// --- BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along // with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., // 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. // // (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. // All rights reserved. // --- END COPYRIGHT BLOCK --- package com.netscape.cms.servlet.base; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.security.MessageDigest; import java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException; import java.security.cert.CertificateEncodingException; import java.security.cert.CertificateException; import java.security.cert.X509Certificate; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Random; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.Vector; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import netscape.security.pkcs.ContentInfo; import netscape.security.pkcs.PKCS7; import netscape.security.pkcs.SignerInfo; import netscape.security.x509.AlgorithmId; import netscape.security.x509.CRLExtensions; import netscape.security.x509.CRLReasonExtension; import netscape.security.x509.CertificateChain; import netscape.security.x509.RevocationReason; import netscape.security.x509.RevokedCertImpl; import netscape.security.x509.X509CertImpl; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import com.netscape.certsrv.apps.CMS; import com.netscape.certsrv.apps.ICommandQueue; import com.netscape.certsrv.authentication.AuthToken; import com.netscape.certsrv.authentication.IAuthManager; import com.netscape.certsrv.authentication.IAuthToken; import com.netscape.certsrv.authority.IAuthority; import com.netscape.certsrv.authority.ICertAuthority; import com.netscape.certsrv.authorization.AuthzToken; import com.netscape.certsrv.authorization.IAuthzSubsystem; import com.netscape.certsrv.base.EBaseException; import com.netscape.certsrv.base.IArgBlock; import com.netscape.certsrv.base.IConfigStore; import com.netscape.certsrv.base.SessionContext; import com.netscape.certsrv.ca.ICertificateAuthority; import com.netscape.certsrv.dbs.certdb.ICertRecord; import com.netscape.certsrv.dbs.certdb.ICertificateRepository; import com.netscape.certsrv.kra.IKeyRecoveryAuthority; import com.netscape.certsrv.logging.ILogger; import com.netscape.certsrv.ra.IRegistrationAuthority; import com.netscape.certsrv.request.IRequest; import com.netscape.certsrv.request.IRequestQueue; import com.netscape.certsrv.usrgrp.IGroup; import com.netscape.certsrv.usrgrp.IUGSubsystem; import com.netscape.cms.servlet.common.AuthCredentials; import com.netscape.cms.servlet.common.CMSFileLoader; import com.netscape.cms.servlet.common.CMSGateway; import com.netscape.cms.servlet.common.CMSLoadTemplate; import com.netscape.cms.servlet.common.CMSRequest; import com.netscape.cms.servlet.common.CMSTemplate; import com.netscape.cms.servlet.common.CMSTemplateParams; import com.netscape.cms.servlet.common.ECMSGWException; import com.netscape.cms.servlet.common.GenErrorTemplateFiller; import com.netscape.cms.servlet.common.GenPendingTemplateFiller; import com.netscape.cms.servlet.common.GenRejectedTemplateFiller; import com.netscape.cms.servlet.common.GenSuccessTemplateFiller; import com.netscape.cms.servlet.common.GenSvcPendingTemplateFiller; import com.netscape.cms.servlet.common.GenUnexpectedErrorTemplateFiller; import com.netscape.cms.servlet.common.ICMSTemplateFiller; import com.netscape.cms.servlet.common.ServletUtils; import com.netscape.cmsutil.util.Utils; import com.netscape.cmsutil.xml.XMLObject; /** * This is the base class of all CS servlet. * * @version $Revision$, $Date$ */ public abstract class CMSServlet extends HttpServlet { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -3886300199374147160L; // servlet init params // xxxx todo:Should enforce init param value checking! public final static String SUCCESS = "0"; public final static String FAILURE = "1"; public final static String AUTH_FAILURE = "2"; public final static String PROP_ID = "ID"; public final static String PROP_AUTHORITY = "authority"; public final static String PROP_AUTHMGR = "AuthMgr"; public final static String PROP_CLIENTAUTH = "GetClientCert"; public final static String PROP_RESOURCEID = "resourceID"; public final static String AUTHZ_SRC_LDAP = "ldap"; public final static String AUTHZ_SRC_TYPE = "sourceType"; public final static String AUTHZ_CONFIG_STORE = "authz"; public final static String AUTHZ_SRC_XML = "web.xml"; public final static String PROP_AUTHZ_MGR = "AuthzMgr"; public final static String PROP_ACL = "ACLinfo"; public final static String AUTHZ_MGR_BASIC = "BasicAclAuthz"; public final static String AUTHZ_MGR_LDAP = "DirAclAuthz"; private final static String FAILED = "1"; private final static String HDR_LANG = "accept-language"; // final error message - if error and exception templates don't work // send out this text string directly to output. public final static String PROP_FINAL_ERROR_MSG = "finalErrorMsg"; public final static String ERROR_MSG_TOKEN = "$ERROR_MSG"; public final static String FINAL_ERROR_MSG = "\n" + "\n" + "

\n" + "The Certificate System has encountered " + "an unrecoverable error.\n" + "

\n" + "Error Message:
\n" + "$ERROR_MSG\n" + "

\n" + "Please contact your local administrator for assistance.\n" + "\n" + "\n"; // properties from configuration. protected final static String PROP_UNAUTHORIZED_TEMPLATE = "unauthorizedTemplate"; protected final static String UNAUTHORIZED_TEMPLATE = "/GenUnauthorized.template"; protected final static String PROP_SUCCESS_TEMPLATE = "successTemplate"; protected final static String SUCCESS_TEMPLATE = "/GenSuccess.template"; protected final static String PROP_PENDING_TEMPLATE = "pendingTemplate"; protected final static String PENDING_TEMPLATE = "/GenPending.template"; protected final static String PROP_SVC_PENDING_TEMPLATE = "svcpendingTemplate"; protected final static String SVC_PENDING_TEMPLATE = "/GenSvcPending.template"; protected final static String PROP_REJECTED_TEMPLATE = "rejectedTemplate"; protected final static String REJECTED_TEMPLATE = "/GenRejected.template"; protected final static String PROP_ERROR_TEMPLATE = "errorTemplate"; protected final static String ERROR_TEMPLATE = "/GenError.template"; protected final static String PROP_EXCEPTION_TEMPLATE = "unexpectedErrorTemplate"; protected final static String EXCEPTION_TEMPLATE = "/GenUnexpectedError.template"; private final static String PROP_UNAUTHOR_TEMPLATE_FILLER = "unauthorizedTemplateFiller"; protected final static String PROP_SUCCESS_TEMPLATE_FILLER = "successTemplateFiller"; private final static String PROP_ERROR_TEMPLATE_FILLER = "errorTemplateFiller"; private final static String PROP_PENDING_TEMPLATE_FILLER = "pendingTemplateFiller"; private final static String PROP_SVC_PENDING_TEMPLATE_FILLER = "svcpendingTemplateFiller"; private final static String PROP_REJECTED_TEMPLATE_FILLER = "rejectedTemplateFiller"; private final static String PROP_EXCEPTION_TEMPLATE_FILLER = "exceptionTemplateFiller"; protected final static String RA_AGENT_GROUP = "Registration Manager Agents"; protected final static String CA_AGENT_GROUP = "Certificate Manager Agents"; protected final static String KRA_AGENT_GROUP = "Data Recovery Manager Agents"; protected final static String OCSP_AGENT_GROUP = "Online Certificate Status Manager Agents"; protected final static String TRUSTED_RA_GROUP = "Trusted Managers"; protected final static String ADMIN_GROUP = "Administrators"; // default http params NOT to save in request.