#!/usr/bin/perl # # --- BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. # All rights reserved. # --- END COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- # # # # use strict; use warnings; use FileHandle; use PKI::RA::GlobalVar; use PKI::RA::Common; use PKI::RA::CertInfo; use URI::URL; use URI::Escape; package PKI::RA::NamePanel; $PKI::RA::NamePanel::VERSION = '1.00'; use PKI::RA::BasePanel; our @ISA = qw(PKI::RA::BasePanel); our $cert_req_header="-----BEGIN NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----"; our $cert_req_footer="-----END NEW CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----"; our $cert_header="-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"; our $cert_footer="-----END CERTIFICATE-----"; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; $self->{"isSubPanel"} = \&is_sub_panel; $self->{"hasSubPanel"} = \&has_sub_panel; $self->{"isPanelDone"} = \&PKI::RA::Common::no; $self->{"getPanelNo"} = &PKI::RA::Common::r(12); $self->{"getName"} = &PKI::RA::Common::r("Subject Names"); $self->{"vmfile"} = "namepanel.vm"; $self->{"update"} = \&update; $self->{"panelvars"} = \&display; bless $self,$class; return $self; } sub is_sub_panel { my ($q) = @_; return 0; } sub has_sub_panel { my ($q) = @_; return 0; } sub validate { my ($q) = @_; &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: validate"); return 1; } sub update { my ($q) = @_; &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update"); my $instanceDir = $::config->get("service.instanceDir"); my $count = $q->param('urls'); &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update - selected ca= $count"); my $host = ""; my $https_ee_port = ""; my $useExternalCA = "off"; if ($count =~ /http/) { my $info = new URI::URL($count); $host = $info->host; $https_ee_port = $info->port; } else { $host = $::config->get("preop.securitydomain.ca$count.host"); if ($host eq "") { $useExternalCA = "on"; } else { $https_ee_port = $::config->get("preop.securitydomain.ca$count.secureport"); &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update - host= $host, https_ee_port= $https_ee_port"); } } $::config->put("preop.certenroll.useExternalCA", $useExternalCA); $::config->put("preop.ca.url", "https://" . $host . ":" . $https_ee_port); my $tokenname = $::config->get("preop.module.token"); &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update got token name = $tokenname"); my $hw; my $tk; if (($tokenname eq "") || ($tokenname eq "NSS Certificate DB")) { $hw = ""; $tk = ""; } else { $hw = "-h $tokenname"; $tk = $tokenname.":"; } # is nickname changed because of token (hardware) selection? my $changed = "false"; foreach my $certtag (@PKI::RA::Wizard::certtags) { &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update begins for certag= $certtag"); my $cert_dn = $q->param($certtag); $::config->put("preop.cert.".$certtag.".dn", $cert_dn); $::config->commit(); my $sslnickname = $::config->get("preop.cert.sslserver.nickname"); my $nickname = $q->param($certtag . "_nick"); if ($nickname ne "") { &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update nickname for $certtag set to $nickname"); &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update nickname for $certtag being updated in config file"); $::config->put("preop.cert.".$certtag.".nickname", $nickname); $::config->commit(); } else { $nickname = $::config->get("preop.cert.$certtag.nickname"); if ($nickname eq "") { $nickname = "RA ".$certtag." cert"; &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update nickname not found for $certtag -- try $nickname"); } } my $cert_request = $::config->get("preop.cert.$certtag.certreq"); if ($cert_request ne "") { &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update do not generate new keys"); goto GEN_CERT; } &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update generate new keys"); # =====generate requests======== # getting new request should void old cert my $file= "$instanceDir/conf/".$certtag."_cert.txt"; my $tmp = `rm $file`; &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: retrieving $tokenname from pwdconf"); my $token_pwd = $::pwdconf->get($tokenname); &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: creating pwfile"); open FILE, ">$instanceDir/conf/.pwfile"; system( "chmod 00660 $instanceDir/conf/.pwfile" ); $token_pwd =~ s/\n//g; print FILE $token_pwd; close FILE; my $keytype = $::config->get("preop.cert.