// --- BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc. // All rights reserved. // --- END COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- package org.dogtagpki.server.rest; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.net.MalformedURLException; import java.net.URL; import java.security.KeyPair; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java.security.PublicKey; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Random; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.ws.rs.core.Context; import javax.ws.rs.core.HttpHeaders; import javax.ws.rs.core.Request; import javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableBoolean; import org.mozilla.jss.CryptoManager; import org.mozilla.jss.CryptoManager.NotInitializedException; import org.mozilla.jss.NoSuchTokenException; import org.mozilla.jss.crypto.CryptoToken; import org.mozilla.jss.crypto.ObjectNotFoundException; import org.mozilla.jss.crypto.PrivateKey; import org.mozilla.jss.crypto.TokenException; import org.mozilla.jss.crypto.X509Certificate; import org.mozilla.jss.util.IncorrectPasswordException; import com.netscape.certsrv.apps.CMS; import com.netscape.certsrv.base.BadRequestException; import com.netscape.certsrv.base.EBaseException; import com.netscape.certsrv.base.IConfigStore; import com.netscape.certsrv.base.PKIException; import com.netscape.certsrv.ca.ICertificateAuthority; import com.netscape.certsrv.dbs.certdb.ICertificateRepository; import com.netscape.certsrv.system.ConfigurationRequest; import com.netscape.certsrv.system.ConfigurationResponse; import com.netscape.certsrv.system.SystemCertData; import com.netscape.certsrv.system.SystemConfigResource; import com.netscape.certsrv.usrgrp.IUGSubsystem; import com.netscape.certsrv.usrgrp.IUser; import com.netscape.cms.servlet.base.PKIService; import com.netscape.cms.servlet.csadmin.Cert; import com.netscape.cms.servlet.csadmin.ConfigurationUtils; import com.netscape.cms.servlet.csadmin.SystemCertDataFactory; import com.netscape.cmsutil.crypto.CryptoUtil; import com.netscape.cmsutil.util.Utils; import netscape.security.x509.X509CertImpl; /** * @author alee * */ public class SystemConfigService extends PKIService implements SystemConfigResource { @Context public UriInfo uriInfo; @Context public HttpHeaders headers; @Context public Request request; @Context public HttpServletRequest servletRequest; public IConfigStore cs; public String csType; public String csSubsystem; public String csState; public boolean isMasterCA = false; public String instanceRoot; public static String SUCCESS = "0"; public static final String RESTART_SERVER_AFTER_CONFIGURATION = "restart_server_after_configuration"; public SystemConfigService() throws EBaseException { cs = CMS.getConfigStore(); csType = cs.getString("cs.type"); csSubsystem = csType.toLowerCase(); csState = cs.getString("cs.state"); String domainType = cs.getString("securitydomain.select", "existingdomain"); if (csType.equals("CA") && domainType.equals("new")) { isMasterCA = true; } instanceRoot = cs.getString("instanceRoot"); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see com.netscape.cms.servlet.csadmin.SystemConfigurationResource#configure(com.netscape.cms.servlet.csadmin.data.ConfigurationData) */ @Override public ConfigurationResponse configure(ConfigurationRequest request) throws Exception { CMS.debug("SystemConfigService: configure()"); try { ConfigurationResponse response = new ConfigurationResponse(); configure(request, response); return response; } catch (PKIException e) { // normal responses CMS.debug(e.getMessage()); // log the response throw e; } catch (Exception e) { // unexpected exceptions CMS.debug(e); // show stack trace for troubleshooting throw e; } catch (Error e) { // system errors CMS.debug(e); // show stack trace for troubleshooting throw e; } } public void configure(ConfigurationRequest data, ConfigurationResponse response) throws Exception { if (csState.equals("1")) { throw new BadRequestException("System is already configured"); } CMS.debug("SystemConfigService: request: " + data); validateRequest(data); Collection certList = getCertList(data); // specify module and log into token CMS.debug("=== Token Authentication ==="); String token = data.getToken(); if (token == null) { token = ConfigurationRequest.TOKEN_DEFAULT; } loginToken(data, token); // configure security domain CMS.debug("=== Security Domain Configuration ==="); String domainXML = configureSecurityDomain(data); // configure subsystem CMS.debug("=== Subsystem Configuration ==="); configureSubsystem(data, certList, token, domainXML); // configure hierarchy CMS.debug("=== Hierarchy Configuration ==="); configureHierarchy(data); // configure database CMS.debug("=== Database Configuration ==="); try { configureDatabase(data); cs.commit(false); } catch (EBaseException e) { CMS.debug(e); throw new PKIException("Unable to commit config parameters to file", e); } initializeDatabase(data); configureCACertChain(data, domainXML); Collection certs = new ArrayList(); MutableBoolean hasSigningCert = new MutableBoolean(); processCerts(data, token, certList, certs, hasSigningCert); // non-Stand-alone PKI submitting CSRs to external ca if (data.getIssuingCA() != null && data.getIssuingCA().equals("External CA") && !hasSigningCert.booleanValue()) { CMS.debug("Submit CSRs to external ca . . ."); response.setSystemCerts(SystemCertDataFactory.create(certs)); response.setStatus(SUCCESS); return; } for (Cert cert : certs) { int ret; try { CMS.debug("Processing '" + cert.getCertTag() + "' certificate:"); ret = ConfigurationUtils.handleCerts(cert); ConfigurationUtils.setCertPermissions(cert.getCertTag()); CMS.debug("Processed '" + cert.getCertTag() + "' certificate."); } catch (Exception e) { CMS.debug(e); throw new PKIException("Error in configuring system certificates" + e, e); } if (ret != 0) { throw new PKIException("Error in configuring system certificates"); } } response.setSystemCerts(SystemCertDataFactory.create(certs)); // backup keys CMS.debug("=== Backup Keys ==="); if (data.getBackupKeys().equals("true")) { backupKeys(data); } // configure admin CMS.debug("=== Admin Configuration ==="); configureAdministrator(data, response); // create or update security domain CMS.debug("=== Finalization ==="); setupSecurityDomain(data); setupDBUser(data); finalizeConfiguration(data); cs.putInteger("cs.state", 1); // update serial numbers for clones // save some variables, remove remaining preops try { ConfigurationUtils.removePreopConfigEntries(); } catch (EBaseException e) { CMS.debug(e); throw new PKIException("Errors when removing preop config entries: " + e, e); } // Create an empty file that designates the fact that although // this server instance has been configured, it has NOT yet // been restarted! String restart_server = instanceRoot + "/conf/" + RESTART_SERVER_AFTER_CONFIGURATION; Utils.exec("touch " + restart_server); Utils.exec("chmod 00660 " + restart_server); response.setStatus(SUCCESS); } private void setupDBUser(ConfigurationRequest data) { try { if (!data.getSharedDB()) ConfigurationUtils.setupDBUser(); } catch (Exception e) { CMS.debug(e); throw new PKIException("Errors in creating or updating dbuser: " + e); } } private void setupSecurityDomain(ConfigurationRequest data) { try { String securityDomainType = data.getSecurityDomainType(); if (securityDomainType.equals(ConfigurationRequest.NEW_DOMAIN)) { CMS.debug("Creating new security domain"); ConfigurationUtils.createSecurityDomain(); } else if (securityDomainType.equals(ConfigurationRequest.NEW_SUBDOMAIN)) { CMS.debug("Creating subordinate CA security domain"); // switch out security domain parameters from issuing CA security domain // to subordinate CA hosted security domain cs.putString("securitydomain.name", data.getSubordinateSecurityDomainName()); cs.putString("securitydomain.host", CMS.getEENonSSLHost()); cs.putString("securitydomain.httpport", CMS.getEENonSSLPort()); cs.putString("securitydomain.httpsagentport", CMS.getAgentPort()); cs.putString("securitydomain.httpseeport", CMS.getEESSLPort()); cs.putString("securitydomain.httpsadminport", CMS.getAdminPort()); ConfigurationUtils.createSecurityDomain(); } else { CMS.debug("Updating existing security domain"); ConfigurationUtils.updateSecurityDomain(); } cs.putString("service.securityDomainPort", CMS.getAgentPort()); cs.putString("securitydomain.store", "ldap"); cs.commit(false); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new PKIException("Error while updating security domain: " + e); } } public Collection getCertList(ConfigurationRequest request) { Collection certList = new ArrayList(); if (request.getStandAlone() && request.getStepTwo()) { // Stand-alone PKI (Step 2) // Special case to import the external CA and its Chain certList.add("external_signing"); } try { String value = cs.getString("preop.cert.list"); certList.addAll(Arrays.asList(value.split(","))); } catch (Exception e) { CMS.debug(e); throw new PKIException("Unable to get certList from config file"); } return certList; } public void processCerts(ConfigurationRequest request, String token, Collection certList, Collection certs, MutableBoolean hasSigningCert) { try { boolean generateServerCert = !request.getGenerateServerCert().equalsIgnoreCase("false"); boolean generateSubsystemCert = request.getGenerateSubsystemCert(); hasSigningCert.setValue(false); for (String tag : certList) { boolean enable = cs.getBoolean("preop.cert." + tag + ".enable", true); if (!enable) continue; SystemCertData certData = null; for (SystemCertData systemCert : request.getSystemCerts()) { if (systemCert.getTag().equals(tag)) { certData = systemCert; CMS.debug("Found data for '" + tag + "'"); if (tag.equals("signing") && certData.getReqExtOID() != null && certData.getReqExtData() != null) { CMS.debug("SystemConfigService:processCerts: adding request extension to config"); cs.putString("preop.cert.signing.ext.oid", certData.getReqExtOID()); cs.putString("preop.cert.signing.ext.data", certData.getReqExtData()); cs.putBoolean("preop.cert.signing.ext.critical", certData.getReqExtCritical()); } break; } } if (certData == null) { CMS.debug("No data for '" + tag + "' was found!"); throw new BadRequestException("No data for '" + tag + "' was found!"); } String tokenName = certData.getToken() != null ? certData.getToken() : token; if (request.getStandAlone() && request.getStepTwo()) { // Stand-alone PKI (Step 2) if (tag.equals("external_signing")) { String b64 = certData.getCert(); if (b64 != null && b64.length() > 0 && !b64.startsWith("...")) { hasSigningCert.setValue(true); if (request.getIssuingCA().equals("External CA")) { String nickname = certData.getNickname() != null ? certData.getNickname() : "caSigningCert External CA"; Cert cert = new Cert(tokenName, nickname, tag); ConfigurationUtils.setExternalCACert(b64, csSubsystem, cs, cert); CMS.debug("Step 2: certStr for '" + tag + "' is " + b64); String certChainStr = certData.getCertChain(); if (certChainStr != null) { ConfigurationUtils.setExternalCACertChain(certChainStr, csSubsystem, cs, cert); CMS.debug("Step 2: certChainStr for '" + tag + "' is " + certChainStr); certs.add(cert); } else { throw new BadRequestException("CertChain not provided"); } } continue; } } } if (!generateServerCert && tag.equals("sslserver")) { updateConfiguration(request, certData, "sslserver"); continue; } if (!generateSubsystemCert && tag.equals("subsystem")) { // update the details for the shared subsystem cert here. updateConfiguration(request, certData, "subsystem"); // get parameters needed for cloning updateCloneConfiguration(certData, "subsystem", tokenName); continue; } String keytype = certData.getKeyType() != null ? certData.getKeyType() : "rsa"; String keyalgorithm = certData.getKeyAlgorithm(); if (keyalgorithm == null) { keyalgorithm = keytype.equals("ecc") ? "SHA256withEC" : "SHA256withRSA"; } String signingalgorithm = certData.getSigningAlgorithm() != null ? certData.getSigningAlgorithm() : keyalgorithm; String nickname = certData.getNickname() != null ? certData.getNickname() : cs.getString("preop.cert." + tag + ".nickname"); String dn = certData.getSubjectDN() != null ? certData.getSubjectDN() : cs.getString("preop.cert." + tag + ".dn"); cs.putString("preop.cert." + tag + ".keytype", keytype); cs.putString("preop.cert." + tag + ".keyalgorithm", keyalgorithm); cs.putString("preop.cert." + tag + ".signingalgorithm", signingalgorithm); cs.putString("preop.cert." + tag + ".nickname", nickname); cs.putString("preop.cert." + tag + ".dn", dn); // support injecting SAN into server cert if ( tag.equals("sslserver") && certData.getServerCertSAN() != null) { CMS.debug("updateConfiguration(): san_server_cert found"); cs.putString("service.injectSAN", "true"); cs.putString("service.sslserver.san", certData.getServerCertSAN()); } else { if ( tag.equals("sslserver")) CMS.debug("SystemConfigService:processCerts(): san_server_cert not found for tag sslserver"); } cs.commit(false); if (request.isExternal() && tag.equals("signing")) { // external/existing CA // load key pair for existing and externally-signed signing cert CMS.debug("SystemConfigService: loading signing cert key pair"); KeyPair pair = ConfigurationUtils.loadKeyPair(certData.getNickname()); ConfigurationUtils.storeKeyPair(cs, tag, pair); } else if (!request.getStepTwo()) { if (keytype.equals("ecc")) { String curvename = certData.getKeyCurveName() != null ? certData.getKeyCurveName() : cs.getString("keys.ecc.curve.default"); cs.putString("preop.cert." + tag + ".curvename.name", curvename); ConfigurationUtils.createECCKeyPair(token, curvename, cs, tag); } else { String keysize = certData.getKeySize() != null ? certData.getKeySize() : cs .getString("keys.rsa.keysize.default"); cs.putString("preop.cert." + tag + ".keysize.size", keysize); ConfigurationUtils.createRSAKeyPair(token, Integer.parseInt(keysize), cs, tag); } } else { CMS.debug("configure(): step two selected. keys will not be generated for '" + tag + "'"); } Cert cert = new Cert(tokenName, nickname, tag); cert.setDN(dn); cert.setSubsystem(cs.getString("preop.cert." + tag + ".subsystem")); cert.setType(cs.getString("preop.cert." + tag + ".type")); if (request.isExternal() && tag.equals("signing")) { // external/existing CA // update configuration for existing or externally-signed signing certificate String certStr = cs.getString("ca." + tag + ".cert" ); cert.setCert(certStr); CMS.debug("SystemConfigService: certificate " + tag + ": " + certStr); ConfigurationUtils.updateConfig(cs, tag); } else if (!request.getStepTwo()) { ConfigurationUtils.configCert(null, null, null, cert); } else { String subsystem = cs.getString("preop.cert." + tag + ".subsystem"); String certStr; if (request.getStandAlone()) { // Stand-alone PKI (Step 2) certStr = certData.getCert(); certStr = CryptoUtil.stripCertBrackets(certStr.trim()); certStr = CryptoUtil.normalizeCertStr(certStr); cs.putString(subsystem + "." + tag + ".cert", certStr); } else { certStr = cs.getString(subsystem + "." + tag + ".cert" ); } cert.setCert(certStr); CMS.debug("Step 2: certStr for '" + tag + "' is " + certStr); } if (request.isExternal() && tag.equals("signing")) { // external/existing CA CMS.debug("SystemConfigService: Loading cert request for " + tag + " cert"); ConfigurationUtils.loadCertRequest(cs, tag, cert); CMS.debug("SystemConfigService: Loading cert " + tag); ConfigurationUtils.loadCert(cs, cert); } else if (request.getStandAlone()) { // Handle Cert Requests for everything EXCEPT Stand-alone PKI (Step 2) if (!request.getStepTwo()) { // Stand-alone PKI (Step 1) ConfigurationUtils.handleCertRequest(cs, tag, cert); CMS.debug("Stand-alone " + csType + " Admin CSR"); String adminSubjectDN = request.getAdminSubjectDN(); String certreqStr = request.getAdminCertRequest(); certreqStr = CryptoUtil.normalizeCertAndReq(certreqStr); cs.putString("preop.cert.admin.dn", adminSubjectDN); cs.putString(csSubsystem + ".admin.certreq", certreqStr); cs.putString(csSubsystem + ".admin.cert", "...paste certificate here..."); } } else { ConfigurationUtils.handleCertRequest(cs, tag, cert); } if (request.isClone()) { ConfigurationUtils.updateCloneConfig(); } if (request.isExternal() && tag.equals("signing")) { // external/existing CA CMS.debug("SystemConfigService: External CA has signing cert"); hasSigningCert.setValue(true); certs.add(cert); continue; } // to determine if we have the signing cert when using an external ca // this will only execute on a ca or stand-alone pki String b64 = certData.getCert(); if ((tag.equals("signing") || tag.equals("external_signing")) && b64 != null && b64.length() > 0 && !b64.startsWith("...")) { hasSigningCert.setValue(true); if (request.getIssuingCA().equals("External CA")) { b64 = CryptoUtil.stripCertBrackets(b64.trim()); cert.setCert(CryptoUtil.normalizeCertStr(b64)); if (certData.getCertChain() != null) { cert.setCertChain(certData.getCertChain()); } else { throw new BadRequestException("CertChain not provided"); } } } certs.add(cert); } // make sure to commit changes here for step 1 cs.commit(false); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // move these validations to validate()? throw new BadRequestException("Non-integer value for key size"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new BadRequestException("Invalid algorithm " + e); } catch (Exception e) { CMS.debug(e); throw new PKIException("Error in setting certificate names and key sizes: " + e); } } private void updateCloneConfiguration(SystemCertData cdata, String tag, String tokenName) throws NotInitializedException, ObjectNotFoundException, TokenException { // TODO - some of these parameters may only be valid for RSA CryptoManager cryptoManager = CryptoManager.getInstance(); if (!tokenName.isEmpty()) CMS.debug("SystemConfigService:updateCloneConfiguration: tokenName=" + tokenName); else CMS.debug("SystemConfigService:updateCloneConfiguration: tokenName empty; using internal"); X509Certificate cert = cryptoManager.findCertByNickname(!tokenName.isEmpty()? tokenName + ":" + cdata.getNickname() : cdata.getNickname()); PublicKey pubk = cert.getPublicKey(); byte[] exponent = CryptoUtil.getPublicExponent(pubk); byte[] modulus = CryptoUtil.getModulus(pubk); PrivateKey privk = cryptoManager.findPrivKeyByCert(cert); cs.putString("preop.cert." + tag + ".pubkey.modulus", CryptoUtil.byte2string(modulus)); cs.putString("preop.cert." + tag + ".pubkey.exponent", CryptoUtil.byte2string(exponent)); cs.putString("preop.cert." + tag + ".privkey.id", CryptoUtil.byte2string(privk.getUniqueID())); cs.putString("preop.cert." + tag + ".dn", cdata.getSubjectDN()); cs.putString("preop.cert." + tag + ".keyalgorithm", cdata.getKeyAlgorithm()); cs.putString("preop.cert." + tag + ".keytype", cdata.getKeyType()); cs.putString("preop.cert." + tag + ".nickname", cdata.getNickname()); } private void updateConfiguration(ConfigurationRequest data, SystemCertData cdata, String tag) { if (cdata.getToken().equals("Internal Key Storage Token")) { cs.putString(csSubsystem + ".cert." + tag + ".nickname", cdata.getNickname()); } else { cs.putString(csSubsystem + ".cert." + tag + ".nickname", data.getToken() + ":" + cdata.getNickname()); } cs.putString(csSubsystem + "." + tag + ".nickname", cdata.getNickname()); cs.putString(csSubsystem + "." + tag + ".tokenname", cdata.getToken()); cs.putString(csSubsystem + "." + tag + ".certreq", cdata.getRequest()); cs.putString(csSubsystem + "." + tag + ".cert", cdata.getCert()); cs.putString(csSubsystem + "." + tag + ".dn", cdata.getSubjectDN()); } public void backupKeys(ConfigurationRequest request) { try { ConfigurationUtils.backupKeys(request.getBackupPassword(), request.getBackupFile()); } catch (Exception e) { CMS.debug(e); throw new PKIException("Error in creating pkcs12 to backup keys and certs: " + e); } } public void finalizeConfiguration(ConfigurationRequest request) { } public void configureAdministrator(ConfigurationRequest data, ConfigurationResponse response) { if (!data.isClone()) { try { X509CertImpl admincerts[] = new X509CertImpl[1]; ConfigurationUtils.createAdmin(data.getAdminUID(), data.getAdminEmail(), data.getAdminName(), data.getAdminPassword()); if (data.getImportAdminCert().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { String b64 = CryptoUtil.stripCertBrackets(data.getAdminCert().trim()); if (data.getStandAlone() && data.getStepTwo()) { // Stand-alone PKI (Step 2) CMS.debug("SystemConfigService: Stand-alone " + csType + " Admin Cert"); cs.putString(csSubsystem + ".admin.cert", b64); cs.commit(false); } // Convert Admin Cert to X509CertImpl byte[] b = CryptoUtil.base64Decode(b64); admincerts[0] = new X509CertImpl(b); } else { if (csType.equals("CA")) { ConfigurationUtils.createAdminCertificate(data.getAdminCertRequest(), data.getAdminCertRequestType(), data.getAdminSubjectDN()); String serialno = cs.getString("preop.admincert.serialno.0"); ICertificateAuthority ca = (ICertificateAuthority) CMS.getSubsystem(ICertificateAuthority.ID); ICertificateRepository repo = ca.getCertificateRepository(); admincerts[0] = repo.getX509Certificate(new BigInteger(serialno, 16)); } else { String type = cs.getString("preop.ca.type", ""); String ca_hostname = ""; int ca_port = -1; if (type.equals("sdca")) { ca_hostname = cs.getString("preop.ca.hostname"); ca_port = cs.getInteger("preop.ca.httpsport"); } else { ca_hostname = cs.getString("securitydomain.host", ""); ca_port = cs.getInteger("securitydomain.httpseeport"); } String b64 = ConfigurationUtils.submitAdminCertRequest(ca_hostname, ca_port, data.getAdminProfileID(), data.getAdminCertRequestType(), data.getAdminCertRequest(), data.getAdminSubjectDN()); b64 = CryptoUtil.stripCertBrackets(b64.trim()); byte[] b = CryptoUtil.base64Decode(b64); admincerts[0] = new X509CertImpl(b); } } CMS.reinit(IUGSubsystem.ID); IUGSubsystem ug = (IUGSubsystem) CMS.getSubsystem(IUGSubsystem.ID); IUser user = ug.getUser(data.getAdminUID()); user.setX509Certificates(admincerts); ug.addUserCert(user); response.setAdminCert(admincerts[0]); } catch (Exception e) { CMS.debug(e); throw new PKIException("Error in creating admin user: " + e); } } } public void configureDatabase(ConfigurationRequest