(config values added to list ) private static final String PROP_DONT_SAVE_HTTP_PARAMS = "dontSaveHttpParams"; private static final String[] DONT_SAVE_HTTP_PARAMS = { "pwd", "password", "passwd", "challengePassword", "confirmChallengePassword" }; // default http headers to save in request. (config values added to list) private static final String PROP_SAVE_HTTP_HEADERS = "saveHttpHeaders"; private static final String[] SAVE_HTTP_HEADERS = { "accept-language", "user-agent", }; // request prefixes to distinguish from other request attributes. public static final String PFX_HTTP_HEADER = "HTTP_HEADER"; public static final String PFX_HTTP_PARAM = "HTTP_PARAM"; public static final String PFX_AUTH_TOKEN = "AUTH_TOKEN"; /* input http params */ protected final static String AUTHMGR_PARAM = "authenticator"; /* fixed credential passed to auth managers */ protected final static String CERT_AUTH_CRED = "sslClientCert"; public static final String CERT_ATTR = "javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate"; // members. protected boolean mRenderResult = true; protected String mFinalErrorMsg = FINAL_ERROR_MSG; protected Hashtable mTemplates = new Hashtable(); protected ServletConfig mServletConfig = null; protected ServletContext mServletContext = null; private CMSFileLoader mFileLoader = null; protected Vector mDontSaveHttpParams = new Vector(); protected Vector mSaveHttpHeaders = new Vector(); protected String mId = null; protected IConfigStore mConfig = null; // the authority, RA, CA, KRA this servlet is serving. protected IAuthority mAuthority = null; protected IRequestQueue mRequestQueue = null; // system logger. protected ILogger mLogger = CMS.getLogger(); protected int mLogCategory = ILogger.S_OTHER; private MessageDigest mSHADigest = null; protected String mGetClientCert = "false"; protected String mAuthMgr = null; protected IAuthzSubsystem mAuthz = null; protected String mAclMethod = null; protected String mAuthzResourceName = null; protected ILogger mSignedAuditLogger = CMS.getSignedAuditLogger(); protected String mOutputTemplatePath = null; private IUGSubsystem mUG = (IUGSubsystem) CMS.getSubsystem(CMS.SUBSYSTEM_UG); private final static String LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_AUTH_FAIL = "LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_AUTH_FAIL_4"; private final static String LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_AUTH_SUCCESS = "LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_AUTH_SUCCESS_3"; private final static String LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_AUTHZ_FAIL = "LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_AUTHZ_FAIL_4"; private final static String LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_AUTHZ_SUCCESS = "LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_AUTHZ_SUCCESS_4"; private final static String LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_ROLE_ASSUME = "LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_ROLE_ASSUME_3"; public CMSServlet() { } public static Hashtable toHashtable(HttpServletRequest req) { Hashtable httpReqHash = new Hashtable(); Enumeration names = req.getParameterNames(); while (names.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String) names.nextElement(); httpReqHash.put(name, req.getParameter(name)); } return httpReqHash; } public void init(ServletConfig sc) throws ServletException { super.init(sc); mAuthz = (IAuthzSubsystem) CMS.getSubsystem(CMS.SUBSYSTEM_AUTHZ); mId = sc.getInitParameter(PROP_ID); try { mAclMethod = ServletUtils.initializeAuthz(sc, mAuthz, mId); } catch (ServletException e) { log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, e.toString()); throw e; } mConfig = CMS.getConfigStore().getSubStore(CMSGateway.PROP_CMSGATEWAY); mServletConfig = sc; mServletContext = sc.getServletContext(); mFileLoader = new CMSFileLoader(); mGetClientCert = sc.getInitParameter(PROP_CLIENTAUTH); mAuthMgr = sc.getInitParameter(PROP_AUTHMGR); mAuthzResourceName = sc.getInitParameter(PROP_RESOURCEID); mOutputTemplatePath = sc.getInitParameter("templatePath"); String authority = sc.getInitParameter(PROP_AUTHORITY); if (authority != null) mAuthority = (IAuthority) CMS.getSubsystem(authority); if (mAuthority != null) mRequestQueue = mAuthority.getRequestQueue(); // set default templates. setDefaultTemplates(sc); // for logging to the right authority category. if (mAuthority == null) { mLogCategory = ILogger.S_OTHER; } else { if (mAuthority instanceof ICertificateAuthority) mLogCategory = ILogger.S_CA; else if (mAuthority instanceof IRegistrationAuthority) mLogCategory = ILogger.S_RA; else if (mAuthority instanceof IKeyRecoveryAuthority) mLogCategory = ILogger.S_KRA; else mLogCategory = ILogger.S_OTHER; } try { // get final error message. // used when templates can't even be loaded. String eMsg = sc.getInitParameter(PROP_FINAL_ERROR_MSG); if (eMsg != null) mFinalErrorMsg = eMsg; // get any configured templates. Enumeration templs = mTemplates.elements(); while (templs.hasMoreElements()) { CMSLoadTemplate templ = (CMSLoadTemplate) templs.nextElement(); if (templ == null || templ.mPropName == null) { continue; } String tName = sc.getInitParameter(templ.mPropName); if (tName != null) templ.mTemplateName = tName; String fillerName = sc.getInitParameter(templ.mFillerPropName); if (fillerName != null) { ICMSTemplateFiller filler = newFillerObject(fillerName); if (filler != null) templ.mFiller = filler; } } // get http params NOT to store in a IRequest and // get http headers TO store in a IRequest. getDontSaveHttpParams(sc); getSaveHttpHeaders(sc); } catch (Exception e) { // should never occur since we provide defaults above. log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_ERR_CONF_TEMP_PARAMS", e.toString())); throw new ServletException(e.toString()); } try { mSHADigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_ERR_CONF_TEMP_PARAMS", e.toString())); throw new ServletException(e.toString()); } } public String getId() { return mId; } public String getAuthMgr() { return mAuthMgr; } public boolean isClientCertRequired() { if (mGetClientCert != null && mGetClientCert.equals("true")) return true; else return false; } public void outputHttpParameters(HttpServletRequest httpReq) { CMS.debug("CMSServlet:service() uri = " + httpReq.getRequestURI()); Enumeration paramNames = httpReq.getParameterNames(); while (paramNames.hasMoreElements()) { String pn = (String) paramNames.nextElement(); // added this facility so that password can be hidden, // all sensitive parameters should be prefixed with // __ (double underscores); however, in the event that // a security parameter slips through, we perform multiple // additional checks to insure that it is NOT displayed if (pn.startsWith("__") || pn.endsWith("password") || pn.endsWith("passwd") || pn.endsWith("pwd") || pn.equalsIgnoreCase("admin_password_again") || pn.equalsIgnoreCase("directoryManagerPwd") || pn.equalsIgnoreCase("bindpassword") || pn.equalsIgnoreCase("bindpwd") || pn.equalsIgnoreCase("passwd") || pn.equalsIgnoreCase("password") || pn.equalsIgnoreCase("pin") || pn.equalsIgnoreCase("pwd") || pn.equalsIgnoreCase("pwdagain") || pn.startsWith("p12Password") || pn.equalsIgnoreCase("uPasswd")) { CMS.debug("CMSServlet::service() param name='" + pn + "' value='(sensitive)'"); } else { CMS.debug("CMSServlet::service() param name='" + pn + "' value='" + httpReq.getParameter(pn) + "'"); } } } public void service(HttpServletRequest httpReq, HttpServletResponse httpResp) throws ServletException, IOException { boolean running_state = CMS.isInRunningState(); if (!running_state) throw new IOException( "CS server is not ready to serve."); try { if (CMS.getConfigStore().getBoolean("useThreadNaming", false)) { String currentName = Thread.currentThread().getName(); Thread.currentThread().setName(currentName + "-" + httpReq.getServletPath()); } } catch (Exception e) { } httpReq.