path: root/tests/dogtag
diff options
authorNiranjan Mallapadi <>2014-11-10 17:11:03 +0530
committerNiranjan Mallapadi <>2014-11-10 17:17:31 +0530
commit1ae687619c2685c2522027b225a8c2ec900744ae (patch)
tree52bd5541ae49e0c0e7b0b82d7cd464cd5354c370 /tests/dogtag
parent697a7450776a111fab7e35cc4414236e762d4bd2 (diff)
Add pki ca-profile-add Automation
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/dogtag')
1 files changed, 1707 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-profile-cli/ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-profile-cli/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c1a6348a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/dogtag/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-profile-cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,1707 @@
+# vim: dict=/usr/share/beakerlib/dictionary.vim cpt=.,w,b,u,t,i,k
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# of /CoreOS/rhcs/acceptance/cli-tests/pki-ca-profile-cli
+# Description: PKI CA PROFILE CLI tests
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# The following pki key cli commands needs to be tested:
+# pki ca-profile-add
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Author: Niranjan Mallapadi <>
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Copyright (c) 2013 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing
+# to use, modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms
+# and conditions of the GNU General Public License version 2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+# useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+# PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
+# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
+# Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
+# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+# Include rhts environment
+. /usr/bin/
+. /usr/share/beakerlib/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+. /opt/rhqa_pki/
+ local cs_Type=$1
+ local cs_Role=$2
+ # Creating Temporary Directory for pki ca-profile-add
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "pki key-show Temporary Directory"
+ rlRun "TmpDir=\`mktemp -d\`" 0 "Creating tmp directory"
+ rlRun "export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/opt/rhqa_pki/"
+ rlRun "pushd $TmpDir"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ # Local Variables
+ get_topo_stack $cs_Role $TmpDir/topo_file
+ local CA_INST=$(cat $TmpDir/topo_file | grep MY_CA | cut -d= -f2)
+ local target_unsecure_port=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_UNSECURE_PORT)
+ local target_secure_port=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_SECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_ca_agent=$CA_INST\_agentV
+ local tmp_ca_admin=$CA_INST\_adminV
+ local tmp_ca_port=$(eval echo \$${CA_INST}_UNSECURE_PORT)
+ local tmp_ca_host=$(eval echo \$${cs_Role})
+ local valid_agent_cert=$CA_INST\_agentV
+ local valid_audit_cert=$CA_INST\_auditV
+ local valid_operator_cert=$CA_INST\_operatorV
+ local valid_admin_cert=$CA_INST\_adminV
+ local revoked_agent_cert=$CA_INST\_agentR
+ local revoked_admin_cert=$CA_INST\_adminR
+ local expired_admin_cert=$CA_INST\_adminE
+ local expired_agent_cert=$CA_INST\_agentE
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB="$TmpDir/nssdb"
+ local TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD="redhat"
+ local cert_info="$TmpDir/cert_info"
+ local ca_profile_out="$TmpDir/ca-profile-out"
+ local cert_out="$TmpDir/cert-show.out"
+ local rand=$RANDOM
+ local tmp_junk_data=$(openssl rand -base64 50 | perl -p -e 's/\n//')
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_config_test: pki ca-profile-add --help configuration test"
+ rlRun "pki ca-profile-add --help > $ca_profile_out" 0 "pki ca-profile-add --help"
+ rlAssertGrep "usage: ca-profile-add <file> \[OPTIONS...\]" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlAssertGrep " --help Show help options" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-001: Create a user profile xml and add the profile"
+ local profile="caUserCert$RANDOM"
+ local pki_user="pki_foo_bar1"
+ local pki_user_fullName="pki1 Foo Bar1"
+ local profilename="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli --new user --profileId $profile --profilename \"$profilename\" --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlLog "Add $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added profile $profile" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Enable $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Verify by creating a user cert using the profile"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ myreq_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa \
+ key_size:2048 \
+ subject_cn:\"$pki_user_fullName\" \
+ subject_uid:$pki_user \
+ subject_email:$ \
+ subject_ou: \
+ subject_o: \
+ subject_c: \
+ archive:false \
+ req_profile:$profile \
+ target_host:$tmp_ca_host \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR \
+ cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:$valid_agent_cert \
+ cert_info:$cert_info"
+ local cert_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ rlAssertGrep "Enabled profile \"$profile\"" "$ca_profile_out"
+ local cert_subject=$(cat $cert_info | grep cert_subject | cut -d- -f2)
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-show $cert_serialNumber --pretty > $cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Serial Number: $cert_serialNumber" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Issuer: CN=PKI $CA_INST Signing Cert,O=redhat" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Subject: $cert_subject" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Status: VALID" "$cert_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-002: Create custom user profile which is valid for 15 days with a graceperiod of 5 days before and after"
+ local profile="caUserCert$RANDOM"
+ local pki_user="pki_foo_bar2"
+ local pki_user_fullName="pki1 Foo Bar2"
+ local profilename="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli \
+ --new user --profileId "$profile" \
+ --profilename=\"$profilename\" \
+ --notBefore 5 \
+ --notAfter 5 \
+ --validfor 15 \
+ --maxvalidity 30 \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlLog "Add $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added profile $profile" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Enable $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Verify by creating a user cert using the profile"
+ rlAssertGrep "Enabled profile \"$profile\"" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ myreq_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa \
+ key_size:2048 \
+ subject_cn:\"$pki_user_fullName\" \
+ subject_uid:$pki_user \
+ subject_email:$ \
+ subject_ou: \
+ subject_o: \
+ subject_c: \
+ archive:false \
+ req_profile:$profile \
+ target_host:$tmp_ca_host \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR \
+ cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:$valid_agent_cert \
+ cert_info:$cert_info"
+ local cert_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local cert_subject=$(cat $cert_info | grep cert_subject | cut -d- -f2)
+ local NotAfterDate=$(date +"%A, %B %d, %Y" --date "15 days")
