path: root/base/deploy/src/scriptlets/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'base/deploy/src/scriptlets/')
1 files changed, 1004 insertions, 191 deletions
diff --git a/base/deploy/src/scriptlets/ b/base/deploy/src/scriptlets/
index ee2bdd249..95b5bf0a7 100644
--- a/base/deploy/src/scriptlets/
+++ b/base/deploy/src/scriptlets/
@@ -15,208 +15,1021 @@
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
# 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
-# Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat, Inc.
+# Copyright (C) 2012 Red Hat, Inc.
# All rights reserved.
# System Imports
-import ConfigParser
-import argparse
-import logging
+import errno
+import sys
import os
+import shutil
+from grp import getgrnam
+from pwd import getpwnam
+import zipfile
# PKI Deployment Imports
import pkiconfig as config
+from pkiconfig import pki_master_dict as master
+import pkimanifest as manifest
import pkimessages as log
-# PKI Deployment Helper Functions
-def process_command_line_arguments(argv):
- "Read and process command-line options"
- description = None
- if os.path.basename(argv[0]) == 'pkispawn':
- description = 'PKI Instance Installation and Configuration'
- elif os.path.basename(argv[0]) == 'pkidestroy':
- description = 'PKI Instance Removal'
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description=description,
- add_help=False,
- formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter,
- mandatory = parser.add_argument_group('mandatory arguments')
- mandatory.add_argument('-s',
- dest='pki_subsystem', action='store',
- nargs=1, choices=config.PKI_SUBSYSTEMS,
- required=True, metavar='<subsystem>',
- help='where <subsystem> is '
- 'CA, KRA, OCSP, RA, TKS, or TPS')
- optional = parser.add_argument_group('optional arguments')
- optional.add_argument('--dry_run',
- dest='pki_dry_run_flag', action='store_true',
- help='do not actually perform any actions')
- optional.add_argument('-f',
- dest='pkideployment_cfg', action='store',
- nargs=1, metavar='<file>',
- help='overrides default configuration filename')
- optional.add_argument('-h', '--help',
- dest='help', action='help',
- help='show this help message and exit')
- optional.add_argument('-p',
- dest='pki_root_prefix', action='store',
- nargs=1, metavar='<prefix>',
- help='directory prefix to specify local directory')
- if os.path.basename(argv[0]) == 'pkispawn':
- optional.add_argument('-u',
- dest='pki_update_flag', action='store_true',
- help='update instance of specified subsystem')
- optional.add_argument('-v',
- dest='pki_verbosity', action='count',
- help='display verbose information (details below)')
- custom = parser.add_argument_group('custom arguments '
- '(OVERRIDES configuration file values)')
- custom.add_argument('-i',
- dest='pki_instance_name', action='store',
- nargs=1, metavar='<instance>',
- help='PKI instance name (MUST specify REQUIRED ports)')
- custom.add_argument('--http_port',
- dest='pki_http_port', action='store',
- nargs=1, metavar='<port>',
- help='HTTP port (CA, KRA, OCSP, RA, TKS, TPS)')
- custom.add_argument('--https_port',
- dest='pki_https_port', action='store',
- nargs=1, metavar='<port>',
- help='HTTPS port (CA, KRA, OCSP, RA, TKS, TPS)')
- custom.add_argument('--ajp_port',
- dest='pki_ajp_port', action='store',
- nargs=1, metavar='<port>',
- help='AJP port (CA, KRA, OCSP, TKS)')
- args = parser.parse_args()
- config.pki_subsystem = str(args.pki_subsystem).strip('[\']')
- if args.pki_dry_run_flag:
- config.pki_dry_run_flag = args.pki_dry_run_flag
- if not args.pkideployment_cfg is None:
- config.pkideployment_cfg = str(args.pkideployment_cfg).strip('[\']')
- if not os.path.exists(config.pkideployment_cfg) or\
