path: root/pki/base/silent/src/argparser
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14 files changed, 5061 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9253ca24f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+// (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+ * Exception class used by <code>ArgParser</code> when
+ * command line arguments contain an error.
+ *
+ * @author John E. Lloyd, Fall 2004
+ * @see ArgParser
+ */
+public class ArgParseException extends IOException
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ArgParseException with the given message.
+ *
+ * @param msg Exception message
+ */
+ public ArgParseException (String msg)
+ { super (msg);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new ArgParseException from the given
+ * argument and message.
+ *
+ * @param arg Offending argument
+ * @param msg Error message
+ */
+ public ArgParseException (String arg, String msg)
+ { super (arg + ": " + msg);
+ }
diff --git a/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..cd1b777de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
@@ -0,0 +1,2284 @@
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+// (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright John E. Lloyd, 2004. All rights reserved. Permission to use,
+ * copy, modify and redistribute is granted, provided that this copyright
+ * notice is retained and the author is given credit whenever appropriate.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed "as is", without any warranty, including
+ * any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular
+ * use. The author assumes no responsibility for, and shall not be liable
+ * for, any special, indirect, or consequential damages, or any damages
+ * whatsoever, arising out of or in connection with the use of this
+ * software.
+ */
+import java.util.Vector;
+import java.lang.reflect.Array;
+ * ArgParser is used to parse the command line arguments for a java
+ * application program. It provides a compact way to specify options and match
+ * them against command line arguments, with support for
+ * <a href=#rangespec>range checking</a>,
+ * <a href=#multipleOptionNames>multiple option names</a> (aliases),
+ * <a href=#singleWordOptions>single word options</a>,
+ * <a href=#multipleOptionValues>multiple values associated with an option</a>,
+ * <a href=#multipleOptionInvocation>multiple option invocation</a>,
+ * <a href=#helpInfo>generating help information</a>,
+ * <a href=#customArgParsing>custom argument parsing</a>, and
+ * <a href=#argsFromAFile>reading arguments from a file</a>. The
+ * last feature is particularly useful and makes it
+ * easy to create ad-hoc configuration files for an application.
+ *
+ * <h3><a name="example">Basic Example</a></h3>
+ *
+ * <p>Here is a simple example in which an application has three
+ * command line options:
+ * <code>-theta</code> (followed by a floating point value),
+ * <code>-file</code> (followed by a string value), and
+ * <code>-debug</code>, which causes a boolean value to be set.
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ *
+ * static public void main (String[] args)
+ * {
+ * // create holder objects for storing results ...
+ *
+ * DoubleHolder theta = new DoubleHolder();
+ * StringHolder fileName = new StringHolder();
+ * BooleanHolder debug = new BooleanHolder();
+ *
+ * // create the parser and specify the allowed options ...
+ *
+ * ArgParser parser = new ArgParser("java argparser.SimpleExample");
+ * parser.addOption ("-theta %f #theta value (in degrees)", theta);
+ * parser.addOption ("-file %s #name of the operating file", fileName);
+ * parser.addOption ("-debug %v #enables display of debugging info", debug);
+ *
+ * // match the arguments ...
+ *
+ * parser.matchAllArgs (args);
+ *
+ * // and print out the values
+ *
+ * System.out.println ("theta=" + theta.value);
+ * System.out.println ("fileName=" + fileName.value);
+ * System.out.println ("debug=" + debug.value);
+ * }
+ * </pre>
+ * <p>A command line specifying all three options might look like this:
+ * <pre>
+ * java argparser.SimpleExample -theta 7.8 -debug -file /ai/lloyd/bar
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * <p>The application creates an instance of ArgParser and then adds
+ * descriptions of the allowed options using {@link #addOption addOption}. The
+ * method {@link #matchAllArgs(String[]) matchAllArgs} is then used to match
+ * these options against the command line arguments. Values associated with
+ * each option are returned in the <code>value</code> field of special
+ * ``holder'' classes (e.g., {@link argparser.DoubleHolder DoubleHolder},
+ * {@link argparser.StringHolder StringHolder}, etc.).
+ *
+ * <p> The first argument to {@link #addOption addOption} is a string that
+ * specifies (1) the option's name, (2) a conversion code for its associated
+ * value (e.g., <code>%f</code> for floating point, <code>%s</code> for a
+ * string, <code>%v</code> for a boolean flag), and (3) an optional description
+ * (following the <code>#</code> character) which is used for generating help
+ * messages. The second argument is the holder object through which the value
+ * is returned. This may be either a type-specific object (such as {@link
+ * argparser.DoubleHolder DoubleHolder} or {@link argparser.StringHolder
+ * StringHolder}), an array of the appropriate type, or
+ * <a href=#multipleOptionInvocation> an instance of
+ * <code>java.util.Vector</code></a>.
+ *
+ * <p>By default, arguments that don't match the specified options, are <a
+ * href=#rangespec>out of range</a>, or are otherwise formatted incorrectly,
+ * will cause <code>matchAllArgs</code> to print a message and exit the
+ * program. Alternatively, an application can use {@link
+ * #matchAllArgs(String[],int,int) matchAllArgs(args,idx,exitFlags)} to obtain
+ * an array of unmatched arguments which can then be
+ * <a href=#customArgParsing>processed separately</a>
+ *
+ * <h3><a name="rangespec">Range Specification</a></h3>
+ *
+ * The values associated with options can also be given range specifications. A
+ * range specification appears in curly braces immediately following the
+ * conversion code. In the code fragment below, we show how to specify an
+ * option <code>-name</code> that expects to be provided with one of three
+ * string values (<code>john</code>, <code>mary</code>, or <code>jane</code>),
+ * an option <code>-index</code> that expects to be supplied with a integer
+ * value in the range 1 to 256, an option <code>-size</code> that expects to be
+ * supplied with integer values of either 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16, and an option
+ * <code>-foo</code> that expects to be supplied with floating point values in
+ * the ranges -99 < foo <= -50, or 50 <= foo < 99.
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * StringHolder name = new StringHolder();
+ * IntHolder index = new IntHolder();
+ * IntHolder size = new IntHolder();
+ * DoubleHolder foo = new DoubleHolder();
+ *
+ * parser.addOption ("-name %s {john,mary,jane}", name);
+ * parser.addOption ("-index %d {[1,256]}", index);
+ * parser.addOption ("-size %d {1,2,4,8,16}", size);
+ * parser.addOption ("-foo %f {(-99,-50],[50,99)}", foo);
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * If an argument value does not lie within a specified range, an error is
+ * generated.
+ *
+ * <h3><a name="multipleOptionNames">Multiple Option Names</a></h3>
+ *
+ * An option may be given several names, or aliases, in the form of
+ * a comma seperated list:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * parser.addOption ("-v,--verbose %v #print lots of info");
+ * parser.addOption ("-of,-outfile,-outputFile %s #output file");
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * <h3><a name="singleWordOptions">Single Word Options</a></h3>
+ *
+ * Normally, options are assumed to be "multi-word", meaning
+ * that any associated value must follow the option as a
+ * separate argument string. For
+ * example,
+ * <pre>
+ * parser.addOption ("-file %s #file name");
+ * </pre>
+ * will cause the parser to look for two strings in the argument list
+ * of the form
+ * <pre>
+ * -file someFileName
+ * </pre>
+ * However, if there is no white space separting the option's name from
+ * it's conversion code, then values associated with that
+ * option will be assumed to be part of the same argument
+ * string as the option itself. For example,
+ * <pre>
+ * parser.addOption ("-file=%s #file name");
+ * </pre>
+ * will cause the parser to look for a single string in the argument
+ * list of the form
+ * <pre>
+ * -file=someFileName
+ * </pre>
+ * Such an option is called a "single word" option.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * In cases where an option has multiple names, then this single
+ * word behavior is invoked if there is no white space between
+ * the last indicated name and the conversion code. However, previous
+ * names in the list will still be given multi-word behavior
+ * if there is white space between the name and the
+ * following comma. For example,
+ * <pre>
+ * parser.addOption ("-nb=,-number ,-n%d #number of blocks");
+ * </pre>
+ * will cause the parser to look for one, two, and one word constructions
+ * of the forms
+ * <pre>
+ * -nb=N
+ * -number N
+ * -nN
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * <h3><a name="multipleOptionValues">Multiple Option Values</a></h3>
+ *
+ * If may be useful for an option to be followed by several values.
+ * For instance, we might have an option <code>-velocity</code>
+ * which should be followed by three numbers denoting
+ * the x, y, and z components of a velocity vector.
+ * We can require multiple values for an option
+ * by placing a <i>multiplier</i> specification,
+ * of the form <code>X</code>N, where N is an integer,
+ * after the conversion code (or range specification, if present).
+ * For example,
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * double[] pos = new double[3];
+ *
+ * addOption ("-position %fX3 #position of the object", pos);
+ * </pre>
+ * will cause the parser to look for
+ * <pre>
+ * -position xx yy zz
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * in the argument list, where <code>xx</code>, <code>yy</code>, and
+ * <code>zz</code> are numbers. The values are stored in the array
+ * <code>pos</code>.
+ *
+ * Options requiring multiple values must use arrays to
+ * return their values, and cannot be used in single word format.
+ *
+ * <h3><a name="multipleOptionInvocation">Multiple Option Invocation</a></h3>
+ *
+ * Normally, if an option appears twice in the command list, the
+ * value associated with the second instance simply overwrites the
+ * value associated with the first instance.
+ *
+ * However, the application can instead arrange for the storage of <i>all</i>
+ * values associated with multiple option invocation, by supplying a instance
+ * of <code>java.util.Vector</code> to serve as the value holder. Then every
+ * time the option appears in the argument list, the parser will create a value
+ * holder of appropriate type, set it to the current value, and store the
+ * holder in the vector. For example, the construction
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * Vector vec = new Vector(10);
+ *
+ * parser.addOption ("-foo %f", vec);
+ * parser.matchAllArgs(args);
+ * </pre>
+ * when supplied with an argument list that contains
+ * <pre>
+ * -foo 1.2 -foo 1000 -foo -78
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * will create three instances of {@link argparser.DoubleHolder DoubleHolder},
+ * initialized to <code>1.2</code>, <code>1000</code>, and <code>-78</code>,
+ * and store them in <code>vec</code>.
+ *
+ * <h3><a name="helpInfo">Generating help information</a></h3>
+ *
+ * ArgParser automatically generates help information for the options, and this
+ * information may be printed in response to a <i>help</i> option, or may be
+ * queried by the application using {@link #getHelpMessage getHelpMessage}.
+ * The information for each option consists of the option's name(s), it's
+ * required value(s), and an application-supplied description. Value
+ * information is generated automaticlly from the conversion code, range, and
+ * multiplier specifications (although this can be overriden, as
+ * <a href=#valueInfo>described below</a>).
+ * The application-supplied description is whatever
+ * appears in the specification string after the optional <code>#</code>
+ * character. The string returned by {@link #getHelpMessage getHelpMessage} for
+ * the <a href=#example>first example above</a> would be
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * Usage: java argparser.SimpleExample
+ * Options include:
+ *
+ * -help,-? displays help information
+ * -theta &lt;float&gt; theta value (in degrees)
+ * -file &lt;string&gt; name of the operating file
+ * -debug enables display of debugging info
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * The options <code>-help</code> and <code>-?</code> are including in the
+ * parser by default as help options, and they automatically cause the help
+ * message to be printed. To exclude these
+ * options, one should use the constructor {@link #ArgParser(String,boolean)
+ * ArgParser(synopsis,false)}.
+ * Help options can also be specified by the application using {@link
+ * #addOption addOption} and the conversion code <code>%h</code>. Help options
+ * can be disabled using {@link #setHelpOptionsEnabled
+ * setHelpOptionsEnabled(false)}.
+ *
+ * <p><a name=valueInfo>
+ * A description of the required values for an option can be
+ * specified explicitly
+ * by placing a second <code>#</code> character in the specification
+ * string. Everything between the first and second <code>#</code>
+ * characters then becomes the value description, and everything
+ * after the second <code>#</code> character becomes the option
+ * description.
+ * For example, if the <code>-theta</code> option
+ * above was specified with
+ * <pre>
+ * parser.addOption ("-theta %f #NUMBER#theta value (in degrees)",theta);
+ * </pre>
+ * instead of
+ * <pre>
+ * parser.addOption ("-theta %f #theta value (in degrees)", theta);
+ * </pre>
+ * then the corresponding entry in the help message would look
+ * like
+ * <pre>
+ * -theta NUMBER theta value (in degrees)
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * <h3><a name="customArgParsing">Custom Argument Parsing</a></h3>
+ *
+ * An application may find it necessary to handle arguments that
+ * don't fit into the framework of this class. There are a couple
+ * of ways to do this.
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * First, the method {@link #matchAllArgs(String[],int,int)
+ * matchAllArgs(args,idx,exitFlags)} returns an array of
+ * all unmatched arguments, which can then be handled
+ * specially:
+ * <pre>
+ * String[] unmatched =
+ * parser.matchAllArgs (args, 0, parser.EXIT_ON_ERROR);
+ * for (int i = 0; i < unmatched.length; i++)
+ * { ... handle unmatched arguments ...
+ * }
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * For instance, this would be useful for an applicatoon that accepts an
+ * arbitrary number of input file names. The options can be parsed using
+ * <code>matchAllArgs</code>, and the remaining unmatched arguments
+ * give the file names.
+ *
+ * <p> If we need more control over the parsing, we can parse arguments one at
+ * a time using {@link #matchArg matchArg}:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * int idx = 0;
+ * while (idx < args.length)
+ * { try
+ * { idx = parser.matchArg (args, idx);
+ * if (parser.getUnmatchedArgument() != null)
+ * {
+ * ... handle this unmatched argument ourselves ...
+ * }
+ * }
+ * catch (ArgParserException e)
+ * { // malformed or erroneous argument
+ * parser.printErrorAndExit (e.getMessage());
+ * }
+ * }
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * {@link #matchArg matchArg(args,idx)} matches one option at location
+ * <code>idx</code> in the argument list, and then returns the location value
+ * that should be used for the next match. If an argument does
+ * not match any option,
+ * {@link #getUnmatchedArgument getUnmatchedArgument} will return a copy of the
+ * unmatched argument.
+ *
+ * <h3><a name="argsFromAFile">Reading Arguments From a File</a></h3>
+ *
+ * The method {@link #prependArgs prependArgs} can be used to automatically
+ * read in a set of arguments from a file and prepend them onto an existing
+ * argument list. Argument words correspond to white-space-delimited strings,
+ * and the file may contain the comment character <code>#</code> (which
+ * comments out everything to the end of the current line). A typical usage
+ * looks like this:
+ *
+ * <pre>
+ * ... create parser and add options ...
+ *
+ * args = parser.prependArgs (new File(".configFile"), args);
+ *
+ * parser.matchAllArgs (args);
+ * </pre>
+ *
+ * This makes it easy to generate simple configuration files for an
+ * application.
+ *
+ * @author John E. Lloyd, Fall 2004
+ */
+public class ArgParser
+ Vector matchList;
+// int tabSpacing = 8;
+ String synopsisString;
+ boolean helpOptionsEnabled = true;
+ Record defaultHelpOption = null;
+ Record firstHelpOption = null;
+ PrintStream printStream = System.out;
+ int helpIndent = 24;
+ String errMsg = null;
+ String unmatchedArg = null;
+ static String validConversionCodes = "iodxcbfsvh";
+ /**
+ * Indicates that the program should exit with an appropriate message
+ * in the event of an erroneous or malformed argument.*/
+ public static int EXIT_ON_ERROR = 1;
+ /**
+ * Indicates that the program should exit with an appropriate message
+ * in the event of an unmatched argument.*/
+ public static int EXIT_ON_UNMATCHED = 2;
+ /**
+ * Returns a string containing the valid conversion codes. These
+ * are the characters which may follow the <code>%</code> character in
+ * the specification string of {@link #addOption addOption}.
