path: root/pki/base/common/src/com/netscape/cmscore/usrgrp/
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Diffstat (limited to 'pki/base/common/src/com/netscape/cmscore/usrgrp/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1685 deletions
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-// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
-// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// GNU General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
-// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
-// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-// (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
-// All rights reserved.
-package com.netscape.cmscore.usrgrp;
-import java.util.Enumeration;
-import java.util.Vector;
-import netscape.ldap.LDAPAttribute;
-import netscape.ldap.LDAPAttributeSet;
-import netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection;
-import netscape.ldap.LDAPDN;
-import netscape.ldap.LDAPEntry;
-import netscape.ldap.LDAPException;
-import netscape.ldap.LDAPModification;
-import netscape.ldap.LDAPModificationSet;
-import netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchConstraints;
-import netscape.ldap.LDAPSearchResults;
-import netscape.ldap.LDAPv2;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.apps.CMS;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.base.EBaseException;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.base.IConfigStore;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.base.ISubsystem;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.base.SessionContext;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.ldap.ELdapException;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.logging.AuditFormat;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.logging.ILogger;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.usrgrp.EUsrGrpException;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.usrgrp.ICertUserLocator;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.usrgrp.IGroup;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.usrgrp.IUGSubsystem;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.usrgrp.IUser;
-import com.netscape.certsrv.usrgrp.IUsrGrp;
-import com.netscape.cmscore.ldapconn.LdapBoundConnFactory;
-import com.netscape.cmscore.util.Debug;
- * This class defines low-level LDAP usr/grp management
- * usr/grp information is located remotely on another
- * LDAP server.
- *
- * @author thomask
- * @author cfu
- * @version $Revision$, $Date$
- */
-public final class UGSubsystem implements IUGSubsystem {
- public static final String ID = "usrgrp";
- private ICertUserLocator mCertUserLocator = null;
- private String mId = ID;
- protected static final String OBJECTCLASS_ATTR = "objectclass";
- protected static final String MEMBER_ATTR = "uniquemember";
- protected static final String GROUP_ATTR_VALUE = "groupofuniquenames";
- protected static final String LDAP_ATTR_USER_CERT_STRING = "description";
- protected static final String LDAP_ATTR_CERTDN = "seeAlso";
- protected static final String LDAP_ATTR_USER_CERT = "userCertificate";
- protected static final String PROP_BASEDN = "basedn";
- protected IConfigStore mConfig = null;
- protected LdapBoundConnFactory mLdapConnFactory = null;
- protected String mBaseDN = null;
- protected static UGSubsystem mUG = null;
- private static final String PROP_IMPL = "impl";
- private static final String PROP_CLASS = "class";
- private static final String PROP_PASSWORD_CHECKER = "PasswordChecker";
- private ILogger mLogger = null;
- // singleton enforcement
- private static UGSubsystem mInstance = new UGSubsystem();
- public static UGSubsystem getInstance() {
- return mInstance;
- }
- // end singleton enforcement.
- /**
- * Constructs LDAP based usr/grp management
- */
- private UGSubsystem() {
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves identifier of this scope.
- */
- public String getId() {
- return mId;
- }
- /**
- * Sets identifier of this manager
- */
- public void setId(String id) throws EBaseException {
- throw new EBaseException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_BASE_INVALID_OPERATION"));
- }
- /**
- * Connects to LDAP server.
- */
- public void init(ISubsystem owner, IConfigStore config)
- throws EBaseException {
- mLogger = CMS.getLogger();
- mConfig = config;
- // initialize LDAP connection factory
- try {
- IConfigStore ldapConfig = mConfig.getSubStore("ldap");
- mBaseDN = ldapConfig.getString(PROP_BASEDN, null);
- mLdapConnFactory = new LdapBoundConnFactory();
- mLdapConnFactory.init(ldapConfig);
- } catch (EBaseException e) {
- if (CMS.isPreOpMode())
- return;
- throw e;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Starts up this service.
- */
- public void startup() throws EBaseException {
- // register admin servlet
- }
- /**
- * Disconnects usr/grp manager from the LDAP
- */
- public void shutdown() {
- try {
- if (mLdapConnFactory != null) {
- mLdapConnFactory.reset();
- mLdapConnFactory = null;
- }
- } catch (ELdapException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_LDAP_SHUT", e.toString()));
- }
- }
- public IUser createUser(String id) {
- return new User(this, id);
- }
- public IGroup createGroup(String id) {
- return new Group(this, id);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves configuration store.
- */
- public IConfigStore getConfigStore() {
- return mConfig;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves the description of this scope.
- */
- public String getDescription() {
- return "User/Group Manager";
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a user from LDAP
- */
- public IUser getUser(String userid) throws EUsrGrpException {
- if (userid == null) {
- return null;
- }
- try {
- if (userid.indexOf('=') == -1) {
- Enumeration<IUser> e = findUsers(userid);
- if (e != null && e.hasMoreElements()) {
- IUser u = (IUser) e.nextElement();
- return u;
- } else {
- throw new EUsrGrpException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_USRGRP_USER_NOT_FOUND"));
- }
- } else {
- LDAPConnection ldapconn = null;
- try {
- ldapconn = getConn();
- // read DN
- LDAPSearchResults res =
- LDAPv2.SCOPE_SUB, "(objectclass=*)", null, false);
- Enumeration<IUser> e = buildUsers(res);
- if (e.hasMoreElements()) {
- return (IUser) e.nextElement();
- }
- } finally {
- if (ldapconn != null)
- returnConn(ldapconn);
- }
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_GET_USER", e.toString()));
- // throws...
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Locates a user by certificate.
