path: root/pki/base/common/src/com/netscape/cms/publish/mappers/
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Diffstat (limited to 'pki/base/common/src/com/netscape/cms/publish/mappers/')
1 files changed, 639 insertions, 0 deletions
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+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+// (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+// package statement //
+package com.netscape.cms.publish.mappers;
+// import statements //
+/* cert server imports */
+import com.netscape.certsrv.base.*;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.ldap.*;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.logging.*;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.request.IRequest;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.apps.*;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.ldap.*;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.publish.*;
+/* LDAP imports */
+import netscape.ldap.*;
+import netscape.ldap.util.*;
+/* security imports */
+/* java sdk imports */
+import java.util.*;
+// class definition //
+ * Maps a request to an entry in the LDAP server.
+ * Takes a dnPattern to form the baseDN from the
+ * request attributes and certificate subject name.
+ * Does a base search for the entry in the directory
+ * to publish the cert or crl. The restriction of
+ * this mapper is that the ldap dn components must
+ * be part of certificate subject name or request
+ * attributes or constant. The difference of this
+ * mapper and LdapSimpleMap is that if the ldap
+ * entry is not found, it has the option to create
+ * the ldap entry given the dn and attributes
+ * formulated.
+ *
+ * @version $Revision: 14561 $, $Date: 2007-05-01 10:28:56 -0700 (Tue, 01 May 2007) $
+ */
+public class LdapEnhancedMap
+ implements ILdapMapper, IExtendedPluginInfo {
+ ////////////////////////
+ // default parameters //
+ ////////////////////////
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ // local LdapEnhancedMap parameters //
+ //////////////////////////////////////
+ private boolean mInited = false;
+ // the subject DN pattern
+ protected MapDNPattern mPattern = null;
+ // the list of request attriubutes to retrieve
+ protected String[] mReqAttrs = null;
+ // the list of cert attributes to retrieve
+ protected String[] mCertAttrs = null;
+ protected String[] mLdapValues = null;
+ ////////////////////////////
+ // ILdapMapper parameters //
+ ////////////////////////////
+ /* mapper plug-in fields */
+ protected static final String PROP_DNPATTERN = "dnPattern";
+ protected static final String PROP_CREATE = "createEntry";
+ // the object class of the entry to be created. xxxx not done yet
+ protected static final String PROP_OBJCLASS = "objectClass";
+ // req/cert/ext attribute --> directory attribute table
+ protected static final String PROP_ATTRNUM = "attrNum";
+ protected static final String PROP_ATTR_NAME = "attrName";
+ protected static final String PROP_ATTR_PATTERN = "attrPattern";
+ /* mapper plug-in fields initialization values */
+ private static final int DEFAULT_NUM_ATTRS = 1;
+ /* Holds mapper plug-in fields accepted by this implementation.
+ * This list is passed to the configuration console so configuration
+ * for instances of this implementation can be configured through the
+ * console.
+ */
+ private static Vector defaultParams = new Vector();
+ static {
+ defaultParams.addElement(PROP_DNPATTERN + "=");
+ defaultParams.addElement(PROP_CREATE + "=true");
+ defaultParams.addElement(PROP_ATTRNUM + "=" + DEFAULT_NUM_ATTRS);
+ for (int i = 0; i < DEFAULT_NUM_ATTRS; i++) {
+ defaultParams.addElement(PROP_ATTR_NAME + i + "=");
+ defaultParams.addElement(PROP_ATTR_PATTERN + i + "=");
+ }
+ }
+ /* mapper plug-in values */
+ protected String mDnPattern = null;
+ protected boolean mCreateEntry = true;
+ private int mNumAttrs = DEFAULT_NUM_ATTRS;
+ protected String[] mLdapNames = null;
+ protected String[] mLdapPatterns = null;
+ /* miscellaneous constants local to this mapper plug-in */
+ // default dn pattern if left blank or not set in the config
+ public static final String DEFAULT_DNPATTERN =
+ "UID=$req.HTTP_PARAMS.UID, " +
+ "OU=people, O=$subj.o, C=$subj.c";
+ private static final int MAX_ATTRS = 10;
+ protected static final int DEFAULT_ATTRNUM = 1;
+ /* miscellaneous variables local to this mapper plug-in */
+ protected IConfigStore mConfig = null;
+ protected AVAPattern[] mPatterns = null;
+ ////////////////////////////////////
+ // IExtendedPluginInfo parameters //
+ ////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////
+ // Logger parameters //
+ ///////////////////////
+ private ILogger mLogger = CMS.getLogger();
+ /////////////////////
+ // default methods //
+ /////////////////////
+ /**
+ * Default constructor, initialization must follow.
