path: root/pki/base/kra/src/com/netscape/kra/
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-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-// (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
-// All rights reserved.
-package com.netscape.kra;
-import java.math.BigInteger;
-import java.util.Enumeration;
-import java.util.Hashtable;
-import java.util.StringTokenizer;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import org.mozilla.jss.CryptoManager;
-import org.mozilla.jss.NoSuchTokenException;
-import org.mozilla.jss.crypto.CryptoToken;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.apps.CMS;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.authority.IAuthority;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.base.EBaseException;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.base.EPropertyNotFound;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.base.IConfigStore;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.base.ISubsystem;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.base.SessionContext;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.dbs.IDBSubsystem;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.dbs.keydb.IKeyRepository;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.dbs.replicadb.IReplicaIDRepository;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.kra.IKeyRecoveryAuthority;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.kra.IKeyService;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.listeners.EListenersException;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.logging.ILogger;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.policy.IPolicyProcessor;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.request.ARequestNotifier;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.request.IPolicy;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.request.IRequest;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.request.IRequestListener;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.request.IRequestNotifier;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.request.IRequestQueue;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.request.IRequestScheduler;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.request.IRequestSubsystem;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.request.IService;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.request.RequestId;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.request.RequestStatus;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.usrgrp.IUGSubsystem;
-import com.netscape.cmscore.dbs.DBSubsystem;
-import com.netscape.cmscore.dbs.KeyRecord;
-import com.netscape.cmscore.dbs.KeyRepository;
-import com.netscape.cmscore.dbs.ReplicaIDRepository;
-import com.netscape.cmscore.request.RequestSubsystem;
- * A class represents an key recovery authority (KRA). A KRA
- * is responsible to maintain key pairs that have been
- * escrowed. It provides archive and recovery key pairs
- * functionalities.
- * <P>
- *
- * @author thomask
- * @version $Revision$, $Date$
- */
-public class KeyRecoveryAuthority implements IAuthority, IKeyService, IKeyRecoveryAuthority {
- public final static String OFFICIAL_NAME = "Data Recovery Manager";
- /**
- * Internal Constants
- */
- private static final String PR_INTERNAL_TOKEN_NAME = "internal";
- private static final String PARAM_CREDS = "creds";
- private static final String PARAM_LOCK = "lock";
- private static final String PARAM_PK12 = "pk12";
- private static final String PARAM_ERROR = "error";
- private static final String PARAM_AGENT = "agent";
- private final static String KEY_RESP_NAME = "keyRepository";
- private static final String PROP_REPLICAID_DN = "dbs.replicadn";
- protected boolean mInitialized = false;
- protected IConfigStore mConfig = null;
- protected ILogger mLogger = CMS.getLogger();
- protected KRAPolicy mPolicy = null;
- protected X500Name mName = null;
- protected boolean mQueueRequests = false;
- protected String mId = null;
- protected IRequestQueue mRequestQueue = null;
- protected TransportKeyUnit mTransportKeyUnit = null;
- protected StorageKeyUnit mStorageKeyUnit = null;
- protected Hashtable<String, Credential[]> mAutoRecovery = new Hashtable<String, Credential[]>();
- protected boolean mAutoRecoveryOn = false;
- protected KeyRepository mKeyDB = null;
- protected ReplicaIDRepository mReplicaRepot = null;
- protected IRequestNotifier mNotify = null;
- protected IRequestNotifier mPNotify = null;
- protected ISubsystem mOwner = null;
- protected int mRecoveryIDCounter = 0;
- protected Hashtable<String, Hashtable<String, Object>> mRecoveryParams =
- new Hashtable<String, Hashtable<String, Object>>();
- protected org.mozilla.jss.crypto.X509Certificate mJssCert = null;
- protected CryptoToken mKeygenToken = null;
- // holds the number of bits of entropy to collect for each keygen
- private int mEntropyBitsPerKeyPair = 0;
- // the number of milliseconds which it is acceptable to block while
- // getting entropy - anything longer will cause a warning.
- // 0 means this warning is disabled
- private int mEntropyBlockWarnMilliseconds = 0;
- // for the notification listener
- public IRequestListener mReqInQListener = null;
- private ILogger mSignedAuditLogger = CMS.getSignedAuditLogger();
- private final static byte EOL[] = { Character.LINE_SEPARATOR };
- private final static String SIGNED_AUDIT_AGENT_DELIMITER = ", ";
- /**
- * Constructs an escrow authority.
- * <P>
- */
- public KeyRecoveryAuthority() {
- super();
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves subsystem identifier.
- *
- * @return subsystem id
- */
- public String getId() {
- return mId;
- }
- /**
- * Sets subsystem identifier.
- *
- * @param id subsystem id
- * @exception EBaseException failed to set id
- */
- public void setId(String id) throws EBaseException {
- mId = id;
- }
- /**
- * @deprecated
- */
- public IPolicyProcessor getPolicyProcessor() {
- return mPolicy.getPolicyProcessor();
- }
- // initialize entropy collection parameters
- private void initEntropy(IConfigStore config) {
- mEntropyBitsPerKeyPair = 0;
- mEntropyBlockWarnMilliseconds = 50;
- // initialize entropy collection
- IConfigStore ecs = config.getSubStore("entropy");
- if (ecs != null) {
- try {
- mEntropyBitsPerKeyPair = ecs.getInteger("bitsperkeypair", 0);
- mEntropyBlockWarnMilliseconds = ecs.getInteger("blockwarnms", 50);
- } catch (EBaseException eb) {
- // ok - we deal with missing parameters above
- }
- }
- CMS.debug("KeyRecoveryAuthority Entropy bits = " + mEntropyBitsPerKeyPair);
- if (mEntropyBitsPerKeyPair == 0) {
- //log(ILogger.LL_INFO,
- } else {
- //log(ILogger.LL_INFO,
- CMS.debug("KeyRecoveryAuthority about to add Entropy");
- addEntropy(false);
- CMS.debug("KeyRecoveryAuthority back from add Entropy");
- }
- }
- public void addEntropy(boolean logflag) {
- CMS.debug("KeyRecoveryAuthority addEntropy()");
- if (mEntropyBitsPerKeyPair == 0) {
- CMS.debug("KeyRecoveryAuthority returning - disabled()");
- return;
- }
- long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
- try {
- addEntropy(mEntropyBitsPerKeyPair);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- CMS.debug("KeyRecoveryAuthority returning - error - see log file");
- CMS.debug("exception: " + e.getMessage());
- CMS.debug(e);
- if (logflag) {
- log(ILogger.LL_INFO,
- e.getMessage()));
- }
- }
- long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
- long duration = end - start;
- if (mEntropyBlockWarnMilliseconds > 0 &&
- duration > mEntropyBlockWarnMilliseconds) {
- CMS.debug("KeyRecoveryAuthority returning - warning - entropy took too long (ms=" +
- duration + ")");
- if (logflag) {
- log(ILogger.LL_INFO,
- "" + (int) duration));
- }
- }
- CMS.debug("KeyRecoveryAuthority returning ");
- }
- /**
- * Starts this subsystem. It loads and initializes all
- * necessary components. This subsystem is started by
- * KRASubsystem.