+ *
+ * @return Valid conversion codes
+ * @see #addOption
+ */
+ public static String getValidConversionCodes()
+ {
+ return validConversionCodes;
+ }
+ static class NameDesc
+ {
+ String name;
+ // oneWord implies that any value associated with
+ // option is concatenated onto the argument string itself
+ boolean oneWord;
+ NameDesc next = null;
+ }
+ static class RangePnt
+ {
+ double dval = 0;
+ long lval = 0;
+ String sval = null;
+ boolean bval = true;
+ boolean closed = true;
+ RangePnt (String s, boolean closed)
+ { sval = s;
+ this.closed = closed;
+ }
+ RangePnt (double d, boolean closed)
+ { dval = d;
+ this.closed = closed;
+ }
+ RangePnt (long l, boolean closed)
+ { lval = l;
+ this.closed = closed;
+ }
+ RangePnt (boolean b, boolean closed)
+ { bval = b;
+ this.closed = closed;
+ }
+ RangePnt (StringScanner scanner, int type)
+ throws IllegalArgumentException
+ {
+ String typeName = null;
+ try
+ { switch (type)
+ {
+ case Record.CHAR:
+ { typeName = "character";
+ lval = scanner.scanChar();
+ break;
+ }
+ case Record.INT:
+ case Record.LONG:
+ { typeName = "integer";
+ lval = scanner.scanInt();
+ break;
+ }
+ case Record.FLOAT:
+ case Record.DOUBLE:
+ { typeName = "float";
+ dval = scanner.scanDouble();
+ break;
+ }
+ case Record.STRING:
+ { typeName = "string";
+ sval = scanner.scanString();
+ break;
+ }
+ case Record.BOOLEAN:
+ { typeName = "boolean";
+ bval = scanner.scanBoolean();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (StringScanException e)
+ { throw new IllegalArgumentException (
+ "Malformed " + typeName + " '" +
+ scanner.substring(scanner.getIndex(),
+ e.getFailIndex()+1) +
+ "' in range spec");
+ }
+// this.closed = closed;
+ }
+ void setClosed (boolean closed)
+ { this.closed = closed;
+ }
+ boolean getClosed()
+ { return closed;
+ }
+ int compareTo (double d)
+ { if (dval < d)
+ { return -1;
+ }
+ else if (d == dval)
+ { return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ { return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ int compareTo (long l)
+ { if (lval < l)
+ { return -1;
+ }
+ else if (l == lval)
+ { return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ { return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ int compareTo (String s)
+ { return sval.compareTo (s);
+ }
+ int compareTo (boolean b)
+ { if (b == bval)
+ { return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ { return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ public String toString()
+ { return "{ dval=" + dval + ", lval=" + lval +
+ ", sval=" + sval + ", bval=" + bval +
+ ", closed=" + closed + "}";
+ }
+ }
+ class RangeAtom
+ {
+ RangePnt low = null;
+ RangePnt high = null;
+ RangeAtom next = null;
+ RangeAtom (RangePnt p0, RangePnt p1, int type)
+ throws IllegalArgumentException
+ {
+ int cmp = 0;
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case Record.CHAR:
+ case Record.INT:
+ case Record.LONG:
+ { cmp = p0.compareTo (p1.lval);
+ break;
+ }
+ case Record.FLOAT:
+ case Record.DOUBLE:
+ { cmp = p0.compareTo (p1.dval);
+ break;
+ }
+ case Record.STRING:
+ { cmp = p0.compareTo (p1.sval);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (cmp > 0)
+ { // then switch high and low
+ low = p1;
+ high = p0;
+ }
+ else
+ { low = p0;
+ high = p1;
+ }
+ }
+ RangeAtom (RangePnt p0)
+ throws IllegalArgumentException
+ {
+ low = p0;
+ }
+ boolean match (double d)
+ { int lc = low.compareTo(d);
+ if (high != null)
+ { int hc = high.compareTo(d);
+ return (lc*hc < 0 ||
+ (low.closed && lc==0) ||
+ (high.closed && hc==0));
+ }
+ else
+ { return lc == 0;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean match (long l)
+ { int lc = low.compareTo(l);
+ if (high != null)
+ { int hc = high.compareTo(l);
+ return (lc*hc < 0 ||
+ (low.closed && lc==0) ||
+ (high.closed && hc==0));
+ }
+ else
+ { return lc == 0;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean match (String s)
+ { int lc = low.compareTo(s);
+ if (high != null)
+ { int hc = high.compareTo(s);
+ return (lc*hc < 0 ||
+ (low.closed && lc==0) ||
+ (high.closed && hc==0));
+ }
+ else
+ { return lc == 0;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean match (boolean b)
+ { return low.compareTo(b) == 0;
+ }
+ public String toString()
+ { return "low=" + (low==null ? "null" : low.toString()) +
+ ", high=" + (high==null ? "null" : high.toString());
+ }
+ }
+ class Record
+ {
+ NameDesc nameList;
+ static final int NOTYPE = 0;
+ static final int BOOLEAN = 1;
+ static final int CHAR = 2;
+ static final int INT = 3;
+ static final int LONG = 4;
+ static final int FLOAT = 5;
+ static final int DOUBLE = 6;
+ static final int STRING = 7;
+ int type;
+ int numValues;
+ boolean vectorResult = false;
+ String helpMsg = null;
+ String valueDesc = null;
+ String rangeDesc = null;
+ Object resHolder = null;
+ RangeAtom rangeList = null;
+ RangeAtom rangeTail = null;
+ char convertCode;
+ boolean vval = true; // default value for now
+ NameDesc firstNameDesc()
+ {
+ return nameList;
+ }
+ RangeAtom firstRangeAtom()
+ {
+ return rangeList;
+ }
+ int numRangeAtoms()
+ { int cnt = 0;
+ for (RangeAtom ra=rangeList; ra!=null;
+ { cnt++;
+ }
+ return cnt;
+ }
+ void addRangeAtom (RangeAtom ra)
+ { if (rangeList == null)
+ { rangeList = ra;
+ }
+ else
+ { = ra;
+ }
+ rangeTail = ra;
+ }
+ boolean withinRange (double d)
+ {
+ if (rangeList == null)
+ { return true;
+ }
+ for (RangeAtom ra=rangeList; ra!=null;
+ { if (ra.match (d))
+ { return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ boolean withinRange (long l)
+ {
+ if (rangeList == null)
+ { return true;
+ }
+ for (RangeAtom ra=rangeList; ra!=null;
+ { if (ra.match (l))
+ { return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ boolean withinRange (String s)
+ {
+ if (rangeList == null)
+ { return true;
+ }
+ for (RangeAtom ra=rangeList; ra!=null;
+ { if (ra.match (s))
+ { return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ boolean withinRange (boolean b)
+ {
+ if (rangeList == null)
+ { return true;
+ }
+ for (RangeAtom ra=rangeList; ra!=null;
+ { if (ra.match (b))
+ { return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ String valTypeName()
+ {
+ switch (convertCode)
+ {
+ case 'i':
+ { return ("integer");
+ }
+ case 'o':
+ { return ("octal integer");
+ }
+ case 'd':
+ { return ("decimal integer");
+ }
+ case 'x':
+ { return ("hex integer");
+ }
+ case 'c':
+ { return ("char");
+ }
+ case 'b':
+ { return ("boolean");
+ }
+ case 'f':
+ { return ("float");
+ }
+ case 's':
+ { return ("string");
+ }
+ }
+ return ("unknown");
+ }
+ void scanValue (Object result, String name, String s, int resultIdx)
+ throws ArgParseException
+ {
+ double dval = 0;
+ String sval = null;
+ long lval = 0;
+ boolean bval = false;
+ if (s.length()==0)
+ { throw new ArgParseException
+ (name, "requires a contiguous value");
+ }
+ StringScanner scanner = new StringScanner(s);
+ try
+ {
+ switch (convertCode)
+ {
+ case 'i':
+ { lval = scanner.scanInt();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'o':
+ { lval = scanner.scanInt (8, false);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'd':
+ { lval = scanner.scanInt (10, false);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'x':
+ { lval = scanner.scanInt (16, false);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'c':
+ { lval = scanner.scanChar();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'b':
+ { bval = scanner.scanBoolean();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'f':
+ { dval = scanner.scanDouble();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 's':
+ { sval = scanner.getString();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (StringScanException e)
+ { throw new ArgParseException (
+ name, "malformed " + valTypeName() + " '" + s + "'");
+ }
+ scanner.skipWhiteSpace();
+ if (!scanner.atEnd())
+ { throw new ArgParseException (
+ name, "malformed " + valTypeName() + " '" + s + "'");
+ }
+ boolean outOfRange = false;
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case CHAR:
+ case INT:
+ case LONG:
+ { outOfRange = !withinRange (lval);
+ break;
+ }
+ case FLOAT:
+ case DOUBLE:
+ { outOfRange = !withinRange (dval);
+ break;
+ }
+ case STRING:
+ { outOfRange = !withinRange (sval);
+ break;
+ }
+ case BOOLEAN:
+ { outOfRange = !withinRange (bval);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (outOfRange)
+ { String errmsg = "value " + s + " not in range ";
+ throw new ArgParseException (
+ name, "value '" + s + "' not in range " + rangeDesc);
+ }
+ if (result.getClass().isArray())
+ {
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case BOOLEAN:
+ { ((boolean[])result)[resultIdx] = bval;
+ break;
+ }
+ case CHAR:
+ { ((char[])result)[resultIdx] = (char)lval;
+ break;
+ }
+ case INT:
+ { ((int[])result)[resultIdx] = (int)lval;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LONG:
+ { ((long[])result)[resultIdx] = lval;
+ break;
+ }
+ case FLOAT:
+ { ((float[])result)[resultIdx] = (float)dval;
+ break;
+ }
+ case DOUBLE:
+ { ((double[])result)[resultIdx] = dval;
+ break;
+ }
+ case STRING:
+ { ((String[])result)[resultIdx] = sval;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ case BOOLEAN:
+ { ((BooleanHolder)result).value = bval;
+ break;
+ }
+ case CHAR:
+ { ((CharHolder)result).value = (char)lval;
+ break;
+ }
+ case INT:
+ { ((IntHolder)result).value = (int)lval;
+ break;
+ }
+ case LONG:
+ { ((LongHolder)result).value = lval;
+ break;
+ }
+ case FLOAT:
+ { ((FloatHolder)result).value = (float)dval;
+ break;
+ }
+ case DOUBLE:
+ { ((DoubleHolder)result).value = dval;
+ break;
+ }
+ case STRING:
+ { ((StringHolder)result).value = sval;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private String firstHelpOptionName()
+ {
+ if (firstHelpOption != null)
+ { return;
+ }
+ else
+ { return null;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates an <code>ArgParser</code> with a synopsis
+ * string, and the default help options <code>-help</code> and
+ * <code>-&#063;</code>.
+ *
+ * @param synopsisString string that briefly describes program usage,
+ * for use by {@link #getHelpMessage getHelpMessage}.
+ * @see ArgParser#getSynopsisString
+ * @see ArgParser#getHelpMessage
+ */
+ public ArgParser(String synopsisString)
+ {
+ this (synopsisString, true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates an <code>ArgParser</code> with a synopsis
+ * string. The help options <code>-help</code> and
+ * <code>-?</code> are added if <code>defaultHelp</code>
+ * is true.
+ *
+ * @param synopsisString string that briefly describes program usage,
+ * for use by {@link #getHelpMessage getHelpMessage}.
+ * @param defaultHelp if true, adds the default help options
+ * @see ArgParser#getSynopsisString
+ * @see ArgParser#getHelpMessage
+ */
+ public ArgParser(String synopsisString, boolean defaultHelp)
+ {
+ matchList = new Vector(128);
+ this.synopsisString = synopsisString;
+ if (defaultHelp)
+ { addOption ("-help,-? %h #displays help information", null);
+ defaultHelpOption = firstHelpOption = (Record)matchList.get(0);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the synopsis string used by the parser.
+ * The synopsis string is a short description of how to invoke
+ * the program, and usually looks something like
+ * <p>
+ * <prec>
+ * "java somepackage.SomeClass [options] files ..."
+ * </prec>
+ *
+ * <p> It is used in help and error messages.
+ *
+ * @return synopsis string
+ * @see ArgParser#setSynopsisString
+ * @see ArgParser#getHelpMessage
+ */
+ public String getSynopsisString ()
+ {
+ return synopsisString;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the synopsis string used by the parser.
+ *
+ * @param s new synopsis string
+ * @see ArgParser#getSynopsisString
+ * @see ArgParser#getHelpMessage
+ */
+ public void setSynopsisString (String s)
+ {
+ synopsisString = s;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Indicates whether or not help options are enabled.
+ *
+ * @return true if help options are enabled
+ * @see ArgParser#setHelpOptionsEnabled
+ * @see ArgParser#addOption
+ */
+ public boolean getHelpOptionsEnabled ()
+ {
+ return helpOptionsEnabled;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Enables or disables help options. Help options are those
+ * associated with a conversion code of <code>%h</code>. If
+ * help options are enabled, and a help option is matched,
+ * then the string produced by
+ * {@link #getHelpMessage getHelpMessage}
+ * is printed to the default print stream and the program
+ * exits with code 0. Otherwise, arguments which match help
+ * options are ignored.
+ *
+ * @param enable enables help options if <code>true</code>.
+ * @see ArgParser#getHelpOptionsEnabled
+ * @see ArgParser#addOption
+ * @see ArgParser#setDefaultPrintStream */
+ public void setHelpOptionsEnabled(boolean enable)
+ { helpOptionsEnabled = enable;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the default print stream used for outputting help
+ * and error information.
+ *
+ * @return default print stream
+ * @see ArgParser#setDefaultPrintStream
+ */
+ public PrintStream getDefaultPrintStream()
+ { return printStream;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the default print stream used for outputting help
+ * and error information.
+ *
+ * @param stream new default print stream
+ * @see ArgParser#getDefaultPrintStream
+ */
+ public void setDefaultPrintStream (PrintStream stream)
+ {
+ printStream = stream;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets the indentation used by {@link #getHelpMessage
+ * getHelpMessage}.
+ *
+ * @return number of indentation columns
+ * @see ArgParser#setHelpIndentation
+ * @see ArgParser#getHelpMessage
+ */
+ public int getHelpIndentation()
+ {
+ return helpIndent;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the indentation used by {@link #getHelpMessage
+ * getHelpMessage}. This is the number of columns that an option's help
+ * information is indented. If the option's name and value information
+ * can fit within this number of columns, then all information about
+ * the option is placed on one line. Otherwise, the indented help
+ * information is placed on a separate line.
+ *
+ * @param indent number of indentation columns
+ * @see ArgParser#getHelpIndentation
+ * @see ArgParser#getHelpMessage
+ */
+ public void setHelpIndentation (int indent)
+ { helpIndent = indent;
+ }
+// public void setTabSpacing (int n)
+// { tabSpacing = n;
+// }
+// public int getTabSpacing ()
+// { return tabSpacing;
+// }
+ private void scanRangeSpec (Record rec, String s)
+ throws IllegalArgumentException
+ {
+ StringScanner scanner = new StringScanner (s);
+ int i0, i = 1;
+ char c, c0, c1;
+ scanner.setStringDelimiters (")],}");
+ c = scanner.getc(); // swallow the first '{'
+ scanner.skipWhiteSpace();
+ while ((c=scanner.peekc()) != '}')
+ { RangePnt p0, p1;
+ if (c == '[' || c == '(')
+ {
+ if (rec.convertCode == 'v' || rec.convertCode == 'b')
+ { throw new IllegalArgumentException
+ ("Sub ranges not supported for %b or %v");
+ }
+ c0 = scanner.getc(); // record & swallow character
+ scanner.skipWhiteSpace();
+ p0 = new RangePnt (scanner, rec.type);
+ scanner.skipWhiteSpace();
+ if (scanner.getc() != ',')
+ { throw new IllegalArgumentException
+ ("Missing ',' in subrange specification");
+ }
+ p1 = new RangePnt (scanner, rec.type);
+ scanner.skipWhiteSpace();
+ if ((c1=scanner.getc()) != ']' && c1 != ')')
+ { throw new IllegalArgumentException
+ ("Unterminated subrange");
+ }
+ if (c0 == '(')
+ { p0.setClosed (false);
+ }
+ if (c1 == ')')
+ { p1.setClosed (false);
+ }
+ rec.addRangeAtom (new RangeAtom (p0, p1, rec.type));
+ }
+ else
+ { scanner.skipWhiteSpace();
+ p0 = new RangePnt (scanner, rec.type);
+ rec.addRangeAtom (new RangeAtom (p0));
+ }
+ scanner.skipWhiteSpace();
+ if ((c=scanner.peekc()) == ',')
+ { scanner.getc();
+ scanner.skipWhiteSpace();
+ }
+ else if (c != '}')
+ {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException
+ ("Range spec: ',' or '}' expected");
+ }
+ }
+ if (rec.numRangeAtoms()==1)
+ { rec.rangeDesc = s.substring (1, s.length()-1);
+ }
+ else
+ { rec.rangeDesc = s;
+ }
+ }
+ private int defaultResultType (char convertCode)
+ {
+ switch (convertCode)
+ {
+ case 'i':
+ case 'o':
+ case 'd':
+ case 'x':
+ { return Record.LONG;
+ }
+ case 'c':
+ { return Record.CHAR;
+ }
+ case 'v':
+ case 'b':
+ { return Record.BOOLEAN;
+ }
+ case 'f':
+ { return Record.DOUBLE;
+ }
+ case 's':
+ { return Record.STRING;
+ }
+ }
+ return Record.NOTYPE;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds a new option description to the parser. The method takes two
+ * arguments: a specification string, and a result holder in which to
+ * store the associated value.
+ *
+ * <p>The specification string has the general form
+ *
+ * <p> <var>optionNames</var>
+ * <code>%</code><var>conversionCode</var>
+ * [<code>{</code><var>rangeSpec</var><code>}</code>]
+ * [<code>X</code><var>multiplier</var>]
+ * [<code>#</code><var>valueDescription</var>]
+ * [<code>#</code><var>optionDescription</var>] </code>
+ *
+ * <p>
+ * where
+ * <ul> <p><li><var>optionNames</var> is a
+ * comma-separated list of names for the option
+ * (such as <code>-f, --file</code>).
+ *
+ * <p><li><var>conversionCode</var> is a single letter,
+ * following a <code>%</code> character, specifying
+ * information about what value the option requires:
+ *
+ * <table>
+ * <tr><td><code>%f</code></td><td>a floating point number</td>
+ * <tr><td><code>%i</code></td><td>an integer, in either decimal,
+ * hex (if preceeded by <code>0x</code>), or
+ * octal (if preceeded by <code>0</code>)</td>
+ * <tr valign=top>
+ * <td><code>%d</code></td><td>a decimal integer</td>
+ * <tr valign=top>
+ * <td><code>%o</code></td><td>an octal integer</td>
+ * <tr valign=top>
+ * <td><code>%h</code></td><td>a hex integer (without the
+ * preceeding <code>0x</code>)</td>
+ * <tr valign=top>
+ * <td><code>%c</code></td><td>a single character, including
+ * escape sequences (such as <code>\n</code> or <code>\007</code>),
+ * and optionally enclosed in single quotes
+ * <tr valign=top>
+ * <td><code>%b</code></td><td>a boolean value (<code>true</code>
+ * or <code>false</code>)</td>
+ * <tr valign=top>
+ * <td><code>%s</code></td><td>a string. This will
+ * be the argument string itself (or its remainder, in
+ * the case of a single word option)</td>
+ * <tr valign=top>
+ * <td><code>%v</code></td><td>no explicit value is expected,
+ * but a boolean value of <code>true</code> (by default)
+ * will be stored into the associated result holder if this
+ * option is matched. If one wishes to have a value of
+ * <code>false</code> stored instead, then the <code>%v</code>
+ * should be followed by a "range spec" containing
+ * <code>false</code>, as in <code>%v{false}</code>.