+ */
+ public LdapEnhancedMap() {
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ // local LdapEnhancedMap methods //
+ ///////////////////////////////////
+ /**
+ * common initialization routine.
+ */
+ protected void init(String dnPattern)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ if (mInited) {
+ return;
+ }
+ mDnPattern = dnPattern;
+ if (mDnPattern == null ||
+ mDnPattern.length() == 0) {
+ }
+ try {
+ mPattern = new MapDNPattern(mDnPattern);
+ String[] mReqAttrs = mPattern.getReqAttrs();
+ String[] mCertAttrs = mPattern.getCertAttrs();
+ } catch (ELdapException e) {
+ log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
+ dnPattern, e.toString()));
+ throw new EBaseException(
+ "falied to init with pattern " +
+ dnPattern + " " + e);
+ }
+ mInited = true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * form a dn from component in the request and cert subject name
+ * @param req The request
+ * @param obj The certificate or crl
+ */
+ private String formDN(IRequest req, Object obj)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ CertificateExtensions certExt = null;
+ X500Name subjectDN = null;
+ try {
+ X509Certificate cert = (X509Certificate) obj;
+ subjectDN =
+ (X500Name) ((X509Certificate) cert).getSubjectDN();
+ CMS.debug(
+ "LdapEnhancedMap: cert subject dn:" +
+ subjectDN.toString());
+ //certExt = (CertificateExtensions)
+ // ((X509CertImpl)cert).get(
+ // X509CertInfo.EXTENSIONS);
+ X509CertInfo info = (X509CertInfo)
+ ((X509CertImpl) cert).get(
+ X509CertImpl.NAME +
+ "." +
+ X509CertImpl.INFO);
+ certExt = (CertificateExtensions)
+ info.get(CertificateExtensions.NAME);
+ } catch ( e) {
+ log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
+ CMS.getLogMessage("PUBLISH_CANT_GET_EXT", e.toString()));
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
+ CMS.getLogMessage("PUBLISH_CANT_GET_EXT", e.toString()));
+ } catch ( e) {
+ log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
+ CMS.getLogMessage("PUBLISH_CANT_GET_EXT", e.toString()));
+ } catch (ClassCastException e) {
+ try {
+ X509CRLImpl crl = (X509CRLImpl) obj;
+ subjectDN = (X500Name)
+ ((X509CRLImpl) crl).getIssuerDN();
+ CMS.debug(
+ "LdapEnhancedMap: crl issuer dn: " +
+ subjectDN.toString());
+ } catch (ClassCastException ex) {
+ log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
+ ((req == null) ? ""
+ : req.getRequestId().toString())));
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ try {
+ mLdapValues = new String[mNumAttrs];
+ for (int i = 0; i < mNumAttrs; i++) {
+ if (mPatterns[i] != null) {
+ mLdapValues[i] = mPatterns[i].formAVA(
+ req,
+ subjectDN,
+ certExt);
+ }
+ }
+ String dn = mPattern.formDN(req, subjectDN, certExt);
+ return dn;
+ } catch (ELdapException e) {
+ log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
+ ((req == null) ? ""
+ : req.getRequestId().toString()), e.toString()));
+ throw new EBaseException(
+ "failed to form dn for request: " +
+ ((req == null) ? ""
+ : req.getRequestId().toString()) +
+ " " + e);
+ }
+ }
+ private void createEntry(LDAPConnection conn, String dn)
+ throws LDAPException {
+ LDAPAttributeSet attrs = new LDAPAttributeSet();
+ // OID
+ String caOc[] = { "top",
+ "person",
+ "organizationalPerson",
+ "inetOrgPerson" };
+ DN dnobj = new DN(dn);
+ String attrval[] = dnobj.explodeDN(true);
+ attrs.add(new LDAPAttribute("cn", attrval[0]));
+ attrs.add(new LDAPAttribute("sn", attrval[0]));
+ attrs.add(new LDAPAttribute("objectclass", caOc));
+ for (int i = 0; i < mNumAttrs; i++) {
+ if (mLdapNames[i] != null &&
+ !mLdapNames[i].trim().equals("") &&
+ mLdapValues[i] != null &&
+ !mLdapValues[i].trim().equals("")) {
+ attrs.add(new LDAPAttribute(mLdapNames[i],
+ mLdapValues[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ LDAPEntry entry = new LDAPEntry(dn, attrs);
+ conn.add(entry);
+ }
+ /////////////////////////
+ // ILdapMapper methods //
+ /////////////////////////
+ /**
+ * for initializing from config store.
