path: root/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-group-cli/ocsp/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-group-cli/ocsp/')
1 files changed, 658 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-group-cli/ocsp/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-group-cli/ocsp/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..fb0659592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-group-cli/ocsp/
@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-group-cli
+# Description: PKI group-del CLI tests
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# The following pki cli commands needs to be tested:
+# pki-group-cli-group-del-ocsp Delete pki subsystem groups.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Roshni Pattath <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+# Test Suite Globals
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "pki_group_cli_group_del_ocsp-startup: Create temporary directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+get_topo_stack $MYROLE $TmpDir/topo_file
+ local OCSP_INST=$(cat $TmpDir/topo_file | grep MY_OCSP | cut -d= -f2)
+ ocsp_instance_created="False"
+ if [ "$TOPO9" = "TRUE" ] ; then
+ prefix=$OCSP_INST
+ ocsp_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${prefix}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ elif [ "$MYROLE" = "MASTER" ] ; then
+ prefix=OCSP3
+ ocsp_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${prefix}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ else
+ prefix=$MYROLE
+ ocsp_instance_created=$(eval echo \$${prefix}_INSTANCE_CREATED_STATUS)
+ fi
+if [ "$ocsp_instance_created" = "TRUE" ]; then
+OCSP_HOST=$(eval echo \$${MYROLE})
+OCSP_PORT=$(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_UNSECURE_PORT)
+CA_PORT=$(eval echo \$${caId}_UNSECURE_PORT)
+eval ${subsystemId}_adminV_user=${subsystemId}_adminV
+eval ${subsystemId}_adminR_user=${subsystemId}_adminR
+eval ${subsystemId}_adminE_user=${subsystemId}_adminE
+eval ${subsystemId}_adminUTCA_user=${subsystemId}_adminUTCA
+eval ${subsystemId}_agentV_user=${subsystemId}_agentV
+eval ${subsystemId}_agentR_user=${subsystemId}_agentR
+eval ${subsystemId}_agentE_user=${subsystemId}_agentE
+eval ${subsystemId}_auditV_user=${subsystemId}_auditV
+eval ${subsystemId}_operatorV_user=${subsystemId}_operatorV
+local TEMP_NSS_DB="$TmpDir/nssdb"
+local TEMP_NSS_DB_PASSWD="redhat123"
+local cert_info="$TmpDir/cert_info"
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_group_cli_group_del_ocsp-001: Delete valid groups"
+ group1=ocsp_group
+ group1desc="Test group"
+ group2=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyx12345678
+ group3=abc#
+ group4=abc$
+ group5=abc@
+ group6=abc?
+ group7=0
+ #positive test cases
+ #Add groups to OCSP using OCSP_adminV cert
+ i=1
+ while [ $i -lt 25 ] ; do
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-add --description=test_group g$i"
+ let i=$i+1
+ done
+ #===Deleting groups created using OCSP_adminV cert===#
+ i=1
+ while [ $i -lt 25 ] ; do
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-del g$i"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-del g$i > $TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-del-group1-00$i.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Deleted group g$i"
+ rlAssertGrep "Deleted group \"g$i\"" "$TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-del-group1-00$i.out"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $OCSP_HOST -p $OCSP_PORT -t ocsp group-show g$i"
+ errmsg="GroupNotFoundException: Group g$i not found"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - deleted group should not exist"
+ let i=$i+1
+ done
+ #Add groups to OCSP using OCSP_adminV cert
+ i=1
+ while [ $i -lt 8 ] ; do
+ eval grp=\$group$i
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-add --description=test_group $grp"
+ let i=$i+1
+ done
+ #===Deleting groups(symbols) created using OCSP_adminV cert===#
+ j=1
+ while [ $j -lt 8 ] ; do
+ eval grp=\$group$j
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-del $grp "
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-del $grp > $TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-del-group2-00$j.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Deleted group $grp"
+ rlAssertGrep "Deleted group \"$grp\"" "$TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-del-group2-00$j.out"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $OCSP_HOST -p $OCSP_PORT -t ocsp group-show $grp"
+ errmsg="GroupNotFoundException: Group $grp not found"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - deleted group should not exist"
+ let j=$j+1
+ done
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_group_cli_group_del_ocsp-002: Case sensitive groupid"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-add --description=test_group group_abc"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-del GROUP_ABC > $TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-del-group-002_1.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Deleted group GROUP_ABC groupid is not case sensitive"
+ rlAssertGrep "Deleted group \"GROUP_ABC\"" "$TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-del-group-002_1.out"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $OCSP_HOST -p $OCSP_PORT -t ocsp group-show group_abc"
+ errmsg="GroupNotFoundException: Group group_abc not found"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - deleted group group_abc should not exist"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_group_cli_group_del_ocsp-003: Delete group when required option group id is missing"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $OCSP_HOST -p $OCSP_PORT -t ocsp group-del"
+ errmsg="Error: No Group ID specified."