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); if (CMS.debugOn()) { outputHttpParameters(httpReq); } CMS.debug("CMSServlet: " + mId + " start to service."); // get a cms request CMSRequest cmsRequest = newCMSRequest(); // set argblock cmsRequest.setHttpParams(CMS.createArgBlock("http-request-params", toHashtable(httpReq))); // set http request cmsRequest.setHttpReq(httpReq); // set http response cmsRequest.setHttpResp(httpResp); // set servlet config. cmsRequest.setServletConfig(mServletConfig); // set servlet context. cmsRequest.setServletContext(mServletContext); IArgBlock httpArgs = cmsRequest.getHttpParams(); // authenticator value from http overrides the value in web.xml. String authMgr_http = httpArgs.getValueAsString(AUTHMGR_PARAM, null); if (authMgr_http != null) { mAuthMgr = authMgr_http; } else { mAuthMgr = mServletConfig.getInitParameter(PROP_AUTHMGR); } // process request. ICommandQueue iCommandQueue = CMS.getCommandQueue(); try { if (iCommandQueue.registerProcess(cmsRequest, this) == false) { cmsRequest.setStatus(CMSRequest.ERROR); renderResult(cmsRequest); SessionContext.releaseContext(); return; } long startTime = CMS.getCurrentDate().getTime(); process(cmsRequest); renderResult(cmsRequest); Date endDate = CMS.getCurrentDate(); long endTime = endDate.getTime(); if (CMS.debugOn()) { CMS.debug(CMS.DEBUG_INFORM, "CMSServlet: curDate=" + endDate + " id=" + mId + " time=" + (endTime - startTime)); } iCommandQueue.unRegisterProccess((Object) cmsRequest, (Object) this); } catch (EBaseException e) { iCommandQueue.unRegisterProccess((Object) cmsRequest, (Object) this); // ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); for debugging only // PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(os); //e.printStackTrace(ps); log(e.toString()); renderException(cmsRequest, e); } catch (Exception ex) { iCommandQueue.unRegisterProccess((Object) cmsRequest, (Object) this); ByteArrayOutputStream os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(os); ex.printStackTrace(ps); log(os.toString()); renderFinalError(cmsRequest, ex); } // destroy SessionContext SessionContext.releaseContext(); return; } /** * Create a new CMSRequest object. This should be overriden by servlets * implementing different types of request * * @return a new CMSRequest object */ protected CMSRequest newCMSRequest() { return new CMSRequest(); } /** * process an HTTP request. Servlets must override this with their * own implementation * * @throws EBaseException if the servlet was unable to satisfactorily * process the request */ protected void process(CMSRequest cmsRequest) throws EBaseException { } /** * Output a template. * If an error occurs while outputing the template the exception template * is used to display the error. * * @param cmsReq the CS request */ protected void renderResult(CMSRequest cmsReq) throws IOException { if (!mRenderResult) return; Integer status = cmsReq.getStatus(); CMSLoadTemplate ltempl = (CMSLoadTemplate) mTemplates.get(status); if (ltempl == null || ltempl.mTemplateName == null) { // result is previously outputed. return; } ICMSTemplateFiller filler = ltempl.mFiller; renderTemplate(cmsReq, ltempl.mTemplateName, filler); } private static final String PRESERVED = "preserved"; public static final String TEMPLATE_NAME = "templateName"; protected void outputArgBlockAsXML(XMLObject xmlObj, Node parent, String argBlockName, IArgBlock argBlock) { Node argBlockContainer = xmlObj.createContainer(parent, argBlockName); if (argBlock != null) { Enumeration names = argBlock.getElements(); while (names.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String) names.nextElement(); String val = argBlock.get(name).toString(); val = val.trim(); xmlObj.addItemToContainer(argBlockContainer, name, val); } } } protected void outputXML(HttpServletResponse httpResp, CMSTemplateParams params) { XMLObject xmlObj = null; try { xmlObj = new XMLObject(); Node root = xmlObj.createRoot("xml"); outputArgBlockAsXML(xmlObj, root, "header", params.getHeader()); outputArgBlockAsXML(xmlObj, root, "fixed", params.getFixed()); Enumeration records = params.queryRecords(); Node recordsNode = xmlObj.createContainer(root, "records"); if (records != null) { while (records.hasMoreElements()) { IArgBlock record = (IArgBlock) records.nextElement(); outputArgBlockAsXML(xmlObj, recordsNode, "record", record); } } byte[] cb = xmlObj.toByteArray(); OutputStream os = httpResp.getOutputStream(); httpResp.setContentType("application/xml"); httpResp.setContentLength(cb.length); os.write(cb); os.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { CMS.debug("failed in outputing XML " + e); } } protected void renderTemplate( CMSRequest cmsReq, String templateName, ICMSTemplateFiller filler) throws IOException { try { IArgBlock httpParams = cmsReq.getHttpParams(); Locale[] locale = new Locale[1]; CMSTemplate template = getTemplate(templateName, cmsReq.getHttpReq(), locale); CMSTemplateParams templateParams = null; if (filler != null) { templateParams = filler.getTemplateParams( cmsReq, mAuthority, locale[0], null); } // just output arg blocks as XML CMS.debug("CMSServlet.java: renderTemplate"); String xmlOutput = cmsReq.getHttpReq().getParameter("xml"); if (xmlOutput != null && xmlOutput.equals("true")) { CMS.debug("CMSServlet.java: xml parameter detected, returning xml"); outputXML(cmsReq.getHttpResp(), templateParams); return; } if (httpParams != null) { String httpTemplateName = httpParams.getValueAsString( TEMPLATE_NAME, null); if (httpTemplateName != null) { templateName = httpTemplateName; } } if (templateParams == null) templateParams = new CMSTemplateParams(null, null); // #359630 // inject preserved http parameter into the template if (httpParams != null) { String preserved = httpParams.getValueAsString( PRESERVED, null); if (preserved != null) { IArgBlock fixed = templateParams.getFixed(); if (fixed != null) { fixed.set(PRESERVED, preserved); } } } ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); template.renderOutput(bos, templateParams); cmsReq.getHttpResp().setContentType("text/html"); cmsReq.getHttpResp().setContentLength(bos.size()); bos.writeTo(cmsReq.getHttpResp().getOutputStream()); } catch (Exception e) { log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_ERR_OUT_TEMPLATE", templateName, e.toString())); renderException(cmsReq, new ECMSGWException(CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_ERROR_DISPLAY_TEMPLATE"))); return; } } /** * Output exception (unexpected error) template * This is different from other templates in that if an exception occurs * while rendering the exception a message is printed out directly. * If the message gets an error an IOException is thrown. * In others if an exception occurs while rendering the template the * exception template (this) is called. *

* * @param cmsReq the CS request to pass to template filler if any. * @param e the unexpected exception */ protected void renderException(CMSRequest cmsReq, EBaseException e) throws IOException { try { Locale[] locale = new Locale[1]; CMSLoadTemplate loadTempl = (CMSLoadTemplate) mTemplates.get(CMSRequest.EXCEPTION); CMSTemplate template = getTemplate(loadTempl.mTemplateName, cmsReq.getHttpReq(), locale); ICMSTemplateFiller filler = loadTempl.mFiller; CMSTemplateParams templateParams = null; // When an exception occurs the exit is non-local which probably // will leave the requestStatus value set to something other // than CMSRequest.EXCEPTION, so force the requestStatus to // EXCEPTION since it must be that if we're here. cmsReq.setStatus(CMSRequest.EXCEPTION); if (filler != null) { templateParams = filler.getTemplateParams( cmsReq, mAuthority, locale[0], e); } if (templateParams == null) { templateParams = new CMSTemplateParams(null, CMS.createArgBlock()); } if (e != null) { templateParams.getFixed().set( ICMSTemplateFiller.EXCEPTION, e.toString(locale[0])); } // just output arg blocks as XML CMS.debug("CMSServlet.java: renderTemplate"); String xmlOutput = cmsReq.getHttpReq().getParameter("xml"); if (xmlOutput != null && xmlOutput.equals("true")) { CMS.debug("CMSServlet.java: xml parameter detected, returning xml"); outputXML(cmsReq.getHttpResp(), templateParams); return; } ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); template.renderOutput(bos, templateParams); cmsReq.getHttpResp().setContentType("text/html"); cmsReq.getHttpResp().setContentLength(bos.size()); bos.writeTo(cmsReq.getHttpResp().getOutputStream()); } catch (Exception ex) { renderFinalError(cmsReq, ex); } } public void renderFinalError(CMSRequest cmsReq, Exception ex) throws IOException { // this template is the last resort for all other unexpected // errors in other templates so we can only output text. HttpServletResponse httpResp = cmsReq.getHttpResp(); httpResp.setContentType("text/html"); ServletOutputStream out = httpResp.getOutputStream(); // replace $ERRORMSG with exception message if included. String finalErrMsg = mFinalErrorMsg; int tokenIdx = mFinalErrorMsg.indexOf(ERROR_MSG_TOKEN); if (tokenIdx != -1) { finalErrMsg = mFinalErrorMsg.substring(0, tokenIdx) + ex.toString() + mFinalErrorMsg.substring( tokenIdx + ERROR_MSG_TOKEN.length()); } out.println(finalErrMsg); return; } /** * Invalidates a SSL Session. So client auth will happen again. */ protected static void invalidateSSLSession(HttpServletRequest httpReq) { /* try { s = (SSLSocket) ((HTTPRequest) httpReq).getConnection().getSocket(); } catch (ClassCastException e) { CMS.getLogger().log( ILogger.EV_SYSTEM, ILogger.S_OTHER, ILogger.LL_WARN, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_SSL_NO_INVALIDATE")); // ignore. return; } try { s.invalidateSession(); s.resetHandshake(); }catch (SocketException se) { } */ return; } /** * construct a authentication credentials to pass into authentication * manager. */ public static AuthCredentials getAuthCreds( IAuthManager authMgr, IArgBlock argBlock, X509Certificate clientCert) throws EBaseException { // get credentials from http parameters. String[] reqCreds = authMgr.getRequiredCreds(); AuthCredentials creds = new AuthCredentials(); for (int i = 0; i < reqCreds.length; i++) { String reqCred = reqCreds[i]; if (reqCred.equals(IAuthManager.CRED_SSL_CLIENT_CERT)) { // cert could be null; creds.set(reqCred, new X509Certificate[] { clientCert } ); } else { String value = argBlock.getValueAsString(reqCred); creds.set(reqCred, value); // value could be null; } } // Inserted by bskim creds.setArgBlock(argBlock); // Insert end return creds; } /** * get ssl client authenticated certificate */ protected X509Certificate getSSLClientCertificate(HttpServletRequest httpReq) throws EBaseException { X509Certificate cert = null; mLogger.log(ILogger.EV_SYSTEM, ILogger.S_OTHER, ILogger.LL_INFO, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_GETTING_SSL_CLIENT_CERT")); // iws60 support Java Servlet Spec V2.2, attribute // javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate now contains array // of X509Certificates instead of one X509Certificate object X509Certificate[] allCerts = (X509Certificate[]) httpReq.getAttribute(CERT_ATTR); if (allCerts == null || allCerts.length == 0) { throw new EBaseException("You did not provide a valid certificate for this operation"); } cert = allCerts[0]; if (cert == null) { // just don't have a cert. mLogger.log(ILogger.EV_SYSTEM, ILogger.S_OTHER, ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_SSL_CL_CERT_FAIL")); return null; } // convert to sun's x509 cert interface. try { byte[] certEncoded = cert.getEncoded(); cert = new X509CertImpl(certEncoded); } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) { mLogger.log( ILogger.EV_SYSTEM, ILogger.S_OTHER, ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_SSL_CL_CERT_FAIL_ENCODE", e.getMessage())); return null; } catch (CertificateException e) { mLogger.log( ILogger.EV_SYSTEM, ILogger.S_OTHER, ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_SSL_CL_CERT_FAIL_DECODE", e.getMessage())); return null; } return cert; } /** * get a template based on result status. */ protected CMSTemplate getTemplate( String templateName, HttpServletRequest httpReq, Locale[] locale) throws EBaseException, IOException { // this converts to system dependent file seperator char. if (mServletConfig == null) { CMS.debug("CMSServlet:getTemplate() - mServletConfig is null!"); return null; } if (mServletConfig.getServletContext() == null) { } if (templateName == null) { } String realpath = mServletConfig.getServletContext().getRealPath("/" + templateName); if (realpath == null) { mLogger.log( ILogger.EV_SYSTEM, ILogger.S_OTHER, ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_NO_FIND_TEMPLATE", templateName)); throw new ECMSGWException(CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_ERROR_DISPLAY_TEMPLATE")); } File realpathFile = new File(realpath); File templateFile = getLangFile(httpReq, realpathFile, locale); String charSet = httpReq.getCharacterEncoding(); if (charSet == null) { charSet = "UTF8"; } CMSTemplate template = (CMSTemplate) mFileLoader.getCMSFile(templateFile, charSet); return template; } /** * log according to authority category. */ protected void log(int event, int level, String msg) { mLogger.log(event, mLogCategory, level, "Servlet " + mId + ": " + msg); } protected void log(int level, String msg) { mLogger.log(ILogger.EV_SYSTEM, mLogCategory, level, "Servlet " + mId + ": " + msg); } /** * get http parameters not to save from configuration. */ protected void getDontSaveHttpParams(ServletConfig sc) { String dontSaveParams = null; try { for (int i = 0; i < DONT_SAVE_HTTP_PARAMS.length; i++) { mDontSaveHttpParams.addElement(DONT_SAVE_HTTP_PARAMS[i]); } dontSaveParams = sc.getInitParameter( PROP_DONT_SAVE_HTTP_PARAMS); if (dontSaveParams != null) { StringTokenizer params = new StringTokenizer(dontSaveParams, ","); while (params.hasMoreTokens()) { String param = params.nextToken(); mDontSaveHttpParams.addElement(param); } } } catch (Exception e) { // should never happen log(ILogger.LL_WARN, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_NO_CONFIG_VALUE", PROP_DONT_SAVE_HTTP_PARAMS, e.toString())); // default just in case. for (int i = 0; i < DONT_SAVE_HTTP_PARAMS.length; i++) { mDontSaveHttpParams.addElement(DONT_SAVE_HTTP_PARAMS[i]); } return; } } /** * get http headers to save from configuration. */ protected void getSaveHttpHeaders(ServletConfig sc) { try { // init save http headers. default will always be saved. for (int i = 0; i < SAVE_HTTP_HEADERS.length; i++) { mSaveHttpHeaders.addElement(SAVE_HTTP_HEADERS[i]); } // now get from config file if there's more. String saveHeaders = sc.getInitParameter(PROP_SAVE_HTTP_HEADERS); if (saveHeaders != null) { StringTokenizer headers = new StringTokenizer(saveHeaders, ","); while (headers.hasMoreTokens()) { String hdr = headers.nextToken(); mSaveHttpHeaders.addElement(hdr); } } } catch (Exception e) { // should never happen log(ILogger.LL_WARN, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_NO_CONFIG_VALUE", PROP_SAVE_HTTP_HEADERS, e.toString())); return; } } /** * save http headers in a IRequest. */ protected void saveHttpHeaders( HttpServletRequest httpReq, IRequest req) throws EBaseException { Hashtable headers = new Hashtable(); Enumeration hdrs = mSaveHttpHeaders.elements(); while (hdrs.hasMoreElements()) { String hdr = hdrs.nextElement(); String val = httpReq.getHeader(hdr); if (val != null) { headers.put(hdr, val); } } req.setExtData(IRequest.HTTP_HEADERS, headers); } /** * save http headers in a IRequest. */ protected void saveHttpParams( IArgBlock httpParams, IRequest req) { Hashtable saveParams = new Hashtable(); Enumeration names = httpParams.elements(); while (names.hasMoreElements()) { String name = names.nextElement(); Enumeration params = mDontSaveHttpParams.elements(); boolean dosave = true; while (params.hasMoreElements()) { String param = params.nextElement(); if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(param)) { dosave = false; break; } } if (dosave) { // kmccarth // fear not - service() calls toHashtable() which only // retrieves string values. // TODO - when we can use JDK5 features we should typecast // the params until they get here saveParams.put(name, (String) httpParams.get(name)); } } req.setExtData(IRequest.HTTP_PARAMS, saveParams); } /** * handy routine for getting a cert record given a serial number. */ protected ICertRecord getCertRecord(BigInteger serialNo) { if (mAuthority == null || !(mAuthority instanceof ICertificateAuthority)) { log(ILogger.LL_WARN, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_NON_CERT_AUTH")); return null; } ICertificateRepository certdb = ((ICertificateAuthority) mAuthority).getCertificateRepository(); if (certdb == null) { log(ILogger.LL_WARN, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_CERT_DB_NULL", mAuthority.toString())); return null; } ICertRecord certRecord = null; try { certRecord = certdb.readCertificateRecord(serialNo); } catch (EBaseException e) { log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_NO_CERT_REC", serialNo.toString(16), e.toString())); return null; } return certRecord; } /** * handy routine for validating if a cert is from this CA. * mAuthority must be a CA. */ protected boolean isCertFromCA(X509Certificate cert) { BigInteger serialno = cert.getSerialNumber(); X509CertImpl certInDB = (X509CertImpl) getX509Certificate(serialno); if (certInDB == null || !certInDB.equals(cert)) return false; return true; } /** * handy routine for checking if a list of certs is from this CA. * mAuthortiy must be a CA. */ protected boolean areCertsFromCA(X509Certificate[] certs) { for (int i = certs.