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-show $cert_serialNumber --pretty > $cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Serial Number: $cert_serialNumber" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Issuer: CN=PKI $CA_INST Signing Cert,O=redhat" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Subject: $cert_subject" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Status: VALID" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Not After: $NotAfterDate" "$cert_out"
+ rlLog "Verify by changing the date to 5 Days before the expiry date"
+ local cur_date=$(date -u)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD -n \"$pki_user_fullName\" | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date - 5 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date - 5 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ cert-request-profile-show caManualRenewal --output $TmpDir/$cert_serialNumber-renewal.xml" 0 "Get caManualRenewal profile xml"
+ local STRIP_HEX=$(echo $cert_serialNumber | cut -dx -f2)
+ local decimal_valid_serialNumber=$(echo "ibase=16;$CONV_UPP_VAL"|bc)
+ rlLog "Modify caManualRenewal profile xml to add serial Number $cert_serialNumber to be submitted for renewal"
+ rlRun "xmlstarlet ed -L -u \"CertEnrollmentRequest/SerialNumber\" -v $decimal_valid_serialNumber $TmpDir/$cert_serialNumber-renewal.xml"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-request-submit $TmpDir/$cert_serialNumber-renewal.xml 1> $TmpDir/pki-cert-request-submit.out" 0 "Submit renewal request"
+ local REQUEST_ID=$(cat $TmpDir/pki-cert-request-submit.out | grep "Request ID" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlAssertGrep "Request ID: $REQUEST_ID" "$TmpDir/pki-cert-request-submit.out"
+ local REQUEST_SUBMIT_STATUS=$(cat $TmpDir/pki-cert-request-submit.out | grep "Operation Result" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlAssertGrep "Type: renewal" "$TmpDir/pki-cert-request-submit.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Request Status: pending" "$TmpDir/pki-cert-request-submit.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Operation Result: success" "$TmpDir/pki-cert-request-submit.out"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlLog "PKI Ticket::"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-003: Create a user profile which adds key Encipher and decipher extensions"
+ local profile="caUserCert$RANDOM"
+ local pki_user="pki_foo_bar3"
+ local pki_user_fullName="pki1 Foo Bar3"
+ local profilename="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlLog "Create Profile $profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli \
+ --new user \
+ --profileId $profile \
+ --profilename \"$profilename\" \
+ --keyusageextensions \"keyUsageCritical,keyUsageDigitalSignature,keyUsageNonRepudiation,keyUsageKeyEncipherment,keyUsageEncipherOnly\" \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlLog "Add Profile $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added profile $profile" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Enable $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Verify by creating a user cert using the profile"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ myreq_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa \
+ key_size:2048 \
+ subject_cn:\"$pki_user_fullName\" \
+ subject_uid:$pki_user \
+ subject_email:$ \
+ subject_ou: \
+ subject_o: \
+ subject_c: \
+ archive:false \
+ req_profile:$profile \
+ target_host:$tmp_ca_host \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR \
+ cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:$valid_agent_cert \
+ cert_info:$cert_info"
+ local cert_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local cert_subject=$(cat $cert_info | grep cert_subject | cut -d- -f2)
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-show $cert_serialNumber --pretty > $cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Serial Number: $cert_serialNumber" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Issuer: CN=PKI $CA_INST Signing Cert,O=redhat" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Subject: $cert_subject" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Status: VALID" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Identifier: Key Usage: -" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Key Encipherment" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Encipher Only" "$cert_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-004: Create a user profile which adds Netscape Extensions nsCertSSLClient and nsCertEmail"
+ local profile="caUserCert$RANDOM"
+ local pki_user="pki_foo_bar4"
+ local pki_user_fullName="pki1 Foo Bar4"
+ local profilename="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlLog "Create Profile $profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli \
+ --new user \
+ --profileId $profile \
+ --profilename \"$profilename\" \
+ --netscapeextensions \"nsCertCritical,nsCertSSLClient,nsCertEmail\" \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlLog "Add Profile $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added profile $profile" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Enable $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Verify by creating a user cert using the profile"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ myreq_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa \
+ key_size:2048 \
+ subject_cn:\"$pki_user_fullName\" \
+ subject_uid:$pki_user \
+ subject_email:$ \
+ subject_ou: \
+ subject_o: \
+ subject_c: \
+ archive:false \
+ req_profile:$profile \
+ target_host:$tmp_ca_host \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR \
+ cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:$valid_agent_cert \
+ cert_info:$cert_info"
+ local cert_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local cert_subject=$(cat $cert_info | grep cert_subject | cut -d- -f2)
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-show $cert_serialNumber --pretty > $cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Serial Number: $cert_serialNumber" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Issuer: CN=PKI $CA_INST Signing Cert,O=redhat" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Subject: $cert_subject" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Status: VALID" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Identifier: Netscape Certificate Type - 2.16.840.1.113730.1.1" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "SSL Client" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Secure Email" "$cert_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-005: Create a user profile with subject Name pattern UID=QAGROUP-.* and rejects if pattern doesn't match"
+ local profile="caUserCert$RANDOM"
+ local pki_user="pki_foo_bar5"
+ local pki_user_fullName="pki1 Foo Bar5"
+ local profilename="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlLog "Create Profile $profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli \
+ --new user \
+ --profileId $profile \
+ --profilename \"$profilename\" \
+ --subjectNamePattern UID=QAGROUP-.* \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml" 0 "Add Profile with Subject Name Pattern CN.*"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out" 0 "Add Profile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added profile $profile" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out" 0 "Enable profile $profile"