$certtag.keytype"); if ($keytype eq "") { $keytype = "rsa"; } my $select = $::config->get("preop.cert.$certtag.keysize.select"); my $keysize; if ($keytype eq "rsa") { $keysize = 2048; } elsif ($keytype eq "ecc") { $keysize = 256; } if (($select eq "") || ($select eq "default")) { my $size = $::config->get("preop.cert.$certtag.keysize.size"); if ($size ne "") { $keysize = $size; } } else { my $size = $::config->get("preop.cert.$certtag.keysize.customsize"); if ($size ne "") { $keysize = $size; } if (($keytype eq "ecc") && ($keysize ne 256)) { &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update got keysize from config= $keysize changing to 256, the only supported ECC strength"); $keysize = 256; } } &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update got key type $keytype"); my $req; my $debug_req; my $filename = "/tmp/random.$$"; `dd if\=/dev/urandom of\=\"$filename\" count\=256 bs\=1`; if ($keytype eq "rsa") { #XXX temporary &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update "."certutil -R -s $cert_dn -k $keytype -g $keysize -d $instanceDir/alias $hw -f $instanceDir/conf/.pwfile -a -z $filename"); my $tmpfile = "/tmp/req$$"; system("certutil -R -s \"$cert_dn\" -k $keytype -g $keysize -d $instanceDir/alias $hw -f $instanceDir/conf/.pwfile -a -z $filename > $tmpfile"); $req = `cat $tmpfile`; system("rm $tmpfile"); } elsif ($keytype eq "ecc") { #only support curve nistp256 for now my $tmpfile = "/tmp/req$$"; system("certutil -d $instanceDir/alias $hw -f $instanceDir/conf/.pwfile -R -s \"$cert_dn\" -k ec -q nistp256 -a -z $filename> $tmpfile"); $req = `cat $tmpfile`; system("rm $tmpfile"); } else { &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update unsupported keytype $keytype"); } system("rm $filename"); my $save_line = 0; my @req_a = split "\n", $req; foreach my $line (@req_a) { chomp( $line ); $line =~ s/ //g; if ($line eq $cert_req_header) { $save_line = 1; } elsif( $line eq $cert_req_footer ) { $save_line = 0; last; } elsif( $save_line == 1 ) { $cert_request .= "$line"; } } &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update putting cert_request in CS.cfg: $cert_request"); $::config->put("preop.cert.$certtag.certreq", $cert_request); $::config->commit(); GEN_CERT: # =====request for certs======== # see if there is an existing cert my $cert = $::config->get("preop.cert.$certtag.cert"); my $sdom = $::config->get("config.sdomainEEURL"); my $sdom_url = new URI::URL($sdom); if (($useExternalCA eq "on") && ($certtag ne "subsystem")) { &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update External CA selected"); if ($cert eq "") { &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update no cert found...need manual enrollment"); } } else { if ($cert eq "") { &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update External CA not selected...need automatic enrollment"); my $machineName = $::config->get("service.machineName"); my $securePort = $::config->get("service.securePort"); my $session_id = $::config->get("preop.sessionID"); if ($cert_request ne "") { &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update found existing request: $cert_request"); } else { &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update existing request not found"); #something is wrong...no request, no cert goto DONE; return $cert; } my $instanceID = $::config->get("service.instanceID"); my $instanceDir = $::config->get("service.instanceDir"); my $db_password = ""; &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: greping password"); my $tmpfile = "/tmp/grep$$"; system ("grep \"internal:\" \"$instanceDir/conf/password.conf\" | cut -c10- > $tmpfile"); $db_password = `cat $tmpfile`; $db_password =~ s/\n$//g; system("rm $tmpfile"); my $profile_id = $::config->get("preop.cert.