path: root/pki/base/common/src/com/netscape/cmscore/dbs/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pki/base/common/src/com/netscape/cmscore/dbs/')
1 files changed, 1967 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pki/base/common/src/com/netscape/cmscore/dbs/ b/pki/base/common/src/com/netscape/cmscore/dbs/
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+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+// (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+package com.netscape.cmscore.dbs;
+import java.math.BigInteger;
+import java.util.*;
+import netscape.ldap.*;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.base.SessionContext;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.base.*;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.dbs.*;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.dbs.certdb.*;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.dbs.repository.*;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.logging.*;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.apps.*;
+import com.netscape.cmscore.dbs.*;
+import com.netscape.cmscore.util.*;
+import com.netscape.cmscore.cert.*;
+ * A class represents a certificate repository. It
+ * stores all the issued certificate.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @author thomask
+ * @author kanda
+ * @version $Revision: 14561 $, $Date: 2007-05-01 10:28:56 -0700 (Tue, 01 May 2007) $
+ */
+public class CertificateRepository extends Repository
+ implements ICertificateRepository {
+ public final String CERT_X509ATTRIBUTE = "x509signedcert";
+ private IDBSubsystem mDBService;
+ private String mBaseDN;
+ private String mRequestBaseDN;
+ private boolean mConsistencyCheck = false;
+ private boolean mSkipIfInconsistent = false;
+ private int mCertStatusUpdateInterval = 0;
+ private Hashtable mCRLIssuingPoints = new Hashtable();
+ private int mTransitMaxRecords = 1000000;
+ private int mTransitRecordPageSize = 200;
+ /**
+ * Constructs a certificate repository.
+ */
+ public CertificateRepository(IDBSubsystem dbService, String certRepoBaseDN, int increment, String baseDN)
+ throws EDBException {
+ super(dbService, increment, baseDN);
+ mBaseDN = certRepoBaseDN;
+ mDBService = dbService;
+ // registers CMS database attributes
+ IDBRegistry reg = dbService.getRegistry();
+ IConfigStore cfg = mDBService.getConfigStore();
+ }
+ public ICertRecord createCertRecord(BigInteger id, Certificate cert, MetaInfo meta) {
+ return new CertRecord(id, cert, meta);
+ }
+ public BigInteger getLastSerialNumberInRange(BigInteger serial_low_bound, BigInteger serial_upper_bound)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ CMS.debug("CertificateRepository: in getLastSerialNumberInRange: low " + serial_low_bound + " high " + serial_upper_bound);
+ if(serial_low_bound == null || serial_upper_bound == null || serial_low_bound.compareTo(serial_upper_bound) >= 0 )
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ String ldapfilter = "(" + "certstatus" + "=*" + ")";
+ String[] attrs = null;
+ ICertRecordList recList = findCertRecordsInList(ldapfilter,attrs,serial_upper_bound.toString(10),"serialno", 5 * -1);
+ int size = recList.getSize();
+ CMS.debug("CertificateRepository:getLastSerialNumberInRange: recList size " + size);
+ if (size <= 0) {
+ CMS.debug("CertificateRepository:getLastSerialNumberInRange: index may be empty");
+ BigInteger ret = new BigInteger(serial_low_bound.toString(10));
+ ret = ret.add(new BigInteger("-1"));
+ CMS.debug("CertificateRepository:getLastCertRecordSerialNo: returning " + ret);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ int ltSize = recList.getSizeBeforeJumpTo();
+ Vector cList = new Vector(ltSize);
+ CMS.debug("CertificateRepository:getLastSerialNumberInRange: ltSize " + ltSize);
+ CertRecord curRec = null;
+ int i;
+ Object obj = null;
+ for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
+ obj = recList.getCertRecord(i);
+ if (obj != null) {
+ curRec = (CertRecord) obj;
+ BigInteger serial = curRec.getSerialNumber();
+ CMS.debug("CertificateRepository:getLastCertRecordSerialNo: serialno " + serial);
+ if( ((serial.compareTo(serial_low_bound) == 0) || (serial.compareTo(serial_low_bound) == 1) ) &&
+ ((serial.compareTo(serial_upper_bound) == 0) || (serial.compareTo(serial_upper_bound) == -1) ))
+ {
+ CMS.debug("getLastSerialNumberInRange returning: " + serial);
+ return serial;
+ }
+ } else {
+ CMS.debug("getLastSerialNumberInRange:found null from getCertRecord");
+ }
+ }
+ BigInteger ret = new BigInteger(serial_low_bound.toString(10));
+ ret = ret.add(new BigInteger("-1"));
+ CMS.debug("CertificateRepository:getLastCertRecordSerialNo: returning " + ret);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Removes all objects with this repository.
+ */
+ public void removeCertRecords(BigInteger beginS, BigInteger endS) throws EBaseException
+ {
+ String filter = "(" + CertRecord.ATTR_CERT_STATUS + "=*" + ")";
+ ICertRecordList list =findCertRecordsInList(filter,
+ null, "serialno", 10);
+ int size = list.getSize();
+ Enumeration e = list.getCertRecords(0, size - 1);
+ while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
+ CertRecord rec = (CertRecord) e.nextElement();
+ BigInteger cur = rec.getSerialNumber();
+ BigInteger max = cur.max(beginS);
+ BigInteger min = cur;
+ if (endS != null)
+ min = cur.min(endS);
+ if (cur.equals(beginS) || cur.equals(endS) ||
+ (cur.equals(max) && cur.equals(min)))
+ deleteCertificateRecord(cur);
+ }
+ }
+ public void setConsistencyCheck(boolean ConsistencyCheck) {
+ mConsistencyCheck = ConsistencyCheck;
+ }
+ public void setSkipIfInConsistent(boolean SkipIfInconsistent) {
+ mSkipIfInconsistent = SkipIfInconsistent;
+ }
+ public void setTransitMaxRecords(int max) {
+ mTransitMaxRecords = max;
+ }
+ public void setTransitRecordPageSize(int size) {
+ mTransitRecordPageSize = size;
+ }
+ /**
+ * register CRL Issuing Point
+ */
+ public void addCRLIssuingPoint(String id, ICRLIssuingPoint crlIssuingPoint) {
+ mCRLIssuingPoints.put(id, crlIssuingPoint);
+ }
+ /**
+ * interval value: (in seconds)
+ * 0 - disable
+ * >0 - enable
+ */
+ public CertStatusUpdateThread mCertStatusUpdateThread = null;
+ public RetrieveModificationsThread mRetrieveModificationsThread = null;
+ public void setCertStatusUpdateInterval(int interval, boolean listenToCloneModifications) {
+ CMS.debug("In setCertStatusUpdateInterval " + interval);
+ if (interval == 0) {
+ CMS.debug("In setCertStatusUpdateInterval interval = 0" + interval);
+ if (mCertStatusUpdateThread != null) {
+ mCertStatusUpdateThread.stop();
+ }
+ if (mRetrieveModificationsThread != null) {
+ mRetrieveModificationsThread.stop();
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ CMS.debug("In setCertStatusUpdateInterval listenToCloneModifications="+listenToCloneModifications+
+ " mRetrieveModificationsThread="+mRetrieveModificationsThread);
+ if (listenToCloneModifications && mRetrieveModificationsThread == null) {
+ CMS.debug("In setCertStatusUpdateInterval about to create RetrieveModificationsThread");
+ mRetrieveModificationsThread = new RetrieveModificationsThread(this, "RetrieveModificationsThread");
+ LDAPSearchResults mResults = null;
+ try {
+ mResults = startSearchForModifiedCertificateRecords();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ mResults = null;
+ }
+ if (mResults != null) {
+ mRetrieveModificationsThread.setResults(mResults);
+ mRetrieveModificationsThread.start();
+ }
+ }
+ CMS.debug("In setCertStatusUpdateInterval mCertStatusUpdateThread " + mCertStatusUpdateThread);
+ if (mCertStatusUpdateThread == null) {
+ CMS.debug("In setCertStatusUpdateInterval about to create CertStatusUpdateThread ");
+ mCertStatusUpdateThread = new CertStatusUpdateThread(this, "CertStatusUpdateThread");
+ mCertStatusUpdateThread.setInterval(interval);
+ mCertStatusUpdateThread.start();
+ } else {
+ CMS.debug("In setCertStatusUpdateInterval it thinks the thread is up already ");
+ mCertStatusUpdateThread.setInterval(interval);
+ // dont do anything if we have a thread running already
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Blocking method.