+ *
+ * implementation for extended
+ * ILdapPlugin interface method
+ */
+ public void init(IConfigStore config)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ mConfig = config;
+ mDnPattern = mConfig.getString(PROP_DNPATTERN,
+ mCreateEntry = mConfig.getBoolean(PROP_CREATE,
+ true);
+ mNumAttrs = mConfig.getInteger(PROP_ATTRNUM,
+ 0);
+ mLdapNames = new String[mNumAttrs];
+ mLdapPatterns = new String[mNumAttrs];
+ mPatterns = new AVAPattern[mNumAttrs];
+ for (int i = 0; i < mNumAttrs; i++) {
+ mLdapNames[i] =
+ mConfig.getString(PROP_ATTR_NAME +
+ Integer.toString(i),
+ "");
+ mLdapPatterns[i] =
+ mConfig.getString(PROP_ATTR_PATTERN +
+ Integer.toString(i),
+ "");
+ if (mLdapPatterns[i] != null &&
+ !mLdapPatterns[i].trim().equals("")) {
+ mPatterns[i] = new AVAPattern(mLdapPatterns[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ init(mDnPattern);
+ }
+ /**
+ * implementation for extended
+ * ILdapPlugin interface method
+ */
+ public IConfigStore getConfigStore() {
+ return mConfig;
+ }
+ public String getImplName() {
+ return "LdapEnhancedMap";
+ }
+ public String getDescription() {
+ return "LdapEnhancedMap";
+ }
+ public Vector getDefaultParams() {
+ return defaultParams;
+ }
+ public Vector getInstanceParams() {
+ Vector v = new Vector();
+ try {
+ if (mDnPattern == null) {
+ v.addElement(PROP_DNPATTERN + "=");
+ }else {
+ v.addElement(PROP_DNPATTERN + "=" +
+ mConfig.getString(PROP_DNPATTERN));
+ }
+ v.addElement(PROP_CREATE + "=" +
+ mConfig.getBoolean(PROP_CREATE,
+ true));
+ v.addElement(PROP_ATTRNUM + "=" +
+ mConfig.getInteger(PROP_ATTRNUM,
+ for (int i = 0; i < mNumAttrs; i++) {
+ if (mLdapNames[i] != null) {
+ v.addElement(PROP_ATTR_NAME + i +
+ "=" + mLdapNames[i]);
+ } else {
+ v.addElement(PROP_ATTR_NAME + i +
+ "=");
+ }
+ if (mLdapPatterns[i] != null) {
+ v.addElement(PROP_ATTR_PATTERN + i +
+ "=" + mLdapPatterns[i]);
+ } else {
+ v.addElement(PROP_ATTR_PATTERN + i +
+ "=");
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ }
+ return v;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Maps an X500 subject name to an LDAP entry.
+ * Uses DN pattern to form a DN for an LDAP base search.
+ *
+ * @param conn the LDAP connection.
+ * @param obj the object to map.
+ * @exception ELdapException if any LDAP exceptions occurred.
+ */
+ public String map(LDAPConnection conn, Object obj)
+ throws ELdapException {
+ return map(conn, null, obj);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Maps an X500 subject name to an LDAP entry.
+ * Uses DN pattern to form a DN for an LDAP base search.
+ *
+ * @param conn the LDAP connection.
+ * @param req the request to map.
+ * @param obj the object to map.
+ * @exception ELdapException if any LDAP exceptions occurred.