- */
- public User findUser(X509Certificate cert) throws EUsrGrpException {
- if (cert == null) {
- return null;
- }
- LDAPConnection ldapconn = null;
- try {
- ldapconn = getConn();
- String filter = LDAP_ATTR_USER_CERT_STRING + "=" + getCertificateString(cert);
- LDAPSearchResults res =
- LDAPConnection.SCOPE_SUB, filter, null, false);
- Enumeration<IUser> e = buildUsers(res);
- return (User) e.nextElement();
- } catch (LDAPException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_FIND_USER", e.toString()));
- } catch (ELdapException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_INTERNAL_DB", e.toString()));
- } finally {
- if (ldapconn != null)
- returnConn(ldapconn);
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Searchs for identities that matches the certificate locater
- * generated filter.
- */
- public IUser findUsersByCert(String filter) throws
- EUsrGrpException, LDAPException {
- if (filter == null) {
- return null;
- }
- // To handle \ in the issuer DN or subject DN
- // (see also RFC 2254, and bug #348303
- int hasSlash = filter.indexOf('\\');
- if (hasSlash != -1) {
- String up = filter;
- String stripped = "";
- hasSlash = up.indexOf('\\');
- while (hasSlash != -1) {
- stripped += up.substring(0, hasSlash) +
- "\\5c";
- ;
- up = up.substring(hasSlash + 1);
- hasSlash = up.indexOf('\\');
- }
- filter = stripped + up;
- }
- LDAPConnection ldapconn = null;
- try {
- ldapconn = getConn();
- LDAPSearchResults res =,
- LDAPv2.SCOPE_SUB, "(" + filter + ")",
- null, false);
- Enumeration<IUser> e = buildUsers(res);
- return e.nextElement();
- } catch (LDAPException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_FIND_USER_BY_CERT", e.toString()));
- } catch (ELdapException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_FIND_USER_BY_CERT", e.toString()));
- } finally {
- if (ldapconn != null)
- returnConn(ldapconn);
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Searchs for identities that matches the filter.
- */
- public Enumeration<IUser> findUsers(String filter) throws EUsrGrpException {
- if (filter == null) {
- return null;
- }
- LDAPConnection ldapconn = null;
- try {
- ldapconn = getConn();
- LDAPSearchResults res =,
- LDAPv2.SCOPE_SUB, "(uid=" + filter + ")",
- null, false);
- Enumeration<IUser> e = buildUsers(res);
- return e;
- } catch (LDAPException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_FIND_USERS", e.toString()));
- } catch (ELdapException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_FIND_USERS", e.toString()));
- } finally {
- if (ldapconn != null)
- returnConn(ldapconn);
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Searchs for identities that matches the filter.
- * retrieves uid only, for efficiency of user listing
- */
- public Enumeration<IUser> listUsers(String filter) throws EUsrGrpException {
- if (filter == null) {
- return null;
- }
- LDAPConnection ldapconn = null;
- try {
- String attrs[] = new String[2];
- attrs[0] = "uid";
- attrs[1] = "cn";
- ldapconn = getConn();
- LDAPSearchConstraints cons = new LDAPSearchConstraints();
- cons.setMaxResults(0);
- LDAPSearchResults res =,
- LDAPv2.SCOPE_SUB, "(uid=" + filter + ")", attrs, false, cons);
- Enumeration<IUser> e = lbuildUsers(res);
- return e;
- } catch (LDAPException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_LIST_USERS", e.toString()));
- } catch (Exception e) {
- throw new EUsrGrpException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_INTERNAL_ERROR"));
- } finally {
- if (ldapconn != null)
- returnConn(ldapconn);
- }
- return null;
- }
- protected Enumeration<IUser> lbuildUsers(LDAPSearchResults res) throws
- EUsrGrpException {
- Vector<IUser> v = new Vector<IUser>();
- while (res.hasMoreElements()) {
- LDAPEntry entry = (LDAPEntry) res.nextElement();
- IUser user = lbuildUser(entry);
- v.addElement(user);
- }
- return v.elements();
- }
- protected Enumeration<IUser> buildUsers(LDAPSearchResults res) throws
- EUsrGrpException {
- Vector<IUser> v = new Vector<IUser>();
- if (res != null) {
- while (res.hasMoreElements()) {
- LDAPEntry entry = (LDAPEntry) res.nextElement();
- IUser user = buildUser(entry);
- v.addElement(user);
- }
- }
- // if v contains nothing, just throw exception
- if (v.size() == 0) {
- throw new EUsrGrpException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_USRGRP_USER_NOT_FOUND"));
- }
- return v.elements();
- }
- /**
- * builds a User instance. Sets only uid for user entry retrieved
- * from LDAP server. for listing efficiency only.
- *
- * @return the User entity.
- */
- protected IUser lbuildUser(LDAPEntry entry) throws EUsrGrpException {
- IUser id = createUser(this, (String)
- entry.getAttribute("uid").getStringValues().nextElement());
- LDAPAttribute cnAttr = entry.getAttribute("cn");
- if (cnAttr != null) {
- String cn = (String) cnAttr.getStringValues().nextElement();
- if (cn != null) {
- id.setFullName(cn);
- }
- }
- LDAPAttribute certAttr =
- entry.getAttribute(LDAP_ATTR_USER_CERT);
- if (certAttr != null) {
- Vector<X509Certificate> certVector = new Vector<X509Certificate>();
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- Enumeration<byte[]> e = certAttr.getByteValues();
- try {
- for (; e != null && e.hasMoreElements();) {
- X509Certificate cert = new X509CertImpl(
- e.nextElement());
- certVector.addElement(cert);
- }
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- throw new EUsrGrpException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_INTERNAL_ERROR"));
- }
- if (certVector != null && certVector.size() != 0) {
- // Make an array of certs
- X509Certificate[] certArray = new X509Certificate[certVector.size()];
- Enumeration<X509Certificate> en = certVector.elements();
- int i = 0;
- while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
- certArray[i++] = (X509Certificate)
- en.nextElement();
- }
- id.setX509Certificates(certArray);
- }
- }
- return id;
- }
- /**
- * builds a User instance. Set all attributes retrieved from
- * LDAP server and set them on User.
