path: root/base/common/src/com/netscape/cmscore/selftests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'base/common/src/com/netscape/cmscore/selftests')
2 files changed, 2046 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/base/common/src/com/netscape/cmscore/selftests/ b/base/common/src/com/netscape/cmscore/selftests/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22e4044ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/common/src/com/netscape/cmscore/selftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+// (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+// package statement //
+package com.netscape.cmscore.selftests;
+// import statements //
+import java.util.*;
+// class definition //
+ * This class implements a single element in
+ * an ordered list of self test instances.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @author mharmsen
+ * @author thomask
+ * @version $Revision$, $Date$
+ */
+public class SelfTestOrderedInstance {
+ ////////////////////////
+ // default parameters //
+ ////////////////////////
+ private static final String ELEMENT_DELIMITER = ":";
+ private static final String CRITICAL = "critical";
+ ////////////////////////////////////////
+ // SelfTestOrderedInstance parameters //
+ ////////////////////////////////////////
+ private String mInstanceName = null;
+ private boolean mCritical = false;
+ /////////////////////
+ // default methods //
+ /////////////////////
+ /**
+ * Constructs a single element within an ordered list of self tests.
+ * A "listElement" contains a string of the form "[instanceName]" or
+ * "[instanceName]:critical".
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @param listElement a string containing the "instanceName" and
+ * information indictating whether or not the instance is "critical"
+ */
+ public SelfTestOrderedInstance(String listElement) {
+ // strip preceding/trailing whitespace
+ // from passed-in String parameters
+ if (listElement != null) {
+ listElement = listElement.trim();
+ } else {
+ // no listElement is present
+ return;
+ }
+ StringTokenizer token = new StringTokenizer(listElement,
+ // extract the mInstanceName
+ if (token.hasMoreTokens()) {
+ // prior to the ELEMENT_DELIMITER
+ mInstanceName = token.nextToken().trim();
+ // extract the mCritical indicator
+ if (token.hasMoreTokens()) {
+ // something exists after the ELEMENT_DELIMITER
+ if (token.nextToken().trim().equals(CRITICAL)) {
+ mCritical = true;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // no ELEMENT_DELIMITER is present
+ mInstanceName = listElement;
+ }
+ }
+ /////////////////////////////////////
+ // SelfTestOrderedInstance methods //
+ /////////////////////////////////////
+ /**
+ * Returns the name associated with this self test; may be null.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @return instanceName of this self test
+ */
+ public String getSelfTestName() {
+ return mInstanceName;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the criticality associated with this self test.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @return true if failure of this self test is fatal when
+ * it is executed; otherwise return false
+ */
+ public boolean isSelfTestCritical() {
+ return mCritical;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Sets/resets the criticality associated with this self test.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @param criticalMode the criticality of this self test
+ */
+ public void setSelfTestCriticalMode(boolean criticalMode) {
+ mCritical = criticalMode;
+ }
diff --git a/base/common/src/com/netscape/cmscore/selftests/ b/base/common/src/com/netscape/cmscore/selftests/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5c75d8fd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/common/src/com/netscape/cmscore/selftests/
@@ -0,0 +1,1907 @@
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+// (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+// package statement //
+package com.netscape.cmscore.selftests;
+// import statements //
+import java.util.*;
+import java.text.MessageFormat;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.apps.*;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.base.*;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.logging.*;
+import com.netscape.certsrv.selftests.*;
+// class definition //
+ * This class implements a container for self tests.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @author mharmsen
+ * @author thomask
+ * @version $Revision$, $Date$
+ */
+public class SelfTestSubsystem
+ implements ISelfTestSubsystem {
+ ////////////////////////
+ // default parameters //
+ ////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////
+ // helper parameters //
+ ///////////////////////
+ //////////////////////////////////
+ // SelfTestSubsystem parameters //
+ //////////////////////////////////
+ private ISubsystem mOwner = null;
+ private IConfigStore mConfig = null;
+ private ILogEventListener mLogger = null;
+ private ILogger mErrorLogger = CMS.getLogger();
+ private ILogger mSignedAuditLogger = CMS.getSignedAuditLogger();
+ private String mRootPrefix = null;
+ private String mPrefix = null;
+ public Hashtable mSelfTestInstances = new Hashtable();
+ public Vector mOnDemandOrder = new Vector();
+ public Vector mStartupOrder = new Vector();
+ ///////////////////////////
+ // ISubsystem parameters //
+ ///////////////////////////
+ private static final String LIST_DELIMITER = ",";
+ private static final String ELEMENT_DELIMITER = ":";
+ private static final String CRITICAL = "critical";
+ /////////////////////
+ // default methods //
+ /////////////////////
+ ////////////////////
+ // helper methods //
+ ////////////////////
+ /**
+ * Signed Audit Log
+ *
+ * This helper method is called to store messages to the signed audit log.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @param msg signed audit log message
+ */
+ private void audit(String msg) {
+ // in this case, do NOT strip preceding/trailing whitespace
+ // from passed-in String parameters
+ if (mSignedAuditLogger == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ mSignedAuditLogger.log(ILogger.EV_SIGNED_AUDIT,
+ null,
+ msg);
+ }
+ /**
+ * This helper method returns the "full" property name (the corresponding
+ * substore name prepended in front of the plugin/parameter name). This
+ * method may return null.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @param instancePrefix full name of configuration store
+ * @param instanceName instance name of self test
+ * @return fullname of this self test plugin
+ */
+ private String getFullName(String instancePrefix,
+ String instanceName) {
+ String instanceFullName = null;
+ // strip preceding/trailing whitespace
+ // from passed-in String parameters
+ if (instancePrefix != null) {
+ instancePrefix = instancePrefix.trim();
+ }
+ if (instanceName != null) {
+ instanceName = instanceName.trim();
+ }
+ if ((instancePrefix != null) &&
+ (instancePrefix != "")) {
+ if ((instanceName != null) &&
+ (instanceName != "")) {
+ instanceFullName = instancePrefix
+ + "."
