['pki_configuration_path']) # remove top-level infrastructure registry deployer.directory.delete(deployer.mdict['pki_registry_path']) return self.rv