- * <P>
- *
- * @param owner owner of this subsystem
- * @param config configuration store for this subsystem
- * @exception EBaseException failed to start subsystem
- */
- public void init(ISubsystem owner, IConfigStore config)
- throws EBaseException {
- CMS.debug("KeyRecoveryAuthority init() begins");
- if (mInitialized)
- return;
- mConfig = config;
- mOwner = owner;
- // initialize policy processor
- mPolicy = new KRAPolicy();
- mPolicy.init(this, mConfig.getSubStore(PROP_POLICY));
- // create key repository
- int keydb_inc = mConfig.getInteger(PROP_KEYDB_INC, 5);
- mKeyDB = new KeyRepository(getDBSubsystem(),
- keydb_inc,
- "ou=" + KEY_RESP_NAME + ",ou=" +
- getId() + "," +
- getDBSubsystem().getBaseDN());
- // read transport key from internal database
- mTransportKeyUnit = new TransportKeyUnit();
- try {
- mTransportKeyUnit.init(this, mConfig.getSubStore(
- } catch (EBaseException e) {
- CMS.debug("KeyRecoveryAuthority: transport unit exception " + e.toString());
- //XXX throw e;
- return;
- }
- // retrieve the authority name from transport cert
- try {
- mJssCert = mTransportKeyUnit.getCertificate();
- X509CertImpl certImpl = new
- X509CertImpl(mJssCert.getEncoded());
- mName = (X500Name) certImpl.getSubjectDN();
- } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
- CMS.debug("KeyRecoveryAuthority: " + e.toString());
- throw new EBaseException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_BASE_LOAD_FAILED",
- "transport cert " + e.toString()));
- } catch (CertificateException e) {
- CMS.debug("KeyRecoveryAuthority: " + e.toString());
- throw new EBaseException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_BASE_LOAD_FAILED",
- "transport cert " + e.toString()));
- }
- // read transport key from storage key
- mStorageKeyUnit = new StorageKeyUnit();
- try {
- mStorageKeyUnit.init(this,
- mConfig.getSubStore(PROP_STORAGE_KEY));
- } catch (EBaseException e) {
- CMS.debug("KeyRecoveryAuthority: storage unit exception " + e.toString());
- throw e;
- }
- // setup token for server-side key generation for user enrollments
- String serverKeygenTokenName = mConfig.getString("serverKeygenTokenName", null);
- if (serverKeygenTokenName == null) {
- CMS.debug("serverKeygenTokenName set to nothing");
- if (mStorageKeyUnit.getToken() != null) {
- try {
- String storageToken = mStorageKeyUnit.getToken().getName();
- if (!storageToken.equals("internal")) {
- CMS.debug("Auto set serverKeygenTokenName to " + storageToken);
- serverKeygenTokenName = storageToken;
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- }
- }
- }
- if (serverKeygenTokenName == null) {
- serverKeygenTokenName = "internal";
- }
- if (serverKeygenTokenName.equalsIgnoreCase(PR_INTERNAL_TOKEN_NAME))
- serverKeygenTokenName = PR_INTERNAL_TOKEN_NAME;
- try {
- if (serverKeygenTokenName.equalsIgnoreCase(PR_INTERNAL_TOKEN_NAME)) {
- CMS.debug("KeyRecoveryAuthority: getting internal crypto token for serverkeygen");
- mKeygenToken = CryptoManager.getInstance().getInternalKeyStorageToken();
- } else {
- CMS.debug("KeyRecoveryAuthority: getting HSM token for serverkeygen");
- mKeygenToken = CryptoManager.getInstance().getTokenByName(serverKeygenTokenName);
- }
- CMS.debug("KeyRecoveryAuthority: set up keygenToken");
- } catch (NoSuchTokenException e) {
- throw new EBaseException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_BASE_TOKEN_NOT_FOUND", serverKeygenTokenName));
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new EBaseException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_BASE_CRYPTOMANAGER_UNINITIALIZED"));
- }
- CMS.debug("KeyRecoveryAuthority: about to init entropy");
- initEntropy(mConfig);
- CMS.debug("KeyRecoveryAuthority: completed init of entropy");
- getLogger().log(ILogger.EV_SYSTEM, ILogger.S_KRA,
- ILogger.LL_INFO, mName.toString() + " is started");
- // setup the KRA request queue
- IService service = new KRAService(this);
- mNotify = new KRANotify(this);
- mPNotify = new ARequestNotifier();
- IRequestSubsystem reqSub = RequestSubsystem.getInstance();
- int reqdb_inc = mConfig.getInteger("reqdbInc", 5);
- mRequestQueue = reqSub.getRequestQueue(getId(), reqdb_inc,
- mPolicy, service, mNotify, mPNotify);
- // set KeyStatusUpdateInterval to be 10 minutes if serial management is enabled.