+ */
+ public void updateCertStatus() throws EBaseException {
+ CMS.debug("In updateCertStatus()");
+ CMS.getLogger().log(ILogger.EV_SYSTEM, ILogger.S_OTHER,
+ transitInvalidCertificates();
+ CMS.getLogger().log(ILogger.EV_SYSTEM, ILogger.S_OTHER,
+ CMS.getLogger().log(ILogger.EV_SYSTEM, ILogger.S_OTHER,
+ transitValidCertificates();
+ CMS.getLogger().log(ILogger.EV_SYSTEM, ILogger.S_OTHER,
+ CMS.getLogger().log(ILogger.EV_SYSTEM, ILogger.S_OTHER,
+ transitRevokedExpiredCertificates();
+ CMS.getLogger().log(ILogger.EV_SYSTEM, ILogger.S_OTHER,
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves DN of this repository.
+ */
+ public String getDN() {
+ return mBaseDN;
+ }
+ public void setRequestDN( String requestDN ) {
+ mRequestBaseDN = requestDN;
+ }
+ public String getRequestDN() {
+ return mRequestBaseDN;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves backend database handle.
+ */
+ public IDBSubsystem getDBSubsystem() {
+ return mDBService;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Adds a certificate record to the repository. Each certificate
+ * record contains four parts: certificate, meta-attributes,
+ * issue information and reovcation information.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @param cert X.509 certificate
+ * @exception EBaseException failed to add new certificate to
+ * the repository
+ */
+ public void addCertificateRecord(ICertRecord record)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ try {
+ String name = "cn" + "=" +
+ ((CertRecord) record).getSerialNumber().toString() + "," + getDN();
+ SessionContext ctx = SessionContext.getContext();
+ String uid = (String) ctx.get(SessionContext.USER_ID);
+ if (uid == null) {
+ // XXX is this right?
+ record.set(CertRecord.ATTR_ISSUED_BY, "system");
+ /**
+ System.out.println("XXX servlet should set USER_ID");
+ throw new EBaseException(BaseResources.UNKNOWN_PRINCIPAL_1,
+ "null");
+ **/
+ } else {
+ record.set(CertRecord.ATTR_ISSUED_BY, uid);
+ }
+ // Check validity of this certificate. If it is not invalid,
+ // mark it so. We will have a thread to transit the status
+ // from INVALID to VALID.
+ X509CertImpl x509cert = (X509CertImpl) record.get(
+ CertRecord.ATTR_X509CERT);
+ if (x509cert != null) {
+ Date now = CMS.getCurrentDate();
+ if (x509cert.getNotBefore().after(now)) {
+ // not yet valid
+ record.set(ICertRecord.ATTR_CERT_STATUS,
+ }
+ }
+ s.add(name, record);
+ } finally {
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Used by the Clone Master (CLA) to add a revoked certificate
+ * record to the repository.
+ * <p>
+ *
+ * @param record a CertRecord
+ * @exception EBaseException failed to add new certificate to
+ * the repository
+ */
+ public void addRevokedCertRecord(CertRecord record)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ try {
+ String name = "cn" + "=" +
+ record.getSerialNumber().toString() + "," + getDN();
+ s.add(name, record);
+ } finally {
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * This transits a certificate status from VALID to EXPIRED
+ * if a certificate becomes expired.
+ */
+ public void transitValidCertificates() throws EBaseException {
+ Date now = CMS.getCurrentDate();
+ ICertRecordList recList = getValidCertsByNotAfterDate(now, -1 * mTransitRecordPageSize);
+ int size = recList.getSize();
+ if (size <= 0) {
+ CMS.debug("index may be empty");
+ return;
+ }
+ int ltSize = recList.getSizeBeforeJumpTo();
+ ltSize = Math.min(ltSize, mTransitMaxRecords);
+ Vector cList = new Vector(ltSize);
+ CMS.debug("transidValidCertificates: list size: " + size);
+ CMS.debug("transitValidCertificates: ltSize " + ltSize);
+ CertRecord curRec = null;
+ int i;
+ Object obj = null;
+ for (i = 0; i < ltSize; i++) {
+ obj = recList.getCertRecord(i);
+ if (obj != null) {
+ curRec = (CertRecord) obj;
+ Date notAfter = curRec.getNotAfter();
+ //CMS.debug("notAfter " + notAfter.toString() + " now " + now.toString());
+ if (notAfter.after(now)) {
+ CMS.debug("Record does not qualify,notAfter " + notAfter.toString() + " date " + now.toString());
+ continue;
+ }
+ CMS.debug("transitValid: curRec: " + i + " " + curRec.toString());
+ if (mConsistencyCheck) {
+ cList.add(curRec);
+ } else {
+ cList.add(curRec.getSerialNumber());
+ }
+ } else {
+ CMS.debug("found null from getCertRecord");
+ }
+ }
+ CertRecord cRec = null;
+ BigInteger serial = null;
+ transitCertList(cList, CertRecord.STATUS_EXPIRED);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This transits a certificate status from REVOKED to REVOKED_EXPIRED
+ * if an revoked certificate becomes expired.