+ + instanceName;
+ }
+ } else {
+ instanceFullName = instanceName;
+ }
+ return instanceFullName;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This helper method checks to see if an instance name/value
+ * pair exists for the corresponding ordered list element.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @param element owner of this subsystem
+ * @param instanceName instance name of self test
+ * @exception EMissingSelfTestException subsystem has missing name/value
+ */
+ private void checkInstance(SelfTestOrderedInstance element)
+ throws EInvalidSelfTestException, EMissingSelfTestException {
+ String instanceFullName = null;
+ String instanceName = null;
+ String instanceValue = null;
+ String instancePath = PROP_CONTAINER + "." + PROP_INSTANCE;
+ IConfigStore instanceConfig = mConfig.getSubStore(instancePath);
+ instanceName = element.getSelfTestName();
+ if (instanceName != null) {
+ instanceName = instanceName.trim();
+ instanceFullName = getFullName(mPrefix,
+ instanceName);
+ } else {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException();
+ }
+ try {
+ // extract the self test plugin value(s)
+ instanceValue = instanceConfig.getString(instanceName);
+ if ((instanceValue == null) ||
+ (instanceValue.equals(""))) {
+ // self test plugin instance property name exists,
+ // but it contains no value(s)
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ instanceFullName));
+ throw new
+ EMissingSelfTestException(instanceFullName,
+ instanceValue);
+ } else {
+ instanceValue = instanceValue.trim();
+ }
+ } catch (EPropertyNotFound e) {
+ // self test plugin instance property name is not present
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ instanceFullName));
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException(instanceFullName);
+ } catch (EBaseException e) {
+ // self test plugin instance EBaseException
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ instanceFullName,
+ instanceValue));
+ throw new EInvalidSelfTestException(instanceFullName,
+ instanceValue);
+ }
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////
+ // SelfTestSubsystem methods //
+ ///////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // methods associated with the list of on demand self tests
+ //
+ /**
+ * List the instance names of all the self tests enabled to run on demand
+ * (in execution order); may return null.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @return list of self test instance names run on demand
+ */
+ public String[] listSelfTestsEnabledOnDemand() {
+ String[] mList;
+ int numElements = mOnDemandOrder.size();
+ if (numElements != 0) {
+ mList = new String[numElements];
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // loop through all self test plugin instances
+ // specified to be executed on demand
+ Enumeration instances = mOnDemandOrder.elements();
+ int i = 0;
+ while (instances.hasMoreElements()) {
+ SelfTestOrderedInstance instance = (SelfTestOrderedInstance)
+ instances.nextElement();
+ mList[i] = instance.getSelfTestName();
+ if (mList[i] != null) {
+ mList[i] = mList[i].trim();
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ return mList;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Enable the specified self test to be executed on demand.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @param instanceName instance name of self test
+ * @param isCritical isCritical is either a critical failure (true) or
+ * a non-critical failure (false)
+ * @exception EInvalidSelfTestException subsystem has invalid name/value
+ * @exception EMissingSelfTestException subsystem has missing name/value
+ */
+ public void enableSelfTestOnDemand(String instanceName,
+ boolean isCritical)
+ throws EInvalidSelfTestException, EMissingSelfTestException {
+ // strip preceding/trailing whitespace
+ // from passed-in String parameters
+ if (instanceName != null) {
+ instanceName = instanceName.trim();
+ } else {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException();
+ }
+ // loop through all self test plugin instances
+ // specified to be executed on demand
+ Enumeration instances = mOnDemandOrder.elements();
+ while (instances.hasMoreElements()) {
+ SelfTestOrderedInstance instance = (SelfTestOrderedInstance)
+ instances.nextElement();
+ if (instanceName.equals(instance.getSelfTestName())) {
+ instance.setSelfTestCriticalMode(isCritical);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // append a new element to the on-demand ordered list
+ String elementName = null;
+ if (isCritical) {
+ elementName = instanceName
+ } else {
+ elementName = instanceName;
+ }
+ SelfTestOrderedInstance element;
+ element = new SelfTestOrderedInstance(elementName);
+ // SANITY CHECK: find the corresponding instance property
+ // name for this self test plugin
+ checkInstance(element);
+ // store this self test plugin in on-demand order
+ mOnDemandOrder.add(element);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Disable the specified self test from being able to be executed on demand.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @param instanceName instance name of self test
+ * @exception EMissingSelfTestException subsystem has missing name
+ */
+ public void disableSelfTestOnDemand(String instanceName)
+ throws EMissingSelfTestException {
+ String instanceFullName = null;
+ // strip preceding/trailing whitespace
+ // from passed-in String parameters
+ if (instanceName != null) {
+ instanceName = instanceName.trim();
+ instanceFullName = getFullName(mPrefix,
+ instanceName);
+ } else {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException();
+ }
+ // loop through all self test plugin instances
+ // specified to be executed on demand
+ Enumeration instances = mOnDemandOrder.elements();
+ while (instances.hasMoreElements()) {
+ SelfTestOrderedInstance instance = (SelfTestOrderedInstance)
+ instances.nextElement();
+ if (instanceName.equals(instance.getSelfTestName())) {
+ mOnDemandOrder.remove(instance);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // self test plugin instance property name is not present
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ instanceFullName));
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException(instanceFullName);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determine if the specified self test is enabled to be executed on demand.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @param instanceName instance name of self test
+ * @return true if the specified self test is enabled on demand
+ * @exception EMissingSelfTestException subsystem has missing name
