path: root/base/deploy/config
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Archiving default deployment configuration.ticket-399-9Endi Sukma Dewata2012-12-041-315/+0
| | | | | | | | | | | The default deployment configuration has been renamed and moved to /etc/pki/default.cfg to make it more accessible to users. The pkispawn has been modified to archieve the default deployment configuration along with the user-provided configuration in the registry. The pkidestroy will now use both archived configuration files to ensure proper removal. Ticket #399
* Interpolation correction patch based on review commentsAde Lee2012-12-041-34/+43
* Use interpolation to build default parametersAde Lee2012-12-041-66/+88
| | | | | | This patch replaces the code in pkiparser with defaults that are built up using ConfigParser interpolation. The patch gets most (but not all) default parameters.
* Common User: pkispawn changesAde Lee2012-12-031-0/+4
* Replaced links of scriptlets with lists.Endi Sukma Dewata2012-11-301-0/+25
| | | | | | | | | Previously the deployment tools used symbolic links to determine the scriplets to execute and their order. The code has been changed such that now the scriplets are listed as parameters (spawn_scriplets and destroy_scriplets) in the configuration file. Ticket #403
* Simplified the configuration file using defaults.Endi Sukma Dewata2012-11-302-0/+6
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | Previously to create a subsystem the admin would have to copy the entire default deployment configuration, which contains many parameters, and then customize it. Now the deployment code has been changed such that the default config file will be used to provide the default values, so the admin will only need to provide the non-default parameters, thus reducing the size of the file. Sample configuration files are provided in /usr/share/pki/ deployment/config. Ticket #399
* Reorganized sensitive parameters.Endi Sukma Dewata2012-11-301-27/+49
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Previously sensitive parameters are stored in the Sensitive section in the configuration file, separate from the hierarchical structure used by non-sensitive parameters. To allow defining multiple subsystems in a single configuration file the sensitive and non-sensitive parameters have been reorganized into the same hierarchical structure. To maintain the security a new meta-parameter has been added to list all sensitive parameter names. This way the deployment code will know whether a parameter is sensitive, which then will mask the value before displaying it to the screen or storing it in a log file. Ticket #399
* Set paths for default instanceAde Lee2012-11-041-3/+3
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | With this patch, it will be possible to install a default instance simply by adding the passwords in the pkideployment.cfg. This file can then be used without additional alteration to add subsystems to the same instance, by re-running pkispawn against the config file. The patch makes sure that cert nicknames, database and baseDN , admin users and client db are unique per subsystem. An option is added to reuse the existing server cert generated by the first subsystem and copy the required data to all subsystems. Ticket 379, 385
* Allow a PKI instance to be installed/configured independentlyMatthew Harmsen2012-10-301-0/+2
| | | | | * TRAC Ticket #286 - Dogtag 10: Create parameter for optionally allowing a user to skip configuration . . .
