# Authors: # Jason Gerard DeRose # # Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat # see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA """ Plugin framework. The classes in this module make heavy use of Python container emulation. If you are unfamiliar with this Python feature, see http://docs.python.org/ref/sequence-types.html """ import re import sys import inspect import threading import logging import os from os import path import subprocess import optparse import errors from config import Env import util from base import ReadOnly, NameSpace, lock, islocked, check_name from constants import DEFAULT_CONFIG, FORMAT_STDERR, FORMAT_FILE class SetProxy(ReadOnly): """ A read-only container with set/sequence behaviour. This container acts as a proxy to an actual set-like object (a set, frozenset, or dict) that is passed to the constructor. To the extent possible in Python, this underlying set-like object cannot be modified through the SetProxy... which just means you wont do it accidentally. """ def __init__(self, s): """ :param s: The target set-like object (a set, frozenset, or dict) """ allowed = (set, frozenset, dict) if type(s) not in allowed: raise TypeError('%r not in %r' % (type(s), allowed)) self.__s = s lock(self) def __len__(self): """ Return the number of items in this container. """ return len(self.__s) def __iter__(self): """ Iterate (in ascending order) through keys. """ for key in sorted(self.__s): yield key def __contains__(self, key): """ Return True if this container contains ``key``. :param key: The key to test for membership. """ return key in self.__s class DictProxy(SetProxy): """ A read-only container with mapping behaviour. This container acts as a proxy to an actual mapping object (a dict) that is passed to the constructor. To the extent possible in Python, this underlying mapping object cannot be modified through the DictProxy... which just means you wont do it accidentally. Also see `SetProxy`. """ def __init__(self, d): """ :param d: The target mapping object (a dict) """ if type(d) is not dict: raise TypeError('%r is not %r' % (type(d), dict)) self.__d = d super(DictProxy, self).__init__(d) def __getitem__(self, key): """ Return the value corresponding to ``key``. :param key: The key of the value you wish to retrieve. """ return self.__d[key] def __call__(self): """ Iterate (in ascending order by key) through values. """ for key in self: yield self.__d[key] class MagicDict(DictProxy): """ A mapping container whose values can be accessed as attributes. For example: >>> magic = MagicDict({'the_key': 'the value'}) >>> magic['the_key'] 'the value' >>> magic.the_key 'the value' This container acts as a proxy to an actual mapping object (a dict) that is passed to the constructor. To the extent possible in Python, this underlying mapping object cannot be modified through the MagicDict... which just means you wont do it accidentally. Also see `DictProxy` and `SetProxy`. """ def __getattr__(self, name): """ Return the value corresponding to ``name``. :param name: The name of the attribute you wish to retrieve. """ try: return self[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError('no magic attribute %r' % name) class Plugin(ReadOnly): """ Base class for all plugins. """ def __init__(self): self.__api = None cls = self.__class__ self.name = cls.__name__ self.module = cls.__module__ self.fullname = '%s.%s' % (self.module, self.name) self.bases = tuple( '%s.%s' % (b.__module__, b.__name__) for b in cls.__bases__ ) self.doc = inspect.getdoc(cls) if self.doc is None: self.summary = '<%s>' % self.fullname else: self.summary = self.doc.split('\n\n', 1)[0] log = logging.getLogger(self.fullname) for name in ('debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical', 'exception'): if hasattr(self, name): raise StandardError( '%s.%s attribute (%r) conflicts with Plugin logger' % ( self.name, name, getattr(self, name)) ) setattr(self, name, getattr(log, name)) def __get_api(self): """ Return `API` instance passed to `finalize()`. If `finalize()` has not yet been called, None is returned. """ return self.__api api = property(__get_api) def finalize(self): """ """ lock(self) def set_api(self, api): """ Set reference to `API` instance. """ assert self.__api is None, 'set_api() can only be called once' assert api is not None, 'set_api() argument cannot be None' self.__api = api if not isinstance(api, API): return for name in api: assert not hasattr(self, name) setattr(self, name, api[name]) # FIXME: the 'log' attribute is depreciated. See Plugin.