diff options
4 files changed, 2366 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/Makefile b/tests/dogtag/Makefile
index b3ed0acbd..6eaa9cf69 100755
--- a/tests/dogtag/Makefile
+++ b/tests/dogtag/Makefile
@@ -245,7 +245,8 @@ build: $(BUILT_FILES)
chmod a+x ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-profile-cli/
# Legacy tests
chmod a+x ./acceptance/legacy/ca-tests/usergroups/
- chmod a+x ./acceptance/legacy/ca-tests/profiles/
+ chmod a+x ./acceptance/legacy/ca-tests/profiles/
+ chmod a+x ./acceptance/legacy/ca-tests/profiles/
chmod a+x ./acceptance/legacy/ca-tests/acls/
chmod a+x ./acceptance/legacy/ca-tests/internaldb/
chmod a+x ./acceptance/legacy/ca-tests/authplugin/
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/legacy/ca-tests/profiles/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/legacy/ca-tests/profiles/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..09d601c20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/legacy/ca-tests/profiles/
@@ -0,0 +1,1673 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/rhcs/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-profile-cli
+# Description: PKI CA PROFILE CLI tests
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# The following pki key cli commands needs to be tested:
+# pki ca-profile-add
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Niranjan Mallapadi <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+ local cs_Type=$1
+ local cs_Role=$2
+ # Creating Temporary Directory for pki ca-profile-add
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "pki key-show Temporary Directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ # Local Variables
+ get_topo_stack $cs_Role $TmpDir/topo_file
+ local CA_INST=$(cat $TmpDir/topo_file | grep MY_CA | cut -d= -f2)
+ local target_unsecure_port=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_UNSECURE_PORT)
+ local target_secure_port=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_SECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_ca_agent=$CA_INST\_agentV
+ local tmp_ca_admin=$CA_INST\_adminV
+ local tmp_ca_port=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_UNSECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_ca_host=$(eval echo \$${cs_Role})
+ local valid_agent_cert=$CA_INST\_agentV
+ local valid_audit_cert=$CA_INST\_auditV
+ local valid_operator_cert=$CA_INST\_operatorV
+ local valid_admin_cert=$CA_INST\_adminV
+ local cert_find_info="$TmpDir/cert_find_info"
+ local revoked_agent_cert=$CA_INST\_agentR
+ local revoked_admin_cert=$CA_INST\_adminR
+ local expired_admin_cert=$CA_INST\_adminE
+ local expired_agent_cert=$CA_INST\_agentE
+ local admin_out="$TmpDir/admin_out"
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB="$TmpDir/nssdb"
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD="redhat"
+ local cert_info="$TmpDir/cert_info"
+ local ca_profile_out="$TmpDir/ca-profile-out"
+ local cert_out="$TmpDir/cert-show.out"
+ local rand=$RANDOM
+ local tmp_junk_data=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ ###SubCA
+ local sub_ca_ldap_port=1800
+ local sub_ca_http_port=14080
+ local sub_ca_https_port=14443
+ local sub_ca_ajp_port=14009
+ local sub_ca_tomcat_port=14005
+ local subca_instance_name=pki-example-$rand
+ local SUBCA_SERVER_ROOT=/var/lib/pki/$subca_instance_name/ca
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Create user with only Admin privileges"
+ local test_admin_user="idm_admin_user$RANDOM"
+ local admin_user_fullName="idm Admin User"
+ local test_admin_pwd="Secret123"
+ rlLog "Create user with Admin Privileges only"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ user-add $test_admin_user \
+ --fullName \"$admin_user_fullName\" \
+ --password $test_admin_pwd" 0 "Create $admin_user_fullName user"
+ rlLog "Add user to Administrators Group"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ group-member-add Administrators $test_admin_user" 0 "Add $admin_user_fullName to Administrators Group"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-001:CA - Admin Interface - list all profiles"
+ rlLog "List all Profiles"
+ local default_profiles=(caUserCert caECUserCert caUserSMIMEcapCert caDualCert caECDualCert AdminCert caSignedLogCert caTPSCert caRARouterCert caRouterCert caServerCert caSubsystemCert caStorageCert)
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_SEARCH&OP_SCOPE=rules&\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile >> $admin_out" 0 "List all defaul Profiles"
+ for i in ${default_profiles[@]}; do
+ rlAssertGrep "$i" "$admin_out"
+ done
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-002:CA - Admin Interface - View Profile Details"
+ local profile="caUserSMIMEcapCert"
+ rlLog "View Profile Details $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=policies&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "View details of Profile $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlLog "Verify Policy & Constraints"
+ rlAssertGrep "SubjectNameDefault:SubjectNameConstraint" "$admin_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "NoDefault:RenewalGracePeriodConstraint" "$admin_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "ValidityDefault:ValidityConstraint" "$admin_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "KeyDefault:KeyConstraint" "$admin_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "AuthorityKeyIdentifierDefault:NoConstraint" "$admin_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "AIAExtensionDefault:NoConstraint" "$admin_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "KeyUsageDefault:KeyUsageExtensionConstraint" "$admin_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "ExtendedKeyUsageExtensionDefault:NoConstraint" "$admin_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "SubjectAltNameConstraint:NoConstraint" "$admin_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "SigningAlg:NoConstraint" "$admin_out"
+ local scope=profileInput
+ rlLog "Verify $scope"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=profileInput&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "View details of Profile $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "KeyGeneration" "$admin_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "SubjectName" "$admin_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "RequestorInformation" "$admin_out"
+ local scope=profileOutput
+ rlLog "Verify $scope"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "View details of Profile $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "CertificateOutput" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-003:CA - Admin Interface - Verify Deleting enabled profile fails"
+ local profile="caUserSMIMEcapCert"
+ local op_scope=rules
+ local op_type='OP_DELETE'
+ rlLog "View Profile Details $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=$op_type&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "View details of Profile $profile"
+ rlAssertGrep "Cannot delete enabled profile: $profile" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-004:CA - Admin Interface - Create a new user Profile using caUserCertEnrollImpl with Profile Authencation set to AgentCertAuth"
+ local profile="caUserCert$RANDOM"
+ local op_scope=rules
+ local class=caUserCertEnrollImpl
+ rlLog "Create new profile $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=rules&RS_ID=$profile&impl=$class&name=$profile&visible=true&auth=AgentCertAuth&desc=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Create a new profile for user cert enrollment"
+ rlLog "List all default Profiles"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_SEARCH&OP_SCOPE=rules&\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile >> $admin_out" 0 "List all default Profiles"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$profile=$profile:visible:disabled" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-005:CA - Admin Interface - Add Authority Info Access Extension Default Policy"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ local policy=authInfoAccessExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=AuthorityInfoAccessExtensionDefault
+ local constraintname=NoConstraint
+ local constraint=noConstraintImpl
+ rlLog "Add Policy"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=policies&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p6;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Authority Info Access Extension Default Policy to $profile" 0 "Add Authority Info Access Extension Policy"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p6;$policy;$constraint&authInfoAccessCritical=false&authInfoAccessNumADs=1&authInfoAccessADMethod_0=\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p6;$policy;$constraint\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile"
+ rlLog "Read all policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=policies&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-006:CA - Admin Interface - Add Authority key Identifier Extension Default Policy"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ local policy=authorityKeyIdentifierExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=AuthorityKeyIdentifierExtensionDefault
