path: root/base/common/shared/conf/
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* PKI Deployment ScriptletsMatthew Harmsen2012-07-301-0/+15
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | * TRAC Ticket #263 - Dogtag 10: Fix 'pkidestroy' problem of sporadically "not" removing "/etc/sysconfig/{pki_instance_id}" . . . * TRAC Ticket #264 - Dogtag 10: Enable various other subsystems for configuration . . . * TRAC Ticket #261 - Dogtag 10: Revisit command-line options of 'pkispawn' and 'pkidestroy' . . . * TRAC Ticket #268 - Dogtag 10: Create a parameter for optional restart of configured PKI instance . . . * TRAC Ticket #270 - Dogtag 10: Add missing parameters to 'pkideployment.cfg' . . . * TRAC Ticket #265 - Dogtag 10: Provide configurable options for PKI client information . . . * TRAC Ticket #275 - Dogtag 10: Add debug information (comments) to Tomcat 7 "" * TRAC Ticket #276 - Dogtag 10: Relocate all 'pin' data to the 'sensitive' dictionary * TRAC Ticket #277 - Dogtag 10: Create an 'archive' for 'manifest' and 'pkideployment.cfg' files * TRAC Ticket #278 - Dogtag 10: Fix Miscellaneous PKI Deployment Scriptlet Issues . . .
* PKI Deployment ScriptletsMatthew Harmsen2012-05-251-0/+70
* Integration of Tomcat 7 * Addition of centralized 'pki-tomcatd' systemd functionality to the PKI Deployment strategy * Removal of 'pki_flavor' attribute