path: root/base/ca/shared/webapps/ca/ee/ca/index.html
diff options
authorEndi Sukma Dewata <>2012-11-09 03:36:17 -0500
committerEndi Sukma Dewata <>2012-11-09 03:36:17 -0500
commit461ad24f7ee106779451910d91f0f1ae54c83221 (patch)
tree27512e9fc3cc67e062c3592db606bdcb3727a6a8 /base/ca/shared/webapps/ca/ee/ca/index.html
parenta6e6dc72a0a83dd718c0cf896b1f4f5d36271e28 (diff)
Reorganized CA, KRA, OCSP, TKS templates.
Diffstat (limited to 'base/ca/shared/webapps/ca/ee/ca/index.html')
1 files changed, 388 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/base/ca/shared/webapps/ca/ee/ca/index.html b/base/ca/shared/webapps/ca/ee/ca/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80d8415d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/ca/shared/webapps/ca/ee/ca/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+ with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+ 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
+ All rights reserved.
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
+<title>CA End-Entity</title>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+<link rel="shortcut icon" href="/pki/images/favicon.ico" />
+<script lang="javascript" src="/ca/ee/dynamicVars.js"></script>
+<script lang="javascript" src="/ca/ee/cms-funcs.js"></script>
+<script lang="javascript">
+function doResize() {
+ // used by tabs.html
+ // don't call resize for IE - it sometimes crashes
+ if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape' &&
+ ((navMajorVersion() < 4) ||
+ (typeof(crypto.version) == "undefined"))) {
+ top.reloadTabs(-1);
+ }
+function tabItem(name, link, menu, defaultIndex)
+ = name;
+ this.blackname = name.fontcolor('black');
+ this.whitename = name.fontcolor('white');
+ = link;
+ = menu;
+ this.defaultIndex = defaultIndex;
+ this.currentIndex = defaultIndex;
+function initTabs()
+ top.tabs = new Array();
+ var name;
+ top.tabsCount=0;
+ name = 'Enrollment / Renewal';
+ top.tabs[top.tabsCount++] = new tabItem(name, 'profileMenu.html',
+ top.ProfileMenu, 1);
+ if (http != 'true') {
+ name = 'Revocation';
+ top.tabs[top.tabsCount++] = new tabItem(name, 'revocationMenu.html',
+ top.RevocationMenu, 0);
+ }
+ name = 'Retrieval';
+ top.tabs[top.tabsCount++] = new tabItem(name, 'retrievalMenu.html',
+ top.RetrievalMenu, 0);
+ top.tabsSelectedIndex = 0;
+function menuItem(name, link, desc)
+ = name;
+ = link;
+ this.seldesc = desc.fontcolor('blue'); // text when selected
+ this.unseldesc = desc.fontcolor('black'); // text when unselected
+ this.desc = desc;
+function initMenus()
+ initProfileMenu();
+ if (http != 'true') {
+ initRevocationMenu();
+ }
+ initRecoveryMenu();
+ initRetrievalMenu();
+function initProfileMenu()
+ top.ProfileMenu = new Array();
+ var name = 'profileList';
+ top.ProfileMenu[0] = new menuItem(name, 'profileList',
+ 'List Certificate Profiles');
+function tableItem(name, items)
+ = name;
+ this.menuItems = items;
+// Check if a particular authmanager is enabled.