+ local constraintname=NoConstraint
+ local constraint=noConstraintImpl
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=policies&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p7;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Authority Key Identifier Extension Default Policy to $profile"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p7;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p7;$policy;$constraint\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile"
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-007:CA - Admin Interface - Add Auto request Assignment Default"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ local policy=autoAssignDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=AutoRequestAssignmentDefault
+ local constraintname=NoConstraint
+ local constraint=noConstraintImpl
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=policies&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p8;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Authority Info Access Extension Default Policy to $profile"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p8;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details" 0
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p8;$policy;$constraint\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-008:CA - Admin Interface - Add Basic Constraints Extension Default"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ local policy=basicConstraintsExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=BasicConstraintsExtensionDefault
+ local constraintname=NoConstraint
+ local constraint=noConstraintImpl
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=policies&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p9;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Basic Constraints Extension to $profile"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p9;$policy;$constraint&basicConstraintsCritical=false&basicConstraintsIsCA=false&basicConstraintsPathLen=-1\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p9;$policy;$constraint\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-009:CA - Admin Interface - Add Certificate Version Default Policy"
+ local policy=certificateVersionDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=CertificateVersionDefault
+ local constraintname=NoConstraint
+ local constraint=noConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p10;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Certificate Version Default Policy to $profile"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p10;$policy;$constraint&basicConstraintsCritical=false&basicConstraintsIsCA=false&basicConstraintsPathLen=-1\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p10;$policy;$constraint\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile"
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0010:CA - Admin Interface - Add CRL Distribution Points Extension Default Policy & add custom CRL Url"
+ local policy=crlDistributionPointsExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=CRLDistributionPointsExtensionDefault
+ local constraintname=NoConstraint
+ local constraint=noConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ local crlurl=''
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p11;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy CRL Distribution Points Extension Default to $profile"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p11;$policy;$constraint&crlDistPointsCritical=false&crlDistPointsNum=1&crlDistPointsPointType_0=URIName&crlDistPointsPointName_0=$crlurl&crlDistPointsReasons_0=&crlDistPointsIssuerType_0=&crlDistPointsIssuerName_0=&crlDistPointsEnable_0=true\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p11;$policy;$constraint\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0011:CA - Admin Interface - Add Extended Key Usage Extension Default Policy"
+ local policy=extendedKeyUsageExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=ExtendedKeyUsageExtensionDefault
+ local constraintname=NoConstraint
+ local constraint=noConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ local crlurl=''
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p12;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Extended Key Usage Extension Default to $profile"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p12;$policy;$constraint&exKeyUsageCritical=false&exKeyUsageOIDs=,\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details" 0
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p12;$policy;$constraint\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0012:CA - Admin Interface - Add Freshest CRL Extension Default"
+ local policy=freshestCRLExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=FreshestCRLExtensionDefault
+ local constraintname=NoConstraint
+ local constraint=noConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ local crlurl="https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/crl/Mastercrl.bin"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p13;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Freshest CRL Extension to $profile"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p13;$policy;$constraint&freshestCRLCritical=false&freshestCRLPointNum=1&freshestCRLPointType_0=URIName&freshestCRLPointName_0=$crlurl&freshestCRLPointIssuerType_0=&freshestCRLPointIssuerName_0=&freshestCRLPointEnable_0='true'\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p13;$policy;$constraint\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile"
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0013:CA - Admin Interface - Add Key Usage Extension Default"
+ local policy=keyUsageExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=KeyUsageExtensionDefault
+ local constraintname=KeyUsageExtensionConstraint
+ local constraint=keyUsageExtConstraintImpl
+ rlLog "Delete Existing Key Usage Policy"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_DELETE&OP_SCOPE=policies&RS_ID=$profile&POLICYID=set1:p5\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Delete Existing Key Usage Policy"
+ rlLog "Add Key Usage Policy"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ local crlurl="https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/crl/Mastercrl.bin"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p14;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Key Usage Extension Default to $profile"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p14;$policy;$constraint&keyUsageCritical=true&keyUsageDigitalSignature=true&keyUsageNonRepudiation=true&keyUsageKeyEncipherment=true&keyUsageDataEncipherment=false&keyUsageKeyAgreement=false&keyUsageKeyCertSign=false&keyUsageCrlSign=false&keyUsageEncipherOnly=false&keyUsageDecipherOnly=false\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p14;$policy;$constraint&keyUsageCritical=true&keyUsageDigitalSignature=true&keyUsageNonRepudiation=true&keyUsageKeyEncipherment=true&keyUsageDataEncipherment=false&keyUsageKeyAgreement=false&keyUsageKeyCertSign=false&keyUsageCrlSign=false&keyUsageEncipherOnly=false&keyUsageDecipherOnly=false\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0014:CA - Admin Interface - Add Issuer Alternative Name Extension Default"
+ local policy=issuerAltNameExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=IssuerAlternativeNameExtensionDefault
+ local constraintname=NoConstraint
+ local constraint=noConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p15;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Issuer Alternative Name Extension Default to $profile"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p15;$policy;$constraint&issuerAltNameExtCritical=false&issuerAltExtType=RFC822Name&issuerAltExtPattern=$request.requestor_email\$\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p15;$policy;$constraint\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0014:CA - Admin Interface - Add Name Constraints Extension Default"
+ local policy=nameConstraintsExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=IssuerAlternativeNameExtensionDefault
+ local constraintname=NoConstraint
+ local constraint=noConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ local crlurl="https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/crl/Mastercrl.bin"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p15;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Name Constraints Extension Default to $profile"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p15;$policy;$constraint&nameConstraintsCritical=false&nameConstraintsNumPermittedSubtrees=1&nameConstraintsPermittedSubtreeMinValue_0=1&nameConstraintsPermittedSubtreeNameChoice_0=URIName&nameConstraintsPermittedSubtreeNameValue_0=https://$tmp_ca_host:80&nameConstraintsPermittedSubtreeEnable_0=false&nameConstraintsNumExcludedSubtrees=1&nameConstraintsExcludedSubtreeMinValue_0=&nameConstraintsExcludedSubtreeMaxValue_0=&nameConstraintsExcludedSubtreeNameChoice_0=&nameConstraintsExcludedSubtreeNameValue_0=&nameConstraintsExcludedSubtreeEnable_0=false\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p15;$policy;$constraint\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0015:CA - Admin Interface - Add Netscape Certificate Type Extension Default Policy"
