path: root/tests/dogtag
diff options
authorRoshni Pattath <>2014-12-05 12:19:51 -0500
committerRoshni Pattath <>2014-12-05 12:20:50 -0500
commit7ed1c2e78f7531821c7e5a998b97ee1b7fb6b5a8 (patch)
tree19ad7ec8f8e9c62059efdc9fbf42c2c3895e96f0 /tests/dogtag
parent335046c3a66f1eaad159ab60b6731a81ad67946a (diff)
Some updates to the script for certutil
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/dogtag')
1 files changed, 530 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-user-cli/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-user-cli/
index 4d13f18d7..b2e508171 100755
--- a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-user-cli/
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-kra-user-cli/
@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ CA_HOST=$5
KRA_HOST=$(eval echo \$${MYROLE})
KRA_PORT=$(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_UNSECURE_PORT)
CA_PORT=$(eval echo \$${caId}_UNSECURE_PORT)
##### Create temporary directory to save output files#####
rlPhaseStartSetup "pki_kra_user_cli_kra_user_cert-del-startup: Create temporary directory"
rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
@@ -86,6 +85,534 @@ eval ${subsystemId}_auditV_user=${subsystemId}_auditV
eval ${subsystemId}_operatorV_user=${subsystemId}_operatorV
ca_signing_cert_subj_name=$(eval echo \$${caId}_SIGNING_CERT_SUBJECT_NAME)
+ ##### pki_kra_user_cli_kra_user_cert_delete-configtest ####
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_user_cli_kra_user_cert-del-configtest-001: pki kra-user-cert-del configuration test"
+ rlRun "pki kra-user-cert-del --help > $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_cfg.out 2>&1" \
+ 0 \
+ "User cert delete configuration"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: kra-user-cert-del <User ID> <Cert ID>" "$TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_cfg.out"
+ rlAssertNotGrep "Error: Unrecognized option: --help" "$TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_cfg.out"
+ rlLog "FAIL:"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ ##### Tests to delete certs assigned to KRA users ####
+ ##### Delete certs asigned to a user - valid Cert ID and User ID #####
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_user_cli_kra_user_cert-del-002-tier1: Delete cert assigned to a user - valid UserID and CertID"
+ i=0
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $KRA_HOST \
+ -p $KRA_PORT \
+ kra-user-add --fullName=\"$user1fullname\" $user1"
+ while [ $i -lt 4 ] ; do
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PASSWD request_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa key_size:2048 subject_cn:\"$user1fullname$(($i+1))\" subject_uid:$user1$(($i+1)) subject_email:$user1$(($i+1)) \
+ organizationalunit:Engineering organization:Example.Inc country:US archive:false req_profile:caUserCert \
+ target_host:$CA_HOST protocol: port:$CA_PORT cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:\"$ROOTCA_agent_user\" cert_info:$cert_info"
+ local valid_pkcs10_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local valid_decimal_pkcs10_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep decimal_valid_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local STRIP_HEX_PKCS10=$(echo $valid_pkcs10_serialNumber | cut -dx -f2)
+ serialhexpkcs10user1[$i]=$valid_pkcs10_serialNumber
+ serialdecimalpkcs10user1[$i]=$valid_decimal_pkcs10_serialNumber
+ rlRun "pki -h $CA_HOST -p $CA_PORT cert-show $valid_pkcs10_serialNumber --encoded > $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_encoded_002pkcs10$i.out" 0 "Executing pki cert-show $valid_pkcs10_serialNumber"
+ rlRun "sed -n '/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/,/-----END CERTIFICATE-----/p' $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_encoded_002pkcs10$i.out > $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_validcert_002pkcs10$i.pem"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PASSWD request_type:crmf \
+ algo:rsa key_size:2048 subject_cn:\"$user1fullname$(($i+1))\" subject_uid:$user1$(($i+1)) subject_email:$user1$(($i+1)) \
+ organizationalunit:Engineering organization:Example.Inc country:US archive:false req_profile:caUserCert \
+ target_host:$CA_HOST protocol: port:$CA_PORT cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:\"$ROOTCA_agent_user\" cert_info:$cert_info"
+ local valid_crmf_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local valid_decimal_crmf_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep decimal_valid_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local STRIP_HEX_CRMF=$(echo $valid_crmf_serialNumber | cut -dx -f2)
+ serialhexcrmfuser1[$i]=$valid_crmf_serialNumber
+ serialdecimalcrmfuser1[$i]=$valid_decimal_crmf_serialNumber
+ rlRun "pki -h $CA_HOST -p $CA_PORT cert-show $valid_crmf_serialNumber --encoded > $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_encoded_002crmf$i.out" 0 "Executing pki cert-show $valid_crmf_serialNumber"
+ rlRun "sed -n '/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/,/-----END CERTIFICATE-----/p' $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_encoded_002crmf$i.out > $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_validcert_002crmf$i.pem"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $KRA_HOST \