+ rlLog "Verify by creating a user cert using the profile"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ myreq_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa \
+ key_size:2048 \
+ subject_cn:\"$pki_user_fullName\" \
+ subject_uid:QAGROUP-$pki_user \
+ subject_email:$ \
+ subject_ou: \
+ subject_o: \
+ subject_c: \
+ archive:false \
+ req_profile:$profile \
+ target_host:$tmp_ca_host \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR \
+ cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:$valid_agent_cert \
+ cert_info:$cert_info" 0 "Generate Cert with UID=QAGROUP-$pki_user"
+ local cert_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local cert_subject=$(cat $cert_info | grep cert_subject | cut -d- -f2)
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-show $cert_serialNumber > $cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Serial Number: $cert_serialNumber" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Issuer: CN=PKI $CA_INST Signing Cert,O=redhat" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Subject: $cert_subject" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Status: VALID" "$cert_out"
+ rlLog "Generate Certificate Request which doesn't satisfy Subject Name Pattern"
+ rlRun "create_new_cert_request \
+ dir:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ pass:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ req_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa \
+ size:2048 \
+ cn:\"Test User1\" \
+ uid:TestUser1 \
+ \
+ ou: \
+ org: \
+ country: \
+ archive:false \
+ myreq:$TEMP_NSS_DB/testuser1-request.pem \
+ subj:$TEMP_NSS_DB/testuser1-request-dn.txt" 0 "Create New Certificate request which doesn't satisfy subject Name Pattern UID=QAGROUP-.*"
+ rlRun "submit_new_request dir:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ pass:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ cahost:$tmp_ca_host \
+ nickname:\"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ url: \
+ username: \
+ userpwd: \
+ profile:$profile \
+ myreq:$TEMP_NSS_DB/testuser1-request.pem \
+ subj:$TEMP_NSS_DB/testuser1-request-dn.txt \
+ out:$TEMP_NSS_DB/testuser1-request-result.txt" 0 "Submit Request for Approval"
+ rlAssertGrep "Request Status: rejected" "$TEMP_NSS_DB/testuser1-request-result.txt"
+ rlAssertGrep "Operation Result: success" "$TEMP_NSS_DB/testuser1-request-result.txt"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-006: Create a user profile with dc=cracker,dc=org added to Subject DN by default"
+ local profile="caUserCert$RANDOM"
+ local pki_user="pki_foo_bar6"
+ local pki_user_fullName="pki1 Foo Bar6"
+ local profilename="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlLog "Create Profile $profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli \
+ --new user \
+ --profileId $profile \
+ --profilename \"$profilename\" \
+ --subjectNamePattern "UID=[^,]+,.+" \
+ --subjectNameDefault UID=\\\$request.req_subject_name.uid$,dc=cracker,dc=org \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml" 0 "Create Profile xml which adds dc=cracker,dc=org to the subject DN"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out" 0 "Add Profile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added profile $profile" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out" 0 "Enable profile $profile"
+ rlLog "Verify by creating a user cert using the profile"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ myreq_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa \
+ key_size:2048 \
+ subject_cn:\"$pki_user_fullName\" \
+ subject_uid:$pki_user \
+ subject_email:$ \
+ subject_ou: \
+ subject_o: \
+ subject_c: \
+ archive:false \
+ req_profile:$profile \
+ target_host:$tmp_ca_host \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR \
+ cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:$valid_agent_cert \
+ cert_info:$cert_info" 0 "Generate Cert with UID=QAGROUP-$pki_user"
+ local cert_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local cert_subject=$(cat $cert_info | grep cert_subject | cut -d- -f2)
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-show $cert_serialNumber > $cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Serial Number: $cert_serialNumber" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Issuer: CN=PKI $CA_INST Signing Cert,O=redhat" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Subject: $cert_subject" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Status: VALID" "$cert_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-007: Create a user profile which adds CRL extension with URL"
+ local profile="caUserCert$RANDOM"
+ local pki_user="pki_foo_bar7"
+ local pki_user_fullName="pki1 Foo Bar7"
+ local profilename="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlLog "Create Profile $profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli \
+ --new user \
+ --profileId $profile \
+ --profilename \"$profilename\" \
+ --crlextension \"\" \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml" 0 "Create Profile xml which adds CRL Extension"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out" 0 "Add Profile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added profile $profile" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out" 0 "Enable profile $profile"
+ rlLog "Verify by creating a user cert using the profile"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ myreq_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa \
+ key_size:2048 \
+ subject_cn:\"$pki_user_fullName\" \
+ subject_uid:$pki_user \
+ subject_email:$ \
+ subject_ou: \
+ subject_o: \
+ subject_c: \
+ archive:false \
+ req_profile:$profile \
+ target_host:$tmp_ca_host \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR \
+ cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:$valid_agent_cert \
+ cert_info:$cert_info" 0 "Generate Cert with UID=QAGROUP-$pki_user"
+ local cert_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local cert_subject=$(cat $cert_info | grep cert_subject | cut -d- -f2)
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-show $cert_serialNumber --pretty > $cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Serial Number: $cert_serialNumber" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Issuer: CN=PKI $CA_INST Signing Cert,O=redhat" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Subject: $cert_subject" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Status: VALID" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Distribution Point: \[URIName:\]" "$cert_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-008: Create a user profile which SubjectAlt Name Extension having Requestor Email"
+ local profile="caUserCert$RANDOM"
+ local pki_user="pki_foo_bar8"
+ local pki_user_fullName="pki1 Foo Bar8"
+ local profilename="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlLog "Create Profile $profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli \
+ --new user \
+ --profileId $profile \
+ --profilename \"$profilename\" \
+ --altType RFC822Name \
+ --altPattern \\\$request.requestor_email$ \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml" 0 "Create Profile xml which adds Requestor Email address in Subject Alt Name."