- mKeyDB.setKeyStatusUpdateInterval(
- mRequestQueue.getRequestRepository(),
- mConfig.getInteger("keyStatusUpdateInterval", 10 * 60));
- // init request scheduler if configured
- String schedulerClass =
- mConfig.getString("requestSchedulerClass", null);
- if (schedulerClass != null) {
- try {
- IRequestScheduler scheduler = (IRequestScheduler)
- Class.forName(schedulerClass).newInstance();
- mRequestQueue.setRequestScheduler(scheduler);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- // do nothing here
- }
- }
- initNotificationListeners();
- String replicaReposDN = mConfig.getString(PROP_REPLICAID_DN, null);
- if (replicaReposDN == null) {
- replicaReposDN = "ou=Replica," + getDBSubsystem().getBaseDN();
- }
- mReplicaRepot = new ReplicaIDRepository(
- DBSubsystem.getInstance(), 1, replicaReposDN);
- CMS.debug("Replica Repot inited");
- }
- public CryptoToken getKeygenToken() {
- return mKeygenToken;
- }
- public IRequestListener getRequestInQListener() {
- return mReqInQListener;
- }
- public org.mozilla.jss.crypto.X509Certificate getTransportCert() {
- return mJssCert;
- }
- /**
- * Clears up system during garbage collection.
- */
- public void finalize() {
- shutdown();
- }
- /**
- * Starts this service. When this method is called, all
- * service
- *
- * @exception EBaseException failed to startup this subsystem
- */
- public void startup() throws EBaseException {
- CMS.debug("KeyRecoveryAuthority startup() begins");
- if (mRequestQueue != null) {
- // setup administration operations if everything else is fine
- mRequestQueue.recover();
- CMS.debug("KeyRecoveryAuthority startup() call request Q recover");
- // Note that we use our instance id for registration.
- // This helps us to support multiple instances
- // of a subsystem within server.
- // register remote admin interface
- mInitialized = true;
- } else {
- CMS.debug("KeyRecoveryAuthority: mRequestQueue is null, could be in preop mode");
- }
- }
- /**
- * Shutdowns this subsystem.
- */
- public void shutdown() {
- if (!mInitialized)
- return;
- mTransportKeyUnit.shutdown();
- mStorageKeyUnit.shutdown();
- if (mKeyDB != null) {
- mKeyDB.shutdown();
- mKeyDB = null;
- }
- getLogger().log(ILogger.EV_SYSTEM, ILogger.S_KRA,
- ILogger.LL_INFO, mName.toString() + " is stopped");
- mInitialized = false;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the configuration store of this subsystem.
- * <P>
- *
- * @return configuration store
- */
- public IConfigStore getConfigStore() {
- return mConfig;
- }
- /**
- * Changes the auto recovery state.
- *
- * @param cs list of recovery agent credentials
- * @param on turn of auto recovery or not
- * @return operation success or not
- */
- public boolean setAutoRecoveryState(Credential cs[], boolean on) {
- if (on == true) {
- // check credential before enabling it
- try {
- getStorageKeyUnit().login(cs);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- // maintain in-memory variable; don't store it in config
- mAutoRecoveryOn = on;
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the current auto recovery state.
- *
- * @return enable or not
- */
- public boolean getAutoRecoveryState() {
- // maintain in-memory variable; don't store it in config
- return mAutoRecoveryOn;
- }
- /**
- * Returns a list of users who are in auto
- * recovery mode.
- *
- * @return list of user IDs that are accepted in the
- * auto recovery mode
- */
- public Enumeration<String> getAutoRecoveryIDs() {
- return mAutoRecovery.keys();
- }
- /**
- * Adds auto recovery mode to the given user id.
- *
- * @param id new identifier to the auto recovery mode
- * @param creds list of credentials
- */
- public void addAutoRecovery(String id, Credential creds[]) {
- mAutoRecovery.put(id, creds);
- }
- /**
- * Removes auto recovery mode from the given user id.
- *
- * @param id id of user to be removed from auto
- * recovery mode
- */
- public void removeAutoRecovery(String id) {
- mAutoRecovery.remove(id);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves logger from escrow authority.
- *
- * @return logger
- */
- public ILogger getLogger() {
- return CMS.getLogger();
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves number of required agents for
- * recovery operation.
- *
- * @return number of required agents
- * @exception EBaseException failed to retrieve info
- */
- public int getNoOfRequiredAgents() throws EBaseException {
- if (mConfig.getBoolean("keySplitting", false)) {
- return mStorageKeyUnit.getNoOfRequiredAgents();
- } else {
- int ret = -1;
- ret = mConfig.getInteger("noOfRequiredRecoveryAgents", 1);
- if (ret <= 0) {
- throw new EBaseException("Invalid parameter noOfRequiredecoveryAgents");
- }
- return ret;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Sets number of required agents for
- * recovery operation
- *
- * @return none
- * @exception EBaseException invalid setting
- */
- public void setNoOfRequiredAgents(int number) throws EBaseException {
- if (mConfig.getBoolean("keySplitting")) {
- mStorageKeyUnit.setNoOfRequiredAgents(number);
- } else {
- mConfig.putInteger("noOfRequiredRecoveryAgents", number);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Distributed recovery.
- */
- public String getRecoveryID() {
- return Integer.toString(mRecoveryIDCounter++);
- }
- public Hashtable<String, Object> createRecoveryParams(String recoveryID)
- throws EBaseException {
- Hashtable<String, Object> h = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
- h.put(PARAM_CREDS, new Vector<Credential>());
- h.put(PARAM_LOCK, new Object());
- mRecoveryParams.put(recoveryID, h);
- return h;
- }
- public void destroyRecoveryParams(String recoveryID)
- throws EBaseException {
- mRecoveryParams.remove(recoveryID);
- }
- public Hashtable<String, Object> getRecoveryParams(String recoveryID)
- throws EBaseException {
- return (Hashtable<String, Object>) mRecoveryParams.get(recoveryID);
- }
- public void createPk12(String recoveryID, byte[] pk12)
- throws EBaseException {
- Hashtable<String, Object> h = getRecoveryParams(recoveryID);
- h.put(PARAM_PK12, pk12);
- }
- public byte[] getPk12(String recoveryID)
- throws EBaseException {
- return (byte[]) getRecoveryParams(recoveryID).get(PARAM_PK12);
- }
- public void createError(String recoveryID, String error)
- throws EBaseException {
- Hashtable<String, Object> h = getRecoveryParams(recoveryID);
- h.put(PARAM_ERROR, error);
- }
- public String getError(String recoveryID)
- throws EBaseException {
- return (String) getRecoveryParams(recoveryID).get(PARAM_ERROR);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieve the current approval agents
- */
- public Vector<Credential> getAppAgents(
- String recoveryID) throws EBaseException {
- Hashtable<String, Object> h = getRecoveryParams(recoveryID);
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- Vector<Credential> dc = (Vector<Credential>) h.get(PARAM_CREDS);
- return dc;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a list credentials. This puts KRA in a waiting
- * mode, it never returns until all the necessary passwords
- * are collected.