+ -p $KRA_PORT \
+ kra-user-cert-add $user1 --input $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_validcert_002pkcs10$i.pem > $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_useraddcert_pkcs10_002$i.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Cert is added to the user $user1"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $KRA_HOST \
+ -p $KRA_PORT \
+ kra-user-cert-add $user1 --input $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_validcert_002crmf$i.pem > $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_useraddcert_crmf_002$i.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Cert is added to the user $user1"
+ let i=$i+1
+ done
+ i=0
+ rlLog "Executing pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $KRA_HOST \
+ -p $KRA_PORT \
+ kra-user-cert-del $user1 \"2;${serialdecimalpkcs10user1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1))$,CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US\""
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $KRA_HOST \
+ -p $KRA_PORT \
+ kra-user-cert-del $user1 \"2;${serialdecimalpkcs10user1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US\" > $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_002pkcs10.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Delete cert assigned to $user1"
+ rlAssertGrep "Deleted certificate \"2;${serialdecimalpkcs10user1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US\"" "$TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_002pkcs10.out"
+ rlLog "Executing pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $KRA_HOST \
+ -p $KRA_PORT \
+ kra-user-cert-del $user1 \"2;${serialdecimalcrmfuser1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1))$,CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US\""
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $KRA_HOST \
+ -p $KRA_PORT \
+ kra-user-cert-del $user1 \"2;${serialdecimalcrmfuser1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US\" > $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_002crmf.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Delete cert assigned to $user1"
+ rlAssertGrep "Deleted certificate \"2;${serialdecimalcrmfuser1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US\"" "$TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_002crmf.out"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $KRA_HOST \
+ -p $KRA_PORT \
+ kra-user-del $user1"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ ##### Delete certs asigned to a user - invalid Cert ID #####
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_user_cli_kra_user_cert-del-003: pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if an invalid Cert ID is provided"
+ i=0
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $KRA_HOST \
+ -p $KRA_PORT \
+ kra-user-add --fullName=\"$user1fullname\" $user1"
+ while [ $i -lt 4 ] ; do
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PASSWD request_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa key_size:2048 subject_cn:\"$user1fullname$(($i+1))\" subject_uid:$user1$(($i+1)) subject_email:$user1$(($i+1)) \
+ organizationalunit:Engineering organization:Example.Inc country:US archive:false req_profile:caUserCert \
+ target_host:$CA_HOST protocol: port:$CA_PORT cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:\"$ROOTCA_agent_user\" cert_info:$cert_info"
+ local valid_pkcs10_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local valid_decimal_pkcs10_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep decimal_valid_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local STRIP_HEX_PKCS10=$(echo $valid_pkcs10_serialNumber | cut -dx -f2)
+ serialhexpkcs10user1[$i]=$valid_pkcs10_serialNumber
+ serialdecimalpkcs10user1[$i]=$valid_decimal_pkcs10_serialNumber
+ rlRun "pki -h $CA_HOST -p $CA_PORT cert-show $valid_pkcs10_serialNumber --encoded > $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_encoded_002pkcs10$i.out" 0 "Executing pki cert-show $valid_pkcs10_serialNumber"
+ rlRun "sed -n '/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/,/-----END CERTIFICATE-----/p' $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_encoded_002pkcs10$i.out > $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_validcert_002pkcs10$i.pem"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PASSWD request_type:crmf \
+ algo:rsa key_size:2048 subject_cn:\"$user1fullname$(($i+1))\" subject_uid:$user1$(($i+1)) subject_email:$user1$(($i+1)) \
+ organizationalunit:Engineering organization:Example.Inc country:US archive:false req_profile:caUserCert \
+ target_host:$CA_HOST protocol: port:$CA_PORT cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:\"$ROOTCA_agent_user\" cert_info:$cert_info"
+ local valid_crmf_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local valid_decimal_crmf_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep decimal_valid_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local STRIP_HEX_CRMF=$(echo $valid_crmf_serialNumber | cut -dx -f2)
+ serialhexcrmfuser1[$i]=$valid_crmf_serialNumber