+ local policy=nsCertTypeExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=NetscapeCertificateTypeExtensionDefault
+ local constraintname=NoConstraint
+ local constraint=noConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p16;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Netscape Certificate Type Extension Default to $profile"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p16;$policy;$constraint&nsCertCritical=true&nsCertSSLClient=true&nsCertSSLServer=true&nsCertEmail=true&nsCertObjectSigning=false&nsCertSSLCA=false&nsCertEmailCA=false&nsCertObjectSigningCA=false\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p16;$policy;$constraint\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0016:CA - Admin Interface - Add OCSP No check Extension Default Policy"
+ local policy=ocspNoCheckExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=OCSPNoCheckExtensionDefault
+ local constraintname=ExtensionConstraint
+ local constraint=extensionConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p17;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy OCSP No check Extension Default to $profile"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p17;$policy;$constraint&ocspNoCheckCritical=false\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p17;$policy;$constraint&extCritical=false&extOID=\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0017:CA - Admin Interface - Add Signing Algorithm Default Policy"
+ local policy=signingAlgDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=SigningAlgorithmDefault
+ local constraintname=SigningAlgorithmConstraint
+ local constraint=signingAlgConstraintImpl
+ rlLog "Delete Existing Key Usage Policy"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_DELETE&OP_SCOPE=policies&RS_ID=$profile&POLICYID=set1:p4\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Delete Existing Signing Algorithm Usage Policy"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p18;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Signing Algorithm Default to $profile"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p18;$policy;$constraint&signingAlg=SHA256withRSA\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p18;$policy;$constraint&signingAlgsAllowed=SHA1withRSA,MD5withRSA,MD2withRSA,SHA1withDSA,SHA256withRSA,SHA512withRSA,SHA1withEC,SHA256withEC,SHA384withEC,SHA512withEC\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0018:CA - Admin Interface - Add OCSP No check Extension Default Policy"
+ local policy=ocspNoCheckExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=OCSPNoCheckExtensionDefault
+ local constraintname=ExtensionConstraint
+ local constraint=extensionConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p17;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy OCSP No check Extension Default to $profile"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p17;$policy;$constraint&ocspNoCheckCritical=false\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p17;$policy;$constraint&extCritical=false&extOID=\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0019:CA - Admin Interface - Add signing Algorithm"
+ local policy=signingAlgDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=SigningAlgorithmDefault
+ local constraintname=SigningAlgorithmConstraint
+ local constraint=noConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p18;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Signing Algorithm to $profile"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p18;$policy;$constraint&signingAlg=SHA256withRSA\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p18;$policy;$constraint\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0020:CA - Admin Interface - Add Subject Alternative Name Extension Policy"
+ local policy=subjectAltNameExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=SubjectAlternativeNameExtensionDefault
+ local constraintname=NoConstraint
+ local constraint=noConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p19;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Subject Alternative Name Extension to $profile"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p19;$policy;$constraint&subjAltNameExtCritical=false&subjAltNameNumGNs=1&subjAltExtType_0=RFC822Name&subjAltExtPattern_0=\$request.requestor_email\$&subjAltExtGNEnable_0=false\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p19;$policy;$constraint\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0021:CA - Admin Interface - Add Subject Directory Attributes Extension Policy"
+ local policy=subjectDirAttributesExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=SubjectDirectoryAttributesExtensionDefault
+ local constraintname=NoConstraint
+ local constraint=noConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p20;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Subject Directory Attributes Extension to $profile"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p20;$policy;$constraint&subjDirAttrsCritical=false&subjDirAttrsNum=1&subjDirAttrName_0=email&subjDirAttrPattern_0=\$request.requestor_email\$&subjDirAttrEnable=false\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p20;$policy;$constraint\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0022:CA - Admin Interface - Add Subject Info Access Extension Policy"
+ local policy=subjectInfoAccessExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=SubjectInfoAccessExtensionDefault
+ local constraintname=NoConstraint
+ local constraint=noConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p21;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Subject Info access extension default a1to $profile"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p21;$policy;$constraint&subjInfoAccessCritical=false&subjInfoAccessNumADs=1&subjInfoAccessADMethod_0=\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p21;$policy;$constraint\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0023:CA - Admin Interface - Add Subject key Identifier Policy"
+ local policy=subjectKeyIdentifierExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=SubjectKeyIdentifierDefault
+ local constraintname=NoConstraint
+ local constraint=noConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p22;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Subject key Identifier to $profile"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p22;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p22;$policy;$constraint\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0024:CA - Admin Interface - Add Subject Name Default Policy"
+ local policy=subjectNameDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=SubjectNameDefault
+ local constraintname=SubjectNameConstraint
+ local constraint=subjectNameConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p23;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Subject Info access extension default a1to $profile"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p23;$policy;$constraint&CN=TEST\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p23;$policy;$constraint&pattern=cn=\*\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0025:CA - Admin Interface - Add Validity Default Policy"
+ local policy=validityDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=ValidityDefault
+ local constraintname=ValidityConstraint
+ local constraint=validityConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlLog "Delete Existing Key Usage Policy"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_DELETE&OP_SCOPE=policies&RS_ID=$profile&POLICYID=set1:p2\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Delete Existing Validity Default usage Policy"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p24;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Validity Default policy $profile"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p24;$policy;$constraint&range=180&startTime=60\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p24;$policy;$constraint&range=365&notBeforeGracePeriod=0&notBeforeCheck=false&notAfterCheck=false\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0026:CA - Admin Interface - Add Certificate Request Input"
+ local Input=certReqInputImpl
+ local op_scope=profileInput
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;i4;$Input\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Certificate Request Input $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "i4=CertificateRequestInput" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0027:CA - Admin Interface - Add CMC Request Input"
+ local Input=cmcCertReqInputImpl
+ local op_scope=profileInput