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out" 0 "Add Profile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added profile $profile" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out" 0 "Enable profile $profile"
+ rlLog "Verify by creating a user cert using the profile"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ myreq_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa \
+ key_size:2048 \
+ subject_cn:\"$pki_user_fullName\" \
+ subject_uid:$pki_user \
+ subject_email:$ \
+ subject_ou: \
+ subject_o: \
+ subject_c: \
+ archive:false \
+ req_profile:$profile \
+ target_host:$tmp_ca_host \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR \
+ cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:$valid_agent_cert \
+ cert_info:$cert_info" 0 "Generate Cert with UID=QAGROUP-$pki_user"
+ local cert_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local cert_subject=$(cat $cert_info | grep cert_subject | cut -d- -f2)
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-show $cert_serialNumber --pretty > $cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Serial Number: $cert_serialNumber" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Issuer: CN=PKI $CA_INST Signing Cert,O=redhat" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Subject: $cert_subject" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Status: VALID" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "RFC822Name: $" "$cert_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-009: Create a smime profile xml and add the profile"
+ local profile="caUserSMIMEcapCert$RANDOM"
+ local pki_user="pki_foo_bar9"
+ local pki_user_fullName="pki1 Foo Bar9"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli --new smime --profileId $profile --output $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlLog "Add $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added profile $profile" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Enable $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Enabled profile \"$profile\"" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Verify by creating a user cert using the profile"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ myreq_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa \
+ key_size:2048 \
+ subject_cn:\"$pki_user_fullName\" \
+ subject_uid:$pki_user \
+ subject_email:$ \
+ subject_ou: \
+ subject_o: \
+ subject_c: \
+ archive:false \
+ req_profile:$profile \
+ target_host:$tmp_ca_host \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR \
+ cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:$valid_agent_cert \
+ cert_info:$cert_info"
+ local cert_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local cert_subject=$(cat $cert_info | grep cert_subject | cut -d- -f2)
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-show $cert_serialNumber --pretty > $cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Serial Number: $cert_serialNumber" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Issuer: CN=PKI $CA_INST Signing Cert,O=redhat" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Subject: $cert_subject" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Status: VALID" "$cert_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-0010: Create a custom server profile xml and add the profile"
+ local profile="caServerCert$RANDOM"
+ local subject_name="test$"
+ local profile_name="Manual Custom PKI Server $RANDOM Certificate Enrollment"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli --new server --profileId $profile --profilename \"$profile_name\" --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlLog "Add $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added profile $profile" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Enable $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Enabled profile \"$profile\"" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Verify by creating a user cert using the profile"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ myreq_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa \
+ key_size:2048 \
+ subject_cn:\"$subject_name\" \
+ subject_uid:\
+ subject_email: \
+ subject_ou: \
+ subject_o: \
+ subject_c: \
+ archive:false \
+ req_profile:$profile \
+ target_host:$tmp_ca_host \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR \
+ cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:$valid_agent_cert \
+ cert_info:$cert_info"
+ local cert_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local cert_subject=$(cat $cert_info | grep cert_subject | cut -d- -f2)
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-show $cert_serialNumber --pretty > $cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Serial Number: $cert_serialNumber" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Issuer: CN=PKI $CA_INST Signing Cert,O=redhat" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Subject: $cert_subject" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Status: VALID" "$cert_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-0011: Create a custom server profile which rejects request if subject DN doesn't have *"
+ local profile="caServerCert$RANDOM"
+ local subject_name=""
+ local profile_name="FooBar Enrollment Profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli --new server --profileId $profile --subjectNamePattern \"CN=.*\.otherexample\.org.*\" --profilename \"$profile_name\" --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlLog "Add $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out 2>&1"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added profile $profile" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Enable $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out 2>&1"
+ rlAssertGrep "Enabled profile \"$profile\"" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Verify by creating a CA cert using the profile"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ myreq_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa \
+ key_size:2048 \
+ subject_cn:\"$subject_name\" \
+ subject_uid:\
+ subject_email: \
+ subject_ou: \
+ subject_o: \
+ subject_c: \
+ archive:false \
+ req_profile:$profile \
+ target_host:$tmp_ca_host \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR \
+ cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:$valid_agent_cert \
+ cert_info:$cert_info"
+ local cert_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local cert_subject=$(cat $cert_info | grep cert_subject | cut -d- -f2)
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-show $cert_serialNumber --pretty > $cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Serial Number: $cert_serialNumber" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Issuer: CN=PKI $CA_INST Signing Cert,O=redhat" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Subject: $cert_subject" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Status: VALID" "$cert_out"
+ rlLog "Generate Certificate Request which doesn't satisfy Subject Name Pattern"
+ local subject_name=""
+ rlRun "create_new_cert_request \
+ dir:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ pass:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ req_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa \
+ size:2048 \
+ cn:$subject_name \
+ uid: \
+ email: \
+ ou: \
+ org: \
+ country: \
+ archive:false \
+ myreq:$TEMP_NSS_DB/$subject-csr.pem \
+ subj:$TEMP_NSS_DB/$subect-dn.txt" 0 "Create New Certificate request which doesn't satisfy subject Name Pattern"
+ rlRun "submit_new_request dir:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ pass:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ cahost:$tmp_ca_host \
+ nickname:\"$valid_agent_cert\" \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ url: \
+ username: \
+ userpwd: \
+ profile:$profile \
+ myreq:$TEMP_NSS_DB/$subject-csr.pem \
+ subj:$TEMP_NSS_DB/$subject-dn.txt \
+ out:$TEMP_NSS_DB/$subject-result.txt" 0 "Submit Request for Approval"
+ rlAssertGrep "Request Status: rejected" "$TEMP_NSS_DB/$subject-result.txt"
+ rlAssertGrep "Operation Result: success" "$TEMP_NSS_DB/$subject-result.txt"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-0012: Create a server profile which adds Netscape Extensions nsCertSSlClient and nsCertEmail"
+ local profile="caServerCert$RANDOM"