- */
- public Credential[] getDistributedCredentials(
- String recoveryID)
- throws EBaseException {
- Hashtable<String, Object> h = getRecoveryParams(recoveryID);
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- Vector<Credential> dc = (Vector<Credential>) h.get(PARAM_CREDS);
- Object lock = (Object) h.get(PARAM_LOCK);
- synchronized (lock) {
- while (dc.size() < getNoOfRequiredAgents()) {
- CMS.debug("KeyRecoveryAuthority: cfu in synchronized lock for getDistributedCredentials");
- try {
- lock.wait();
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- }
- }
- Credential creds[] = new Credential[dc.size()];
- dc.copyInto(creds);
- return creds;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Verifies credential.
- */
- private void verifyCredential(Vector<Credential> creds, String uid,
- String pwd) throws EBaseException {
- // see if we have the uid already
- if (!mConfig.getBoolean("keySplitting")) {
- // check if the uid is in the specified group
- IUGSubsystem ug = (IUGSubsystem) CMS.getSubsystem(CMS.SUBSYSTEM_UG);
- if (!ug.isMemberOf(uid, mConfig.getString("recoveryAgentGroup"))) {
- // invalid group
- throw new EBaseException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_KRA_CREDENTIALS_NOT_EXIST"));
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < creds.size(); i++) {
- Credential c = creds.elementAt(i);
- if (c.getIdentifier().equals(uid)) {
- // duplicated uid
- throw new EBaseException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_KRA_CREDENTIALS_EXIST"));
- }
- }
- if (mConfig.getBoolean("keySplitting")) {
- mStorageKeyUnit.checkPassword(uid, pwd);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Adds password.
- */
- public void addDistributedCredential(String recoveryID,
- String uid, String pwd) throws EBaseException {
- Hashtable<String, Object> h = getRecoveryParams(recoveryID);
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- Vector<Credential> dc = (Vector<Credential>) h.get(PARAM_CREDS);
- Object lock = (Object) h.get(PARAM_LOCK);
- synchronized (lock) {
- verifyCredential(dc, uid, pwd);
- // verify password
- dc.addElement(new Credential(uid, pwd));
- // modify status object
- lock.notify();
- }
- }
- /**
- * Archives key. This creates a key record in the key
- * repository.
- * <P>
- *
- * <ul>
- * <li>signed.audit LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_PRIVATE_KEY_ARCHIVE_REQUEST used whenever a user private key archive
- * request is made (this is when the DRM receives the request)
- * <li>signed.audit LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_PRIVATE_KEY_ARCHIVE_REQUEST_PROCESSED used whenever a user private key
- * archive request is processed (this is when the DRM processes the request)
- * </ul>
- *
- * @param rec key record to be archived
- * @return executed request
- * @exception EBaseException failed to archive key
- * @return the request
- * <P>
- */
- public IRequest archiveKey(KeyRecord rec)
- throws EBaseException {
- String auditMessage = null;
- String auditSubjectID = auditSubjectID();
- String auditRequesterID = auditRequesterID();
- String auditPublicKey = auditPublicKey(rec);
- String auditArchiveID = ILogger.UNIDENTIFIED;
- IRequestQueue queue = null;
- IRequest r = null;
- String id = null;
- // ensure that any low-level exceptions are reported
- // to the signed audit log and stored as failures
- try {
- queue = getRequestQueue();
- r = queue.newRequest(KRAService.ENROLLMENT);
- if (r != null) {
- // overwrite "auditArchiveID" if and only if "id" != null
- id = r.getRequestId().toString();
- if (id != null) {
- auditArchiveID = id.trim();
- }
- }
- // store a message in the signed audit log file
- auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage(
- auditSubjectID,
- ILogger.SUCCESS,
- auditRequesterID,
- auditArchiveID);
- audit(auditMessage);
- } catch (EBaseException eAudit1) {
- // store a message in the signed audit log file
- auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage(
- auditSubjectID,
- ILogger.FAILURE,
- auditRequesterID,
- auditArchiveID);
- audit(auditMessage);
- throw eAudit1;
- }
- // ensure that any low-level exceptions are reported
- // to the signed audit log and stored as failures
- try {
- if (r != null) {
- r.setExtData(EnrollmentService.ATTR_KEY_RECORD, rec.getSerialNumber());
- queue.processRequest(r);
- }
- // store a message in the signed audit log file
- auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage(
- auditSubjectID,
- ILogger.SUCCESS,
- auditPublicKey);
- audit(auditMessage);
- } catch (EBaseException eAudit1) {
- // store a message in the signed audit log file
- auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage(
- auditSubjectID,
- ILogger.FAILURE,
- auditPublicKey);
- audit(auditMessage);
- throw eAudit1;
- }
- return r;
- }
- /**
- * async key recovery initiation
- */
- public String initAsyncKeyRecovery(BigInteger kid, X509CertImpl cert, String agent)
- throws EBaseException {
- String auditPublicKey = auditPublicKey(cert);
- String auditRecoveryID = "undefined";
- String auditMessage = null;
- String auditSubjectID = auditSubjectID();
- IRequestQueue queue = null;
- IRequest r = null;
- try {
- queue = getRequestQueue();
- r = queue.newRequest(KRAService.RECOVERY);
- r.setExtData(RecoveryService.ATTR_SERIALNO, kid);
- r.setExtData(RecoveryService.ATTR_USER_CERT, cert);
- // first one in the "approvingAgents" list is the initiating agent
- r.setExtData(RecoveryService.ATTR_APPROVE_AGENTS, agent);
- r.setRequestStatus(RequestStatus.PENDING);
- queue.updateRequest(r);
- auditRecoveryID = r.getRequestId().toString();
- // store a message in the signed audit log file
- auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage(
- auditSubjectID,
- ILogger.SUCCESS,
- auditRecoveryID,
- auditPublicKey);
- audit(auditMessage);
- } catch (EBaseException eAudit1) {
- // store a message in the signed audit log file
- auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage(
- auditSubjectID,
- ILogger.FAILURE,
- auditRecoveryID,
- auditPublicKey);
- audit(auditMessage);
- throw eAudit1;
- }
- //NO call to queue.processRequest(r) because it is only initiating
- return r.getRequestId().toString();
- }
- /**
- * is async recovery request status APPROVED -
- * i.e. all required # of recovery agents approved
- */
- public boolean isApprovedAsyncKeyRecovery(String reqID)
- throws EBaseException {
- IRequestQueue queue = null;
- IRequest r = null;
- queue = getRequestQueue();
- r = queue.findRequest(new RequestId(reqID));
- if ((r.getRequestStatus() == RequestStatus.APPROVED)) {
- return true;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- /**
- * get async recovery request initiating agent
- */
- public String getInitAgentAsyncKeyRecovery(String reqID)
- throws EBaseException {
- IRequestQueue queue = null;
- IRequest r = null;
- queue = getRequestQueue();
- r = queue.findRequest(new RequestId(reqID));
- String agents = r.getExtDataInString(RecoveryService.ATTR_APPROVE_AGENTS);
- if (agents != null) {
- int i = agents.indexOf(",");
- if (i == -1) {
- return agents;
- }
- return agents.substring(0, i);
- } else { // no approvingAgents existing, can't be async recovery
- CMS.debug("getInitAgentAsyncKeyRecovery: no approvingAgents in request");
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * add async recovery agent to approving agent list of the recovery request
- * record
- * This method will check to see if the agent belongs to the recovery group
- * first before adding.
- */
- public void addAgentAsyncKeyRecovery(String reqID, String agentID)
- throws EBaseException {
- IRequestQueue queue = null;
- IRequest r = null;
- // check if the uid is in the specified group
- IUGSubsystem ug = (IUGSubsystem) CMS.getSubsystem(CMS.SUBSYSTEM_UG);
- if (!ug.isMemberOf(agentID, mConfig.getString("recoveryAgentGroup"))) {
- // invalid group
- throw new EBaseException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_KRA_CREDENTIALS_NOT_EXIST"));
- }
- queue = getRequestQueue();
- r = queue.findRequest(new RequestId(reqID));
- String agents = r.getExtDataInString(RecoveryService.ATTR_APPROVE_AGENTS);
- if (agents != null) {
- int count = 0;
- StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(agents, ",");
- for (; st.hasMoreTokens();) {
- String a = st.nextToken();
- // first one is the initiating agent
- if ((count != 0) && a.equals(agentID)) {
- // duplicated uid
- throw new EBaseException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_KRA_CREDENTIALS_EXIST"));
- }
- count++;
- }
- // note: if count==1 and required agents is 1, it's good to add
- // and it'd look like "agent1,agent1" - that's the only dup allowed
- if (count <= getNoOfRequiredAgents()) { //all good, add it
- r.setExtData(RecoveryService.ATTR_APPROVE_AGENTS,
- agents + "," + agentID);
- if (count == getNoOfRequiredAgents()) {
- r.setRequestStatus(RequestStatus.APPROVED);
- } else {
- r.setRequestStatus(RequestStatus.PENDING);
- }
- queue.updateRequest(r);
- }
- } else { // no approvingAgents existing, can't be async recovery
- CMS.debug("addAgentAsyncKeyRecovery: no approvingAgents in request. Async recovery request not initiated?");
- }
- }
- /**
- * Recovers key for administrators. This method is
- * invoked by the agent operation of the key recovery servlet.
- * <P>
- *
- * <ul>
- * <li>signed.audit LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_KEY_RECOVERY_REQUEST used whenever a user private key recovery request is
- * made (this is when the DRM receives the request)
- * <li>signed.audit LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_KEY_RECOVERY_REQUEST_PROCESSED used whenever a user private key recovery
- * request is processed (this is when the DRM processes the request)
- * </ul>
- *
- * @param kid key identifier
- * @param creds list of recovery agent credentials
- * @param password password of the PKCS12 package
- * @param cert certficate that will be put in PKCS12
- * @param delivery file, mail or something else
- * @param nickname string containing the nickname of the id cert for this
- * subsystem
- * @exception EBaseException failed to recover key
- * @return a byte array containing the key
- */
- public byte[] doKeyRecovery(BigInteger kid,
- Credential creds[], String password,
- X509CertImpl cert,
- String delivery, String nickname,
- String agent)
- throws EBaseException {
- String auditMessage = null;
- String auditSubjectID = auditSubjectID();
- String auditRecoveryID = auditRecoveryID();
- String auditPublicKey = auditPublicKey(cert);
- String auditAgents = ILogger.SIGNED_AUDIT_EMPTY_VALUE;
- IRequestQueue queue = null;
- IRequest r = null;
- Hashtable<String, Object> params = null;
- CMS.debug("KeyRecoveryAuthority: in synchronous doKeyRecovery()");
- // ensure that any low-level exceptions are reported
- // to the signed audit log and stored as failures
- try {
- queue = getRequestQueue();
- r = queue.newRequest(KRAService.RECOVERY);
- // set transient parameters
- params = createVolatileRequest(r.getRequestId());
- if (mConfig.getBoolean("keySplitting")) {
- params.put(RecoveryService.ATTR_AGENT_CREDENTIALS, creds);
- }
- params.put(RecoveryService.ATTR_TRANSPORT_PWD, password);
- r.setExtData(RecoveryService.ATTR_SERIALNO, kid);
- r.setExtData(RecoveryService.ATTR_USER_CERT, cert);
- if (nickname != null) {