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!isCertFromCA(certs[i])) return false; } return true; } /** * handy routine for getting a certificate from the certificate * repository. mAuthority must be a CA. */ protected X509Certificate getX509Certificate(BigInteger serialNo) { if (mAuthority == null || !(mAuthority instanceof ICertificateAuthority)) { log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_NOT_CERT_AUTH")); return null; } ICertificateRepository certdb = ((ICertificateAuthority) mAuthority).getCertificateRepository(); if (certdb == null) { log(ILogger.LL_WARN, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_CERT_DB_NULL", mAuthority.toString())); return null; } X509Certificate cert = null; try { cert = certdb.getX509Certificate(serialNo); } catch (EBaseException e) { log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_NO_CERT_REC", serialNo.toString(16), e.toString())); return null; } return cert; } /** * instantiate a new filler from a class name, * * @return null if can't be instantiated, new instance otherwise. */ protected ICMSTemplateFiller newFillerObject(String fillerClass) { ICMSTemplateFiller filler = null; try { filler = (ICMSTemplateFiller) Class.forName(fillerClass).newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { if ((e instanceof RuntimeException)) { throw (RuntimeException) e; } else { log(ILogger.LL_WARN, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_CANT_LOAD_FILLER", fillerClass, e.toString())); return null; } } return filler; } /** * set default templates. * subclasses can override, and should override at least the success * template */ protected void setDefaultTemplates(ServletConfig sc) { // Subclasses should override these for diff templates and params in // their constructors. // Set a template name to null to not use these standard ones. // When template name is set to null nothing will be displayed. // Servlet is assumed to have rendered its own output. // The only exception is the unexpected error template where the // default one will always be used if template name is null. String successTemplate = null; String errorTemplate = null; String unauthorizedTemplate = null; String pendingTemplate = null; String svcpendingTemplate = null; String rejectedTemplate = null; String unexpectedErrorTemplate = null; String gateway = sc.getInitParameter("interface"); String authority = sc.getInitParameter(PROP_AUTHORITY); if (authority == null) { authority = sc.getInitParameter("authorityId"); } try { successTemplate = sc.getInitParameter( PROP_SUCCESS_TEMPLATE); if (successTemplate == null) { successTemplate = SUCCESS_TEMPLATE; if (gateway != null) //successTemplate = "/"+gateway+successTemplate; successTemplate = "/" + gateway + successTemplate; } errorTemplate = sc.getInitParameter( PROP_ERROR_TEMPLATE); if (errorTemplate == null) { errorTemplate = ERROR_TEMPLATE; if (gateway != null) //errorTemplate = "/"+gateway+errorTemplate; errorTemplate = "/" + gateway + errorTemplate; } unauthorizedTemplate = sc.getInitParameter( PROP_UNAUTHORIZED_TEMPLATE); if (unauthorizedTemplate == null) { unauthorizedTemplate = UNAUTHORIZED_TEMPLATE; if (gateway != null) //unauthorizedTemplate = "/"+gateway+unauthorizedTemplate; unauthorizedTemplate = "/" + gateway + unauthorizedTemplate; } pendingTemplate = sc.getInitParameter( PROP_PENDING_TEMPLATE); if (pendingTemplate == null) { pendingTemplate = PENDING_TEMPLATE; if (gateway != null) //pendingTemplate = "/"+gateway+pendingTemplate; pendingTemplate = "/" + gateway + pendingTemplate; } svcpendingTemplate = sc.getInitParameter( PROP_SVC_PENDING_TEMPLATE); if (svcpendingTemplate == null) { svcpendingTemplate = SVC_PENDING_TEMPLATE; if (gateway != null) //svcpendingTemplate = "/"+gateway+svcpendingTemplate; svcpendingTemplate = "/" + gateway + svcpendingTemplate; } rejectedTemplate = sc.getInitParameter( PROP_REJECTED_TEMPLATE); if (rejectedTemplate == null) { rejectedTemplate = REJECTED_TEMPLATE; if (gateway != null) //rejectedTemplate = "/"+gateway+rejectedTemplate; rejectedTemplate = "/" + gateway + rejectedTemplate; } unexpectedErrorTemplate = sc.getInitParameter( PROP_EXCEPTION_TEMPLATE); if (unexpectedErrorTemplate == null) { unexpectedErrorTemplate = EXCEPTION_TEMPLATE; if (gateway != null) //unexpectedErrorTemplate = "/"+gateway+unexpectedErrorTemplate; unexpectedErrorTemplate = "/" + gateway + unexpectedErrorTemplate; } } catch (Exception e) { // this should never happen. log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_IMP_INIT_SERV_ERR", e.toString(), mId)); } mTemplates.put( CMSRequest.UNAUTHORIZED, new CMSLoadTemplate( PROP_UNAUTHORIZED_TEMPLATE, PROP_UNAUTHOR_TEMPLATE_FILLER, unauthorizedTemplate, null)); mTemplates.put( CMSRequest.SUCCESS, new CMSLoadTemplate( PROP_SUCCESS_TEMPLATE, PROP_SUCCESS_TEMPLATE_FILLER, successTemplate, new GenSuccessTemplateFiller())); mTemplates.put( CMSRequest.PENDING, new CMSLoadTemplate( PROP_PENDING_TEMPLATE, PROP_PENDING_TEMPLATE_FILLER, pendingTemplate, new GenPendingTemplateFiller())); mTemplates.put( CMSRequest.SVC_PENDING, new CMSLoadTemplate( PROP_SVC_PENDING_TEMPLATE, PROP_SVC_PENDING_TEMPLATE_FILLER, svcpendingTemplate, new GenSvcPendingTemplateFiller())); mTemplates.put( CMSRequest.REJECTED, new CMSLoadTemplate( PROP_REJECTED_TEMPLATE, PROP_REJECTED_TEMPLATE_FILLER, rejectedTemplate, new GenRejectedTemplateFiller())); mTemplates.put( CMSRequest.ERROR, new CMSLoadTemplate( PROP_ERROR_TEMPLATE, PROP_ERROR_TEMPLATE_FILLER, errorTemplate, new GenErrorTemplateFiller())); mTemplates.put( CMSRequest.EXCEPTION, new CMSLoadTemplate( PROP_EXCEPTION_TEMPLATE, PROP_EXCEPTION_TEMPLATE_FILLER, unexpectedErrorTemplate, new GenUnexpectedErrorTemplateFiller())); } /** * handy routine to check if client is navigator based on user-agent. */ public static boolean clientIsNav(HttpServletRequest httpReq) { String useragent = httpReq.getHeader("user-agent"); if (useragent.startsWith("Mozilla") && useragent.indexOf("MSIE") == -1) return true; return false; } /** * handy routine to check if client is msie based on user-agent. */ public static boolean clientIsMSIE(HttpServletRequest httpReq) { String useragent = httpReq.getHeader("user-agent"); if (useragent != null && useragent.indexOf("MSIE") != -1) return true; return false; } /** * handy routine to check if client is cartman based on hidden http input * set using cartman JS. (no other way to tell) */ private static String CMMF_RESPONSE = "cmmfResponse"; public static boolean doCMMFResponse(IArgBlock httpParams) { if (httpParams.getValueAsBoolean(CMMF_RESPONSE, false)) return true; else return false; } private static final String IMPORT_CERT = "importCert"; private static final String IMPORT_CHAIN = "importCAChain"; private static final String IMPORT_CERT_MIME_TYPE = "importCertMimeType"; // default mime type private static final String NS_X509_USER_CERT = "application/x-x509-user-cert"; private static final String NS_X509_EMAIL_CERT = "application/x-x509-email-cert"; // CMC mime types public static final String SIMPLE_ENROLLMENT_REQUEST = "application/pkcs10"; public static final String SIMPLE_ENROLLMENT_RESPONSE = "application/pkcs7-mime"; public static final String FULL_ENROLLMENT_REQUEST = "application/pkcs7-mime"; public static final String FULL_ENROLLMENT_RESPONSE = "application/pkcs7-mime"; /** * handy routine to check if client want full enrollment response */ public static String FULL_RESPONSE = "fullResponse"; public static boolean doFullResponse(IArgBlock httpParams) { if (httpParams.getValueAsBoolean(FULL_RESPONSE, false)) return true; else return false; } /** * @return false if import cert directly set to false. * @return