+ */
+ public boolean isSelfTestEnabledOnDemand(String instanceName)
+ throws EMissingSelfTestException {
+ // strip preceding/trailing whitespace
+ // from passed-in String parameters
+ if (instanceName != null) {
+ instanceName = instanceName.trim();
+ } else {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException();
+ }
+ // loop through all self test plugin instances
+ // specified to be executed on demand
+ Enumeration instances = mOnDemandOrder.elements();
+ while (instances.hasMoreElements()) {
+ SelfTestOrderedInstance instance = (SelfTestOrderedInstance)
+ instances.nextElement();
+ if (instanceName.equals(instance.getSelfTestName())) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determine if failure of the specified self test is fatal when
+ * it is executed on demand.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @param instanceName instance name of self test
+ * @return true if failure of the specified self test is fatal when
+ * it is executed on demand
+ * @exception EMissingSelfTestException subsystem has missing name
+ */
+ public boolean isSelfTestCriticalOnDemand(String instanceName)
+ throws EMissingSelfTestException {
+ String instanceFullName = null;
+ // strip preceding/trailing whitespace
+ // from passed-in String parameters
+ if (instanceName != null) {
+ instanceName = instanceName.trim();
+ instanceFullName = getFullName(mPrefix,
+ instanceName);
+ } else {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException();
+ }
+ // loop through all self test plugin instances
+ // specified to be executed on demand
+ Enumeration instances = mOnDemandOrder.elements();
+ while (instances.hasMoreElements()) {
+ SelfTestOrderedInstance instance = (SelfTestOrderedInstance)
+ instances.nextElement();
+ if (instanceName.equals(instance.getSelfTestName())) {
+ if (instance.isSelfTestCritical()) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // self test plugin instance property name is not present
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ instanceFullName));
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException(instanceFullName);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Execute all self tests specified to be run on demand.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @exception EMissingSelfTestException subsystem has missing name
+ * @exception ESelfTestException self test exception
+ */
+ public void runSelfTestsOnDemand()
+ throws EMissingSelfTestException, ESelfTestException {
+ if (CMS.debugOn()) {
+ CMS.debug("SelfTestSubsystem::runSelfTestsOnDemand():"
+ + " ENTERING . . .");
+ }
+ // loop through all self test plugin instances
+ // specified to be executed on demand
+ Enumeration instances = mOnDemandOrder.elements();
+ while (instances.hasMoreElements()) {
+ SelfTestOrderedInstance instance = (SelfTestOrderedInstance)
+ instances.nextElement();
+ String instanceFullName = null;
+ String instanceName = instance.getSelfTestName();
+ if (instanceName != null) {
+ instanceName = instanceName.trim();
+ instanceFullName = getFullName(mPrefix,
+ instanceName);
+ } else {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException();
+ }
+ if (mSelfTestInstances.containsKey(instanceName)) {
+ ISelfTest test = (ISelfTest)
+ mSelfTestInstances.get(instanceName);
+ try {
+ if (CMS.debugOn()) {
+ CMS.debug("SelfTestSubsystem::runSelfTestsOnDemand():"
+ + " running \""
+ + test.getSelfTestName()
+ + "\"");
+ }
+ test.runSelfTest(mLogger);
+ } catch (ESelfTestException e) {
+ // Check to see if the self test was critical:
+ if (isSelfTestCriticalOnDemand(instanceName)) {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ instanceFullName));
+ // shutdown the system gracefully
+ CMS.shutdown();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // self test plugin instance property name is not present
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ instanceFullName));
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException(instanceFullName);
+ }
+ }
+ if (CMS.debugOn()) {
+ CMS.debug("SelfTestSubsystem::runSelfTestsOnDemand():"
+ + " EXITING.");
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ // methods associated with the list of startup self tests
+ //
+ /**
+ * List the instance names of all the self tests enabled to run
+ * at server startup (in execution order); may return null.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @return list of self test instance names run at server startup
+ */
+ public String[] listSelfTestsEnabledAtStartup() {
+ String[] mList;
+ int numElements = mStartupOrder.size();
+ if (numElements != 0) {
+ mList = new String[numElements];
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // loop through all self test plugin instances
+ // specified to be executed at server startup
+ Enumeration instances = mStartupOrder.elements();
+ int i = 0;
+ while (instances.hasMoreElements()) {
+ SelfTestOrderedInstance instance = (SelfTestOrderedInstance)
+ instances.nextElement();
+ mList[i] = instance.getSelfTestName();
+ if (mList[i] != null) {
+ mList[i] = mList[i].trim();
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ return mList;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Enable the specified self test at server startup.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @param instanceName instance name of self test
+ * @param isCritical isCritical is either a critical failure (true) or
+ * a non-critical failure (false)
+ * @exception EInvalidSelfTestException subsystem has invalid name/value
+ * @exception EMissingSelfTestException subsystem has missing name/value
+ */
+ public void enableSelfTestAtStartup(String instanceName,
+ boolean isCritical)
+ throws EInvalidSelfTestException, EMissingSelfTestException {
+ // strip preceding/trailing whitespace
+ // from passed-in String parameters
+ if (instanceName != null) {
+ instanceName = instanceName.trim();
+ } else {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException();
+ }
+ // loop through all self test plugin instances
+ // specified to be executed at server startup
+ Enumeration instances = mStartupOrder.elements();
+ while (instances.hasMoreElements()) {
+ SelfTestOrderedInstance instance = (SelfTestOrderedInstance)
+ instances.nextElement();
+ if (instanceName.equals(instance.getSelfTestName())) {
+ instance.setSelfTestCriticalMode(isCritical);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // append a new element to the startup ordered list
+ String elementName = null;
+ if (isCritical) {
+ elementName = instanceName