$certtag.profile"); &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: profileId=" . $profile_id); my $requestor_name = "RA-" . $machineName . "-" . $securePort; my $params = "profileId=" . $profile_id . "&" . "cert_request_type=" . "pkcs10" . "&" . "requestor_name=" . $requestor_name . "&" . "cert_request=" . URI::Escape::uri_escape("$cert_request") . "&" . "xmlOutput=true" . "&" . "sessionID=" . $session_id . "&" . "auth_hostname=" . $sdom_url->host . "&" . "auth_port=" . $sdom_url->port; if ($certtag eq "subsystem") { $host = $sdom_url->host; $https_ee_port = $sdom_url->port; } if ($changed eq "true") { $req = "/usr/bin/sslget -e \"$params\" -d \"$instanceDir/alias\" -p \"$token_pwd\" -v -n \"$sslnickname\" -r \"/ca/ee/ca/profileSubmit\" $host:$https_ee_port"; $debug_req = "/usr/bin/sslget -e \"$params\" -d \"$instanceDir/alias\" -p \"(sensitive)\" -v -n \"$sslnickname\" -r \"/ca/ee/ca/profileSubmit\" $host:$https_ee_port"; } else { $req = "/usr/bin/sslget -e \"$params\" -d \"$instanceDir/alias\" -p \"$db_password\" -v -n \"$sslnickname\" -r \"/ca/ee/ca/profileSubmit\" $host:$https_ee_port"; $debug_req = "/usr/bin/sslget -e \"$params\" -d \"$instanceDir/alias\" -p \"(sensitive)\" -v -n \"$sslnickname\" -r \"/ca/ee/ca/profileSubmit\" $host:$https_ee_port"; } &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("debug_req = " . $debug_req); my $content = `$req`; &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("content = " . $content); $content =~ /(\.*\<\/XMLResponse\>)/; $content = $1; if ($content eq "") { $::symbol{errorString} = "CA returned no response. Please check that the CA is available and also check the host's firewall settings."; return 0; } my $parser = XML::Simple->new(); &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: response content= " . $content); my $response = $parser->XMLin($content); my $status = $response->{Status}; if ($status ne "0") { my $error = $response->{Error}; &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: Error = $error"); $::symbol{errorString} = "CA response: $error. Please check previous related panels." . " Please check that the CA is available and also check the host's firewall settings."; return 0; } $cert = $response->{Requests}->{Request}->{b64}; &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: new cert generated= " . $cert); # my $reqid = $response->{Requests}->{Request}->{Id}; # $::config->put("preop.admincert.requestId.0", $reqid); # my $sn = $response->{Requests}->{Request}->{serialno}; # $::config->put("preop.admincert.serialno.0", $sn); # $::config->commit(); &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update putting cert in CS.cfg: $cert"); $::config->put("preop.cert.$certtag.cert", $cert); $::config->commit(); } else { # cert is not null &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update External CA not selected. Cert found...no need for enrollment"); } # write cert to file so certutil can import my $cert_fn = "$instanceDir/conf/".$certtag."_cert.txt"; open FILE, "> $cert_fn"; print FILE $cert_header."\n".$cert."\n".$cert_footer; close FILE; # import cert, whether it was imported before or not my $nickname = $::config->get("preop.cert.$certtag.nickname"); if ($nickname eq "") { #XXX $nickname = "RA ".$certtag." cert"; &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update nickname not found for $certtag -- try $nickname"); } if ($certtag ne "sslserver") { &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update: try to delete existing cert $nickname, if any....ok if it fails"); $tmp = `certutil -d $instanceDir/alias -D -n "$nickname"`; $tmp = `certutil -d $instanceDir/alias -D $hw -f $instanceDir/conf/.pwfile -n "$tk$nickname"`; } else { &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update: try to delete existing cert $sslnickname, if any....ok if it fails"); $tmp = `certutil -d $instanceDir/alias -D -n "$sslnickname"`; $tmp = `certutil -d $instanceDir/alias -D $hw -f $instanceDir/conf/.pwfile -n "$tk$sslnickname"`; } &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update: try to import cert from $cert_fn"); $tmp = `certutil -d $instanceDir/alias $hw -f $instanceDir/conf/.pwfile -A -n "$nickname" -t "u,u,u" -a -i $cert_fn`; # changed the cert, need to change nickname too, if necessary if ($hw ne "") { if ($certtag eq "sslserver") { if ($changed eq "false") { $::config->put("preop.cert.$certtag.nickname", "$tk$nickname"); } $changed = "true"; } elsif ($certtag eq "subsystem") { &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update: subsystem nickname changed"); $::config->put("preop.cert.