- *
- * @return the User entity.
- */
- protected IUser buildUser(LDAPEntry entry) throws EUsrGrpException {
- IUser id = createUser(this, (String)
- entry.getAttribute("uid").getStringValues().nextElement());
- LDAPAttribute cnAttr = entry.getAttribute("cn");
- if (cnAttr != null) {
- String cn = (String) cnAttr.getStringValues().nextElement();
- if (cn != null) {
- id.setFullName(cn);
- }
- }
- String userdn = entry.getDN();
- if (userdn != null) {
- id.setUserDN(userdn);
- } else { // the impossible
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_BUILD_USER", userdn));
- throw new EUsrGrpException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_INTERNAL_ERROR"));
- }
- /*
- LDAPAttribute certdnAttr = entry.getAttribute(LDAP_ATTR_CERTDN);
- if (certdnAttr != null) {
- String cdn = (String)certdnAttr.getStringValues().nextElement();
- if (cdn != null) {
- id.setCertDN(cdn);
- }
- }
- */
- LDAPAttribute mailAttr = entry.getAttribute("mail");
- if (mailAttr != null) {
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- Enumeration<String> en = mailAttr.getStringValues();
- if (en != null && en.hasMoreElements()) {
- String mail = en.nextElement();
- if (mail != null) {
- id.setEmail(mail);
- }
- }
- }
- if (id.getEmail() == null) {
- id.setEmail(""); // safety net
- }
- LDAPAttribute pwdAttr = entry.getAttribute("userpassword");
- if (pwdAttr != null) {
- String pwd = (String) pwdAttr.getStringValues().nextElement();
- if (pwd != null) {
- id.setPassword(pwd);
- }
- }
- LDAPAttribute phoneAttr = entry.getAttribute("telephonenumber");
- if (phoneAttr != null) {
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- Enumeration<String> en = phoneAttr.getStringValues();
- if (en != null && en.hasMoreElements()) {
- String phone = (String) en.nextElement();
- if (phone != null) {
- id.setPhone(phone);
- }
- }
- }
- if (id.getPhone() == null) {
- id.setPhone(""); // safety net
- }
- LDAPAttribute userTypeAttr = entry.getAttribute("usertype");
- if (userTypeAttr == null)
- id.setUserType("");
- else {
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- Enumeration<String> en = userTypeAttr.getStringValues();
- if (en != null && en.hasMoreElements()) {
- String userType = (String) en.nextElement();
- if ((userType != null) && (!userType.equals("undefined")))
- id.setUserType(userType);
- else
- id.setUserType("");
- }
- }
- LDAPAttribute userStateAttr = entry.getAttribute("userstate");
- if (userStateAttr == null)
- id.setState("");
- else {
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- Enumeration<String> en = userStateAttr.getStringValues();
- if (en != null && en.hasMoreElements()) {
- String userState = (String) en.nextElement();
- if (userState != null)
- id.setState(userState);
- else
- id.setState("");
- }
- }
- LDAPAttribute certAttr =
- entry.getAttribute(LDAP_ATTR_USER_CERT);
- if (certAttr != null) {
- Vector<X509Certificate> certVector = new Vector<X509Certificate>();
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- Enumeration<byte[]> e = certAttr.getByteValues();
- try {
- for (; e != null && e.hasMoreElements();) {
- X509Certificate cert = new X509CertImpl(
- (byte[]) e.nextElement());
- certVector.addElement(cert);
- }
- } catch (Exception ex) {
- throw new EUsrGrpException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_INTERNAL_ERROR"));
- }
- if (certVector != null && certVector.size() != 0) {
- // Make an array of certs
- X509Certificate[] certArray = new X509Certificate[certVector.size()];
- Enumeration<X509Certificate> en = certVector.elements();
- int i = 0;
- while (en.hasMoreElements()) {
- certArray[i++] = (X509Certificate)
- en.nextElement();
- }
- id.setX509Certificates(certArray);
- }
- }
- return id;
- }
- protected IUser createUser(IUsrGrp base, String id) {
- return new User(base, id);
- }
- /**
- * Adds identity. Certificates handled by a separate call to
- * addUserCert()
- */
- public void addUser(IUser identity) throws EUsrGrpException, LDAPException {
- User id = (User) identity;
- if (id == null) {
- throw new EUsrGrpException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_USRGRP_ADD_USER_FAIL"));
- }
- if (id.getUserID() == null) {
- throw new EUsrGrpException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_USRGRP_ADD_USER_FAIL_NO_UID"));
- }
- LDAPAttributeSet attrs = new LDAPAttributeSet();
- String oc[] = { "top", "person", "organizationalPerson",
- "inetOrgPerson", "cmsuser" };
- attrs.add(new LDAPAttribute("objectclass", oc));
- attrs.add(new LDAPAttribute("uid", id.getUserID()));
- attrs.add(new LDAPAttribute("sn", id.getFullName()));
- attrs.add(new LDAPAttribute("cn", id.getFullName()));
- attrs.add(new LDAPAttribute("mail", id.getEmail()));
- if (id.getPhone() != null) {
- // DS syntax checking requires a value for PrintableString syntax
- if (!id.getPhone().equals("")) {
- attrs.add(new LDAPAttribute("telephonenumber", id.getPhone()));
- }
- }
- attrs.add(new LDAPAttribute("userpassword",
- id.getPassword()));
- if (id.getUserType() != null) {
- // DS syntax checking requires a value for Directory String syntax
- // but usertype is a MUST attribute, so we need to add something here
- // if it is undefined.
