// --- BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. // All rights reserved. // --- END COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- package com.netscape.admin.certsrv.keycert; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import com.netscape.admin.certsrv.*; import com.netscape.admin.certsrv.connection.*; import com.netscape.admin.certsrv.wizard.*; import com.netscape.certsrv.common.*; import com.netscape.management.client.console.*; /** * WizardInfo for certificate setup wizard * Once complete, we need to zap this object. * * @author Christine Ho * @version $Revision$, $Date$ * @see com.netscape.admin.certsrv.keycert */ public class CertSetupWizardInfo extends WizardInfo { private AdminConnection mConnection; private ConsoleInfo mConsoleInfo; public static final String FRAME = "frame"; public static final String SERVERINFO = "serverInfo"; public static final String TOKENNAME = "tokenName"; public static final String DBPASSWD = "dbPasswd"; public static final String OPTYPE = "operationType"; public static final String INSTALLTYPE = "install"; public static final String REQUESTTYPE = "request"; // public static final String CA_SIGNING_CERT = "caSigningCert"; // public static final String RA_SIGNING_CERT = " raSigningCert"; // public static final String KRA_TRANSPORT_CERT = "kraTransportCert"; // public static final String SSL_SERVER_CERT = "sslServerCert"; public static final String SERVER_CERT_CHAIN = "serverCertChain"; public static final String TRUSTED_CA_CERT = "trustedCACert"; public static final String TRUSTED_CERT = "trustedCert"; // public static final String SERVER_CERT = "serverCert"; public static final String SELF_SIGNED = "selfSigned"; public static final String SUBORDINATE_CA = "subordinateCA"; public static final String CA_EMAIL = "caEmail"; public static final String CA_URL = "caUrl"; public static final String MANUAL = "manual"; public static final String SUBMIT_METHOD = "reqSubmitMethod"; public static final String KEY_MATERIAL = "keyMaterial"; public static final String CA_TYPE = "caType"; public static final String DERVALUE = "derValue"; public static final String INSTALLCERTTYPE = "installCertType"; public static final String ALL_INFO = "allInfo"; public static final String BEGIN_YEAR = "beginYear"; public static final String BEGIN_MONTH = "beginMonth"; public static final String BEGIN_DATE = "beginDate"; public static final String BEGIN_HOUR = "beginHour"; public static final String BEGIN_MIN = "beginMin"; public static final String BEGIN_SEC = "beginSec"; public static final String AFTER_YEAR = "afterYear"; public static final String AFTER_MONTH = "afterMonth"; public static final String AFTER_DATE = "afterDate"; public static final String AFTER_HOUR = "afterHour"; public static final String AFTER_MIN = "afterMin"; public static final String AFTER_SEC = "afterSec"; public static final String NICKNAME = "nickname"; public static final String CERT_CONTENT = "certContent"; public CertSetupWizardInfo(AdminConnection conn, ConsoleInfo info) { super(); mConnection = conn; mConsoleInfo = info; } public JFrame getFrame() { return (JFrame)get(FRAME); } public CMSServerInfo getServerInfo() { return (CMSServerInfo)get(SERVERINFO); } public AdminConnection getAdminConnection() { return mConnection; } public ConsoleInfo getAdminConsoleInfo() { return mConsoleInfo; } // if mode = 0, then it is in root cert mode. // if mode = 1, then it is in user cert mode. public void setMode(String mode) { put("mode", mode); } public String getMode() { return (String)get("mode"); } public String getCertType() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_CERTIFICATE_TYPE); } public void setCertType(String certType) { put(Constants.PR_CERTIFICATE_TYPE, certType); } public String getSubmitMethod() { return (String)get(SUBMIT_METHOD); } public String getCAType() { return (String)get(CA_TYPE); } public boolean isNewKey() { String isNew = (String)get(KEY_MATERIAL); if (isNew != null && isNew.equals(Constants.TRUE)) return true; return false; } public String getOperationType() { String opType = (String)get(OPTYPE); return opType; } public boolean isSSLCertLocalCA() { String val = (String)get(ConfigConstants.PR_SSLCERT_LOCALCA); if (val == null) return false; else if (val.equals(Constants.TRUE)) return true; return false; } // set true or false public void setSSLCertLocalCA(String val) { put(ConfigConstants.PR_SSLCERT_LOCALCA, val); } public byte[] getDERValue() { byte[] derValue = (byte[])get(DERVALUE); return derValue; } public String getTokenName() { return (String)get(TOKENNAME); } public String getKeyLength() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_KEY_LENGTH); } public String getKeyCurveName() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_KEY_CURVENAME); } public String getKeyType() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_KEY_TYPE); } public String getSubjectName() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_SUBJECT_NAME); } public void setSubjectName(String str) { put(Constants.PR_SUBJECT_NAME, str); } public String getCSR() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_CSR); } public