- nickname = nickname.trim();
- if (!nickname.equals("")) {
- r.setExtData(RecoveryService.ATTR_NICKNAME, nickname);
- }
- }
- // for both sync and async recovery
- r.setExtData(RecoveryService.ATTR_APPROVE_AGENTS, agent);
- // store a message in the signed audit log file
- auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage(
- auditSubjectID,
- ILogger.SUCCESS,
- auditRecoveryID,
- auditPublicKey);
- audit(auditMessage);
- } catch (EBaseException eAudit1) {
- // store a message in the signed audit log file
- auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage(
- auditSubjectID,
- ILogger.FAILURE,
- auditRecoveryID,
- auditPublicKey);
- audit(auditMessage);
- throw eAudit1;
- }
- // ensure that any low-level exceptions are reported
- // to the signed audit log and stored as failures
- try {
- queue.processRequest(r);
- if (r.getExtDataInString(IRequest.ERROR) == null) {
- byte pkcs12[] = (byte[]) params.get(
- RecoveryService.ATTR_PKCS12);
- auditAgents = auditAgents(creds);
- // store a message in the signed audit log file
- auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage(
- auditSubjectID,
- ILogger.SUCCESS,
- auditRecoveryID,
- auditAgents);
- audit(auditMessage);
- destroyVolatileRequest(r.getRequestId());
- return pkcs12;
- } else {
- // store a message in the signed audit log file
- auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage(
- auditSubjectID,
- ILogger.FAILURE,
- auditRecoveryID,
- auditAgents);
- audit(auditMessage);
- throw new EBaseException(r.getExtDataInString(IRequest.ERROR));
- }
- } catch (EBaseException eAudit1) {
- // store a message in the signed audit log file
- auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage(
- auditSubjectID,
- ILogger.FAILURE,
- auditRecoveryID,
- auditAgents);
- audit(auditMessage);
- throw eAudit1;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Async Recovers key for administrators. This method is
- * invoked by the agent operation of the key recovery servlet.
- * <P>
- *
- * <ul>
- * <li>signed.audit LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_KEY_RECOVERY_REQUEST used whenever a user private key recovery request is
- * made (this is when the DRM receives the request)
- * <li>signed.audit LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_KEY_RECOVERY_REQUEST_PROCESSED used whenever a user private key recovery
- * request is processed (this is when the DRM processes the request)
- * </ul>
- *
- * @param requestID request id
- * @param password password of the PKCS12 package
- * subsystem
- * @exception EBaseException failed to recover key
- * @return a byte array containing the key
- */
- public byte[] doKeyRecovery(
- String reqID,
- String password)
- throws EBaseException {
- String auditMessage = null;
- String auditSubjectID = auditSubjectID();
- String auditRecoveryID = reqID;
- String auditAgents = ILogger.SIGNED_AUDIT_EMPTY_VALUE;
- IRequestQueue queue = null;
- IRequest r = null;
- Hashtable<String, Object> params = null;
- CMS.debug("KeyRecoveryAuthority: in asynchronous doKeyRecovery()");
- queue = getRequestQueue();
- r = queue.findRequest(new RequestId(reqID));
- auditAgents =
- r.getExtDataInString(RecoveryService.ATTR_APPROVE_AGENTS);
- // set transient parameters
- params = createVolatileRequest(r.getRequestId());
- params.put(RecoveryService.ATTR_TRANSPORT_PWD, password);
- // ensure that any low-level exceptions are reported
- // to the signed audit log and stored as failures
- try {
- CMS.debug("KeyRecoveryAuthority: in asynchronous doKeyRecovery(), request state ="
- + r.getRequestStatus().toString());
- // can only process requests in begin state
- r.setRequestStatus(RequestStatus.BEGIN);
- queue.processRequest(r);
- if (r.getExtDataInString(IRequest.ERROR) == null) {
- byte pkcs12[] = (byte[]) params.get(
- RecoveryService.ATTR_PKCS12);
- // store a message in the signed audit log file
- auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage(
- auditSubjectID,
- ILogger.SUCCESS,
- auditRecoveryID,
- auditAgents);
- audit(auditMessage);
- destroyVolatileRequest(r.getRequestId());
- return pkcs12;
- } else {
- // store a message in the signed audit log file
- auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage(
- auditSubjectID,
- ILogger.FAILURE,
- auditRecoveryID,
- auditAgents);
- audit(auditMessage);
- throw new EBaseException(r.getExtDataInString(IRequest.ERROR));
- }
- } catch (EBaseException eAudit1) {
- // store a message in the signed audit log file
- auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage(
- auditSubjectID,
- ILogger.FAILURE,
- auditRecoveryID,
- auditAgents);
- audit(auditMessage);
- throw eAudit1;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Constructs a recovery request and submits it
- * to the request subsystem for processing.
- *
- * @param kid key identifier
- * @param creds list of recovery agent credentials
- * @param password password of the PKCS12 package
- * @param cert certficate that will be put in PKCS12
- * @param delivery file, mail or something else
- * @return executed request
- * @exception EBaseException failed to recover key
- */
- public IRequest recoverKey(BigInteger kid,
- Credential creds[], String password,
- X509CertImpl cert,
- String delivery) throws EBaseException {
- IRequestQueue queue = getRequestQueue();
- IRequest r = queue.newRequest("recovery");
- r.setExtData(RecoveryService.ATTR_SERIALNO, kid);
- r.setExtData(RecoveryService.ATTR_TRANSPORT_PWD, password);
- r.setExtData(RecoveryService.ATTR_USER_CERT, cert);
- r.setExtData(RecoveryService.ATTR_DELIVERY, delivery);
- queue.processRequest(r);
- return r;
- }
- /**
- * Recovers key for end-entities.