+// The 'authamanager' array is set in
+// dynamic javascript in the URL /dynamicVars.js
+function isAuthMgrEnabled(name)
+ // handle the case when no auth manager is configured
+ if (typeof(authmanager) == 'undefined') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (var k=0; k<authmanager.length; k++) {
+ if (authmanager[k] == name) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+function initRevocationMenu()
+ top.RevocationMenu = new Array();
+ var name='usercert';
+ top.RevocationMenu[0] = new menuItem(name, 'UserRevocation.html',
+ 'User Certificate');
+ //name='servercert';
+ //top.RevocationMenu[1] = new menuItem(name, 'ServerRevocation.html',
+ // 'Server Certificate');
+ // name='othercert';
+ // top.RevocationMenu[1] = new menuItem(name, 'ChallengeRevoke1.html',
+ // 'Certificate (challenge phrase-based)');
+ name='othercert';
+ top.RevocationMenu[1] = new menuItem(name, 'CMCRevReq.html',
+ 'CMC Revoke');
+function initRecoveryMenu()
+ top.RecoveryMenu = new Array();
+ var name;
+ name = 'keyRecovery';
+ top.RecoveryMenu[0] = new menuItem(name, 'KeyRecovery.html',
+ 'Key Recovery');
+function initRetrievalMenu()
+ top.RetrievalMenu = new Array();
+ var name;
+ var count=0;
+ name = 'checkrequest';
+ top.RetrievalMenu[count++] = new menuItem(name, 'checkRequest.html',
+ 'Check Request Status');
+ if (subsystemname != 'ra') {
+ name = 'listcerts';
+ top.RetrievalMenu[count++] = new menuItem(name, 'queryBySerial.html',
+ 'List Certificates');
+ name = 'searchcerts';
+ top.RetrievalMenu[count++] = new menuItem(name, 'srchCert.html',
+ 'Search Certificates');
+ }
+ name = 'getcachain';
+ top.RetrievalMenu[count++] = new menuItem(name, 'GetCAChain.html',
+ 'Import CA Certificate Chain');
+ if (subsystemname != 'ra') {
+ name = 'reviewcrl';
+ if (clacrlurl != '') {
+ top.RetrievalMenu[count++] = new menuItem(name, clacrlurl,
+ 'Import Certificate Revocation List');
+ } else {
+ top.RetrievalMenu[count++] = new menuItem(name, 'getInfo?template=/ee/ca/toDisplayCRL',
+ 'Import Certificate Revocation List');
+ }
+ }
+// This method draws the left panel
+function loadMenu(menu)
+ with (top.left.document) {
+ writeln('<body bgcolor="#cccccc" vlink="#444444" link="#444444" alink="#333399">');
+ writeln('<table border=0 width=130 cellspacing=4 cellpadding=4>');
+ writeln('<tr>');
+ writeln('<td>');
+ var selbgcol = '#cccccc'; // cell's background col when selected
+ var unselbgcol = '#cccccc'; // "" "" unselected
+ for (var k=0; k<menu.length; k++) {
+ writeln('<tr>');
+ // We check if the link is empty. If it is, this means the
+ // menu item should be rendered as a 'title'. See the
+ // 'Browser' heading in initEnrollMenu as an example
+ if (menu[k].link != '') {
+ if (k == top.tabs[top.tabsSelectedIndex].currentIndex) {
+ // Draw the current element in 'selected' state
+ writeln('<td bgcolor="'+selbgcol+'">');
+ writeln('<font size="-1" face="PrimaSans BT, Verdana, sans-serif">'+
+ '<b>'+
+ '<a onclick=javascript:top.reloadMenu("'+k+'"); href='+
+ menu[k].link+
+ ' target="cms_content" >'+
+ menu[k].seldesc+'</b></a></font>'
+ );
+ }
+ else {
+ // Draw the current element in 'unselected' state
+ writeln('<td bgcolor="'+unselbgcol+'">');
+ writeln('<font size="-1" face="PrimaSans BT, Verdana, sans-serif">'+
+ '<b>'+
+ '<a onclick=javascript:top.reloadMenu("'+k+'"); href='+
+ menu[k].link+
+ ' target="cms_content" >'+
+ menu[k].unseldesc+'</b></a></font>'
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ else { // nice headers go here (enrollment menu)