String getPKCS10() { String val = (String)get(Constants.PR_PKCS10); if (val != null && !val.equals("")) return val; return null; } public void setPKCS10(String b64E) { put(Constants.PR_PKCS10, b64E); } public String getCertFilePath() { String val = (String)get(Constants.PR_CERT_FILEPATH); if (val != null && !val.equals("")) return val; return null; } public void setCertFilePath(String path) { put(Constants.PR_CERT_FILEPATH, path); } public String getCertSubjectName() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_CERT_SUBJECT_NAME); } public String getIssuerName() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_ISSUER_NAME); } public String getSerialNumber() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_SERIAL_NUMBER); } public String getNotBefore() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_BEFORE_VALIDDATE); } public String getNotAfter() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_AFTER_VALIDDATE); } public String getInstallCertType() { return (String)get(INSTALLCERTTYPE); } public String getValidityPeriod() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_VALIDITY_PERIOD); } public String getTokenList() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_TOKEN_LIST); } public Boolean isCertAdded() { return (Boolean)get(Constants.PR_ADD_CERT); } public NameValuePairs getNameValuePairs() { return (NameValuePairs)get(ALL_INFO); } public String getBeginYear() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_BEGIN_YEAR); } public String getBeginMonth() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_BEGIN_MONTH); } public String getBeginDate() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_BEGIN_DATE); } public String getBeginHour() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_BEGIN_HOUR); } public String getBeginMin() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_BEGIN_MIN); } public String getBeginSec() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_BEGIN_SEC); } public String getAfterYear() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_AFTER_YEAR); } public String getAfterMonth() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_AFTER_MONTH); } public String getAfterDate() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_AFTER_DATE); } public String getAfterHour() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_AFTER_HOUR); } public String getAfterMin() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_AFTER_MIN); } public String getAfterSec() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_AFTER_SEC); } public String getNickname() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_NICKNAME); } public String getCertContent() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_CERT_CONTENT); } public String getHashType() { return (String)get(ConfigConstants.PR_HASH_TYPE); } public void setHashType(String type) { put(ConfigConstants.PR_HASH_TYPE, type); } public String getSignedByType() { return (String)get(ConfigConstants.PR_SIGNEDBY_TYPE); } public void setSignedByType(String type) { put(ConfigConstants.PR_SIGNEDBY_TYPE, type); } public boolean isLoggedIn() { String value = (String)get(Constants.PR_LOGGED_IN); if (value != null && value.equals(Constants.FALSE)) return false; return true; } public String getCertRequestDir() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_CERT_REQUEST_DIR); } public void setCMHost(String host) { put(ConfigConstants.CA_HOST, host); } public String getCMHost() { return (String)get(ConfigConstants.CA_HOST); } public void setCMEEPort(String port) { put(ConfigConstants.CA_EEPORT, port); } public String getCMEEPort() { return (String)get(ConfigConstants.CA_EEPORT); } public void setCMEEType(String type) { put(ConfigConstants.CA_EETYPE, type); } public String getCMEEType() { return (String)get(ConfigConstants.CA_EETYPE); } public void setRequestStatus(String requestStatus) { put(getCertType()+ConfigConstants.PR_CERT_REQUEST+"Status", requestStatus); } public String getRequestStatus() { return (String)get(getCertType()+ConfigConstants.PR_CERT_REQUEST+"Status"); } public void setRequestID(String requestID) { put(getCertType()+ConfigConstants.PR_CERT_REQUEST, requestID); } public String getRequestID() { return (String)get(getCertType()+ConfigConstants.PR_CERT_REQUEST); } public void setRequestSent(boolean sent) { if (sent) put(getCertType()+"Sent", ConfigConstants.TRUE); else put(getCertType()+"Sent", ConfigConstants.FALSE); } public boolean requestSent() { String str = (String)get(getCertType()+"Sent"); if (str == null || str.equals(ConfigConstants.FALSE)) return false; return true; } public void setRequestError(String error) { put(getCertType()+"Error", error); } public String getRequestError() { return (String)get(getCertType()+"Error"); } public void setCertSubType(String str) { put(Constants.PR_CERTIFICATE_SUBTYPE, str); } public String getCertSubType() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_CERTIFICATE_SUBTYPE); } public void setNicknames(String str) { put(Constants.PR_ALL_NICKNAMES, str); } public String getNicknames() { return (String)get(Constants.PR_ALL_NICKNAMES); } }