+ */
+ public void transitRevokedExpiredCertificates() throws EBaseException {
+ Date now = CMS.getCurrentDate();
+ ICertRecordList recList = getRevokedCertsByNotAfterDate(now, -1 * mTransitRecordPageSize);
+ int size = recList.getSize();
+ if (size <= 0) {
+ CMS.debug("index may be empty");
+ return;
+ }
+ int ltSize = recList.getSizeBeforeJumpTo();
+ Vector cList = new Vector(ltSize);
+ ltSize = Math.min(ltSize, mTransitMaxRecords);
+ CMS.debug("transitRevokedExpiredCertificates: list size: " + size);
+ CMS.debug("transitRevokedExpiredCertificates: ltSize " + ltSize);
+ CertRecord curRec = null;
+ int i;
+ Object obj = null;
+ for (i = 0; i < ltSize; i++) {
+ obj = recList.getCertRecord(i);
+ if (obj != null) {
+ curRec = (CertRecord) obj;
+ CMS.debug("transitRevokedExpired: curRec: " + i + " " + curRec.toString());
+ Date notAfter = curRec.getNotAfter();
+ // CMS.debug("notAfter " + notAfter.toString() + " now " + now.toString());
+ if (notAfter.after(now)) {
+ CMS.debug("Record does not qualify,notAfter " + notAfter.toString() + " date " + now.toString());
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (mConsistencyCheck) {
+ cList.add(curRec);
+ } else {
+ cList.add(curRec.getSerialNumber());
+ }
+ } else {
+ CMS.debug("found null record in getCertRecord");
+ }
+ }
+ transitCertList(cList, CertRecord.STATUS_REVOKED_EXPIRED);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This transits a certificate status from INVALID to VALID
+ * if a certificate becomes valid.
+ */
+ public void transitInvalidCertificates() throws EBaseException {
+ Date now = CMS.getCurrentDate();
+ ICertRecordList recList = getInvalidCertsByNotBeforeDate(now, -1 * mTransitRecordPageSize);
+ int size = recList.getSize();
+ if (size <= 0) {
+ CMS.debug("index may be empty");
+ return;
+ }
+ int ltSize = recList.getSizeBeforeJumpTo();
+ ltSize = Math.min(ltSize, mTransitMaxRecords);
+ Vector cList = new Vector(ltSize);
+ CMS.debug("transidInValidCertificates: list size: " + size);
+ CMS.debug("transitInValidCertificates: ltSize " + ltSize);
+ CertRecord curRec = null;
+ int i;
+ Object obj = null;
+ for (i = 0; i < ltSize; i++) {
+ obj = recList.getCertRecord(i);
+ if (obj != null) {
+ curRec = (CertRecord) obj;
+ Date notBefore = curRec.getNotBefore();
+ //CMS.debug("notBefore " + notBefore.toString() + " now " + now.toString());
+ if (notBefore.after(now)) {
+ CMS.debug("Record does not qualify,notBefore " + notBefore.toString() + " date " + now.toString());
+ continue;
+ }
+ CMS.debug("transitInValid: curRec: " + i + " " + curRec.toString());
+ if (mConsistencyCheck) {
+ cList.add(curRec);
+ } else {
+ cList.add(curRec.getSerialNumber());
+ }
+ } else {
+ CMS.debug("found null from getCertRecord");
+ }
+ }
+ transitCertList(cList, CertRecord.STATUS_VALID);
+ }
+ private void transitCertList(Vector cList, String newCertStatus) throws EBaseException {
+ CertRecord cRec = null;
+ BigInteger serial = null;
+ int i;
+ CMS.debug("transitCertList " + newCertStatus);
+ for (i = 0; i < cList.size(); i++) {
+ if (mConsistencyCheck) {
+ cRec = (CertRecord) cList.elementAt(i);
+ if (cRec == null)
+ continue;
+ serial = cRec.getSerialNumber();
+ } else {
+ serial = (BigInteger) cList.elementAt(i);
+ }
+ updateStatus(serial, newCertStatus);
+ if (newCertStatus.equals(CertRecord.STATUS_REVOKED_EXPIRED)) {
+ // inform all CRLIssuingPoints about revoked and expired certificate
+ Enumeration eIPs = mCRLIssuingPoints.elements();
+ while (eIPs.hasMoreElements()) {
+ ICRLIssuingPoint ip = (ICRLIssuingPoint) eIPs.nextElement();
+ if (ip != null) {
+ ip.addExpiredCert(serial);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CMS.debug("transitCertList number at: " + i + " = " + serial);
+ }
+ cList.removeAllElements();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reads the certificate identified by the given serial no.
+ */
+ public X509CertImpl getX509Certificate(BigInteger serialNo)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ X509CertImpl cert = null;
+ ICertRecord cr = readCertificateRecord(serialNo);
+ return (cr.getCertificate());
+ }
+ /**
+ * Deletes certificate record.
+ */
+ public void deleteCertificateRecord(BigInteger serialNo)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ try {
+ String name = "cn" + "=" +
+ serialNo.toString() + "," + getDN();
+ s.delete(name);
+ } finally {
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reads certificate from repository.
+ */
+ public ICertRecord readCertificateRecord(BigInteger serialNo)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ CertRecord rec = null;
+ try {
+ String name = "cn" + "=" +
+ serialNo.toString() + "," + getDN();
+ rec = (CertRecord);
+ } finally {
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return rec;
+ }
+ public synchronized void modifyCertificateRecord(BigInteger serialNo,
+ ModificationSet mods) throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ try {
+ String name = "cn" + "=" +
+ serialNo.toString() + "," + getDN();
+ mods.add(CertRecord.ATTR_MODIFY_TIME, Modification.MOD_REPLACE,
+ CMS.getCurrentDate());
+ s.modify(name, mods);
+ } finally {
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks if the specified certificate is in the repository.
+ */
+ public boolean containsCertificate(BigInteger serialNo)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ try {
+ ICertRecord cr = readCertificateRecord(serialNo);
+ if (cr != null)
+ return true;
+ } catch (EBaseException e) {
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Marks certificate as revoked.
+ */
+ public void markAsRevoked(BigInteger id, IRevocationInfo info)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ ModificationSet mods = new ModificationSet();
+ mods.add(CertRecord.ATTR_REVO_INFO, Modification.MOD_ADD, info);
+ SessionContext ctx = SessionContext.getContext();
+ String uid = (String) ctx.get(SessionContext.USER_ID);
+ if (uid == null) {
+ mods.add(CertRecord.ATTR_REVOKED_BY, Modification.MOD_ADD,
+ "system");
+ } else {
+ mods.add(CertRecord.ATTR_REVOKED_BY, Modification.MOD_ADD,
+ uid);
+ }
+ mods.add(CertRecord.ATTR_REVOKED_ON, Modification.MOD_ADD,
+ CMS.getCurrentDate());
+ mods.add(CertRecord.ATTR_CERT_STATUS, Modification.MOD_REPLACE,
+ modifyCertificateRecord(id, mods);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Unmarks revoked certificate.
