path: root/dogtag/tps-ui/shared/docroot/esc/sow/js/lightbox.js
diff options
authorEndi Sukma Dewata <>2012-03-24 02:27:47 -0500
committerEndi Sukma Dewata <>2012-03-26 11:43:54 -0500
commit621d9e5c413e561293d7484b93882d985b3fe15f (patch)
tree638f3d75761c121d9a8fb50b52a12a6686c5ac5c /dogtag/tps-ui/shared/docroot/esc/sow/js/lightbox.js
parent40d3643b8d91886bf210aa27f711731c81a11e49 (diff)
Removed unnecessary pki folder.
Previously the source code was located inside a pki folder. This folder was created during svn migration and is no longer needed. This folder has now been removed and the contents have been moved up one level. Ticket #131
Diffstat (limited to 'dogtag/tps-ui/shared/docroot/esc/sow/js/lightbox.js')
1 files changed, 689 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dogtag/tps-ui/shared/docroot/esc/sow/js/lightbox.js b/dogtag/tps-ui/shared/docroot/esc/sow/js/lightbox.js
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..11856b208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dogtag/tps-ui/shared/docroot/esc/sow/js/lightbox.js
@@ -0,0 +1,689 @@
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Lightbox v2.02
+// by Lokesh Dhakar -
+// 3/31/06
+// For more information on this script, visit:
+// Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License -
+// Credit also due to those who have helped, inspired, and made their code available to the public.
+// Including: Scott Upton(, Peter-Paul Koch(, Thomas Fuchs(, and others.
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Table of Contents
+ -----------------
+ Configuration
+ Global Variables
+ Extending Built-in Objects
+ - Object.extend(Element)
+ - Array.prototype.removeDuplicates()
+ - Array.prototype.empty()
+ Lightbox Class Declaration
+ - initialize()
+ - start()
+ - changeImage()
+ - resizeImageContainer()
+ - showImage()
+ - updateDetails()
+ - updateNav()
+ - enableKeyboardNav()
+ - disableKeyboardNav()
+ - keyboardAction()
+ - preloadNeighborImages()
+ - end()
+ Miscellaneous Functions
+ - getPageScroll()
+ - getPageSize()
+ - getKey()
+ - listenKey()
+ - showSelectBoxes()
+ - hideSelectBoxes()
+ - pause()
+ - initLightbox()
+ Function Calls
+ - addLoadEvent(initLightbox)
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Configuration
+var fileLoadingImage = "/sow/images/loading.gif";
+var fileBottomNavCloseImage = "/sow/images/closelabel.gif";
+var resizeSpeed = 7; // controls the speed of the image resizing (1=slowest and 10=fastest)
+var borderSize = 10; //if you adjust the padding in the CSS, you will need to update this variable
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Global Variables
+var imageArray = new Array;
+var activeImage;
+if(resizeSpeed > 10){ resizeSpeed = 10;}
+if(resizeSpeed < 1){ resizeSpeed = 1;}
+resizeDuration = (11 - resizeSpeed) * 0.15;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Additional methods for Element added by SU, Couloir
+// - further additions by Lokesh Dhakar (
+Object.extend(Element, {
+ getWidth: function(element) {
+ element = $(element);
+ return element.offsetWidth;
+ },
+ setWidth: function(element,w) {
+ element = $(element);
+ = w +"px";
+ },
+ setHeight: function(element,h) {
+ element = $(element);
+ = h +"px";
+ },
+ setTop: function(element,t) {
+ element = $(element);
+ = t +"px";
+ },
+ setSrc: function(element,src) {
+ element = $(element);
+ element.src = src;
+ },
+ setHref: function(element,href) {
+ element = $(element);
+ element.href = href;
+ },
+ setInnerHTML: function(element,content) {
+ element = $(element);
+ element.innerHTML = content;
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Extending built-in Array object
+// - array.removeDuplicates()
+// - array.empty()
+Array.prototype.removeDuplicates = function () {
+ for(i = 1; i < this.length; i++){
+ if(this[i][0] == this[i-1][0]){
+ this.splice(i,1);
+ }
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Array.prototype.empty = function () {
+ for(i = 0; i <= this.length; i++){
+ this.shift();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Lightbox Class Declaration
+// - initialize()
+// - start()
+// - changeImage()
+// - resizeImageContainer()
+// - showImage()
+// - updateDetails()
+// - updateNav()
+// - enableKeyboardNav()
+// - disableKeyboardNav()
+// - keyboardNavAction()
+// - preloadNeighborImages()
+// - end()
+// Structuring of code inspired by Scott Upton (
+var Lightbox = Class.create();
+Lightbox.prototype = {
+ // initialize()
+ // Constructor runs on completion of the DOM loading. Loops through anchor tags looking for
+ // 'lightbox' references and applies onclick events to appropriate links. The 2nd section of
+ // the function inserts html at the bottom of the page which is used to display the shadow
+ // overlay and the image container.