true if import cert directly is true and import cert. */ protected boolean checkImportCertToNav( HttpServletResponse httpResp, IArgBlock httpParams, X509CertImpl cert) throws EBaseException { if (!httpParams.getValueAsBoolean(IMPORT_CERT, false)) { return false; } boolean importCAChain = httpParams.getValueAsBoolean(IMPORT_CHAIN, true); // XXX Temporary workaround because of problem with passing Mime type boolean emailCert = httpParams.getValueAsBoolean("emailCert", false); String importMimeType = (emailCert) ? httpParams.getValueAsString(IMPORT_CERT_MIME_TYPE, NS_X509_EMAIL_CERT) : httpParams.getValueAsString(IMPORT_CERT_MIME_TYPE, NS_X509_USER_CERT); // String importMimeType = // httpParams.getValueAsString( // IMPORT_CERT_MIME_TYPE, NS_X509_USER_CERT); importCertToNav(httpResp, cert, importMimeType, importCAChain); return true; } /** * handy routine to import cert to old navigator in nav mime type. */ public void importCertToNav( HttpServletResponse httpResp, X509CertImpl cert, String contentType, boolean importCAChain) throws EBaseException { ServletOutputStream out = null; byte[] encoding = null; CMS.debug("CMSServlet: importCertToNav " + "contentType=" + contentType + " " + "importCAChain=" + importCAChain); try { out = httpResp.getOutputStream(); // CA chain. if (importCAChain) { CertificateChain caChain = null; X509Certificate[] caCerts = null; PKCS7 p7 = null; caChain = ((ICertAuthority) mAuthority).getCACertChain(); caCerts = caChain.getChain(); // set user + CA cert chain in pkcs7 X509CertImpl[] userChain = new X509CertImpl[caCerts.length + 1]; userChain[0] = cert; int m = 1, n = 0; for (; n < caCerts.length; m++, n++) { userChain[m] = (X509CertImpl) caCerts[n]; /* System.out.println( m+"th Cert "+userChain[m].toString()); */ } p7 = new PKCS7(new AlgorithmId[0], new ContentInfo(new byte[0]), userChain, new SignerInfo[0]); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); p7.encodeSignedData(bos, false); encoding = bos.toByteArray(); CMS.debug("CMServlet: return P7 " + CMS.BtoA(encoding)); } else { encoding = cert.getEncoded(); CMS.debug("CMServlet: return Certificate " + CMS.BtoA(encoding)); } httpResp.setContentType(contentType); out.write(encoding); } catch (IOException e) { mLogger.log(ILogger.EV_SYSTEM, ILogger.S_OTHER, ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_RET_CERT_IMPORT_ERR", e.toString())); throw new ECMSGWException( CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_ERROR_RETURNING_CERT")); } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) { mLogger.log(ILogger.EV_SYSTEM, ILogger.S_OTHER, ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_NO_ENCODED_IMP_CERT", e.toString())); throw new ECMSGWException( CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_ERROR_ENCODING_ISSUED_CERT")); } } protected static void saveAuthToken(IAuthToken token, IRequest req) { if (token != null && req != null) req.setExtData(IRequest.AUTH_TOKEN, token); // # 56230 - expose auth token parameters to the policy predicate if (token != null && req != null) { Enumeration e = token.getElements(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { String n = e.nextElement(); String[] x1 = token.getInStringArray(n); if (x1 != null) { for (int i = 0; i < x1.length; i++) { CMS.debug("Setting " + IRequest.AUTH_TOKEN + "-" + n + "(" + i + ")=" + x1[i]); req.setExtData(IRequest.AUTH_TOKEN + "-" + n + "(" + i + ")", x1[i]); } } else { String x = token.getInString(n); if (x != null) { CMS.debug("Setting " + IRequest.AUTH_TOKEN + "-" + n + "=" + x); req.setExtData(IRequest.AUTH_TOKEN + "-" + n, x); } } } // while } // if } protected IAuthToken getAuthToken(IRequest req) { return req.getExtDataInAuthToken(IRequest.AUTH_TOKEN); } protected static boolean connectionIsSSL(HttpServletRequest httpReq) { return httpReq.isSecure(); } /** * handy routine for getting agent's relative path */ protected String getRelPath(IAuthority authority) { if (authority instanceof ICertificateAuthority) return "ca/"; else if (authority instanceof IRegistrationAuthority) return "ra/"; else if (authority instanceof IKeyRecoveryAuthority) return "kra/"; else return "/"; } /** * A system certificate such as the CA signing certificate * should not be allowed to delete. * The main purpose is to avoid revoking the self signed * CA certificate accidentially. */ protected boolean isSystemCertificate(BigInteger serialNo) { if (!(mAuthority instanceof ICertificateAuthority)) { return false; } X509Certificate caCert = ((ICertificateAuthority) mAuthority).getCACert(); if (caCert != null) { /* only check this if we are self-signed */ if (caCert.getSubjectDN().equals(caCert.getIssuerDN())) { if (caCert.getSerialNumber().equals(serialNo)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * make a CRL entry from a serial number and revocation reason. * * @return a RevokedCertImpl that can be entered in a CRL. */ protected RevokedCertImpl formCRLEntry( BigInteger serialNo, RevocationReason reason) throws EBaseException { CRLReasonExtension reasonExt = new CRLReasonExtension(reason); CRLExtensions crlentryexts = new CRLExtensions(); try { crlentryexts.set(CRLReasonExtension.NAME, reasonExt); } catch (IOException e) { log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_ERR_CRL_REASON", reason.toString(), e.toString())); throw new ECMSGWException( CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_ERROR_SETTING_CRLREASON")); } RevokedCertImpl crlentry = new RevokedCertImpl(serialNo, CMS.getCurrentDate(), crlentryexts); return crlentry; } /** * check if a certificate (serial number) is revoked on a CA. * * @return true if cert is marked revoked in the CA's database. * @return false if cert is not marked revoked. */ protected boolean certIsRevoked(BigInteger serialNum) throws EBaseException { ICertRecord certRecord = getCertRecord(serialNum); if (certRecord == null) { log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_BAD_CERT_SER_NUM", String.valueOf(serialNum))); throw new ECMSGWException( CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_INVALID_CERT")); } if (certRecord.getStatus().equals(ICertRecord.STATUS_REVOKED)) return true; return false; } public static String generateSalt() { Random rnd = new Random(); String salt = new Integer(rnd.nextInt()).toString(); return salt; } protected String hashPassword(String pwd) { String salt = generateSalt(); byte[] pwdDigest = mSHADigest.digest((salt + pwd).getBytes()); String b64E = Utils.base64encode(pwdDigest); return "{SHA}" + salt + ";" + b64E; } /** * @param req http servlet request * @param realpathFile the file to get. * @param locale array of at least one to be filled with locale found. */ public static File getLangFile( HttpServletRequest req, File realpathFile, Locale[] locale) throws IOException { File file = null; String acceptLang = req.getHeader("accept-language"); if (acceptLang != null && !acceptLang.equals("")) { StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(acceptLang, ","); int numLangs = tokenizer.countTokens(); if (numLangs > 0) { // languages are searched in order. String parent = realpathFile.getParent(); if (parent == null) { parent = "." + File.separatorChar; } String name = realpathFile.getName(); if (name == null) { // filename should never be null. throw new IOException("file has no name"); } int i; for (i = 0; i < numLangs; i++) { String lang = null; String token = tokenizer.nextToken(); int semicolon = token.indexOf(';'); if (semicolon == -1) { lang = token.trim(); } else { if (semicolon < 2) continue; // protocol error. lang = token.substring(0, semicolon).trim(); } // if browser locale is the same as default locale, // use the default form. (is this the right thing to do ?) Locale l = getLocale(lang); if (Locale.getDefault().equals(l)) { locale[0] = l; file = realpathFile; break; } String langfilepath = parent + File.separatorChar + lang + File.separatorChar + name; file = new File(langfilepath); if (file.exists()) { locale[0] = getLocale(lang); break; } } // if no file for lang was found use default if (i == numLangs) { file = realpathFile; locale[0] = Locale.getDefault(); } } } else { // use default if accept-language is not availabe file = realpathFile; locale[0] = Locale.getDefault(); } return file; } public static Locale getLocale(String lang) { int dash = lang.indexOf('-'); if (dash == -1) return new Locale(lang, ""); else return new Locale(lang.substring(0, dash), lang.substring(dash + 1)); } public IAuthToken authenticate(CMSRequest req) throws EBaseException { return authenticate(req, mAuthMgr); } public IAuthToken authenticate(HttpServletRequest httpReq) throws EBaseException { return authenticate(httpReq, mAuthMgr); } public IAuthToken authenticate(CMSRequest req, String authMgrName) throws EBaseException { IAuthToken authToken = authenticate(req.getHttpReq(), authMgrName); saveAuthToken(authToken, req.getIRequest()); return authToken; } /** * Authentication *