+ */
+ public void unmarkRevoked(BigInteger id, IRevocationInfo info,
+ Date revokedOn, String revokedBy)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ ModificationSet mods = new ModificationSet();
+ mods.add(CertRecord.ATTR_REVO_INFO, Modification.MOD_DELETE, info);
+ mods.add(CertRecord.ATTR_REVOKED_BY, Modification.MOD_DELETE, revokedBy);
+ mods.add(CertRecord.ATTR_REVOKED_ON, Modification.MOD_DELETE, revokedOn);
+ mods.add(CertRecord.ATTR_CERT_STATUS, Modification.MOD_REPLACE,
+ CertRecord.STATUS_VALID);
+ modifyCertificateRecord(id, mods);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates the certificiate record status to the specified.
+ */
+ public void updateStatus(BigInteger id, String status)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ CMS.debug("updateStatus: " + id + " status " + status);
+ ModificationSet mods = new ModificationSet();
+ mods.add(CertRecord.ATTR_CERT_STATUS, Modification.MOD_REPLACE,
+ status);
+ modifyCertificateRecord(id, mods);
+ }
+ public Enumeration searchCertificates(String filter, int maxSize)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ Enumeration e = null;
+ CMS.debug("searchCertificates filter " + filter + " maxSize " + maxSize);
+ try {
+ e =, filter, maxSize);
+ } finally {
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ public Enumeration searchCertificates(String filter, int maxSize, int timeLimit)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ Enumeration e = null;
+ CMS.debug("searchCertificateswith time limit filter " + filter);
+ try {
+ e =, filter, maxSize, timeLimit);
+ } finally {
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns a list of X509CertImp that satisfies the filter.
+ * @deprecated replaced by <code>findCertificatesInList</code>
+ */
+ public Enumeration findCertRecs(String filter)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ CMS.debug("findCertRecs " + filter);
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ Enumeration e =, filter);
+ s.close();
+ return e;
+ }
+ public Enumeration findCertRecs(String filter, String[] attrs)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ CMS.debug( "findCertRecs " + filter
+ + "attrs " + Arrays.toString( attrs ) );
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ Enumeration e =, filter, attrs);
+ s.close();
+ return e;
+ }
+ public Enumeration findCertificates(String filter)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ Enumeration e = findCertRecords(filter);
+ Vector v = new Vector();
+ while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
+ CertRecord rec = (CertRecord) e.nextElement();
+ v.addElement(rec.getCertificate());
+ }
+ return v.elements();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finds a list of certificate records that satisifies
+ * the filter.
+ * If you are going to process everything in the list,
+ * use this.
+ */
+ public Enumeration findCertRecords(String filter)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ Enumeration e = null;
+ try {
+ //e =, filter);
+ ICertRecordList list = null;
+ list = findCertRecordsInList(filter, null, "serialno", 10);
+ int size = list.getSize();
+ e = list.getCertRecords(0, size - 1);
+ } finally {
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Finds certificate records. Here is a list of filter
+ * attribute can be used:
+ * <pre>
+ * certRecordId
+ * certMetaInfo
+ * certStatus
+ * certCreateTime
+ * certModifyTime
+ * x509Cert.notBefore
+ * x509Cert.notAfter
+ * x509Cert.subject
+ * </pre>
+ * The filter should follow RFC1558 LDAP filter syntax.
+ * For example,
+ * <pre>
+ * (&(certRecordId=5)(x509Cert.notBefore=934398398))
+ * </pre>
+ */
+ public ICertRecordList findCertRecordsInList(String filter,
+ String attrs[], int pageSize) throws EBaseException {
+ return findCertRecordsInList(filter, attrs, CertRecord.ATTR_ID,
+ pageSize);
+ }
+ public ICertRecordList findCertRecordsInList(String filter,
+ String attrs[], String sortKey, int pageSize)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ CMS.debug("In findCertRecordsInList");
+ CertRecordList list = null;
+ try {
+ DBVirtualList vlist = (DBVirtualList) s.createVirtualList(getDN(), filter, attrs,
+ sortKey, pageSize);
+ list = new CertRecordList(vlist);
+ } finally {
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return list;
+ }
+ public ICertRecordList findCertRecordsInList(String filter,
+ String attrs[], String jumpTo, String sortKey, int pageSize)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ return findCertRecordsInList(filter, attrs, jumpTo, false, sortKey, pageSize);
+ }
+ public ICertRecordList findCertRecordsInList(String filter,
+ String attrs[], String jumpTo, boolean hardJumpTo,
+ String sortKey, int pageSize)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ CertRecordList list = null;
+ CMS.debug("In findCertRecordsInList with Jumpto " + jumpTo);
+ try {
+ String jumpToVal = null;
+ if (hardJumpTo) {
+ CMS.debug("In findCertRecordsInList with hardJumpto ");
+ jumpToVal = "99";
+ } else {
+ int len = jumpTo.length();
+ if (len > 9) {
+ jumpToVal = Integer.toString(len) + jumpTo;
+ } else {
+ jumpToVal = "0" + Integer.toString(len) + jumpTo;
+ }
+ }
+ DBVirtualList vlist = (DBVirtualList) s.createVirtualList(getDN(), filter,
+ attrs, jumpToVal, sortKey, pageSize);
+ list = new CertRecordList(vlist);
+ } finally {
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return list;
+ }
+ public ICertRecordList findCertRecordsInListRawJumpto(String filter,
+ String attrs[], String jumpTo, String sortKey, int pageSize)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ CertRecordList list = null;
+ CMS.debug("In findCertRecordsInListRawJumpto with Jumpto " + jumpTo);
+ try {
+ DBVirtualList vlist = (DBVirtualList) s.createVirtualList(getDN(), filter,
+ attrs, jumpTo, sortKey, pageSize);
+ list = new CertRecordList(vlist);
+ } finally {
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return list;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Marks certificate as renewable.
+ */
+ public void markCertificateAsRenewable(ICertRecord record)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ changeRenewalAttribute(((CertRecord) record).getSerialNumber().toString(),
+ }
+ /**
+ * Marks certificate as renewable.
+ */
+ public void markCertificateAsNotRenewable(ICertRecord record)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ changeRenewalAttribute(((CertRecord) record).getSerialNumber().toString(),
+ }
+ public void markCertificateAsRenewed(String serialNo)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ changeRenewalAttribute(serialNo, CertRecord.AUTO_RENEWAL_DONE);
+ }
+ public void markCertificateAsRenewalNotified(String serialNo)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ changeRenewalAttribute(serialNo, CertRecord.AUTO_RENEWAL_NOTIFIED);
+ }
+ private void changeRenewalAttribute(String serialno, String value)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ try {
+ String name = "cn" + "=" + serialno +
+ "," + getDN();
+ ModificationSet mods = new ModificationSet();
+ mods.add(CertRecord.ATTR_AUTO_RENEW, Modification.MOD_REPLACE,
+ value);
+ s.modify(name, mods);
+ } finally {
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * temp solution...