- not os.path.isfile(config.pkideployment_cfg):
- print "ERROR: " +\
- config.pkideployment_cfg
- print
- parser.print_help()
- parser.exit(-1);
- if not args.pki_root_prefix is None:
- config.pki_root_prefix = str(args.pki_root_prefix).strip('[\']')
- if config.pki_root_prefix is None or\
- len(config.pki_root_prefix) == 0:
- config.pki_root_prefix = ""
- elif not os.path.exists(config.pki_root_prefix) or\
- not os.path.isdir(config.pki_root_prefix):
- print "ERROR: " +\
- config.pki_root_prefix
- print
- parser.print_help()
- parser.exit(-1);
- if os.path.basename(argv[0]) == 'pkispawn':
- if args.pki_update_flag:
- config.pki_update_flag = args.pki_update_flag
- if args.pki_verbosity == 1:
- config.pki_console_log_level = logging.INFO
- config.pki_log_level = logging.INFO
- elif args.pki_verbosity == 2:
- config.pki_console_log_level = logging.INFO
- config.pki_log_level = logging.DEBUG
- elif args.pki_verbosity == 3:
- config.pki_console_log_level = logging.DEBUG
- config.pki_log_level = logging.DEBUG
- elif args.pki_verbosity > 3:
- print
- parser.print_help()
- parser.exit(-1);
- if not args.pki_instance_name is None:
- config.pki_instance_name = str(args.pki_instance_name).strip('[\']')
- if not args.pki_http_port is None:
- config.pki_http_port = str(args.pki_http_port).strip('[\']')
- if not args.pki_https_port is None:
- config.pki_https_port = str(args.pki_https_port).strip('[\']')
- if not args.pki_ajp_port is None:
- if config.pki_subsystem in config.PKI_TOMCAT_SUBSYSTEMS:
- config.pki_ajp_port = str(args.pki_ajp_port).strip('[\']')
- else:
- print "ERROR: " +\
- config.pki_subsystem
- print
- parser.print_help()
- parser.exit(-1);
- if not args.pki_instance_name is None or\
- not args.pki_http_port is None or\
- not args.pki_https_port is None or\
- not args.pki_ajp_port is None:
- if config.pki_subsystem in config.PKI_APACHE_SUBSYSTEMS:
- if args.pki_instance_name is None or\
- args.pki_http_port is None or\
- args.pki_https_port is None:
- config.pki_subsystem
- print
- parser.print_help()
- parser.exit(-1);
- elif config.pki_subsystem in config.PKI_TOMCAT_SUBSYSTEMS:
- if args.pki_instance_name is None or\
- args.pki_http_port is None or\
- args.pki_https_port is None or\
- args.pki_ajp_port is None:
- config.pki_subsystem
- print
- parser.print_help()
- parser.exit(-1);
-def read_pki_configuration_file():
- "Read configuration file sections into dictionaries"
- rv = 0
+# PKI Deployment Functions
+def pki_copytree(src, dst, symlinks=False, ignore=None):
+ """Recursively copy a directory tree using copy2().
+ PATCH: This code was copied from '' and patched to
+ allow 'The destination directory to already exist.'
+ If exception(s) occur, an Error is raised with a list of reasons.
+ If the optional symlinks flag is true, symbolic links in the
+ source tree result in symbolic links in the destination tree; if
+ it is false, the contents of the files pointed to by symbolic
+ links are copied.
+ The optional ignore argument is a callable. If given, it
+ is called with the `src` parameter, which is the directory
+ being visited by pki_copytree(), and `names` which is the list of
+ `src` contents, as returned by os.listdir():
+ callable(src, names) -> ignored_names
+ Since pki_copytree() is called recursively, the callable will be
+ called once for each directory that is copied. It returns a
+ list of names relative to the `src` directory that should
+ not be copied.
+ XXX Consider this example code rather than the ultimate tool.
+ """
+ names = os.listdir(src)
+ if ignore is not None:
+ ignored_names = ignore(src, names)
+ else:
+ ignored_names = set()
+ # PATCH: ONLY execute 'os.makedirs(dst)' if the top-level
+ # destination directory does NOT exist!
