path: root/pki/base/setup/pkiremove
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pki/base/setup/pkiremove')
1 files changed, 419 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pki/base/setup/pkiremove b/pki/base/setup/pkiremove
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6ec3752b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pki/base/setup/pkiremove
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+# Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+# All rights reserved.
+# This script is used to remove an existing PKI instance.
+# To execute:
+# ./pkiremove -pki_instance_root=<pki_instance_root> # Instance root
+# # directory destination
+# -pki_instance_name=<pki_instance_id> # Unique PKI subsystem
+# # instance name
+# # (e. g. - pki-pki1)
+# [-force] # Don't ask any
+# # questions
+# Perl Version
+my $MINIMUM_PERL_VERSION = "5.006001";
+my $perl_version_error_message = "ERROR: Using Perl version $] ...\n"
+ . " Must use Perl version "
+ . "$MINIMUM_PERL_VERSION or later to "
+ . "run this script!\n";
+die "$perl_version_error_message" if $] < $MINIMUM_PERL_VERSION;
+# Execution Check
+# Check to insure that this script's original
+# invocation directory has not been deleted!
+my $cwd = `/bin/pwd`;
+chomp $cwd;
+if( "$cwd" eq "" ) {
+ print( STDERR "Cannot invoke '$0' from non-existent directory!\n" );
+ print( STDOUT "\n" );
+ exit 255;
+# Environment Variables
+# untaint called subroutines
+if( ( $^O ne 'Windows_NT' ) && ( $^O ne 'MSWin32' ) ) {
+ $> = $<; # set effective user ID to real UID
+ $) = $(; # set effective group ID to real GID
+ $ENV{ 'PATH' } = '/bin:/usr/bin';
+ $ENV{ 'ENV' } = '' if $ENV{ 'ENV' } ne '';
+# Command-Line Variables
+my $ARGS = ( $#ARGV + 1 );
+# Shared Common Perl Data and Subroutines
+# Compute "flavor" of Operating System
+my $pki_flavor = "";
+if( $^O eq "linux" ) {
+ $pki_flavor = `pkiflavor`;
+} elsif( $^O eq "solaris" ) {
+ $pki_flavor = `pkiflavor`;
+} else {
+ print( STDERR
+ "ERROR: Unsupported platform '$^O'!\n" );
+ print( STDOUT "\n" );
+ exit 255;
+$pki_flavor =~ s/\s+$//g;
+# Establish path to scripts
+my $common_path = "/usr/share/pki/scripts";
+if( ! -d "$common_path" ) {
+ print( STDERR
+ "ERROR: The path '$common_path' does not exist!\n"
+ . " Unable to load shared Common Perl Data "
+ . "and Subroutines!\n" );
+ print( STDOUT "\n" );
+ exit 255;
+if( ! -e "$common_path/pkicommon" ) {
+ print( STDERR
+ "ERROR: The file '$common_path/pkicommon' does not exist!\n"
+ . " Unable to load shared Common Perl Data "
+ . "and Subroutines!\n" );
+ print( STDOUT "\n" );
+ exit 255;
+eval( "use lib '" . $common_path . "'" );
+require( 'pkicommon' );
+# Local Constants
+my $saved_cleanup_file_name = ".cleanup.dat";
+my $saved_file_marker = "[files]";
+my $saved_directory_marker = "[directories]";
+# Local Data Structures
+# Local Variables
+my $pki_instance_root = "";
+my $pki_instance_name = "";
+my $force = 0;
+my $pki_instance_path = "";
+# Platform-Dependent Data Initialization
+# Local Data Initialization
+# PKI Instance Removal Subroutines
+# no args
+# no return value
+sub usage()
+ print( STDOUT
+ "Usage: pkiremove -pki_instance_root=<pki_instance_root> "
+ . "# Instance root\n"
+ . " "
+ . "# directory\n"
+ . " "
+ . "# destination\n\n"
+ . " -pki_instance_name=<pki_instance_id> "
+ . "# Unique PKI\n"
+ . " "
+ . "# subsystem\n"
+ . " "
+ . "# instance name\n"
+ . " "
+ . "# (e. g. - pki-pki1)\n\n"
+ . " [-force] "
+ . "# Don't ask\n"
+ . " "
+ . "# any questions\n\n" );
+ print( STDOUT
+ "Example: pkiremove -pki_instance_root=/var/lib "
+ . "-pki_instance_name=$pki_flavor-ca1\n\n" );
+ print( STDOUT
+ "IMPORTANT: Must be run as root!\n\n" );
+ return;
+# no args
+# return 1 - success, or
+# return 0 - failure
+sub remove_instance()
+ my $command = "";
+ print( STDOUT