+ serialdecimalcrmfuser1[$i]=$valid_decimal_crmf_serialNumber
+ rlRun "pki -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT cert-show $valid_crmf_serialNumber --encoded > $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_encoded_002crmf$i.out" 0 "Executing pki cert-show $valid_crmf_serialNumber"
+ rlRun "sed -n '/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/,/-----END CERTIFICATE-----/p' $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_encoded_002crmf$i.out > $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_validcert_002crmf$i.pem"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $KRA_HOST \
+ -p $KRA_PORT \
+ kra-user-cert-add $user1 --input $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_validcert_002pkcs10$i.pem > $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_useraddcert_pkcs10_002$i.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Cert is added to the user $user1"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $KRA_HOST \
+ -p $KRA_PORT \
+ kra-user-cert-add $user1 --input $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_validcert_002crmf$i.pem > $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_useraddcert_crmf_002$i.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Cert is added to the user $user1"
+ let i=$i+1
+ done
+ i=0
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del $user1 '3;1000;CN=ROOTCA Signing Cert,O=redhat domain;UID=$user1,E=$,CN=$user1fullname,OU=Eng,O=Example,C=UK'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="PKIException: Failed to modify user."
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if Invalid Cert ID is provided"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del $user1 '3;1000;CN=ROOTCA Signing Cert,O=redhat domain;UID=$user1,E=$,CN=$user1fullname,OU=Eng,O=Example,C=UK'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="PKIException: Failed to modify user."
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if Invalid Cert ID is provided"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ ##### Delete certs asigned to a user - User does not exist #####
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_user_cli_kra_user_cert-del-004: pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if a non-existing User ID is provided"
+ i=1
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del testuser4 '2;${serialdecimalpkcs10user1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="ResourceNotFoundException: User not found"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if a non-existing User ID is provided"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del testuser4 '2;${serialdecimalcrmfuser1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="ResourceNotFoundException: User not found"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if a non-existing User ID is provided"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ ##### Delete certs asigned to a user - User ID and Cert ID mismatch #####
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_user_cli_kra_user_cert-del-005: pki kra-user-cert-del should fail is there is a mismatch of User ID and Cert ID"
+ i=1
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $KRA_HOST \
+ -p $KRA_PORT \
+ kra-user-add --fullName=\"$user2fullname\" $user2"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del $user2 '2;${serialdecimalpkcs10user1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="ResourceNotFoundException: Certificate not found"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if there is a Cert ID and User ID mismatch"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del $user2 '2;${serialdecimalcrmfuser1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="ResourceNotFoundException: Certificate not found"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if there is a Cert ID and User ID mismatch"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ ##### Delete certs asigned to a user - no User ID #####
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_user_cli_kra_user_cert-del-006-tier1: pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if User ID is not provided"
+ i=1
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del '2;${serialdecimalpkcs10user1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="Error: Incorrect number of arguments specified."
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if User ID is not provided"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del '2;${serialdecimalcrmfuser1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="Error: Incorrect number of arguments specified."
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if User ID is not provided"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ ##### Delete certs asigned to a user - no Cert ID #####
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_user_cli_kra_user_cert-del-007-tier1: pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if Cert ID is not provided"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del $user1"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="Error: Incorrect number of arguments specified."