data) { cs.putString("internaldb.ldapconn.host", data.getDsHost()); cs.putString("internaldb.ldapconn.port", data.getDsPort()); cs.putString("internaldb.database", data.getDatabase()); cs.putString("internaldb.basedn", data.getBaseDN()); cs.putString("internaldb.ldapauth.bindDN", data.getBindDN()); cs.putBoolean("internaldb.ldapconn.secureConn", data.getSecureConn().equals("true")); cs.putString("preop.database.removeData", data.getRemoveData()); cs.putBoolean("preop.database.createNewDB", data.getCreateNewDB()); cs.putBoolean("preop.database.setupReplication", data.getSetupReplication()); cs.putBoolean("preop.database.reindexData", data.getReindexData()); } public void initializeDatabase(ConfigurationRequest data) { if (data.isClone() && data.getSetupReplication()) { String masterhost = ""; String masterport = ""; String masterbasedn = ""; String realhostname = ""; try { masterhost = cs.getString("preop.internaldb.master.ldapconn.host", ""); masterport = cs.getString("preop.internaldb.master.ldapconn.port", ""); masterbasedn = cs.getString("preop.internaldb.master.basedn", ""); realhostname = cs.getString("machineName", ""); } catch (Exception e) { } if (masterhost.equals(realhostname) && masterport.equals(data.getDsPort())) { throw new BadRequestException("Master and clone must not share the same internal database"); } if (!masterbasedn.equals(data.getBaseDN())) { throw new BadRequestException("Master and clone should have the same base DN"); } String masterReplicationPort = data.getMasterReplicationPort(); if ((masterReplicationPort != null) && (!masterReplicationPort.equals(""))) { cs.putString("internaldb.ldapconn.masterReplicationPort", masterReplicationPort); } else { cs.putString("internaldb.ldapconn.masterReplicationPort", masterport); } String cloneReplicationPort = data.getCloneReplicationPort(); if ((cloneReplicationPort == null) || (cloneReplicationPort.length() == 0)) { cloneReplicationPort = data.getDsPort(); } cs.putString("internaldb.ldapconn.cloneReplicationPort", cloneReplicationPort); String replicationSecurity = data.getReplicationSecurity(); if ((cloneReplicationPort == data.getDsPort()) && (data.getSecureConn().equals("true"))) { replicationSecurity = "SSL"; } else if (replicationSecurity == null) { replicationSecurity = "None"; } cs.putString("internaldb.ldapconn.replicationSecurity", replicationSecurity); cs.putString("preop.internaldb.replicateSchema", data.getReplicateSchema()); } try { /* BZ 430745 create password for replication manager */ // use user-provided password if specified String replicationPassword = data.getReplicationPassword(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(replicationPassword)) { // generate random password replicationPassword = Integer.toString(new Random().nextInt()); } IConfigStore psStore = null; String passwordFile = null; passwordFile = cs.getString("passwordFile"); psStore = CMS.createFileConfigStore(passwordFile); psStore.putString("internaldb", data.getBindpwd()); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(psStore.getString("replicationdb", null))) { psStore.putString("replicationdb", replicationPassword); } psStore.commit(false); if (!data.getStepTwo()) { ConfigurationUtils.populateDB(); cs.putString("preop.internaldb.replicationpwd", replicationPassword); cs.putString("preop.database.removeData", "false"); if (data.getSharedDB()) { cs.putString("preop.internaldb.dbuser", data.getSharedDBUserDN()); } cs.commit(false); if (data.isClone() && data.getSetupReplication()) { CMS.debug("Start setting up replication."); ConfigurationUtils.setupReplication(); } ConfigurationUtils.reInitSubsystem(csType); ConfigurationUtils.populateDBManager(); ConfigurationUtils.populateVLVIndexes(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new PKIException("Error in populating database: " + e, e); } } public void configureHierarchy(ConfigurationRequest data) { if (csType.equals("CA") && !data.isClone()) { if (data.getHierarchy().equals("root")) { cs.putString("preop.hierarchy.select", "root"); cs.putString("hierarchy.select", "Root"); cs.putString("preop.ca.type", "sdca"); } else if (data.getHierarchy().equals("join")) { cs.putString("preop.cert.signing.type", "remote"); cs.putString("preop.hierarchy.select", "join"); cs.putString("hierarchy.select", "Subordinate"); } else { throw new BadRequestException("Invalid hierarchy provided"); } } } public void configureCACertChain(ConfigurationRequest data, String domainXML) { if (data.getHierarchy() == null || data.getHierarchy().equals("join")) { try { String url = data.getIssuingCA(); if (url.equals("External CA")) { CMS.debug("external CA selected"); cs.putString("preop.ca.type", "otherca"); cs.putString("preop.ca.pkcs7", ""); cs.putInteger("preop.ca.certchain.size", 0); if (csType.equals("CA")) { cs.putString("preop.cert.signing.type", "remote"); } } else { CMS.debug("local CA selected"); url = url.substring(url.indexOf("https")); cs.putString("preop.ca.url", url); URL urlx = new URL(url); String host = urlx.getHost(); int port = urlx.getPort(); int admin_port = ConfigurationUtils.getPortFromSecurityDomain(domainXML, host, port, "CA", "SecurePort", "SecureAdminPort"); cs.putString("preop.ca.type", "sdca"); cs.putString("preop.ca.hostname", host); cs.putInteger("preop.ca.httpsport", port); cs.putInteger("preop.ca.httpsadminport", admin_port); if (!data.isClone() && !data.getSystemCertsImported()) { ConfigurationUtils.importCertChain(host, admin_port, "/ca/admin/ca/getCertChain", "ca"); } if (csType.equals("CA")) { cs.putString("preop.cert.signing.type", "remote"); cs.putString("preop.cert.signing.profile","caInstallCACert"); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new PKIException("Error in obtaining certificate chain from issuing