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - Cannot delete a group without groupid"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_group_cli_group_del_ocsp-004: Maximum length of group id"
+ group2=$(openssl rand -hex 2048 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-add --description=test \"$group2\" > $TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-add-001_1.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Added group using OCSP_adminV with maximum group id length"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-del \"$group2\" > $TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-del-group-006.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Deleting group with maximum group id length using OCSP_adminV"
+ actual_groupid_string=`cat $TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-del-group-006.out | grep 'Deleted group' | xargs echo`
+ expected_groupid_string="Deleted group $group2"
+ rlLog "$actual_groupid_string"
+ rlLog "$expected_groupid_string"
+ if [[ $actual_groupid_string = $expected_groupid_string ]] ; then
+ rlPass "Deleted group \"$group2\" found"
+ else
+ rlFail "Deleted group \"$group2\" not found"
+ fi
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $OCSP_HOST -p $OCSP_PORT -t ocsp group-show \"$group2\""
+ errmsg="GroupNotFoundException: Group \"$group2\" not found"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - deleted group with max length should not exist"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_group_cli_group_del_ocsp-005: groupid with maximum length and symbols"
+ rand_groupid=$(openssl rand -base64 2048 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ groupid=$(echo $rand_groupid | sed 's/\///g')
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-add --description=test '$groupid' > $TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-add-001_8.out 2>&1" \
+ 0 \
+ "Added group using OCSP_adminV with maximum groupid length and character symbols in it"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-del '$groupid' > $TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-del-group-007.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Deleting group with maximum group id length and character symbols using OCSP_adminV"
+ actual_groupid_string=`cat $TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-del-group-007.out| grep 'Deleted group' | xargs echo`
+ expected_groupid_string="Deleted group $groupid"
+ if [[ $actual_groupid_string = $expected_groupid_string ]] ; then
+ rlPass "Deleted group $groupid found"
+ else
+ rlFail "Deleted group $groupid not found"
+ fi
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-show '$groupid' > $TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-del-group-007_2.out 2>&1" \
+ 255 \
+ "Verify expected error message - deleted group with max length and character symbols should not exist"
+ actual_error_string=`cat $TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-del-group-007_2.out| grep 'GroupNotFoundException:' | xargs echo`
+ expected_error_string="GroupNotFoundException: Group $groupid not found"
+ if [[ $actual_error_string = $expected_error_string ]] ; then
+ rlPass "GroupNotFoundException: Group $groupid not found message found"
+ else
+ rlFail "GroupNotFoundException: Group $groupid not found message not found"
+ fi
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_group_cli_group_del_ocsp-006: Delete group from OCSP with -t option"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-add --description=\"g1description\" g1 > $TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-add-009.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Add group g1 to OCSP"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-del g1 > $TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-del-group-009.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Deleting group g1 using -t ocsp option"
+ rlAssertGrep "Deleted group \"g1\"" "$TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-del-group-009.out"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $OCSP_HOST -p $OCSP_PORT -t ocsp group-show g1"
+ errmsg="GroupNotFoundException: Group g1 not found"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - deleted group g1 should not exist"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_group_cli_group_del_ocsp-007: Should not be able to delete group using a revoked cert OCSP_adminR"
+ #Add a group
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-add --description=\"g2description\" g2 > $TmpDir/pki-group-add-ocsp-010.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Add group g2 to OCSP"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminR_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $OCSP_HOST -p $OCSP_PORT -t ocsp group-del g2"