__init__() for name in ('env', 'context', 'log'): if hasattr(api, name): assert not hasattr(self, name) setattr(self, name, getattr(api, name)) def call(self, executable, *args): """ Call ``executable`` with ``args`` using subprocess.call(). If the call exits with a non-zero exit status, `ipalib.errors.SubprocessError` is raised, from which you can retrieve the exit code by checking the SubprocessError.returncode attribute. This method does *not* return what ``executable`` sent to stdout... for that, use `Plugin.callread()`. """ argv = (executable,) + args self.debug('Calling %r', argv) code = subprocess.call(argv) if code != 0: raise errors.SubprocessError(returncode=code, argv=argv) def __repr__(self): """ Return 'module_name.class_name()' representation. This representation could be used to instantiate this Plugin instance given the appropriate environment. """ return '%s.%s()' % ( self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__ ) class Registrar(DictProxy): """ Collects plugin classes as they are registered. The Registrar does not instantiate plugins... it only implements the override logic and stores the plugins in a namespace per allowed base class. The plugins are instantiated when `API.finalize()` is called. """ def __init__(self, *allowed): """ :param allowed: Base classes from which plugins accepted by this Registrar must subclass. """ self.__allowed = dict((base, {}) for base in allowed) self.__registered = set() super(Registrar, self).__init__( dict(self.__base_iter()) ) def __base_iter(self): for (base, sub_d) in self.__allowed.iteritems(): assert inspect.isclass(base) name = base.__name__ assert not hasattr(self, name) setattr(self, name, MagicDict(sub_d)) yield (name, base) def __findbases(self, klass): """ Iterates through allowed bases that ``klass`` is a subclass of. Raises `errors.PluginSubclassError` if ``klass`` is not a subclass of any allowed base. :param klass: The plugin class to find bases for. """ assert inspect.isclass(klass) found = False for (base, sub_d) in self.__allowed.iteritems(): if issubclass(klass, base): found = True yield (base, sub_d) if not found: raise errors.PluginSubclassError( plugin=klass, bases=self.__allowed.keys() ) def __call__(self, klass, override=False): """ Register the plugin ``klass``. :param klass: A subclass of `Plugin` to attempt to register. :param override: If true, override an already registered plugin. """ if not inspect.isclass(klass): raise TypeError('plugin must be a class; got %r' % klass) # Raise DuplicateError if this exact class was already registered: if klass in self.__registered: raise errors.PluginDuplicateError(plugin=klass) # Find the base class or raise SubclassError: for (base, sub_d) in self.__findbases(klass): # Check override: if klass.__name__ in sub_d: if not override: # Must use override=True to override: raise errors.PluginOverrideError( base=base.__name__, name=klass.__name__, plugin=klass, ) else: if override: # There was nothing already registered to override: raise errors.PluginMissingOverrideError( base=base.__name__, name=klass.__name__, plugin=klass, ) # The plugin is okay, add to sub_d: sub_d[klass.__name__] = klass # The plugin is okay, add to __registered: self.__registered.add(klass) class API(DictProxy): """ Dynamic API object through which `Plugin` instances are accessed. """ def __init__(self, *allowed): self.__d = dict() self.__done = set() self.register = Registrar(*allowed) self.env = Env() super(API, self).__init__(self.__d) def __doing(self, name): if name in self.__done: raise StandardError( '%s.%s() already called' % (self.__class__.__name__, name) ) self.__done.add(name) def __do_if_not_done(self, name): if name not in self.__done: getattr(self, name)() def isdone(self, name): return name in self.__done def bootstrap(self, **overrides): """ Initialize environment variables and logging. """ self.__doing('bootstrap') self.env._bootstrap(**overrides) self.env._finalize_core(**dict(DEFAULT_CONFIG)) log = logging.getLogger() object.__setattr__(self, 'log', log) if self.env.debug: log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: log.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Add stderr handler: stderr = logging.StreamHandler() if self.env.debug: stderr.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) elif self.env.verbose: stderr.setLevel(logging.INFO) else: stderr.setLevel(logging.WARNING) stderr.setFormatter(util.LogFormatter(FORMAT_STDERR)) log.addHandler(stderr) # Add file handler: if self.env.mode in ('dummy', 'unit_test'): return # But not if in unit-test mode if self.env.log is None: return log_dir = path.dirname(self.env.log) if not path.isdir(log_dir): try: os.makedirs(log_dir) except OSError: log.error('Could not create log_dir %r', log_dir) return try: handler = logging.FileHandler(self.env.log) except IOError, e: log.error('Cannot open log file %r: %s', self.env.log, e.strerror) return handler.setFormatter(util.LogFormatter(FORMAT_FILE)) if self.env.debug: handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) log.addHandler(handler) def build_global_parser(self, parser=None, context=None): """ Add global options to an optparse.OptionParser instance. """ if parser is