* *

* * @exception EBaseException an error has occurred */ public IAuthToken authenticate(HttpServletRequest httpReq, String authMgrName) throws EBaseException { String auditMessage = null; String auditSubjectID = ILogger.UNIDENTIFIED; String auditAuthMgrID = ILogger.UNIDENTIFIED; String auditUID = ILogger.UNIDENTIFIED; // ensure that any low-level exceptions are reported // to the signed audit log and stored as failures try { String getClientCert = mGetClientCert; IArgBlock httpArgs = CMS.createArgBlock(toHashtable(httpReq)); SessionContext ctx = SessionContext.getContext(); String ip = httpReq.getRemoteAddr(); CMS.debug("IP: " + ip); if (ip != null) { ctx.put(SessionContext.IPADDRESS, ip); } if (authMgrName != null) { CMS.debug("AuthMgrName: " + authMgrName); ctx.put(SessionContext.AUTH_MANAGER_ID, authMgrName); } // put locale into session context ctx.put(SessionContext.LOCALE, getLocale(httpReq)); // // check ssl client authentication if specified. // X509Certificate clientCert = null; if (getClientCert != null && getClientCert.equals("true")) { CMS.debug("CMSServlet: retrieving SSL certificate"); clientCert = getSSLClientCertificate(httpReq); } // // check authentication by auth manager if any. // if (authMgrName == null) { // Fixed Blackflag Bug #613900: Since this code block does // NOT actually constitute an authentication failure, but // rather the case in which a given servlet has been correctly // configured to NOT require an authentication manager, the // audit message called LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_AUTH_FAIL has // been removed. CMS.debug("CMSServlet: no authMgrName"); return null; } else { // save the "Subject DN" of this certificate in case it // must be audited as an authentication failure if (clientCert == null) { CMS.debug("CMSServlet: no client certificate found"); } else { String certUID = clientCert.getSubjectDN().getName(); CMS.debug("CMSServlet: certUID=" + certUID); if (certUID != null) { certUID = certUID.trim(); if (!(certUID.equals(""))) { // reset the "auditUID" auditUID = certUID; } } } // reset the "auditAuthMgrID" auditAuthMgrID = authMgrName; } AuthToken authToken = CMSGateway.checkAuthManager(httpReq, httpArgs, clientCert, authMgrName); if (authToken == null) { return null; } String userid = authToken.getInString(IAuthToken.USER_ID); CMS.debug("CMSServlet: userid=" + userid); if (userid != null) { ctx.put(SessionContext.USER_ID, userid); } // reset the "auditSubjectID" auditSubjectID = auditSubjectID(); // store a message in the signed audit log file auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage( LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_AUTH_SUCCESS, auditSubjectID, ILogger.SUCCESS, auditAuthMgrID); audit(auditMessage); return authToken; } catch (EBaseException eAudit1) { // store a message in the signed audit log file auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage( LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_AUTH_FAIL, auditSubjectID, ILogger.FAILURE, auditAuthMgrID, auditUID); audit(auditMessage); // rethrow the specific exception to be handled later throw eAudit1; } } public AuthzToken authorize(String authzMgrName, String resource, IAuthToken authToken, String exp) throws EBaseException { AuthzToken authzToken = null; String auditMessage = null; String auditSubjectID = auditSubjectID(); String auditGroupID = auditGroupID(); String auditACLResource = resource; String auditOperation = "enroll"; try { authzToken = mAuthz.authorize(authzMgrName, authToken, exp); if (authzToken != null) { auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage( LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_AUTHZ_SUCCESS, auditSubjectID, ILogger.SUCCESS, auditACLResource, auditOperation); audit(auditMessage); // store a message in the signed audit log file auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage( LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_ROLE_ASSUME, auditSubjectID, ILogger.SUCCESS, auditGroupID); audit(auditMessage); } else { auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage( LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_AUTHZ_FAIL, auditSubjectID, ILogger.FAILURE, auditACLResource, auditOperation); audit(auditMessage); auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage( LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_ROLE_ASSUME, auditSubjectID, ILogger.FAILURE, auditGroupID); audit(auditMessage); } return authzToken; } catch (Exception e) { auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage( LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_AUTHZ_FAIL, auditSubjectID, ILogger.FAILURE, auditACLResource, auditOperation); audit(auditMessage); auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage( LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_ROLE_ASSUME, auditSubjectID, ILogger.FAILURE, auditGroupID); audit(auditMessage); throw new EBaseException(e.toString()); } } /** * Authorize must occur after Authenticate *

* *

* * @param authzMgrName string representing the name of the authorization * manager * @param authToken the authentication token * @param resource a string representing the ACL resource id as defined in * the ACL resource list * @param operation a string representing one of the operations as defined * within the ACL statement (e. g. - "read" for an ACL statement containing * "(read,write)") * @exception EBaseException an error has occurred * @return the authorization token */ public AuthzToken authorize(String authzMgrName, IAuthToken authToken, String resource, String operation) throws EBaseException { String auditMessage = null; String auditSubjectID = auditSubjectID(); String auditGroupID = auditGroupID(); String auditID = auditSubjectID; String auditACLResource = resource; String auditOperation = operation; SessionContext auditContext = SessionContext.getExistingContext(); String authManagerId = null; if (auditContext != null) { authManagerId = (String) auditContext.get(SessionContext.AUTH_MANAGER_ID); if (authManagerId != null && authManagerId.equals("TokenAuth")) { if (auditSubjectID.equals(ILogger.NONROLEUSER) || auditSubjectID.equals(ILogger.UNIDENTIFIED)) { CMS.debug("CMSServlet: in authorize... TokenAuth auditSubjectID unavailable, changing to auditGroupID"); auditID = auditGroupID; } } } // "normalize" the "auditACLResource" value if (auditACLResource != null) { auditACLResource = auditACLResource.trim(); } // "normalize" the "auditOperation" value if (auditOperation != null) { auditOperation = auditOperation.trim(); } if (authzMgrName == null) { // Fixed Blackflag Bug #613900: Since this code block does // NOT actually constitute an authorization failure, but // rather the case in which a given servlet has been correctly // configured to NOT require an authorization manager, the // audit message called LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_AUTHZ_FAIL and // the audit message called LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_ROLE_ASSUME // (marked as a failure) have been removed. return null; } try { AuthzToken authzTok = mAuthz.authorize(authzMgrName, authToken, resource, operation); if (authzTok != null) { // store a message in the signed audit log file auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage( LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_AUTHZ_SUCCESS, auditSubjectID, ILogger.SUCCESS, auditACLResource, auditOperation); audit(auditMessage); // store