// --- BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // (C) 2011 Red Hat, Inc. // All rights reserved. // --- END COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- package com.netscape.cms.servlet.key; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.ws.rs.Path; import javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder; import javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.mozilla.jss.crypto.KeyGenAlgorithm; import org.mozilla.jss.crypto.KeyPairAlgorithm; import com.netscape.certsrv.apps.CMS; import com.netscape.certsrv.base.BadRequestException; import com.netscape.certsrv.base.EBaseException; import com.netscape.certsrv.base.PKIException; import com.netscape.certsrv.dbs.EDBRecordNotFoundException; import com.netscape.certsrv.dbs.keydb.IKeyRecord; import com.netscape.certsrv.dbs.keydb.IKeyRepository; import com.netscape.certsrv.dbs.keydb.KeyId; import com.netscape.certsrv.key.AsymKeyGenerationRequest; import com.netscape.certsrv.key.KeyArchivalRequest; import com.netscape.certsrv.key.KeyData; import com.netscape.certsrv.key.KeyNotFoundException; import com.netscape.certsrv.key.KeyRecoveryRequest; import com.netscape.certsrv.key.KeyRequestInfo; import com.netscape.certsrv.key.KeyRequestInfoCollection; import com.netscape.certsrv.key.KeyRequestResource; import com.netscape.certsrv.key.KeyRequestResponse; import com.netscape.certsrv.key.KeyResource; import com.netscape.certsrv.key.SymKeyGenerationRequest; import com.netscape.certsrv.kra.IKeyRecoveryAuthority; import com.netscape.certsrv.profile.IEnrollProfile; import com.netscape.certsrv.request.CMSRequestInfo; import com.netscape.certsrv.request.CMSRequestInfos; import com.netscape.certsrv.request.IRequest; import com.netscape.certsrv.request.RequestId; import com.netscape.certsrv.request.RequestStatus; import com.netscape.cms.servlet.request.CMSRequestDAO; /** * @author alee * */ public class KeyRequestDAO extends CMSRequestDAO { public static final Map SYMKEY_GEN_ALGORITHMS; public static final Map ASYMKEY_GEN_ALGORITHMS; static { SYMKEY_GEN_ALGORITHMS = new HashMap(); SYMKEY_GEN_ALGORITHMS.put(KeyRequestResource.DES_ALGORITHM, KeyGenAlgorithm.DES); SYMKEY_GEN_ALGORITHMS.put(KeyRequestResource.DESEDE_ALGORITHM, KeyGenAlgorithm.DESede); SYMKEY_GEN_ALGORITHMS.put(KeyRequestResource.DES3_ALGORITHM, KeyGenAlgorithm.DES3); SYMKEY_GEN_ALGORITHMS.put(KeyRequestResource.RC2_ALGORITHM, KeyGenAlgorithm.RC2); SYMKEY_GEN_ALGORITHMS.put(KeyRequestResource.RC4_ALGORITHM, KeyGenAlgorithm.RC4); SYMKEY_GEN_ALGORITHMS.put(KeyRequestResource.AES_ALGORITHM, KeyGenAlgorithm.AES); ASYMKEY_GEN_ALGORITHMS = new HashMap(); ASYMKEY_GEN_ALGORITHMS.put(KeyRequestResource.RSA_ALGORITHM, KeyPairAlgorithm.RSA); ASYMKEY_GEN_ALGORITHMS.put(KeyRequestResource.DSA_ALGORITHM, KeyPairAlgorithm.DSA); } private static String REQUEST_ARCHIVE_OPTIONS = IEnrollProfile.REQUEST_ARCHIVE_OPTIONS; private static String REQUEST_SECURITY_DATA = IEnrollProfile.REQUEST_SECURITY_DATA; private static String REQUEST_SESSION_KEY = IEnrollProfile.REQUEST_SESSION_KEY; private static String REQUEST_ALGORITHM_OID = IEnrollProfile.REQUEST_ALGORITHM_OID; private static String REQUEST_ALGORITHM_PARAMS = IEnrollProfile.REQUEST_ALGORITHM_PARAMS; public static final String ATTR_SERIALNO = "serialNumber"; private IKeyRepository repo; private IKeyRecoveryAuthority kra; public KeyRequestDAO() { super("kra"); kra = ( IKeyRecoveryAuthority ) CMS.getSubsystem( "kra" ); repo = kra.getKeyRepository(); } /** * Finds list of requests matching the specified search filter. * * If the filter corresponds to a VLV search, then that search is executed and the pageSize * and start parameters are used. Otherwise, the maxResults and maxTime parameters are * used in the regularly indexed search. * * @param filter - ldap search filter * @param start - start position for VLV search * @param pageSize - page size for VLV search * @param maxResults - max results to be returned in normal search * @param maxTime - max time for normal search * @param uriInfo - uri context of request * @return collection of key request info * @throws EBaseException */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public KeyRequestInfoCollection listRequests(String