$certtag.nickname", "$tk$nickname"); $::config->put("conn.ca1.clientNickname", "$tk$nickname"); $::config->put("conn.drm1.clientNickname", "$tk$nickname"); $::config->put("conn.tks1.clientNickname", "$tk$nickname"); $::config->put( "ra.cert.subsystem.nickname", "$tk$nickname"); } else { &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update: $certtag nickname changed"); $::config->put("preop.cert.$certtag.nickname", "$tk$nickname"); } $::config->commit(); } else { if ($certtag eq "subsystem") { # setting these just in case the subsystem nickname changed. &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update: setting in case the subsystem nickname changed"); $::config->put("conn.ca1.clientNickname", "$nickname"); $::config->put("conn.drm1.clientNickname", "$nickname"); $::config->put("conn.tks1.clientNickname", "$nickname"); $::config->put("ra.cert.subsystem.nickname", "$nickname"); } $::config->commit(); } &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: update: done importing cert: $tk$nickname"); $tmp = `rm $cert_fn`; } } DONE: &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: removing pwfile"); my $tmp = `rm $instanceDir/conf/.pwfile`; return 1; } sub readFile { my $fn = $_[0]; open FILE, "< $fn" or return ""; my $content = join "",; close FILE; return $content; } use Data::Dumper; sub display { my ($q) = @_; &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: display"); my $domain_name = $::config->get("preop.securitydomain.name"); if ($domain_name eq "") { $domain_name = "RA Domain"; } my $machine_name = $::config->get("service.machineName"); my $instance_id = $::config->get("service.instanceID"); my $i = 0; foreach my $certtag (@PKI::RA::Wizard::certtags) { &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: display certtag=$certtag"); my $cert_dn = $::config->get("preop.cert.".$certtag.".dn"); if ($cert_dn eq "") { if ($certtag eq "subsystem") { $cert_dn = "CN=RA Subsystem, " . "OU=" . $instance_id . ", " . "O=" . $domain_name; } elsif ($certtag eq "sslserver") { $cert_dn ="CN=" . $machine_name . ", " . "OU=" . $instance_id . ", " . "O=" . $domain_name; } else { &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: display other certtag=$certtag"); $cert_dn = $certtag; } $::config->put("preop.cert.".$certtag.".dn", $cert_dn); $::config->commit(); } else { if (!($cert_dn =~ /O=/)) { $cert_dn .= ", O=" . $domain_name; $::config->put("preop.cert.".$certtag.".dn", $cert_dn); $::config->commit(); } } my $name = $::config->get("preop.cert.".$certtag.".userfriendlyname"); if ($name eq "") { $name = $certtag."Cert ".$instance_id; $::config->put("preop.cert.".$certtag.".userfriendlyname", $name); $::config->commit(); } my $cert = new PKI::RA::CertInfo($name, $cert_dn, $certtag); $::symbol{certs}[$i++] = $cert; } &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("NamePanel: getting CA info"); $::symbol{urls} = []; my $count = 0; while (1) { my $host = $::config->get("preop.securitydomain.ca$count.host"); if ($host eq "") { goto DONE; } my $https_ee_port = $::config->get("preop.securitydomain.ca$count.secureport"); my $name = $::config->get("preop.securitydomain.ca$count.subsystemname"); my $item = $name . " - https://" . $host . ":" . $https_ee_port; $::symbol{urls}[$count++] = $item; } DONE: $::symbol{urls}[$count++] = "External CA"; $::symbol{urls_size} = $count+1; return 1; } # arg0 filename containing certificate request # return certificate request plus header and footer sub extract_cert_req_from_file { my $save_line = 0; my $filename = $_[0]; my $fd = new FileHandle; my $cert_request = ""; $fd->open( "<$filename" ) or die "Could not open '$filename'!\n"; while( <$fd> ) { my $line = $_; chomp( $line ); if( $line eq $cert_req_header ) { $save_line = 1; $cert_request .= "$line\n"; } elsif( $line eq $cert_req_footer ) { $cert_request .= "$line\n"; $save_line = 0; last; } elsif( $save_line == 1 ) { $cert_request .= "$line\n"; } } $fd->close(); return $cert_request; } # arg0 message containing certificate request # return certificate request sans header and footer sub extract_cert_req_from_file_sans_header_and_footer { my $filename = $_[0]; my $save_line = 0; my $fd = new FileHandle; my $cert_request = ""; $fd->open( "<$filename" ) or die "Could not open '$filename'!\n"; while( <$fd> ) { my $line = $_; chomp( $line ); if( $line eq $cert_req_header ) { $save_line = 1; } elsif( $line eq $cert_req_footer ) { $save_line = 0; last; } elsif( $save_line == 1 ) { $cert_request .= "$line\n"; } } $fd->close(); return $cert_request; } 1;