+ if not os.path.exists(dst):
+ os.makedirs(dst)
+ errors = []
+ for name in names:
+ if name in ignored_names:
+ continue
+ srcname = os.path.join(src, name)
+ dstname = os.path.join(dst, name)
+ try:
+ if symlinks and os.path.islink(srcname):
+ linkto = os.readlink(srcname)
+ os.symlink(linkto, dstname)
+ elif os.path.isdir(srcname):
+ pki_copytree(srcname, dstname, symlinks, ignore)
+ else:
+ # Will raise a SpecialFileError for unsupported file types
+ shutil.copy2(srcname, dstname)
+ # catch the Error from the recursive pki_copytree so that we can
+ # continue with other files
+ except Error, err:
+ errors.extend(err.args[0])
+ except EnvironmentError, why:
+ errors.append((srcname, dstname, str(why)))
- parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
- config.pki_common_dict = dict(parser._sections['Common'])
- if config.pki_subsystem == "CA":
- config.pki_web_server_dict = dict(parser._sections['Tomcat'])
- config.pki_subsystem_dict = dict(parser._sections['CA'])
- elif config.pki_subsystem == "KRA":
- config.pki_web_server_dict = dict(parser._sections['Tomcat'])
- config.pki_subsystem_dict = dict(parser._sections['KRA'])
- elif config.pki_subsystem == "OCSP":
- config.pki_web_server_dict = dict(parser._sections['Tomcat'])
- config.pki_subsystem_dict = dict(parser._sections['OCSP'])
- elif config.pki_subsystem == "RA":
- config.pki_web_server_dict = dict(parser._sections['Apache'])
- config.pki_subsystem_dict = dict(parser._sections['RA'])
- elif config.pki_subsystem == "TKS":
- config.pki_web_server_dict = dict(parser._sections['Tomcat'])
- config.pki_subsystem_dict = dict(parser._sections['TKS'])
- elif config.pki_subsystem == "TPS":
- config.pki_web_server_dict = dict(parser._sections['Apache'])
- config.pki_subsystem_dict = dict(parser._sections['TPS'])
- # Insert empty record into dictionaries for "pretty print" statements
- config.pki_common_dict[0] = None
- config.pki_web_server_dict[0] = None
- config.pki_subsystem_dict[0] = None
- except ConfigParser.ParsingError, err:
- rv = err
- return rv
-def create_pki_master_dictionary():
- "Create a single master PKI dictionary from the sectional dictionaries"
- config.pki_master_dict = dict()
- config.pki_master_dict.update(config.pki_common_dict)
- config.pki_master_dict.update(config.pki_web_server_dict)
- config.pki_master_dict.update(config.pki_subsystem_dict)
- config.pki_master_dict.update(__name__="PKI Master Dictionary")
- return
+ shutil.copystat(src, dst)
+ except OSError, why:
+ if WindowsError is not None and isinstance(why, WindowsError):
+ # Copying file access times may fail on Windows
+ pass
+ else:
+ errors.extend((src, dst, str(why)))
+ if errors:
+ raise Error, errors
+# PKI Deployment Identity Class
+class identity:
+ def get_uid(self, critical_failure=True):
+ try:
+ pki_uid = master['pki_uid']
+ except KeyError as exc:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_KEYERROR_1, exc,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return pki_uid
+ def get_gid(self, critical_failure=True):
+ try:
+ pki_gid = master['pki_gid']
+ except KeyError as exc:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_KEYERROR_1, exc,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return pki_gid
+ def set_uid(self, name, critical_failure=True):
+ try:
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_USER_1, name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ # id -u <name>
+ pki_uid = getpwnam(name)[2]
+ master['pki_uid']=pki_uid
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_UID_2, name, pki_uid,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ except KeyError as exc:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_KEYERROR_1, exc,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return pki_uid
+ def set_gid(self, name, critical_failure=True):
+ try:
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_GROUP_1, name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ # id -g <name>
+ pki_gid = getgrnam(name)[2]
+ master['pki_gid']=pki_gid
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_GID_2, name, pki_gid,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ except KeyError as exc:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_KEYERROR_1, exc,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return pki_gid
+# PKI Deployment Instance Class
+class instance:
+ def apache_instances(self, name):
+ rv = 0