None: parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.disable_interspersed_args() parser.add_option('-e', dest='env', metavar='KEY=VAL', action='append', help='Set environment variable KEY to VAL', ) parser.add_option('-c', dest='conf', metavar='FILE', help='Load configuration from FILE', ) parser.add_option('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='Produce full debuging output', ) parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Produce more verbose output', ) if context == 'cli': parser.add_option('-a', '--prompt-all', action='store_true', help='Prompt for ALL values (even if optional)' ) parser.add_option('-n', '--no-prompt', action='store_false', dest='interactive', help='Prompt for NO values (even if required)' ) topics = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Available help topics", "ipa help topics") cmds = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, "Available commands", "ipa help commands") parser.add_option_group(topics) parser.add_option_group(cmds) return parser def bootstrap_with_global_options(self, parser=None, context=None): parser = self.build_global_parser(parser, context) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() overrides = {} if options.env is not None: assert type(options.env) is list for item in options.env: try: (key, value) = item.split('=', 1) except ValueError: # FIXME: this should raise an IPA exception with an # error code. # --Jason, 2008-10-31 pass overrides[str(key.strip())] = value.strip() for key in ('conf', 'debug', 'verbose', 'prompt_all', 'interactive'): value = getattr(options, key, None) if value is not None: overrides[key] = value if hasattr(options, 'prod'): overrides['webui_prod'] = options.prod if context is not None: overrides['context'] = context self.bootstrap(**overrides) return (options, args) def load_plugins(self): """ Load plugins from all standard locations. `API.bootstrap` will automatically be called if it hasn't been already. """ self.__doing('load_plugins') self.__do_if_not_done('bootstrap') if self.env.mode in ('dummy', 'unit_test'): return self.import_plugins('ipalib') if self.env.in_server: self.import_plugins('ipaserver') # FIXME: This method has no unit test def import_plugins(self, package): """ Import modules in ``plugins`` sub-package of ``package``. """ subpackage = '%s.plugins' % package try: parent = __import__(package) plugins = __import__(subpackage).plugins except ImportError, e: self.log.error( 'cannot import plugins sub-package %s: %s', subpackage, e ) raise e parent_dir = path.dirname(path.abspath(parent.__file__)) plugins_dir = path.dirname(path.abspath(plugins.__file__)) if parent_dir == plugins_dir: raise errors.PluginsPackageError( name=subpackage, file=plugins.__file__ ) self.log.debug('importing all plugin modules in %r...', plugins_dir) for (name, pyfile) in util.find_modules_in_dir(plugins_dir): fullname = '%s.%s' % (subpackage, name) self.log.debug('importing plugin module %r', pyfile) try: __import__(fullname) except errors.SkipPluginModule, e: self.log.info( 'skipping plugin module %s: %s', fullname, e.reason ) except StandardError, e: import traceback self.log.error('could not load plugin module %r\n%s', pyfile, traceback.format_exc()) raise e def finalize(self): """ Finalize the registration, instantiate the plugins. `API.bootstrap` will automatically be called if it hasn't been already. """ self.__doing('finalize') self.__do_if_not_done('load_plugins') class PluginInstance(object): """ Represents a plugin instance. """ i = 0 def __init__(self, klass): self.created = self.next() self.klass = klass self.instance = klass() self.bases = [] @classmethod def next(cls): cls.i += 1 return cls.i class PluginInfo(ReadOnly): def __init__(self, p): assert isinstance(p, PluginInstance) self.created = p.created self.name = p.klass.__name__ self.module = str(p.klass.__module__) self.plugin = '%s.%s' % (self.module, self.name) self.bases = tuple(b.__name__ for b in p.bases) lock(self) plugins = {} def plugin_iter(base, subclasses): for klass in subclasses: assert issubclass(klass, base) if klass not in plugins: plugins[klass] = PluginInstance(klass) p = plugins[klass] assert base not in p.bases p.bases.append(base) yield p.instance for name in self.register: base = self.register[name] magic = getattr(self.register, name) namespace = NameSpace( plugin_iter(base, (magic[k] for k in magic)) ) assert not ( name in self.__d or hasattr(self, name) ) self.__d[name] = namespace object.__setattr__(self, name, namespace) for p in plugins.itervalues(): p.instance.set_api(self) assert p.instance.api is self for p in plugins.itervalues(): p.instance.finalize() assert islocked(p.instance) is True object.__setattr__(self, '_API__finalized', True) tuple(PluginInfo(p) for p in plugins.itervalues()) object.__setattr__(self, 'plugins', tuple(PluginInfo(p) for p in plugins.itervalues()) )