- *
- * @param creds list of credentials
- * @param encryptionChain certificate chain
- * @param signingCert signing cert
- * @param transportCert certificate to protect in-transit key
- * @param ownerName owner name
- * @return executed request
- * @exception EBaseException failed to recover key
- */
- public IRequest recoverKey(Credential creds[], CertificateChain
- encryptionChain, X509CertImpl signingCert,
- X509CertImpl transportCert,
- X500Name ownerName) throws EBaseException {
- IRequestQueue queue = getRequestQueue();
- IRequest r = queue.newRequest("recovery");
- ByteArrayOutputStream certChainOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
- try {
- encryptionChain.encode(certChainOut);
- r.setExtData(RecoveryService.ATTR_ENCRYPTION_CERTS,
- certChainOut.toByteArray());
- } catch (IOException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
- "Error encoding certificate chain");
- }
- r.setExtData(RecoveryService.ATTR_SIGNING_CERT, signingCert);
- r.setExtData(RecoveryService.ATTR_TRANSPORT_CERT, transportCert);
- DerOutputStream ownerNameOut = new DerOutputStream();
- try {
- ownerName.encode(ownerNameOut);
- r.setExtData(RecoveryService.ATTR_OWNER_NAME,
- ownerNameOut.toByteArray());
- } catch (IOException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
- "Error encoding X500Name for owner name");
- }
- queue.processRequest(r);
- return r;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the storage key unit. The storage key
- * is used to wrap the user key for long term
- * storage.
- *
- * @return storage key unit.
- */
- public IStorageKeyUnit getStorageKeyUnit() {
- return mStorageKeyUnit;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the transport key unit.
- *
- * @return transport key unit
- */
- public ITransportKeyUnit getTransportKeyUnit() {
- return mTransportKeyUnit;
- }
- /**
- * Returns the name of this subsystem. This name is
- * extracted from the transport certificate.
- *
- * @return KRA name
- */
- public X500Name getX500Name() {
- return mName;
- }
- public String getNickName() {
- return getNickname();
- }
- /**
- * Returns the nickname for the id cert of this
- * subsystem.
- *
- * @return nickname of the transport certificate
- */
- public String getNickname() {
- try {
- return mTransportKeyUnit.getNickName();
- } catch (EBaseException e) {
- return null;
- }
- }
- public void setNickname(String str) {
- try {
- mTransportKeyUnit.setNickName(str);
- } catch (EBaseException e) {
- }
- }
- public String getNewNickName() throws EBaseException {
- return mConfig.getString(PROP_NEW_NICKNAME, "");
- }
- public void setNewNickName(String name) {
- mConfig.putString(PROP_NEW_NICKNAME, name);
- }
- public IPolicy getPolicy() {
- return mPolicy;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves KRA request repository.
- * <P>
- *
- * @return request repository
- */
- public IRequestQueue getRequestQueue() {
- return mRequestQueue;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the key repository. The key repository
- * stores archived keys.
- * <P>
- */
- public IKeyRepository getKeyRepository() {
- return mKeyDB;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves replica repository.
- * <P>
- *
- * @return replica repository
- */
- public IReplicaIDRepository getReplicaRepository() {
- return mReplicaRepot;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the DN of this escrow authority.
- * <P>
- *
- * @return distinguished name
- */
- protected String getDN() {
- return getX500Name().toString();
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves database connection.
- */
- public IDBSubsystem getDBSubsystem() {
- return DBSubsystem.getInstance();
- }
- /**
- * Logs an event.
- *
- * @param level log level
- * @param msg message to log
- */
- public void log(int level, String msg) {
- mLogger.log(ILogger.EV_SYSTEM, null, ILogger.S_KRA,
- level, msg);
- }
- /**
- * Registers a request listener.
- *
- * @param l request listener
- */
- public void registerRequestListener(IRequestListener l) {
- // it's initialized.
- if (mNotify != null)
- mNotify.registerListener(l);
- }
- public void registerPendingListener(IRequestListener l) {
- mPNotify.registerListener(l);
- }
- /**
- * init notification related listeners -
- * right now only RequestInQueue listener is available for KRA
- */
- private void initNotificationListeners() {
- IConfigStore nc = null;
- try {
- nc = mConfig.getSubStore(PROP_NOTIFY_SUBSTORE);
- if (nc != null && nc.size() > 0) {
- // Initialize Request In Queue notification listener
- String requestInQListenerClassName =
- nc.getString("certificateIssuedListenerClassName",
- "com.netscape.cms.listeners.RequestInQListener");
- try {
- mReqInQListener = (IRequestListener) Class.forName(requestInQListenerClassName).newInstance();
- mReqInQListener.init(this, nc);
- } catch (Exception e1) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
- CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_KRA_REGISTER_LISTENER", requestInQListenerClassName));
- }
- } else {
- log(ILogger.LL_INFO,
- "No KRA notification Module configuration found");
- }
- } catch (EPropertyNotFound e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
- CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_KRA_NOTIFY_ERROR", e.toString()));
- } catch (EListenersException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
- CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_KRA_NOTIFY_ERROR", e.toString()));
- } catch (EBaseException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
- CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_KRA_NOTIFY_ERROR", e.toString()));
- }
- }
- /**
- * temporary accepted ras.
- */
- /* code no longer used
- public X500Name[] getAcceptedRAs() {
- // temporary. use usr/grp for real thing.
- X500Name radn = null;
- String raname = null;
- try {
- raname = mConfig.getString("acceptedRA", null);
- if (raname != null) {
- radn = new X500Name(raname);
- }
- } catch (IOException e) {
- mLogger.log(ILogger.EV_SYSTEM, ILogger.S_KRA,
- CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_KRA_INVALID_RA_NAME", raname, e.toString()));
- } catch (EBaseException e) {
- // ignore - set to null.
- mLogger.log(ILogger.EV_SYSTEM, ILogger.S_KRA,
- CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_KRA_INVALID_RA_SETUP", e.toString()));
- }
- return new X500Name[] { radn };
- }
- */
- public Hashtable<String, Hashtable<String, Object>> mVolatileRequests =
- new Hashtable<String, Hashtable<String, Object>>();
- /**
- * Creates a request object to store attributes that
- * will not be serialized. Currently, request queue
- * framework will try to serialize all the attribute into
- * persistent storage. Things like passwords are not
- * desirable to be stored.