+ try:
+ if not os.path.exists(name) or not os.path.isdir(name):
+ config.pki_log.error(
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # count number of PKI subsystems present
+ # within the specfied Apache instance
+ for subsystem in config.PKI_APACHE_SUBSYSTEMS:
+ path = name + "/" + subsystem.lower()
+ if os.path.exists(path) and os.path.isdir(path):
+ rv = rv + 1
+ # always display correct information (even during dry_run)
+ if config.pki_dry_run_flag and rv > 0:
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_APACHE_INSTANCES_2,
+ name, rv - 1,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ else:
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_APACHE_INSTANCES_2, name,
+ rv, extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ except OSError as exc:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_OSERROR_1, exc,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return rv
+ def pki_subsystem_instances(self, name):
+ rv = 0
+ try:
+ if not os.path.exists(name) or not os.path.isdir(name):
+ config.pki_log.error(
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # count total number of PKI subsystems present
+ # within the specfied PKI instance
+ for subsystem in config.PKI_SUBSYSTEMS:
+ path = name + "/" + subsystem.lower()
+ if os.path.exists(path) and os.path.isdir(path):
+ rv = rv + 1
+ # always display correct information (even during dry_run)
+ if config.pki_dry_run_flag and rv > 0:
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_PKI_SUBSYSTEM_INSTANCES_2,
+ name, rv - 1,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ else:
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_PKI_SUBSYSTEM_INSTANCES_2,
+ name, rv,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ except OSError as exc:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_OSERROR_1, exc,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return rv
+ def tomcat_instances(self, name):
+ rv = 0
+ try:
+ if not os.path.exists(name) or not os.path.isdir(name):
+ config.pki_log.error(
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # count number of PKI subsystems present
+ # within the specfied Tomcat instance
+ for subsystem in config.PKI_TOMCAT_SUBSYSTEMS:
+ path = name + "/" + subsystem.lower()
+ if os.path.exists(path) and os.path.isdir(path):
+ rv = rv + 1
+ # always display correct information (even during dry_run)
+ if config.pki_dry_run_flag and rv > 0:
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_TOMCAT_INSTANCES_2,
+ name, rv - 1,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ else:
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_TOMCAT_INSTANCES_2, name,
+ rv, extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ except OSError as exc:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_OSERROR_1, exc,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return rv
+# PKI Deployment Directory Class
+class directory:
+ def create(self, name, uid=None, gid=None,
+ acls=None, critical_failure=True):
+ try:
+ if not os.path.exists(name):
+ # mkdir -p <name>
+, name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ os.makedirs(name)
+ # chmod <perms> <name>
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_CHMOD_2, perms, name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ os.chmod(name, perms)
+ # chown <uid>:<gid> <name>
+ if uid == None:
+ uid = identity.get_uid()
+ if gid == None:
+ gid = identity.get_gid()
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_CHOWN_3,
+ uid, gid, name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ os.chown(name, uid, gid)
+ # Store record in installation manifest
+ record = manifest.record()
+ = name
+ record.type = manifest.RECORD_TYPE_DIRECTORY
+ record.user = master['pki_user']
+ = master['pki_group']
+ record.uid = uid
+ record.gid = gid
+ record.permissions = perms
+ record.acls = acls
+ manifest.database.append(record)
+ elif not os.path.isdir(name):
+ config.pki_log.error(
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_DIRECTORY_ALREADY_EXISTS_1, name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except OSError as exc:
+ if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST:
+ pass
+ else:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_OSERROR_1, exc,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return
+ def modify(self, name, uid=None, gid=None,
+ acls=None, silent=False, critical_failure=True):