- if (!id.getUserType().equals("")) {
- attrs.add(new LDAPAttribute("usertype", id.getUserType()));
- } else {
- attrs.add(new LDAPAttribute("usertype", "undefined"));
- }
- }
- if (id.getState() != null) {
- // DS syntax checking requires a value for Directory String syntax
- if (!id.getState().equals("")) {
- attrs.add(new LDAPAttribute("userstate", id.getState()));
- }
- }
- LDAPEntry entry = new LDAPEntry("uid=" + id.getUserID() +
- "," + getUserBaseDN(), attrs);
- // for audit log
- SessionContext sessionContext = SessionContext.getContext();
- String adminId = (String) sessionContext.get(SessionContext.USER_ID);
- mLogger.log(ILogger.EV_AUDIT, ILogger.S_USRGRP,
- AuditFormat.LEVEL, AuditFormat.ADDUSERFORMAT,
- new Object[] { adminId, id.getUserID() }
- );
- LDAPConnection ldapconn = null;
- try {
- ldapconn = getConn();
- ldapconn.add(entry);
- } catch (ELdapException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_ADD_USER", e.toString()));
- } finally {
- if (ldapconn != null)
- returnConn(ldapconn);
- }
- }
- /**
- * adds a user certificate to user
- */
- public void addUserCert(IUser identity) throws EUsrGrpException,
- LDAPException {
- User user = (User) identity;
- if (user == null) {
- return;
- }
- X509Certificate cert[] = null;
- LDAPModificationSet addCert = new LDAPModificationSet();
- if ((cert = user.getX509Certificates()) != null) {
- LDAPAttribute attrCertStr = new LDAPAttribute(LDAP_ATTR_USER_CERT_STRING);
- LDAPAttribute attrCertBin = new LDAPAttribute(LDAP_ATTR_USER_CERT);
- try {
- attrCertBin.addValue(cert[0].getEncoded());
- attrCertStr.addValue(getCertificateString(cert[0]));
- } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_ADD_USER_CERT", e.toString()));
- throw new EUsrGrpException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_USRGRP_USR_CERT_ERROR"));
- }
- addCert.add(LDAPModification.ADD, attrCertStr);
- addCert.add(LDAPModification.ADD, attrCertBin);
- LDAPConnection ldapconn = null;
- try {
- ldapconn = getConn();
- ldapconn.modify("uid=" + user.getUserID() +
- "," + getUserBaseDN(), addCert);
- // for audit log
- SessionContext sessionContext = SessionContext.getContext();
- String adminId = (String) sessionContext.get(SessionContext.USER_ID);
- mLogger.log(ILogger.EV_AUDIT, ILogger.S_USRGRP,
- new Object[] { adminId, user.getUserID(),
- cert[0].getSubjectDN().toString(),
- cert[0].getSerialNumber().toString(16) }
- );
- } catch (LDAPException e) {
- if (Debug.ON) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_ADD_USER", e.toString()));
- throw e;
- } catch (ELdapException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_ADD_USER", e.toString()));
- } finally {
- if (ldapconn != null)
- returnConn(ldapconn);
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- public void addCertSubjectDN(IUser identity) throws EUsrGrpException, LDAPException {
- User user = (User) identity;
- if (user == null) {
- return;
- }
- X509Certificate cert[] = null;
- LDAPModificationSet addCert = new LDAPModificationSet();
- if ((cert = user.getX509Certificates()) != null) {
- LDAPAttribute attrCertDNStr = new LDAPAttribute(LDAP_ATTR_CERTDN);
- attrCertDNStr.addValue(cert[0].getSubjectDN().toString());
- addCert.add(LDAPModification.ADD, attrCertDNStr);
- LDAPConnection ldapconn = null;
- try {
- ldapconn = getConn();
- ldapconn.modify("uid=" + user.getUserID() +
- "," + getUserBaseDN(), addCert);
- // for audit log
- SessionContext sessionContext = SessionContext.getContext();
- String adminId = (String) sessionContext.get(SessionContext.USER_ID);
- mLogger.log(ILogger.EV_AUDIT, ILogger.S_USRGRP,
- new Object[] { adminId, user.getUserID(),
- cert[0].getSubjectDN().toString()}
- );
- } catch (LDAPException e) {
- if (Debug.ON) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_ADD_USER", e.toString()));
- throw e;
- } catch (ELdapException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_ADD_USER", e.toString()));
- } finally {
- if (ldapconn != null)
- returnConn(ldapconn);
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- /**
- * Removes a user certificate for a user entry
- * given a user certificate DN (actually, a combination of version,
- * serialNumber, issuerDN, and SubjectDN), and it gets removed
- */
- public void removeUserCert(IUser identity) throws EUsrGrpException {
- User user = (User) identity;
- User ldapUser = null;
- if (user == null) {
- return;
- }
- // retrieve all certs of the user, then match the cert String for
- // removal
- ldapUser = (User) getUser(user.getUserID());
- if (ldapUser == null) {
- throw new EUsrGrpException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_USRGRP_USER_NOT_FOUND"));
- }
- X509Certificate[] certs = ldapUser.getX509Certificates();
- if (certs == null) {
- throw new EUsrGrpException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_USRGRP_CERT_NOT_FOUND"));
- }
- String delCertdn = user.getCertDN();
- if (delCertdn == null) {
- throw new EUsrGrpException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_USRGRP_CERT_NOT_FOUND"));
- }
- LDAPAttribute certAttr = new
- LDAPAttribute certAttrS = new
- LDAPAttribute certDNAttrS = new LDAPAttribute(LDAP_ATTR_CERTDN);
- int certCount = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < certs.length; i++) {
- LDAPModificationSet attrs = new LDAPModificationSet();
- String certStr = null;
- if (delCertdn.startsWith("-1;")) {
- certStr = getCertificateStringWithoutVersion(certs[i]);
- } else {
- certStr = getCertificateString(certs[i]);
- }
- if (delCertdn.equalsIgnoreCase(certStr)) {