+ errmsg="PKIException: Unauthorized"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - Should not be able to delete group g2 using a admin having a revoked cert"
+ #Make sure group is not deleted
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-show g2 > $TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-show-001.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Show group g2"
+ rlAssertGrep "Group \"g2\"" "$TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-show-001.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Group ID: g2" "$TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-show-001.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Description: g2description" "$TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-show-001.out"
+ rlLog "PKI Ticket:"
+ rlLog "PKI Ticket:"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_group_cli_group_del_ocsp-008: Should not be able to delete group using a agent with revoked cert OCSP_agentR"
+ #Add a group
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-add --description=\"g3description\" g3 > $TmpDir/pki-group-add-ocsp-010.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Add group g3 to OCSP"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_agentR_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $OCSP_HOST -p $OCSP_PORT -t ocsp group-del g3"
+ errmsg="PKIException: Unauthorized"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - Should not be able to delete group g3 using a agent having a revoked cert"
+ #Make sure group is not deleted
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-show g3 > $TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-show-002.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Show group g3"
+ rlAssertGrep "Group \"g3\"" "$TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-show-002.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Group ID: g3" "$TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-show-002.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Description: g3description" "$TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-show-002.out"
+ rlLog "PKI Ticket:"
+ rlLog "PKI Ticket:"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_group_cli_group_del_ocsp-009: Should not be able to delete group using a valid agent OCSP_agentV user"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_agentV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $OCSP_HOST -p $OCSP_PORT -t ocsp group-del g3"
+ errmsg="ForbiddenException: Authorization Error"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - Should not be able to delete group g3 using a valid agent cert"
+ #Make sure group is not deleted
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-show g3 > $TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-show-003.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Show group g3"
+ rlAssertGrep "Group \"g3\"" "$TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-show-003.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Group ID: g3" "$TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-show-003.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Description: g3description" "$TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-show-003.out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_group_cli_group_del_ocsp-010: Should not be able to delete group using a admin user with expired cert OCSP_adminE"
+ #Set datetime 2 days ahead
+ rlRun "date --set='+2 days'" 0 "Set System date 2 days ahead"
+ rlRun "date"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminE_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $OCSP_HOST -p $OCSP_PORT -t ocsp group-del g3"
+ errmsg="ForbiddenException: Authorization Error"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - Should not be able to delete group g3 using an expired admin cert"
+ #Set datetime back on original
+ rlRun "date --set='-2 days'" 0 "Set System back to the present day"
+ rlLog "PKI TICKET ::"
+ #Make sure group is not deleted
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-show g3 > $TmpDir/pki-group-show-ocsp-004.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Show group g3"
+ rlAssertGrep "Group \"g3\"" "$TmpDir/pki-group-show-ocsp-004.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Group ID: g3" "$TmpDir/pki-group-show-ocsp-004.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Description: g3description" "$TmpDir/pki-group-show-ocsp-004.out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_group_cli_group_del_ocsp-011: Should not be able to delete a group using OCSP_agentE cert"