+ try:
+ if os.path.exists(name):
+ if not os.path.isdir(name):
+ config.pki_log.error(
+ name, extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Always re-process each directory whether it needs it or not
+ if not silent:
+, name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ # chmod <perms> <name>
+ if not silent:
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_CHMOD_2, perms, name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ os.chmod(name, perms)
+ # chown <uid>:<gid> <name>
+ if uid == None:
+ uid = identity.get_uid()
+ if gid == None:
+ gid = identity.get_gid()
+ if not silent:
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_CHOWN_3,
+ uid, gid, name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ os.chown(name, uid, gid)
+ # Store record in installation manifest
+ if not silent:
+ record = manifest.record()
+ = name
+ record.type = manifest.RECORD_TYPE_DIRECTORY
+ record.user = master['pki_user']
+ = master['pki_group']
+ record.uid = uid
+ record.gid = gid
+ record.permissions = perms
+ record.acls = acls
+ manifest.database.append(record)
+ else:
+ config.pki_log.error(
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except OSError as exc:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_OSERROR_1, exc,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return
+ def delete(self, name, recursive_flag=True, critical_failure=True):
+ try:
+ if not os.path.exists(name) or not os.path.isdir(name):
+ config.pki_log.error(
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ if recursive_flag == True:
+ # rm -rf <name>
+, name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ shutil.rmtree(name)
+ else:
+ # rmdir <name>
+, name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ os.rmdir(name)
+ except OSError as exc:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_OSERROR_1, exc,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return
+ def is_empty(self, name):
+ try:
+ if not os.listdir(name):
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_DIRECTORY_IS_NOT_EMPTY_1,
+ name, extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ return False
+ else:
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_DIRECTORY_IS_EMPTY_1,
+ name, extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ return True
+ except OSError as exc:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_OSERROR_1, exc,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ def set_mode(self, name, uid=None, gid=None,
+ symlink_perms=\
+ dir_acls=None, file_acls=None, symlink_acls=None,
+ recursive_flag=True, critical_failure=True):
+ try:
+ if config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ log.PKIHELPER_SET_MODE_1, name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ elif not os.path.exists(name) or not os.path.isdir(name):
+ config.pki_log.error(
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ log.PKIHELPER_SET_MODE_1, name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if uid == None:
+ uid = identity.get_uid()
+ if gid == None:
+ gid = identity.get_gid()
+ if recursive_flag == True:
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(name):
+ for name in files:
+ if not os.path.islink(name):
+ file = os.path.join(root, name)
+ config.pki_log.debug(
+ log.PKIHELPER_IS_A_FILE_1, file,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ # chmod <file_perms> <name>
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_CHMOD_2,
+ file_perms, file,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ os.chmod(file, file_perms)
+ # chown <uid>:<gid> <name>
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_CHOWN_3,
+ uid, gid, file,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ os.chown(file, uid, gid)
+ # Store record in installation manifest
+ record = manifest.record()
+ = name
+ record.type = manifest.RECORD_TYPE_FILE
+ record.user = master['pki_user']
+ = master['pki_group']
+ record.uid = uid
+ record.gid = gid
+ record.permissions = file_perms
+ record.acls = file_acls
+ manifest.database.append(record)
+ else:
+ symlink = os.path.join(root, name)
+ config.pki_log.debug(
+ log.PKIHELPER_IS_A_SYMLINK_1, symlink,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ # REMINDER: Due to POSIX compliance, 'lchmod'
+ # is NEVER implemented on Linux
+ # systems since 'chmod' CANNOT be
+ # run directly against symbolic
+ # links!