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if Cert ID is not provided"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ ##### Delete certs asigned to a user - as KRA_agentV #####
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_user_cli_kra_user_cert-del-008: Delete certs assigned to a user - as KRA_agentV should fail"
+ i=1
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_agentV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del $user1 '2;${serialdecimalpkcs10user1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="ForbiddenException: Authorization Error"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if authenticating using a valid agent cert"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_agentV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del $user1 '2;${serialdecimalcrmfuser1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="ForbiddenException: Authorization Error"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if authenticating using a valid agent cert"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ ##### Delete certs asigned to a user - as KRA_auditorV #####
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_user_cli_kra_user_cert-del-009: Delete certs assigned to a user - as KRA_auditorV should fail"
+ i=1
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_auditV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del $user1 '2;${serialdecimalpkcs10user1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="ForbiddenException: Authorization Error"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if authenticating using a valid auditor cert"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_auditV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del $user1 '2;${serialdecimalcrmfuser1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="ForbiddenException: Authorization Error"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if authenticating using a valid auditor cert"
+ rlLog "FAIL:"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ ##### Delete certs asigned to a user - as KRA_adminE #####
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_user_cli_kra_user_cert-del-0010: Delete certs assigned to a user - as KRA_adminE"
+ i=1
+ rlRun "date --set='next day'" 0 "Set System date a day ahead"
+ rlRun "date --set='next day'" 0 "Set System date a day ahead"
+ rlRun "date"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminE_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del $user1 '2;${serialdecimalpkcs10user1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="ForbiddenException: Authorization Error"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if authenticating using an expired admin cert"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminE_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del $user1 '2;${serialdecimalcrmfuser1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="ForbiddenException: Authorization Error"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if authenticating using an expired admin cert"
+ rlRun "date --set='2 days ago'" 0 "Set System back to the present day"
+ rlLog "FAIL:"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ ##### Delete certs asigned to a user - as KRA_agentE #####
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_user_cli_kra_user_cert-del-0011: Delete certs assigned to a user - as KRA_agentE"
+ i=1
+ rlRun "date --set='next day'" 0 "Set System date a day ahead"
+ rlRun "date --set='next day'" 0 "Set System date a day ahead"
+ rlRun "date"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_agentE_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del $user1 '2;${serialdecimalpkcs10user1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="ForbiddenException: Authorization Error"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if authenticating using an expired agent cert"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_agentE_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del $user1 '2;${serialdecimalcrmfuser1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="ForbiddenException: Authorization Error"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if authenticating using an expired agent cert"
+ rlRun "date --set='2 days ago'" 0 "Set System back to the present day"
+ rlLog "FAIL:"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ ##### Delete certs asigned to a user - as KRA_adminR #####
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_user_cli_kra_user_cert-del-0012: Delete certs assigned to a user - as KRA_adminR should fail"
+ i=1
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminR_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del $user1 '2;${serialdecimalpkcs10user1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="PKIException: Unauthorized"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if authenticating using a revoked admin cert"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminR_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del $user1 '2;${serialdecimalcrmfuser1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="PKIException: Unauthorized"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if authenticating using a revoked admin cert"
+ rlLog "PKI Ticket:"
+ rlLog "PKI Ticket:"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ ##### Delete certs asigned to a user - as KRA_agentR #####
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_user_cli_kra_user_cert-del-0013: Delete certs assigned to a user - as KRA_agentR should fail"
+ i=1