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;i5;$Input\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add CMC Request Input $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "i5=CertificateRequestInput" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0028:CA - Admin Interface - Add Dual Key Generation Input"
+ local Input=dualKeyGenInputImpl
+ local op_scope=profileInput
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;i6;$Input\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Dual Key Generation Input to $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "i6=DualKeyGeneration" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd#
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0029:CA - Admin Interface - Add File Signing Input"
+ local Input=fileSigningInputImpl
+ local op_scope=profileInput
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;i7;$Input\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add File Signing Input $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "i7=FileSigningInput" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0030:CA - Admin Interface - Add Key Generation Input"
+ local Input=keyGenInputImpl
+ local op_scope=profileInput
+ rlLog "Delete Existing Key Generation Input"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_DELETE&OP_SCOPE=profileInput&RS_ID=$profile&INPUTID=i1\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Delete Existing Validity Default usage Policy"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;i1;$Input\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Key Generation Input to $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "i1=KeyGeneration" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0031:CA - Admin Interface - Add Subject DN Input"
+ local Input=subjectDNInputImpl
+ local op_scope=profileInput
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;i8;$Input\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Subject DN Input to $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "i8=SubjectName" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0032:CA - Admin Interface - Add Subject Name Input"
+ local Input=subjectNameInputImpl
+ local op_scope=profileInput
+ rlLog "Delete Existing Subject Name Input"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_DELETE&OP_SCOPE=profileInput&RS_ID=$profile&INPUTID=i2\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Delete Existing Subject Name Input"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;i2;$Input&sn_uid=true&sn_e=true&sn_cn=true&sn_ou3=true&sn_ou2=true&sn_ou1=true&sn_ou=true&sn_o=true&sn_c=true\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Subject Name Input to $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "i2=SubjectName" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0033:CA - Admin Interface - Add Certificate Output"
+ local Input=certOutputImpl
+ local op_scope=profileOutput
+ rlLog "Delete Existing Certificate Output"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_DELETE&OP_SCOPE=profileOutput&RS_ID=$profile&OUTPUTID=o1\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Delete Existing Certificate Output"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;o1;$Input\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Certificate Output to $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "o1=CertificateOutput" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0034:CA - Admin Interface - Add CMMF Output"
+ local Input=cmmfOutputImpl
+ local op_scope=profileOutput
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;o1;$Input\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Certificate Output to $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "o1=CertificateOutput" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0035:CA - Admin Interface - Delete an existing Policy from Profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlLog "Read all the existing Policies"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlLog "Delete signing Algorithm Policy from the profile"
+ local policyId=$(cat -v $admin_out | grep SigningAlgorithmDefault | awk -F ":" '{print $2}' | awk -F "=" '{print $1}')
+ rlLog "policyId=$policyId"
+ rlLog "Delete Existing Key Usage Policy"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_DELETE&OP_SCOPE=policies&RS_ID=$profile&POLICYID=set1:$policyId\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Delete Existing Validity Default usage Policy"
+ rlLog "Read all the existing Policies"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "SigningAlgorithmDefault:SigningAlgorithmConstraint" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0036:CA - Admin Interface - Delete Dual Key Generation Input from Profile"
+ local op_scope=profileInput
+ rlLog "Read Existing Certificate Input"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ local inputId=$(cat -v $admin_out | grep DualKeyGeneration | awk -F "=" '{print $1}')
+ rlLog "Delete Dual Key Generation Input"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_DELETE&OP_SCOPE=profileInput&RS_ID=$profile&INPUTID=$inputId\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Delete Existing Dual Key Generation Input"
+ rlLog "Read Existing Certificate Input to verify Dual Key Generation Input is deleted"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "DualKeyGeneration" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0037:CA - Admin Interface - Delete Certificate request output from Existing Profile"
+ local Input=certOutputImpl
+ local op_scope=profileOutput
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "o1=CertificateOutput" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Delete Existing Certificate Output"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_DELETE&OP_SCOPE=profileOutput&RS_ID=$profile&OUTPUTID=o1\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Delete Existing Certificate Output"
+ rlLog "Read Existing Outputs to verify Certificate Output is not present"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "o1=CertificateOutput" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0038:CA - Admin Interface - Enable Existing Profile"
+ rlLog "Enable a Disabled profile"
+ local action=Approve
+ rlRun "export SSL_DIR=$CERTDB_DIR"
+ rlRun "curl --cacert $CERTDB_DIR/ca_cert.pem -E \"$valid_agent_cert:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD\" -d \"profileId=$profile&Approve=$action\" https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/agent/ca/profileApprove > $admin_out"
+ rlLog "Verify if $profile is enabled by enabling using pki command"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port -d $CERTDB_DIR -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -n $valid_agent_cert ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out 2>&1" 255,1 "Execute pki ca-profile-enable $profile"
+ rlAssertGrep "BadRequestException: Profile already enabled" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0039:CA - Admin Interface - Disable Existing Profile"
+ rlLog "Disable a Enabled profile"
+ local action=Disable
+ rlRun "curl --cacert $CERTDB_DIR/ca_cert.pem \
+ -E \"$tmp_ca_agent:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD\" \
+ -d \"profileId=$profile&Disable=$action\" https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/agent/ca/profileApprove"
+ rlLog "Disable profile $profile and verify profile is already disabled"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-disable $profile > $ca_profile_out 2>&1" \
+ 255,1 "Disable already disabled profile $profile"
+ rlAssertGrep "BadRequestException: Profile already disabled" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0040: CA Admin Interface - Create a new profile as Admin Only user with caEnrollImpl with No Profile Authentication"
+ local profile="caUserCert$RANDOM"
+ local op_scope=rules
+ local op_type='OP_DELETE'
+ local class=caEnrollImpl
+ rlLog "Create new profile $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=rules&RS_ID=$profile&impl=$class&name=$profile&visible=true&auth=&desc=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Create a new profile for user cert enrollment"
+ rlLog "List all default Profiles"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_SEARCH&OP_SCOPE=rules&\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile >> $admin_out" 0 "List all default Profiles"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$profile=$profile:visible:disabled" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0041:CA - Admin Interface - Add Key Generation Input "
+ rlLog "Add Key Generation Input"
+ local Input=keyGenInputImpl
+ local op_scope=profileInput
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;i1;$Input\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Key Generation Input to $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "i1=KeyGeneration" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0042:CA - Admin Interface - Add subject Name Input "
+ rlLog "Add Subject Name Input"
+ local Input=subjectNameInputImpl
+ local op_scope=profileInput