- try {
- certAttr.addValue(certs[i].getEncoded());
- certAttrS.addValue(getCertificateString(certs[i]));
- certDNAttrS.addValue(certs[i].getSubjectDN().toString());
- } catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
- throw new EUsrGrpException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_USRGRP_USR_CERT_ERROR"));
- }
- attrs.add(LDAPModification.DELETE, certAttr);
- attrs.add(LDAPModification.DELETE, certAttrS);
- attrs.add(LDAPModification.DELETE, certDNAttrS);
- LDAPConnection ldapconn = null;
- try {
- ldapconn = getConn();
- ldapconn.modify("uid=" + user.getUserID() +
- "," + getUserBaseDN(), attrs);
- certCount++;
- // for audit log
- SessionContext sessionContext = SessionContext.getContext();
- String adminId = (String) sessionContext.get(SessionContext.USER_ID);
- mLogger.log(ILogger.EV_AUDIT,
- ILogger.S_USRGRP,
- AuditFormat.LEVEL,
- new Object[] { adminId, user.getUserID(),
- certs[0].getSubjectDN().toString(),
- certs[i].getSerialNumber().toString(16) }
- );
- } catch (LDAPException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_REMOVE_USER", e.toString()));
- throw new EUsrGrpException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_USRGRP_MOD_USER_FAIL"));
- } catch (ELdapException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_REMOVE_USER", e.toString()));
- } finally {
- if (ldapconn != null)
- returnConn(ldapconn);
- }
- }
- }
- if (certCount == 0) {
- throw new EUsrGrpException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_USRGRP_CERT_NOT_FOUND"));
- }
- return;
- }
- public void removeUserFromGroup(IGroup grp, String userid)
- throws EUsrGrpException {
- LDAPConnection ldapconn = null;
- try {
- ldapconn = getConn();
- String groupDN = "cn=" + grp.getGroupID() +
- "," + getGroupBaseDN();
- LDAPAttribute memberAttr = new LDAPAttribute(
- "uniquemember", "uid=" + userid + "," + getUserBaseDN());
- LDAPModification singleChange = new LDAPModification(
- LDAPModification.DELETE, memberAttr);
- ldapconn.modify(groupDN, singleChange);
- } catch (LDAPException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_REMOVE_USER_FROM_GROUP", e.toString()));
- throw new EUsrGrpException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_USRGRP_REMOVE_USER_FAIL"));
- } catch (ELdapException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_REMOVE_USER_FROM_GROUP", e.toString()));
- } finally {
- if (ldapconn != null)
- returnConn(ldapconn);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Removes identity.
- */
- public void removeUser(String userid) throws EUsrGrpException {
- if (userid == null) {
- return;
- }
- LDAPConnection ldapconn = null;
- try {
- ldapconn = getConn();
- ldapconn.delete("uid=" + userid + "," + getUserBaseDN());
- // for audit log
- SessionContext sessionContext = SessionContext.getContext();
- String adminId = (String) sessionContext.get(SessionContext.USER_ID);
- mLogger.log(ILogger.EV_AUDIT, ILogger.S_USRGRP,
- AuditFormat.LEVEL, AuditFormat.REMOVEUSERFORMAT,
- new Object[] { adminId, userid }
- );
- } catch (LDAPException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_REMOVE_USER", e.toString()));
- throw new EUsrGrpException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_USRGRP_REMOVE_USER_FAIL"));
- } catch (ELdapException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_REMOVE_USER", e.toString()));
- } finally {
- if (ldapconn != null)
- returnConn(ldapconn);
- }
- }
- /**
- * modifies user attributes. Certs are handled separately
- */
- public void modifyUser(IUser identity) throws EUsrGrpException {
- User user = (User) identity;
- String st = null;
- /**
- * X509Certificate certs[] = null;
- **/
- LDAPModificationSet attrs = new LDAPModificationSet();
- if (user == null) {
- return;
- }
- LDAPConnection ldapconn = null;
- try {
- ldapconn = getConn();
- if ((st = user.getFullName()) != null) {
- attrs.add(LDAPModification.REPLACE,
- new LDAPAttribute("sn", st));
- attrs.add(LDAPModification.REPLACE,
- new LDAPAttribute("cn", st));
- }
- if ((st = user.getEmail()) != null) {
- LDAPAttribute ld = new LDAPAttribute("mail", st);
- attrs.add(LDAPModification.REPLACE, ld);
- }
- if ((st = user.getPassword()) != null && (!st.equals(""))) {
- attrs.add(LDAPModification.REPLACE,
- new LDAPAttribute("userpassword", st));
- }
- if ((st = user.getPhone()) != null) {
- if (!st.equals("")) {
- attrs.add(LDAPModification.REPLACE,
- new LDAPAttribute("telephonenumber", st));
- } else {
- try {
- LDAPModification singleChange = new LDAPModification(
- LDAPModification.DELETE, new LDAPAttribute("telephonenumber"));
- ldapconn.modify("uid=" + user.getUserID() +
- "," + getUserBaseDN(), singleChange);
- } catch (LDAPException e) {
- if (e.getLDAPResultCode() != LDAPException.NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE) {
- CMS.debug("modifyUser: Error in deleting telephonenumber");
- throw e;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ((st = user.getState()) != null) {
- if (!st.equals("")) {
- attrs.add(LDAPModification.REPLACE,
- new LDAPAttribute("userstate", st));
- } else {
- try {
- LDAPModification singleChange = new LDAPModification(
- LDAPModification.DELETE, new LDAPAttribute("userstate"));
- ldapconn.modify("uid=" + user.getUserID() +
- "," + getUserBaseDN(), singleChange);
- } catch (LDAPException e) {
- if (e.getLDAPResultCode() != LDAPException.NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE) {
- CMS.debug("modifyUser: Error in deleting userstate");
- throw e;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * if ((certs = user.getCertificates()) != null) {