+ */
+ public class RenewableCertificateCollection {
+ Vector mToRenew = null;
+ Vector mToNotify = null;
+ public RenewableCertificateCollection() {
+ }
+ public Vector getRenewable() {
+ return mToRenew;
+ }
+ public Vector getNotifiable() {
+ return mToNotify;
+ }
+ public void addCertificate(String renewalFlag, Object o) {
+ if (renewalFlag.equals(CertRecord.AUTO_RENEWAL_ENABLED)) {
+ if (mToRenew == null)
+ mToRenew = new Vector();
+ mToRenew.addElement(o);
+ }
+ if (renewalFlag.equals(CertRecord.AUTO_RENEWAL_DISABLED)) {
+ if (mToNotify == null)
+ mToNotify = new Vector();
+ mToNotify.addElement(o);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public Hashtable getRenewableCertificates(String renewalTime)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ Hashtable tab = null;
+ try {
+ String filter = "(&(" + CertRecord.ATTR_CERT_STATUS + "=" +
+ CertRecord.STATUS_VALID + ")("
+ + CertRecord.ATTR_X509CERT +
+ "." + CertificateValidity.NOT_AFTER + "<=" + renewalTime +
+ ")(!(" + CertRecord.ATTR_AUTO_RENEW + "=" +
+ "))(!(" + CertRecord.ATTR_AUTO_RENEW + "=" +
+ CertRecord.AUTO_RENEWAL_NOTIFIED + ")))";
+ //Enumeration e =, filter);
+ ICertRecordList list = null;
+ list = findCertRecordsInList(filter, null, "serialno", 10);
+ int size = list.getSize();
+ Enumeration e = list.getCertRecords(0, size - 1);
+ tab = new Hashtable();
+ while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
+ CertRecord rec = (CertRecord) e.nextElement();
+ X509CertImpl cert = rec.getCertificate();
+ String subjectDN = cert.getSubjectDN().toString();
+ String renewalFlag = rec.getAutoRenew();
+ // See if the subjectDN is in the table
+ Object val = null;
+ if ((val = tab.get(subjectDN)) == null) {
+ RenewableCertificateCollection collection =
+ new RenewableCertificateCollection();
+ collection.addCertificate(renewalFlag, cert);
+ tab.put(subjectDN, collection);
+ } else {
+ ((RenewableCertificateCollection) val).addCertificate(renewalFlag, cert);
+ }
+ }
+ } finally {
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return tab;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Gets all valid and unexpired certificates pertaining
+ * to a subject DN.
+ *
+ * @param subjectDN The distinguished name of the subject.
+ * @param validityType The type of certificates to get.
+ * @return An array of certificates.
+ */
+ public X509CertImpl[] getX509Certificates(String subjectDN,
+ int validityType) throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ X509CertImpl certs[] = null;
+ try {
+ // XXX - not checking validityType...
+ String filter = "(&(" + CertRecord.ATTR_X509CERT +
+ "." + X509CertInfo.SUBJECT + "=" + subjectDN;
+ if (validityType == ALL_VALID_CERTS) {
+ filter += ")(" +
+ CertRecord.ATTR_CERT_STATUS + "=" +
+ CertRecord.STATUS_VALID;
+ }
+ if (validityType == ALL_UNREVOKED_CERTS) {
+ filter += ")(|(" +
+ CertRecord.ATTR_CERT_STATUS + "=" +
+ CertRecord.STATUS_VALID + ")(" +
+ CertRecord.ATTR_CERT_STATUS + "=" +
+ CertRecord.STATUS_EXPIRED + ")";
+ }
+ filter += "))";
+ //Enumeration e =, filter);
+ ICertRecordList list = null;
+ list = findCertRecordsInList(filter, null, "serialno", 10);
+ int size = list.getSize();
+ Enumeration e = list.getCertRecords(0, size - 1);
+ Vector v = new Vector();
+ while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
+ CertRecord rec = (CertRecord) e.nextElement();
+ v.addElement(rec.getCertificate());
+ }
+ if (v.size() == 0)
+ return null;
+ certs = new X509CertImpl[v.size()];
+ v.copyInto(certs);
+ } finally {
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return certs;
+ }
+ public X509CertImpl[] getX509Certificates(String filter)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ X509CertImpl certs[] = null;
+ try {
+ Enumeration e = null;
+ if (filter != null && filter.length() > 0) {
+ //e =, filter);
+ ICertRecordList list = null;
+ list = findCertRecordsInList(filter, null, "serialno", 10);
+ int size = list.getSize();
+ e = list.getCertRecords(0, size - 1);
+ }
+ Vector v = new Vector();
+ while (e != null && e.hasMoreElements()) {
+ CertRecord rec = (CertRecord) e.nextElement();
+ v.addElement(rec.getCertificate());
+ }
+ if (v.size() > 0) {
+ certs = new X509CertImpl[v.size()];
+ v.copyInto(certs);
+ }
+ } finally {
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return certs;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrives all valid certificates excluding ones already revoked.
+ * @param from The starting point of the serial number range.
+ * @param to The ending point of the serial number range.
+ */
+ public Enumeration getValidCertificates(String from, String to)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ Vector v = new Vector();
+ try {
+ // 'from' determines 'jumpto' value
+ // 'to' determines where to stop looking
+ String ldapfilter = "(certstatus=VALID)";
+ String fromVal = "0";
+ try {
+ if (from != null) {
+ int fv = Integer.parseInt(from);
+ fromVal = from;
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e1) {
+ // from is not integer
+ }
+ ICertRecordList list =
+ findCertRecordsInList(ldapfilter, null, fromVal, "serialno", 40);
+ BigInteger toInt = null;
+ if (to != null && !to.trim().equals("")) {
+ toInt = new BigInteger(to);
+ }
+ for (int i=0;; i++) {
+ CertRecord rec = (CertRecord) list.getCertRecord(i);
+ CMS.debug("processing record: "+i);
+ if (rec == null) {
+ break; // no element returned
+ } else {
+ CMS.debug("processing record: "+i+" "+rec.getSerialNumber());
+ // Check if we are past the 'to' marker
+ if (toInt != null) {
+ if (rec.getSerialNumber().compareTo(toInt) > 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ v.addElement(rec);
+ }
+ }
+ } finally {
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ CMS.debug("returning "+v.size()+" elements");
+ return v.elements();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrives all valid certificates excluding ones already revoked.
