#!/usr/bin/perl # # --- BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. # All rights reserved. # --- END COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- # # # # use strict; use warnings; use PKI::RA::GlobalVar; use PKI::RA::Common; use FileHandle; package PKI::RA::DisplayCertChain2Panel; $PKI::RA::DisplayCertChain2Panel::VERSION = '1.00'; use PKI::RA::BasePanel; our @ISA = qw(PKI::RA::BasePanel); our $cert_header="-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"; our $cert_footer="-----END CERTIFICATE-----"; sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = {}; $self->{"isSubPanel"} = \&is_sub_panel; $self->{"hasSubPanel"} = \&has_sub_panel; $self->{"isPanelDone"} = \&PKI::RA::Common::no; $self->{"getPanelNo"} = &PKI::RA::Common::r(7); $self->{"getName"} = &PKI::RA::Common::r("Display Certificate Chain"); $self->{"vmfile"} = "displaycertchain2panel.vm"; $self->{"update"} = \&update; $self->{"panelvars"} = \&display; bless $self,$class; return $self; } sub is_sub_panel { my ($q) = @_; return 0; } sub has_sub_panel { my ($q) = @_; return 0; } sub readFile { my $fn = $_[0]; open FILE, "< $fn" or return ""; my $content = join "",; close FILE; return $content; } sub validate { my ($q) = @_; &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("DisplayCertChain2Panel: validate"); return 1; } sub update { my ($q) = @_; &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("DisplayCertChain2Panel: update"); my $instanceDir = $::config->get("service.instanceDir"); # my $caCert = readFile("$instanceDir/conf/caCertChain2.txt"); my $caCert = extract_cert_from_file_sans_header_and_footer("$instanceDir/conf/caCertChain2.txt"); #store in config $::config->put("preop.ca.certchain", $caCert); $::config->commit(); # import it into the security database my $tmp = `p7tool -d $instanceDir/alias -p $instanceDir/conf/chain2cert -a -i $instanceDir/conf/caCertChain2.txt -o $instanceDir/conf/CAchain2_pp.txt`; my $r = $? >> 8; my $failed = $? & 127; if (($r > 0) && ($r < 10) && !$failed) { my $i = 0; while ($i ne $r) { $tmp = `certutil -d $instanceDir/alias -D -n "Trusted CA c2cert$i"`; $tmp = `certutil -d $instanceDir/alias -A -f $instanceDir/conf/.pwfile -n "Trusted CA c2cert$i" -t "CT,C,C" -i $instanceDir/conf/chain2cert$i.der`; $i++ } } # clean up # my $tmp = `rm $instanceDir/conf/caCertChain2.txt`; # $tmp = `rm $instanceDir/conf/CAchain2_pp.txt`; return 1; } sub display { my ($q) = @_; &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("DisplayCertChain2Panel: display"); my $instanceDir = $::config->get("service.instanceDir"); my $found = -e "$instanceDir/conf/caCertChain2.txt"; my $certpp = ""; if ($found) { &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("DisplayCertChain2Panel: display found caCertChain2.txt"); my $tmp = `p7tool -d $instanceDir/alias -p $instanceDir/conf/chain2cert -a -i $instanceDir/conf/caCertChain2.txt -o $instanceDir/conf/CAchain2_pp.txt`; $certpp = readFile("$instanceDir/conf/CAchain2_pp.txt"); &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("DisplayCertChain2Panel: display read CAchain2_pp.txt"); $certpp =~ s/"//g; &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("DisplayCertChain2Panel: certpp2= $certpp"); } # $symbol{certchain} = [ "cert1", "cert2" ]; # $symbol{certchain_size} = 2; $::symbol{certchain} = "$certpp"; $::symbol{certchain_size} = 1; &PKI::RA::Wizard::debug_log("DisplayCertChain2Panel: display done"); return 1; } # return certificate sans header and footer # -- all in a one-liner sub extract_cert_from_file_sans_header_and_footer { my $filename = $_[0]; my $save_line = 0; my $fd = new FileHandle; my $cert = ""; $fd->open( "<$filename" ) or die "Could not open '$filename'!\n"; while( <$fd> ) { my $line = $_; chomp( $line ); $line =~ s/^M//g; if( $line eq $cert_header ) { $save_line = 1; } elsif( $line eq $cert_footer ) { $save_line = 0; last; } elsif( $save_line == 1 ) { $cert .= "$line"; } } $fd->close(); return $cert; } 1;