+ } else {
+ elementName = instanceName;
+ }
+ SelfTestOrderedInstance element;
+ element = new SelfTestOrderedInstance(elementName);
+ // SANITY CHECK: find the corresponding instance property
+ // name for this self test plugin
+ checkInstance(element);
+ // store this self test plugin in startup order
+ mStartupOrder.add(element);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Disable the specified self test at server startup.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @param instanceName instance name of self test
+ * @exception EMissingSelfTestException subsystem has missing name
+ */
+ public void disableSelfTestAtStartup(String instanceName)
+ throws EMissingSelfTestException {
+ String instanceFullName = null;
+ // strip preceding/trailing whitespace
+ // from passed-in String parameters
+ if (instanceName != null) {
+ instanceName = instanceName.trim();
+ instanceFullName = getFullName(mPrefix,
+ instanceName);
+ } else {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException();
+ }
+ // loop through all self test plugin instances
+ // specified to be executed at server startup
+ Enumeration instances = mStartupOrder.elements();
+ while (instances.hasMoreElements()) {
+ SelfTestOrderedInstance instance = (SelfTestOrderedInstance)
+ instances.nextElement();
+ if (instanceName.equals(instance.getSelfTestName())) {
+ mStartupOrder.remove(instance);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // self test plugin instance property name is not present
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ instanceFullName));
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException(instanceFullName);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determine if the specified self test is executed automatically
+ * at server startup.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @param instanceName instance name of self test
+ * @return true if the specified self test is executed at server startup
+ * @exception EMissingSelfTestException subsystem has missing name
+ */
+ public boolean isSelfTestEnabledAtStartup(String instanceName)
+ throws EMissingSelfTestException {
+ // strip preceding/trailing whitespace
+ // from passed-in String parameters
+ if (instanceName != null) {
+ instanceName = instanceName.trim();
+ } else {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException();
+ }
+ // loop through all self test plugin instances
+ // specified to be executed at server startup
+ Enumeration instances = mStartupOrder.elements();
+ while (instances.hasMoreElements()) {
+ SelfTestOrderedInstance instance = (SelfTestOrderedInstance)
+ instances.nextElement();
+ if (instanceName.equals(instance.getSelfTestName())) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Determine if failure of the specified self test is fatal to
+ * server startup.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @param instanceName instance name of self test
+ * @return true if failure of the specified self test is fatal to
+ * server startup
+ * @exception EMissingSelfTestException subsystem has missing name
+ */
+ public boolean isSelfTestCriticalAtStartup(String instanceName)
+ throws EMissingSelfTestException {
+ String instanceFullName = null;
+ // strip preceding/trailing whitespace
+ // from passed-in String parameters
+ if (instanceName != null) {
+ instanceName = instanceName.trim();
+ instanceFullName = getFullName(mPrefix,
+ instanceName);
+ } else {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException();
+ }
+ // loop through all self test plugin instances
+ // specified to be executed at server startup
+ Enumeration instances = mStartupOrder.elements();
+ while (instances.hasMoreElements()) {
+ SelfTestOrderedInstance instance = (SelfTestOrderedInstance)
+ instances.nextElement();
+ if (instanceName.equals(instance.getSelfTestName())) {
+ if (instance.isSelfTestCritical()) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // self test plugin instance property name is not present
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ instanceFullName));
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException(instanceFullName);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Execute all self tests specified to be run at server startup.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>signed.audit LOGGING_SIGNED_AUDIT_SELFTESTS_EXECUTION used when self
+ * tests are run at server startup
+ * </ul>
+ * @exception EMissingSelfTestException subsystem has missing name
+ * @exception ESelfTestException self test exception
+ */
+ public void runSelfTestsAtStartup()
+ throws EMissingSelfTestException, ESelfTestException {
+ String auditMessage = null;
+ // ensure that any low-level exceptions are reported
+ // to the signed audit log and stored as failures
+ try {
+ if (CMS.debugOn()) {
+ CMS.debug("SelfTestSubsystem::runSelfTestsAtStartup():"
+ + " ENTERING . . .");
+ }
+ // loop through all self test plugin instances
+ // specified to be executed at server startup
+ Enumeration instances = mStartupOrder.elements();
+ while (instances.hasMoreElements()) {
+ SelfTestOrderedInstance instance = (SelfTestOrderedInstance)
+ instances.nextElement();
+ String instanceFullName = null;
+ String instanceName = instance.getSelfTestName();
+ if (instanceName != null) {
+ instanceName = instanceName.trim();
+ instanceFullName = getFullName(mPrefix,
+ instanceName);
+ } else {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ // store a message in the signed audit log file
+ auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage(
+ ILogger.FAILURE);
+ audit(auditMessage);
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException();
+ }
+ if (mSelfTestInstances.containsKey(instanceName)) {
+ ISelfTest test = (ISelfTest)
+ mSelfTestInstances.get(instanceName);
+ try {
+ if (CMS.debugOn()) {
+ CMS.debug("SelfTestSubsystem::runSelfTestsAtStartup():"
+ + " running \""
+ + test.getSelfTestName()
+ + "\"");
+ }
+ test.runSelfTest(mLogger);
+ } catch (ESelfTestException e) {
+ // Check to see if the self test was critical:
+ if (isSelfTestCriticalAtStartup(instanceName)) {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ instanceFullName));
+ // store a message in the signed audit log file
+ auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage(
+ ILogger.FAILURE);
+ audit(auditMessage);
+ // shutdown the system gracefully
+ CMS.shutdown();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // self test plugin instance property name is not present
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ instanceFullName));