+ * </table>
+ *
+ * <p><li><var>rangeSpec</var> is an optional range specification,
+ * placed inside curly braces, consisting of a
+ * comma-separated list of range items each specifying
+ * permissible values for the option. A range item may be an
+ * individual value, or it may itself be a subrange,
+ * consisting of two individual values, separated by a comma,
+ * and enclosed in square or round brackets. Square and round
+ * brackets denote closed and open endpoints of a subrange, indicating
+ * that the associated endpoint value is included or excluded
+ * from the subrange.
+ * The values specified in the range spec need to be
+ * consistent with the type of value expected by the option.
+ *
+ * <p><b>Examples:</b>
+ *
+ * <p>A range spec of <code>{2,4,8,16}</code> for an integer
+ * value will allow the integers 2, 4, 8, or 16.
+ *
+ * <p>A range spec of <code>{[-1.0,1.0]}</code> for a floating
+ * point value will allow any floating point number in the
+ * range -1.0 to 1.0.
+ *
+ * <p>A range spec of <code>{(-88,100],1000}</code> for an integer
+ * value will allow values > -88 and <= 100, as well as 1000.
+ *
+ * <p>A range spec of <code>{"foo", "bar", ["aaa","zzz")} </code> for a
+ * string value will allow strings equal to <code>"foo"</code> or
+ * <code>"bar"</code>, plus any string lexically greater than or equal
+ * to <code>"aaa"</code> but less then <code>"zzz"</code>.
+ *
+ * <p><li><var>multiplier</var> is an optional integer,
+ * following a <code>X</code> character,
+ * indicating the number of values which the option expects.
+ * If the multiplier is not specified, it is assumed to be
+ * 1. If the multiplier value is greater than 1, then the
+ * result holder should be either an array (of appropriate
+ * type) with a length greater than or equal to the multiplier
+ * value, or a <code>java.util.Vector</code>
+ * <a href=#vectorHolder>as discussed below</a>.
+ *
+ * <p><li><var>valueDescription</var> is an optional
+ * description of the option's value requirements,
+ * and consists of all
+ * characters between two <code>#</code> characters.
+ * The final <code>#</code> character initiates the
+ * <i>option description</i>, which may be empty.
+ * The value description is used in
+ * <a href=#helpInfo>generating help messages</a>.
+ *
+ * <p><li><var>optionDescription</var> is an optional
+ * description of the option itself, consisting of all
+ * characters between a <code>#</code> character
+ * and the end of the specification string.
+ * The option description is used in
+ * <a href=#helpInfo>generating help messages</a>.
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * <p>The result holder must be an object capable of holding
+ * a value compatible with the conversion code,
+ * or it must be a <code>java.util.Vector</code>.
+ * When the option is matched, its associated value is
+ * placed in the result holder. If the same option is
+ * matched repeatedly, the result holder value will be overwritten,
+ * unless the result holder is a <code>java.util.Vector</code>,
+ * in which
+ * case new holder objects for each match will be allocated
+ * and added to the vector. Thus if
+ * multiple instances of an option are desired by the
+ * program, the result holder should be a
+ * <code>java.util.Vector</code>.
+ *
+ * <p>If the result holder is not a <code>Vector</code>, then
+ * it must correspond as follows to the conversion code:
+ *
+ * <table>
+ * <tr valign=top>
+ * <td><code>%i</code>, <code>%d</code>, <code>%x</code>,
+ * <code>%o</code></td>
+ * <td>{@link argparser.IntHolder IntHolder},
+ * {@link argparser.LongHolder LongHolder}, <code>int[]</code>, or
+ * <code>long[]</code></td>
+ * </tr>
+ *
+ * <tr valign=top>
+ * <td><code>%f</code></td>
+ * <td>{@link argparser.FloatHolder FloatHolder},
+ * {@link argparser.DoubleHolder DoubleHolder},
+ * <code>float[]</code>, or
+ * <code>double[]</code></td>
+ * </tr>
+ *
+ * <tr valign=top>
+ * <td><code>%b</code>, <code>%v</code></td>
+ * <td>{@link argparser.BooleanHolder BooleanHolder} or
+ * <code>boolean[]</code></td>
+ * </tr>
+ *
+ * <tr valign=top>
+ * <td><code>%s</code></td>
+ * <td>{@link argparser.StringHolder StringHolder} or
+ * <code>String[]</code></td>
+ * </tr>
+ *
+ * <tr valign=top>
+ * <td><code>%c</code></td>
+ * <td>{@link argparser.CharHolder CharHolder} or
+ * <code>char[]</code></td>
+ * </tr>
+ * </table>
+ *
+ * <p>In addition, if the multiplier is greater than 1,
+ * then only the array type indicated above may be used,
+ * and the array must be at least as long as the multiplier.
+ *
+ * <p><a name=vectorHolder>If the result holder is a
+ * <code>Vector</code>, then the system will create an appropriate
+ * result holder object and add it to the vector. Multiple occurances
+ * of the option will cause multiple results to be added to the vector.
+ *
+ * <p>The object allocated by the system to store the result
+ * will correspond to the conversion code as follows:
+ *
+ * <table>
+ * <tr valign=top>
+ * <td><code>%i</code>, <code>%d</code>, <code>%x</code>,
+ * <code>%o</code></td>
+ * <td>{@link argparser.LongHolder LongHolder}, or
+ * <code>long[]</code> if the multiplier value exceeds 1</td>
+ * </tr>
+ *
+ * <tr valign=top>
+ * <td><code>%f</code></td>
+ * <td>{@link argparser.DoubleHolder DoubleHolder}, or
+ * <code>double[]</code> if the multiplier value exceeds 1</td>
+ * </tr>
+ *
+ * <tr valign=top>
+ * <td><code>%b</code>, <code>%v</code></td>
+ * <td>{@link argparser.BooleanHolder BooleanHolder}, or
+ * <code>boolean[]</code>
+ * if the multiplier value exceeds 1</td>
+ * </tr>
+ *
+ * <tr valign=top>
+ * <td><code>%s</code></td>
+ * <td>{@link argparser.StringHolder StringHolder}, or
+ * <code>String[]</code>
+ * if the multiplier value exceeds 1</td>
+ * </tr>
+ *
+ * <tr valign=top>
+ * <td><code>%c</code></td>
+ * <td>{@link argparser.CharHolder CharHolder}, or <code>char[]</code>
+ * if the multiplier value exceeds 1</td>
+ * </tr>
+ * </table>
+ *
+ * @param spec the specification string
+ * @param resHolder object in which to store the associated
+ * value
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there is an error in
+ * the specification or if the result holder is of an invalid
+ * type. */
+ public void addOption (String spec, Object resHolder)
+ throws IllegalArgumentException
+ {
+ // null terminated string is easier to parse
+ StringScanner scanner = new StringScanner(spec);
+ Record rec = null;
+ NameDesc nameTail = null;
+ NameDesc ndesc;
+ int i0, i1;
+ char c;
+ do
+ { ndesc = new NameDesc();
+ boolean nameEndsInWhiteSpace = false;
+ scanner.skipWhiteSpace();
+ i0 = scanner.getIndex();
+ while (!Character.isWhitespace(c=scanner.getc()) &&
+ c != ',' && c != '%' && c != '\000')
+ ;
+ i1 = scanner.getIndex();
+ if (c!='\000')
+ { i1--;
+ }
+ if (i0==i1)
+ { // then c is one of ',' '%' or '\000'
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException
+ ("Null option name given");
+ }
+ if (Character.isWhitespace(c))
+ { nameEndsInWhiteSpace = true;
+ scanner.skipWhiteSpace();
+ c = scanner.getc();
+ }
+ if (c=='\000')
+ { throw new IllegalArgumentException
+ ("No conversion character given");
+ }
+ if (c != ',' && c != '%')
+ { throw new IllegalArgumentException
+ ("Names not separated by ','");
+ }
+ = scanner.substring (i0, i1);
+ if (rec == null)
+ { rec = new Record();
+ rec.nameList = ndesc;
+ }
+ else
+ { = ndesc;
+ }
+ nameTail = ndesc;
+ ndesc.oneWord = !nameEndsInWhiteSpace;
+ }
+ while (c != '%');
+ if (nameTail == null)
+ { throw new IllegalArgumentException
+ ("Null option name given");
+ }
+ if (!nameTail.oneWord)
+ { for (ndesc=rec.nameList; ndesc!=null;
+ { ndesc.oneWord = false;
+ }
+ }
+ c = scanner.getc();
+ if (c=='\000')
+ { throw new IllegalArgumentException
+ ("No conversion character given");
+ }
+ if (validConversionCodes.indexOf(c) == -1)
+ { throw new IllegalArgumentException
+ ("Conversion code '" + c + "' not one of '" +
+ validConversionCodes + "'");
+ }
+ rec.convertCode = c;
+ if (resHolder instanceof Vector)
+ { rec.vectorResult = true;
+ rec.type = defaultResultType (rec.convertCode);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (rec.convertCode)
+ {
+ case 'i':
+ case 'o':
+ case 'd':
+ case 'x':
+ { if (resHolder instanceof LongHolder ||
+ resHolder instanceof long[])
+ { rec.type = Record.LONG;
+ }
+ else if (resHolder instanceof IntHolder ||
+ resHolder instanceof int[])
+ { rec.type = Record.INT;
+ }
+ else
+ { throw new IllegalArgumentException (
+ "Invalid result holder for %" + c);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'c':
+ { if (!(resHolder instanceof CharHolder) &&
+ !(resHolder instanceof char[]))
+ { throw new IllegalArgumentException (
+ "Invalid result holder for %c");
+ }
+ rec.type = Record.CHAR;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'v':
+ case 'b':
+ { if (!(resHolder instanceof BooleanHolder) &&
+ !(resHolder instanceof boolean[]))
+ { throw new IllegalArgumentException (
+ "Invalid result holder for %" + c);
+ }
+ rec.type = Record.BOOLEAN;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'f':
+ { if (resHolder instanceof DoubleHolder ||
+ resHolder instanceof double[])
+ { rec.type = Record.DOUBLE;
+ }
+ else if (resHolder instanceof FloatHolder ||
+ resHolder instanceof float[])
+ { rec.type = Record.FLOAT;
+ }
+ else
+ { throw new IllegalArgumentException (
+ "Invalid result holder for %f");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 's':
+ { if (!(resHolder instanceof StringHolder) &&
+ !(resHolder instanceof String[]))
+ { throw new IllegalArgumentException (
+ "Invalid result holder for %s");
+ }
+ rec.type = Record.STRING;
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'h':
+ { // resHolder is ignored for this type
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (rec.convertCode == 'h')
+ { rec.resHolder = null;
+ }
+ else
+ { rec.resHolder = resHolder;
+ }
+ scanner.skipWhiteSpace();
+ // get the range specification, if any
+ if (scanner.peekc() == '{')
+ {
+ if (rec.convertCode == 'h')
+ { throw new IllegalArgumentException
+ ("Ranges not supported for %h");
+ }
+// int bcnt = 0;
+ i0 = scanner.getIndex(); // beginning of range spec
+ do
+ { c = scanner.getc();
+ if (c=='\000')
+ { throw new IllegalArgumentException
+ ("Unterminated range specification");
+ }
+// else if (c=='[' || c=='(')
+// { bcnt++;
+// }
+// else if (c==']' || c==')')
+// { bcnt--;
+// }
+// if ((rec.convertCode=='v'||rec.convertCode=='b') && bcnt>1)
+// { throw new IllegalArgumentException
+// ("Sub ranges not supported for %b or %v");
+// }
+ }
+ while (c != '}');
+// if (c != ']')
+// { throw new IllegalArgumentException
+// ("Range specification must end with ']'");
+// }
+ i1 = scanner.getIndex(); // end of range spec
+ scanRangeSpec (rec, scanner.substring (i0, i1));
+ if (rec.convertCode == 'v' && rec.rangeList!=null)
+ { rec.vval = rec.rangeList.low.bval;
+ }
+ }
+ // check for value multiplicity information, if any
+ if (scanner.peekc() == 'X')
+ {
+ if (rec.convertCode == 'h')
+ { throw new IllegalArgumentException
+ ("Multipliers not supported for %h");
+ }
+ scanner.getc();
+ try
+ { rec.numValues = (int)scanner.scanInt();
+ }
+ catch (StringScanException e)
+ { throw new IllegalArgumentException
+ ("Malformed value multiplier");
+ }
+ if (rec.numValues <= 0)
+ { throw new IllegalArgumentException
+ ("Value multiplier number must be > 0");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { rec.numValues = 1;
+ }
+ if (rec.numValues > 1)
+ { for (ndesc=rec.nameList; ndesc!=null;
+ { if (ndesc.oneWord)
+ { throw new IllegalArgumentException (
+"Multiplier value incompatible with one word option " +;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (resHolder != null && resHolder.getClass().isArray())
+ { if (Array.getLength(resHolder) < rec.numValues)
+ { throw new IllegalArgumentException (
+"Result holder array must have a length >= " + rec.numValues);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { if (rec.numValues > 1 && !(resHolder instanceof Vector))
+ { throw new IllegalArgumentException (
+"Multiplier requires result holder to be an array of length >= "
++ rec.numValues);
+ }
+ }
+ // skip white space following conversion information
+ scanner.skipWhiteSpace();
+ // get the help message, if any
+ if (!scanner.atEnd())
+ { if (scanner.getc() != '#')
+ { throw new IllegalArgumentException
+ ("Illegal character(s), expecting '#'");
+ }
+ String helpInfo = scanner.substring (scanner.getIndex());
+ // look for second '#'. If there is one, then info
+ // between the first and second '#' is the value descriptor.
+ int k = helpInfo.indexOf ("#");
+ if (k != -1)
+ { rec.valueDesc = helpInfo.substring (0, k);
+ rec.helpMsg = helpInfo.substring (k+1);
+ }
+ else
+ { rec.helpMsg = helpInfo;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { rec.helpMsg = "";
+ }
+ // add option information to match list
+ if (rec.convertCode == 'h' && firstHelpOption == defaultHelpOption)
+ { matchList.remove (defaultHelpOption);
+ firstHelpOption = rec;
+ }
+ matchList.add (rec);
+ }
+ Record lastMatchRecord ()
+ { return (Record)matchList.lastElement();
+ }
+ private Record getRecord (String arg, ObjectHolder ndescHolder)
+ {
+ NameDesc ndesc;
+ for (int i=0; i<matchList.size(); i++)
+ { Record rec = (Record)matchList.get(i);
+ for (ndesc=rec.nameList; ndesc!=null;
+ { if (rec.convertCode != 'v' && ndesc.oneWord)
+ { if (arg.startsWith (
+ { if (ndescHolder != null)
+ { ndescHolder.value = ndesc;
+ }
+ return rec;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { if (arg.equals (
+ { if (ndescHolder != null)
+ { ndescHolder.value = ndesc;
+ }
+ return rec;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ Object getResultHolder (String arg)
+ {
+ Record rec = getRecord(arg, null);
+ return (rec != null) ? rec.resHolder : null;
+ }
+ String getOptionName (String arg)
+ {
+ ObjectHolder ndescHolder = new ObjectHolder();
+ Record rec = getRecord(arg, ndescHolder);
+ return (rec != null) ? ((NameDesc)ndescHolder.value).name : null;
+ }
+ String getOptionRangeDesc (String arg)
+ {
+ Record rec = getRecord(arg, null);
+ return (rec != null) ? rec.rangeDesc : null;
+ }
+ String getOptionTypeName (String arg)
+ {
+ Record rec = getRecord(arg, null);
+ return (rec != null) ? rec.valTypeName() : null;
+ }
+ private Object createResultHolder (Record rec)
+ {
+ if (rec.numValues == 1)
+ { switch (rec.type)
+ { case Record.LONG:
+ { return new LongHolder();
+ }
+ case Record.CHAR:
+ { return new CharHolder();
+ }
+ case Record.BOOLEAN:
+ { return new BooleanHolder();
+ }
+ case Record.DOUBLE:
+ { return new DoubleHolder();
+ }
+ case Record.STRING:
+ { return new StringHolder();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { switch (rec.type)
+ { case Record.LONG:
+ { return new long[rec.numValues];
+ }
+ case Record.CHAR:
+ { return new char[rec.numValues];
+ }
+ case Record.BOOLEAN:
+ { return new boolean[rec.numValues];
+ }
+ case Record.DOUBLE:
+ { return new double[rec.numValues];
+ }
+ case Record.STRING:
+ { return new String[rec.numValues];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null; // can't happen
+ }
+ static void stringToArgs (Vector vec, String s,
+ boolean allowQuotedStrings)
+ throws StringScanException
+ {
+ StringScanner scanner = new StringScanner(s);
+ scanner.skipWhiteSpace();
+ while (!scanner.atEnd())
+ { if (allowQuotedStrings)
+ { vec.add (scanner.scanString());
+ }
+ else
+ { vec.add (scanner.scanNonWhiteSpaceString());
+ }
+ scanner.skipWhiteSpace();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reads in a set of strings from a reader and prepends them to an
+ * argument list. Strings are delimited by either whitespace or
+ * double quotes <code>"</code>. The character <code>#</code> acts as
+ * a comment character, causing input to the end of the current line to
+ * be ignored.
