path: root/tests/test_ipalib/
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+# Authors:
+# Jason Gerard DeRose <>
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat
+# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+Test the `ipalib.parameter` module.
+from types import NoneType
+from inspect import isclass
+from tests.util import raises, ClassChecker, read_only
+from tests.util import dummy_ugettext, assert_equal
+from import binary_bytes, utf8_bytes, unicode_str
+from ipalib import parameter, request, errors2
+from ipalib.constants import TYPE_ERROR, CALLABLE_ERROR, NULLS
+class test_DefaultFrom(ClassChecker):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.DefaultFrom` class.
+ """
+ _cls = parameter.DefaultFrom
+ def test_init(self):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.DefaultFrom.__init__` method.
+ """
+ def callback(*args):
+ return args
+ keys = ('givenname', 'sn')
+ o = self.cls(callback, *keys)
+ assert read_only(o, 'callback') is callback
+ assert read_only(o, 'keys') == keys
+ lam = lambda first, last: first[0] + last
+ o = self.cls(lam)
+ assert read_only(o, 'keys') == ('first', 'last')
+ # Test that TypeError is raised when callback isn't callable:
+ e = raises(TypeError, self.cls, 'whatever')
+ assert str(e) == CALLABLE_ERROR % ('callback', 'whatever', str)
+ # Test that TypeError is raised when a key isn't an str:
+ e = raises(TypeError, self.cls, callback, 'givenname', 17)
+ assert str(e) == TYPE_ERROR % ('keys', str, 17, int)
+ def test_call(self):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.DefaultFrom.__call__` method.
+ """
+ def callback(givenname, sn):
+ return givenname[0] + sn[0]
+ keys = ('givenname', 'sn')
+ o = self.cls(callback, *keys)
+ kw = dict(
+ givenname='John',
+ sn='Public',
+ hello='world',
+ )
+ assert o(**kw) == 'JP'
+ assert o() is None
+ for key in ('givenname', 'sn'):
+ kw_copy = dict(kw)
+ del kw_copy[key]
+ assert o(**kw_copy) is None
+ # Test using implied keys:
+ o = self.cls(lambda first, last: first[0] + last)
+ assert o(first='john', last='doe') == 'jdoe'
+ assert o(first='', last='doe') is None
+ assert o(one='john', two='doe') is None
+ # Test that co_varnames slice is used:
+ def callback2(first, last):
+ letter = first[0]
+ return letter + last
+ o = self.cls(callback2)
+ assert o.keys == ('first', 'last')
+ assert o(first='john', last='doe') == 'jdoe'
+def test_parse_param_spec():
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.parse_param_spec` function.
+ """
+ f = parameter.parse_param_spec
+ assert f('name') == ('name', dict(required=True, multivalue=False))
+ assert f('name?') == ('name', dict(required=False, multivalue=False))
+ assert f('name*') == ('name', dict(required=False, multivalue=True))
+ assert f('name+') == ('name', dict(required=True, multivalue=True))
+ # Make sure other "funny" endings are *not* treated special:
+ assert f('name^') == ('name^', dict(required=True, multivalue=False))
+ # Test that TypeError is raised if spec isn't an str:
+ e = raises(TypeError, f, u'name?')
+ assert str(e) == TYPE_ERROR % ('spec', str, u'name?', unicode)
+ # Test that ValueError is raised if len(spec) < 2:
+ e = raises(ValueError, f, 'n')
+ assert str(e) == "spec must be at least 2 characters; got 'n'"
+class DummyRule(object):
+ def __init__(self, error=None):
+ assert error is None or type(error) is unicode
+ self.error = error
+ self.reset()
+ def __call__(self, *args):
+ self.calls.append(args)
+ return self.error
+ def reset(self):
+ self.calls = []
+class test_Param(ClassChecker):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.Param` class.
+ """
+ _cls = parameter.Param
+ def test_init(self):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.Param.__init__` method.