* Enabled Tomcat security manager.Endi Sukma Dewata2012-10-261-1/+1
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | The tomcat.conf and the template deployment configuration have been modified to enable the security manager. The operations script has been modified to generate a new catalina.policy from the standard Tomcat policy, the standard PKI policy and the custom policy every time the instance is started. The current catalina.policy has been changed to store a header for the dynamically generated catalina.policy. A new pki.policy has been added to store the default PKI security policy. An empty custom.policy has been added to store policy customization. Ticket #223
* Provide option to install, rather than replicate schema in a cloneAde Lee2012-10-221-0/+1
* Various fixes to installation servlet and pki-deployAde Lee2012-09-121-0/+2
| | | | | | | Added logging so that we can see what is passed in to server from pkispawn. Fixed incorrect dbuser specification. Added required replication config items to pkispawn. Initial refactoring of construct_pki_configuration_data in
* Moved webapp deployment code into pkispawn.Endi Sukma Dewata2012-09-051-4/+0
| | | | | | | | | | | | Previously the WAR files were generated at build time, so it would include theme files that were installed on the build machine. The code has been changed such that instead of generating WAR files pkispawn will copy the webapp files from the theme folders and combine them with subsystem webapp files at deployment time. This way it will use the actual theme files installed on the deployment machine. Ticket #89
* PKI Deployment ScriptletsMatthew Harmsen2012-08-131-0/+1
| | | | | | | * TRAC Ticket #184 - Dogtag 10: Update PKI Deployment to handle cloning CA/KRA/OCSP/TKS . . . * TRAC Ticket #285 - Dogtag 10: Fix installation issues for KRA, OCSP, and TKS
* PKI Deployment ScriptletsMatthew Harmsen2012-07-301-7/+21
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * TRAC Ticket #263 - Dogtag 10: Fix 'pkidestroy' problem of sporadically "not" removing "/etc/sysconfig/{pki_instance_id}" . . . * TRAC Ticket #264 - Dogtag 10: Enable various other subsystems for configuration . . . * TRAC Ticket #261 - Dogtag 10: Revisit command-line options of 'pkispawn' and 'pkidestroy' . . . * TRAC Ticket #268 - Dogtag 10: Create a parameter for optional restart of configured PKI instance . . . * TRAC Ticket #270 - Dogtag 10: Add missing parameters to 'pkideployment.cfg' . . . * TRAC Ticket #265 - Dogtag 10: Provide configurable options for PKI client information . . . * TRAC Ticket #275 - Dogtag 10: Add debug information (comments) to Tomcat 7 "" * TRAC Ticket #276 - Dogtag 10: Relocate all 'pin' data to the 'sensitive' dictionary * TRAC Ticket #277 - Dogtag 10: Create an 'archive' for 'manifest' and 'pkideployment.cfg' files * TRAC Ticket #278 - Dogtag 10: Fix Miscellaneous PKI Deployment Scriptlet Issues . . .
* PKI Deployment ScriptletsMatthew Harmsen2012-07-251-6/+5
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * PKI TRAC Ticket #244 - Non-user-friendly message when deleting non-existent subsystem with pkidestroy * PKI TRAC Ticket #246 - Incorrect parameter names in pkispawn configuration * PKI TRAC Ticket #248 - pki_ds_database should not be a DN * PKI TRAC Ticket #249 - pki_ds_base_dn causing pkispawn failure * PKI TRAC Ticket #250 - Creating/removing custom instances should not require http/ajp ports * PKI TRAC Ticket #251 - Instance name may conflict with other files * PKI TRAC Ticket #253 - Fix pki-destroy removal of '/var/log/pki/{pki_instance_id}' directory . . . * PKI TRAC Ticket #254 - Dogtag 10: Fix spec file to build successfully via mock on Fedora 17 . . . * PKI TRAC Ticket #255 - Missing resteasy-atom-provider.jar * PKI TRAC Ticket #260 - Dogtag 10: Change the layout of 'pki_instance_id' . . .