+ # chown -h <uid>:<gid> <link>
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_CHOWN_H_3,
+ uid, gid, link,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ os.lchown(link, uid, gid)
+ # Store record in installation manifest
+ record = manifest.record()
+ = name
+ record.type = manifest.RECORD_TYPE_SYMLINK
+ record.user = master['pki_user']
+ = master['pki_group']
+ record.uid = uid
+ record.gid = gid
+ record.permissions = symlink_perms
+ record.acls = symlink_acls
+ manifest.database.append(record)
+ for name in dirs:
+ dir = os.path.join(root, name)
+ config.pki_log.debug(
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ # chmod <dir_perms> <name>
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_CHMOD_2,
+ dir_perms, dir,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ os.chmod(dir, dir_perms)
+ # chown <uid>:<gid> <name>
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_CHOWN_3,
+ uid, gid, dir,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ os.chown(dir, uid, gid)
+ # Store record in installation manifest
+ record = manifest.record()
+ = name
+ record.type = manifest.RECORD_TYPE_DIRECTORY
+ record.user = master['pki_user']
+ = master['pki_group']
+ record.uid = uid
+ record.gid = gid
+ record.permissions = dir_perms
+ record.acls = dir_acls
+ manifest.database.append(record)
+ else:
+ config.pki_log.debug(
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ name = os.path.join(root, name)
+ # chmod <dir_perms> <name>
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_CHMOD_2,
+ dir_perms, name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ os.chmod(name, dir_perms)
+ # chown <uid>:<gid> <name>
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_CHOWN_3,
+ uid, gid, name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ os.chown(name, uid, gid)
+ # Store record in installation manifest
+ record = manifest.record()
+ = name
+ record.type = manifest.RECORD_TYPE_DIRECTORY
+ record.user = master['pki_user']
+ = master['pki_group']
+ record.uid = uid
+ record.gid = gid
+ record.permissions = dir_perms
+ record.acls = dir_acls
+ manifest.database.append(record)
+ except OSError as exc:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_OSERROR_1, exc,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ def copy(self, old_name, new_name, uid=None, gid=None,
+ dir_acls=None, file_acls=None, symlink_acls=None,
+ recursive_flag=True, overwrite_flag=False, critical_failure=True):
+ try:
+ if not os.path.exists(old_name) or not os.path.isdir(old_name):
+ config.pki_log.error(
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ if recursive_flag == True:
+ # cp -rp <old_name> <new_name>
+ old_name, new_name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ else:
+ # cp -p <old_name> <new_name>
+ old_name, new_name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ log.PKIHELPER_SET_MODE_1, new_name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ else:
+ if os.path.exists(new_name):
+ if not overwrite_flag:
+ config.pki_log.error(
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if recursive_flag == True:
+ # cp -rp <old_name> <new_name>
+ old_name, new_name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ # Due to a limitation in the 'shutil.copytree()'
+ # implementation which requires that
+ # 'The destination directory must not already exist.',
+ # an OSError exception is always thrown due to the
+ # implementation's unchecked call to 'os.makedirs(dst)'.
+ # Consequently, a 'patched' local copy of this routine has
+ # been included in this file with the appropriate fix.
+ pki_copytree(old_name, new_name)
+ else:
+ # cp -p <old_name> <new_name>
+ old_name, new_name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ shutil.copy2(old_name, new_name)
+ # set ownerships, permissions, and acls
+ # of newly created top-level directory
+ self.modify(new_name, uid, gid, dir_perms, dir_acls,
+ True, critical_failure)
+ # set ownerships, permissions, and acls
+ # of contents of newly created top-level directory
+ self.set_mode(new_name, uid, gid,
+ dir_perms, file_perms, symlink_perms,
+ dir_acls, file_acls, symlink_acls,
+ recursive_flag, critical_failure)
+ except OSError as exc:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_OSERROR_1, exc,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except shutil.Error as exc:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_SHUTIL_ERROR_1, exc,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return
+# PKI Deployment File Class (also used for executables)
+class file:
+ def create(self, name, uid=None, gid=None,
+ acls=None, critical_failure=True):
+ try:
+ if not os.path.exists(name):
+ # touch <name>
+, name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ open(name, "w").close()
+ # chmod <perms> <name>
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_CHMOD_2, perms, name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ os.chmod(name, perms)
+ # chown <uid>:<gid> <name>
+ if uid == None:
+ uid = identity.get_uid()
+ if gid == None:
+ gid = identity.get_gid()
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_CHOWN_3,
+ uid, gid, name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ os.chown(name, uid, gid)
+ # Store record in installation manifest
+ record = manifest.record()
+ = name
+ record.type = manifest.RECORD_TYPE_FILE
