#!/usr/bin/python -t # Authors: # Matthew Harmsen # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. # All rights reserved. # from __future__ import absolute_import import json import re # PKI Deployment Imports from .. import pkiconfig as config from .. import pkimessages as log from .. import pkiscriptlet import pki.encoder import pki.nssdb import pki.server import pki.system import pki.util # PKI Deployment Configuration Scriptlet class PkiScriptlet(pkiscriptlet.AbstractBasePkiScriptlet): rv = 0 def spawn(self, deployer): # ALWAYS establish the following Tomcat instance symbolic link since # this link is required by both automatic pkispawn instance # configuration as well as manual browser GUI instance configuration deployer.symlink.create(deployer.mdict['pki_systemd_service'], deployer.mdict['pki_systemd_service_link']) if config.str2bool(deployer.mdict['pki_skip_configuration']): config.pki_log.info(log.SKIP_CONFIGURATION_SPAWN_1, __name__, extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_1) return self.rv config.pki_log.info(log.CONFIGURATION_SPAWN_1, __name__, extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_1) # Place "slightly" less restrictive permissions on # the top-level client directory ONLY deployer.directory.create( deployer.mdict['pki_client_subsystem_dir'], uid=0, gid=0, perms=config.PKI_DEPLOYMENT_DEFAULT_CLIENT_DIR_PERMISSIONS) # Since 'certutil' does NOT strip the 'token=' portion of # the 'token=password' entries, create a client password file # which ONLY contains the 'password' for the purposes of # allowing 'certutil' to generate the security databases deployer.password.create_password_conf( deployer.mdict['pki_client_password_conf'], deployer.mdict['pki_client_database_password'], pin_sans_token=True) deployer.file.modify( deployer.mdict['pki_client_password_conf'], uid=0, gid=0) # Similarly, create a simple password file containing the # PKCS #12 password used when exporting the "Admin Certificate" # into a PKCS #12 file deployer.password.create_client_pkcs12_password_conf( deployer.mdict['pki_client_pkcs12_password_conf']) deployer.file.modify(deployer.mdict['pki_client_pkcs12_password_conf']) deployer.directory.create( deployer.mdict['pki_client_database_dir'], uid=0, gid=0) deployer.certutil.create_security_databases( deployer.mdict['pki_client_database_dir'], deployer.mdict['pki_client_cert_database'], deployer.mdict['pki_client_key_database'], deployer.mdict['pki_client_secmod_database'], password_file=deployer.mdict['pki_client_password_conf']) instance = pki.server.PKIInstance(deployer.mdict['pki_instance_name']) instance.load() subsystem = instance.get_subsystem(deployer.mdict['pki_subsystem'].lower()) token = deployer.mdict['pki_token_name'] nssdb = instance.open_nssdb(token) external = deployer.configuration_file.external step_one = deployer.configuration_file.external_step_one step_two = deployer.configuration_file.external_step_two try: if external and step_one: # external/existing CA step 1 key_type = deployer.mdict['pki_ca_signing_key_type'] key_alg = deployer.mdict['pki_ca_signing_key_algorithm'] if key_type == 'rsa': key_size = int(deployer.mdict['pki_ca_signing_key_size']) curve = None m = re.match(r'(.*)withRSA', key_alg) if not m: raise Exception('Invalid key algorithm: %s' % key_alg) hash_alg = m.group(1) elif key_type == 'ec' or key_type == 'ecc': key_type = 'ec' key_size = None curve = deployer.mdict['pki_ca_signing_key_size'] m = re.match(r'(.*)withEC', key_alg) if not m: raise Exception('Invalid key algorithm: %s' % key_alg) hash_alg = m.group(1) else: raise Exception('Invalid key type: %s' % key_type) # If filename specified, generate CA cert request and # import it into CS.cfg. external_csr_path = deployer.mdict['pki_external_csr_path'] if external_csr_path: nssdb.create_request( subject_dn=deployer.mdict['pki_ca_signing_subject_dn'], request_file=external_csr_path, key_type=key_type, key_size=key_size, curve=curve, hash_alg=hash_alg) with open(external_csr_path) as f: signing_csr = f.read() signing_csr = pki.nssdb.convert_csr(signing_csr, 'pem', 'base64') subsystem.config['ca.signing.certreq'] = signing_csr # This is needed by IPA to detect step 1 completion. # See is_step_one_done() in ipaserver/install/cainstance.py. subsystem.config['preop.ca.type'] = 'otherca' subsystem.save() elif external and step_two: # external/existing CA step 2 # If specified, import existing CA cert request into CS.cfg. external_csr_path = deployer.mdict['pki_external_csr_path'] if external_csr_path: with open(external_csr_path) as f: signing_csr = f.read() signing_csr = pki.nssdb.convert_csr(signing_csr, 'pem', 'base64') subsystem.config['ca.signing.certreq'] = signing_csr # If specified, import externally-signed CA cert into NSS database. # Note: CA cert must be imported before the cert chain to ensure that # the CA cert is imported with the correct nickname. signing_nickname = deployer.mdict['pki_ca_signing_nickname'] signing_cert_file = deployer.mdict['pki_external_ca_cert_path'] if signing_cert_file: nssdb.add_cert( nickname=signing_nickname, cert_file=signing_cert_file, trust_attributes='CT,C,C') # If specified, import CA cert and key from PKCS #12 file into NSS database. pkcs12_file = deployer.mdict['pki_external_pkcs12_path'] if pkcs12_file: pkcs12_password = deployer.mdict['pki_external_pkcs12_password'] nssdb.import_pkcs12(pkcs12_file, pkcs12_password) # If specified, import cert chain into NSS database. external_ca_cert_chain_nickname = \ deployer.mdict['pki_external_ca_cert_chain_nickname'] external_ca_cert_chain_file = deployer.mdict['pki_external_ca_cert_chain_path'] if external_ca_cert_chain_file: cert_chain, _nicks = nssdb.import_cert_chain( nickname=external_ca_cert_chain_nickname, cert_chain_file=external_ca_cert_chain_file, trust_attributes='CT,C,C') subsystem.config['ca.external_ca_chain.cert'] = cert_chain # Export CA cert from NSS database and import it into CS.cfg. signing_cert_data = nssdb.get_cert( nickname=signing_nickname, output_format='base64') subsystem.config['ca.signing.nickname'] = signing_nickname subsystem.config['ca.signing.tokenname'] = deployer.mdict['pki_ca_signing_token'] subsystem.config['ca.signing.cert'] = signing_cert_data subsystem.config['ca.signing.cacertnickname'] = signing_nickname subsystem.config['ca.signing.defaultSigningAlgorithm'] = deployer.mdict['pki_ca_signing_signing_algorithm'] subsystem.save() else: # self-signed CA # To be implemented in ticket #1692. # Generate CA cert request. # Self sign CA cert. # Import self-signed CA cert into NSS database. pass finally: nssdb.close() if external and step_one: return self.rv # Start/Restart this Tomcat PKI Process # Optionally prepare to enable a java debugger # (e. g. - 'eclipse'): if config.str2bool(deployer.mdict['pki_enable_java_debugger']): config.prepare_for_an_external_java_debugger( deployer.mdict['pki_target_tomcat_conf_instance_id']) tomcat_instance_subsystems = \ len(deployer.instance.tomcat_instance_subsystems()) if tomcat_instance_subsystems == 1: deployer.systemd.start() elif tomcat_instance_subsystems > 1: deployer.systemd.restart() # wait for startup status = deployer.instance.wait_for_startup(60) if status is None: config.pki_log.error( "server failed to restart", extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2) raise Exception("server failed to restart") # Optionally wait for debugger to attach (e. g. - 'eclipse'): if config.str2bool(deployer.mdict['pki_enable_java_debugger']): config.wait_to_attach_an_external_java_debugger() # Construct PKI Subsystem Configuration Data data = None if deployer.mdict['pki_instance_type'] == "Tomcat": # CA, KRA, OCSP, TKS, or TPS data = deployer.config_client.construct_pki_configuration_data() # Configure the subsystem deployer.config_client.configure_pki_data( json.dumps(data, cls=pki.encoder.CustomTypeEncoder)) return self.rv def destroy(self, deployer): config.pki_log.info(log.CONFIGURATION_DESTROY_1, __name__, extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_1) if len(deployer.instance.tomcat_instance_subsystems()) == 1: if deployer.directory.exists(deployer.mdict['pki_client_dir']): deployer.directory.delete(deployer.mdict['pki_client_dir']) deployer.symlink.delete(deployer.mdict['pki_systemd_service_link']) return self.rv