a message in the signed audit log file auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage( LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_ROLE_ASSUME, auditID, ILogger.SUCCESS, auditGroups(auditSubjectID)); audit(auditMessage); } else { // store a message in the signed audit log file auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage( LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_AUTHZ_FAIL, auditSubjectID, ILogger.FAILURE, auditACLResource, auditOperation); audit(auditMessage); // store a message in the signed audit log file auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage( LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_ROLE_ASSUME, auditID, ILogger.FAILURE, auditGroups(auditSubjectID)); audit(auditMessage); } return authzTok; } catch (EBaseException eAudit1) { // store a message in the signed audit log file auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage( LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_AUTHZ_FAIL, auditSubjectID, ILogger.FAILURE, auditACLResource, auditOperation); audit(auditMessage); // store a message in the signed audit log file auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage( LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_ROLE_ASSUME, auditID, ILogger.FAILURE, auditGroups(auditSubjectID)); audit(auditMessage); return null; } catch (Exception eAudit1) { // store a message in the signed audit log file auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage( LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_AUTHZ_FAIL, auditSubjectID, ILogger.FAILURE, auditACLResource, auditOperation); audit(auditMessage); // store a message in the signed audit log file auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage( LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_ROLE_ASSUME, auditSubjectID, ILogger.FAILURE, auditGroups(auditSubjectID)); audit(auditMessage); return null; } } /** * Signed Audit Log * * This method is inherited by all extended "CMSServlet"s, * and is called to store messages to the signed audit log. *

* * @param msg signed audit log message */ protected void audit(String msg) { // in this case, do NOT strip preceding/trailing whitespace // from passed-in String parameters if (mSignedAuditLogger == null) { return; } mSignedAuditLogger.log(ILogger.EV_SIGNED_AUDIT, null, ILogger.S_SIGNED_AUDIT, ILogger.LL_SECURITY, msg); } /** * Signed Audit Log Subject ID * * This method is inherited by all extended "CMSServlet"s, * and is called to obtain the "SubjectID" for * a signed audit log message. *

* * @return id string containing the signed audit log message SubjectID */ protected String auditSubjectID() { // if no signed audit object exists, bail if (mSignedAuditLogger == null) { return null; } CMS.debug("CMSServlet: in auditSubjectID"); String subjectID = null; // Initialize subjectID SessionContext auditContext = SessionContext.getExistingContext(); CMS.debug("CMSServlet: auditSubjectID auditContext " + auditContext); if (auditContext != null) { subjectID = (String) auditContext.get(SessionContext.USER_ID); CMS.debug("CMSServlet auditSubjectID: subjectID: " + subjectID); if (subjectID != null) { subjectID = subjectID.trim(); } else { subjectID = ILogger.NONROLEUSER; } } else { subjectID = ILogger.UNIDENTIFIED; } return subjectID; } /** * Signed Audit Log Group ID * * This method is inherited by all extended "CMSServlet"s, * and is called to obtain the "gid" for * a signed audit log message. *

* * @return id string containing the signed audit log message SubjectID */ protected String auditGroupID() { // if no signed audit object exists, bail if (mSignedAuditLogger == null) { return null; } CMS.debug("CMSServlet: in auditGroupID"); String groupID = null; // Initialize groupID SessionContext auditContext = SessionContext.getExistingContext(); CMS.debug("CMSServlet: auditGroupID auditContext " + auditContext); if (auditContext != null) { groupID = (String) auditContext.get(SessionContext.GROUP_ID); CMS.debug("CMSServlet auditGroupID: groupID: " + groupID); if (groupID != null) { groupID = groupID.trim(); } else { groupID = ILogger.NONROLEUSER; } } else { groupID = ILogger.UNIDENTIFIED; } return groupID; } /** * Signed Audit Groups * * This method is called to extract all "groups" associated * with the "auditSubjectID()". *

* * @param SubjectID string containing the signed audit log message SubjectID * @return a delimited string of groups associated * with the "auditSubjectID()" */ private String auditGroups(String SubjectID) { // if no signed audit object exists, bail if (mSignedAuditLogger == null) { return null; } if ((SubjectID == null) || (SubjectID.equals(ILogger.UNIDENTIFIED))) { return ILogger.SIGNED_AUDIT_EMPTY_VALUE; } Enumeration groups = null; try { groups = mUG.findGroups("*"); } catch (Exception e) { return ILogger.SIGNED_AUDIT_EMPTY_VALUE; } StringBuffer membersString = new StringBuffer(); while (groups.hasMoreElements()) { IGroup group = groups.nextElement(); if (group.isMember(SubjectID) == true) { if (membersString.length() != 0) { membersString.append(", "); } membersString.append(group.getGroupID()); } } if (membersString.length() != 0) { return membersString.toString(); } else { return ILogger.SIGNED_AUDIT_EMPTY_VALUE; } } /** * Retrieves locale based on the request. */ protected Locale getLocale(HttpServletRequest req) { Locale locale = null; String lang = req.getHeader(HDR_LANG); if (lang == null) { // use server locale locale = Locale.getDefault(); } else { locale = new Locale(UserInfo.getUserLanguage(lang), UserInfo.getUserCountry(lang)); } return locale; } protected void outputResult(HttpServletResponse httpResp, String contentType, byte[] content) { try { OutputStream os = httpResp.getOutputStream(); httpResp.setContentType(contentType); httpResp.setContentLength(content.length); os.write(content); os.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_ERR_BAD_SERV_OUT_STREAM", "", e.toString())); return; } } protected void outputError(HttpServletResponse httpResp, String errorString) { outputError(httpResp, FAILURE, errorString, null); } protected void outputError(HttpServletResponse httpResp, String errorString, String requestId) { outputError(httpResp, FAILURE, errorString, null); } protected void outputError(HttpServletResponse httpResp, String status, String errorString, String requestId) { XMLObject xmlObj = null; try { xmlObj = new XMLObject(); Node root = xmlObj.createRoot("XMLResponse"); xmlObj.addItemToContainer(root, "Status", status); xmlObj.addItemToContainer(root, "Error", errorString); if (requestId != null) { xmlObj.addItemToContainer(root, "RequestId", requestId); } byte[] cb = xmlObj.toByteArray(); OutputStream os = httpResp.getOutputStream(); httpResp.setContentType("application/xml"); httpResp.setContentLength(cb.length); os.write(cb); os.flush(); return; } catch (Exception ee) { CMS.debug("Failed to send XML output to the server."); log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSGW_ERR_BAD_SERV_OUT_STREAM", "", ee.toString())); } } protected StringBuffer escapeValueRfc1779(String v, boolean doubleEscape) { StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(); // Do we need to escape any characters for (int i = 0; i < v.length(); i++) { int c = v.charAt(i); if (c == ',' || c == '=' || c == '+' || c == '<' || c == '>' || c == '#' || c == ';' || c == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == '\\' || c == '"') { if ((c == 0x5c) && ((i + 1) < v.length())) { int nextC = v.charAt(i + 1); if ((c == 0x5c) && (nextC == ',' || nextC == '=' || nextC == '+' || nextC == '<' || nextC == '>' || nextC == '#' || nextC == ';' || nextC == '\r' || nextC == '\n' || nextC == '\\' || nextC == '"')) { if (doubleEscape) result.append('\\'); } else { result.append('\\'); if (doubleEscape) result.append('\\'); } } else { result.append('\\'); if (doubleEscape) result.append('\\'); } } if (c == '\r') { result.append("0D"); } else if (c == '\n') { result.append("0A"); } else { result.append((char) c); } } return result; } }