+ //
+ initialize: function() {
+ if (!document.getElementsByTagName){ return; }
+ var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
+ // loop through all anchor tags
+ for (var i=0; i<anchors.length; i++){
+ var anchor = anchors[i];
+ var relAttribute = String(anchor.getAttribute('rel'));
+ // use the string.match() method to catch 'lightbox' references in the rel attribute
+ if (anchor.getAttribute('href') && (relAttribute.toLowerCase().match('lightbox'))){
+ anchor.onclick = function () {myLightbox.start(this); return false;}
+ }
+ }
+ // The rest of this code inserts html at the bottom of the page that looks similar to this:
+ //
+ // <div id="overlay"></div>
+ // <div id="lightbox">
+ // <div id="outerImageContainer">
+ // <div id="imageContainer">
+ // <img id="lightboxImage">
+ // <div style="" id="hoverNav">
+ // <a href="#" id="prevLink"></a>
+ // <a href="#" id="nextLink"></a>
+ // </div>
+ // <div id="loading">
+ // <a href="#" id="loadingLink">
+ // <img src="images/loading.gif">
+ // </a>
+ // </div>
+ // </div>
+ // </div>
+ // <div id="imageDataContainer">
+ // <div id="imageData">
+ // <div id="imageDetails">
+ // <span id="caption"></span>
+ // <span id="numberDisplay"></span>
+ // </div>
+ // <div id="bottomNav">
+ // <a href="#" id="bottomNavClose">
+ // <img src="images/close.gif">
+ // </a>
+ // </div>
+ // </div>
+ // </div>
+ // </div>
+ var objBody = document.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0);
+ var objOverlay = document.createElement("div");
+ objOverlay.setAttribute('id','overlay');
+ = 'none';
+ objOverlay.onclick = function() { myLightbox.end(); return false; }
+ objBody.appendChild(objOverlay);
+ var objLightbox = document.createElement("div");
+ objLightbox.setAttribute('id','lightbox');
+ = 'none';
+ objBody.appendChild(objLightbox);
+ var objOuterImageContainer = document.createElement("div");
+ objOuterImageContainer.setAttribute('id','outerImageContainer');
+ objLightbox.appendChild(objOuterImageContainer);
+ var objImageContainer = document.createElement("div");
+ objImageContainer.setAttribute('id','imageContainer');
+ objOuterImageContainer.appendChild(objImageContainer);
+ var objLightboxImage = document.createElement("img");
+ objLightboxImage.setAttribute('id','lightboxImage');
+ objImageContainer.appendChild(objLightboxImage);
+ var objHoverNav = document.createElement("div");
+ objHoverNav.setAttribute('id','hoverNav');
+ objImageContainer.appendChild(objHoverNav);
+ var objPrevLink = document.createElement("a");
+ objPrevLink.setAttribute('id','prevLink');
+ objPrevLink.setAttribute('href','#');
+ objHoverNav.appendChild(objPrevLink);
+ var objNextLink = document.createElement("a");
+ objNextLink.setAttribute('id','nextLink');
+ objNextLink.setAttribute('href','#');
+ objHoverNav.appendChild(objNextLink);
+ var objLoading = document.createElement("div");
+ objLoading.setAttribute('id','loading');
+ objImageContainer.appendChild(objLoading);
+ var objLoadingLink = document.createElement("a");
+ objLoadingLink.setAttribute('id','loadingLink');
+ objLoadingLink.setAttribute('href','#');
+ objLoadingLink.onclick = function() { myLightbox.end(); return false; }
+ objLoading.appendChild(objLoadingLink);