CA: " + e); } } } private void configureClone(ConfigurationRequest data, Collection certList, String token, String domainXML) throws Exception { for (String tag : certList) { if (tag.equals("sslserver")) { cs.putBoolean("preop.cert." + tag + ".enable", true); } else { cs.putBoolean("preop.cert." + tag + ".enable", false); } } String cloneUri = data.getCloneUri(); URL url = new URL(cloneUri); String masterHost = url.getHost(); int masterPort = url.getPort(); CMS.debug("SystemConfigService: validate clone URI: " + url); boolean validCloneUri = ConfigurationUtils.isValidCloneURI(domainXML, masterHost, masterPort); if (!validCloneUri) { throw new BadRequestException( "Clone URI does not match available subsystems: " + url); } if (csType.equals("CA") && !data.getSystemCertsImported()) { CMS.debug("SystemConfigService: import certificate chain from master"); int masterAdminPort = ConfigurationUtils.getPortFromSecurityDomain(domainXML, masterHost, masterPort, "CA", "SecurePort", "SecureAdminPort"); ConfigurationUtils.importCertChain(masterHost, masterAdminPort, "/ca/admin/ca/getCertChain", "clone"); } CMS.debug("SystemConfigService: get configuration entries from master"); ConfigurationUtils.getConfigEntriesFromMaster(); if (token.equals(ConfigurationRequest.TOKEN_DEFAULT)) { if (!data.getSystemCertsImported()) { CMS.debug("SystemConfigService: restore certificates from P12 file"); String p12File = data.getP12File(); String p12Pass = data.getP12Password(); ConfigurationUtils.restoreCertsFromP12(p12File, p12Pass); } } else { CMS.debug("SystemConfigService: import certificates from HSM and set permission"); ConfigurationUtils.importAndSetCertPermissionsFromHSM(); } CMS.debug("SystemConfigService: verify certificates"); ConfigurationUtils.verifySystemCertificates(); } public String configureSecurityDomain(ConfigurationRequest data) throws Exception { String domainXML = null; String securityDomainType = data.getSecurityDomainType(); String securityDomainName = data.getSecurityDomainName(); if (securityDomainType.equals(ConfigurationRequest.NEW_DOMAIN)) { configureNewSecurityDomain(data, securityDomainName); } else if (securityDomainType.equals(ConfigurationRequest.NEW_SUBDOMAIN)){ CMS.debug("Configuring new subordinate root CA"); configureNewSecurityDomain(data, data.getSubordinateSecurityDomainName()); String securityDomainURL = data.getSecurityDomainUri(); domainXML = logIntoSecurityDomain(data, securityDomainURL); } else { CMS.debug("Joining existing security domain"); cs.putString("preop.securitydomain.select", "existing"); cs.putString("securitydomain.select", "existing"); cs.putString("preop.cert.subsystem.type", "remote"); cs.putString("preop.cert.subsystem.profile", "caInternalAuthSubsystemCert"); String securityDomainURL = data.getSecurityDomainUri(); domainXML = logIntoSecurityDomain(data, securityDomainURL); } return domainXML; } private void configureNewSecurityDomain(ConfigurationRequest data, String securityDomainName) { CMS.debug("Creating new security domain"); cs.putString("preop.securitydomain.select", "new"); cs.putString("securitydomain.select", "new"); cs.putString("preop.securitydomain.name", securityDomainName); cs.putString("securitydomain.name", securityDomainName); cs.putString("securitydomain.host", CMS.getEENonSSLHost()); cs.putString("securitydomain.httpport", CMS.getEENonSSLPort()); cs.putString("securitydomain.httpsagentport", CMS.getAgentPort()); cs.putString("securitydomain.httpseeport", CMS.getEESSLPort()); cs.putString("securitydomain.httpsadminport", CMS.getAdminPort()); // Stand-alone PKI (Step 1) if (data.getStandAlone()) { cs.putString("preop.cert.subsystem.type", "remote"); } else { cs.putString("preop.cert.subsystem.type", "local"); } cs.putString("preop.cert.subsystem.profile", "subsystemCert.profile"); } private String logIntoSecurityDomain(ConfigurationRequest data, String securityDomainURL) throws Exception { URL secdomainURL; String host; int port; try { CMS.debug("Resolving security domain URL " + securityDomainURL); secdomainURL = new URL(securityDomainURL); host = secdomainURL.getHost(); port = secdomainURL.getPort(); cs.putString("securitydomain.host", host); cs.putInteger("securitydomain.httpsadminport",port); } catch (Exception e) { CMS.debug(e); throw new PKIException("Failed to resolve security domain URL", e); } if (!data.getSystemCertsImported()) { CMS.debug("Getting security domain cert chain"); ConfigurationUtils.importCertChain(host, port, "/ca/admin/ca/getCertChain", "securitydomain"); } getInstallToken(data, host, port); return getDomainXML(host, port); } private String getDomainXML(String host, int port) { CMS.debug("Getting domain XML"); String domainXML = null; try { domainXML = ConfigurationUtils.getDomainXML(host, port, true); ConfigurationUtils.getSecurityDomainPorts(domainXML, host, port); } catch (Exception e) { CMS.debug(e); throw new PKIException("Failed to obtain security domain decriptor from security domain master: " + e, e); } return domainXML; } private void getInstallToken(ConfigurationRequest data, String host, int port) { CMS.debug("Getting install token"); // log onto security domain and get token String user = data.getSecurityDomainUser(); String pass = data.getSecurityDomainPassword(); String installToken; try { installToken = ConfigurationUtils.getInstallToken(host, port, user, pass); } catch (Exception e) { CMS.debug(e); throw new PKIException("Failed to obtain installation token from security domain: " + e, e); } if (installToken == null) { CMS.debug("Install token is null"); throw new PKIException("Failed to obtain