+ // store a message in the signed audit log file
+ auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage(
+ ILogger.FAILURE);
+ audit(auditMessage);
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException(instanceFullName);
+ }
+ }
+ // store a message in the signed audit log file
+ auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage(
+ ILogger.SUCCESS);
+ audit(auditMessage);
+ if (CMS.debugOn()) {
+ CMS.debug("SelfTestSubsystem::runSelfTestsAtStartup():"
+ + " EXITING.");
+ }
+ } catch (EMissingSelfTestException eAudit1) {
+ // store a message in the signed audit log file
+ auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage(
+ ILogger.FAILURE);
+ audit(auditMessage);
+ // rethrow the specific exception to be handled later
+ throw eAudit1;
+ } catch (ESelfTestException eAudit2) {
+ // store a message in the signed audit log file
+ auditMessage = CMS.getLogMessage(
+ ILogger.FAILURE);
+ audit(auditMessage);
+ // rethrow the specific exception to be handled later
+ throw eAudit2;
+ }
+ }
+ public void log(int level, String msg) {
+ }
+ //
+ // methods associated with the list of self test instances
+ //
+ /**
+ * Retrieve an individual self test from the instances list
+ * given its instance name. This method may return null.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @param instanceName instance name of self test
+ * @return individual self test
+ */
+ public ISelfTest getSelfTest(String instanceName) {
+ // strip preceding/trailing whitespace
+ // from passed-in String parameters
+ if (instanceName != null) {
+ instanceName = instanceName.trim();
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // loop through all self test plugin instances
+ Enumeration instances = mSelfTestInstances.elements();
+ while (instances.hasMoreElements()) {
+ ISelfTest instance = (ISelfTest) instances.nextElement();
+ if (instanceName.equals(instance.getSelfTestName())) {
+ return instance;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ //
+ // methods associated with multiple self test lists
+ //
+ /**
+ * Returns the ILogEventListener of this subsystem.
+ * This method may return null.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @return ILogEventListener of this subsystem
+ */
+ public ILogEventListener getSelfTestLogger() {
+ return mLogger;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method represents the log interface for the self test subsystem.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @param logger log event listener
+ * @param msg self test log message
+ */
+ public void log(ILogEventListener logger, String msg) {
+ // in this case, do NOT strip preceding/trailing whitespace
+ // from passed-in String parameters
+ if (logger != null) {
+ // log the message to the "selftests.log" log
+ AuditEvent ev = new AuditEvent(msg);
+ ev.setSource(ILogger.S_OTHER);
+ ev.setLevel(ILogger.LL_INFO);
+ try {
+ logger.log(ev);
+ } catch( ELogException le ) {
+ // log the message to the "transactions" log
+ mErrorLogger.log(ILogger.EV_AUDIT,
+ null,
+ ILogger.S_OTHER,
+ ILogger.LL_INFO,
+ msg + " - " + le.toString() );
+ }
+ } else {
+ // log the message to the "transactions" log
+ mErrorLogger.log(ILogger.EV_AUDIT,
+ null,
+ ILogger.S_OTHER,
+ ILogger.LL_INFO,
+ msg);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Register an individual self test on the instances list AND
+ * on the "on demand" list (note that the specified self test
+ * will be appended to the end of each list).
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @param instanceName instance name of self test
+ * @param isCritical isCritical is either a critical failure (true) or
+ * a non-critical failure (false)
+ * @param instance individual self test
+ * @exception EDuplicateSelfTestException subsystem has duplicate name
+ * @exception EInvalidSelfTestException subsystem has invalid name/value
+ * @exception EMissingSelfTestException subsystem has missing name/value
+ */
+ public void registerSelfTestOnDemand(String instanceName,
+ boolean isCritical,
+ ISelfTest instance)
+ throws EDuplicateSelfTestException,
+ EInvalidSelfTestException,
+ EMissingSelfTestException {
+ String instanceFullName = null;
+ // strip preceding/trailing whitespace
+ // from passed-in String parameters
+ if (instanceName != null) {
+ instanceName = instanceName.trim();
+ instanceFullName = getFullName(mPrefix,
+ instanceName);
+ } else {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException();
+ }
+ if (mSelfTestInstances.containsKey(instanceName)) {
+ // self test plugin instance property name is a duplicate
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ instanceFullName));
+ throw new EDuplicateSelfTestException(instanceFullName);
+ } else {
+ // append this self test plugin instance to the end of the list
+ mSelfTestInstances.put(instanceName, instance);
+ }
+ // register the individual self test on the "on demand" list
+ enableSelfTestOnDemand(instanceName, isCritical);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Deregister an individual self test on the instances list AND
+ * on the "on demand" list (note that the specified self test
+ * will be removed from each list).
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @param instanceName instance name of self test
+ * @exception EMissingSelfTestException subsystem has missing name
+ */
+ public void deregisterSelfTestOnDemand(String instanceName)
+ throws EMissingSelfTestException {
+ String instanceFullName = null;
+ // strip preceding/trailing whitespace
+ // from passed-in String parameters
+ if (instanceName != null) {
+ instanceName = instanceName.trim();
+ instanceFullName = getFullName(mPrefix,
+ instanceName);
+ } else {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException();
+ }
+ // deregister the individual self test from the instances list
+ ISelfTest test = getSelfTest(instanceName);
+ if (test == null) {
+ // self test plugin instance property name is not present
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ instanceFullName));
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException(instanceFullName);
+ } else {
+ // append this self test plugin instance to the end of the list
+ mSelfTestInstances.remove(instanceName);
+ }
+ // deregister the individual self test from the "on demand" list
+ disableSelfTestOnDemand(instanceName);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Register an individual self test on the instances list AND
+ * on the "startup" list (note that the specified self test
+ * will be appended to the end of each list).