+ var objLoadingImage = document.createElement("img");
+ objLoadingImage.setAttribute('src', fileLoadingImage);
+ objLoadingLink.appendChild(objLoadingImage);
+ var objImageDataContainer = document.createElement("div");
+ objImageDataContainer.setAttribute('id','imageDataContainer');
+ objImageDataContainer.className = 'clearfix';
+ objLightbox.appendChild(objImageDataContainer);
+ var objImageData = document.createElement("div");
+ objImageData.setAttribute('id','imageData');
+ objImageDataContainer.appendChild(objImageData);
+ var objImageDetails = document.createElement("div");
+ objImageDetails.setAttribute('id','imageDetails');
+ objImageData.appendChild(objImageDetails);
+ var objCaption = document.createElement("span");
+ objCaption.setAttribute('id','caption');
+ objImageDetails.appendChild(objCaption);
+ var objNumberDisplay = document.createElement("span");
+ objNumberDisplay.setAttribute('id','numberDisplay');
+ objImageDetails.appendChild(objNumberDisplay);
+ var objBottomNav = document.createElement("div");
+ objBottomNav.setAttribute('id','bottomNav');
+ objImageData.appendChild(objBottomNav);
+ var objBottomNavCloseLink = document.createElement("a");
+ objBottomNavCloseLink.setAttribute('id','bottomNavClose');
+ objBottomNavCloseLink.setAttribute('href','#');
+ objBottomNavCloseLink.onclick = function() { myLightbox.end(); return false; }
+ objBottomNav.appendChild(objBottomNavCloseLink);
+ var objBottomNavCloseImage = document.createElement("img");
+ objBottomNavCloseImage.setAttribute('src', fileBottomNavCloseImage);
+ objBottomNavCloseLink.appendChild(objBottomNavCloseImage);
+ },
+ //
+ // start()
+ // Display overlay and lightbox. If image is part of a set, add siblings to imageArray.
+ //
+ start: function(imageLink) {
+ hideSelectBoxes();
+ // stretch overlay to fill page and fade in
+ var arrayPageSize = getPageSize();
+ Element.setHeight('overlay', arrayPageSize[1]);
+ new Effect.Appear('overlay', { duration: 0.2, from: 0.0, to: 0.8 });
+ imageArray = [];
+ imageNum = 0;
+ if (!document.getElementsByTagName){ return; }
+ var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
+ // if image is NOT part of a set..
+ if((imageLink.getAttribute('rel') == 'lightbox')){
+ // add single image to imageArray
+ imageArray.push(new Array(imageLink.getAttribute('href'), imageLink.getAttribute('title')));
+ } else {
+ // if image is part of a set..
+ // loop through anchors, find other images in set, and add them to imageArray
+ for (var i=0; i<anchors.length; i++){
+ var anchor = anchors[i];
+ if (anchor.getAttribute('href') && (anchor.getAttribute('rel') == imageLink.getAttribute('rel'))){
+ imageArray.push(new Array(anchor.getAttribute('href'), anchor.getAttribute('title')));
+ }
+ }
+ imageArray.removeDuplicates();
+ while(imageArray[imageNum][0] != imageLink.getAttribute('href')) { imageNum++;}
+ }
+ // calculate top offset for the lightbox and display
+ var arrayPageSize = getPageSize();
+ var arrayPageScroll = getPageScroll();
+ var lightboxTop = arrayPageScroll[1] + (arrayPageSize[3] / 15);
+ Element.setTop('lightbox', lightboxTop);
+ this.changeImage(imageNum);
+ },
+ //
+ // changeImage()
+ // Hide most elements and preload image in preparation for resizing image container.