- * LDAPAttribute attrCertStr = new
- * LDAPAttribute("description");
- * LDAPAttribute attrCertBin = new
- * for (int i = 0 ; i < certs.length; i++) {
- * attrCertBin.addValue(certs[i].getEncoded());
- * attrCertStr.addValue(getCertificateString(certs[i]));
- * }
- * attrs.add(attrCertStr);
- *
- * if (user.getCertOp() == OpDef.ADD) {
- * attrs.add(LDAPModification.ADD, attrCertBin);
- * } else if (user.getCertOp() == OpDef.DELETE) {
- * attrs.add(LDAPModification.DELETE, attrCertBin);
- * } else {
- * throw new EUsrGrpException(UsrGrpResources.USR_MOD_ILL_CERT_OP);
- * }
- * }
- **/
- ldapconn.modify("uid=" + user.getUserID() +
- "," + getUserBaseDN(), attrs);
- // for audit log
- SessionContext sessionContext = SessionContext.getContext();
- String adminId = (String) sessionContext.get(SessionContext.USER_ID);
- mLogger.log(ILogger.EV_AUDIT, ILogger.S_USRGRP,
- AuditFormat.LEVEL, AuditFormat.MODIFYUSERFORMAT,
- new Object[] { adminId, user.getUserID() }
- );
- } catch (Exception e) {
- //e.printStackTrace();
- throw new EUsrGrpException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_USRGRP_MOD_USER_FAIL"));
- } finally {
- if (ldapconn != null)
- returnConn(ldapconn);
- }
- }
- protected Enumeration<IGroup> buildGroups(LDAPSearchResults res) {
- Vector<IGroup> v = new Vector<IGroup>();
- while (res.hasMoreElements()) {
- LDAPEntry entry = (LDAPEntry) res.nextElement();
- v.addElement(buildGroup(entry));
- }
- return v.elements();
- }
- /**
- * Finds groups.
- */
- public Enumeration<IGroup> findGroups(String filter) {
- if (filter == null) {
- return null;
- }
- LDAPConnection ldapconn = null;
- try {
- ldapconn = getConn();
- LDAPSearchResults res =
- "(&(objectclass=groupofuniquenames)(cn=" + filter + "))",
- null, false);
- return buildGroups(res);
- } catch (LDAPException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_FIND_GROUPS", e.toString()));
- return null;
- } catch (ELdapException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_FIND_GROUPS", e.toString()));
- return null;
- } finally {
- if (ldapconn != null)
- returnConn(ldapconn);
- }
- }
- public IGroup findGroup(String filter) {
- Enumeration<IGroup> groups = findGroups(filter);
- if (groups == null || !groups.hasMoreElements())
- return null;
- return groups.nextElement();
- }
- /**
- * List groups. more efficient than find Groups. only retrieves
- * group names and description.
- */
- public Enumeration<IGroup> listGroups(String filter) throws EUsrGrpException {
- if (filter == null) {
- return null;
- }
- LDAPConnection ldapconn = null;
- try {
- String attrs[] = new String[2];
- attrs[0] = "cn";
- attrs[1] = "description";
- ldapconn = getConn();
- LDAPSearchResults res =
- "(&(objectclass=groupofuniquenames)(cn=" + filter + "))",
- attrs, false);
- return buildGroups(res);
- } catch (LDAPException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_LIST_GROUPS", e.toString()));
- } catch (ELdapException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_LIST_GROUPS", e.toString()));
- } finally {
- if (ldapconn != null)
- returnConn(ldapconn);
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * builds an instance of a Group entry
- */
- protected IGroup buildGroup(LDAPEntry entry) {
- String groupName = (String) entry.getAttribute("cn").getStringValues().nextElement();
- IGroup grp = createGroup(this, groupName);
- LDAPAttribute grpDesc = entry.getAttribute("description");
- if (grpDesc != null) {
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- Enumeration<String> en = grpDesc.getStringValues();
- if (en != null && en.hasMoreElements()) {
- String desc = (String) en.nextElement();
- if (desc != null) {
- try {
- grp.set("description", desc);
- } catch (EBaseException ex) {
- // later...
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_BUILD_GROUP", ex.toString()));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (grp.getDescription() == null) {
- try {
- grp.set("description", ""); // safety net
- } catch (EBaseException ex) {
- // later...
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_BUILD_GROUP", ex.toString()));
- }
- }
- // parser member (should use late-materialization)
- LDAPAttribute attr = entry.getAttribute("uniquemember");
- if (attr == null) {
- return grp;
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- Enumeration<String> e = attr.getStringValues();
- while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
- String v = (String) e.nextElement();
- // grp.addMemberName(v);
- /* BAD_GROUP_MEMBER message goes to system log
- * We are testing unique member attribute for
- * 1. presence of uid string
- * 2. presence and sequence of equal sign and comma
- * 3. absence of equal sign between previously found equal sign and comma
- * 4. absence of non white space characters between uid string and equal sign
- */
- int i = -1;
- int j = -1;
- if (v == null || v.length() < 3 || (!(v.substring(0, 3)).equalsIgnoreCase("uid")) ||
- ((i = v.indexOf('=')) < 0) || ((j = v.indexOf(',')) < 0) || i > j ||
- (v.substring(i + 1, j)).indexOf('=') > -1 || ((v.substring(3, i)).trim()).length() > 0) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_BAD_GROUP_MEMBER", groupName, v));
- } else {
- grp.addMemberName(v.substring(v.indexOf('=') + 1, v.indexOf(',')));
- }
- }
- return grp;
- }
- protected IGroup createGroup(IUsrGrp scope, String id) {
- return new Group(scope, id);
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a group from LDAP
- * NOTE - this takes just the group name.