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;i2;$Input&sn_uid=true&sn_e=true&sn_cn=true&sn_ou3=true&sn_ou2=true&sn_ou1=true&sn_ou=true&sn_o=true&sn_c=true\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Subject Name Input to $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "i2=SubjectName" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0043:CA - Admin Interface - Add Requestor Information Input "
+ rlLog "Add Requestor Information"
+ local Input=submitterInfoInputImpl
+ local op_scope=profileInput
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;i3;$Input\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Subject Name Input to $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "i3=RequestorInformation" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0044:CA - Admin Interface - Add Certificate Output "
+ local Input=certOutputImpl
+ local op_scope=profileOutput
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;o1;$Input\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Certificate Output to $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "o1=CertificateOutput" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0045:CA - Admin Interface - Add User Supplied Subject Name Input Default Policy"
+ local policy=userSubjectNameDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=UserSuppliedSubjectNameDefault
+ local constraintname=SubjectNameConstraint
+ local constraint=subjectNameConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p1;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Subject Info access extension default a1to $profile"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p1;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p1;$policy;$constraint&pattern=UID=.*\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0046:CA - Admin Interface - Add NoDefault Policy"
+ local policy=noDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=NoDefault
+ local constraintname=RenewalGracePeriodConstraint
+ local constraint=renewGracePeriodConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p2;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy NoDefault to $profile"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p2;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p2;$policy;$constraint&renewal.graceBefore=30&renewal.graceAfter=30\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ #rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0047:CA - Admin Interface - Add Validity Default Policy"
+ local policy=validityDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=ValidityDefault
+ local constraintname=ValidityConstraint
+ local constraint=validityConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p3;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Validity Default policy $profile"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p3;$policy;$constraint&range=180&startTime=0\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p3;$policy;$constraint&range=365&notBeforeGracePeriod=0&notBeforeCheck=false&notAfterCheck=false\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0048:CA - Admin Interface - Add Extended Key Usage Extension Default Policy"
+ local policy=extendedKeyUsageExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=ExtendedKeyUsageExtensionDefault
+ local constraintname=NoConstraint
+ local constraint=noConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p4;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Policy Extended Key Usage Extension Default to $profile"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p4;$policy;$constraint&exKeyUsageCritical=false&exKeyUsageOIDs=,\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Policy Details" 0
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p4;$policy;$constraint\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0049:CA - Admin Interface - Add Subject Alternative Name Extension Policy"
+ local policy=subjectAltNameExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=SubjectAlternativeNameExtensionDefault
+ local constraintname=NoConstraint
+ local constraint=noConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p5;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Subject Alternative Name Extension to $profile"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p5;$policy;$constraint&subjAltNameExtCritical=false&subjAltNameNumGNs=1&subjAltExtType_0=RFC822Name&subjAltExtPattern_0='$request.requestor_email$'&subjAltExtGNEnable_0=false\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p5;$policy;$constraint\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0049:CA - Admin Interface - Add User Key Default Policy(Admin Only)"
+ local policy=userKeyDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=UserSuppliedKeyDefault
+ local constraintname=KeyConstraint
+ local constraint=keyConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p6;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Policy Userkey Default to $profile"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p6;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p6;$policy;$constraint&keyType=-&keyParameters=1024,2048,3072,4096,nistp256,nistp384,nistp521\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0050:CA - Admin Interface - Add Authority key Identifier Extension Default Policy"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ local policy=authorityKeyIdentifierExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=AuthorityKeyIdentifierExtensionDefault
+ local constraintname=NoConstraint
+ local constraint=noConstraintImpl
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=policies&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p7;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Policy Authority Key Identifier Extension Default Policy to $profile"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p7;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p7;$policy;$constraint\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0051:CA - Admin Interface - Add Authority Info Access Extension Default Policy"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ local policy=authInfoAccessExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=AuthorityInfoAccessExtensionDefault
+ local constraintname=NoConstraint
+ local constraint=noConstraintImpl
+ rlLog "Add Policy"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=policies&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p8;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Policy Authority Info Access Extension Default Policy to $profile"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p8;$policy;$constraint&authInfoAccessCritical=false&authInfoAccessNumADs=1&authInfoAccessADMethod_0=\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p8;$policy;$constraint\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Read all policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=policies&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0052:CA - Admin Interface - Add Key Usage Extension Default"
+ local policy=keyUsageExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=KeyUsageExtensionDefault
+ local constraintname=KeyUsageExtensionConstraint
+ local constraint=keyUsageExtConstraintImpl
+ rlLog "Add Key Usage Policy"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ local crlurl="https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/crl/Mastercrl.bin"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p9;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Key Usage Extension Default to $profile"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p9;$policy;$constraint&keyUsageCritical=true&keyUsageDigitalSignature=true&keyUsageNonRepudiation=true&keyUsageKeyEncipherment=true&keyUsageDataEncipherment=false&keyUsageKeyAgreement=false&keyUsageKeyCertSign=false&keyUsageCrlSign=false&keyUsageEncipherOnly=false&keyUsageDecipherOnly=false\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p9;$policy;$constraint&keyUsageCritical=true&keyUsageDigitalSignature=true&keyUsageNonRepudiation=true&keyUsageKeyEncipherment=true&keyUsageDataEncipherment=false&keyUsageKeyAgreement=false&keyUsageKeyCertSign=false&keyUsageCrlSign=false&keyUsageEncipherOnly=false&keyUsageDecipherOnly=false\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0053:CA - Admin Interface - Add Signing Algorithm Default Policy"
+ local policy=signingAlgDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=SigningAlgorithmDefault
+ local constraintname=SigningAlgorithmConstraint
+ local constraint=signingAlgConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p10;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Policy Signing Algorithm Default to $profile"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p10;$policy;$constraint&signingAlg=SHA256withRSA\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p10;$policy;$constraint&signingAlgsAllowed=SHA1withRSA,MD5withRSA,MD2withRSA,SHA1withDSA,SHA256withRSA,SHA512withRSA,SHA1withEC,SHA256withEC,SHA384withEC,SHA512withEC\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$test_admin_user:$test_admin_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0054:CA - Enroll a user certificate with newly created profile"