+ //
+ changeImage: function(imageNum) {
+ activeImage = imageNum; // update global var
+ // hide elements during transition
+ Element.hide('lightboxImage');
+ Element.hide('hoverNav');
+ Element.hide('prevLink');
+ Element.hide('nextLink');
+ Element.hide('imageDataContainer');
+ Element.hide('numberDisplay');
+ imgPreloader = new Image();
+ // once image is preloaded, resize image container
+ imgPreloader.onload=function(){
+ Element.setSrc('lightboxImage', imageArray[activeImage][0]);
+ myLightbox.resizeImageContainer(imgPreloader.width, imgPreloader.height);
+ }
+ imgPreloader.src = imageArray[activeImage][0];
+ },
+ //
+ // resizeImageContainer()
+ //
+ resizeImageContainer: function( imgWidth, imgHeight) {
+ // get current height and width
+ this.wCur = Element.getWidth('outerImageContainer');
+ this.hCur = Element.getHeight('outerImageContainer');
+ // scalars based on change from old to new
+ this.xScale = ((imgWidth + (borderSize * 2)) / this.wCur) * 100;
+ this.yScale = ((imgHeight + (borderSize * 2)) / this.hCur) * 100;
+ // calculate size difference between new and old image, and resize if necessary
+ wDiff = (this.wCur - borderSize * 2) - imgWidth;
+ hDiff = (this.hCur - borderSize * 2) - imgHeight;
+ if(!( hDiff == 0)){ new Effect.Scale('outerImageContainer', this.yScale, {scaleX: false, duration: resizeDuration, queue: 'front'}); }
+ if(!( wDiff == 0)){ new Effect.Scale('outerImageContainer', this.xScale, {scaleY: false, delay: resizeDuration, duration: resizeDuration}); }
+ // if new and old image are same size and no scaling transition is necessary,
+ // do a quick pause to prevent image flicker.
+ if((hDiff == 0) && (wDiff == 0)){
+ if (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE")!=-1){ pause(250); } else { pause(100);}
+ }
+ Element.setHeight('prevLink', imgHeight);
+ Element.setHeight('nextLink', imgHeight);
+ Element.setWidth( 'imageDataContainer', imgWidth + (borderSize * 2));
+ this.showImage();
+ },
+ //
+ // showImage()
+ // Display image and begin preloading neighbors.
+ //
+ showImage: function(){
+ Element.hide('loading');
+ new Effect.Appear('lightboxImage', { duration: 0.5, queue: 'end', afterFinish: function(){ myLightbox.updateDetails(); } });
+ this.preloadNeighborImages();
+ },
+ //
+ // updateDetails()
+ // Display caption, image number, and bottom nav.
+ //
+ updateDetails: function() {
+ Element.setInnerHTML( 'caption', imageArray[activeImage][1]);
+ // if image is part of set display 'Image x of x'
+ if(imageArray.length > 1){
+ Element.setInnerHTML( 'numberDisplay', "Image " + eval(activeImage + 1) + " of " + imageArray.length);
+ }
+ new Effect.Parallel(
+ [ new Effect.SlideDown( 'imageDataContainer', { sync: true, duration: resizeDuration + 0.25, from: 0.0, to: 1.0 }),
+ new Effect.Appear('imageDataContainer', { sync: true, duration: 1.0 }) ],
+ { duration: 0.65, afterFinish: function() { myLightbox.updateNav();} }
+ );
+ },
+ //
+ // updateNav()
+ // Display appropriate previous and next hover navigation.
+ //
+ updateNav: function() {
+ // if not first image in set, display prev image button
+ if(activeImage != 0){
+ document.getElementById('prevLink').onclick = function() {
+ myLightbox.changeImage(activeImage - 1); return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // if not last image in set, display next image button
+ if(activeImage != (imageArray.length - 1)){
+ document.getElementById('nextLink').onclick = function() {
+ myLightbox.changeImage(activeImage + 1); return false;
+ }
+ }
+ this.enableKeyboardNav();
+ },
+ //
+ // enableKeyboardNav()
+ //
+ enableKeyboardNav: function() {
+ document.onkeydown = this.keyboardAction;
+ },
+ //
+ // disableKeyboardNav()
+ //
+ disableKeyboardNav: function() {
+ document.onkeydown = '';
+ },
+ //
+ // keyboardAction()
+ //
+ keyboardAction: function(e) {
+ if (e == null) { // ie
+ keycode = event.keyCode;
+ } else { // mozilla
+ keycode = e.which;
+ }
+ key = String.fromCharCode(keycode).toLowerCase();
+ if((key == 'x') || (key == 'o') || (key == 'c')){ // close lightbox
+ myLightbox.end();
+ } else if(key == 'p'){ // display previous image
+ if(activeImage != 0){
+ myLightbox.disableKeyboardNav();
+ myLightbox.changeImage(activeImage - 1);
+ }
+ } else if(key == 'n'){ // display next image
+ if(activeImage != (imageArray.length - 1)){
+ myLightbox.disableKeyboardNav();
+ myLightbox.changeImage(activeImage + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ //
+ // preloadNeighborImages()
+ // Preload previous and next images.