+ writeln('<td bgcolor=white>'+
+ '<font face="PrimaSans BT, Verdana, sans-serif"'+
+ 'color=black>'+
+ '<b>'+
+ menu[k].desc+'</b></font>');
+ }
+ writeln('</td>');
+ writeln('</tr>');
+ }
+ writeln('</table>');
+ writeln('</td>');
+ writeln('</tr>');
+ writeln('</table>');
+ close();
+ }
+function reloadMenu(item)
+ var curMenu = top.tabs[top.tabsSelectedIndex];
+ curMenu.currentIndex = item;
+ top.cms_content.location =[item].link;
+ loadMenu(;
+function reloadMenuAndContent()
+ var tab = top.tabs[top.tabsSelectedIndex];
+ tab.currentIndex = 0;
+ top.cms_content.location =[tab.currentIndex].link;
+ reloadMenu(tab.currentIndex);
+function reloadTabs(tabnum)
+ if (tabnum != -1) {
+ top.tabsSelectedIndex = tabnum;
+ }
+ top.reloadMenuAndContent();
+// if (navigator.appName != "Netscape") {
+// top.reloadMenu(top.tabs[tabnum].defaultIndex);
+// }
+ if ( navigator.appName == 'Netscape') {
+ top.tabsf.location.reload(false);
+ } else {
+ loadTabs();
+ }
+ if ( navigator.appName != 'Netscape') {
+ loadTabs();
+ }
+function loadTabs()
+ with (top.tabsf.document) {
+ writeln('<body onresize="top.doResize();" bgcolor="#4f52b5" link="#FFFFFF" vlink="#FFFFFF" alink="#CCCCFF">');
+ writeln('<table border=0 width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#4f52b5">');
+ writeln('<tr><td>');
+ writeln('<table border=0 cellspacing=12 cellpadding=0>');
+ writeln('<tr>');
+ writeln('<td><img src="/pki/images/logo_header.gif"></td>');
+ writeln('<td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td>');
+ if (subsystemname == 'ca') {
+ writeln('<td><font size="+1" face="PrimaSans BT, Verdana, sans-serif" color="white"><b>Dogtag<sup><font color="#cccccc" size="-2">&reg;</font></sup> Certificate Manager</b></font></td>');
+ } else {
+ writeln('<td><font size="+1" face="PrimaSans BT, Verdana, sans-serif" color="white"><b><b>Dogtag<sup><font color="#cccccc" size="-2">&reg;</font></sup> Registration Manager</b></font></td>');
+ }
+ writeln('</tr>');
+ writeln('</table>');
+ writeln('<table border=0 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">');
+ writeln('<tr>');
+ writeln('<td><img src="/pki/images/spacer.gif" width="12" height="12"></td>');
+ var index = top.tabsSelectedIndex;
+ for (var j=0; j < top.tabsCount; j++) {
+ if (j == index) {
+ writeln('<td><img src="/pki/images/lgLeftTab.gif" width="13" height="21"></td>');
+ writeln('<td bgcolor="#cccccc" nowrap>');
+ writeln('<font size="-1" face="PrimaSans BT, Verdana, sans-serif"><b>'+
+ top.tabs[j].blackname+
+ '</b></font></td>');
+ writeln('<td><img src="/pki/images/lgRightTab2.gif" width="16" height="21">'+
+ '</td>');
+ }
+ else {
+ writeln('<td><img src="/pki/images/dgLeftTab.gif" width="13" height="21"></td>');
+ writeln('<td bgcolor="#999999" nowrap>'+
+ '<font size="-1" face="PrimaSans BT, Verdana, sans-serif">'+
+ '<a onclick=javascript:top.reloadTabs("'+
+ j+'"); href='+
+ top.tabs[j].link+' target="left"><b>'+
+ top.tabs[j].whitename+'</b></a></font></td>');
+ writeln('<td><img src="/pki/images/dgRightTab2.gif" width="16" height="21"></td>');
+ }
+ }
+ writeln('</tr>');
+ writeln('</table></td></tr>');
+ writeln('<tr bgcolor=#CCCCCC><td>&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;</td></tr>');
+ writeln('</tr>');
+ writeln('</table>');
+ close();
+ }
+<script lang="javascript">
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+<noframes><body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">