path: root/pki/base/silent/templates/subca_silent.template
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pki/base/silent/templates/subca_silent.template')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 513 deletions
diff --git a/pki/base/silent/templates/subca_silent.template b/pki/base/silent/templates/subca_silent.template
deleted file mode 100755
index 1475996d1..000000000
--- a/pki/base/silent/templates/subca_silent.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,513 +0,0 @@
-## (C) 2009 Red Hat, Inc.
-## All rights reserved.
-## Always switch into this base directory
-## prior to script execution so that all
-## of its output is written to this directory
-cd `dirname $0`
-## Disallow script to be run as the name of this template
-subca_silent_script=`basename $0`
-if [ "${subca_silent_script}" = "subca_silent.template" ] ; then
- printf "\n"
- printf "Usage: (1) Install AND configure a directory server instance.\n\n"
- printf " (2) Install AND configure a Root CA subsystem instance\n"
- printf " that is its own security domain.\n\n"
- printf " (3) Use 'pkicreate' to install a second CA subsystem\n"
- printf " instance (this will become a Subordinate CA).\n"
- printf " [Do NOT configure this CA subsystem instance!]\n\n"
- printf " (4) Install the 'pki-silent' package.\n\n"
- printf " (5) Copy '$0' to a new script name\n"
- printf " without the '.template' extension.\n"
- printf " (e .g. - 'configure_subca_instance')\n\n"
- printf " (6) Fill in all MANDATORY user-defined variables\n"
- printf " in the new script.\n\n"
- printf " (7) Change any OPTIONAL user-defined variables\n"
- printf " in the new script as desired.\n\n"
- printf " (8) Become the 'root' user, and execute the new script to\n"
- printf " configure a Subordinate CA subsystem instance.\n\n"
- exit 255
-## This script MUST be run as root!
-if [ "${OS}" = "Linux" ] ; then
- MY_EUID=`/usr/bin/id -u`
- MY_UID=`/usr/bin/id -ur`
- USERNAME=`/usr/bin/id -un`
- printf "ERROR: Unsupported operating system '${OS}'!\n"
- exit 255
-if [ "${MY_UID}" != "${ROOTUID}" ] &&
- [ "${MY_EUID}" != "${ROOTUID}" ] ; then
- printf "ERROR: The '$0' script must be run as root!\n"
- exit 255
-## ##
-## P K I S I L E N T - V A R I A B L E D E C L A R A T I O N ##
-## ##
-## U S E R - D E F I N E D V A R I A B L E S ( M A N D A T O R Y ) ##
-## IMPORTANT: 'Escape' ALL spaces in EACH variable specified below!
-## For Example:
-## pki_security_domain_name="My\ Security\ Domain"
-## PKI Silent Security Database Variables
-## (e. g. - PKI Silent "browser" database)
-## PKI Security Domain Variables
-## (e. g. - Security Domain Login Panel)
-## PKI Internal LDAP Database Variables
-## (e. g. - Database Panel)
-pki_bind_dn="cn=Directory\ Manager"
-## PKI Instance-Specific Token Variables
-## (e. g. - Module Panel)
-## PKI Instance-Specific Backup Variables
-## (e. g. - Backup Key and Certificates Panel)
-## PKI Email Variables
-## For example, to specify '':
-## pki_email_name=pkitest
-## pki_email_company=example
-## pki_email_domain=com
-## PKI Silent Admin Variables
-## (e. g. - Import Admin Certificate into PKI Silent "browser" database)
-## P R E - D E F I N E D " D E F A U L T " V A R I A B L E S ##
-## PKI Subsystem Host (computed by default)
-## PKI Subsystem Names
-ca_subsystem_name="Certificate\ Authority"
-## PKI Subsystem Instance Names
-## PKI Subsystem Init Script Names
-## NOTE: Default PKI Instance Ports
-## CA:
-## *180 - non-secure port (not role specific)
-## *701 - non-secure Tomcat port
-## *443 - secure EE port
-## *444 - secure Agent port
-## *445 - secure Admin port
-## For Example:
-## semanage port -l | grep pki
-## pki_ca_port_t tcp 9180, 9701, 9443, 9444, 9445
-## pki_subca_port_t tcp 9580, 9801, 9543, 9544, 9545
-## CA ports
-## Subordinate CA ports
-## U S E R - D E F I N E D V A R I A B L E S ( O P T I O N A L ) ##
-## PKI Silent Log Files
-## NOTE: For comparison's sake, if the default instances were manually
-## configured using a Firefox browser, the content of the corresponding