installation token from security domain"); } CMS.setConfigSDSessionId(installToken); } public void configureSubsystem(ConfigurationRequest request, Collection certList, String token, String domainXML) throws Exception { cs.putString("preop.subsystem.name", request.getSubsystemName()); // is this a clone of another subsystem? if (!request.isClone()) { cs.putString("preop.subsystem.select", "new"); cs.putString("subsystem.select", "New"); } else { cs.putString("preop.subsystem.select", "clone"); cs.putString("subsystem.select", "Clone"); configureClone(request, certList, token, domainXML); } } public void loginToken(ConfigurationRequest data, String token) { cs.putString("preop.module.token", token); if (! token.equals(ConfigurationRequest.TOKEN_DEFAULT)) { try { CryptoManager cryptoManager = CryptoManager.getInstance(); CryptoToken ctoken = cryptoManager.getTokenByName(token); String tokenpwd = data.getTokenPassword(); ConfigurationUtils.loginToken(ctoken, tokenpwd); } catch (NotInitializedException e) { throw new PKIException("Token is not initialized"); } catch (NoSuchTokenException e) { throw new BadRequestException("Invalid Token provided. No such token."); } catch (TokenException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new PKIException("Token Exception" + e); } catch (IncorrectPasswordException e) { throw new BadRequestException("Incorrect Password provided for token."); } } } private void validateRequest(ConfigurationRequest data) throws Exception { // validate installation pin String pin = data.getPin(); if (pin == null) { throw new BadRequestException("No preop pin provided"); } String preopPin = cs.getString("preop.pin"); if (!preopPin.equals(pin)) { throw new BadRequestException("Incorrect pin provided"); } // validate legal stand-alone PKI subsystems if (data.getStandAlone()) { // ADD checks for valid types of Stand-alone PKI subsystems here // AND to the 'checkStandalonePKI()' Python method of // the 'ConfigurationFile' Python class in the Python file called // 'pkihelper.py' if (!csType.equals("KRA")) { throw new BadRequestException("Stand-alone PKI " + csType + " subsystems are currently NOT supported!"); } if (data.isClone()) { throw new BadRequestException("A stand-alone PKI subsystem cannot be a clone"); } } // validate security domain settings String domainType = data.getSecurityDomainType(); if (domainType == null) { throw new BadRequestException("Security Domain Type not provided"); } if (domainType.equals(ConfigurationRequest.NEW_DOMAIN)) { if (!(data.getStandAlone() || csType.equals("CA"))) { throw new BadRequestException("New Domain is only valid for stand-alone PKI or CA subsytems"); } if (data.getSecurityDomainName() == null) { throw new BadRequestException("Security Domain Name is not provided"); } } else if (domainType.equals(ConfigurationRequest.EXISTING_DOMAIN) || domainType.equals(ConfigurationRequest.NEW_SUBDOMAIN)) { if (data.getStandAlone()) { throw new BadRequestException("Existing security domains are not valid for stand-alone PKI subsytems"); } String domainURI = data.getSecurityDomainUri(); if (domainURI == null) { throw new BadRequestException("Existing security domain requested, but no security domain URI provided"); } try { new URL(domainURI); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new BadRequestException("Invalid security domain URI: " + domainURI, e); } if ((data.getSecurityDomainUser() == null) || (data.getSecurityDomainPassword() == null)) { throw new BadRequestException("Security domain user or password not provided"); } } else { throw new BadRequestException("Invalid security domain URI provided"); } // validate subordinate CA security domain settings if (domainType.equals(ConfigurationRequest.NEW_SUBDOMAIN)) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(data.getSubordinateSecurityDomainName())) { throw new BadRequestException("Subordinate CA security domain name not provided"); } } if ((data.getSubsystemName() == null) || (data.getSubsystemName().length() ==0)) { throw new BadRequestException("Invalid or no subsystem name provided"); } if (data.isClone()) { String cloneUri = data.getCloneUri(); if (cloneUri == null) { throw new BadRequestException("Clone selected, but no clone URI provided"); } try { URL url = new URL(cloneUri); // confirm protocol is https if (!"https".equals(url.getProtocol())) { throw new BadRequestException("Clone URI must use HTTPS protocol: " + cloneUri); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new BadRequestException("Invalid clone URI: " + cloneUri, e); } if (data.getToken().equals(ConfigurationRequest.TOKEN_DEFAULT)) { if (!data.getSystemCertsImported()) { if (data.getP12File() == null) { throw new BadRequestException("P12 filename not provided"); } if (data.getP12Password() == null) { throw new BadRequestException("P12 password not provided"); } } } else { if (data.getP12File() != null) { throw new BadRequestException("P12 filename should not be provided since HSM clones must share their HSM master's private keys"); } if (data.getP12Password() != null) { throw new BadRequestException("P12 password should not be provided since HSM clones must share their HSM master's private keys"); } } } else { data.setClone("false"); } String dsHost = data.getDsHost(); if (dsHost == null || dsHost.length() == 0) { throw new BadRequestException("Internal database host not provided"); } try { Integer.parseInt(data.getDsPort()); // check for errors } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new BadRequestException("Internal database port is invalid: " + data.getDsPort(), e); } String