#!/usr/bin/python # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. # All rights reserved. # # Authors: # Ade Lee # Endi S. Dewata """ ========================================================================= Python test code for interacting with the DRM using the REST interface ========================================================================= This code is to be viewed as example code on how to interact with the DRM for Key and KeyRequest resources using the Python REST client framework. Some setup is required to run the tests here successfully. See drmtest.readme.txt. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import base64 import getopt import os import random import shutil import string import sys import tempfile import time import pki import pki.crypto import pki.key as key from pki.client import PKIConnection from pki.kra import KRAClient def print_key_request(request): """ Prints the relevant fields of a KeyRequestInfo object """ print "RequestURL: " + str(request.request_url) print "RequestType: " + str(request.request_type) print "RequestStatus: " + str(request.request_status) print "KeyURL: " + str(request.key_url) def print_key_info(key_info): """ Prints the relevant fields of a KeyInfo object """ print "Key URL: " + str(key_info.key_url) print "Client Key ID: " + str(key_info.client_key_id) print "Algorithm: " + str(key_info.algorithm) print "Status: " + str(key_info.status) print "Owner Name: " + str(key_info.owner_name) print "Size: " + str(key_info.size) if key_info.public_key is not None: print "Public key: " print pub_key = base64.encodestring(key_info.public_key) print pub_key def print_key_data(key_data): """ Prints the relevant fields of a KeyData object """ print "Key Algorithm: " + str(key_data.algorithm) print "Key Size: " + str(key_data.size) print "Nonce Data: " + base64.encodestring(key_data.nonce_data) print "Wrapped Private Data: " + \ base64.encodestring(key_data.encrypted_data) if key_data.data is not None: print "Private Data: " + base64.encodestring(key_data.data) def run_test(protocol, hostname, port, client_cert, certdb_dir, certdb_password): """ test code execution """ # set up the connection to the DRM, including authentication credentials connection = PKIConnection(protocol, hostname, port, 'kra') connection.set_authentication_cert(client_cert) #create kraclient crypto = pki.crypto.NSSCryptoProvider(certdb_dir, certdb_password) kraclient = KRAClient(connection, crypto) keyclient = kraclient.keys # Get transport cert and insert in the certdb transport_nick = "kra transport cert" transport_cert = kraclient.system_certs.get_transport_cert() print "Subject DN: " + transport_cert.subject_dn print transport_cert.encoded crypto.import_cert(transport_nick, transport_cert) # initialize the certdb for crypto operations # for NSS db, this must be done after importing the transport cert crypto.initialize() # set transport cert into keyclient keyclient.set_transport_cert(transport_nick) # Test 2: Get key request info print "Now getting key request" try: key_request = keyclient.get_request_info('2') print_key_request(key_request) except pki.RequestNotFoundException: pass # Test 3: List requests print "Now listing some requests" keyrequests = keyclient.list_requests('complete', 'securityDataRecovery') print keyrequests.key_requests for request in keyrequests.key_requests: print_key_request(request) # Test 4: generate symkey -- same as barbican_encode() print "Now generating symkey on KRA" client_key_id = "Vek #1" + time.strftime('%c') algorithm = "AES" key_size = 128 usages = [key.SymKeyGenerationRequest.DECRYPT_USAGE, key.SymKeyGenerationRequest.ENCRYPT_USAGE] response = keyclient.generate_symmetric_key(client_key_id, algorithm=algorithm, size=key_size, usages=usages) print_key_request(response.request_info) print "Request ID is " + response.request_info.get_request_id() key_id = response.get_key_id() # Test 5: Confirm the key_id matches print "Now getting key ID for clientKeyID=\"" + client_key_id + "\"" key_infos = keyclient.list_keys(client_key_id=client_key_id, status=keyclient.KEY_STATUS_ACTIVE) key_id2 = None for key_info in key_infos.key_infos: print_key_info(key_info) key_id2 = key_info.get_key_id() if key_id == key_id2: print "Success! The keys from generation and search match." else: print "Failure - key_ids for generation do not match!" # Test 6: Barbican_decode() - Retrieve while providing # trans_wrapped_session_key session_key = crypto.generate_session_key() wrapped_session_key = crypto.asymmetric_wrap(session_key, keyclient.transport_cert) print "My key id is " + str(key_id) key_data = keyclient.retrieve_key( key_id, trans_wrapped_session_key=wrapped_session_key) print_key_data(key_data) unwrapped_key = crypto.symmetric_unwrap(key_data.encrypted_data, session_key, nonce_iv=key_data.nonce_data) key1 = base64.encodestring(unwrapped_key) # Test 7: Recover key without providing trans_wrapped_session_key key_data = keyclient.retrieve_key(key_id) print_key_data(key_data) key2 = base64.encodestring(key_data.data) # Test 8 - Confirm that keys returned are the same if key1 == key2: print "Success: The keys returned match! Key = " + str(key1) else: print "Failure: The returned keys do not match!" print "key1: " + key1 print "key2: " + key2 # Test 10 = test BadRequestException on create() print "Trying to generate a new symkey with the same client ID" try: keyclient.generate_symmetric_key(client_key_id, algorithm=algorithm, size=key_size, usages=usages) except pki.BadRequestException as exc: print "BadRequestException thrown - Code:" + exc.code +\ " Message: " + exc.message # Test 11 - Test RequestNotFoundException on get_request_info print "Try to list a nonexistent request" try: keyclient.get_request_info('200000034') except pki.RequestNotFoundException as exc: print "RequestNotFoundException thrown - Code:" + exc.code +\ " Message: " + exc.message # Test 12 - Test exception on retrieve_key. print "Try to retrieve an invalid key" try: keyclient.retrieve_key('2000003434') except pki.KeyNotFoundException as exc: print "KeyNotFoundException thrown - Code:" + exc.code + \ " Message: " + exc.message #Test 13 = getKeyInfo print "Get key info for existing key" key_info = keyclient.get_key_info(key_id) print_key_info(key_info) # Test 14: get the active key print "Get the active key for client id: " + client_key_id key_info = keyclient.get_active_key_info(client_key_id) print_key_info(key_info) #Test 15: change the key status print "Change the key status" keyclient.modify_key_status(key_id, keyclient.KEY_STATUS_INACTIVE) print_key_info(keyclient.get_key_info(key_id)) # Test 16: Get key info for non-existent key print "Get key info for non-existent key" try: keyclient.get_key_info('200004556') except pki.KeyNotFoundException as exc: print "KeyNotFoundException thrown - Code:" + exc.code +\ " Message: " + exc.message # Test 17: Get key info for non-existent active key print "Get non-existent active key" try: key_info = keyclient.get_active_key_info(client_key_id) print_key_info(key_info) except pki.ResourceNotFoundException as exc: print "ResourceNotFoundException thrown - Code: " + exc.code +\ "Message: " + exc.message #Test 18: Generate a symmetric key with default parameters client_key_id = "Vek #3" + time.strftime('%c') response = keyclient.generate_symmetric_key(client_key_id) print_key_request(response.request_info) # Test 19: Try to archive key print "try to archive key" print "key to archive: " + key1 client_key_id = "Vek #4" + time.strftime('%c') response = keyclient.archive_key(client_key_id, keyclient.SYMMETRIC_KEY_TYPE, base64.decodestring(key1), key_algorithm=keyclient.AES_ALGORITHM, key_size=128) print_key_request(response.request_info) # Test 20: Lets get it back key_info = keyclient.get_active_key_info(client_key_id) print_key_info(key_info) key_data = keyclient.retrieve_key(key_info.get_key_id()) print_key_data(key_data) key2 = base64.encodestring(key_data.data) if key1 == key2: print "Success: archived and recovered keys match" else: print "Error: archived and recovered keys do not match" print #Test 20: Generating asymmetric keys print "Generating asymmetric keys" try: response = keyclient.generate_asymmetric_key( "Vek #5" + time.strftime('%c'), algorithm="RSA", key_size=1024, usages=None ) print_key_request(response.request_info) except pki.BadRequestException as exc: print "BadRequestException thrown - Code:" + exc.code +\ " Message: " + exc.message #Test 21: Get key information of the newly generated asymmetric keys print "Retrieving key information" key_info = keyclient.get_key_info(response.request_info.get_key_id()) print_key_info(key_info) def usage(): print 'Usage: drmtest.py [OPTIONS]' print print ' -P KRA server protocol (default: https).' print ' -h KRA server hostname (default: localhost).' print ' -p KRA server port (default: 8443).' print ' -n KRA agent certificate and private key (default: kraagent.pem).' print print ' --help Show this help message.' def main(argv): try: opts, _ = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], 'h:P:p:n:d:c:', ['help']) except getopt.GetoptError as e: print 'ERROR: ' + str(e) usage() sys.exit(1) protocol = 'https' hostname = 'localhost' port = '8443' client_cert = 'kraagent.pem' for o, a in opts: if o == '-P': protocol = a elif o == '-h': hostname = a elif o == '-p': port = a elif o == '-n': client_cert = a elif o == '--help': usage() sys.exit() else: print 'ERROR: unknown option ' + o usage() sys.exit(1) certdb_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='pki-kra-test-') print "NSS database dir: %s" % certdb_dir certdb_password = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters + string.digits) for i in range(8)) print "NSS database password: %s" % certdb_password try: run_test(protocol, hostname, port, client_cert, certdb_dir, certdb_password) finally: shutil.rmtree(certdb_dir) if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)