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @param instanceName instance name of self test
+ * @param isCritical isCritical is either a critical failure (true) or
+ * a non-critical failure (false)
+ * @param instance individual self test
+ * @exception EDuplicateSelfTestException subsystem has duplicate name
+ * @exception EInvalidSelfTestException subsystem has invalid name/value
+ * @exception EMissingSelfTestException subsystem has missing name/value
+ */
+ public void registerSelfTestAtStartup(String instanceName,
+ boolean isCritical,
+ ISelfTest instance)
+ throws EDuplicateSelfTestException,
+ EInvalidSelfTestException,
+ EMissingSelfTestException {
+ String instanceFullName = null;
+ // strip preceding/trailing whitespace
+ // from passed-in String parameters
+ if (instanceName != null) {
+ instanceName = instanceName.trim();
+ instanceFullName = getFullName(mPrefix,
+ instanceName);
+ } else {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException();
+ }
+ if (mSelfTestInstances.containsKey(instanceName)) {
+ // self test plugin instance property name is a duplicate
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ instanceFullName));
+ throw new EDuplicateSelfTestException(instanceFullName);
+ } else {
+ // append this self test plugin instance to the end of the list
+ mSelfTestInstances.put(instanceName, instance);
+ }
+ // register the individual self test on the "startup" list
+ enableSelfTestAtStartup(instanceName, isCritical);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Deregister an individual self test on the instances list AND
+ * on the "startup" list (note that the specified self test
+ * will be removed from each list).
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @param instanceName instance name of self test
+ * @exception EMissingSelfTestException subsystem has missing name
+ */
+ public void deregisterSelfTestAtStartup(String instanceName)
+ throws EMissingSelfTestException {
+ String instanceFullName = null;
+ // strip preceding/trailing whitespace
+ // from passed-in String parameters
+ if (instanceName != null) {
+ instanceName = instanceName.trim();
+ instanceFullName = getFullName(mPrefix,
+ instanceName);
+ } else {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException();
+ }
+ // deregister the individual self test from the instances list
+ ISelfTest test = getSelfTest(instanceName);
+ if (test == null) {
+ // self test plugin instance property name is not present
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ instanceFullName));
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException(instanceFullName);
+ } else {
+ // append this self test plugin instance to the end of the list
+ mSelfTestInstances.remove(instanceName);
+ }
+ // deregister the individual self test from the "startup" list
+ disableSelfTestAtStartup(instanceName);
+ }
+ ////////////////////////
+ // ISubsystem methods //
+ ////////////////////////
+ /**
+ * This method retrieves the name of this subsystem. This method
+ * may return null.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @return identification of this subsystem
+ */
+ public String getId() {
+ return ID;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method sets information specific to this subsystem.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @param id identification of this subsystem
+ * @exception EBaseException base CMS exception
+ */
+ public void setId(String id)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ // strip preceding/trailing whitespace
+ // from passed-in String parameters
+ if (id != null) {
+ id = id.trim();
+ } else {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ throw new EBaseException("id is null");
+ }
+ // nothing needs to be done
+ }
+ /**
+ * This method initializes this subsystem.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @param owner owner of this subsystem
+ * @param config configuration store
+ * @exception EBaseException base CMS exception
+ */
+ public void init(ISubsystem owner, IConfigStore config)
+ throws EBaseException {
+ if (CMS.debugOn()) {
+ CMS.debug("SelfTestSubsystem::init():"
+ + " ENTERING . . .");
+ }
+ if( config == null ) {
+ CMS.debug( "SelfTestSubsystem::init() - config is null!" );
+ throw new EBaseException( "config is null" );
+ }
+ mOwner = owner;
+ mConfig = config;
+ if ((mConfig != null) &&
+ (mConfig.getName() != null) &&
+ (mConfig.getName() != "")) {
+ mRootPrefix = mConfig.getName().trim();
+ }
+ int loadStatus = 0;
+ // NOTE: Obviously, we must load the self test logger parameters
+ // first, since the "selftests.log" log file does not
+ // exist until this is accomplished!!!
+ ////////////////////////////////////
+ // loggerPropertyName=loggerValue //
+ ////////////////////////////////////
+ if (CMS.debugOn()) {
+ CMS.debug("SelfTestSubsystem::init():"
+ + " loading self test logger parameters");
+ }
+ String loggerPrefix = null;
+ String loggerFullName = null;
+ String loggerName = PROP_LOGGER_CLASS;
+ String loggerValue = null;
+ // compose self test plugins logger property prefix
+ String loggerPath = PROP_CONTAINER + "." + PROP_LOGGER;
+ IConfigStore loggerConfig = mConfig.getSubStore(loggerPath);
+ if ((loggerConfig != null) &&
+ (loggerConfig.getName() != null) &&
+ (loggerConfig.getName() != "")) {
+ loggerPrefix = loggerConfig.getName().trim();
+ } else {
+ // NOTE: These messages can only be logged to the "transactions"
+ // log, since the "selftests.log" will not exist!
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException();
+ }
+ Enumeration loggerInstances = loggerConfig.getPropertyNames();
+ if (loggerInstances.hasMoreElements()) {
+ loadStatus++;
+ try {
+ loggerFullName = getFullName(loggerPrefix,
+ loggerName);
+ // retrieve the associated logger class
+ loggerValue = loggerConfig.getString(loggerName);
+ if (loggerValue != null) {
+ loggerValue = loggerValue.trim();
+ } else {
+ // self test plugin instance property name exists,
+ // but it contains no value(s)
+ // NOTE: This message can only be logged to the
+ // "transactions" log, since the "selftests.log"
+ // will not exist!