+ local subject_name="testServer$"
+ local profile_name="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli --new server \
+ --profileId $profile \
+ --profilename \"$profile_name\" \
+ --netscapeextensions \"nsCertCritical,nsCertSSLClient,nsCertEmail\" \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml" 0 "Add Profile with Netscape Certificate Extensions"
+ rlLog "Add $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out 2>&1"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added profile $profile" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Enable $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out 2>&1"
+ rlAssertGrep "Enabled profile \"$profile\"" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Verify by creating a CA cert using the profile"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ myreq_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa \
+ key_size:2048 \
+ subject_cn:\"$subject_name\" \
+ subject_uid:\
+ subject_email: \
+ subject_ou: \
+ subject_o: \
+ subject_c: \
+ archive:false \
+ req_profile:$profile \
+ target_host:$tmp_ca_host \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR \
+ cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:$valid_agent_cert \
+ cert_info:$cert_info"
+ local cert_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local cert_subject=$(cat $cert_info | grep cert_subject | cut -d- -f2-)
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-show $cert_serialNumber --pretty > $cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Serial Number: $cert_serialNumber" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Issuer: CN=PKI $CA_INST Signing Cert,O=redhat" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Subject: $cert_subject" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Status: VALID" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Identifier: Netscape Certificate Type - 2.16.840.1.113730.1.1" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "SSL Client" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Secure Email" "$cert_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-0013: Create a custom server profile with subject Name pattern having CN=[^,]+,.+ and adding dc=example,dc=org by default to subject DN"
+ local profile="caServerCert$RANDOM"
+ local subject_name="John Smith"
+ local profile_name="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli \
+ --new server \
+ --profileId $profile \
+ --subjectNamePattern CN=[^,]+,.+ \
+ --subjectNameDefault CN=\\\$$,dc=example,dc=org \
+ --profilename \"$profile_name\" \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlLog "Add $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out 2>&1"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added profile $profile" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Enable $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out 2>&1"
+ rlAssertGrep "Enabled profile \"$profile\"" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Verify by creating a CA cert using the profile"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ myreq_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa \
+ key_size:2048 \
+ subject_cn:\"$subject_name\" \
+ subject_uid:\
+ subject_email: \
+ subject_ou: \
+ subject_o: \
+ subject_c: \
+ archive:false \
+ req_profile:$profile \
+ target_host:$tmp_ca_host \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR \
+ cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:$valid_agent_cert \
+ cert_info:$cert_info"
+ local cert_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local cert_subject=$(cat $cert_info | grep cert_subject | cut -d- -f2)
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-show $cert_serialNumber --pretty > $cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Serial Number: $cert_serialNumber" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Issuer: CN=PKI $CA_INST Signing Cert,O=redhat" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Subject: $cert_subject" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Status: VALID" "$cert_out"
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-0014: Create custom Server profile with Maximum validity period of 15 days with a graceperiod of 5 days before and after"
+ local profile="caServerCert$RANDOM"
+ local subject_name="foobar$"
+ local profilename="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli \
+ --new server \
+ --profileId "$profile" \
+ --profilename=\"$profilename\" \
+ --notBefore 5 \
+ --notAfter 5 \
+ --validfor 15 \
+ --maxvalidity 30 \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlLog "Add $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added profile $profile" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Enable $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Verify by creating a user cert using the profile"
+ rlAssertGrep "Enabled profile \"$profile\"" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ myreq_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa \
+ key_size:2048 \
+ subject_cn:$subject_name \
+ subject_uid: \
+ subject_email: \
+ subject_ou: \
+ subject_o: \
+ subject_c: \
+ archive:false \
+ req_profile:$profile \
+ target_host:$tmp_ca_host \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR \
+ cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:$valid_agent_cert \
+ cert_info:$cert_info"
+ local cert_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local cert_subject=$(cat $cert_info | grep cert_subject | cut -d- -f2)
+ local NotAfterDate=$(date +"%A, %B %d, %Y" --date "15 days")
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-show $cert_serialNumber --pretty > $cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Serial Number: $cert_serialNumber" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Issuer: CN=PKI $CA_INST Signing Cert,O=redhat" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Subject: $cert_subject" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Status: VALID" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Not After: $NotAfterDate" "$cert_out"
+ rlLog "Verify by changing the date to 5 Days before the expiry date"
+ local cur_date=$(date -u)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD -n \"$pki_user_fullName\" | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date - 5 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date - 5 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ cert-request-profile-show caManualRenewal --output $TmpDir/$cert_serialNumber-renewal.xml" 0 "Get caManualRenewal profile xml"
+ local STRIP_HEX=$(echo $cert_serialNumber | cut -dx -f2)
+ local decimal_valid_serialNumber=$(echo "ibase=16;$CONV_UPP_VAL"|bc)
+ rlLog "Modify caManualRenewal profile xml to add serial Number $cert_serialNumber to be submitted for renewal"
+ rlRun "xmlstarlet ed -L -u \"CertEnrollmentRequest/SerialNumber\" -v $decimal_valid_serialNumber $TmpDir/$cert_serialNumber-renewal.xml"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-request-submit $TmpDir/$cert_serialNumber-renewal.xml 1> $TmpDir/pki-cert-request-submit.out" 0 "Submit renewal request"
+ local REQUEST_ID=$(cat $TmpDir/pki-cert-request-submit.out | grep "Request ID" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlAssertGrep "Request ID: $REQUEST_ID" "$TmpDir/pki-cert-request-submit.out"
+ local REQUEST_SUBMIT_STATUS=$(cat $TmpDir/pki-cert-request-submit.out | grep "Operation Result" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlAssertGrep "Type: renewal" "$TmpDir/pki-cert-request-submit.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Request Status: pending" "$TmpDir/pki-cert-request-submit.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Operation Result: success" "$TmpDir/pki-cert-request-submit.out"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlLog "PKI Ticket::"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-0015: Create a server profile which adds key Encipher and decipher extensions"
+ local profile="caServerCert$RANDOM"
+ local subject_name="foobar$"
+ local profilename="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlLog "Create Profile $profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli \
+ --new server \
+ --profileId $profile \
+ --profilename \"$profilename\" \