-## Firefox browser's security libraries would be something similar
-## to this:
-## Certificate Nickname Trust Attributes
-## Certificate Authority 2 - ${pki_security_domain_name} ,,
-## CA Administrator of Instance ${subca_instance_name}'s
-## ${pki_security_domain_name} ID u,u,u
-## ${pki_host} P,,
-## Certificate Authority - ${pki_security_domain_name} CT,C,C
-## where:
-## Nickname: "Certificate Authority 2 - "
-## + "${pki_security_domain_name}"
-## Subject Name: "cn=Certificate Authority 2,"
-## + "o=${pki_security_domain_name}"
-## Nickname: "CA Administrator of Instance "
-## + "${subca_instance_name}'s "
-## + "${pki_security_domain_name} ID"
-## Subject Name: "cn=CA Administrator of Instance "
-## + "${subca_instance_name},"
-## + "uid=admin,"
-## + "e=${pki_silent_admin_email},"
-## + "o=${pki_security_domain_name}"
-## Nickname: "${pki_host}"
-## Subject Name: "cn=${pki_host},"
-## + "o=${pki_security_domain_name}"
-## Nickname: "Certificate Authority - "
-## + "${pki_security_domain_name}"
-## Subject Name: "cn=Certificate Authority,"
-## + "o=${pki_security_domain_name}"
-## Miscellaneous CA Variables
-## REMINDER: 'Escape' ALL spaces in EACH variable specified below!
-## NOTE: For comparison's sake, if the default instances were manually
-## configured using a Firefox browser, the content of the corresponding
-## "/var/lib/${subca_instance_name}/alias/" security libraries would be
-## something similar to this:
-## Certificate Nickname Trust Attributes
-## caSigningCert cert-${subca_instance_name} CTu,Cu,Cu
-## Server-Cert cert-${subca_instance_name} u,u,u
-## Certificate Authority - ${pki_security_domain_name} CT,c,
-## ocspSigningCert cert-${subca_instance_name} u,u,u
-## auditSigningCert cert-${subca_instance_name} u,u,u
-## subsystemCert cert-${subca_instance_name} u,u,u
-## where:
-## Nickname: "caSigningCert cert-${subca_instance_name}"
-## Subject Name: "cn=Certificate Authority 2,"
-## + "o=${pki_security_domain_name}"
-## Nickname: "Server-Cert cert-${subca_instance_name}"
-## Subject Name: "cn=${pki_host},"
-## + "o=${pki_security_domain_name}"
-## Nickname: "Certificate Authority - "
-## + "${pki_security_domain_name}"
-## Subject Name: "cn=Certificate Authority,"
-## + "o=${pki_security_domain_name}"
-## Nickname: "ocspSigningCert cert-${subca_instance_name}"
-## Subject Name: "cn=OCSP Signing Certificate 2,"
-## + "o=${pki_security_domain_name}"
-## Nickname: "auditSigningCert cert-${subca_instance_name}"
-## Subject Name: "cn=CA Audit Signing Certificate 2,"
-## + "o=${pki_security_domain_name}"
-## Nickname: "subsystemCert cert-${subca_instance_name}"
-## Subject Name: "cn=CA Subsystem Certificate 2,"
-## + "o=${pki_security_domain_name}"
-## NOTE: The parameters for the signing algorithms have the following meaning:
-## subca_signing_algorithm - signature algorithm used by the CA and OCSP signing certs to sign objects.
-## subca_signing_signingalgorithm - optionally specify the algorithm used by the CA signing cert to sign objects
-## subca_ocsp_signing_signingalgorithm - optionally specify the algorithm used by the CA ocsp signing cert to sign objects
-subca_agent_name="CA\ Administrator\ of\ Instance\ ${subca_instance_name}\'s\ ${pki_security_domain_name}\ ID"
-subca_agent_cert_subject="cn=CA\ Administrator\ of\ Instance\ ${subca_instance_name},uid=admin,e=${pki_silent_admin_email},o=${pki_security_domain_name}"
-subca_sign_cert_subject_name="cn=Certificate\ Authority\ 2,o=${pki_security_domain_name}"
-subca_subsystem_cert_subject_name="cn=CA\ Subsystem\ Certificate\ 2,o=${pki_security_domain_name}"
-subca_ocsp_cert_subject_name="cn=OCSP\ Signing\ Certificate\ 2,o=${pki_security_domain_name}"
-subca_audit_signing_cert_subject_name="cn=CA\ Audit\ Signing\ Certificate\ 2,o=${pki_security_domain_name}"
-## ##
-## P K I S I L E N T - S U B S Y S T E M C O N F I G U R A T I O N ##
-## ##
-## P K I S I L E N T I N I T I A L I Z A T I O N ##
-## (1) Make certain that user has defined all MANDATORY user-defined variables!