+ rlRun "date --set='+2 days'" 0 "Set System date 2 days ahead"
+ rlRun "date"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_agentE_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $OCSP_HOST -p $OCSP_PORT -t ocsp group-del g3"
+ errmsg="ForbiddenException: Authorization Error"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - Should not be able to delete group g3 using a agent cert"
+ rlLog "PKI Ticket::"
+ rlRun "date --set='-2 days'" 0 "Set System back to the present day"
+ #Make sure group is not deleted
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ ocsp-group-show g3 > $TmpDir/pki-group-show-ocsp-005.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Show group g3"
+ rlAssertGrep "Group \"g3\"" "$TmpDir/pki-group-show-ocsp-005.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Group ID: g3" "$TmpDir/pki-group-show-ocsp-005.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Description: g3description" "$TmpDir/pki-group-show-ocsp-005.out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_group_cli_group_del_ocsp-012: Should not be able to delete group using a OCSP_auditV"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_auditV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $OCSP_HOST -p $OCSP_PORT -t ocsp group-del g3"
+ errmsg="ForbiddenException: Authorization Error"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - Should not be able to delete group g3 using a audit cert"
+ #Make sure group is not deleted
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-show g3 > $TmpDir/pki-group-show-ocsp-006.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Show group g3"
+ rlAssertGrep "Group \"g3\"" "$TmpDir/pki-group-show-ocsp-006.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Group ID: g3" "$TmpDir/pki-group-show-ocsp-006.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Description: g3description" "$TmpDir/pki-group-show-ocsp-006.out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_group_cli_group_del_ocsp-013: Should not be able to delete group using a OCSP_operatorV"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_operatorV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $OCSP_HOST -p $OCSP_PORT -t ocsp group-del g3"
+ errmsg="ForbiddenException: Authorization Error"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - Should not be able to delete group g3 using a operator cert"
+ #Make sure group is not deleted
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-show g3 > $TmpDir/pki-group-show-ocsp-007.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Show group g3"
+ rlAssertGrep "Group \"g3\"" "$TmpDir/pki-group-show-ocsp-007.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Group ID: g3" "$TmpDir/pki-group-show-ocsp-007.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Description: g3description" "$TmpDir/pki-group-show-ocsp-007.out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_group_cli_group_del_ocsp-014: Should not be able to delete group using a cert created from a untrusted CA OCSP_adminUTCA"
+ command="pki -d /tmp/untrusted_cert_db -n role_user_UTCA -c Password -h $OCSP_HOST -p $OCSP_PORT -t ocsp group-del g3"
+ errmsg="PKIException: Unauthorized"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - Should not be able to delete group g3 using a untrusted cert"
+ #Make sure group is not deleted
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-show g3 > $TmpDir/pki-group-show-ocsp-008.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Show group g3"
+ rlAssertGrep "Group \"g3\"" "$TmpDir/pki-group-show-ocsp-008.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Group ID: g3" "$TmpDir/pki-group-show-ocsp-008.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Description: g3description" "$TmpDir/pki-group-show-ocsp-008.out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_group_cli_group_del-015: Should not be able to delete group using a user cert"
+ #Create a user cert
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PASSWD request_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa key_size:2048 subject_cn:\"pki User2\" subject_uid:pkiUser2 \
+ organizationalunit:Engineering organization:Example.Inc country:US archive:false req_profile:caUserCert \
+ target_host:$CA_HOST protocol: port:$CA_PORT cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:\"$ROOTCA_agent_user\" cert_info:$cert_info"
+ local valid_pkcs10_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local valid_decimal_pkcs10_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep decimal_valid_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ rlRun "pki -h $CA_HOST -p $CA_PORT cert-show $valid_pkcs10_serialNumber --encoded > $TmpDir/pki_ocsp_group_del_encoded_0025pkcs10.out" 0 "Executing pki cert-show $valid_pkcs10_serialNumber"