+ */
+ public Enumeration getAllValidCertificates()
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ Enumeration e = null;
+ try {
+ Date now = CMS.getCurrentDate();
+ String ldapfilter = "(&(!(" + CertRecord.ATTR_REVO_INFO + "=*))(" +
+ CertRecord.ATTR_X509CERT + "." +
+ CertificateValidity.NOT_BEFORE + "<=" +
+ DateMapper.dateToDB(now) + ")(" +
+ CertRecord.ATTR_X509CERT + "." +
+ CertificateValidity.NOT_AFTER + ">=" +
+ DateMapper.dateToDB(now) + "))";
+ //e =, ldapfilter);
+ ICertRecordList list = null;
+ list = findCertRecordsInList(ldapfilter, null, "serialno", 10);
+ int size = list.getSize();
+ e = list.getCertRecords(0, size - 1);
+ } finally {
+ // XXX - transaction is not done at this moment
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrives all valid not published certificates
+ * excluding ones already revoked.
+ * @param from The starting point of the serial number range.
+ * @param to The ending point of the serial number range.
+ */
+ public Enumeration getValidNotPublishedCertificates(String from, String to)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ Enumeration e = null;
+ try {
+ Date now = CMS.getCurrentDate();
+ String ldapfilter = "(&(";
+ if (from != null && from.length() > 0)
+ ldapfilter += CertRecord.ATTR_ID + ">=" + from + ")(";
+ if (to != null && to.length() > 0)
+ ldapfilter += CertRecord.ATTR_ID + "<=" + to + ")(";
+ ldapfilter += "!(" + CertRecord.ATTR_REVO_INFO + "=*))(" +
+ CertRecord.ATTR_X509CERT + "." +
+ CertificateValidity.NOT_BEFORE + "<=" +
+ DateMapper.dateToDB(now) + ")(" +
+ CertRecord.ATTR_X509CERT + "." +
+ CertificateValidity.NOT_AFTER + ">=" +
+ DateMapper.dateToDB(now) + ")(!(" +
+ "certMetainfo=" +
+ ":true)))";
+ //e =, ldapfilter);
+ ICertRecordList list = null;
+ list = findCertRecordsInList(ldapfilter, null, "serialno", 10);
+ int size = list.getSize();
+ e = list.getCertRecords(0, size - 1);
+ } finally {
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrives all valid not published certificates
+ * excluding ones already revoked.
+ */
+ public Enumeration getAllValidNotPublishedCertificates()
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ Enumeration e = null;
+ try {
+ Date now = CMS.getCurrentDate();
+ String ldapfilter = "(&(!(" + CertRecord.ATTR_REVO_INFO + "=*))(" +
+ CertRecord.ATTR_X509CERT + "." +
+ CertificateValidity.NOT_BEFORE + "<=" +
+ DateMapper.dateToDB(now) + ")(" +
+ CertRecord.ATTR_X509CERT + "." +
+ CertificateValidity.NOT_AFTER + ">=" +
+ DateMapper.dateToDB(now) + ")(!(" +
+ "certMetainfo=" +
+ ":true)))";
+ //e =, ldapfilter);
+ ICertRecordList list = null;
+ list = findCertRecordsInList(ldapfilter, null, "serialno", 10);
+ int size = list.getSize();
+ e = list.getCertRecords(0, size - 1);
+ } finally {
+ // XXX - transaction is not done at this moment
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrives all expired certificates.
+ * @param from The starting point of the serial number range.
+ * @param to The ending point of the serial number range.
+ */
+ public Enumeration getExpiredCertificates(String from, String to)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ Enumeration e = null;
+ try {
+ Date now = CMS.getCurrentDate();
+ String ldapfilter = "(&(";
+ if (from != null && from.length() > 0)
+ ldapfilter += CertRecord.ATTR_ID + ">=" + from + ")(";
+ if (to != null && to.length() > 0)
+ ldapfilter += CertRecord.ATTR_ID + "<=" + to + ")(";
+ ldapfilter += "!(" + CertRecord.ATTR_X509CERT + "." +
+ CertificateValidity.NOT_AFTER + ">=" +
+ DateMapper.dateToDB(now) + ")))";
+ //e =, ldapfilter);
+ ICertRecordList list = null;
+ list = findCertRecordsInList(ldapfilter, null, "serialno", 10);
+ int size = list.getSize();
+ e = list.getCertRecords(0, size - 1);
+ } finally {
+ // XXX - transaction is not done at this moment
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrives all expired certificates.
+ */
+ public Enumeration getAllExpiredCertificates()
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ Enumeration e = null;
+ try {
+ Date now = CMS.getCurrentDate();
+ String ldapfilter = "(!(" + CertRecord.ATTR_X509CERT + "." +
+ CertificateValidity.NOT_AFTER + ">=" +
+ DateMapper.dateToDB(now) + "))";
+ //e =, ldapfilter);
+ ICertRecordList list = null;
+ list = findCertRecordsInList(ldapfilter, null, "serialno", 10);
+ int size = list.getSize();
+ e = list.getCertRecords(0, size - 1);
+ } finally {
+ // XXX - transaction is not done at this moment
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrives all expired published certificates.
+ * @param from The starting point of the serial number range.
+ * @param to The ending point of the serial number range.
+ */
+ public Enumeration getExpiredPublishedCertificates(String from, String to)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ Enumeration e = null;
+ try {
+ Date now = CMS.getCurrentDate();
+ String ldapfilter = "(&(";
+ if (from != null && from.length() > 0)
+ ldapfilter += CertRecord.ATTR_ID + ">=" + from + ")(";
+ if (to != null && to.length() > 0)
+ ldapfilter += CertRecord.ATTR_ID + "<=" + to + ")(";
+ ldapfilter += "!(" + CertRecord.ATTR_X509CERT + "." +
+ CertificateValidity.NOT_AFTER + ">=" +
+ //DateMapper.dateToDB(now) + ")))";
+ DateMapper.dateToDB(now) + "))(" +
+ "certMetainfo=" +
+ ":true))";
+ //e =, ldapfilter);
+ ICertRecordList list = null;
+ list = findCertRecordsInList(ldapfilter, null, "serialno", 10);
+ int size = list.getSize();
+ e = list.getCertRecords(0, size - 1);
+ } finally {
+ // XXX - transaction is not done at this moment
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrives all expired publishedcertificates.