-usage_error_preamble="ERROR: User MUST define a value for"
-if [ "${pki_silent_security_database_password}" = "" ] ; then
- printf "${usage_error_preamble} 'pki_silent_security_database_password'!\n"
- usage_errors=`expr ${usage_errors} + 1`
-if [ "${pki_security_domain_name}" = "" ] ; then
- printf "${usage_error_preamble} 'pki_security_domain_name'!\n"
- usage_errors=`expr ${usage_errors} + 1`
-if [ "${pki_security_domain_admin_password}" = "" ] ; then
- printf "${usage_error_preamble} 'pki_security_domain_admin_password'!\n"
- usage_errors=`expr ${usage_errors} + 1`
-if [ "${pki_bind_password}" = "" ] ; then
- printf "${usage_error_preamble} 'pki_bind_password'!\n"
- usage_errors=`expr ${usage_errors} + 1`
-if [ "${subca_token_password}" = "" ] ; then
- printf "${usage_error_preamble} 'subca_token_password'!\n"
- usage_errors=`expr ${usage_errors} + 1`
-if [ "${subca_backup_password}" = "" ] ; then
- printf "${usage_error_preamble} 'subca_backup_password'!\n"
- usage_errors=`expr ${usage_errors} + 1`
-if [ "${pki_email_name}" = "" ] ; then
- printf "${usage_error_preamble} 'pki_email_name'!\n"
- usage_errors=`expr ${usage_errors} + 1`
-if [ "${pki_email_company}" = "" ] ; then
- printf "${usage_error_preamble} 'pki_email_company'!\n"
- usage_errors=`expr ${usage_errors} + 1`
-if [ "${pki_email_domain}" = "" ] ; then
- printf "${usage_error_preamble} 'pki_email_domain'!\n"
- usage_errors=`expr ${usage_errors} + 1`
-if [ "${pki_silent_admin_password}" = "" ] ; then
- printf "${usage_error_preamble} 'pki_silent_admin_password'!\n"
- usage_errors=`expr ${usage_errors} + 1`
-## (2) Make certain that a PKI instance of the specified name EXISTS,
-## but has NOT been previously CONFIGURED!
-existence_error_preamble="ERROR: No PKI Instance named"
-configuration_error_preamble="ERROR: A PKI Instance named"
-configuration_error_postamble="EXISTS,\n but has PREVIOUSLY been CONFIGURED!"
-if [ ! -f "/var/lib/${subca_instance_name}/conf/CS.cfg" ] ; then
- printf "${existence_error_preamble} '${subca_instance_name}' EXISTS!\n"
- existence_errors=`expr ${existence_errors} + 1`
- subca_configuration_check=`grep -c preop /var/lib/${subca_instance_name}/conf/CS.cfg`
- if [ ${subca_configuration_check} -eq 0 ] ; then
- printf "${configuration_error_preamble} '${subca_instance_name}' "
- printf "${configuration_error_postamble}\n"
- configuration_errors=`expr ${configuration_errors} + 1`
- fi
-if [ ${usage_errors} -ne 0 ] ||
- [ ${existence_errors} -ne 0 ] ||
- [ ${configuration_errors} -ne 0 ] ; then
- printf "\n"
- printf "Please correct ALL errors listed above and re-run\n"
- printf "the '$0' script!\n\n"
- exit 255
-## (3) Make certain that 'pkisilent' exists and is executable on this system.
-if [ ! -x "/usr/bin/pkisilent" ] ; then
- printf "\n"
- printf "ERROR: Please install the 'pki-silent' package and re-run\n"
- printf "the '$0' script!\n\n"
- exit 255
-## (4) Check for old PKI Silent Security Databases, but DO NOT remove them!
-## Instead, inform the user and exit this script.