+ record.user = master['pki_user']
+ = master['pki_group']
+ record.uid = uid
+ record.gid = gid
+ record.permissions = perms
+ record.acls = acls
+ manifest.database.append(record)
+ elif not os.path.isfile(name):
+ config.pki_log.error(
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS_1, name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except OSError as exc:
+ if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST:
+ pass
+ else:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_OSERROR_1, exc,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return
+ def modify(self, name, uid=None, gid=None,
+ acls=None, silent=False, critical_failure=True):
+ try:
+ if os.path.exists(name):
+ if not os.path.isfile(name):
+ config.pki_log.error(
+ name, extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Always re-process each file whether it needs it or not
+ if not silent:
+, name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ # chmod <perms> <name>
+ if not silent:
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_CHMOD_2, perms, name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ os.chmod(name, perms)
+ # chown <uid>:<gid> <name>
+ if uid == None:
+ uid = identity.get_uid()
+ if gid == None:
+ gid = identity.get_gid()
+ if not silent:
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_CHOWN_3,
+ uid, gid, name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ os.chown(name, uid, gid)
+ # Store record in installation manifest
+ if not silent:
+ record = manifest.record()
+ = name
+ record.type = manifest.RECORD_TYPE_FILE
+ record.user = master['pki_user']
+ = master['pki_group']
+ record.uid = uid
+ record.gid = gid
+ record.permissions = perms
+ record.acls = acls
+ manifest.database.append(record)
+ else:
+ config.pki_log.error(
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except OSError as exc:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_OSERROR_1, exc,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return
+ def delete(self, name, critical_failure=True):
+ try:
+ if not os.path.exists(name) or not os.path.isfile(name):
+ config.pki_log.error(
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ # rm -f <name>
+, name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ os.remove(name)
+ except OSError as exc:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_OSERROR_1, exc,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return
+ def copy(self, old_name, new_name, uid=None, gid=None,
+ overwrite_flag=False, critical_failure=True):
+ try:
+ if not os.path.exists(old_name) or not os.path.isfile(old_name):
+ config.pki_log.error(
+ log.PKI_FILE_MISSING_OR_NOT_A_FILE_1, old_name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ # cp -p <old_name> <new_name>
+ old_name, new_name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ # chmod <perms> <new_name>
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_CHMOD_2,
+ perms, new_name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ # chown <uid>:<gid> <new_name>
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_CHOWN_3,
+ uid, gid, new_name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ else:
+ if os.path.exists(new_name):
+ if not overwrite_flag:
+ config.pki_log.error(
+ log.PKI_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS_1, new_name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # cp -p <old_name> <new_name>
+ old_name, new_name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ shutil.copy2(old_name, new_name)
+ if uid == None:
+ uid = identity.get_uid()
+ if gid == None:
+ gid = identity.get_gid()
+ # chmod <perms> <new_name>
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_CHMOD_2,
+ perms, new_name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ os.chmod(new_name, perms)
+ # chown <uid>:<gid> <new_name>
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_CHOWN_3,
+ uid, gid, new_name,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ os.chown(new_name, uid, gid)
+ # Store record in installation manifest
+ record = manifest.record()
+ = new_name
+ record.type = manifest.RECORD_TYPE_FILE
+ record.user = master['pki_user']
+ = master['pki_group']
+ record.uid = uid
+ record.gid = gid
+ record.permissions = perms
+ record.acls = acls
+ manifest.database.append(record)
+ except OSError as exc:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_OSERROR_1, exc,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except shutil.Error as exc:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_SHUTIL_ERROR_1, exc,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return
+# PKI Deployment Symbolic Link Class
+class symlink:
+ def create(self, name, link, uid=None, gid=None,
+ acls=None, allow_dangling_symlink=False, critical_failure=True):
+ try:
+ if not os.path.exists(link):
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ if not os.path.exists(name):
+ config.pki_log.warning(
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if not allow_dangling_symlink:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # ln -s <name> <link>
+, name, link,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ os.symlink(name, link)
+ # REMINDER: Due to POSIX compliance, 'lchmod' is NEVER
+ # implemented on Linux systems since 'chmod'
+ # CANNOT be run directly against symbolic links!