+ --keyusageextensions \"keyUsageCritical,keyUsageDigitalSignature,keyUsageNonRepudiation,keyUsageKeyEncipherment,keyUsageDataEncipherment,keyUsageEncipherOnly,keyUsageDecipherOnly\" \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlLog "Add Profile $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added profile $profile" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Enable $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Verify by creating a user cert using the profile"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ myreq_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa \
+ key_size:2048 \
+ subject_cn:$subject_name \
+ subject_uid: \
+ subject_email: \
+ subject_ou: \
+ subject_o: \
+ subject_c: \
+ archive:false \
+ req_profile:$profile \
+ target_host:$tmp_ca_host \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR \
+ cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:$valid_agent_cert \
+ cert_info:$cert_info"
+ local cert_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local cert_subject=$(cat $cert_info | grep cert_subject | cut -d- -f2)
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-show $cert_serialNumber --pretty > $cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Serial Number: $cert_serialNumber" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Issuer: CN=PKI $CA_INST Signing Cert,O=redhat" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Subject: $cert_subject" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Status: VALID" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Identifier: Key Usage: -" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Encipher Only" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Decipher Only" "$cert_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-0016: Create a server profile which adds CRL extension with URL"
+ local profile="caServerCert$RANDOM"
+ local subject_name="foobar$"
+ local profilename="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlLog "Create Profile $profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli \
+ --new server \
+ --profileId $profile \
+ --profilename \"$profilename\" \
+ --crlextension \"\" \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml" 0 "Create Profile xml which adds CRL Extension"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out" 0 "Add Profile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added profile $profile" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out" 0 "Enable profile $profile"
+ rlLog "Verify by creating a user cert using the profile"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ myreq_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa \
+ key_size:2048 \
+ subject_cn:$subject_name \
+ subject_uid: \
+ subject_email: \
+ subject_ou: \
+ subject_o: \
+ subject_c: \
+ archive:false \
+ req_profile:$profile \
+ target_host:$tmp_ca_host \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR \
+ cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:$valid_agent_cert \
+ cert_info:$cert_info" 0
+ local cert_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local cert_subject=$(cat $cert_info | grep cert_subject | cut -d- -f2)
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-show $cert_serialNumber --pretty > $cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Serial Number: $cert_serialNumber" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Issuer: CN=PKI $CA_INST Signing Cert,O=redhat" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Subject: $cert_subject" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Status: VALID" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Distribution Point: \[URIName:\]" "$cert_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-0017: Create a server profile which SubjectAlt Name Extension having DNSName"
+ local profile="caServerCert$RANDOM"
+ local subject_name="foobar$"
+ local profilename="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlLog "Create Profile $profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli \
+ --new server \
+ --profileId $profile \
+ --profilename \"$profilename\" \
+ --altType DNSName \
+ --altPattern \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml" 0 "Create Profile xml which adds DNSName to subjectAltName."
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out" 0 "Add Profile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added profile $profile" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out" 0 "Enable profile $profile"
+ rlLog "Verify by creating a user cert using the profile"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ myreq_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa \
+ key_size:2048 \
+ subject_cn:$subject_name \
+ subject_uid: \
+ subject_email: \
+ subject_ou: \
+ subject_o: \
+ subject_c: \
+ archive:false \
+ req_profile:$profile \
+ target_host:$tmp_ca_host \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR \
+ cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:$valid_agent_cert \
+ cert_info:$cert_info" 0
+ local cert_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local cert_subject=$(cat $cert_info | grep cert_subject | cut -d- -f2)
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-show $cert_serialNumber --pretty > $cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Serial Number: $cert_serialNumber" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Issuer: CN=PKI $CA_INST Signing Cert,O=redhat" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Subject: $cert_subject" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Status: VALID" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "DNSName:" "$cert_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-0018: Create a custom DualCert Profile xml and add the profile xml"
+ local profile="caDualCert$RANDOM"
+ local pki_user="pki_foo_bar10"
+ local pki_user_fullName="pki1 Foo Bar10"
+ local profilename="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli --new dualcert --profileId $profile --profilename \"$profilename\" --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlLog "Add $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added profile $profile" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Enable $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Verify by creating a user cert using the profile"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ myreq_type:crmf \
+ algo:rsa \
+ key_size:2048 \
+ subject_cn:\"$pki_user_fullName\" \
+ subject_uid:$pki_user \
+ subject_email:$ \
+ subject_ou: \
+ subject_o: \
+ subject_c: \
+ archive:true \
+ req_profile:$profile \
+ target_host:$tmp_ca_host \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR \
+ cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:$valid_agent_cert \
+ cert_info:$cert_info"
+ local cert_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ rlAssertGrep "Enabled profile \"$profile\"" "$ca_profile_out"
+ local cert_subject=$(cat $cert_info | grep cert_subject | cut -d- -f2)
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-show $cert_serialNumber --pretty > $cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Serial Number: $cert_serialNumber" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Issuer: CN=PKI $CA_INST Signing Cert,O=redhat" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Subject: $cert_subject" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Status: VALID" "$cert_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-0019: Create a custom CA profile xml and add the profile"
+ local profile="caCACert$RANDOM"
+ local subject_name="FooBar CA1"
+ local profile_name="FooBar CA1 Profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli --new ca --profileId $profile --profilename \"$profile_name\" --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlLog "Add $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out 2>&1"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added profile $profile" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Enable $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out 2>&1"
+ rlAssertGrep "Enabled profile \"$profile\"" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Verify by creating a CA cert using the profile"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ myreq_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa \
+ key_size:2048 \