filter, RequestId start, int pageSize, int maxResults, int maxTime, UriInfo uriInfo) throws EBaseException { KeyRequestInfoCollection ret = new KeyRequestInfoCollection(); CMSRequestInfos cmsInfos = listCMSRequests(filter, start, pageSize, maxResults, maxTime, uriInfo); ret.setTotal(cmsInfos.getTotal()); Collection cmsList = cmsInfos.getEntries(); // We absolutely know 100% that this list is a list // of KeyRequestInfo objects. This is because the method // createCMSRequestInfo. Is the only one adding to it List list = (List) cmsList; ret.setEntries(list); ret.setLinks(cmsInfos.getLinks()); return ret; } /** * Gets info for a specific request * * @param id * @return info for specific request * @throws EBaseException */ public KeyRequestInfo getRequest(RequestId id, UriInfo uriInfo) throws EBaseException { IRequest request = queue.findRequest(id); if (request == null) { return null; } KeyRequestInfo info = createKeyRequestInfo(request, uriInfo); return info; } /** * Submits an archival request and processes it. * * @param data * @return info for the request submitted. * @throws EBaseException */ public KeyRequestResponse submitRequest(KeyArchivalRequest data, UriInfo uriInfo, String owner) throws EBaseException { String clientKeyId = data.getClientKeyId(); String wrappedSecurityData = data.getWrappedPrivateData(); String transWrappedSessionKey = data.getTransWrappedSessionKey(); String algorithmOID = data.getAlgorithmOID(); String symkeyParams = data.getSymmetricAlgorithmParams(); String pkiArchiveOptions = data.getPKIArchiveOptions(); String dataType = data.getDataType(); String keyAlgorithm = data.getKeyAlgorithm(); int keyStrength = dataType.equals(KeyRequestResource.SYMMETRIC_KEY_TYPE) ? data.getKeySize(): 0; String realm = data.getRealm(); boolean keyExists = doesKeyExist(clientKeyId, "active"); if (keyExists == true) { throw new BadRequestException("Can not archive already active existing key!"); } IRequest request = queue.newRequest(IRequest.SECURITY_DATA_ENROLLMENT_REQUEST); if (pkiArchiveOptions != null) { request.setExtData(REQUEST_ARCHIVE_OPTIONS, pkiArchiveOptions); } else { request.setExtData(REQUEST_SECURITY_DATA, wrappedSecurityData); request.setExtData(REQUEST_SESSION_KEY, transWrappedSessionKey); request.setExtData(REQUEST_ALGORITHM_PARAMS, symkeyParams); request.setExtData(REQUEST_ALGORITHM_OID, algorithmOID); } request.setExtData(IRequest.SECURITY_DATA_CLIENT_KEY_ID, clientKeyId); request.setExtData(IRequest.SECURITY_DATA_TYPE, dataType); request.setExtData(IRequest.SECURITY_DATA_STRENGTH, (keyStrength > 0) ? Integer.toString(keyStrength) : Integer.toString(0)); if (keyAlgorithm != null) { request.setExtData(IRequest.SECURITY_DATA_ALGORITHM, keyAlgorithm); } request.setExtData(IRequest.ATTR_REQUEST_OWNER, owner); if (realm != null) { request.setRealm(realm); } queue.processRequest(request); queue.markAsServiced(request); return createKeyRequestResponse(request, uriInfo); } /** * Submits a key recovery request. * * @param data * @return info on the recovery request created * @throws EBaseException */ public KeyRequestResponse submitRequest(KeyRecoveryRequest data, UriInfo uriInfo, String requestor) throws EBaseException { // set data using request.setExtData(field, data) String wrappedSessionKeyStr = data.getTransWrappedSessionKey(); String wrappedPassPhraseStr = data.getSessionWrappedPassphrase(); String nonceDataStr = data.getNonceData(); IRequest request = queue.newRequest(IRequest.SECURITY_DATA_RECOVERY_REQUEST); KeyId keyId = data.getKeyId(); IKeyRecord rec = null; try { rec = repo.readKeyRecord(keyId.toBigInteger()); } catch (EDBRecordNotFoundException e) { throw new KeyNotFoundException(keyId); } Hashtable requestParams; requestParams = ((IKeyRecoveryAuthority) authority).createVolatileRequest(request.getRequestId()); if (requestParams == null) { throw new EBaseException("Can not create Volatile params in submitRequest!"); } CMS.debug("Create volatile params for recovery request. " + requestParams); if (wrappedPassPhraseStr != null) { requestParams.put(IRequest.SECURITY_DATA_SESS_PASS_PHRASE, wrappedPassPhraseStr); } if (wrappedSessionKeyStr != null) { requestParams.put(IRequest.SECURITY_DATA_TRANS_SESS_KEY, wrappedSessionKeyStr); } if (nonceDataStr != null) { requestParams.put(IRequest.SECURITY_DATA_IV_STRING_IN, nonceDataStr); } request.setExtData(ATTR_SERIALNO, keyId.toString()); request.setExtData(IRequest.ATTR_REQUEST_OWNER, requestor); request.setExtData(IRequest.ATTR_APPROVE_AGENTS, requestor); if (rec.getRealm() != null) { request.setRealm(rec.getRealm()); } queue.processRequest(request); return createKeyRequestResponse(request, uriInfo); } public KeyRequestResponse submitRequest(SymKeyGenerationRequest data, UriInfo uriInfo, String owner) throws EBaseException { String clientKeyId = data.getClientKeyId(); String algName = data.getKeyAlgorithm(); Integer keySize = data.getKeySize(); List usages = data.getUsages(); String transWrappedSessionKey = data.getTransWrappedSessionKey(); String realm = data.getRealm(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(clientKeyId)) { throw new BadRequestException("Invalid key generation request. Missing client ID"); } boolean keyExists = doesKeyExist(clientKeyId, "active"); if (keyExists == true) { throw new BadRequestException("Can not archive already active existing key!"); } if (keySize == null) { keySize = new Integer(0); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(algName)) { if (keySize.intValue() != 0) { throw new BadRequestException( "Invalid request. Must specify key algorithm if size is specified"); } algName = KeyRequestResource.AES_ALGORITHM; keySize = new Integer(128); } KeyGenAlgorithm alg = SYMKEY_GEN_ALGORITHMS.get(algName); if (alg == null) { throw new BadRequestException("Invalid Algorithm"); } if (!alg.isValidStrength(keySize.intValue())) { throw new BadRequestException("Invalid key size for this algorithm"); } IRequest request = queue.newRequest(IRequest.SYMKEY_GENERATION_REQUEST); request.setExtData(IRequest.KEY_GEN_ALGORITHM, algName); request.setExtData(IRequest.KEY_GEN_SIZE, keySize); request.setExtData(IRequest.SECURITY_DATA_STRENGTH, keySize); request.setExtData(IRequest.SECURITY_DATA_ALGORITHM, algName); request.setExtData(IRequest.KEY_GEN_USAGES, StringUtils.join(usages, ",")); request.setExtData(IRequest.SECURITY_DATA_CLIENT_KEY_ID, clientKeyId); request.setExtData(IRequest.ATTR_REQUEST_OWNER, owner); if (transWrappedSessionKey != null) { request.setExtData(IRequest.KEY_GEN_TRANS_WRAPPED_SESSION_KEY, transWrappedSessionKey); } if (realm != null) { request.setRealm(realm); } queue.processRequest(request); queue.markAsServiced(request); return createKeyRequestResponse(request, uriInfo); } public KeyRequestResponse submitRequest(AsymKeyGenerationRequest data, UriInfo uriInfo, String owner) throws EBaseException { String clientKeyId = data.getClientKeyId(); String algName = data.getKeyAlgorithm(); Integer keySize = data.getKeySize(); List usages = data.getUsages(); String transWrappedSessionKey = data.getTransWrappedSessionKey(); String realm = data.getRealm(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(clientKeyId)) { throw new BadRequestException("Invalid key generation request. Missing client ID"); } boolean keyExists = doesKeyExist(clientKeyId, "active"); if (keyExists == true) { throw new BadRequestException("Cannot archive already active existing key!"); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(algName)) { if (keySize.intValue() != 0) { throw new BadRequestException( "Invalid request. Must specify key algorithm if size is specified"); } } KeyPairAlgorithm alg = ASYMKEY_GEN_ALGORITHMS.get(algName); if (alg == null) { throw new BadRequestException("Unsupported algorithm specified."); } if (keySize == null) { if (algName.equalsIgnoreCase(KeyRequestResource.RSA_ALGORITHM) || algName.equalsIgnoreCase(KeyRequestResource.DSA_ALGORITHM)) { throw new BadRequestException("Key size must be specified."); } } else { //Validate key size if (algName.equalsIgnoreCase(KeyRequestResource.RSA_ALGORITHM)) { int size = Integer.valueOf(keySize); int minSize = Integer.valueOf(CMS.getConfigStore().getInteger("keys.rsa.min.size", 256)); int maxSize = Integer.valueOf(CMS.getConfigStore().getInteger("keys.rsa.max.size", 8192)); if (minSize > maxSize) { throw new PKIException("Incorrect size parameters stored in config file."); } if (size < minSize || size > maxSize) { throw new BadRequestException("Key