+ # chown -h <uid>:<gid> <link>
+ if uid == None:
+ uid = identity.get_uid()
+ if gid == None:
+ gid = identity.get_gid()
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_CHOWN_H_3,
+ uid, gid, link,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ os.lchown(link, uid, gid)
+ # Store record in installation manifest
+ record = manifest.record()
+ = link
+ record.type = manifest.RECORD_TYPE_SYMLINK
+ record.user = master['pki_user']
+ = master['pki_group']
+ record.uid = uid
+ record.gid = gid
+ record.permissions =\
+ record.acls = acls
+ manifest.database.append(record)
+ elif not os.path.islink(link):
+ config.pki_log.error(
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_SYMLINK_ALREADY_EXISTS_1, link,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except OSError as exc:
+ if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST:
+ pass
+ else:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_OSERROR_1, exc,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return
+ def modify(self, link, uid=None, gid=None,
+ acls=None, silent=False, critical_failure=True):
+ try:
+ if os.path.exists(link):
+ if not os.path.islink(link):
+ config.pki_log.error(
+ link, extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Always re-process each link whether it needs it or not
+ if not silent:
+, link,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ # REMINDER: Due to POSIX compliance, 'lchmod' is NEVER
+ # implemented on Linux systems since 'chmod'
+ # CANNOT be run directly against symbolic links!
+ # chown -h <uid>:<gid> <link>
+ if uid == None:
+ uid = identity.get_uid()
+ if gid == None:
+ gid = identity.get_gid()
+ if not silent:
+ config.pki_log.debug(log.PKIHELPER_CHOWN_H_3,
+ uid, gid, link,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_3)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ os.lchown(link, uid, gid)
+ # Store record in installation manifest
+ if not silent:
+ record = manifest.record()
+ = link
+ record.type = manifest.RECORD_TYPE_SYMLINK
+ record.user = master['pki_user']
+ = master['pki_group']
+ record.uid = uid
+ record.gid = gid
+ record.permissions =\
+ record.acls = acls
+ manifest.database.append(record)
+ else:
+ config.pki_log.error(
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except OSError as exc:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_OSERROR_1, exc,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return
+ def delete(self, link, critical_failure=True):
+ try:
+ if not os.path.exists(link) or not os.path.islink(link):
+ config.pki_log.error(
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ # rm -f <link>
+, link,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ os.remove(link)
+ except OSError as exc:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_OSERROR_1, exc,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return
+# PKI Deployment War File Class
+class war:
+ def explode(self, name, path, critical_failure=True):
+ try:
+ if os.path.exists(name) and os.path.isfile(name):
+ if not zipfile.is_zipfile(name):
+ config.pki_log.error(
+ name, extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ if not os.path.exists(path) or not os.path.isdir(path):
+ config.pki_log.error(
+ path, extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # jar -xf <name> -C <path>
+, name, path,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if not config.pki_dry_run_flag:
+ # Open war file
+ war = zipfile.ZipFile(name, 'r')
+ # Extract contents of war file to path
+ war.extractall(path)
+ else:
+ config.pki_log.error(
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except OSError as exc:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_OSERROR_1, exc,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except zipfile.BadZipfile as exc:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_BADZIPFILE_ERROR_1, exc,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ except zipfile.LargeZipFile as exc:
+ config.pki_log.error(log.PKI_LARGEZIPFILE_ERROR_1, exc,
+ extra=config.PKI_INDENTATION_LEVEL_2)
+ if critical_failure == True:
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return
+# PKI Deployment Helper Class Instances
+identity = identity()
+instance = instance()
+directory = directory()
+file = file()
+symlink = symlink()
+war = war()