+ *
+ * @param reader Reader from which to read the strings
+ * @param args Initial set of argument values. Can be
+ * specified as <code>null</code>.
+ * @throws IOException if an error occured while reading.
+ */
+ public static String[] prependArgs (Reader reader, String[] args)
+ throws IOException
+ {
+ if (args == null)
+ { args = new String[0];
+ }
+ LineNumberReader lineReader = new LineNumberReader (reader);
+ Vector vec = new Vector(100, 100);
+ String line;
+ int i, k;
+ while ((line = lineReader.readLine()) != null)
+ { int commentIdx = line.indexOf ("#");
+ if (commentIdx != -1)
+ { line = line.substring (0, commentIdx);
+ }
+ try
+ { stringToArgs (vec, line, /*allowQuotedStings=*/true);
+ }
+ catch (StringScanException e)
+ { throw new IOException (
+ "malformed string, line "+lineReader.getLineNumber());
+ }
+ }
+ String[] result = new String[vec.size()+args.length];
+ for (i=0; i<vec.size(); i++)
+ { result[i] = (String)vec.get(i);
+ }
+ for (k=0; k<args.length; k++)
+ { result[i++] = args[k];
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reads in a set of strings from a file and prepends them to an
+ * argument list. Strings are delimited by either whitespace or double
+ * quotes <code>"</code>. The character <code>#</code> acts as a
+ * comment character, causing input to the end of the current line to
+ * be ignored.
+ *
+ * @param file File to be read
+ * @param args Initial set of argument values. Can be
+ * specified as <code>null</code>.
+ * @throws IOException if an error occured while reading the file.
+ */
+ public static String[] prependArgs (File file, String[] args)
+ throws IOException
+ {
+ if (args == null)
+ { args = new String[0];
+ }
+ if (!file.canRead())
+ { return args;
+ }
+ try
+ { return prependArgs (new FileReader (file), args);
+ }
+ catch (IOException e)
+ { throw new IOException (
+"File " + file.getName() + ": " + e.getMessage());
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets the parser's error message.
+ *
+ * @param s Error message
+ */
+ protected void setError (String msg)
+ {
+ errMsg = msg;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Prints an error message, along with a pointer to help options,
+ * if available, and causes the program to exit with code 1.
+ */
+ public void printErrorAndExit (String msg)
+ {
+ if (helpOptionsEnabled && firstHelpOptionName() != null)
+ { msg += "\nUse "+firstHelpOptionName()+" for help information";
+ }
+ if (printStream != null)
+ { printStream.println (msg);
+ }
+ System.exit(1);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Matches arguments within an argument list.
+ *
+ * <p>In the event of an erroneous or unmatched argument, the method
+ * prints a message and exits the program with code 1.
+ *
+ * <p>If help options are enabled and one of the arguments matches a
+ * help option, then the result of {@link #getHelpMessage
+ * getHelpMessage} is printed to the default print stream and the
+ * program exits with code 0. If help options are not enabled, they
+ * are ignored.
+ *
+ * @param args argument list
+ * @see ArgParser#getDefaultPrintStream
+ */
+ public void matchAllArgs (String[] args)
+ {
+ matchAllArgs (args, 0, EXIT_ON_UNMATCHED | EXIT_ON_ERROR);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Matches arguments within an argument list and returns
+ * those which were not matched. The matching starts at a location
+ * in <code>args</code> specified by <code>idx</code>, and
+ * unmatched arguments are returned in a String array.
+ *
+ * <p>In the event of an erroneous argument, the method either prints a
+ * message and exits the program (if {@link #EXIT_ON_ERROR} is
+ * set in <code>exitFlags</code>)
+ * or terminates the matching and creates a error message that
+ * can be retrieved by {@link #getErrorMessage}.
+ *
+ * <p>In the event of an umatched argument, the method will print a
+ * message and exit if {@link #EXIT_ON_UNMATCHED} is set
+ * in <code>errorFlags</code>.
+ * Otherwise, the unmatched argument will be appended to the returned
+ * array of unmatched values, and the matching will continue at the
+ * next location.
+ *
+ * <p>If help options are enabled and one of the arguments matches a
+ * help option, then the result of {@link #getHelpMessage
+ * getHelpMessage} is printed to the the default print stream and the
+ * program exits with code 0. If help options are not enabled, then
+ * they will not be matched.
+ *
+ * @param args argument list
+ * @param idx starting location in list
+ * @param exitFlags conditions causing the program to exit. Should be
+ * an or-ed combintion of {@link #EXIT_ON_ERROR} or {@link
+ * @return array of arguments that were not matched, or
+ * <code>null</code> if all arguments were successfully matched
+ * @see ArgParser#getErrorMessage
+ * @see ArgParser#getDefaultPrintStream
+ */
+ public String[] matchAllArgs (String[] args, int idx, int exitFlags)
+ {
+ Vector unmatched = new Vector(10);
+ while (idx < args.length)
+ { try
+ { idx = matchArg (args, idx);
+ if (unmatchedArg != null)
+ { if ((exitFlags & EXIT_ON_UNMATCHED) != 0)
+ { printErrorAndExit (
+ "Unrecognized argument: " + unmatchedArg);
+ }
+ else
+ { unmatched.add (unmatchedArg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (ArgParseException e)
+ { if ((exitFlags & EXIT_ON_ERROR) != 0)
+ { printErrorAndExit (e.getMessage());
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (unmatched.size() == 0)
+ { return null;
+ }
+ else
+ { return (String[])unmatched.toArray(new String[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Matches one option starting at a specified location in an argument
+ * list. The method returns the location in the list where the next
+ * match should begin.
+ *
+ * <p>In the event of an erroneous argument, the method throws
+ * an {@link argparser.ArgParseException ArgParseException}
+ * with an appropriate error message. This error
+ * message can also be retrieved using
+ * {@link #getErrorMessage getErrorMessage}.
+ *
+ * <p>In the event of an umatched argument, the method will return idx
+ * + 1, and {@link #getUnmatchedArgument getUnmatchedArgument} will
+ * return a copy of the unmatched argument. If an argument is matched,
+ * {@link #getUnmatchedArgument getUnmatchedArgument} will return
+ * <code>null</code>.
+ *
+ * <p>If help options are enabled and the argument matches a help
+ * option, then the result of {@link #getHelpMessage getHelpMessage} is printed to
+ * the the default print stream and the program exits with code 0. If
+ * help options are not enabled, then they are ignored.
+ *
+ * @param args argument list
+ * @param idx location in list where match should start
+ * @return location in list where next match should start
+ * @throws ArgParseException if there was an error performing
+ * the match (such as improper or insufficient values).
+ * @see ArgParser#setDefaultPrintStream
+ * @see ArgParser#getHelpOptionsEnabled
+ * @see ArgParser#getErrorMessage
+ * @see ArgParser#getUnmatchedArgument
+ */
+ public int matchArg (String[] args, int idx)
+ throws ArgParseException
+ {
+ unmatchedArg = null;
+ setError (null);
+ try
+ { ObjectHolder ndescHolder = new ObjectHolder();
+ Record rec = getRecord (args[idx], ndescHolder);
+ if (rec == null || (rec.convertCode=='h' && !helpOptionsEnabled))
+ { // didn't match
+ unmatchedArg = new String(args[idx]);
+ return idx+1;
+ }
+ NameDesc ndesc = (NameDesc)ndescHolder.value;
+ Object result;
+ if (rec.resHolder instanceof Vector)
+ { result = createResultHolder (rec);
+ }
+ else
+ { result = rec.resHolder;
+ }
+ if (rec.convertCode == 'h')
+ { if (helpOptionsEnabled)
+ { printStream.println (getHelpMessage());
+ System.exit (0);
+ }
+ else
+ { return idx+1;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (rec.convertCode != 'v')
+ { if (ndesc.oneWord)
+ { rec.scanValue (
+ result,,
+ args[idx].substring (, 0);
+ }
+ else
+ { if (idx+rec.numValues >= args.length)
+ { throw new ArgParseException (
+, "requires " + rec.numValues + " value" +
+ (rec.numValues > 1 ? "s" : ""));
+ }
+ for (int k=0; k<rec.numValues; k++)
+ { rec.scanValue (result,, args[++idx], k);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { if (rec.resHolder instanceof BooleanHolder)
+ { ((BooleanHolder)result).value = rec.vval;
+ }
+ else
+ { for (int k=0; k<rec.numValues; k++)
+ { ((boolean[])result)[k] = rec.vval;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (rec.resHolder instanceof Vector)
+ { ((Vector)rec.resHolder).add (result);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (ArgParseException e)
+ { setError (e.getMessage());
+ throw e;
+ }
+ return idx+1;
+ }
+ private String spaceString (int n)
+ {
+ StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer(n);
+ for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
+ { sbuf.append(' ');
+ }
+ return sbuf.toString();
+ }
+// public String getShortHelpMessage ()
+// {
+// String s;
+// Record rec;
+// NameDesc ndesc;
+// int initialIndent = 8;
+// int col = initialIndent;
+// if (maxcols <= 0)
+// { maxcols = 80;
+// }
+// if (matchList.size() > 0)
+// { ps.print (spaceString(initialIndent));
+// }
+// for (int i=0; i<matchList.size(); i++)
+// { rec = (Record)matchList.get(i);
+// s = "[";
+// for (ndesc=rec.nameList; ndesc!=null;
+// { s = s +;
+// if (ndesc.oneWord == false)
+// { s = s + " ";
+// }
+// if ( != null)
+// { s = s + ",";
+// }
+// }
+// if (rec.convertCode != 'v' && rec.convertCode != 'h')
+// { if (rec.valueDesc != null)
+// { s += rec.valueDesc;
+// }
+// else
+// { s = s + "<" + rec.valTypeName() + ">";
+// if (rec.numValues > 1)
+// { s += "X" + rec.numValues;
+// }
+// }
+// }
+// s = s + "]";
+// /*
+// (col+=s.length()) > (maxcols-1) => we will spill over edge.
+// we use (maxcols-1) because if we go right to the edge
+// (maxcols), we get wrap new line inserted "for us".
+// i != 0 means we print the first entry, no matter
+// how long it is. Subsequent entries are printed
+// full length anyway. */
+// if ((col+=s.length()) > (maxcols-1) && i != 0)
+// { col = initialIndent+s.length();
+// ps.print ("\n" + spaceString(initialIndent));
+// }
+// ps.print (s);
+// }
+// if (matchList.size() > 0)
+// { ps.print ('\n');
+// ps.flush();
+// }
+// }
+ /**
+ * Returns a string describing the allowed options
+ * in detail.
+ *
+ * @return help information string.
+ */
+ public String getHelpMessage ()
+ {
+ Record rec;
+ NameDesc ndesc;
+ boolean hasOneWordAlias = false;
+ String s;
+ s = "Usage: " + synopsisString + "\n";
+ s += "Options include:\n\n";
+ for (int i=0; i<matchList.size(); i++)
+ { String optionInfo = "";
+ rec = (Record)matchList.get(i);
+ if (rec.convertCode=='h' && !helpOptionsEnabled)
+ { continue;
+ }
+ for (ndesc=rec.nameList; ndesc!=null;
+ { if (ndesc.oneWord)
+ { hasOneWordAlias = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (ndesc=rec.nameList; ndesc!=null;
+ { optionInfo +=;
+ if (hasOneWordAlias && !ndesc.oneWord)
+ { optionInfo += " ";
+ }
+ if ( != null)
+ { optionInfo += ",";
+ }
+ }
+ if (!hasOneWordAlias)
+ { optionInfo += " ";
+ }
+ if (rec.convertCode != 'v' && rec.convertCode != 'h')
+ { if (rec.valueDesc != null)
+ { optionInfo += rec.valueDesc;
+ }
+ else
+ { if (rec.rangeDesc != null)
+ { optionInfo += "<" + rec.valTypeName() + " "
+ + rec.rangeDesc + ">";
+ }
+ else
+ { optionInfo += "<" + rec.valTypeName() + ">";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (rec.numValues > 1)
+ { optionInfo += "X" + rec.numValues;
+ }
+ s += optionInfo;
+ if (rec.helpMsg.length() > 0)
+ { int pad = helpIndent - optionInfo.length();
+ if (pad < 2)
+ { //s += '\n';
+ pad = helpIndent;
+ }
+// s += spaceString(pad) + rec.helpMsg;
+ s += spaceString(4) + rec.helpMsg;
+ }
+ s += '\n';
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the parser's error message. This is automatically
+ * set whenever an error is encountered in <code>matchArg</code>
+ * or <code>matchAllArgs</code>, and is automatically set to
+ * <code>null</code> at the beginning of these methods.
+ *
+ * @return error message
+ */
+ public String getErrorMessage()
+ {
+ return errMsg;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the value of an unmatched argument discovered {@link
+ * #matchArg matchArg} or {@link #matchAllArgs(String[],int,int)
+ * matchAllArgs}. If there was no unmatched argument,
+ * <code>null</code> is returned.
+ *
+ * @return unmatched argument
+ */
+ public String getUnmatchedArgument()
+ {
+ return unmatchedArg;
+ }
diff --git a/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..74b4c03e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
@@ -0,0 +1,1571 @@
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+// (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright John E. Lloyd, 2004. All rights reserved. Permission to use,
+ * copy, modify and redistribute is granted, provided that this copyright
+ * notice is retained and the author is given credit whenever appropriate.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed "as is", without any warranty, including
+ * any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular
+ * use. The author assumes no responsibility for, and shall not be liable
+ * for, any special, indirect, or consequential damages, or any damages
+ * whatsoever, arising out of or in connection with the use of this
+ * software.
+ */
+import java.lang.reflect.Array;
+import java.util.Vector;
+ * Testing class for the class ArgParser. Executing the <code>main</code>
+ * method of this class will perform a suite of tests to help verify correct
+ * operation of the parser class.