+ "PKI instance Deletion Utility "
+ . "cleaning up instance ...\n\n" );
+ my $result = 0;
+ my $cleanup = new FileHandle;
+ my $source_file_path = $pki_instance_path
+ . "/" . $saved_cleanup_file_name;
+ my @files;
+ my @directories;
+ my $pki_start_stop_script_instance_file_path = "";
+ my $confirm = "Y";
+ if( !$force ) {
+ $confirm = prompt( "You have elected to remove the instance "
+ . "installed in "
+ . "$pki_instance_path.\n"
+ . "Are you sure (Y/N)? " );
+ }
+ if( $confirm eq "N" || $confirm eq "n" ) {
+ return 1;
+ } elsif( $confirm ne "Y" && $confirm ne "y" ) {
+ goto ASK_AGAIN;
+ }
+ if( !file_exists( "$source_file_path" ) ) {
+ print( STDERR
+ "ERROR: Can't remove instance, "
+ . "cleanup file does not exist!\n" );
+ return $result;
+ }
+ $cleanup->open( "<$source_file_path" ) or die "Could not open file!\n";
+ my $file_mode = "file";
+ my @file_split;
+ while( <$cleanup> )
+ {
+ my $line = $_;
+ chomp( $line );
+ if( $line eq $saved_file_marker ) {
+ $file_mode = "file";
+ next;
+ }
+ if( $line eq $saved_directory_marker ) {
+ $file_mode = "directory";
+ next;
+ }
+ if( $file_mode eq "file" ) {
+ push( @files, $line );
+ @file_split = split( '/', $line );
+ my $last = @file_split;
+ if( $file_split[$last -1] eq $pki_instance_name ) {
+ $pki_start_stop_script_instance_file_path = $line;
+ }
+ }
+ if( $file_mode eq "directory" ) {
+ push( @directories, $line );
+ }
+ }
+ $cleanup->close();
+ if( $pki_start_stop_script_instance_file_path eq "" ) {
+ print( STDERR
+ "ERROR: Can't locate start script of "
+ . "instance to be cleaned up!\n" );
+ return $result;
+ }
+ $command = "$pki_start_stop_script_instance_file_path stop";
+ system( "$command" );
+ my $size = @directories;
+ print( STDOUT "\n" );
+ if( $size ) {
+ my $i = 0;
+ for( $i = 0; $i < $size; $i ++ ) {
+ print( STDOUT
+ "Removing dir $directories[$i]\n" );
+ remove_directory( $directories[$i] );
+ }
+ }
+ $size = @files;
+ if( $size ) {
+ my $i = 0;
+ for( $i = 0; $i < $size; $i++ ) {
+ print( STDOUT
+ "Removing file $files[$i]\n" );
+ remove_file( $files[$i] );
+ }
+ }
+ print( STDOUT "\n" );
+ $result = 1;
+ return $result;
+# Main Program
+# no args
+# return 1 - success, or
+# return 0 - failure
+sub main()
+ chdir( "/tmp" );
+ my $result = 0;
+ print( STDOUT
+ "PKI instance Deletion Utility ...\n\n" );
+ # On Linux/UNIX, insure that this script is being run as "root".
+ $result = check_for_root_UID();
+ if( !$result ) {
+ usage();
+ exit 255;
+ }
+ # Check for a valid number of command-line arguments.
+ if( $ARGS < 2 ) {
+ print( STDERR
+ "$0: Insufficient arguments!\n\n" );
+ usage();
+ exit 255;
+ }
+ # Parse command-line arguments.
+ $result = GetOptions( "pki_instance_root=s" => \$pki_instance_root,
+ "pki_instance_name=s" => \$pki_instance_name,
+ "force" => \$force );
+ # Always disallow root to be the pki_instance_root.
+ if( $pki_instance_root eq "/" ) {
+ print( STDERR
+ "$0: Don't even think about making root "
+ . "the pki_instance_root!\n\n" );
+ usage();
+ exit 255;
+ }
+ # Remove all trailing directory separators ('/')
+ $pki_instance_root =~ s/\/+$//;
+ # Check for valid content of command-line arguments.
+ if( $pki_instance_root eq "" ) {
+ print( STDERR
+ "$0: Must have value for -pki_instance_root!\n\n" );
+ usage();
+ exit 255;
+ }
+ if( $pki_instance_name eq "" ) {
+ print( STDERR
+ "$0: The instance ID of the PKI instance "
+ . "to be removed is required!\n\n" );
+ usage();
+ exit 255;
+ }
+ $pki_instance_path = $pki_instance_root . "/" . $pki_instance_name;
+ if( !directory_exists( "$pki_instance_path" ) ) {
+ print( STDERR
+ "$0: Target directory $pki_instance_path "
+ . "is not a legal directory.\n\n" );
+ usage();
+ exit 255;
+ }
+ # Remove the specified instance
+ $result = remove_instance();
+ if( $result != 1 ) {
+ exit 255;
+ }
+ return $result;
+# PKI Instance Removal
+exit 0;