basedn = data.getBaseDN(); if (basedn == null || basedn.length() == 0) { throw new BadRequestException("Internal database basedn not provided"); } String binddn = data.getBindDN(); if (binddn == null || binddn.length() == 0) { throw new BadRequestException("Internal database basedn not provided"); } String database = data.getDatabase(); if (database == null || database.length() == 0) { throw new BadRequestException("Internal database database name not provided"); } String bindpwd = data.getBindpwd(); if (bindpwd == null || bindpwd.length() == 0) { throw new BadRequestException("Internal database database name not provided"); } String masterReplicationPort = data.getMasterReplicationPort(); if (masterReplicationPort != null && masterReplicationPort.length() > 0) { try { Integer.parseInt(masterReplicationPort); // check for errors } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new BadRequestException("Master replication port is invalid: " + masterReplicationPort, e); } } String cloneReplicationPort = data.getCloneReplicationPort(); if (cloneReplicationPort != null && cloneReplicationPort.length() > 0) { try { Integer.parseInt(cloneReplicationPort); // check for errors } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new BadRequestException("Clone replication port is invalid: " + cloneReplicationPort, e); } } if ((data.getReplicateSchema() != null) && (data.getReplicateSchema().equalsIgnoreCase("false"))) { data.setReplicateSchema("false"); } else { data.setReplicateSchema("true"); } if ((data.getBackupKeys() != null) && data.getBackupKeys().equals("true")) { if (! data.getToken().equals(ConfigurationRequest.TOKEN_DEFAULT)) { throw new BadRequestException("HSMs cannot publish private keys to PKCS #12 files"); } if ((data.getBackupFile() == null) || (data.getBackupFile().length()<=0)) { //TODO: also check for valid path, perhaps by touching file there throw new BadRequestException("Invalid key backup file name"); } if ((data.getBackupPassword() == null) || (data.getBackupPassword().length()<8)) { throw new BadRequestException("key backup password must be at least 8 characters"); } } else { data.setBackupKeys("false"); } if (csType.equals("CA") && (data.getHierarchy() == null)) { throw new BadRequestException("Hierarchy is required for CA, not provided"); } if (!data.isClone()) { if ((data.getAdminUID() == null) || (data.getAdminUID().length() == 0)) { throw new BadRequestException("Admin UID not provided"); } if ((data.getAdminPassword() == null) || (data.getAdminPassword().length() == 0)) { throw new BadRequestException("Admin Password not provided"); } if ((data.getAdminEmail() == null) || (data.getAdminEmail().length() == 0)) { throw new BadRequestException("Admin UID not provided"); } if ((data.getAdminName() == null) || (data.getAdminName().length() == 0)) { throw new BadRequestException("Admin name not provided"); } if (data.getImportAdminCert() == null) { data.setImportAdminCert("false"); } if (data.getImportAdminCert().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { if (data.getAdminCert() == null) { throw new BadRequestException("Admin Cert not provided"); } } else { if ((data.getAdminCertRequest() == null) || (data.getAdminCertRequest().length() == 0)) { throw new BadRequestException("Admin cert request not provided"); } if ((data.getAdminCertRequestType() == null) || (data.getAdminCertRequestType().length() == 0)) { throw new BadRequestException("Admin cert request type not provided"); } if ((data.getAdminSubjectDN() == null) || (data.getAdminSubjectDN().length() == 0)) { throw new BadRequestException("Admin subjectDN not provided"); } } } if (data.getGenerateServerCert() == null) { data.setGenerateServerCert("true"); } if (! data.getGenerateSubsystemCert()) { // No subsystem cert to be generated. All interactions use a shared subsystem cert. if (data.getSharedDB() && StringUtils.isEmpty(data.getSharedDBUserDN())) { throw new BadRequestException("Shared db user DN not provided"); } } else { // if the subsystem cert is not shared, we do not need to worry about sharing the db data.setSharedDB("false"); } if (csType.equals("TPS")) { if (data.getCaUri() == null) { throw new BadRequestException("CA URI not provided"); } if (data.getTksUri() == null) { throw new BadRequestException("TKS URI not provided"); } if (data.getEnableServerSideKeyGen().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { if (data.getKraUri() == null) { throw new BadRequestException("KRA URI required if server-side key generation requested"); } } if ((data.getAuthdbBaseDN()==null) || data.getAuthdbBaseDN().isEmpty()) { throw new BadRequestException("Authentication Database baseDN not provided"); } if ((data.getAuthdbHost()==null) || data.getAuthdbHost().isEmpty()) { throw new BadRequestException("Authentication Database hostname not provided"); } if ((data.getAuthdbPort()==null) || data.getAuthdbPort().isEmpty()) { throw new BadRequestException("Authentication Database port not provided"); } if ((data.getAuthdbSecureConn()==null) || data.getAuthdbSecureConn().isEmpty()) { throw new BadRequestException("Authentication Database secure conn not provided"); } try { Integer.parseInt(data.getAuthdbPort()); // check for errors } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new BadRequestException("Authentication Database port is invalid: " + data.getAuthdbPort(), e); } // TODO check connection with authdb if (data.getImportSharedSecret().equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { data.setImportSharedSecret("true"); } else { data.setImportSharedSecret("false"); } } } }