- */
- public IGroup getGroupFromName(String name) {
- return getGroup("cn=" + name + "," + getGroupBaseDN());
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves a group from LDAP
- * NOTE - LH This takes a full LDAP DN.
- */
- public IGroup getGroup(String name) {
- if (name == null) {
- return null;
- }
- LDAPConnection ldapconn = null;
- try {
- ldapconn = getConn();
- // read the group object
- LDAPSearchResults res =,
- LDAPConnection.SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", null, false);
- Enumeration<IGroup> e = buildGroups(res);
- if (e == null || e.hasMoreElements() == false)
- return null;
- return (IGroup) e.nextElement();
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_GET_GROUP", e.toString()));
- } finally {
- if (ldapconn != null)
- returnConn(ldapconn);
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Checks if the given group exists
- */
- public boolean isGroupPresent(String name) {
- if (name == null) {
- return false;
- }
- LDAPConnection ldapconn = null;
- try {
- ldapconn = getConn();
- LDAPEntry entry =;
- LDAPAttribute attr = entry.getAttribute(OBJECTCLASS_ATTR);
- if (attr == null) {
- return false;
- }
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- Enumeration<String> en = attr.getStringValues();
- for (; en.hasMoreElements();) {
- String v = (String) en.nextElement();
- if (v.equalsIgnoreCase(GROUP_ATTR_VALUE)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_IS_GROUP_PRESENT", e.toString()));
- } finally {
- if (ldapconn != null)
- returnConn(ldapconn);
- }
- return false;
- }
- public boolean isMemberOf(String userid, String groupname) {
- try {
- IUser user = getUser(userid);
- return isMemberOfLdapGroup(user.getUserDN(), groupname);
- } catch (Exception e) {
- /* do nothing */
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Checks if the given user is a member of the given group
- * (now runs an ldap search to find the user, instead of
- * fetching the entire group entry)
- */
- public boolean isMemberOf(IUser id, String name) {
- if (id == null) {
- log(ILogger.LL_WARN, "isMemberOf(): id is null");
- return false;
- }
- if (name == null) {
- log(ILogger.LL_WARN, "isMemberOf(): name is null");
- return false;
- }
- Debug.trace("UGSubsystem.isMemberOf() using new lookup code");
- return isMemberOfLdapGroup(id.getUserDN(), name);
- }
- /**
- * checks if the given user DN is in the specified group
- * by running an ldap search for the user in the group
- */
- protected boolean isMemberOfLdapGroup(String userid, String groupname) {
- String basedn = "cn=" + groupname + ",ou=groups," + mBaseDN;
- LDAPConnection ldapconn = null;
- boolean founduser = false;
- try {
- // the group could potentially have many thousands
- // of members, (many values of the uniquemember
- // attribute). So, we don't want to fetch this
- // list each time. We'll just fetch the CN.
- String attrs[] = new String[1];
- attrs[0] = "cn";
- ldapconn = getConn();
- String filter = "(uniquemember=" + userid + ")";
- Debug.trace("authorization search base: " + basedn);
- Debug.trace("authorization search filter: " + filter);
- LDAPSearchResults res =
- filter,
- attrs, false);
- // If the result had at least one entry, we know
- // that the filter matched, and so the user correctly
- // authenticated.
- if (res.hasMoreElements()) {
- res.nextElement(); // consume the entry
- founduser = true;
- }
- Debug.trace("authorization result: " + founduser);
- } catch (LDAPException e) {
- String errMsg =
- "isMemberOfLdapGroup: could not find group " + groupname + ". Error " + e;
- if (e.getLDAPResultCode() == LDAPException.UNAVAILABLE) {
- errMsg = "isMemberOfLdapGroup: " + "Internal DB is unavailable";
- }
- Debug.trace("authorization exception: " + errMsg);
- // too chatty in system log
- // log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, errMsg);
- } catch (ELdapException e) {
- String errMsg =
- "isMemberOfLdapGroup: Could not get connection to internaldb. Error " + e;
- Debug.trace("authorization exception: " + errMsg);
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, errMsg);
- } finally {
- if (ldapconn != null)
- returnConn(ldapconn);
- }
- return founduser;
- }
- /**
- * Adds a group of identities.