+ *
+ * @author John E. Lloyd, Fall 2004
+ * @see ArgParser
+ */
+public class ArgParserTest
+ ArgParser parser;
+ static final boolean CLOSED = true;
+ static final boolean OPEN = false;
+ static final boolean ONE_WORD = true;
+ static final boolean MULTI_WORD = false;
+ private static void verify (boolean ok, String msg)
+ { if (!ok)
+ { Throwable e = new Throwable();
+ System.out.println ("Verification failed:" + msg);
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ System.exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ private static String[] argsFromString (String s)
+ {
+ Vector vec = new Vector(100);
+ try
+ { ArgParser.stringToArgs (vec, s, /*allowQuotedStings=*/false);
+ }
+ catch (StringScanException e)
+ { e.printStackTrace();
+ System.exit (1);
+ }
+ String[] result = new String[vec.size()];
+ for (int i=0; i<vec.size(); i++)
+ { result[i] = (String)vec.get(i);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ static class RngCheck
+ {
+ ArgParser.RangePnt low = null;
+ ArgParser.RangePnt high = null;
+ int type;
+ RngCheck (String s)
+ { low = new ArgParser.RangePnt (s, CLOSED);
+ type = 's';
+ }
+ RngCheck (double d)
+ { low = new ArgParser.RangePnt (d, CLOSED);
+ type = 'd';
+ }
+ RngCheck (long l)
+ { low = new ArgParser.RangePnt (l, CLOSED);
+ type = 'l';
+ }
+ RngCheck (boolean b)
+ { low = new ArgParser.RangePnt (b, CLOSED);
+ type = 'b';
+ }
+ RngCheck (String s1, boolean c1, String s2, boolean c2)
+ { low = new ArgParser.RangePnt (s1, c1);
+ high = new ArgParser.RangePnt (s2, c2);
+ type = 's';
+ }
+ RngCheck (double d1, boolean c1, double d2, boolean c2)
+ { low = new ArgParser.RangePnt (d1, c1);
+ high = new ArgParser.RangePnt (d2, c2);
+ type = 'd';
+ }
+ RngCheck (long l1, boolean c1, long l2, boolean c2)
+ { low = new ArgParser.RangePnt (l1, c1);
+ high = new ArgParser.RangePnt (l2, c2);
+ type = 'l';
+ }
+ void check (ArgParser.RangeAtom ra)
+ {
+ verify ((ra.low==null) == (low==null),
+ "(ra.low==null)=" + (ra.low==null) +
+ "(low==null)=" + (low==null));
+ verify ((ra.high==null) == (high==null),
+ "(ra.high==null)=" + (ra.high==null) +
+ "(high==null)=" + (high==null));
+ if (ra.low != null)
+ { switch (type)
+ { case 'l':
+ { verify (ra.low.lval==low.lval,
+ "ra.low=" + ra.low + " low=" + low);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'd':
+ { verify (ra.low.dval==low.dval,
+ "ra.low=" + ra.low + " low=" + low);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 's':
+ { verify (ra.low.sval.equals (low.sval),
+ "ra.low=" + ra.low + " low=" + low);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'b':
+ { verify (ra.low.bval==low.bval,
+ "ra.low=" + ra.low + " low=" + low);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ verify (ra.low.closed==low.closed,
+ "ra.low=" + ra.low + " low=" + low);
+ }
+ if (ra.high != null)
+ { switch (type)
+ { case 'l':
+ { verify (ra.high.lval==high.lval,
+ "ra.high=" + ra.high + " high=" + high);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'd':
+ { verify (ra.high.dval==high.dval,
+ "ra.high=" + ra.high + " high=" + high);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 's':
+ { verify (ra.high.sval.equals (high.sval),
+ "ra.high=" + ra.high + " high=" + high);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'b':
+ { verify (ra.high.bval==high.bval,
+ "ra.high=" + ra.high + " high=" + high);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ verify (ra.high.closed==high.closed,
+ "ra.high=" + ra.high + " high=" + high);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ArgParserTest ()
+ { parser = new ArgParser("fubar");
+ }
+ static void checkException (Exception e, String errmsg)
+ { if (errmsg != null)
+ { if (!e.getMessage().equals(errmsg))
+ { System.out.println (
+"Expecting exception '" + errmsg + "' but got '" +
+ e.getMessage() + "'");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ (new Throwable()).printStackTrace();
+ System.exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { System.out.println (
+"Unexpected exception '" + e.getMessage() + "'");
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ (new Throwable()).printStackTrace();
+ System.exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ void checkPrintHelp (String msg)
+ {
+ ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(0x10000);
+ PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(buf);
+ ps.println (parser.getHelpMessage());
+ System.out.print (buf.toString());
+ }
+// void checkGetSynopsis (String msg)
+// {
+// ByteArrayOutputStream buf = new ByteArrayOutputStream(0x10000);
+// PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(buf);
+// parser.printSynopsis (ps, 80);
+// System.out.print (buf.toString());
+// }
+ void checkAdd (String s, Object resHolder, String errmsg)
+ {
+ checkAdd (s, resHolder, 0, 0, null, null, null, errmsg);
+ }
+ void add (String s, Object resHolder)
+ { try
+ { parser.addOption (s, resHolder);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ { e.printStackTrace();
+ System.exit (1);
+ }
+ }
+ void checkStringArray (String msg, String[] strs, String[] check)
+ {
+ boolean dontMatch = false;
+ if (strs.length != check.length)
+ { dontMatch = true;
+ }
+ else
+ { for (int i=0; i<strs.length; i++)
+ { if (!strs[i].equals (check[i]))
+ { dontMatch = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (dontMatch)
+ { System.out.println (msg);
+ System.out.print ("Expected: ");
+ for (int i=0; i<check.length; i++)
+ { System.out.print ("'" + check[i] + "'");
+ if (i<check.length-1)
+ { System.out.print (" ");
+ }
+ }
+ System.out.println ("");
+ System.out.print ("Got: ");
+ for (int i=0; i<strs.length; i++)
+ { System.out.print ("'" + strs[i] + "'");
+ if (i<strs.length-1)
+ { System.out.print (" ");
+ }
+ }
+ System.out.println ("");
+ System.exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ void checkAdd (String s, Object resHolder, int code, int numValues,
+ Object names, RngCheck[] rngCheck,
+ String helpMsg, String errmsg)
+ {
+ boolean exceptionThrown = false;
+ String[] namelist = null;
+ try
+ { parser.addOption (s, resHolder);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ { exceptionThrown = true;
+ checkException (e, errmsg);
+ }
+ if (names instanceof String)
+ { namelist = new String[] { (String)names };
+ }
+ else
+ { namelist = (String[])names;
+ }
+ if (!exceptionThrown)
+ { verify (errmsg == null,
+ "Expecting exception " + errmsg);
+ ArgParser.Record rec = parser.lastMatchRecord();
+ verify (rec.convertCode==code,
+ "code=" + rec.convertCode + ", expecting " + code);
+ ArgParser.NameDesc nd;
+ int i=0;
+ for (nd=rec.firstNameDesc(); nd!=null;
+ { i++;
+ }
+ verify (i==namelist.length,
+ "numNames=" + i + ", expecting " +namelist.length);
+ i=0;
+ for (nd=rec.firstNameDesc(); nd!=null;
+ { String ss;
+ if (!nd.oneWord)
+ { ss = new String( + ' ';
+ }
+ else
+ { ss =;
+ }
+ verify (ss.equals(namelist[i]),
+ "have name '"+ss+"', expecting '"+namelist[i]+"'");
+ i++;
+ }
+ ArgParser.RangeAtom ra;
+ i=0;
+ for (ra=rec.firstRangeAtom(); ra!=null;
+ { i++;
+ }
+ int expectedRangeNum = 0;
+ if (rngCheck!=null)
+ { expectedRangeNum = rngCheck.length;
+ }
+ verify (i==expectedRangeNum,
+ "numRangeAtoms="+i+", expecting "+expectedRangeNum);
+ i=0;
+ for (ra=rec.firstRangeAtom(); ra!=null;
+ { rngCheck[i++].check(ra);
+ }
+ verify (rec.helpMsg.equals(helpMsg),
+ "helpMsg="+rec.helpMsg+", expecting "+helpMsg);
+ verify (rec.numValues==numValues,
+ "numValues="+rec.numValues+", expecting "+numValues);
+ }
+ }
+ double getDoubleValue (Object obj, int k)
+ {
+ if (obj instanceof DoubleHolder)
+ { return ((DoubleHolder)obj).value;
+ }
+ else if (obj instanceof FloatHolder)
+ { return ((FloatHolder)obj).value;
+ }
+ else if (obj instanceof double[])
+ { return ((double[])obj)[k];
+ }
+ else if (obj instanceof float[])
+ { return ((float[])obj)[k];
+ }
+ else
+ { verify (false, "object doesn't contain double values");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ long getLongValue (Object obj, int k)
+ {
+ if (obj instanceof LongHolder)
+ { return ((LongHolder)obj).value;
+ }
+ else if (obj instanceof IntHolder)
+ { return ((IntHolder)obj).value;
+ }
+ else if (obj instanceof long[])
+ { return ((long[])obj)[k];
+ }
+ else if (obj instanceof int[])
+ { return ((int[])obj)[k];
+ }
+ else
+ { verify (false, "object doesn't contain long values");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ String getStringValue (Object obj, int k)
+ {
+ if (obj instanceof StringHolder)
+ { return ((StringHolder)obj).value;
+ }
+ else if (obj instanceof String[])
+ { return ((String[])obj)[k];
+ }
+ else
+ { verify (false, "object doesn't contain String values");
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ boolean getBooleanValue (Object obj, int k)
+ {
+ if (obj instanceof BooleanHolder)
+ { return ((BooleanHolder)obj).value;
+ }
+ else if (obj instanceof boolean[])
+ { return ((boolean[])obj)[k];
+ }
+ else
+ { verify (false, "object doesn't contain boolean values");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ char getCharValue (Object obj, int k)
+ {
+ if (obj instanceof CharHolder)
+ { return ((CharHolder)obj).value;
+ }
+ else if (obj instanceof char[])
+ { return ((char[])obj)[k];
+ }
+ else
+ { verify (false, "object doesn't contain char values");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ static class MErr
+ {
+ int code;
+ String valStr;
+ MErr (int code, String valStr)
+ { this.code = code;
+ this.valStr = valStr;
+ }
+ }
+ static class MTest
+ {
+ String args;
+ Object result;
+ int resultIdx;
+ MTest (String args, Object result)
+ { this (args, result, -1);
+ }
+ MTest (String args, Object result, int resultIdx)
+ { this.args = args;
+ this.result = result;
+ this.resultIdx = resultIdx;
+ }
+ };
+ void checkMatch (String args[], int idx, String errMsg)
+ { getMatchResult (args, idx, -1, errMsg, -1);
+ }
+ void checkMatch (String args[], int idx, int cnt,
+ long check, int resultIdx)
+ { Object rholder = getMatchResult (args, idx, cnt, null, resultIdx);
+ long result = getLongValue(rholder,0);
+ verify (result==check, "result " + result + " vs. " + check);
+ }
+ void checkMatch (String args[], int idx, int cnt,
+ double check, int resultIdx)
+ { Object rholder = getMatchResult (args, idx, cnt, null, resultIdx);
+ double result = getDoubleValue(rholder,0);
+ verify (result==check, "result " + result + " vs. " + check);
+ }
+ void checkMatch (String args[], int idx, int cnt,
+ String check, int resultIdx)
+ { Object rholder = getMatchResult (args, idx, cnt, null, resultIdx);
+ String result = getStringValue(rholder,0);
+ verify (result.equals(check), "result " + result + " vs. " + check);
+ }
+ void checkMatch (String args[], int idx, int cnt,
+ boolean check, int resultIdx)
+ { Object rholder = getMatchResult (args, idx, cnt, null, resultIdx);
+ boolean result = getBooleanValue(rholder,0);
+ verify (result==check, "result " + result + " vs. " + check);
+ }
+ void checkMatch (String args[], int idx, int cnt,
+ char check, int resultIdx)
+ { Object rholder = getMatchResult (args, idx, cnt, null, resultIdx);
+ char result = getCharValue(rholder,0);
+ verify (result==check, "result " + result + " vs. " + check);
+ }
+ void checkMatch (String args[], int idx, int cnt,
+ Object checkArray, int resultIdx)
+ { Object rholder = getMatchResult (args, idx, cnt, null, resultIdx);
+ if (!checkArray.getClass().isArray())
+ { verify (false, "check is not an array");
+ }
+ for (int i=0; i<Array.getLength(checkArray); i++)
+ { if (checkArray instanceof long[])
+ { long result = getLongValue(rholder,i);
+ long check = ((long[])checkArray)[i];
+ verify (result==check,
+ "result ["+i+"] " + result + " vs. " + check);
+ }
+ else if (checkArray instanceof double[])
+ { double result = getDoubleValue(rholder,i);
+ double check = ((double[])checkArray)[i];
+ verify (result==check,
+ "result ["+i+"] " + result + " vs. " + check);
+ }
+ else if (checkArray instanceof String[])
+ { String result = getStringValue(rholder,i);
+ String check = ((String[])checkArray)[i];
+ verify (result.equals(check),
+ "result ["+i+"] " + result + " vs. " + check);
+ }
+ else if (checkArray instanceof boolean[])
+ { boolean result = getBooleanValue(rholder,i);
+ boolean check = ((boolean[])checkArray)[i];
+ verify (result==check,
+ "result ["+i+"] " + result + " vs. " + check);
+ }
+ else if (checkArray instanceof char[])
+ { char result = getCharValue(rholder,i);
+ char check = ((char[])checkArray)[i];
+ verify (result==check,
+ "result ["+i+"] " + result + " vs. " + check);
+ }
+ else
+ { verify (false, "unknown type for checkArray");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void checkMatch (MTest test, boolean oneWord)
+ { String[] argv;
+ if (oneWord)
+ { argv = new String[1];
+ argv[0] = test.args;
+ }
+ else
+ { argv = argsFromString(test.args);
+ }
+ if (test.result instanceof Long)
+ { checkMatch (argv, 0, argv.length,
+ ((Long)test.result).longValue(),
+ test.resultIdx);
+ }
+ else if (test.result instanceof Double)
+ { checkMatch (argv, 0, argv.length,
+ ((Double)test.result).doubleValue(),
+ test.resultIdx);
+ }
+ else if (test.result instanceof String)
+ { checkMatch (argv, 0, argv.length,
+ (String)test.result,
+ test.resultIdx);
+ }
+ else if (test.result instanceof Boolean)
+ { checkMatch (argv, 0, argv.length,
+ ((Boolean)test.result).booleanValue(),
+ test.resultIdx);
+ }
+ else if (test.result instanceof Character)
+ { checkMatch (argv, 0, argv.length,
+ ((Character)test.result).charValue(),
+ test.resultIdx);
+ }
+ else if (test.result.getClass().isArray())
+ { checkMatch (argv, 0, argv.length, test.result,
+ test.resultIdx);
+ }
+ else if (test.result instanceof MErr)
+ { MErr err = (MErr)test.result;
+ String argname = parser.getOptionName (argv[0]);
+ String msg = "";
+ switch (err.code)
+ { case 'c':
+ { msg = "requires a contiguous value";
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'm':
+ { msg = "malformed " + parser.getOptionTypeName(argv[0]) +
+ " '" + err.valStr + "'";
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'r':
+ { msg = "value '" + err.valStr + "' not in range " +
+ parser.getOptionRangeDesc(argv[0]);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 'v':
+ { msg = "requires " + err.valStr + " values";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ checkMatch (argv, 0, argname + ": " + msg);
+ }
+ else
+ { verify (false, "Unknown result type");
+ }
+ }
+ void checkMatches (MTest[] tests, boolean oneWord)
+ { for (int i=0; i<tests.length; i++)
+ { checkMatch (tests[i], oneWord);
+ }
+ }
+ Object getMatchResult (String args[], int idx, int cnt,
+ String errMsg, int resultIdx)
+ {
+ boolean exceptionThrown = false;
+ int k = 0;
+ try
+ { k = parser.matchArg (args, idx);
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ { exceptionThrown = true;
+ checkException (e, errMsg);
+ }
+ if (!exceptionThrown)
+ { verify (k==idx+cnt,
+ "Expecting result index " + (idx+cnt) + ", got " + k);
+ Object result = parser.getResultHolder(args[0]);
+ if (resultIdx >= 0)
+ { verify (result instanceof Vector,
+ "Expecting result to be stored in a vector");
+ Vector vec = (Vector)result;
+ verify (vec.size()==resultIdx+1,
+ "Expecting result vector size " + (resultIdx+1));
+ return vec.get(resultIdx);
+ }
+ else
+ { return result;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { return null;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Runs a set of tests to verify correct operation of the
+ * ArgParser class. If all the tests run correctly, the
+ * program prints the message <code>Passed</code> and terminates.
+ * Otherwise, diagnostic information is printed at the first
+ * point of failure.