+ rlLog "Enable a Disabled profile"
+ local action=Approve
+ rlRun "curl --cacert $CERTDB_DIR/ca_cert.pem \
+ -E \"$valid_agent_cert:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD\" \
+ -d \"profileId=$profile&Approve=$action\" https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/agent/ca/profileApprove > $admin_out 2>&1"
+ rlLog "Verify $profile is by disabling the profile using pki cli"
+ rlLog "Verify if $profile is enabled by enabling using pki command"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out 2>&1" 255,1 "Execute pki ca-profile-enable $profile"
+ rlAssertGrep "BadRequestException: Profile already enabled" "$ca_profile_out"
+ local temp_user=foo_User_$RANDOM
+ rlLog "Generate a cert with subject name CN=Foo User_1,UID=$Temp_user,E=$,OU=FOO,,C=US"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ req_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa \
+ key_size:1024 \
+ subject_cn:\"Foo User_1\" \
+ subject_uid:FooUser_1 \
+ \
+ subject_ou:FOO \
+ \
+ subject_c:US \
+ archive:false \
+ req_profile:$profile \
+ target_host:$tmp_ca_host \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR \
+ cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:\"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ cert_info:$cert_info"
+ local cert_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local cert_requestdn=$(cat $cert_info | grep cert_requestdn | cut -d- -f2)
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-show $cert_serialNumber > $cert_out" 0 "Executing pki cert-show $cert_serialNumber"
+ rlAssertGrep "Certificate \"$cert_serialNumber\"" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Serial Number: $cert_serialNumber" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Issuer: CN=PKI $CA_INST Signing Cert,O=redhat" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Subject: $pkcs10_requestdn" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Status: VALID" "$cert_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Create user with only Agent privileges"
+ local test_user="idm_agent_user$RANDOM"
+ local test_user_fullName="idm Agent User"
+ local test_user_pwd="Secret123"
+ local target_group="Certificate Manager Agents"
+ rlLog "Create user with Agent Privileges only"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ user-add $test_user \
+ --fullName \"$test_user_fullName\" \
+ --password $test_user_pwd" 0 "Create $test_user_fullName user"
+ rlLog "Add user to Administrators Group"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ group-member-add \"$target_group\" $test_user > $TmpDir/group.out" 0 "Add $test_user_fullName to Certificate Agents Group"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added group member \"$test_user\"" "$TmpDir/group.out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0055: CA Admin Interface - Creating a new profile by user member of Certificate Agents should fail"
+ local profile="caUserCert$RANDOM"
+ local op_scope=rules
+ local class=caEnrollImpl
+ rlLog "Create new profile $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic --user "$test_user:$test_user_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=rules&RS_ID=$profile&impl=$class&name=$profile&visible=true&auth=&desc=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Create a new profile as $test_user_fullname"
+ rlAssertGrep "You are not authorized to perform this operation" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Create user with only Audit privileges"
+ local test_user="idm_agent_user$RANDOM"
+ local test_user_fullName="idm Agent User"
+ local test_user_pwd="Secret123"
+ local target_group="Auditors"
+ rlLog "Create user with Agent Privileges only"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ user-add $test_user \
+ --fullName \"$test_user_fullName\" \
+ --password $test_user_pwd" 0 "Create $test_user_fullName user"
+ rlLog "Add user to Administrators Group"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ group-member-add \"$target_group\" $test_user > $TmpDir/group.out" 0 "Add $test_user_fullName to Certificate Agents Group"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added group member \"$test_user\"" "$TmpDir/group.out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_console_profile-0056: CA Admin Interface - Creating a new profile by user member of Auditors group should fail"
+ local profile="caUserCert$RANDOM"
+ local op_scope=rules
+ local class=caEnrollImpl
+ rlLog "Create new profile $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic --user "$test_user:$test_user_pwd" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=rules&RS_ID=$profile&impl=$class&name=$profile&visible=true&auth=&desc=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Create a new profile as $test_user_fullname"
+ rlAssertGrep "You are not authorized to perform this operation" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/legacy/ca-tests/profiles/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/legacy/ca-tests/profiles/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f5282381d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/legacy/ca-tests/profiles/
@@ -0,0 +1,680 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/rhcs/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-profile-cli
+# Description: PKI CA PROFILE CLI tests
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# The following pki key cli commands needs to be tested:
+# pki ca-profile-add
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Niranjan Mallapadi <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+ local cs_Type=$1
+ local cs_Role=$2
+ # Creating Temporary Directory for pki ca-profile-add
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "pki key-show Temporary Directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ # Local Variables
+ get_topo_stack $cs_Role $TmpDir/topo_file
+ local CA_INST=$(cat $TmpDir/topo_file | grep MY_CA | cut -d= -f2)
+ local target_unsecure_port=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_UNSECURE_PORT)
+ local target_secure_port=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_SECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_ca_agent=$CA_INST\_agentV
+ local tmp_ca_admin=$CA_INST\_adminV
+ local tmp_ca_port=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_UNSECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_ca_host=$(eval echo \$${cs_Role})
+ local valid_agent_cert=$CA_INST\_agentV
+ local valid_audit_cert=$CA_INST\_auditV
+ local valid_operator_cert=$CA_INST\_operatorV
+ local valid_admin_cert=$CA_INST\_adminV
+ local cert_find_info="$TmpDir/cert_find_info"
+ local revoked_agent_cert=$CA_INST\_agentR
+ local revoked_admin_cert=$CA_INST\_adminR
+ local expired_admin_cert=$CA_INST\_adminE
+ local expired_agent_cert=$CA_INST\_agentE
+ #users
+ local valid_agent_user=$CA_INST\_agentV
+ local valid_audit_user=$CA_INST\_auditV
+ local valid_operator_user=$CA_INST\_operatorV
+ local valid_admin_user=$CA_INST\_adminV
+ local admin_out="$TmpDir/admin_out"
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB="$TmpDir/nssdb"
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD="redhat"
+ local cert_info="$TmpDir/cert_info"
+ local ca_profile_out="$TmpDir/ca-profile-out"
+ local cert_out="$TmpDir/cert-show.out"
+ local rand=$RANDOM
+ local tmp_junk_data=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "CA Admin Interface - Create a new profile as Admin Only user with caEnrollImpl with No Profile Authentication"
+ local profile="caUserCert$RANDOM"
+ local op_scope=rules
+ local class=caEnrollImpl
+ rlLog "Create new profile $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=rules&RS_ID=$profile&impl=$class&name=$profile&visible=true&auth=&desc=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Create a new profile for user cert enrollment"
+ rlLog "List all default Profiles"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_SEARCH&OP_SCOPE=rules&\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile >> $admin_out" 0 "List all default Profiles"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$profile=$profile:visible:disabled" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Admin Interface - Add Key Generation Input "
+ rlLog "Add Key Generation Input"
+ local Input=keyGenInputImpl
+ local op_scope=profileInput
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;i1;$Input\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Key Generation Input to $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "i1=KeyGeneration" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Admin Interface - Add subject Name Input "
+ rlLog "Add Subject Name Input"
+ local Input=subjectNameInputImpl
+ local op_scope=profileInput
