project(pki-javadoc) # It is important to identify the version of 'javadoc' being utilized since # different versions support different options. # # While 'cmake' contains numerous built-in references to the 'java' version, # it contains no built-in references to either the 'javac' or 'javadoc' # versions, and unfortunately, the specified version of 'java' may be # different from the specified versions of 'javac' and 'javadoc'. # # Additionally, although 'javadoc' contains no command-line option to identify # its version, it is important to note that 'javadoc' is supplied by the same # package that supplies 'javac', and although multiple versions of these # executables could co-exist on the same system, it is relatively safe to # assert that the currently specified 'javac' and 'javadoc' will be the same # version. # # As an example in support of this assertion, on systems which utilize # '/usr/sbin/alternatives', setting the 'javac' version will also # automatically set the 'javadoc' version to match the 'javac' version, and # 'usr/sbin/alternatives' cannot be used to set a specific 'javadoc' version. # # Therefore, regardless of the 'java' version, this 'CMakeLists.txt' file will # programmatically utilize the invoked 'javac' version information (output is # to stderr) in order to correctly identify the supported 'javadoc' options: # # # javac -version 2>&1 | awk -F \. '{printf $2}' # # NOTE: Used 'cut' instead of 'awk' due to 'cmake' parsing limitations: # # # javac -version 2>&1 | cut -f2 -d. # message( STATUS "Java_VERSION_STRING = '${Java_VERSION_STRING}'" ) execute_process( COMMAND javac -version ERROR_VARIABLE Javac_VERSION_OUTPUT OUTPUT_VARIABLE Javac_VERSION_OUTPUT ERROR_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) message( STATUS "Javac_VERSION_OUTPUT = '${Javac_VERSION_OUTPUT}'" ) execute_process( COMMAND echo ${Javac_VERSION_OUTPUT} COMMAND cut -f2 -d. OUTPUT_VARIABLE Javadoc_VERSION_MINOR OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) message( STATUS "Javadoc_VERSION_MINOR = '${Javadoc_VERSION_MINOR}'" ) # REMINDER: Eventually, it would almost certainly be safer to obtain the # 'Javadoc_VERSION_MAJOR' number as well and perform the check # on "'Javadoc_VERSION_MAJOR'.'Javadoc_VERSION_MINOR'". # set(doclintstr "") if(NOT (${Javadoc_VERSION_MINOR} LESS 8)) set(doclintstr "-Xdoclint:none") endif(NOT (${Javadoc_VERSION_MINOR} LESS 8)) javadoc(pki-javadoc SOURCEPATH ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/base/util/src ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/base/common/src ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/base/java-tools/src ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/base/server/cms/src DEST ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/javadoc/pki-${APPLICATION_VERSION} SUBPACKAGES com.netscape.certsrv com.netscape.cms com.netscape.cmstools com.netscape.cmsutil org.dogtagpki CLASSPATH ${XALAN_JAR} ${XERCES_JAR} ${APACHE_COMMONS_CLI_JAR} ${APACHE_COMMONS_LANG_JAR} ${COMMONS_CODEC_JAR} ${COMMONS_HTTPCLIENT_JAR} ${COMMONS_IO_JAR} ${LDAPJDK_JAR} ${VELOCITY_JAR} ${JSS_JAR} ${SYMKEY_JAR} ${SERVLET_JAR} ${TOMCAT_CATALINA_JAR} ${TOMCAT_UTIL_JAR} ${HTTPCLIENT_JAR} ${HTTPCORE_JAR} ${JAXRS_API_JAR} ${RESTEASY_JAXRS_JAR} ${RESTEASY_ATOM_PROVIDER_JAR} ${RESTEASY_CLIENT_JAR} ${PKI_CMSUTIL_JAR} ${PKI_CERTSRV_JAR} ${PKI_TOMCAT_JAR} ${PKI_CMS_JAR} ${PKI_TOOLS_JAR} ${NUXWDOG_JAR} OPTIONS -windowtitle 'pki-javadoc' -doctitle '

PKI Javadoc

' -author -use -version ${doclintstr} DEPENDS pki-cmsutil-jar pki-certsrv-jar pki-tomcat-jar pki-cms-jar pki-tools-jar ) install( DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/javadoc/pki-${APPLICATION_VERSION} DESTINATION ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/share/javadoc )