+ */
+ public Enumeration getAllExpiredPublishedCertificates()
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ Enumeration e = null;
+ try {
+ Date now = CMS.getCurrentDate();
+ String ldapfilter = "(&";
+ ldapfilter += "(!(" + CertRecord.ATTR_X509CERT + "." +
+ CertificateValidity.NOT_AFTER + ">=" +
+ DateMapper.dateToDB(now) + "))";
+ ldapfilter += "(certMetainfo=" +
+ ":true))";
+ //e =, ldapfilter);
+ ICertRecordList list = null;
+ list = findCertRecordsInList(ldapfilter, null, "serialno", 10);
+ int size = list.getSize();
+ e = list.getCertRecords(0, size - 1);
+ } finally {
+ // XXX - transaction is not done at this moment
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ public ICertRecordList getInvalidCertsByNotBeforeDate(Date date, int pageSize)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ String now = null;
+ Date rightNow = CMS.getCurrentDate();
+ ICertRecordList list = null;
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ try {
+ String ldapfilter = "(" + CertRecord.ATTR_CERT_STATUS + "=" + CertRecord.STATUS_INVALID + ")";
+ String[] attrs = null;
+ if (mConsistencyCheck == false) {
+ attrs = new String[] { "objectclass", CertRecord.ATTR_ID, CertRecord.ATTR_X509CERT};
+ }
+ CMS.debug("getInvalidCertificatesByNotBeforeDate filter " + ldapfilter);
+ //e =, ldapfilter);
+ CMS.debug("getInvalidCertificatesByNotBeforeDate: about to call findCertRecordsInList");
+ list = findCertRecordsInListRawJumpto(ldapfilter, attrs,
+ DateMapper.dateToDB(date), "notBefore", pageSize);
+ //e = list.getCertRecords(0, size - 1);
+ } finally {
+ // XXX - transaction is not done at this moment
+ CMS.debug("In getInvalidCertsByNotBeforeDate finally.");
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return list;
+ }
+ public ICertRecordList getValidCertsByNotAfterDate(Date date, int pageSize)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ String now = null;
+ ICertRecordList list = null;
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ try {
+ String ldapfilter = "(" + CertRecord.ATTR_CERT_STATUS + "=" + CertRecord.STATUS_VALID + ")";
+ String[] attrs = null;
+ if (mConsistencyCheck == false) {
+ attrs = new String[] { "objectclass", CertRecord.ATTR_ID, CertRecord.ATTR_X509CERT};
+ }
+ CMS.debug("getValidCertsByNotAfterDate filter " + ldapfilter);
+ //e =, ldapfilter);
+ list = findCertRecordsInListRawJumpto(ldapfilter, attrs, DateMapper.dateToDB(date), "notAfter", pageSize);
+ } finally {
+ // XXX - transaction is not done at this moment
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return list;
+ }
+ public ICertRecordList getRevokedCertsByNotAfterDate(Date date, int pageSize)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ ICertRecordList list = null;
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ try {
+ String ldapfilter = "(" + CertRecord.ATTR_CERT_STATUS + "=" + CertRecord.STATUS_REVOKED + ")";
+ String[] attrs = null;
+ if (mConsistencyCheck == false) {
+ attrs = new String[] { "objectclass", CertRecord.ATTR_REVOKED_ON, CertRecord.ATTR_ID,
+ CertRecord.ATTR_REVO_INFO, CertificateValidity.NOT_AFTER, CertRecord.ATTR_X509CERT};
+ }
+ CMS.debug("getRevokedCertificatesByNotAfterDate filter " + ldapfilter);
+ //e =, ldapfilter);
+ CMS.debug("getRevokedCertificatesByNotAfterDate: about to call findCertRecordsInList");
+ list = findCertRecordsInListRawJumpto(ldapfilter, attrs,
+ DateMapper.dateToDB(date), "notafter", pageSize);
+ } finally {
+ // XXX - transaction is not done at this moment
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return list;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves all revoked certificates in the serial number range.
+ * @param from The starting point of the serial number range.
+ * @param to The ending point of the serial number range.
+ */
+ public Enumeration getRevokedCertificates(String from, String to)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ Enumeration e = null;
+ try {
+ String ldapfilter = "(&(" + CertRecord.ATTR_REVO_INFO + "=*)";
+ if (from != null && from.length() > 0)
+ ldapfilter += "(" + CertRecord.ATTR_ID + ">=" + from + ")";
+ if (to != null && to.length() > 0)
+ ldapfilter += "(" + CertRecord.ATTR_ID + "<=" + to + ")";
+ ldapfilter += ")";
+ //e =, ldapfilter);
+ ICertRecordList list = null;
+ list = findCertRecordsInList(ldapfilter, null, "serialno", 10);
+ int size = list.getSize();
+ e = list.getCertRecords(0, size - 1);
+ } finally {
+ // XXX - transaction is not done at this moment
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrives all revoked certificates including ones already expired or
+ * not yet valid.
+ */
+ public Enumeration getAllRevokedCertificates()
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ Enumeration e = null;
+ String ldapfilter = "(|(" + CertRecord.ATTR_CERT_STATUS + "=" + CertRecord.STATUS_REVOKED + ")(" + CertRecord.ATTR_CERT_STATUS + "=" + CertRecord.STATUS_REVOKED_EXPIRED + "))"; // index is setup for this filter
+ try {
+ //e =, ldapfilter);
+ ICertRecordList list = null;
+ list = findCertRecordsInList(ldapfilter, null, "serialno", 10);
+ int size = list.getSize();
+ e = list.getCertRecords(0, size - 1);
+ } finally {
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves all revoked publishedcertificates in the serial number range.
+ * @param from The starting point of the serial number range.
+ * @param to The ending point of the serial number range.
+ */
+ public Enumeration getRevokedPublishedCertificates(String from, String to)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ Enumeration e = null;
+ try {
+ String ldapfilter = "(&(" + CertRecord.ATTR_REVO_INFO + "=*)";
+ if (from != null && from.length() > 0)
+ ldapfilter += "(" + CertRecord.ATTR_ID + ">=" + from + ")";
+ if (to != null && to.length() > 0)
+ ldapfilter += "(" + CertRecord.ATTR_ID + "<=" + to + ")";
+ //ldapfilter += ")";
+ ldapfilter += "(certMetainfo=" +
+ ":true))";
+ //e =, ldapfilter);
+ ICertRecordList list = null;
+ list = findCertRecordsInList(ldapfilter, null, "serialno", 10);
+ int size = list.getSize();
+ e = list.getCertRecords(0, size - 1);
+ } finally {
+ // XXX - transaction is not done at this moment
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrives all revoked published certificates including ones
+ * already expired or not yet valid.
+ */
+ public Enumeration getAllRevokedPublishedCertificates()
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ Enumeration e = null;
+ String ldapfilter = "(&(|(" + CertRecord.ATTR_CERT_STATUS + "=" + CertRecord.STATUS_REVOKED + ")(" + CertRecord.ATTR_CERT_STATUS + "=" + CertRecord.STATUS_REVOKED_EXPIRED + "))"; // index is setup for this filter
+ ldapfilter += "(certMetainfo=" +
+ ":true))";
+ try {
+ //e =, ldapfilter);
+ ICertRecordList list = null;
+ list = findCertRecordsInList(ldapfilter, null, "serialno", 10);
+ int size = list.getSize();
+ e = list.getCertRecords(0, size - 1);
+ } finally {
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrieves all revoked certificates that have not expired.