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ loggerFullName));
+ throw new
+ EMissingSelfTestException(loggerFullName,
+ loggerValue);
+ }
+ Object o = Class.forName(loggerValue).newInstance();
+ if (!(o instanceof ILogEventListener)) {
+ // NOTE: These messages can only be logged to the
+ // "transactions" log, since the "selftests.log"
+ // will not exist!
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ loggerFullName,
+ loggerValue));
+ throw new EInvalidSelfTestException(loggerFullName,
+ loggerValue);
+ }
+ // initialize the self tests logger
+ mLogger = (ILogEventListener) o;
+ mLogger.init(this, loggerConfig);
+ } catch (EBaseException e) {
+ // self test property name EBaseException
+ // NOTE: These messages can only be logged to the
+ // "transactions" log, since the "selftests.log"
+ // will not exist!
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ loggerFullName,
+ loggerValue));
+ throw new EInvalidSelfTestException(loggerFullName,
+ loggerValue);
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ // NOTE: These messages can only be logged to the
+ // "transactions" log, since the "selftests.log"
+ // will not exist!
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ loggerFullName,
+ loggerValue));
+ CMS.debugStackTrace();
+ throw new EInvalidSelfTestException(loggerFullName,
+ loggerValue);
+ }
+ }
+ // Barring any exceptions thrown above, we begin logging messages
+ // to either the "transactions" log, or the "selftests.log" log.
+ if (loadStatus == 0) {
+ // NOTE: These messages can only be logged to the
+ // "transactions" log, since the "selftests.log"
+ // will not exist!
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ } else {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////
+ // instancePropertyName=instanceValue //
+ ////////////////////////////////////////
+ if (CMS.debugOn()) {
+ CMS.debug("SelfTestSubsystem::init():"
+ + " loading self test plugins");
+ }
+ // compose self test plugins instance property prefix
+ String instancePath = PROP_CONTAINER + "." + PROP_INSTANCE;
+ IConfigStore instanceConfig = mConfig.getSubStore(instancePath);
+ if ((instanceConfig != null) &&
+ (instanceConfig.getName() != null) &&
+ (instanceConfig.getName() != "")) {
+ mPrefix = instanceConfig.getName().trim();
+ } else {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException();
+ }
+ Enumeration instances = instanceConfig.getPropertyNames();
+ if (instances.hasMoreElements()) {
+ loadStatus++;
+ log(mLogger,
+ } else {
+ log(mLogger,
+ }
+ // load all self test plugin instances
+ String instanceFullName = null;
+ String instanceName = null;
+ String instanceValue = null;
+ boolean first_time = true;
+ while (instances.hasMoreElements()) {
+ // the instance property name should be unique
+ instanceName = (String) instances.nextElement();
+ if (instanceName != null) {
+ instanceName = instanceName.trim();
+ instanceFullName = getFullName(mPrefix,
+ instanceName);
+ } else {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ throw new EMissingSelfTestException();
+ }
+ if (mSelfTestInstances.containsKey(instanceName)) {
+ // self test plugin instance property name is a duplicate
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ instanceFullName));
+ throw new EDuplicateSelfTestException(instanceFullName);
+ }
+ // an associated instance property value, a class, must exist
+ try {
+ instanceValue = instanceConfig.getString(instanceName);
+ if (instanceValue != null) {
+ instanceValue = instanceValue.trim();
+ } else {
+ // self test plugin instance property name exists,
+ // but it contains no value(s)
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ instanceFullName));
+ throw new
+ EMissingSelfTestException(instanceFullName,
+ instanceValue);
+ }
+ } catch (EBaseException e) {
+ // self test property name EBaseException
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ instanceFullName,
+ instanceValue));
+ throw new EInvalidSelfTestException(instanceFullName,
+ instanceValue);
+ }
+ // verify that the associated class is a valid instance of ISelfTest
+ Object o;
+ try {
+ o = Class.forName(instanceValue).newInstance();
+ if (!(o instanceof ISelfTest)) {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ instanceFullName,
+ instanceValue));
+ throw new EInvalidSelfTestException(instanceFullName,
+ instanceValue);
+ }
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ instanceFullName,
+ instanceValue));
+ CMS.debugStackTrace();
+ throw new EInvalidSelfTestException(instanceFullName,
+ instanceValue);
+ }
+ // retrieve all ISelfTest parameters associated with this class
+ try {
+ if (first_time) {
+ first_time = false;
+ if (CMS.debugOn()) {
+ CMS.debug("SelfTestSubsystem::init():"
+ + " loading self test plugin parameters");
+ }
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ }
+ ISelfTest test = (ISelfTest) o;
+ test.initSelfTest(this, instanceName, mConfig);
+ // store this self test plugin instance
+ mSelfTestInstances.put(instanceName, test);
+ } catch (EDuplicateSelfTestException e) {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ instanceFullName,
+ e.getInstanceParameter()));
+ throw e;
+ } catch (EMissingSelfTestException e) {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ instanceFullName,
+ e.getInstanceParameter()));
+ throw e;
+ } catch (EInvalidSelfTestException e) {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ instanceFullName,
+ e.getInstanceParameter()));
+ throw e;
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // onDemandOrderPropertyName=onDemandOrderValue1, . . . //
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ if (CMS.debugOn()) {
+ CMS.debug("SelfTestSubsystem::init():"
+ + " loading on demand self tests");
+ }
+ // compose self test plugins on-demand ordering property name
+ String onDemandOrderName = PROP_CONTAINER + "."
+ + PROP_ORDER + "."