-if [ -f "${pki_silent_security_database_repository}/cert8.db" ] ||
- [ -f "${pki_silent_security_database_repository}/key3.db" ] ||
- [ -f "${pki_silent_security_database_repository}/secmod.db" ] ; then
- printf "\n"
- printf "WARNING: At least one of the security databases\n"
- printf " (i. e. - 'cert8.db', 'key3.db', and/or 'secmod.db')\n"
- printf " required by '${subca_silent_script}' exists at the\n"
- printf " specified location '${pki_silent_security_database_repository}'.\n"
- printf "\n"
- printf " Please MANUALLY move or erase these security database(s),\n"
- printf " or specify a different location before re-running this script.\n\n"
- exit 255
-## (5) Remove ALL old PKI Silent log files
-printf "Removing old PKI Silent log files:\n"
-if [ -f ${pki_silent_subca_log} ] ; then
- printf " Removing old '${pki_silent_subca_log}' . . . "
- rm ${pki_silent_subca_log}
- printf "done.\n"
-printf "Done.\n\n"
-## C A L C U L A T E P K I I N S T A N C E P I N S ##
-## PKI Subsystem Instance PINS
-subca_preop_pin=`cat /var/lib/${subca_instance_name}/conf/CS.cfg \
- | grep | grep -v grep | awk -F= '{print $2}'`
-## C E R T I F I C A T E A U T H O R I T Y ##
-## For example, upon completion,
-## execute '/sbin/service ${subca_init_script} status ${subca_instance_name}':
-## ${subca_instance_name} (pid 7843) is running ...
-## Unsecure Port = http://${pki_host}:9180/ca/ee/ca
-## Secure Agent Port = https://${pki_host}:9443/ca/agent/ca
-## Secure EE Port = https://${pki_host}:9444/ca/ee/ca
-## Secure Admin Port = https://${pki_host}:9445/ca/services
-## PKI Console Port = pkiconsole https://${pki_host}:9445/ca
-## Tomcat Port = 9701 (for shutdown)
-## Security Domain URL:
-## ==================================================================
-## https://${pki_host}:9445
-## ==================================================================
-## Configure Subordinate CA
-printf "'${subca_silent_script}': Configuring '${subca_instance_name}' . . .\n"
-pkisilent ConfigureSubCA \
- -cs_hostname "${pki_host}" \
- -cs_port ${subca_admin_port} \
- -sd_hostname "${pki_security_domain_host}" \
- -sd_ssl_port ${ca_ee_port} \
- -sd_agent_port ${ca_agent_port} \
- -sd_admin_port ${ca_admin_port} \
- -sd_admin_name "${pki_security_domain_admin_name}" \
- -sd_admin_password ${pki_security_domain_admin_password} \
- -ca_hostname ${pki_security_domain_host} \
- -ca_port ${ca_nonssl_port} \
- -ca_ssl_port ${ca_ee_port} \
- -client_certdb_dir ${pki_silent_security_database_repository} \
- -client_certdb_pwd ${pki_silent_security_database_password} \
- -preop_pin ${subca_preop_pin} \
- -domain_name "${pki_security_domain_name}" \
- -admin_user ${pki_silent_admin_user} \
- -admin_email "${pki_silent_admin_email}" \
- -admin_password ${pki_silent_admin_password} \
- -agent_name ${subca_agent_name} \
- -ldap_host ${pki_ldap_host} \
- -ldap_port ${pki_ldap_port} \
- -bind_dn "${pki_bind_dn}" \
- -bind_password ${pki_bind_password} \
- -base_dn "${subca_base_dn}" \
- -db_name "${subca_db_name}" \
- -key_size ${subca_key_size} \
- -key_type ${subca_key_type} \
- -signing_algorithm ${subca_signing_algorithm} \
- -signing_signingalgorithm ${subca_signing_signingalgorithm} \
- -ocsp_signing_signingalgorithm ${subca_ocsp_signing_signingalgorithm} \
- -token_name ${subca_token_name} \
- -token_pwd ${subca_token_password} \
- -agent_key_size ${subca_agent_key_size} \
- -agent_key_type ${subca_agent_key_type} \
- -agent_cert_subject "${subca_agent_cert_subject}" \
- -backup_pwd ${subca_backup_password} \
- -subsystem_name "${ca_subsystem_name}" \
- -subca_sign_cert_subject_name "${subca_sign_cert_subject_name}" \
- -subca_subsystem_cert_subject_name "${subca_subsystem_cert_subject_name}" \
- -subca_ocsp_cert_subject_name "${subca_ocsp_cert_subject_name}" \
- -subca_server_cert_subject_name "${subca_server_cert_subject_name}" \
- -subca_audit_signing_cert_subject_name \
- "${subca_audit_signing_cert_subject_name}" \
- | tee ${pki_silent_subca_log}
-## Restart Subordinate CA
-/sbin/service ${subca_init_script} restart ${subca_instance_name}
-exit 0