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;i2;$Input&sn_uid=true&sn_e=true&sn_cn=true&sn_ou3=true&sn_ou2=true&sn_ou1=true&sn_ou=true&sn_o=true&sn_c=true\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Subject Name Input to $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "i2=SubjectName" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Admin Interface - Add Requestor Information Input "
+ rlLog "Add Requestor Information"
+ local Input=submitterInfoInputImpl
+ local op_scope=profileInput
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;i3;$Input\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Subject Name Input to $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "i3=RequestorInformation" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Admin Interface - Add Certificate Output "
+ local Input=certOutputImpl
+ local op_scope=profileOutput
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;o1;$Input\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Certificate Output to $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "o1=CertificateOutput" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Admin Interface - Add User Supplied Subject Name Input Default Policy"
+ local policy=userSubjectNameDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=UserSuppliedSubjectNameDefault
+ local constraintname=SubjectNameConstraint
+ local constraint=subjectNameConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p1;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Subject Info access extension default a1to $profile"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p1;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p1;$policy;$constraint&pattern=UID=.*\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Admin Interface - Add NoDefault Policy"
+ local policy=noDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=NoDefault
+ local constraintname=RenewalGracePeriodConstraint
+ local constraint=renewGracePeriodConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p2;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy NoDefault to $profile"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p2;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p2;$policy;$constraint&renewal.graceBefore=30&renewal.graceAfter=30\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ #rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Admin Interface - Add Validity Default Policy"
+ local policy=validityDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=ValidityDefault
+ local constraintname=ValidityConstraint
+ local constraint=validityConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p3;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Validity Default policy $profile"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p3;$policy;$constraint&range=180&startTime=0\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p3;$policy;$constraint&range=365&notBeforeGracePeriod=0&notBeforeCheck=false&notAfterCheck=false\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Admin Interface - Add Extended Key Usage Extension Default Policy"
+ local policy=extendedKeyUsageExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=ExtendedKeyUsageExtensionDefault
+ local constraintname=NoConstraint
+ local constraint=noConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p4;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Policy Extended Key Usage Extension Default to $profile"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p4;$policy;$constraint&exKeyUsageCritical=false&exKeyUsageOIDs=,\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Policy Details" 0
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p4;$policy;$constraint\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Admin Interface - Add Subject Alternative Name Extension Policy"
+ local policy=subjectAltNameExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=SubjectAlternativeNameExtensionDefault
+ local constraintname=NoConstraint
+ local constraint=noConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p5;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile" 0 "Add Policy Subject Alternative Name Extension to $profile"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p5;$policy;$constraint&subjAltNameExtCritical=false&subjAltNameNumGNs=1&subjAltExtType_0=RFC822Name&subjAltExtPattern_0='$request.requestor_email$'&subjAltExtGNEnable_0=false\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p5;$policy;$constraint\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Admin Interface - Add User Key Default Policy(Admin Only)"
+ local policy=userKeyDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=UserSuppliedKeyDefault
+ local constraintname=KeyConstraint
+ local constraint=keyConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p6;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Policy Userkey Default to $profile"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p6;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p6;$policy;$constraint&keyType=-&keyParameters=1024,2048,3072,4096,nistp256,nistp384,nistp521\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Admin Interface - Add Authority key Identifier Extension Default Policy"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ local policy=authorityKeyIdentifierExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=AuthorityKeyIdentifierExtensionDefault
+ local constraintname=NoConstraint
+ local constraint=noConstraintImpl
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=policies&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p7;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Policy Authority Key Identifier Extension Default Policy to $profile"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p7;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p7;$policy;$constraint\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Admin Interface - Add Authority Info Access Extension Default Policy"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ local policy=authInfoAccessExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=AuthorityInfoAccessExtensionDefault
+ local constraintname=NoConstraint
+ local constraint=noConstraintImpl
+ rlLog "Add Policy"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=policies&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p8;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Policy Authority Info Access Extension Default Policy to $profile"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p8;$policy;$constraint&authInfoAccessCritical=false&authInfoAccessNumADs=1&authInfoAccessADMethod_0=\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p8;$policy;$constraint\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Read all policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=policies&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Admin Interface - Add Key Usage Extension Default"
+ local policy=keyUsageExtDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=KeyUsageExtensionDefault
+ local constraintname=KeyUsageExtensionConstraint
+ local constraint=keyUsageExtConstraintImpl
+ rlLog "Add Key Usage Policy"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ local crlurl="https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/crl/Mastercrl.bin"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p9;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Key Usage Extension Default to $profile"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p9;$policy;$constraint&keyUsageCritical=true&keyUsageDigitalSignature=true&keyUsageNonRepudiation=true&keyUsageKeyEncipherment=true&keyUsageDataEncipherment=false&keyUsageKeyAgreement=false&keyUsageKeyCertSign=false&keyUsageCrlSign=false&keyUsageEncipherOnly=false&keyUsageDecipherOnly=false\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p9;$policy;$constraint&keyUsageCritical=true&keyUsageDigitalSignature=true&keyUsageNonRepudiation=true&keyUsageKeyEncipherment=true&keyUsageDataEncipherment=false&keyUsageKeyAgreement=false&keyUsageKeyCertSign=false&keyUsageCrlSign=false&keyUsageEncipherOnly=false&keyUsageDecipherOnly=false\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Admin Interface - Add Signing Algorithm Default Policy"
+ local policy=signingAlgDefaultImpl
+ local policyname=SigningAlgorithmDefault
+ local constraintname=SigningAlgorithmConstraint
+ local constraint=signingAlgConstraintImpl
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p10;$policy;$constraint\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Policy Signing Algorithm Default to $profile"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ local op_scope=defaultPolicy
+ rlLog "Add $policy Details"
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" \
+ --basic --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p10;$policy;$constraint&signingAlg=SHA256withRSA\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Add Policy Details"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Add Policy Constraint"
+ local op_scope=constraintPolicy