+ subject_cn:\"$subject_name\" \
+ subject_uid:\
+ subject_email: \
+ subject_ou: \
+ subject_o: \
+ subject_c: \
+ archive:false \
+ req_profile:$profile \
+ target_host:$tmp_ca_host \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR \
+ cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:$valid_agent_cert \
+ cert_info:$cert_info"
+ local cert_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local cert_subject=$(cat $cert_info | grep cert_subject | cut -d- -f2)
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-show $cert_serialNumber --pretty > $cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Serial Number: $cert_serialNumber" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Issuer: CN=PKI $CA_INST Signing Cert,O=redhat" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Subject: $cert_subject" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Status: VALID" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Basic Constraints -" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Is CA: yes" "$cert_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-0020: Create a CA profile which adds Netscape Extensions nsCertSSLCA, nsCertEmailCA"
+ local profile="caCACert$RANDOM"
+ local subject_name="FooBar CA2"
+ local profile_name="FooBar CA2 Profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli --new ca \
+ --profileId $profile --netscapeextensions \"nsCertCritical,nsCertSSLCA,nsCertEmailCA\" \
+ --profilename \"$profile_name\" \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml" 0 "Add Profile with Netscape Certificate Extensions"
+ rlLog "Add $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out 2>&1"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added profile $profile" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Enable $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out 2>&1"
+ rlAssertGrep "Enabled profile \"$profile\"" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Verify by creating a CA cert using the profile"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ myreq_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa \
+ key_size:2048 \
+ subject_cn:\"$subject_name\" \
+ subject_uid:\
+ subject_email: \
+ subject_ou: \
+ subject_o: \
+ subject_c: \
+ archive:false \
+ req_profile:$profile \
+ target_host:$tmp_ca_host \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR \
+ cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:$valid_agent_cert \
+ cert_info:$cert_info"
+ local cert_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local cert_subject=$(cat $cert_info | grep cert_subject | cut -d- -f2)
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-show $cert_serialNumber --pretty > $cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Serial Number: $cert_serialNumber" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Issuer: CN=PKI $CA_INST Signing Cert,O=redhat" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Subject: $cert_subject" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Status: VALID" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Basic Constraints -" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Is CA: yes" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Identifier: Netscape Certificate Type - 2.16.840.1.113730.1.1" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Secure Email CA" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "SSL CA" "$cert_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-0021: Create a CA profile which adds CRL extension with URL"
+ local profile="caCACert$RANDOM"
+ local subject_name="FooBar CA3"
+ local profile_name="FooBar CA3 Profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli \
+ --new ca \
+ --profileId $profile \
+ --crlextension \"\" \
+ --profilename \"$profile_name\" \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml" 0 "Add Profile with Netscape Certificate Extensions"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out" 0 "Add Profile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added profile $profile" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-enable $profile > $ca_profile_out" 0 "Enable profile $profile"
+ rlLog "Verify by creating a user cert using the profile"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ myreq_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa \
+ key_size:2048 \
+ subject_cn:\"$subject_name\" \
+ subject_uid: \
+ subject_email: \
+ subject_ou: \
+ subject_o: \
+ subject_c: \
+ archive:false \
+ req_profile:$profile \
+ target_host:$tmp_ca_host \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR \
+ cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:$valid_agent_cert \
+ cert_info:$cert_info" 0
+ local cert_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ local cert_subject=$(cat $cert_info | grep cert_subject | cut -d- -f2)
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-show $cert_serialNumber --pretty > $cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Serial Number: $cert_serialNumber" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Issuer: CN=PKI $CA_INST Signing Cert,O=redhat" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Subject: $cert_subject" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Status: VALID" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Basic Constraints -" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Is CA: yes" "$cert_out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Distribution Point: \[URIName:\]" "$cert_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-0022: Adding Profile xml using admin cert should pass"
+ local profile="caUserCert$RANDOM"
+ local profilename="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli \
+ --new user \
+ --profileId $profile \
+ --profilename \"$profilename\" \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlLog "Add $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out" 0 "Adding Profile using $valid_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added profile $profile" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-0023: Adding Profile xml using agent cert should fail"
+ local profile="caUserCert$RANDOM"
+ local profilename="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli \
+ --new user \
+ --profileId $profile \
+ --profilename \"$profilename\" \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlLog "Add $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out 2>&1" 255,1 "Adding Profile using $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-0024: Adding Profile xml using Revoked Admin cert should fail"
+ local profile="caUserCert$RANDOM"
+ local profilename="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli \
+ --new user \
+ --profileId $profile \
+ --profilename \"$profilename\" \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlLog "Add $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $revoked_admin_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out 2>&1" 255,1 "Adding Profile using $revoked_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "PKIException: Unauthorized" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-0025: Adding Profile xml using Revoked Agent cert should fail"
+ local profile="caUserCert$RANDOM"
+ local profilename="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli \
+ --new user \
+ --profileId $profile \
+ --profilename \"$profilename\" \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlLog "Add $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $revoked_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out 2>&1" 255,1 "Adding Profile using $revoked_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "PKIException: Unauthorized" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-0026: Adding Profile xml using Expired Agent cert should fail"
+ local cur_date=$(date -u)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_agent_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ local profile="caUserCert$RANDOM"
+ local profilename="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli \
+ --new user \
+ --profileId $profile \
+ --profilename \"$profilename\" \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlLog "Add $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $expired_agent_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out 2>&1" 255,1 "Adding Profile using $expired_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-0027: Adding Profile xml using Expired Admin cert should fail"
