@ECHO OFF REM --- BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- REM Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. REM All rights reserved. REM --- END COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- REM REM This script creates the "60ToTxt/classes/Main.class" and REM "60ToTxt/classes/CMS60LdifParser.class" which are REM used to create a normalized CMS 6.0/6.01 ldif text file. REM SETLOCAL REM REM Set SERVER_ROOT - identify the CMS used to compile 60ToTxt REM REM SET SERVER_ROOT=C:\cms601 REM REM Set JDK_VERSION - specify the JDK version used by this version of CMS REM REM CMS 6.0 NOTE: "WINNT" - 1.3.1_02 REM REM CMS 6.01 NOTE: "WINNT" - 1.3.1_02 REM REM SET JDK_VERSION=CMS_6.01 REM REM Set JAVA_HOME - specify the complete path to the JDK REM REM example: \\bermuda.redhat.com\sbc mounted as Y: REM REM SET JAVA_HOME=Y:\cms_jdk\WINNT\%JDK_VERSION% REM REM *** DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE *** REM REM REM Script-defined constants REM SET CMS="CMS 6.0" REM REM Perform a usage check for the appropriate number of arguments: REM IF "%1" == "" GOTO CHECK_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES :USAGE ECHO. ECHO Usage: "%0" ECHO. ECHO NOTE: No arguments are required to build the ECHO normalized %CMS% ldif text classes. ECHO. GOTO EXIT_PROCESS REM REM Check presence of user-defined variables REM :CHECK_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES IF !%SERVER_ROOT%==! GOTO ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_ERROR IF !%JAVA_HOME%==! GOTO ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_ERROR GOTO CHECK_SERVER_ROOT :ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_ERROR ECHO ERROR: Please specify the SERVER_ROOT and JAVA_HOME ECHO environment variables for this script! ECHO. GOTO EXIT_PROCESS REM REM Check that the specified SERVER_ROOT exists REM :CHECK_SERVER_ROOT IF EXIST %SERVER_ROOT% GOTO CHECK_JAVA_HOME ECHO ERROR: The specified SERVER_ROOT does not exist! ECHO. GOTO EXIT_PROCESS REM REM Check that the specified JAVA_HOME exists REM :CHECK_JAVA_HOME IF EXIST %JAVA_HOME% GOTO SET_LIBRARY_PATH ECHO ERROR: The specified JAVA_HOME does not exist! ECHO. GOTO EXIT_PROCESS REM REM Setup the appropriate library path environment variable REM based upon the platform (WINNT) REM :SET_LIBRARY_PATH SET PATH=%SERVER_ROOT%\bin\cert\lib;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%JAVA_HOME%\lib;%PATH% REM REM Set TARGET - identify the complete path to the new classes target directory REM SET TARGET=..\classes REM REM Create the new classes target directory (if it does not already exist) REM IF EXIST %TARGET% goto COMPILE_CLASSES MKDIR %TARGET% REM REM Compile 60ToTxt - create "CMS60LdifParser.class" and "Main.class" REM :COMPILE_CLASSES %JAVA_HOME%\bin\javac.exe -d %TARGET% -classpath %JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\rt.jar;%SERVER_ROOT%\bin\cert\jars\nsutil.jar;%SERVER_ROOT%\bin\cert\jars\certsrv.jar;%SERVER_ROOT%\bin\cert\jars\cmscore.jar;%SERVER_ROOT%\bin\cert\jars\jss3.jar Main.java :EXIT_PROCESS ENDLOCAL