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_agentR_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del $user1 '2;${serialdecimalpkcs10user1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="PKIException: Unauthorized"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if authenticating using a revoked agent cert"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_agentR_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del $user1 '2;${serialdecimalcrmfuser1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="PKIException: Unauthorized"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if authenticating using a revoked agent cert"
+ rlLog "PKI Ticket:"
+ rlLog "PKI Ticket:"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ ##### Delete certs asigned to a user - as role_user_UTCA #####
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_user_cli_kra_user_cert-del-0014: Delete certs assigned to a user - as role_user_UTCA should fail"
+ i=1
+ command="pki -d $UNTRUSTED_CERT_DB_LOCATION -n role_user_UTCA -c $UNTRUSTED_CERT_DB_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del $user1 '2;${serialdecimalpkcs10user1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="PKIException: Unauthorized"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if authenticating using an untrusted cert"
+ command="pki -d $UNTRUSTED_CERT_DB_LOCATION -n role_user_UTCA -c $UNTRUSTED_CERT_DB_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del $user1 '2;${serialdecimalcrmfuser1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="PKIException: Unauthorized"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if authenticating using an untrusted cert"
+ rlLog "FAIL:"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ ##### Delete certs asigned to a user - as KRA_operatorV #####
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_user_cli_kra_user_cert-del-0015: Delete certs assigned to a user - as KRA_operatorV should fail"
+ i=1
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_operatorV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del $user1 '2;${serialdecimalpkcs10user1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="ForbiddenException: Authorization Error"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if authenticating using a valid operator cert"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_operatorV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del $user1 '2;${serialdecimalcrmfuser1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="ForbiddenException: Authorization Error"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if authenticating using a valid operator cert"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ ##### Delete certs asigned to a user - as a user not assigned to any role #####
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_user_cli_kra_user_cert-del-0016: Delete certs assigned to a user - as a user not assigned to any role should fail"
+ i=1
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $user2 -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del $user1 '2;${serialdecimalpkcs10user1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="ForbiddenException: Authorization Error"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - Error should be thrown when authentication as a user not assigned to any role"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $user2 -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del $user1 '2;${serialdecimalcrmfuser1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US'"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="ForbiddenException: Authorization Error"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - Error should be thrown when authentication as a user not assigned to any role"
+ rlLog "FAIL:"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ ##### Delete certs asigned to a user - switch positions of the required options #####
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_user_cli_kra_user_cert-del-0017: Delete certs assigned to a user - switch positions of the required options"
+ i=1
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del '2;${serialdecimalpkcs10user1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US' $user1"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="Error:"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if the required options are switched positions"
+ command="pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) -c $CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD -h $KRA_HOST -p $KRA_PORT kra-user-cert-del '2;${serialdecimalcrmfuser1[$i]};$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=$user1$(($i+1)),E=$user1$(($i+1)),CN=$user1fullname$(($i+1)),OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US' $user1"
+ rlLog "Executing: $command"
+ errmsg="Error:"
+ errorcode=255
+ rlRun "verifyErrorMsg \"$command\" \"$errmsg\" \"$errorcode\"" 0 "Verify expected error message - pki kra-user-cert-del should fail if the required options are switched positions"
+ rlLog "FAIL:"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ ### Tests to delete certs assigned to KRA users - i18n characters ####
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_user_cli_kra_user_cert-del-0019: Delete certs assigned to user - Subject name has i18n Characters"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PASSWD request_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa key_size:2048 subject_cn:\"Örjan Äke\" subject_uid:\"Örjan Äke\" \
+ organizationalunit:Engineering organization:Example.Inc country:US archive:false req_profile:caUserCert \
+ target_host:$CA_HOST protocol: port:$CA_PORT cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:\"$ROOTCA_agent_user\" cert_info:$cert_info"