size out of supported range - " + minSize + " - " + maxSize); } //JSS supports key sizes that are of the form 256 + (16*n), where n = 0-1008, for RSA if (((size - 256) % 16) != 0) { throw new BadRequestException("Invalid key size specified."); } } else if (algName.equalsIgnoreCase(KeyRequestResource.DSA_ALGORITHM)) { // Without the PQGParams, JSS can create DSA keys of size 512, 768, 1024 only. String[] sizes = CMS.getConfigStore().getString("keys.dsa.list", "512,768,1024").split(","); if (!Arrays.asList(sizes).contains(String.valueOf(keySize))) { throw new BadRequestException("Invalid key size specified."); } } } IRequest request = queue.newRequest(IRequest.ASYMKEY_GENERATION_REQUEST); request.setExtData(IRequest.KEY_GEN_ALGORITHM, algName); request.setExtData(IRequest.KEY_GEN_SIZE, keySize); request.setExtData(IRequest.SECURITY_DATA_STRENGTH, keySize); request.setExtData(IRequest.SECURITY_DATA_ALGORITHM, algName); request.setExtData(IRequest.KEY_GEN_USAGES, StringUtils.join(usages, ",")); request.setExtData(IRequest.SECURITY_DATA_CLIENT_KEY_ID, clientKeyId); request.setExtData(IRequest.ATTR_REQUEST_OWNER, owner); if (transWrappedSessionKey != null) { request.setExtData(IRequest.KEY_GEN_TRANS_WRAPPED_SESSION_KEY, transWrappedSessionKey); } if (realm != null) { request.setRealm(realm); } queue.processRequest(request); queue.markAsServiced(request); return createKeyRequestResponse(request, uriInfo); } public void approveRequest(RequestId id) throws EBaseException { IRequest request = queue.findRequest(id); request.setRequestStatus(RequestStatus.APPROVED); queue.updateRequest(request); } public void rejectRequest(RequestId id) throws EBaseException { IRequest request = queue.findRequest(id); request.setRequestStatus(RequestStatus.REJECTED); queue.updateRequest(request); } public void cancelRequest(RequestId id) throws EBaseException { IRequest request = queue.findRequest(id); request.setRequestStatus(RequestStatus.CANCELED); queue.updateRequest(request); } private KeyRequestInfo createKeyRequestInfo(IRequest request, UriInfo uriInfo) { KeyRequestInfo ret = new KeyRequestInfo(); ret.setRequestType(request.getRequestType()); ret.setRequestStatus(request.getRequestStatus()); Path keyRequestPath = KeyRequestResource.class.getAnnotation(Path.class); RequestId rid = request.getRequestId(); UriBuilder reqBuilder = uriInfo.getBaseUriBuilder(); reqBuilder.path(keyRequestPath.value() + "/" + rid); ret.setRequestURL(reqBuilder.build().toString()); Path keyPath = KeyResource.class.getAnnotation(Path.class); String keyID = request.getExtDataInString("keyrecord"); if (keyID != null) { // set key URL only if key ID is available UriBuilder keyBuilder = uriInfo.getBaseUriBuilder(); keyBuilder.path(keyPath.value() + "/" + keyID); ret.setKeyURL(keyBuilder.build().toString()); } if (request.getRealm()!= null) { ret.setRealm(request.getRealm()); } return ret; } private KeyData createKeyData(IRequest request, UriInfo uriInfo) { // TODO - to be implemented when we enable one-shot generation and recovery // with retrieval return null; } private KeyRequestResponse createKeyRequestResponse(IRequest request, UriInfo uriInfo) { KeyRequestResponse response = new KeyRequestResponse(); response.setRequestInfo(createKeyRequestInfo(request, uriInfo)); response.setKeyData(createKeyData(request, uriInfo)); return response; } @Override public KeyRequestInfo createCMSRequestInfo(IRequest request, UriInfo uriInfo) { return createKeyRequestInfo(request, uriInfo); } public KeyRequestResponse createCMSRequestResponse(IRequest request, UriInfo uriInfo) { return createKeyRequestResponse(request, uriInfo); } //We only care if the key exists or not private boolean doesKeyExist(String clientKeyId, String keyStatus) { String filter = null; if (keyStatus == null) { filter = "(" + IKeyRecord.ATTR_CLIENT_ID + "=" + clientKeyId + ")"; } else { filter = "(&(" + IKeyRecord.ATTR_CLIENT_ID + "=" + clientKeyId + ")" + "(" + IKeyRecord.ATTR_STATUS + "=" + keyStatus + "))"; } try { Enumeration existingKeys = null; existingKeys = repo.searchKeys(filter, 1, 10); if (existingKeys != null && existingKeys.hasMoreElements()) { return true; } } catch (EBaseException e) { return false; } return false; } }