+ String onDemandOrderFullName = getFullName(mRootPrefix,
+ onDemandOrderName);
+ String onDemandOrderValues = null;
+ try {
+ // extract all self test plugins on-demand
+ // ordering property values
+ onDemandOrderValues = mConfig.getString(onDemandOrderName);
+ if (onDemandOrderValues != null) {
+ onDemandOrderValues = onDemandOrderValues.trim();
+ }
+ loadStatus++;
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ if ((onDemandOrderValues == null) ||
+ (onDemandOrderValues.equals(""))) {
+ // self test plugins on-demand ordering property name
+ // exists, but it contains no values, which means that
+ // no self tests are configured to run on-demand
+ if( ( onDemandOrderFullName != null ) &&
+ ( !onDemandOrderFullName.equals( "" ) ) ) {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ onDemandOrderFullName));
+ }
+ throw new EBaseException( "onDemandOrderValues is null "
+ + "or empty" );
+ }
+ StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(onDemandOrderValues,
+ while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
+ // create a new element in the on-demand ordered list
+ SelfTestOrderedInstance element;
+ element = new SelfTestOrderedInstance(
+ tokens.nextToken().trim());
+ // SANITY CHECK: find the corresponding instance property
+ // name for this self test plugin
+ checkInstance(element);
+ // store this self test plugin in on-demand order
+ mOnDemandOrder.add(element);
+ }
+ } catch (EPropertyNotFound e) {
+ // self test plugins on-demand ordering property name
+ // is not present
+ // presently, we merely log this fact
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ // throw new EMissingSelfTestException( onDemandOrderFullName );
+ } catch (EBaseException e) {
+ // self test property name EBaseException
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ onDemandOrderFullName,
+ onDemandOrderValues));
+ throw new EInvalidSelfTestException(onDemandOrderFullName,
+ onDemandOrderValues);
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // startupOrderPropertyName=startupOrderValue1, . . . //
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ if (CMS.debugOn()) {
+ CMS.debug("SelfTestSubsystem::init():"
+ + " loading startup self tests");
+ }
+ // compose self test plugins startup ordering property name
+ String startupOrderName = PROP_CONTAINER + "."
+ + PROP_ORDER + "."
+ String startupOrderFullName = getFullName(mRootPrefix,
+ startupOrderName);
+ String startupOrderValues = null;
+ try {
+ // extract all self test plugins startup ordering
+ // property values
+ startupOrderValues = mConfig.getString(startupOrderName);
+ if (startupOrderValues != null) {
+ startupOrderValues = startupOrderValues.trim();
+ }
+ loadStatus++;
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ if ((startupOrderValues == null) ||
+ (startupOrderValues.equals(""))) {
+ // self test plugins startup ordering property name
+ // exists, but it contains no values, which means that
+ // no self tests are configured to run at server startup
+ if( ( startupOrderFullName != null ) &&
+ ( !startupOrderFullName.equals( "" ) ) ) {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ startupOrderFullName));
+ }
+ }
+ StringTokenizer tokens = new StringTokenizer(startupOrderValues,
+ while (tokens.hasMoreTokens()) {
+ // create a new element in the startup ordered list
+ SelfTestOrderedInstance element;
+ element = new SelfTestOrderedInstance(
+ tokens.nextToken().trim());
+ // SANITY CHECK: find the corresponding instance property
+ // name for this self test plugin
+ checkInstance(element);
+ // store this self test plugin in startup order
+ mStartupOrder.add(element);
+ }
+ } catch (EPropertyNotFound e) {
+ // self test plugins startup ordering property name is
+ // not present
+ // presently, we merely log this fact
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ // throw new EMissingSelfTestException( startupOrderFullName );
+ } catch (EBaseException e) {
+ // self test property name EBaseException
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ startupOrderFullName,
+ startupOrderValues));
+ throw new EInvalidSelfTestException(startupOrderFullName,
+ startupOrderValues);
+ }
+ // notify user whether or not self test plugins have been loaded
+ if (loadStatus == 0) {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ } else {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ }
+ if (CMS.debugOn()) {
+ CMS.debug("SelfTestSubsystem::init():"
+ + " EXITING.");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Notifies this subsystem if owner is in running mode.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @exception EBaseException base CMS exception
+ */
+ public void startup()
+ throws EBaseException {
+ // loop through all self test plugin instances
+ Enumeration instances = mSelfTestInstances.elements();
+ while (instances.hasMoreElements()) {
+ ISelfTest instance = (ISelfTest) instances.nextElement();
+ instance.startupSelfTest();
+ }
+ if (!CMS.isPreOpMode()) {
+ // run all self test plugin instances (designated at startup)
+ Enumeration selftests = mStartupOrder.elements();
+ if (selftests.hasMoreElements()) {
+ // log that execution of startup self tests has begun
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ // execute all startup self tests
+ runSelfTestsAtStartup();
+ // log that execution of all "critical" startup self tests
+ // has completed "successfully"
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ } else {
+ log(mLogger,
+ CMS.getLogMessage(
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Stops this subsystem. The owner may call shutdown
+ * anytime after initialization.
+ * <P>
+ */
+ public void shutdown() {
+ // reverse order of all self test plugin instances
+ Collection collection = mSelfTestInstances.values();
+ Vector list = new Vector(collection);
+ Collections.reverse(list);
+ // loop through all self test plugin instances
+ ListIterator instances = list.listIterator();
+ while (instances.hasNext()) {
+ ISelfTest instance = (ISelfTest);
+ instance.shutdownSelfTest();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns the root configuration storage of this subsystem.
+ * This method may return null.
+ * <P>
+ *
+ * @return configuration store of this subsystem
+ */
+ public IConfigStore getConfigStore() {
+ return mConfig;
+ }