* PKI Deployment ScriptletsMatthew Harmsen2012-07-191-49/+46
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * In '', removed commented out jars for each of the subsystems in the 'common.loader' * In 'server.xml', removed the line containing a '1' * Moved all parameters from the [Mandatory] and [Optional] sections of the 'pkideployment.cfg' file to other more appropriate sections (e.g. - [Common], [CA], [KRA], etc.), and removed these sections and all of their associated logic from the 'pki-deploy' package * Resolved Dogtag TRAC Ticket #225 Dogtag 10: Move "pkispawn"/"pkidestroy" logs * Removed all security domain references from external CA logic * Added new 'pki_subsystem_name' parameter to 'pkideployment.cfg' file, and applied logic throughout 'pki-deploy' * Added new error message in the case of an unset DNS domain name, and replaced the log message with a simple print in the case of a 'domainname' exception
* PKI Deployment ScriptletsMatthew Harmsen2012-07-191-0/+2
| | | | | | | | | Saved Admin Certificate, imported it into NSS client security databases, and exported it to a PKCS #12 file such that it may be imported into a browser. TRAC Ticket #221 Dogtag 10: Create a PKCS #12 file containing the Admin Certificate (
* PKI Deployment ScriptletsMatthew Harmsen2012-07-192-8/+195
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * Integration of Tomcat 7 * Introduction of dependency upon tomcatjss 7.0 * Removal of http filtering configuration mechanisms * Introduction of additional slot substitution to support revised filesystem layout * Addition of 'pkiuser' uid:gid creation methods * Inclusion of per instance '*.profile' files * Introduction of configurable 'configurationRoot' parameter * Introduction of default configuration of 'log4j' mechanism (alee) * Modify web.xml to use new Application classes to bootstrap servers (alee) * Introduction of "Wrapper" logic to support Tomcat 6 --> Tomcat 7 API change (jmagne) * Added jython helper function to allow attaching a remote java debugger (e. g. - eclipse)
* PKI Deployment ScriptletsMatthew Harmsen2012-05-252-5/+3
| | | | | | | * Integration of Tomcat 7 * Addition of centralized 'pki-tomcatd' systemd functionality to the PKI Deployment strategy * Removal of 'pki_flavor' attribute
* PKI Deployment ScriptletsMatthew Harmsen2012-05-181-14/+8
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * Introduced concept of "admin-domain" originally as a separate folder, and later incorporated this concept into an optional instance prefix * Revised definition of <pki_instance_id> to be identified as "[<pki_admin_domain_name>-]<pki_instance_name> * Changed NSS security database model from one shared database by BOTH a single Tomcat AND single Apache instance into one per Tomcat instance (shared by CA/KRA/OCSP/TKS) and one per Apache instance (shared by RA/TPS) * Altered Configuration 'scriptlet' to invoke Jython for access to new Java configuration servlet * Renamed various "scriptlets" to comply with this new layout * Re-aligned code to account for revised layout documented at
* PKI Deployment ScriptletsMatthew Harmsen2012-05-072-2/+97
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * Re-aligned code to account for revised layout documented at * Massaged logic to comply with PKI subsystem running within a shared instance * Developed code to take advantage of a single shared NSS security database model * Completed the following two 'scriptlets': * Dogtag 10: Python '' Installation Scriptlet ( * Dogtag 10: Python '' Installation Scriptlet ( * Created several additional PKI deployment helper utilities.
* PKI Deployment ScriptletsMatthew Harmsen2012-04-261-0/+8
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * Completed the following six 'scriptlets': * Dogtag 10: Python '' Installation Scriptlet ( * Dogtag 10: Python '' Installation Scriptlet ( * Dogtag 10: Python '' Installation Scriptlet ( * Dogtag 10: Python '' Installation Scriptlet ( * Dogtag 10: Python '' Installation Scriptlet ( * Dogtag 10: Python '' Installation Scriptlet ( * Created numerous PKI deployment helper utilities. * Augmented logging to provide indentation. * Generated logic for installation 'manifest'. * Tested logic using '--dry_run' option and '-p' prefix options. * Per initial review, removed numerous "constants" and consolidated logic into "master" dictionary. * Corrected the following ticket: * Dogtag 10: Fix 'build_dogtag_pki' script to account for 'pki-deploy' RPM ( Resolves Bugzilla Bug #810047 - build_dogtag_pki fails with requirements for pki-deploy ( * Created the following three 'scriptlets' as 'NOT YET IMPLEMENTED' place-holders: * Dogtag 10: Python '' Installation Scriptlet ( * Dogtag 10: Python '' Installation Scriptlet ( * Dogtag 10: Python '' Configuration Scriptlet (
* Removed unnecessary pki folder.Endi Sukma Dewata2012-03-261-0/+28
Previously the source code was located inside a pki folder. This folder was created during svn migration and is no longer needed. This folder has now been removed and the contents have been moved up one level. Ticket #131