+ */
+ public Enumeration getRevokedCertificates(Date asOfDate)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ Enumeration e = null;
+ try {
+ /*e =, "(&(" +
+ CertRecord.ATTR_REVO_INFO + "=*)(" + CertRecord.ATTR_X509CERT +
+ "." + CertificateValidity.NOT_AFTER + " >= " +
+ DateMapper.dateToDB(asOfDate) + "))");*/
+ String ldapfilter = "(&(" +
+ CertRecord.ATTR_REVO_INFO + "=*)(" + CertRecord.ATTR_X509CERT +
+ "." + CertificateValidity.NOT_AFTER + " >= " +
+ DateMapper.dateToDB(asOfDate) + "))";
+ ICertRecordList list = null;
+ list = findCertRecordsInList(ldapfilter, null, "serialno", 10);
+ int size = list.getSize();
+ e = list.getCertRecords(0, size - 1);
+ } finally {
+ // XXX - transaction is not done at this moment
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Retrives all revoked certificates excluing ones already expired.
+ */
+ public Enumeration getAllRevokedNonExpiredCertificates()
+ throws EBaseException {
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ Enumeration e = null;
+ String ldapfilter = "(" + CertRecord.ATTR_CERT_STATUS + "=" + CertRecord.STATUS_REVOKED + ")"; // index is setup for this filter
+ try {
+ //e =, ldapfilter);
+ ICertRecordList list = null;
+ list = findCertRecordsInList(ldapfilter, null, "serialno", 10);
+ int size = list.getSize();
+ e = list.getCertRecords(0, size - 1);
+ } finally {
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return e;
+ }
+ private LDAPSearchResults startSearchForModifiedCertificateRecords()
+ throws EBaseException {
+ CMS.debug("startSearchForModifiedCertificateRecords");
+ LDAPSearchResults r = null;
+ IDBSSession s = mDBService.createSession();
+ String filter = "(" + CertRecord.ATTR_CERT_STATUS + "=*)";
+ try {
+ r = s.persistentSearch(getDN(), filter, null);
+ CMS.debug("startSearchForModifiedCertificateRecords persistentSearch started");
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ CMS.debug("startSearchForModifiedCertificateRecords persistentSearch Exception="+e);
+ r = null;
+ if (s != null)
+ s.close();
+ }
+ return r;
+ }
+ public void getModifications(LDAPEntry entry) {
+ if (entry != null) {
+ CMS.debug("getModifications entry DN="+entry.getDN());
+ LDAPAttributeSet entryAttrs = entry.getAttributeSet();
+ ICertRecord certRec = null;
+ try {
+ certRec = (ICertRecord)mDBService.getRegistry().createObject(entryAttrs);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ }
+ if (certRec != null) {
+ String status = certRec.getStatus();
+ CMS.debug("getModifications serialNumber="+certRec.getSerialNumber()+
+ " status="+status);
+ if (status != null && (status.equals(ICertRecord.STATUS_VALID) ||
+ status.equals(ICertRecord.STATUS_REVOKED))) {
+ Enumeration eIPs = mCRLIssuingPoints.elements();
+ while (eIPs.hasMoreElements()) {
+ ICRLIssuingPoint ip = (ICRLIssuingPoint) eIPs.nextElement();
+ if (ip != null) {
+ if (status.equals(ICertRecord.STATUS_REVOKED)) {
+ IRevocationInfo rInfo = certRec.getRevocationInfo();
+ if (rInfo != null) {
+ ip.addRevokedCert(certRec.getSerialNumber(),
+ new RevokedCertImpl(certRec.getSerialNumber(),
+ rInfo.getRevocationDate(),
+ rInfo.getCRLEntryExtensions()));
+ }
+ } else {
+ ip.addUnrevokedCert(certRec.getSerialNumber());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ CMS.debug("getModifications entry == null");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Checks if the presented certificate belongs to the repository
+ * and is revoked.
+ *
+ * @param cert certificate to verify.
+ * @return RevocationInfo if the presented certificate is revoked otherwise null.
+ */
+ public RevocationInfo isCertificateRevoked(X509CertImpl cert)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ RevocationInfo info = null;
+ // 615932
+ if (cert == null)
+ return null;
+ ICertRecord rec = readCertificateRecord(cert.getSerialNumber());
+ if (rec != null) {
+ if (rec.getStatus().equals(ICertRecord.STATUS_REVOKED)) {
+ X500Name name = (X500Name) cert.getSubjectDN();
+ X500Name repCertName = (X500Name) rec.getCertificate().getSubjectDN();
+ if (name.equals(repCertName)) {
+ byte[] certEncoded = null;
+ byte[] repCertEncoded = null;
+ try {
+ certEncoded = cert.getEncoded();
+ repCertEncoded = rec.getCertificate().getEncoded();
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ }
+ if (certEncoded != null &&
+ repCertEncoded != null &&
+ certEncoded.length == repCertEncoded.length) {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < certEncoded.length; i++) {
+ if (certEncoded[i] != repCertEncoded[i])
+ break;
+ }
+ if (i >= certEncoded.length) {
+ info = (RevocationInfo) ((CertRecord) rec).getRevocationInfo();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return info;
+ }
+ public void shutdown() {
+ if (mCertStatusUpdateThread != null)
+ mCertStatusUpdateThread.destroy();
+ if (mRetrieveModificationsThread != null)
+ mRetrieveModificationsThread.destroy();
+ }
+class CertStatusUpdateThread extends Thread {
+ CertificateRepository _cr = null;
+ int _interval;
+ CertStatusUpdateThread(CertificateRepository cr, String name) {
+ super(name);
+ CMS.debug("new CertStatusUpdateThread");
+ //setName(name);
+ _cr = cr;
+ }
+ public void setInterval(int interval) {
+ _interval = interval;
+ }
+ public void run() {
+ CMS.debug("Inside run method of CertStatusUpdateThread");
+ while (true) {
+ try {
+ // block the update while another thread
+ // (such as the CRL Update) is running
+ CMS.debug("About to start updateCertStatus");
+ synchronized (this) {
+ CMS.debug("Starting updateCertStatus (entered lock)");
+ _cr.updateCertStatus();
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ }
+ try {
+ sleep(_interval * 1000);
+ } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class RetrieveModificationsThread extends Thread {
+ CertificateRepository _cr = null;
+ LDAPSearchResults _results = null;
+ RetrieveModificationsThread(CertificateRepository cr, String name) {
+ super(name);
+ CMS.debug("new RetrieveModificationsThread");
+ //setName(name);
+ _cr = cr;
+ }
+ public void setResults(LDAPSearchResults results) {
+ _results = results;
+ }
+ public void run() {
+ CMS.debug("Inside run method of RetrieveModificationsThread");
+ if (_results != null) {
+ try {
+ while (_results.hasMoreElements()) {
+ LDAPEntry entry =;
+ _cr.getModifications(entry);
+ }
+ } catch (LDAPException e) {
+ CMS.debug("LDAPException: "+e.toString());
+ }
+ } else {
+ CMS.debug("_results are null");
+ }
+ CMS.debug("Done with run method of RetrieveModificationsThread");
+ }