+ local valid_pkcs10_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local valid_decimal_pkcs10_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep decimal_valid_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local STRIP_HEX_PKCS10=$(echo $valid_pkcs10_serialNumber | cut -dx -f2)
+ serialhexpkcs10user1[$i]=$valid_pkcs10_serialNumber
+ serialdecimalpkcs10user1[$i]=$valid_decimal_pkcs10_serialNumber
+ rlRun "pki -h $CA_HOST -p $CA_PORT cert-show $valid_pkcs10_serialNumber --encoded > $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_encoded_0019pkcs10.out" 0 "Executing pki cert-show $valid_pkcs10_serialNumber"
+ rlRun "sed -n '/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/,/-----END CERTIFICATE-----/p' $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_encoded_0019pkcs10.out > $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_validcert_0019pkcs10.pem"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PASSWD request_type:crmf \
+ algo:rsa key_size:2048 subject_cn:\"Örjan Äke\" subject_uid:\"Örjan Äke\" \
+ organizationalunit:Engineering organization:Example.Inc country:US archive:false req_profile:caUserCert \
+ target_host:$CA_HOST protocol: port:$CA_PORT cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:\"$ROOTCA_agent_user\" cert_info:$cert_info"
+ local valid_crmf_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local valid_decimal_crmf_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep decimal_valid_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local STRIP_HEX_CRMF=$(echo $valid_crmf_serialNumber | cut -dx -f2)
+ serialhexcrmfuser1[$i]=$valid_crmf_serialNumber
+ serialdecimalcrmfuser1[$i]=$valid_decimal_crmf_serialNumber
+ rlRun "pki -h $CA_HOST -p $CA_PORT cert-show $valid_crmf_serialNumber --encoded > $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_encoded_0019crmf.out" 0 "Executing pki cert-show $valid_crmf_serialNumber"
+ rlRun "sed -n '/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/,/-----END CERTIFICATE-----/p' $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_encoded_0019crmf.out > $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_validcert_0019crmf.pem"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $KRA_HOST \
+ -p $KRA_PORT \
+ kra-user-cert-add $user2 --input $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_validcert_0019pkcs10.pem > $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_useraddcert_pkcs10_0019.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Cert is added to the user $user2"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $KRA_HOST \
+ -p $KRA_PORT \
+ kra-user-cert-add $user2 --input $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_validcert_0019crmf.pem > $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_useraddcert_crmf_0019.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Cert is added to the user $user1"
+ rlLog "Executing pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $KRA_HOST \
+ -p $KRA_PORT \
+ kra-user-cert-del $user2 \"2;$valid_decimal_pkcs10_serialNumber;$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=Örjan Äke,,CN=Örjan Äke,OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US\""
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $KRA_HOST \
+ -p $KRA_PORT \
+ kra-user-cert-del $user2 \"2;$valid_decimal_pkcs10_serialNumber;$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=Örjan Äke,,CN=Örjan Äke,OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US\" > $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_0019pkcs10.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Delete cert assigned to $user2"
+ rlAssertGrep "Deleted certificate \"2;$valid_decimal_pkcs10_serialNumber;$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=Örjan Äke,,CN=Örjan Äke,OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US\"" "$TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_0019pkcs10.out"
+ rlLog "Executing pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $KRA_HOST \
+ -p $KRA_PORT \
+ kra-user-cert-del $user2 \"2;$valid_decimal_crmf_serialNumber;$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=Örjan Äke,,CN=Örjan Äke,OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US\""
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR/ \
+ -n $(eval echo \$${subsystemId}_adminV_user) \
+ -h $KRA_HOST \
+ -p $KRA_PORT \
+ kra-user-cert-del $user2 \"2;$valid_decimal_crmf_serialNumber;$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=Örjan Äke,,CN=Örjan Äke,OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US\" > $TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_0019crmf.out" \
+ 0 \
+ "Delete cert assigned to $user2"
+ rlAssertGrep "Deleted certificate \"2;$valid_decimal_crmf_serialNumber;$ca_signing_cert_subj_name;UID=Örjan Äke,,CN=Örjan Äke,OU=Engineering,O=Example.Inc,C=US\"" "$TmpDir/pki_kra_user_cert_del_0019crmf.out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
##### Add an Admin user "admin_user", add a cert to admin_user, add a new user as admin_user, delete the cert assigned to admin_user and then adding a new user should fail #####
@@ -118,7 +645,6 @@ ROOTCA_agent_user=${caId}_agentV
-p $KRA_PORT \
kra-group-member-add Administrators admin_user1 > $TmpDir/pki-user-add-kra-group00191.out"
rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PASSWD request_type:pkcs10 \
algo:rsa key_size:2048 subject_cn:\"Admin User\" subject_uid:\"admin_user\" \
organizationalunit:Engineering organization:Example.Inc country:US archive:false req_profile:caUserCert \
@@ -302,7 +828,7 @@ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_kra_user_cli_user_cleanup: Deleting role users"
let j=$j+1
#Delete temporary directory
- #rlRun "popd"
- #rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"