+ //
+ preloadNeighborImages: function(){
+ if((imageArray.length - 1) > activeImage){
+ preloadNextImage = new Image();
+ preloadNextImage.src = imageArray[activeImage + 1][0];
+ }
+ if(activeImage > 0){
+ preloadPrevImage = new Image();
+ preloadPrevImage.src = imageArray[activeImage - 1][0];
+ }
+ },
+ //
+ // end()
+ //
+ end: function() {
+ this.disableKeyboardNav();
+ Element.hide('lightbox');
+ new Effect.Fade('overlay', { duration: 0.2});
+ showSelectBoxes();
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// getPageScroll()
+// Returns array with x,y page scroll values.
+// Core code from -
+function getPageScroll(){
+ var yScroll;
+ if (self.pageYOffset) {
+ yScroll = self.pageYOffset;
+ } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop){ // Explorer 6 Strict
+ yScroll = document.documentElement.scrollTop;
+ } else if (document.body) {// all other Explorers
+ yScroll = document.body.scrollTop;
+ }
+ arrayPageScroll = new Array('',yScroll)
+ return arrayPageScroll;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// getPageSize()
+// Returns array with page width, height and window width, height
+// Core code from -
+// Edit for Firefox by pHaez
+function getPageSize(){
+ var xScroll, yScroll;
+ if (window.innerHeight && window.scrollMaxY) {
+ xScroll = document.body.scrollWidth;
+ yScroll = window.innerHeight + window.scrollMaxY;
+ } else if (document.body.scrollHeight > document.body.offsetHeight){ // all but Explorer Mac
+ xScroll = document.body.scrollWidth;
+ yScroll = document.body.scrollHeight;
+ } else { // Explorer Mac...would also work in Explorer 6 Strict, Mozilla and Safari
+ xScroll = document.body.offsetWidth;
+ yScroll = document.body.offsetHeight;
+ }
+ var windowWidth, windowHeight;
+ if (self.innerHeight) { // all except Explorer
+ windowWidth = self.innerWidth;
+ windowHeight = self.innerHeight;
+ } else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight) { // Explorer 6 Strict Mode
+ windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
+ windowHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
+ } else if (document.body) { // other Explorers
+ windowWidth = document.body.clientWidth;
+ windowHeight = document.body.clientHeight;
+ }
+ // for small pages with total height less then height of the viewport
+ if(yScroll < windowHeight){
+ pageHeight = windowHeight;
+ } else {
+ pageHeight = yScroll;
+ }
+ // for small pages with total width less then width of the viewport
+ if(xScroll < windowWidth){
+ pageWidth = windowWidth;
+ } else {
+ pageWidth = xScroll;
+ }
+ arrayPageSize = new Array(pageWidth,pageHeight,windowWidth,windowHeight)
+ return arrayPageSize;
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// getKey(key)
+// Gets keycode. If 'x' is pressed then it hides the lightbox.
+function getKey(e){
+ if (e == null) { // ie
+ keycode = event.keyCode;
+ } else { // mozilla
+ keycode = e.which;
+ }
+ key = String.fromCharCode(keycode).toLowerCase();
+ if(key == 'x'){
+ }
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// listenKey()
+function listenKey () { document.onkeypress = getKey; }
+// ---------------------------------------------------
+function showSelectBoxes(){
+ selects = document.getElementsByTagName("select");
+ for (i = 0; i != selects.length; i++) {
+ selects[i].style.visibility = "visible";
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------
+function hideSelectBoxes(){
+ selects = document.getElementsByTagName("select");
+ for (i = 0; i != selects.length; i++) {
+ selects[i].style.visibility = "hidden";
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------
+// pause(numberMillis)
+// Pauses code execution for specified time. Uses busy code, not good.
+// Code from
+function pause(numberMillis) {
+ var now = new Date();
+ var exitTime = now.getTime() + numberMillis;
+ while (true) {
+ now = new Date();
+ if (now.getTime() > exitTime)
+ return;
+ }
+// ---------------------------------------------------
+function initLightbox() { myLightbox = new Lightbox(); }
+Event.observe(window, 'load', initLightbox, false);