+ rlRun "sed -n '/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/,/-----END CERTIFICATE-----/p' $TmpDir/pki_ocsp_group_del_encoded_0025pkcs10.out > $TmpDir/pki_ocsp_group_del_encoded_0025pkcs10.pem"
+ rlRun "certutil -d $TEMP_NSS_DB -A -n \"casigningcert\" -i $CERTDB_DIR/ca_cert.pem -t \"CT,CT,CT\""
+ rlRun "certutil -d $TEMP_NSS_DB -A -n pkiUser2 -i $TmpDir/pki_ocsp_group_del_encoded_0025pkcs10.pem -t "u,u,u""
+ rlLog "Executing: pki -d $TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ -n pkiUser2 \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-del g3"
+ rlRun "pki -d $TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ -n pkiUser2 \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-del g3 > $TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-del-pkiUser1-0025.out 2>&1" 255 "Should not be able to find groups using a user cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "PKIException: Unauthorized" "$TmpDir/pki-ocsp-group-del-pkiUser1-0025.out"
+ #Make sure group is not deleted
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-show g3 > $TmpDir/pki-group-show-ocsp-009.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Show group g3"
+ rlAssertGrep "Group \"g3\"" "$TmpDir/pki-group-show-ocsp-009.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Group ID: g3" "$TmpDir/pki-group-show-ocsp-009.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Description: g3description" "$TmpDir/pki-group-show-ocsp-009.out"
+ #Cleanup:delete group g3
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-del g3 > $TmpDir/pki-group-del-ocsp-018.out 2>&1"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_group_cli_group_del_ocsp-016: delete group id with i18n characters"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-add --description=test 'ÖrjanÄke' > $TmpDir/pki-group-add-ocsp-001_19.out 2>&1" \
+ 0 \
+ "Adding gid ÖrjanÄke with i18n characters"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added group \"ÖrjanÄke\"" "$TmpDir/pki-group-add-ocsp-001_19.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Group ID: ÖrjanÄke" "$TmpDir/pki-group-add-ocsp-001_19.out"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-del 'ÖrjanÄke'"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-del 'ÖrjanÄke' > $TmpDir/pki-group-del-ocsp-001_19_3.out 2>&1" \
+ 0 \
+ "Deleted gid ÖrjanÄke with i18n characters"
+ rlAssertGrep "Deleted group \"ÖrjanÄke\"" "$TmpDir/pki-group-del-ocsp-001_19_3.out"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $OCSP_HOST -p $OCSP_PORT -t ocsp group-show 'ÖrjanÄke'"
+ errmsg="GroupNotFoundException: Group ÖrjanÄke not found"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - deleted group 'ÖrjanÄke' should not exist"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_group_cli_group_del_ocsp-017: delete groupid with i18n characters"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-add --description=test 'ÉricTêko' > $TmpDir/pki-group-add-ocsp-001_20.out 2>&1" \
+ 0 \
+ "Adding group id ÉricTêko with i18n characters"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added group \"ÉricTêko\"" "$TmpDir/pki-group-add-ocsp-001_20.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Group ID: ÉricTêko" "$TmpDir/pki-group-add-ocsp-001_20.out"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-show 'ÉricTêko' > $TmpDir/pki-group-add-ocsp-001_20_2.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Show group 'ÉricTêko'"
+ rlAssertGrep "Group \"ÉricTêko\"" "$TmpDir/pki-group-add-ocsp-001_20_2.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Group ID: ÉricTêko" "$TmpDir/pki-group-add-ocsp-001_20_2.out"
+ rlLog "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-del 'ÉricTêko'"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $OCSP_HOST \
+ -p $OCSP_PORT \
+ -t ocsp \
+ group-del 'ÉricTêko' > $TmpDir/pki-group-del-ocsp-001_20_3.out 2>&1" \
+ 0 \
+ "Delete gid ÉricTêko with i18n characters"
+ rlAssertGrep "Deleted group \"ÉricTêko\"" "$TmpDir/pki-group-del-ocsp-001_20_3.out"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $OCSP_HOST -p $OCSP_PORT -t ocsp group-show 'ÉricTêko'"
+ errmsg="GroupNotFoundException: Group ÉricTêko not found"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - deleted group 'ÉricTêko' should not exist"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_group_cli_group_del_cleanup_ocsp: Deleting the temp directory"
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartCleanup "pki group-del-ocsp cleanup: Delete temp dir"
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlLog "OCSP subsystem is not installed"
+ rlPhaseEnd