- */
- public Hashtable<String, Object> createVolatileRequest(RequestId id) {
- Hashtable<String, Object> params = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
- mVolatileRequests.put(id.toString(), params);
- return params;
- }
- public Hashtable<String, Object> getVolatileRequest(RequestId id) {
- return (Hashtable<String, Object>) mVolatileRequests.get(id.toString());
- }
- public void destroyVolatileRequest(RequestId id) {
- mVolatileRequests.remove(id.toString());
- }
- public String getOfficialName() {
- }
- /**
- * Signed Audit Log
- *
- * This method is called to store messages to the signed audit log.
- * <P>
- *
- * @param msg signed audit log message
- */
- private void audit(String msg) {
- // in this case, do NOT strip preceding/trailing whitespace
- // from passed-in String parameters
- if (mSignedAuditLogger == null) {
- return;
- }
- mSignedAuditLogger.log(ILogger.EV_SIGNED_AUDIT,
- null,
- msg);
- }
- /**
- * Signed Audit Log Subject ID
- *
- * This method is called to obtain the "SubjectID" for
- * a signed audit log message.
- * <P>
- *
- * @return id string containing the signed audit log message SubjectID
- */
- private String auditSubjectID() {
- // if no signed audit object exists, bail
- if (mSignedAuditLogger == null) {
- return null;
- }
- String subjectID = null;
- // Initialize subjectID
- SessionContext auditContext = SessionContext.getExistingContext();
- if (auditContext != null) {
- subjectID = (String)
- auditContext.get(SessionContext.USER_ID);
- if (subjectID != null) {
- subjectID = subjectID.trim();
- } else {
- subjectID = ILogger.NONROLEUSER;
- }
- } else {
- subjectID = ILogger.UNIDENTIFIED;
- }
- return subjectID;
- }
- /**
- * Signed Audit Log Requester ID
- *
- * This method is called to obtain the "RequesterID" for
- * a signed audit log message.
- * <P>
- *
- * @return id string containing the signed audit log message RequesterID
- */
- private String auditRequesterID() {
- // if no signed audit object exists, bail
- if (mSignedAuditLogger == null) {
- return null;
- }
- String requesterID = null;
- // Initialize requesterID
- SessionContext auditContext = SessionContext.getExistingContext();
- if (auditContext != null) {
- requesterID = (String)
- auditContext.get(SessionContext.REQUESTER_ID);
- if (requesterID != null) {
- requesterID = requesterID.trim();
- } else {
- requesterID = ILogger.UNIDENTIFIED;
- }
- } else {
- requesterID = ILogger.UNIDENTIFIED;
- }
- return requesterID;
- }
- /**
- * Signed Audit Log Recovery ID
- *
- * This method is called to obtain the "RecoveryID" for
- * a signed audit log message.
- * <P>
- *
- * @return id string containing the signed audit log message RecoveryID
- */
- private String auditRecoveryID() {
- // if no signed audit object exists, bail
- if (mSignedAuditLogger == null) {
- return null;
- }
- String recoveryID = null;
- // Initialize recoveryID
- SessionContext auditContext = SessionContext.getExistingContext();
- if (auditContext != null) {
- recoveryID = (String)
- auditContext.get(SessionContext.RECOVERY_ID);
- if (recoveryID != null) {
- recoveryID = recoveryID.trim();
- } else {
- recoveryID = ILogger.UNIDENTIFIED;
- }
- } else {
- recoveryID = ILogger.UNIDENTIFIED;
- }
- return recoveryID;
- }
- /**
- * Signed Audit Log Public Key
- *
- * This method is called to obtain the public key from the passed in
- * "X509Certificate" for a signed audit log message.
- * <P>
- *
- * @param cert an X509Certificate
- * @return key string containing the certificate's public key
- */
- private String auditPublicKey(X509Certificate cert) {
- // if no signed audit object exists, bail
- if (mSignedAuditLogger == null) {
- return null;
- }
- if (cert == null) {
- }
- byte rawData[] = cert.getPublicKey().getEncoded();
- // convert "rawData" into "base64Data"
- if (rawData != null) {
- String base64Data = CMS.BtoA(rawData).trim();
- String key = "";
- // extract all line separators from the "base64Data"
- for (int i = 0; i < base64Data.length(); i++) {
- if (base64Data.substring(i, i).getBytes() != EOL) {
- key += base64Data.substring(i, i);
- }
- }
- return key;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Signed Audit Log Public Key
- *
- * This method is called to obtain the public key from the passed in
- * "KeyRecord" for a signed audit log message.
- * <P>
- *
- * @param rec a Key Record
- * @return key string containing the certificate's public key
- */
- private String auditPublicKey(KeyRecord rec) {
- // if no signed audit object exists, bail
- if (mSignedAuditLogger == null) {
- return null;
- }
- if (rec == null) {
- }
- byte rawData[] = null;
- try {
- rawData = rec.getPublicKeyData();
- } catch (EBaseException e) {
- }
- String key = null;
- // convert "rawData" into "base64Data"
- if (rawData != null) {
- String base64Data = null;
- base64Data = CMS.BtoA(rawData).trim();
- // extract all line separators from the "base64Data"
- for (int i = 0; i < base64Data.length(); i++) {
- if (base64Data.substring(i, i).getBytes() != EOL) {
- key += base64Data.substring(i, i);
- }
- }
- }
- if (key != null) {
- key = key.trim();
- if (key.equals("")) {
- } else {
- return key;
- }
- } else {
- }
- }
- /**
- * Signed Audit Agents
- *
- * This method is called to extract agent uids from the passed in
- * "Credentials[]" and return a string of comma-separated agent uids.
- * <P>
- *
- * @param creds array of credentials
- * @return a comma-separated string of agent uids
- */
- private String auditAgents(Credential creds[]) {
- if (creds == null)
- return null;
- // if no signed audit object exists, bail
- if (mSignedAuditLogger == null) {
- return null;
- }
- String agents = ILogger.SIGNED_AUDIT_EMPTY_VALUE;
- String uid = null;
- for (int i = 0; i < creds.length; i++) {
- uid = creds[i].getIdentifier();
- if (uid != null) {
- uid = uid.trim();
- }
- if (uid != null &&
- !uid.equals("")) {
- if (i == 0) {
- agents = uid;
- } else {
- }
- }
- }
- return agents;
- }