- */
- public void addGroup(IGroup group) throws EUsrGrpException {
- Group grp = (Group) group;
- if (grp == null) {
- return;
- }
- LDAPConnection ldapconn = null;
- try {
- LDAPAttributeSet attrs = new LDAPAttributeSet();
- String oc[] = { "top", "groupOfUniqueNames" };
- attrs.add(new LDAPAttribute("objectclass", oc));
- attrs.add(new LDAPAttribute("cn", group.getGroupID()));
- attrs.add(new LDAPAttribute("description", group.getDescription()));
- Enumeration<String> e = grp.getMemberNames();
- if (e.hasMoreElements() == true) {
- LDAPAttribute attrMembers = new LDAPAttribute("uniquemember");
- while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
- String name = (String) e.nextElement();
- attrMembers.addValue("uid=" + name + "," +
- getUserBaseDN());
- }
- attrs.add(attrMembers);
- }
- LDAPEntry entry = new LDAPEntry("cn=" + grp.getGroupID() +
- "," + getGroupBaseDN(), attrs);
- ldapconn = getConn();
- ldapconn.add(entry);
- } catch (LDAPException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_ADD_GROUP", e.toString()));
- throw new EUsrGrpException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_USRGRP_ADD_GROUP_FAIL"));
- } catch (ELdapException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_ADD_GROUP", e.toString()));
- throw new EUsrGrpException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_USRGRP_ADD_GROUP_FAIL"));
- } finally {
- if (ldapconn != null)
- returnConn(ldapconn);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Removes a group. Can't remove SUPER_CERT_ADMINS
- */
- public void removeGroup(String name) throws EUsrGrpException {
- if (name == null) {
- return;
- } else if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(SUPER_CERT_ADMINS)) {
- log(ILogger.LL_WARN, "removing Certificate Server Administrators group is not allowed");
- throw new EUsrGrpException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_USRGRP_REMOVE_GROUP_FAIL"));
- }
- LDAPConnection ldapconn = null;
- try {
- ldapconn = getConn();
- ldapconn.delete("cn=" + name + "," + getGroupBaseDN());
- } catch (LDAPException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_REMOVE_GROUP", e.toString()));
- throw new EUsrGrpException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_USRGRP_REMOVE_GROUP_FAIL"));
- } catch (ELdapException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_REMOVE_GROUP", e.toString()));
- } finally {
- if (ldapconn != null)
- returnConn(ldapconn);
- }
- }
- public void modifyGroup(IGroup group) throws EUsrGrpException {
- Group grp = (Group) group;
- if (grp == null) {
- return;
- }
- LDAPConnection ldapconn = null;
- try {
- LDAPAttribute attrMembers = new LDAPAttribute("uniquemember");
- LDAPModificationSet mod = new LDAPModificationSet();
- String desc = grp.getDescription();
- if (desc != null) {
- mod.add(LDAPModification.REPLACE,
- new LDAPAttribute("description", desc));
- }
- Enumeration<String> e = grp.getMemberNames();
- if (e.hasMoreElements() == true) {
- while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
- String name = (String) e.nextElement();
- attrMembers.addValue("uid=" + name + "," +
- getUserBaseDN());
- }
- mod.add(LDAPModification.REPLACE, attrMembers);
- } else {
- if (!grp.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(SUPER_CERT_ADMINS)) {
- mod.add(LDAPModification.DELETE, attrMembers);
- } else {
- // not allowed
- throw new EUsrGrpException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_USRGRP_ILL_GRP_MOD"));
- }
- }
- ldapconn = getConn();
- ldapconn.modify("cn=" + grp.getGroupID() +
- "," + getGroupBaseDN(), mod);
- } catch (LDAPException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_MODIFY_GROUP", e.toString()));
- throw new EUsrGrpException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_USRGRP_MOD_GROUP_FAIL"));
- } catch (Exception e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_MODIFY_GROUP", e.toString()));
- throw new EUsrGrpException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_USRGRP_MOD_GROUP_FAIL"));
- } finally {
- if (ldapconn != null)
- returnConn(ldapconn);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Evalutes the given context with the attribute
- * critieria.
- */
- public boolean evaluate(String type, IUser id,
- String op, String value) {
- if (op.equals("=")) {
- if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("user")) {
- if (isMatched(value, id.getName()))
- return true;
- }
- if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("group")) {
- return isMemberOf(id, value);
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Converts an uid attribute to a DN.
- */
- protected String convertUIDtoDN(String uid) throws
- LDAPException {
- String u = uid;
- if (u == null) {
- return null;
- }
- LDAPConnection ldapconn = null;
- try {
- ldapconn = getConn();
- LDAPSearchResults res =,
- LDAPv2.SCOPE_SUB, "(uid=" + u + ")", null, false);
- if (res.hasMoreElements()) {
- LDAPEntry entry = (LDAPEntry) res.nextElement();
- return entry.getDN();
- }
- } catch (ELdapException e) {
- log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE, CMS.getLogMessage("CMSCORE_USRGRP_CONVERT_UID", e.toString()));
- } finally {
- if (ldapconn != null)
- returnConn(ldapconn);
- }
- return null;
- }
- /**
- * Checks if the given DNs are the same after
- * normalization.
- */
- protected boolean isMatched(String dn1, String dn2) {
- String rdn1[] = LDAPDN.explodeDN(dn1, false);
- String rdn2[] = LDAPDN.explodeDN(dn2, false);
- if (rdn1.length == rdn2.length) {
- for (int j = 0; j < rdn1.length; j++) {
- if (!rdn1[j].equalsIgnoreCase(rdn2[j])) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Converts certificate into string format.
- * should eventually go into the locator itself
- */
- protected String getCertificateStringWithoutVersion(X509Certificate cert) {
- if (cert == null) {
- return null;
- }
- // note that it did not represent a certificate fully
- return "-1;" + cert.getSerialNumber().toString() +
- ";" + cert.getIssuerDN() + ";" + cert.getSubjectDN();
- }
- public String getCertificateString(X509Certificate cert) {
- if (cert == null) {
- return null;
- }
- // note that it did not represent a certificate fully
- return cert.getVersion() + ";" + cert.getSerialNumber().toString() +
- ";" + cert.getIssuerDN() + ";" + cert.getSubjectDN();
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves user base dn.
- */
- private String getUserBaseDN() {
- return "ou=People," + mBaseDN;
- }
- /**
- * Retrieves group base dn.
- */
- private String getGroupBaseDN() {
- return "ou=Groups," + mBaseDN;
- }
- protected LDAPConnection getConn() throws ELdapException {
- if (mLdapConnFactory == null)
- return null;
- return mLdapConnFactory.getConn();
- }
- protected void returnConn(LDAPConnection conn) {
- if (mLdapConnFactory != null)
- mLdapConnFactory.returnConn(conn);
- }
- private void log(int level, String msg) {
- if (mLogger == null)
- return;
- mLogger.log(ILogger.EV_SYSTEM, null, ILogger.S_USRGRP,
- level, "UGSubsystem: " + msg);
- }
- public ICertUserLocator getCertUserLocator() {
- return new ExactMatchCertUserLocator();
- }