+ */
+ public static void main (String[] args)
+ {
+ ArgParserTest test = new ArgParserTest();
+ BooleanHolder bh = new BooleanHolder();
+ boolean[] b3 = new boolean[3];
+ CharHolder ch = new CharHolder();
+ char[] c3 = new char[3];
+ IntHolder ih = new IntHolder();
+ int[] i3 = new int[3];
+ LongHolder lh = new LongHolder();
+ long[] l3 = new long[3];
+ FloatHolder fh = new FloatHolder();
+ float[] f3 = new float[3];
+ DoubleHolder dh = new DoubleHolder();
+ double[] d3 = new double[3];
+ StringHolder sh = new StringHolder();
+ String[] s3 = new String[3];
+ test.checkAdd ("-foo %i{[0,10)}X3 #sets the value of foo",
+// 0123456789012345
+ i3, 'i', 3, new String[] { "-foo " },
+ new RngCheck[] {
+ new RngCheck(0, CLOSED, 10, OPEN) },
+ "sets the value of foo", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-arg1,,", null, "Null option name given");
+ test.checkAdd ("-arg1,,goo %f ", null, "Null option name given");
+ test.checkAdd (" ", null, "Null option name given");
+ test.checkAdd ("", null, "Null option name given");
+ test.checkAdd (" %v", null, "Null option name given");
+ test.checkAdd ("-foo ", null, "No conversion character given");
+ test.checkAdd ("-foo %", null, "No conversion character given");
+ test.checkAdd ("foo, aaa bbb ",null,"Names not separated by ','");
+ test.checkAdd (" foo aaa %d", null, "Names not separated by ','");
+ test.checkAdd ("-arg1,-b,", null, "Null option name given");
+ test.checkAdd ("-arg1,-b", null, "No conversion character given");
+ test.checkAdd ("-arg1 ", null, "No conversion character given");
+ test.checkAdd ("-arg1, %v", null, "Null option name given");
+ test.checkAdd ("-arg1,%v", null, "Null option name given");
+ test.checkAdd ("-foo %V", null,
+ "Conversion code 'V' not one of 'iodxcbfsvh'");
+ test.checkAdd ("-h %hX5",null,"Multipliers not supported for %h");
+ test.checkAdd ("-h %h{}",null,"Ranges not supported for %h");
+ test.checkAdd ("-help, -h %h #here is how we help you",
+ null, 'h', 1, new String[] {"-help ", "-h " },
+ null, "here is how we help you", null);
+ test.checkAdd (
+ "-arg1 ,-arg2=%d{0,3,(7,16]}X1 #x3 test",
+ l3, 'd', 1, new String[] { "-arg1 ", "-arg2=" },
+ new RngCheck[]
+ { new RngCheck(0),
+ new RngCheck(3),
+ new RngCheck(7, OPEN, 16, CLOSED),
+ },
+ "x3 test", null);
+ test.checkAdd (
+ "bbb,ccc%x{[1,2]} #X3 x3 test",
+ l3, 'x', 1, new String[] { "bbb", "ccc" },
+ new RngCheck[]
+ { new RngCheck(1, CLOSED, 2, CLOSED),
+ },
+ "X3 x3 test", null);
+ test.checkAdd (
+ " bbb ,ccc, ddd ,e , f=%bX1 #x3 test",
+ b3, 'b', 1, new String[] { "bbb ", "ccc", "ddd ", "e ", "f=" },
+ null,
+ "x3 test", null);
+ test.checkAdd (
+ " bbb ,ccc, ddd ,e , f= %bX3 #x3 test",
+ b3, 'b', 3, new String[] { "bbb ", "ccc ", "ddd ", "e ","f= " },
+ null,
+ "x3 test", null);
+ test.checkAdd (
+ "-b,--bar %s{[\"john\",\"jerry\"),fred,\"harry\"} #sets bar",
+ sh, 's', 1, new String[] { "-b ", "--bar " },
+ new RngCheck[] {
+ new RngCheck("jerry",OPEN,"john",CLOSED),
+ new RngCheck("fred"),
+ new RngCheck("harry") },
+ "sets bar", null);
+ test.checkAdd (
+ "-c ,coven%f{0.0,9.0,(6,5],[-9.1,10.2]} ",
+ dh, 'f', 1, new String[] { "-c ", "coven" },
+ new RngCheck[] {
+ new RngCheck(0.0),
+ new RngCheck(9.0),
+ new RngCheck(5.0,CLOSED,6.0,OPEN),
+ new RngCheck(-9.1,CLOSED,10.2,CLOSED) },
+ "", null);
+ test.checkAdd (
+ "-b %b #a boolean value ",
+ bh, 'b', 1, new String[] { "-b "},
+ new RngCheck[] { },
+ "a boolean value ", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-a %i", ih, 'i', 1, "-a ", null, "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-a %o", lh, 'o', 1, "-a ", null, "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-a %d", i3, 'd', 1, "-a ", null, "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-a %x", l3, 'x', 1, "-a ", null, "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-a %c", ch, 'c', 1, "-a ", null, "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-a %c", c3, 'c', 1, "-a ", null, "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-a %v", bh, 'v', 1, "-a ", null, "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-a %b", b3, 'b', 1, "-a ", null, "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-a %f", fh, 'f', 1, "-a ", null, "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-a %f", f3, 'f', 1, "-a ", null, "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-a %f", dh, 'f', 1, "-a ", null, "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-a %f", d3, 'f', 1, "-a ", null, "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-a %i", fh, 'i', 1, "-a ", null, "",
+ "Invalid result holder for %i");
+ test.checkAdd ("-a %c", i3, 'c', 1, "-a ", null, "",
+ "Invalid result holder for %c");
+ test.checkAdd ("-a %v", d3, 'v', 1, "-a ", null, "",
+ "Invalid result holder for %v");
+ test.checkAdd ("-a %f", sh, 'f', 1, "-a ", null, "",
+ "Invalid result holder for %f");
+ test.checkAdd ("-a %s", l3, 's', 1, "-a ", null, "",
+ "Invalid result holder for %s");
+ test.checkAdd ("-foo %i{} ", ih, 'i', 1, "-foo ", null, "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-foo%i{}", ih, 'i', 1, "-foo", null, "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-foo%i{ }", ih, 'i', 1, "-foo", null, "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-foo%i{ }}", ih,
+ "Illegal character(s), expecting '#'");
+ test.checkAdd ("-foo%i{ ", ih,"Unterminated range specification");
+ test.checkAdd ("-foo%i{", ih, "Unterminated range specification");
+ test.checkAdd ("-foo%i{0,9", ih, "Unterminated range specification");
+ test.checkAdd ("-foo%i{1,2,3)", ih,
+ "Unterminated range specification");
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %f{0.9}", fh, 'f', 1, "-b ",
+ new RngCheck[] { new RngCheck(0.9) },
+ "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %f{ 0.9 ,7, -0.5,-4 ,6 }", fh, 'f', 1, "-b ",
+ new RngCheck[] { new RngCheck(0.9),
+ new RngCheck(7.0),
+ new RngCheck(-0.5),
+ new RngCheck(-4.0),
+ new RngCheck(6.0) },
+ "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %f{ [0.9,7), (-0.5,-4),[9,6] , (10,13.4] }",
+ fh, 'f', 1, "-b ",
+ new RngCheck[] { new RngCheck(0.9,CLOSED,7.0,OPEN),
+ new RngCheck(-4.0,OPEN,-.5,OPEN),
+ new RngCheck(6.0,CLOSED,9.0,CLOSED),
+ new RngCheck(10.0,OPEN,13.4,CLOSED),
+ },
+ "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %f{(8 9]}", fh,
+ "Missing ',' in subrange specification");
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %f{(8,9,]}", fh,
+ "Unterminated subrange");
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %f{(8,9 ,]}", fh,
+ "Unterminated subrange");
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %f{(8,9 8]}", fh,
+ "Unterminated subrange");
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %f{8 9}", fh,
+ "Range spec: ',' or '}' expected");
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %f{8 *}", fh,
+ "Range spec: ',' or '}' expected");
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %f{8y}", fh,
+ "Range spec: ',' or '}' expected");
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %f{.}", fh,
+ "Malformed float '.}' in range spec");
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %f{1.0e}", fh,
+ "Malformed float '1.0e}' in range spec");
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %f{[*]}", fh,
+ "Malformed float '*' in range spec");
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %f{1.2e5t}", fh,
+ "Range spec: ',' or '}' expected");
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %i{8}", ih, 'i', 1, "-b ",
+ new RngCheck[] { new RngCheck(8) },
+ "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %i{8, 9,10 }", ih, 'i', 1, "-b ",
+ new RngCheck[] { new RngCheck(8),
+ new RngCheck(9),
+ new RngCheck(10) },
+ "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %i{8, [-9,10),[-17,15],(2,-33),(8,9] }",
+ ih, 'i', 1, "-b ",
+ new RngCheck[] { new RngCheck(8),
+ new RngCheck(-9,CLOSED,10,OPEN),
+ new RngCheck(-17,CLOSED,15,CLOSED),
+ new RngCheck(-33,OPEN,2,OPEN),
+ new RngCheck(8,OPEN,9,CLOSED),
+ },
+ "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %i{8.7}", ih,
+ "Range spec: ',' or '}' expected");
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %i{6,[*]}", ih,
+ "Malformed integer '*' in range spec");
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %i{g76}", ih,
+ "Malformed integer 'g' in range spec");
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %s{foobar}", sh, 's', 1, "-b ",
+ new RngCheck[] { new RngCheck("foobar") },
+ "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %s{foobar, 0x233,\" \"}", sh, 's', 1, "-b ",
+ new RngCheck[] { new RngCheck("foobar"),
+ new RngCheck("0x233"),
+ new RngCheck(" ") },
+ "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %s{foobar,(bb,aa], [\"01\",02]}",
+ sh, 's', 1, "-b ",
+ new RngCheck[]
+ { new RngCheck("foobar"),
+ new RngCheck("aa",CLOSED,"bb",OPEN),
+ new RngCheck("01",CLOSED,"02",CLOSED),
+ },
+ "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %c{'a'}", ch, 'c', 1, "-b ",
+ new RngCheck[] { new RngCheck('a') },
+ "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %c{'\\n', '\\002', 'B'}", ch, 'c', 1, "-b ",
+ new RngCheck[] { new RngCheck('\n'),
+ new RngCheck('\002'),
+ new RngCheck('B') },
+ "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %c{'q',('g','a'], ['\t','\\003']}",
+ ch, 'c', 1, "-b ",
+ new RngCheck[]
+ { new RngCheck('q'),
+ new RngCheck('a',CLOSED,'g',OPEN),
+ new RngCheck('\003',CLOSED,'\t',CLOSED),
+ },
+ "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %b{true}X2", b3, 'b', 2, "-b ",
+ new RngCheck[] { new RngCheck(true) },
+ "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %b{ true , false, true }", bh, 'b', 1, "-b ",
+ new RngCheck[] { new RngCheck(true),
+ new RngCheck(false),
+ new RngCheck(true) },
+ "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %v{true,[true,false)}", bh,
+ "Sub ranges not supported for %b or %v");
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %v{true,[]}", bh,
+ "Sub ranges not supported for %b or %v");
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %b{tru}", bh,
+ "Malformed boolean 'tru}' in range spec");
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %iX2", i3, 'i', 2, "-b ", null, "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %vX3", b3, 'v', 3, "-b ", null, "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %v{ }X3", b3, 'v', 3, "-b ", null, "", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-b=%iX2", i3, 'i', 2, "-b", null, "",
+"Multiplier value incompatible with one word option -b=");
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %iX0", i3, 'i', 0, "-b ", null, "",
+ "Value multiplier number must be > 0");
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %iX-6", i3, 'i', 0, "-b ", null, "",
+ "Value multiplier number must be > 0");
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %iXy", i3, 'i', 0, "-b ", null, "",
+ "Malformed value multiplier");
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %iX4", i3, 'i', 4, "-b ", null, "",
+ "Result holder array must have a length >= 4");
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %iX4", ih, 'i', 4, "-b ", null, "",
+"Multiplier requires result holder to be an array of length >= 4");
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %i #X4", ih, 'i', 1, "-b ", null, "X4", null);
+ test.checkAdd ("-b %i #[}X4",ih, 'i', 1, "-b ", null, "[}X4", null);
+// test.checkPrintHelp("");
+// test.checkPrintUsage("");
+ test = new ArgParserTest();
+ test.checkAdd (
+ "-intarg %i{1,2,(9,18],[22,27],[33,38),(45,48)} #test int arg",
+ ih, 'i', 1, "-intarg ",
+ new RngCheck[]
+ { new RngCheck (1),
+ new RngCheck (2),
+ new RngCheck (9,OPEN,18,CLOSED),
+ new RngCheck (22,CLOSED,27,CLOSED),
+ new RngCheck (33,CLOSED,38,OPEN),
+ new RngCheck (45,OPEN,48,OPEN),
+ },
+ "test int arg", null);
+ MTest[] tests;
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest("-intarg 1", new Long(1) ),
+ new MTest("-intarg 3", new MErr ('r', "3") ),
+ new MTest("-intarg 9", new MErr ('r', "9") ),
+ new MTest("-intarg 11", new Long(11) ),
+ new MTest("-intarg 18", new Long(18)),
+ new MTest("-intarg 22", new Long(22)),
+ new MTest("-intarg 25", new Long(25)),
+ new MTest("-intarg 27", new Long(27)),
+ new MTest("-intarg 33", new Long(33)),
+ new MTest("-intarg 35", new Long(35)),
+ new MTest("-intarg 38", new MErr ('r', "38") ),
+ new MTest("-intarg 45", new MErr ('r', "45")),
+ new MTest("-intarg 46", new Long(46)),
+ new MTest("-intarg 48", new MErr ('r', "48")),
+ new MTest("-intarg 100", new MErr ('r', "100")),
+ new MTest("-intarg 0xbeef", new MErr ('r', "0xbeef")),
+ new MTest("-intarg 0x2f", new Long (0x2f)),
+ new MTest("-intarg 041", new Long(041) ),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, MULTI_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd (
+ "-farg %f{1,2,(9,18],[22,27],[33,38),(45,48)} #test float arg",
+ dh, 'f', 1, "-farg ",
+ new RngCheck[]
+ {
+ new RngCheck (1.0),
+ new RngCheck (2.0),
+ new RngCheck (9.0,OPEN,18.0,CLOSED),
+ new RngCheck (22.0,CLOSED,27.0,CLOSED),
+ new RngCheck (33.0,CLOSED,38.0,OPEN),
+ new RngCheck (45.0,OPEN,48.0,OPEN),
+ },
+ "test float arg", null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest("-farg 1", new Double(1)),
+ new MTest("-farg 3", new MErr('r', "3")),
+ new MTest("-farg 9", new MErr('r', "9")),
+ new MTest("-farg 9.0001", new Double(9.0001)),
+ new MTest("-farg 11", new Double(11)),
+ new MTest("-farg 18", new Double(18)),
+ new MTest("-farg 22", new Double(22)),
+ new MTest("-farg 25", new Double(25)),
+ new MTest("-farg 27", new Double(27)),
+ new MTest("-farg 33", new Double(33)),
+ new MTest("-farg 35", new Double(35)),
+ new MTest("-farg 37.9999",new Double(37.9999)),
+ new MTest("-farg 38", new MErr('r', "38")),
+ new MTest("-farg 45", new MErr('r', "45")),
+ new MTest("-farg 45.0001", new Double(45.0001)),
+ new MTest("-farg 46",new Double(46)),
+ new MTest("-farg 47.9999",new Double(47.9999)),
+ new MTest("-farg 48", new MErr('r', "48")),
+ new MTest("-farg 100", new MErr('r', "100")),
+ new MTest("-farg 0", new MErr('r', "0")),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, MULTI_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd (
+ "-sarg %s{1,2,(AA,AZ],[BB,BX],[C3,C8),(d5,d8)} #test string arg",
+ s3, 's', 1, "-sarg ",
+ new RngCheck[]
+ { new RngCheck ("1"),
+ new RngCheck ("2"),
+ new RngCheck ("AA",OPEN,"AZ",CLOSED),
+ new RngCheck ("BB",CLOSED,"BX",CLOSED),
+ new RngCheck ("C3",CLOSED,"C8",OPEN),
+ new RngCheck ("d5",OPEN,"d8",OPEN),
+ },
+ "test string arg", null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest ("-sarg 1", "1"),
+ new MTest ("-sarg 3", new MErr('r',"3")),
+ new MTest ("-sarg AA", new MErr('r',"AA")),
+ new MTest ("-sarg AM", "AM"),
+ new MTest ("-sarg AZ", "AZ"),
+ new MTest ("-sarg BB", "BB"),
+ new MTest ("-sarg BL", "BL"),
+ new MTest ("-sarg BX", "BX"),
+ new MTest ("-sarg C3", "C3"),
+ new MTest ("-sarg C6", "C6"),
+ new MTest ("-sarg C8", new MErr('r',"C8")),
+ new MTest ("-sarg d5", new MErr('r',"d5")),
+ new MTest ("-sarg d6", "d6"),
+ new MTest ("-sarg d8", new MErr('r',"d8")),
+ new MTest ("-sarg zzz", new MErr('r',"zzz")),
+ new MTest ("-sarg 0", new MErr('r',"0")),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, MULTI_WORD);
+ test = new ArgParserTest();
+ test.checkAdd (
+ "-carg %c{1,2,(a,z],['A','Z'],['\\001',\\007),(4,8)}",
+ c3, 'c', 1, "-carg ",
+ new RngCheck[]
+ { new RngCheck ('1'),
+ new RngCheck ('2'),
+ new RngCheck ('a',OPEN,'z',CLOSED),
+ new RngCheck ('A',CLOSED,'Z',CLOSED),
+ new RngCheck ('\001',CLOSED,'\007',OPEN),
+ new RngCheck ('4',OPEN,'8',OPEN),
+ },
+ "", null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest ("-carg 1", new Character('1')),
+ new MTest ("-carg 3", new MErr('r',"3")),
+ new MTest ("-carg a", new MErr('r',"a")),
+ new MTest ("-carg m", new Character('m')),
+ new MTest ("-carg z", new Character('z')),
+ new MTest ("-carg A", new Character('A')),
+ new MTest ("-carg 'L'", new Character('L')),
+ new MTest ("-carg 'Z'", new Character('Z')),
+ new MTest ("-carg \\001", new Character('\001')),
+ new MTest ("-carg \\005", new Character('\005')),
+ new MTest ("-carg '\\007'", new MErr('r',"'\\007'")),
+ new MTest ("-carg '4'", new MErr('r',"'4'")),
+ new MTest ("-carg 6", new Character('6')),
+ new MTest ("-carg 8", new MErr('r',"8")),
+ new MTest ("-carg '\\012'", new MErr('r',"'\\012'")),
+ new MTest ("-carg 0", new MErr('r',"0")),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, MULTI_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd (
+ "-foo=%i{[-50,100]}", ih, 'i', 1, "-foo=",
+ new RngCheck[]
+ { new RngCheck (-50,CLOSED,100,CLOSED),
+ },
+ "", null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest ("-foo=-51", new MErr('r',"-51")),
+ new MTest ("-foo=-0x32", new Long(-0x32)),
+ new MTest ("-foo=-0x33", new MErr('r',"-0x33")),
+ new MTest ("-foo=-0777", new MErr('r',"-0777")),
+ new MTest ("-foo=-07", new Long(-07)),
+ new MTest ("-foo=0", new Long(0)),
+ new MTest ("-foo=100", new Long(100)),
+ new MTest ("-foo=0x5e", new Long(0x5e)),
+ new MTest ("-foo=066", new Long(066)),
+ new MTest ("-foo=06677", new MErr('r',"06677")),
+ new MTest ("-foo=0xbeef", new MErr('r',"0xbeef")),
+ new MTest ("-foo=foo", new MErr('m',"foo")),
+ new MTest ("-foo=-51d", new MErr('m',"-51d")),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, ONE_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd ("-foo2=%i", ih, 'i', 1, "-foo2=", null, "", null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest ("-foo2=-51", new Long(-51)),
+ new MTest ("-foo2=-0x33", new Long(-0x33)),
+ new MTest ("-foo2=-0777", new Long(-0777)),
+ new MTest ("-foo2=06677", new Long(06677)),
+ new MTest ("-foo2=0xbeef", new Long(0xbeef)),
+ new MTest ("-foo2=foo", new MErr('m',"foo")),
+ new MTest ("-foo2=-51d", new MErr('m',"-51d")),
+ new MTest ("-foo2=-51", new Long(-51)),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, ONE_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd ("-foo3 %iX3", i3, 'i', 3, "-foo3 ", null, "", null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest ("-foo3 -51 678 0x45",
+ new long[] { -51, 678, 0x45 }),
+ new MTest ("-foo3 55 16f 55", new MErr ('m', "16f")),
+ new MTest ("-foo3 55 16", new MErr ('v', "3")),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, MULTI_WORD);
+ Vector vec = new Vector(100);
+ test.checkAdd ("-foov3 %iX3", vec,'i',3,"-foov3 ",null,"",null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ { new MTest ("-foov3 -1 2 4", new long[] {-1, 2, 4}, 0),
+ new MTest ("-foov3 10 3 9", new long[] {10, 3, 9}, 1),
+ new MTest ("-foov3 123 1 0", new long[] {123, 1, 0}, 2),
+ };
+ vec.clear();
+ test.checkMatches (tests, MULTI_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd ("-foov %i", vec,'i',1,"-foov ",null,"",null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ { new MTest ("-foov 11", new Long(11), 0),