+ local cur_date=$(date -u)
+ local end_date=$(certutil -L -d $CERTDB_DIR -n $expired_admin_cert | grep "Not After" | awk -F ": " '{print $2}')
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: $(date)"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time: before modifying using chrony $(date)"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a 'manual on' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out" 0 "Set chrony to manual mode"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Move system to $end_date + 1 day ahead"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'offline' 'settime $end_date + 1 day' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Date after modifying using chrony: $(date)"
+ local profile="caUserCert$RANDOM"
+ local profilename="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli \
+ --new user \
+ --profileId $profile \
+ --profilename \"$profilename\" \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlLog "Add $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $expired_admin_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out 2>&1" 255,1 "Adding Profile using $expired_admin_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlLog "Set the date back to its original date & time"
+ rlRun "chronyc -a -m 'settime $cur_date + 10 seconds' 'makestep' 'manual reset' 'online' 1> $TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "200 OK" "$TmpDir/chrony.out"
+ rlLog "Current Date/Time after setting system date back using chrony $(date)"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-0028: Adding Profile xml using Audit cert should fail"
+ local profile="caUserCert$RANDOM"
+ local profilename="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli \
+ --new user \
+ --profileId $profile \
+ --profilename \"$profilename\" \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlLog "Add $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_audit_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out 2>&1" 255,1 "Adding Profile using $valid_audit_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-0029: Adding Profile xml using Operator cert should fail"
+ local profile="caUserCert$RANDOM"
+ local profilename="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli \
+ --new user \
+ --profileId $profile \
+ --profilename \"$profilename\" \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlLog "Add $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -n $valid_operator_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out 2>&1" 255,1 "Adding Profile using $valid_operator_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authorization Error" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartSetup "Create a Normal User with No Privileges and add cert"
+ local pki_user="idm1_user_$rand"
+ local pki_user_fullName="Idm1 User $rand"
+ local pki_pwd="Secret123"
+ local profile=caUserCert
+ rlLog "Create user $pki_user"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ ca-user-add $pki_user \
+ --fullName \"$pki_user_fullName\" \
+ --password $pki_pwd" 0 "Create $pki_user User"
+ rlLog "Generate cert for user $pki_user"
+ rlRun "generate_new_cert tmp_nss_db:$TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ tmp_nss_db_pwd:$TEMP_NSS_DB_PWD \
+ myreq_type:pkcs10 \
+ algo:rsa \
+ key_size:2048 \
+ subject_cn:\"$pki_user_fullName\" \
+ subject_uid:$pki_user \
+ subject_email:$ \
+ subject_ou: \
+ subject_o: \
+ subject_c: \
+ archive:false \
+ req_profile:$profile \
+ target_host:$tmp_ca_host \
+ protocol: \
+ port:$tmp_ca_port \
+ cert_db_dir:$CERTDB_DIR \
+ cert_db_pwd:$CERTDB_DIR_PASSWORD \
+ certdb_nick:$valid_agent_cert \
+ cert_info:$cert_info"
+ local cert_serialNumber=$(cat $cert_info| grep cert_serialNumber | cut -d- -f2)
+ rlLog "Get the $pki_user cert in a output file"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-show $cert_serialNumber --encoded --output $TEMP_NSS_DB/$pki_user-out.pem 1> $TEMP_NSS_DB/pki-cert-show.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Certificate \"$cert_serialNumber\"" "$TEMP_NSS_DB/pki-cert-show.out"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host -p $tmp_ca_port cert-show 0x1 --encoded --output $TEMP_NSS_DB/ca_cert.pem 1> $TEMP_NSS_DB/ca-cert-show.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Certificate \"0x1\"" "$TEMP_NSS_DB/ca-cert-show.out"
+ rlLog "Add the $pki_user cert to $TEMP_NSS_DB NSS DB"
+ rlRun "pki -d $TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n "$pki_user" client-cert-import \
+ --cert $TEMP_NSS_DB/$pki_user-out.pem 1> $TEMP_NSS_DB/pki-client-cert.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Imported certificate \"$pki_user\"" "$TEMP_NSS_DB/pki-client-cert.out"
+ rlLog "Get CA cert imported to $TEMP_NSS_DB NSS DB"
+ rlRun "pki -d $TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n \"casigningcert\" client-cert-import \
+ --ca-cert $TEMP_NSS_DB/ca_cert.pem 1> $TEMP_NSS_DB/pki-ca-cert.out"
+ rlAssertGrep "Imported certificate \"casigningcert\"" "$TEMP_NSS_DB/pki-ca-cert.out"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ -t ca user-cert-add $pki_user \
+ --input $TEMP_NSS_DB/$pki_user-out.pem 1> $TEMP_NSS_DB/pki_user_cert_add.out" 0 "Cert is added to the user $pki_user"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-0030: Adding Profile xml using Normal cert should fail"
+ local profile="caUserCert$RANDOM"
+ local profilename="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli \
+ --new user \
+ --profileId $profile \
+ --profilename \"$profilename\" \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlLog "Add $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $TEMP_NSS_DB \
+ -n $pki_user \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out 2>&1" 255,1 "Adding Profile using $pki_user cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ProcessingException: Unable to invoke request" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-0031: Executing pki ca-profile-add using https URI using Admin Cert"
+ local profile="caUserCert$RANDOM"
+ local profilename="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli \
+ --new user \
+ --profileId $profile \
+ --profilename \"$profilename\" \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlLog "Add $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -U https://$tmp_ca_host:$target_secure_port \
+ -n $valid_admin_cert \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out 2>&1" 0 "Adding Profile using $valid_agent_cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "Added profile $profile" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-0032: Adding Profile xml using Normal user authencation should fail"
+ local profile="caUserCert$RANDOM"
+ local profilename="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli \
+ --new user \
+ --profileId $profile \
+ --profilename \"$profilename\" \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlLog "Add $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -u $pki_user \
+ -w $pki_pwd \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out 2>&1" 255,1 "Adding Profile using $pki_user cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "ForbiddenException: Authentication method not allowed" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartTest "pki_ca_profile_add-0033: Adding Profile xml using invalid user authentication should fail"
+ local profile="caUserCert$RANDOM"
+ local invalid_pki_user=test1
+ local invalid_pki_user_pwd=Secret123
+ local profilename="$profile Enrollment Profile"
+ rlRun "python -m PkiLib.pkiprofilecli \
+ --new user \
+ --profileId $profile \
+ --profilename \"$profilename\" \
+ --outputfile $TmpDir/$profile\.xml"
+ rlLog "Add $profile"
+ rlRun "pki -h $tmp_ca_host \
+ -p $tmp_ca_port \
+ -d $CERTDB_DIR \
+ -u $invalid_pki_user \
+ -w $invalid_pki_user_pwd \
+ ca-profile-add $TmpDir/$profile\.xml > $ca_profile_out 2>&1" 255,1 "Adding Profile using $pki_user cert"
+ rlAssertGrep "PKIException: Unauthorized" "$ca_profile_out"
+ rlPhaseEnd
+ rlPhaseStartCleanup "pki ca-profile-add cleanup: Delete temp dir"
+ rlRun "popd"
+ rlRun "rm -r $TmpDir" 0 "Removing tmp directory"
+ rlPhaseEnd