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_ADD&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile;set1:p10;$policy;$constraint&signingAlgsAllowed=SHA1withRSA,MD5withRSA,MD2withRSA,SHA1withDSA,SHA256withRSA,SHA512withRSA,SHA1withEC,SHA256withEC,SHA384withEC,SHA512withEC\" -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0
+ rlAssertNotGrep "The server encountered an internal error" "$admin_out"
+ rlLog "Get all policies of $profile"
+ local op_scope=policies
+ rlRun "curl --capath "$CERTDB_DIR" --basic \
+ --user "$valid_admin_user:$valid_admin_user\_password" \
+ -d \"OP_TYPE=OP_READ&OP_SCOPE=$op_scope&RS_ID=$profile\" \
+ -k https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/caprofile > $admin_out" 0 "Read all existing policies of $profile"
+ rlRun "process_curl_output $admin_out" 0 "Process curl output file"
+ rlAssertGrep "$policyname:$constraintname" "$admin_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Enroll a user certificate with newly created profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out 2>&1" 0 "Execute pki ca-profile-enable $profile"
+ local temp_user=foo_User_$RANDOM
+ rlLog "Generate a cert with subject name CN=Foo User_1,UID=$Temp_user,E=$,OU=FOO,,C=US"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ req_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa \
+ key_size:1024 \
+ subject_cn:\"Foo User_1\" \
+ subject_uid:FooUser_1 \
+ \
+ subject_ou:FOO \
+ \
+ subject_c:US \
+ archive:false \
+ req_profile:$profile \
+ target_host:$tmp_ca_host \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR \
+ cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:\"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ cert_info:$cert_info"
+ local cert_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local cert_requestdn=$(cat $cert_info | grep cert_requestdn | cut -d- -f2)
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-show $cert_serialNumber > $cert_out" 0 "Executing pki cert-show $cert_serialNumber"
+ rlAssertGrep "Certificate \"$cert_serialNumber\"" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Serial Number: $cert_serialNumber" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Issuer: CN=PKI $CA_INST Signing Cert,O=redhat" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Subject: $pkcs10_requestdn" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Status: VALID" "$cert_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_agent_profile-001:CA - Verify Disabling the profile with Admin only cert fails"
+ rlRun "export SSL_DIR=$CERTDB_DIR"
+ rlLog "Disable a Enabled profile"
+ local action=Disable
+ rlRun "curl --cacert $CERTDB_DIR/ca_cert.pem \
+ -E \"$valid_admin_cert:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD\" \
+ -d \"profileId=$profile&Disable=$action\" https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/agent/ca/profileApprove"
+ rlLog "Disable profile $profile and verify profile is already disabled"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out 2>&1" \
+ 255,1 "Enable already Enabled profile $profile"
+ rlAssertGrep "BadRequestException: Profile already enabled" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_agent_profile-002:CA - Verify Enabling the profile with Admin cert fails"
+ rlLog "Disable profile using Agent Cert"
+ local action="Disable"
+ rlRun "curl --cacert $CERTDB_DIR/ca_cert.pem \
+ -E \"$valid_agent_cert:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD\" \
+ -d \"profileId=$profile&$action=$action\" \
+ https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/agent/ca/profileApprove > $admin_out"
+ rlLog "Enable a Disabled profile"
+ local action=Approve
+ rlRun "curl --cacert $CERTDB_DIR/ca_cert.pem \
+ -E \"$valid_admin_cert:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD\" \
+ -d \"profileId=$profile&$action=$action\" \
+ https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/agent/ca/profileApprove > $admin_out"
+ rlLog "Verify if $profile is enabled by enabling using pki command"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert ca-profile-disable $profile > $ca_profile_out 2>&1" 255,1 "Execute pki ca-profile-enable $profile"
+ rlAssertGrep "BadRequestException: Profile already disabled" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_agent_profile-003:CA - Verify Disabling the profile with Audit cert fails"
+ rlLog "Enable $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Enabled profile \"$profile\"" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Disable a Enabled profile"
+ local action=Disable
+ rlRun "curl --cacert $CERTDB_DIR/ca_cert.pem \
+ -E \"$valid_audit_cert:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD\" \
+ -d \"profileId=$profile&$action=$action\" https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/agent/ca/profileApprove"
+ rlLog "Disable profile $profile and verify profile is already disabled"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out 2>&1" \
+ 255,1 "Enable already Enabled profile $profile"
+ rlAssertGrep "BadRequestException: Profile already enabled" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_agent_profile-004:CA - Verify Enabling a disabled profile with Audit cert fails"
+ rlLog "Disable $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-disable $profile > $ca_profile_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Disabled profile \"$profile\"" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Enable a Disabled profile"
+ local action=Approve
+ rlRun "curl --cacert $CERTDB_DIR/ca_cert.pem \
+ -E \"$valid_audit_cert:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD\" \
+ -d \"profileId=$profile&Approve=$action\" \
+ https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/agent/ca/profileApprove > $admin_out"
+ rlLog "Verify if $profile is disabled by disabling using pki command"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert ca-profile-disable $profile > $ca_profile_out 2>&1" 255,1 "Execute pki ca-profile-disable $profile"
+ rlAssertGrep "BadRequestException: Profile already disabled" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_agent_profile-005:CA - Verify Disabling the enabled profile with Operator cert fails"
+ rlLog "Enable $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Enabled profile \"$profile\"" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Disable a Enabled profile"
+ local action=Disable
+ rlRun "curl --cacert $CERTDB_DIR/ca_cert.pem \
+ -E \"$valid_operator_cert:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD\" \
+ -d \"profileId=$profile&Disable=$action\" https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/agent/ca/profileApprove"
+ rlLog "verify profile is in enabled state by enabling it again using pki ca-profile-enable"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out 2>&1" \
+ 255,1 "Enable already Enabled profile $profile"
+ rlAssertGrep "BadRequestException: Profile already enabled" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_agent_profile-006:CA - Verify Enabling a disabled profile with Operator cert fails"
+ rlLog "Disable $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-disable $profile > $ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Enable a Disabled profile"
+ local action=Approve
+ rlRun "curl --cacert $CERTDB_DIR/ca_cert.pem \
+ -E \"$valid_operator_cert:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD\" \
+ -d \"profileId=$profile&Approve=$action\" \
+ https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port/ca/agent/ca/profileApprove > $admin_out"
+ rlLog "Verify if $profile is disabled by disabling using pki command which should fail"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert ca-profile-disable $profile > $ca_profile_out 2>&1" 255,1 "Execute pki ca-profile-enable $profile"
+ rlAssertGrep "BadRequestException: Profile already disabled" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/ b/tests/dogtag/
index b04647053..27b8850c3 100755
--- a/tests/dogtag/
+++ b/tests/dogtag/
@@ -178,6 +178,8 @@
. ./acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-profile-cli/
. ./acceptance/legacy/ca-tests/usergroups/
. ./acceptance/legacy/ca-tests/profiles/
+. ./acceptance/legacy/ca-tests/profiles/
+. ./acceptance/legacy/ca-tests/profiles/
. ./acceptance/legacy/ca-tests/internaldb/
. ./acceptance/legacy/ca-tests/acls/
. ./acceptance/legacy/ca-tests/authplugin/
@@ -1416,8 +1418,6 @@ rlJournalStart
rlLog "Subsystem ID CA=$CA_INST"
run_pki-user-cli-user-cleanup_tests $CA_INST ca $MY_ROLE
- rlPhaseEnd
######## LEGACY TESTS ############
@@ -1442,11 +1442,15 @@ rlJournalStart
rlLog "Subsystem ID CA=$CA_INST, MY_ROLE=$MYROLE"
run_pki-legacy-ca-usergroup_tests $subsystemId $subsystemType $MYROLE
- run_admin-ca-log_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ run_admin-ca-profile_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ fi
+ subsystemType=ca
+ run_agent-ca-profile_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
@@ -1484,8 +1488,6 @@ rlJournalStart
run_ca-ee-ocsp_tests $subsystemType $MYROLE
- rlPhaseEnd
######## INSTALL TESTS ############
@@ -1538,6 +1540,7 @@ rlJournalStart
run_rhcs_tks_installer_tests $subsystemId $subsystemType $MYROLE
+ rlPhaseEnd
######## DEV UNIT TESTS ############