+ new MTest ("-foov 12", new Long(12), 1),
+ new MTest ("-foov 13", new Long(13), 2),
+ };
+ vec.clear();
+ test.checkMatches (tests, MULTI_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd (
+ "-foo4 %i{[-50,100]}X2", i3, 'i', 2, "-foo4 ",
+ new RngCheck[]
+ { new RngCheck (-50,CLOSED,100,CLOSED),
+ },
+ "", null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest ("-foo4 -49 78",
+ new long[] { -49, 78 }),
+ new MTest ("-foo4 -48 102", new MErr ('r', "102")),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, MULTI_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd (
+ "-oct=%o{[-062,0144]}", ih, 'o', 1, "-oct=",
+ new RngCheck[]
+ { new RngCheck (-50,CLOSED,100,CLOSED),
+ },
+ "", null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest ("-oct=-063", new MErr('r',"-063")),
+ new MTest ("-oct=-0x32", new MErr('m',"-0x32")),
+ new MTest ("-oct=-0777", new MErr('r',"-0777")),
+ new MTest ("-oct=-07", new Long(-07)),
+ new MTest ("-oct=0", new Long(0)),
+ new MTest ("-oct=100", new Long(64)),
+ new MTest ("-oct=0xae", new MErr('m',"0xae")),
+ new MTest ("-oct=66", new Long(066)),
+ new MTest ("-oct=06677", new MErr('r',"06677")),
+ new MTest ("-oct=0xbeef", new MErr('m',"0xbeef")),
+ new MTest ("-oct=foo", new MErr('m',"foo")),
+ new MTest ("-oct=-51d", new MErr('m',"-51d")),
+ new MTest ("-oct=78", new MErr('m',"78")),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, ONE_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd ("-oct2=%o", ih, 'o', 1, "-oct2=", null, "", null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest ("-oct2=-063", new Long(-063)),
+ new MTest ("-oct2=-0777", new Long(-0777)),
+ new MTest ("-oct2=06677", new Long(06677)),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, ONE_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd (
+ "-dec=%d{[-0x32,0x64]}", ih, 'd', 1, "-dec=",
+ new RngCheck[]
+ { new RngCheck (-50,CLOSED,100,CLOSED),
+ },
+ "", null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest ("-dec=-063", new MErr('r',"-063")),
+ new MTest ("-dec=-0x32", new MErr('m',"-0x32")),
+ new MTest ("-dec=-0777", new MErr('r',"-0777")),
+ new MTest ("-dec=-07", new Long(-07)),
+ new MTest ("-dec=0", new Long(0)),
+ new MTest ("-dec=100", new Long(100)),
+ new MTest ("-dec=0xae", new MErr('m',"0xae")),
+ new MTest ("-dec=66", new Long(66)),
+ new MTest ("-dec=06677", new MErr('r',"06677")),
+ new MTest ("-dec=0xbeef", new MErr('m',"0xbeef")),
+ new MTest ("-dec=foo", new MErr('m',"foo")),
+ new MTest ("-dec=-51d", new MErr('m',"-51d")),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, ONE_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd ("-dec2=%d", ih, 'd', 1, "-dec2=", null, "", null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest ("-dec2=-063", new Long(-63)),
+ new MTest ("-dec2=-0777", new Long(-777)),
+ new MTest ("-dec2=06677", new Long(6677)),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, ONE_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd (
+ "-hex=%x{[-0x32,0x64]}", ih, 'x', 1, "-hex=",
+ new RngCheck[]
+ { new RngCheck (-50,CLOSED,100,CLOSED),
+ },
+ "", null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest ("-hex=-06", new Long(-0x6)),
+ new MTest ("-hex=-0x3g2", new MErr('m',"-0x3g2")),
+ new MTest ("-hex=-0777", new MErr('r',"-0777")),
+ new MTest ("-hex=-017", new Long(-0x17)),
+ new MTest ("-hex=0", new Long(0)),
+ new MTest ("-hex=64", new Long(0x64)),
+ new MTest ("-hex=5e", new Long(0x5e)),
+ new MTest ("-hex=66", new MErr('r',"66")),
+ new MTest ("-hex=06677", new MErr('r',"06677")),
+ new MTest ("-hex=0xbeef", new MErr('m',"0xbeef")),
+ new MTest ("-hex=foo", new MErr('m',"foo")),
+ new MTest ("-hex=-51d", new MErr('r',"-51d")),
+ new MTest ("-hex=-51g", new MErr('m',"-51g")),
+ new MTest ("-hex=", new MErr('c',"")),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, ONE_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd ("-hex2=%x", ih, 'x', 1, "-hex2=", null, "", null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest ("-hex2=-0777", new Long(-0x777)),
+ new MTest ("-hex2=66", new Long(0x66)),
+ new MTest ("-hex2=06677", new Long(0x6677)),
+ new MTest ("-hex2=-51d", new Long(-0x51d)),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, ONE_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd (
+ "-char=%c{['b','m']}", ch, 'c', 1, "-char=",
+ new RngCheck[]
+ { new RngCheck ('b',CLOSED,'m',CLOSED),
+ },
+ "", null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest ("-char=a", new MErr('r',"a")),
+ new MTest ("-char=b", new Character('b')),
+ new MTest ("-char='b'", new Character('b')),
+ new MTest ("-char='\142'", new Character('b')),
+ new MTest ("-char='\141'", new MErr('r',"'\141'")),
+ new MTest ("-char=\142", new Character('b')),
+ new MTest ("-char=\141", new MErr('r',"\141")),
+ new MTest ("-char=m", new Character('m')),
+ new MTest ("-char=z", new MErr('r', "z")),
+ new MTest ("-char=bb", new MErr('m', "bb")),
+ new MTest ("-char='b", new MErr('m', "'b")),
+ new MTest ("-char='", new MErr('m', "'")),
+ new MTest ("-char=a'", new MErr('m', "a'")),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, ONE_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd ("-char2=%c", ch, 'c', 1, "-char2=",null,"",null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest ("-char2=a", new Character('a')),
+ new MTest ("-char2='\141'", new Character('\141')),
+ new MTest ("-char2=\141", new Character('\141')),
+ new MTest ("-char2=z", new Character('z')),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, ONE_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd ("-charv3 %cX3", vec,'c',3,"-charv3 ",null,"",null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ { new MTest ("-charv3 a b c", new char[] {'a', 'b', 'c'}, 0),
+ new MTest ("-charv3 'g' f '\\n'", new char[]{'g','f','\n'}, 1),
+ new MTest ("-charv3 1 \001 3", new char[] {'1', '\001', '3'}, 2),
+ };
+ vec.clear();
+ test.checkMatches (tests, MULTI_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd ("-charv=%c", vec,'c',1,"-charv=",null,"",null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ { new MTest ("-charv=d", new Character('d'), 0),
+ new MTest ("-charv='g'", new Character('g'), 1),
+ new MTest ("-charv=\111", new Character('\111'), 2),
+ };
+ vec.clear();
+ test.checkMatches (tests, ONE_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd (
+ "-bool=%b{true}", bh, 'b', 1, "-bool=",
+ new RngCheck[]
+ { new RngCheck (true),
+ },
+ "", null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest ("-bool=true", new Boolean(true)),
+ new MTest ("-bool=false", new MErr('r', "false")),
+ new MTest ("-bool=fals", new MErr('m', "fals")),
+ new MTest ("-bool=falsem", new MErr('m', "falsem")),
+ new MTest ("-bool=truex", new MErr('m', "truex")),
+ new MTest ("-bool=foo", new MErr('m', "foo")),
+ new MTest ("-bool=1", new MErr('m', "1")),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, ONE_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd (
+ "-boo2=%b{true,false}", bh, 'b', 1, "-boo2=",
+ new RngCheck[]
+ { new RngCheck (true),
+ new RngCheck (false),
+ },
+ "", null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest ("-boo2=true", new Boolean(true)),
+ new MTest ("-boo2=false", new Boolean(false)),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, ONE_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd ("-boo3=%b", bh, 'b', 1, "-boo3=", null, "", null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest ("-boo3=true", new Boolean(true)),
+ new MTest ("-boo3=false", new Boolean(false)),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, ONE_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd ("-boo3 %bX3", b3, 'b', 3, "-boo3 ", null, "", null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest ("-boo3 true false true",
+ new boolean[] { true, false, true }),
+ new MTest ("-boo3 true fals true", new MErr ('m', "fals")),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, MULTI_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd ("-boov3 %bX3", vec,'b',3,"-boov3 ",null,"",null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ { new MTest ("-boov3 true true false",
+ new boolean [] { true, true, false }, 0),
+ new MTest ("-boov3 false false true",
+ new boolean [] { false, false, true }, 1),
+ };
+ vec.clear();
+ test.checkMatches (tests, MULTI_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd ("-boov %b", vec,'b',1,"-boov ",null,"",null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ { new MTest ("-boov true", new Boolean (true), 0),
+ new MTest ("-boov false", new Boolean (false), 1),
+ new MTest ("-boov true", new Boolean (true), 2),
+ };
+ vec.clear();
+ test.checkMatches (tests, MULTI_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd ("-v3 %vX2", b3, 'v', 2, "-v3 ", null, "", null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ { new MTest ("-v3", new boolean[] { true, true }),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, MULTI_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd (
+ "-vf %v{false,true}X2", b3, 'v', 2, "-vf ",
+ new RngCheck[]
+ { new RngCheck(false),
+ new RngCheck(true),
+ },
+ "", null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ { new MTest ("-vf", new boolean[] { false, false }),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, MULTI_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd (
+ "-str=%s{(john,zzzz]}", sh, 's', 1, "-str=",
+ new RngCheck[]
+ { new RngCheck ("john", OPEN, "zzzz", CLOSED),
+ },
+ "", null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest ("-str=john", new MErr ('r', "john")),
+ new MTest ("-str=joho ", "joho "),
+ new MTest ("-str=joho ", "joho "),
+ new MTest ("-str=zzzz", "zzzz"),
+ new MTest ("-str= joho", new MErr ('r', " joho")),
+ new MTest ("-str=jnhn ", new MErr ('r', "jnhn ")),
+ new MTest ("-str=zzzzz", new MErr ('r', "zzzzz")),
+ new MTest ("-str=\"joho\"", new MErr ('r', "\"joho\"")),
+ new MTest ("-str=\"joho", new MErr('r', "\"joho")),
+ new MTest ("-str=joho j", "joho j"), // new MErr('m', "joho j")),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, ONE_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd ("-str2=%s", sh,'s',1,"-str2=",null,"",null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest ("-str2= jnhn", " jnhn"),
+ new MTest ("-str2=zzzzz", "zzzzz"),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, ONE_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd ("-str3 %sX3",s3,'s',3,"-str3 ",null,"",null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest ("-str3 foo bar johnny",
+ new String[] { "foo", "bar", "johnny" }),
+ new MTest ("-str3 zzzzz \"bad foo",
+ new String[] { "zzzzz", "\"bad", "foo"
+ }), // new MErr('m', "\"bad")),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, MULTI_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd ("-strv3 %sX3", vec,'s',3,"-strv3 ",null,"",null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ { new MTest ("-strv3 foo bar \"hihi\"",
+ new String[] {"foo", "bar", "\"hihi\""}, 0),
+ new MTest ("-strv3 a 123 gg",
+ new String[]{"a", "123", "gg"}, 1),
+ };
+ vec.clear();
+ test.checkMatches (tests, MULTI_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd ("-strv=%s", vec,'s',1,"-strv=",null,"",null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ { new MTest ("-strv=d", "d", 0),
+ new MTest ("-strv='g'", "'g'", 1),
+ new MTest ("-strv=\\111", "\\111", 2),
+ };
+ vec.clear();
+ test.checkMatches (tests, ONE_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd (
+ "-float=%f{(-0.001,1000.0]}", dh, 'f', 1, "-float=",
+ new RngCheck[]
+ { new RngCheck (-0.001, OPEN, 1000.0, CLOSED),
+ },
+ "", null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest ("-float=-0.000999", new Double(-0.000999)),
+ new MTest ("-float=1e-3", new Double(0.001)),
+ new MTest ("-float=12.33e1", new Double(123.3)),
+ new MTest ("-float=1e3", new Double(1e3)),
+ new MTest ("-float=1000.000", new Double(1000.0)),
+ new MTest ("-float=-0.001", new MErr('r', "-0.001")),
+ new MTest ("-float=-1e-3", new MErr('r', "-1e-3")),
+ new MTest ("-float=1000.001", new MErr('r', "1000.001")),
+ new MTest ("-float=.", new MErr('m', ".")),
+ new MTest ("-float= 124.5 ", new Double (124.5)),
+ new MTest ("-float=124.5x", new MErr('m', "124.5x")),
+ new MTest ("-float= foo ", new MErr('m', " foo ")),
+ new MTest ("-float=1e1", new Double(10)),
+ new MTest ("-float=1e ", new MErr('m', "1e ")),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, ONE_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd ("-float2=%f", dh,'f',1,"-float2=",null,"",null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest ("-float2=-0.001", new Double(-0.001)),
+ new MTest ("-float2=-1e-3", new Double(-1e-3)),
+ new MTest ("-float2=1000.001", new Double(1000.001)),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, ONE_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd ("-f3 %fX3", d3,'f',3,"-f3 ",null,"",null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ {
+ new MTest ("-f3 -0.001 1.23e5 -9.88e-4",
+ new double[] { -0.001, 1.23e5, -9.88e-4 }),
+ new MTest ("-f3 7.88 foo 9.0", new MErr ('m', "foo")),
+ new MTest ("-f3 7.88 . 9.0", new MErr ('m', ".")),
+ new MTest ("-f3 7.88 3.0 9.0x", new MErr ('m', "9.0x")),
+ };
+ test.checkMatches (tests, MULTI_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd ("-fv3 %fX3", vec,'f',3,"-fv3 ",null,"",null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ { new MTest ("-fv3 1.0 3.444 6.7",
+ new double[] {1.0, 3.444, 6.7}, 0),
+ new MTest ("-fv3 13e-5 145.678 0.0001e45",
+ new double[]{13e-5, 145.678, 0.0001e45}, 1),
+ new MTest ("-fv3 11.11 3.1245 -1e-4",
+ new double[] {11.11, 3.1245, -1e-4}, 2),
+ new MTest ("-fv3 1.0 2 3",
+ new double[] { 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 }, 3),
+ };
+ vec.clear();
+ test.checkMatches (tests, MULTI_WORD);
+ test.checkAdd ("-fv %f", vec,'f',1,"-fv ",null,"",null);
+ tests = new MTest[]
+ { new MTest ("-fv -15.1234", new Double(-15.1234), 0),
+ new MTest ("-fv -1.234e-7", new Double(-1.234e-7), 1),
+ new MTest ("-fv 0.001111", new Double(0.001111), 2),
+ };
+ vec.clear();
+ test.checkMatches (tests, MULTI_WORD);
+ IntHolder intHolder = new IntHolder();
+ StringHolder strHolder = new StringHolder();
+ ArgParser parser = new ArgParser ("test");
+ parser.addOption ("-foo %d #an int", intHolder);
+ parser.addOption ("-bar %s #a string", strHolder);
+ args = new String[]
+ { "zzz", "-cat", "-foo", "123", "yyy", "-bar", "xxxx", "xxx"
+ };
+ String[] unmatchedCheck = new String[]
+ { "zzz", "-cat", "yyy", "xxx"
+ };
+ String[] unmatched = parser.matchAllArgs (args, 0, 0);
+ test.checkStringArray (
+ "Unmatched args:", unmatched, unmatchedCheck);
+ vec.clear();
+ for (int i=0; i<args.length; )
+ { try
+ { i = parser.matchArg (args, i);
+ if (parser.getUnmatchedArgument() != null)
+ { vec.add (parser.getUnmatchedArgument());
+ }
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ unmatched = (String[])vec.toArray(new String[0]);
+ test.checkStringArray (
+ "My unmatched args:", unmatched, unmatchedCheck);
+ System.out.println ("\nPassed\n");
+ }
diff --git a/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..18a35c058
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+// (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+ * Wrapper class which ``holds'' a boolean value,
+ * enabling methods to return boolean values through
+ * arguments.
+ */
+public class BooleanHolder implements
+ /**
+ * Value of the boolean, set and examined
+ * by the application as needed.
+ */
+ public boolean value;
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new <code>BooleanHolder</code> with an initial
+ * value of <code>false</code>.
+ */
+ public BooleanHolder ()
+ { value = false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new <code>BooleanHolder</code> with a
+ * specific initial value.
+ *
+ * @param b Initial boolean value.
+ */
+ public BooleanHolder (boolean b)
+ { value = b;
+ }
diff --git a/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b096df9ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+// (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+ * Wrapper class which ``holds'' a character value,
+ * enabling methods to return character values through
+ * arguments.
+ */
+public class CharHolder implements
+ /**
+ * Value of the character, set and examined
+ * by the application as needed.
+ */
+ public char value;
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new <code>CharHolder</code> with an initial
+ * value of 0.
+ */
+ public CharHolder ()
+ { value = 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new <code>CharHolder</code> with a
+ * specific initial value.
+ *
+ * @param c Initial character value.
+ */
+ public CharHolder (char c)
+ { value = c;
+ }
diff --git a/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3728ebf2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+// (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+ * Wrapper class which ``holds'' a double value,
+ * enabling methods to return double values through
+ * arguments.
+ */
+public class DoubleHolder implements
+ /**
+ * Value of the double, set and examined
+ * by the application as needed.
+ */
+ public double value;
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new <code>DoubleHolder</code> with an initial
+ * value of 0.
+ */
+ public DoubleHolder ()
+ { value = 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new <code>DoubleHolder</code> with a
+ * specific initial value.
+ *
+ * @param d Initial double value.
+ */
+ public DoubleHolder (double d)
+ { value = d;
+ }
diff --git a/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4cded9aa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+// (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+ * Wrapper class which ``holds'' a float value,
+ * enabling methods to return float values through
+ * arguments.
+ */
+public class FloatHolder implements
+ /**
+ * Value of the float, set and examined
+ * by the application as needed.
+ */
+ public float value;
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new <code>FloatHolder</code> with an initial
+ * value of 0.
+ */
+ public FloatHolder ()
+ { value = 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new <code>FloatHolder</code> with a
+ * specific initial value.
+ *
+ * @param f Initial float value.
+ */
+ public FloatHolder (float f)
+ { value = f;
+ }
diff --git a/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fd8403bd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+// (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+ * Wrapper class which ``holds'' an integer value,
+ * enabling methods to return integer values through
+ * arguments.