+ */
+ public String map(LDAPConnection conn, IRequest req, Object obj)
+ throws ELdapException {
+ if (conn == null) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ String dn = null;
+ try {
+ dn = formDN(req, obj);
+ if (dn == null) {
+ log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
+ CMS.getLogMessage("PUBLISH_DN_NOT_FORMED"));
+ String s1 = "";
+ if (req != null)
+ s1 = req.getRequestId().toString();
+ throw new ELdapException(
+ CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_LDAP_NO_DN_MATCH", s1));
+ }
+ int scope = LDAPv2.SCOPE_BASE;
+ String filter = "(objectclass=*)";
+ // search for entry
+ String[] attrs = new String[] { LDAPv3.NO_ATTRS };
+ log(ILogger.LL_INFO,
+ "searching for dn: " +
+ dn + " filter:" +
+ filter + " scope: base");
+ LDAPSearchResults results =,
+ scope,
+ filter,
+ attrs,
+ false);
+ LDAPEntry entry =;
+ if (results.hasMoreElements()) {
+ log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
+ dn +
+ ((req == null) ? ""
+ : req.getRequestId().toString())));
+ throw new ELdapException(
+ ((req == null) ? ""
+ : req.getRequestId().toString())));
+ }
+ if (entry != null) {
+ return entry.getDN();
+ } else {
+ log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
+ dn +
+ ((req == null) ? ""
+ : req.getRequestId().toString())));
+ throw new ELdapException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_LDAP_NO_MATCH_FOUND",
+ "null entry"));
+ }
+ } catch (LDAPException e) {
+ if (e.getLDAPResultCode() == LDAPException.UNAVAILABLE) {
+ // need to intercept this because message from LDAP is
+ // "DSA is unavailable" which confuses with DSA PKI.
+ log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
+ throw new ELdapServerDownException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_LDAP_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE", conn.getHost(), "" + conn.getPort()));
+ } else if (e.getLDAPResultCode() ==
+ LDAPException.NO_SUCH_OBJECT && mCreateEntry) {
+ try {
+ createEntry(conn, dn);
+ log(ILogger.LL_INFO,
+ "Entry " +
+ dn +
+ " Created");
+ return dn;
+ } catch (LDAPException e1) {
+ log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
+ dn,
+ e.toString()));
+ log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
+ "Entry is not created. " +
+ "This may because there are " +
+ "entries in the directory " +
+ "hierachy not exit.");
+ throw new ELdapException(
+ CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_LDAP_CREATE_ENTRY", dn));
+ }
+ } else {
+ log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
+ dn,
+ e.toString()));
+ throw new ELdapException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_LDAP_NO_MATCH_FOUND", e.toString()));
+ }
+ } catch (EBaseException e) {
+ log(ILogger.LL_FAILURE,
+ e.toString()));
+ throw new ELdapException(CMS.getUserMessage("CMS_LDAP_NO_MATCH_FOUND", e.toString()));
+ }
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////
+ // IExtendedPluginInfo methods //
+ /////////////////////////////////
+ public String[] getExtendedPluginInfo(Locale locale) {
+ Vector v = new Vector();
+ v.addElement(PROP_DNPATTERN +
+ ";string;Describes how to form the Ldap " +
+ "Subject name in the directory. " +
+ "Example 1: 'uid=CertMgr, o=Fedora'. " +
+ "Example 2: 'uid=$req.HTTP_PARAMS.uid, " +
+ "E=$ext.SubjectAlternativeName.RFC822Name, " +
+ "ou=$subj.ou'. " +
+ "$req means: take the attribute from the " +
+ "request. " +
+ "$subj means: take the attribute from the " +
+ "certificate subject name. " +
+ "$ext means: take the attribute from the " +
+ "certificate extension");
+ v.addElement(PROP_CREATE +
+ ";boolean;If checked, An entry will be " +
+ "created automatically");
+ v.addElement(PROP_ATTRNUM +
+ ";string;How many attributes to add.");
+ v.addElement(IExtendedPluginInfo.HELP_TOKEN +
+ ";configuration-ldappublish-mapper-enhancedmapper");
+ v.addElement(IExtendedPluginInfo.HELP_TEXT +
+ ";Describes how to form the LDAP DN of the " +
+ "entry to publish to");
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ATTRS; i++) {
+ v.addElement(PROP_ATTR_NAME +
+ Integer.toString(i) +
+ ";string;" +
+ "The name of LDAP attribute " +
+ "to be added. e.g. mail");
+ v.addElement(PROP_ATTR_PATTERN +
+ Integer.toString(i) +
+ ";string;" +
+ "How to create the LDAP attribute value. " +
+ "e.g. $req.HTTP_PARAMS.csrRequestorEmail, " +
+ "$subj.E or " +
+ "$ext.SubjectAlternativeName.RFC822Name");
+ }
+ String params[] =
+ com.netscape.cmsutil.util.Utils.getStringArrayFromVector(v);
+ return params;
+ }
+ ////////////////////
+ // Logger methods //
+ ////////////////////
+ private void log(int level, String msg) {
+ mLogger.log(ILogger.EV_SYSTEM, ILogger.S_LDAP, level,
+ "LdapEnhancedMapper: " + msg);
+ }