+ */
+public class IntHolder implements
+ /**
+ * Value of the integer, set and examined
+ * by the application as needed.
+ */
+ public int value;
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new <code>IntHolder</code> with an initial
+ * value of 0.
+ */
+ public IntHolder ()
+ { value = 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new <code>IntHolder</code> with a
+ * specific initial value.
+ *
+ * @param i Initial integer value.
+ */
+ public IntHolder (int i)
+ { value = i;
+ }
diff --git a/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..13a84008b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+// (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+ * Wrapper class which ``holds'' a long value,
+ * enabling methods to return long values through
+ * arguments.
+ */
+public class LongHolder implements
+ /**
+ * Value of the long, set and examined
+ * by the application as needed.
+ */
+ public long value;
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new <code>LongHolder</code> with an initial
+ * value of 0.
+ */
+ public LongHolder ()
+ { value = 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new <code>LongHolder</code> with a
+ * specific initial value.
+ *
+ * @param l Initial long value.
+ */
+ public LongHolder (long l)
+ { value = l;
+ }
diff --git a/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8e3493e1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+// (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+ * Wrapper class which ``holds'' an Object reference,
+ * enabling methods to return Object references through
+ * arguments.
+ */
+public class ObjectHolder implements
+ /**
+ * Value of the Object reference, set and examined
+ * by the application as needed.
+ */
+ public Object value;
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new <code>ObjectHolder</code> with an initial
+ * value of <code>null</code>.
+ */
+ public ObjectHolder ()
+ { value = null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new <code>ObjectHolder</code> with a
+ * specific initial value.
+ *
+ * @param o Initial Object reference.
+ */
+ public ObjectHolder (Object o)
+ { value = o;
+ }
diff --git a/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58e4d4656
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+// (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+ * Gives a very simple example of the use of
+ * {@link argparser.ArgParser ArgParser}.
+ */
+public class SimpleExample
+ /**
+ * Run this to invoke command line parsing.
+ */
+ public static void main (String[] args)
+ {
+ // create holder objects for storing results ...
+ DoubleHolder theta = new DoubleHolder();
+ StringHolder fileName = new StringHolder();
+ BooleanHolder debug = new BooleanHolder();
+ // create the parser and specify the allowed options ...
+ ArgParser parser = new ArgParser("java argparser.SimpleExample");
+ parser.addOption ("-theta %f #theta value (in degrees)", theta);
+ parser.addOption ("-file %s #name of the operating file", fileName);
+ parser.addOption ("-debug %v #enables display of debugging info",
+ debug);
+ // and then match the arguments
+ parser.matchAllArgs (args);
+ // now print out the values
+ System.out.println ("theta=" + theta.value);
+ System.out.println ("fileName=" + fileName.value);
+ System.out.println ("debug=" + debug.value);
+ }
diff --git a/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7737fa4cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+// (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+ * Wrapper class which ``holds'' a String reference,
+ * enabling methods to return String references through
+ * arguments.
+ */
+public class StringHolder implements
+ /**
+ * Value of the String reference, set and examined
+ * by the application as needed.
+ */
+ public String value;
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new <code>StringHolder</code> with an
+ * initial value of <code>null</code>.
+ */
+ public StringHolder ()
+ { value = null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constructs a new <code>StringHolder</code> with a
+ * specific initial value.
+ *
+ * @param s Initial String reference.
+ */
+ public StringHolder (String s)
+ { value = s;
+ }
diff --git a/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b7b4c7d2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+// (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+ * Exception class used by <code>StringScanner</code> when
+ * command line arguments do not parse correctly.
+ *
+ * @author John E. Lloyd, Winter 2001
+ * @see StringScanner
+ */
+class StringScanException extends IOException
+ int failIdx;
+ /**
+ * Creates a new StringScanException with the given message.
+ *
+ * @param msg Error message
+ * @see StringScanner
+ */
+ public StringScanException (String msg)
+ { super (msg);
+ }
+ public StringScanException (int idx, String msg)
+ {
+ super (msg);
+ failIdx = idx;
+ }
+ public int getFailIndex()
+ {
+ return failIdx;
+ }
diff --git a/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..425ad3ac1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pki/base/silent/src/argparser/
@@ -0,0 +1,650 @@
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+// (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright John E. Lloyd, 2004. All rights reserved. Permission to use,
+ * copy, modify and redistribute is granted, provided that this copyright
+ * notice is retained and the author is given credit whenever appropriate.
+ *
+ * This software is distributed "as is", without any warranty, including
+ * any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular
+ * use. The author assumes no responsibility for, and shall not be liable
+ * for, any special, indirect, or consequential damages, or any damages
+ * whatsoever, arising out of or in connection with the use of this
+ * software.
+ */
+class StringScanner
+ private char[] buf;
+ private int idx;
+ private int len;
+ private String stringDelimiters = "";
+ public StringScanner (String s)
+ {
+ buf = new char[s.length()+1];
+ s.getChars (0, s.length(), buf, 0);
+ len = s.length();
+ buf[len] = 0;
+ idx = 0;
+ }
+ public int getIndex()
+ { return idx;
+ }
+ public void setIndex(int i)
+ { if (i < 0)
+ { idx = 0;
+ }
+ else if (i > len)
+ { idx = len;
+ }
+ else
+ { idx = i;
+ }
+ }
+ public void setStringDelimiters (String s)
+ { stringDelimiters = s;
+ }
+ public String getStringDelimiters()
+ { return stringDelimiters;
+ }
+ public char scanChar ()
+ throws StringScanException
+ {
+ int idxSave = idx;
+ skipWhiteSpace();
+ try
+ { if (buf[idx] == '\'')
+ { return scanQuotedChar();
+ }
+ else
+ { return scanUnquotedChar();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (StringScanException e)
+ { idx = idxSave;
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ public char scanQuotedChar ()
+ throws StringScanException
+ {
+ StringScanException exception = null;
+ char retval = 0;
+ int idxSave = idx;
+ skipWhiteSpace();
+ if (idx == len)
+ { exception = new StringScanException (idx, "end of input");
+ }
+ else if (buf[idx++] == '\'')
+ { try
+ { retval = scanUnquotedChar();
+ }
+ catch (StringScanException e)
+ { exception = e;
+ }
+ if (exception==null)
+ { if (idx==len)
+ { exception = new StringScanException
+ (idx, "end of input");
+ }
+ else if (buf[idx++] != '\'')
+ { exception = new StringScanException
+ (idx-1, "unclosed quoted character");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { exception = new StringScanException
+ (idx-1, "uninitialized quoted character");
+ }
+ if (exception!=null)
+ { idx = idxSave;
+ throw exception;
+ }
+ return retval;
+ }
+ public char scanUnquotedChar ()
+ throws StringScanException
+ {
+ StringScanException exception = null;
+ char c, retval = 0;
+ int idxSave = idx;
+ if (idx == len)
+ { exception = new StringScanException (idx, "end of input");
+ }
+ else if ((c = buf[idx++]) == '\\')
+ { if (idx == len)
+ { exception = new StringScanException (idx, "end of input");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ c = buf[idx++];
+ if (c == '"')
+ { retval = '"';
+ }
+ else if (c == '\'')
+ { retval = '\'';
+ }
+ else if (c == '\\')
+ { retval = '\\';
+ }
+ else if (c == 'n')
+ { retval = '\n';
+ }
+ else if (c == 't')
+ { retval = '\t';
+ }
+ else if (c == 'b')
+ { retval = '\b';
+ }
+ else if (c == 'r')
+ { retval = '\r';
+ }
+ else if (c == 'f')
+ { retval = '\f';
+ }
+ else if ('0' <= c && c < '8')
+ { int v = c - '0';
+ for (int j=0; j<2; j++)
+ { if (idx==len)
+ { break;
+ }
+ c = buf[idx];
+ if ('0' <= c && c < '8' && (v*8 + (c-'0')) <= 255)
+ { v = v*8 + (c-'0');
+ idx++;
+ }
+ else
+ { break;
+ }
+ }
+ retval = (char)v;
+ }
+ else
+ { exception = new StringScanException
+ (idx-1, "illegal escape character '" + c + "'");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { retval = c;
+ }
+ if (exception!=null)
+ { idx = idxSave;
+ throw exception;
+ }
+ return retval;
+ }
+ public String scanQuotedString ()
+ throws StringScanException
+ {
+ StringScanException exception = null;
+ StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer(len);
+ char c;
+ int idxSave = idx;
+ skipWhiteSpace();
+ if (idx == len)
+ { exception = new StringScanException (idx, "end of input");
+ }
+ else if ((c=buf[idx++]) == '"')
+ { while (idx<len && (c=buf[idx]) != '"' && c != '\n')
+ { if (c == '\\')
+ { try
+ { c = scanUnquotedChar();
+ }
+ catch (StringScanException e)
+ { exception = e;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { idx++;
+ }
+ sbuf.append (c);
+ }
+ if (exception == null && idx>=len)
+ { exception = new StringScanException (len, "end of input");
+ }
+ else if (exception == null && c == '\n')
+ { exception = new StringScanException
+ (idx, "unclosed quoted string");
+ }
+ else
+ { idx++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { exception = new StringScanException (idx-1,
+"quoted string must start with \"");
+ }
+ if (exception != null)
+ { idx = idxSave;
+ throw exception;
+ }
+ return sbuf.toString();
+ }
+ public String scanNonWhiteSpaceString()
+ throws StringScanException
+ {
+ StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer(len);
+ int idxSave = idx;
+ char c;
+ skipWhiteSpace();
+ if (idx == len)
+ { StringScanException e = new StringScanException (
+ idx, "end of input");
+ idx = idxSave;
+ throw e;
+ }
+ else
+ { c = buf[idx++];
+ while (idx<len && !Character.isWhitespace(c)
+ && stringDelimiters.indexOf(c) == -1)
+ { sbuf.append(c);
+ c = buf[idx++];
+ }
+ if (Character.isWhitespace(c) ||
+ stringDelimiters.indexOf(c) != -1)
+ { idx--;
+ }
+ else
+ { sbuf.append(c);
+ }
+ }
+ return sbuf.toString();
+ }
+ public String scanString ()
+ throws StringScanException
+ {
+ int idxSave = idx;
+ skipWhiteSpace();
+ try
+ { if (buf[idx] == '"')
+ { return scanQuotedString();
+ }
+ else
+ { return scanNonWhiteSpaceString();
+ }
+ }
+ catch (StringScanException e)
+ { idx = idxSave;
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ public String getString ()
+ throws StringScanException
+ {
+ StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer(len);
+ while (idx < len)
+ { sbuf.append (buf[idx++]);
+ }
+ return sbuf.toString();
+ }
+ public long scanInt ()
+ throws StringScanException
+ {
+ int idxSave = idx;
+ char c;
+ int sign = 1;
+ skipWhiteSpace();
+ if ((c=buf[idx]) == '-' || c == '+')
+ { sign = (c == '-' ? -1 : 1);
+ idx++;
+ }
+ try
+ { if (idx==len)
+ { throw new StringScanException (len, "end of input");
+ }
+ else if ((c=buf[idx]) == '0')
+ { if ((c=buf[idx+1]) == 'x' || c == 'X')
+ { idx += 2;
+ return sign*scanInt (16, false);
+ }
+ else
+ { return sign*scanInt (8, false);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { return sign*scanInt (10, false);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (StringScanException e)
+ { idx = idxSave;
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ public long scanInt (int radix)
+ throws StringScanException
+ {
+ return scanInt (radix, /*skipWhite=*/true);
+ }
+ private String baseDesc (int radix)
+ {
+ switch (radix)
+ { case 10:
+ { return "decimal";
+ }
+ case 8:
+ { return "octal";
+ }
+ case 16:
+ { return "hex";
+ }
+ default:
+ { return "base " + radix;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public long scanInt (int radix, boolean skipWhite)
+ throws StringScanException
+ {
+ StringScanException exception = null;
+ int charval, idxSave = idx;
+ char c;
+ long val = 0;
+ boolean negate = false;
+ if (skipWhite)
+ { skipWhiteSpace();
+ }
+ if ((c=buf[idx]) == '-' || c == '+')
+ { negate = (c == '-');
+ idx++;
+ }
+ if (idx >= len)
+ { exception = new StringScanException (len, "end of input");
+ }
+ else if ((charval=Character.digit(buf[idx++],radix)) == -1)
+ { exception = new StringScanException
+ (idx-1, "malformed " + baseDesc(radix) + " integer");
+ }
+ else
+ { val = charval;
+ while ((charval=Character.digit(buf[idx],radix)) != -1)
+ { val = val*radix + charval;
+ idx++;
+ }
+ if (Character.isLetter(c=buf[idx]) ||
+ Character.isDigit(c) || c == '_')
+ { exception = new StringScanException
+ (idx, "malformed " + baseDesc(radix) + " integer");
+ }
+ }
+ if (exception != null)
+ { idx = idxSave;
+ throw exception;
+ }
+ return negate ? -val : val;
+ }
+ public double scanDouble ()
+ throws StringScanException
+ {
+ StringScanException exception = null;
+ int idxSave = idx;
+ char c;
+ // parse [-][0-9]*[.][0-9]*[eE][-][0-9]*
+ boolean hasDigits = false;
+ boolean signed;
+ double value = 0;
+ skipWhiteSpace();
+ if (idx == len)
+ { exception = new StringScanException ("end of input");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((c=buf[idx]) == '-' || c == '+')
+ { signed = true;
+ idx++;
+ }
+ if (matchDigits())
+ { hasDigits = true;
+ }
+ if (buf[idx] == '.')
+ { idx++;
+ }
+ if (!hasDigits && (buf[idx] < '0' || buf[idx] > '9'))
+ { if (idx==len)
+ { exception = new StringScanException (idx, "end of input");
+ }
+ else
+ { exception = new StringScanException (
+ idx, "malformed floating number: no digits");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { matchDigits();
+ if ((c=buf[idx]) == 'e' || c == 'E')
+ { idx++;
+ if ((c=buf[idx]) == '-' || c == '+')
+ { signed = true;
+ idx++;
+ }
+ if (buf[idx] < '0' || buf[idx] > '9')
+ { if (idx==len)
+ { exception = new StringScanException(
+ idx, "end of input");
+ }
+ else
+ { exception = new StringScanException (idx,
+"malformed floating number: no digits in exponent");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ { matchDigits();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (exception == null)
+ {
+// if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(c=buf[idx]) || c == '_')
+// { exception = new StringScanException (idx,
+//"malformed floating number");
+// }
+// else
+ {
+ try
+ { value = Double.parseDouble(new String(buf, idxSave,
+ idx-idxSave));
+ }
+ catch (NumberFormatException e)
+ { exception = new StringScanException (
+ idx, "malformed floating number");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (exception != null)
+ { idx = idxSave;
+ throw exception;
+ }
+ return value;
+ }
+ public boolean scanBoolean ()
+ throws StringScanException
+ {
+ StringScanException exception = null;
+ int idxSave = idx;
+ String testStr = "false";
+ boolean testval = false;
+ char c;
+ skipWhiteSpace();
+ if (buf[idx] == 't')
+ { testStr = "true";
+ testval = true;
+ }
+ else
+ { testval = false;
+ }
+ int i = 0;
+ for (i=0; i<testStr.length(); i++)
+ { if (testStr.charAt(i) != buf[idx])
+ { if (idx==len)
+ { exception = new StringScanException (idx, "end of input");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ idx++;
+ }
+ if (exception==null)
+ { if (i<testStr.length() ||
+ Character.isLetterOrDigit(c=buf[idx]) || c == '_')
+ { exception = new StringScanException (idx, "illegal boolean");
+ }
+ }
+ if (exception != null)
+ { idx = idxSave;
+ throw exception;
+ }
+ return testval;
+ }
+ public boolean matchString (String s)
+ {
+ int k = idx;
+ for (int i=0; i<s.length(); i++)
+ { if (k >= len || s.charAt(i) != buf[k++])
+ { return false;
+ }
+ }
+ idx = k;
+ return true;
+ }
+ public boolean matchDigits ()
+ {
+ int k = idx;
+ char c;
+ while ((c=buf[k]) >= '0' && c <= '9')
+ { k++;
+ }
+ if (k > idx)
+ { idx = k;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ { return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public void skipWhiteSpace()
+ {
+ while (Character.isWhitespace(buf[idx]))
+ { idx++;
+ }
+ }
+ private int skipWhiteSpace(int k)
+ {
+ while (Character.isWhitespace(buf[k]))
+ { k++;
+ }
+ return k;
+ }
+ public boolean atEnd()
+ {
+ return idx == len;
+ }
+ public boolean atBeginning()
+ {
+ return idx == 0;
+ }
+ public void ungetc()
+ {
+ if (idx > 0)
+ { idx--;
+ }
+ }
+ public char getc()
+ {
+ char c = buf[idx];
+ if (idx < len)
+ { idx++;
+ }
+ return c;
+ }
+ public char peekc()
+ {
+ return buf[idx];
+ }
+ public String substring (int i0, int i1)
+ {
+ if (i0 < 0)
+ { i0 = 0;
+ }
+ else if (i0 >= len)
+ { i0= len-1;
+ }
+ if (i1 < 0)
+ { i1 = 0;
+ }
+ else if (i1 > len)
+ { i1= len;
+ }
+ if (i1 <= i0)
+ { return "";
+ }
+ return new String (buf, i0, i1-i0);
+ }
+ public String substring (int i0)
+ {
+ if (i0 < 0)
+ { i0 = 0;
+ }
+ if (i0 >= len)
+ { return "";
+ }
+ else
+ { return new String (buf, i0, len-i0);
+ }
+ }