+ """
+ name = 'my_param'
+ o = self.cls(name)
+ assert o.param_spec is name
+ assert is name
+ assert o.nice == "Param('my_param')"
+ assert o.__islocked__() is True
+ # Test default rules:
+ assert o.rules == tuple()
+ assert o.class_rules == tuple()
+ assert o.all_rules == tuple()
+ # Test default kwarg values:
+ assert o.cli_name is name
+ assert o.label is None
+ assert o.doc == ''
+ assert o.required is True
+ assert o.multivalue is False
+ assert o.primary_key is False
+ assert o.normalizer is None
+ assert o.default is None
+ assert o.default_from is None
+ assert o.create_default is None
+ assert o._get_default is None
+ assert o.autofill is False
+ assert o.flags == frozenset()
+ # Test that ValueError is raised when a kwarg from a subclass
+ # conflicts with an attribute:
+ class Subclass(self.cls):
+ kwargs = self.cls.kwargs + (
+ ('convert', callable, None),
+ )
+ e = raises(ValueError, Subclass, name)
+ assert str(e) == "kwarg 'convert' conflicts with attribute on Subclass"
+ # Test type validation of keyword arguments:
+ class Subclass(self.cls):
+ kwargs = self.cls.kwargs + (
+ ('extra1', bool, True),
+ ('extra2', str, 'Hello'),
+ ('extra3', (int, float), 42),
+ ('extra4', callable, lambda whatever: whatever + 7),
+ )
+ o = Subclass('my_param') # Test with no **kw:
+ for (key, kind, default) in o.kwargs:
+ # Test with a type invalid for all:
+ value = object()
+ kw = {key: value}
+ e = raises(TypeError, Subclass, 'my_param', **kw)
+ if kind is callable:
+ assert str(e) == CALLABLE_ERROR % (key, value, type(value))
+ else:
+ assert str(e) == TYPE_ERROR % (key, kind, value, type(value))
+ # Test with None:
+ kw = {key: None}
+ Subclass('my_param', **kw)
+ # Test when using unknown kwargs:
+ e = raises(TypeError, self.cls, 'my_param',
+ flags=['hello', 'world'],
+ whatever=u'Hooray!',
+ )
+ assert str(e) == \
+ "Param('my_param'): takes no such kwargs: 'whatever'"
+ e = raises(TypeError, self.cls, 'my_param', great='Yes', ape='he is!')
+ assert str(e) == \
+ "Param('my_param'): takes no such kwargs: 'ape', 'great'"
+ # Test that ValueError is raised if you provide both default_from and
+ # create_default:
+ e = raises(ValueError, self.cls, 'my_param',
+ default_from=lambda first, last: first[0] + last,
+ create_default=lambda **kw: 'The Default'
+ )
+ assert str(e) == '%s: cannot have both %r and %r' % (
+ "Param('my_param')", 'default_from', 'create_default',
+ )
+ # Test that _get_default gets set:
+ call1 = lambda first, last: first[0] + last
+ call2 = lambda **kw: 'The Default'
+ o = self.cls('my_param', default_from=call1)
+ assert o.default_from.callback is call1
+ assert o._get_default is o.default_from
+ o = self.cls('my_param', create_default=call2)
+ assert o.create_default is call2
+ assert o._get_default is call2
+ def test_repr(self):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.Param.__repr__` method.
+ """
+ for name in ['name', 'name?', 'name*', 'name+']:
+ o = self.cls(name)
+ assert repr(o) == 'Param(%r)' % name
+ o = self.cls('name', required=False)
+ assert repr(o) == "Param('name', required=False)"
+ o = self.cls('name', multivalue=True)
+ assert repr(o) == "Param('name', multivalue=True)"
+ def test_clone(self):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.Param.clone` method.
+ """
+ # Test with the defaults
+ orig = self.cls('my_param')
+ clone = orig.clone()
+ assert clone is not orig
+ assert type(clone) is self.cls
+ assert is
+ for (key, kind, default) in self.cls.kwargs:
+ assert getattr(clone, key) is getattr(orig, key)
+ # Test with a param spec:
+ orig = self.cls('my_param*')
+ assert orig.param_spec == 'my_param*'
+ clone = orig.clone()
+ assert clone.param_spec == 'my_param'
+ assert clone is not orig
+ assert type(clone) is self.cls
+ for (key, kind, default) in self.cls.kwargs:
+ assert getattr(clone, key) is getattr(orig, key)
+ # Test with overrides:
+ orig = self.cls('my_param*')
+ assert orig.required is False
+ assert orig.multivalue is True
+ clone = orig.clone(required=True)
+ assert clone is not orig
+ assert type(clone) is self.cls
+ assert clone.required is True
+ assert clone.multivalue is True
+ assert clone.param_spec == 'my_param'
+ assert == 'my_param'
+ def test_get_label(self):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.get_label` method.
+ """
+ context = request.context
+ cli_name = 'the_cli_name'
+ message = 'The Label'
+ label = lambda _: _(message)
+ o = self.cls('name', cli_name=cli_name, label=label)
+ assert o.label is label
+ ## Scenario 1: label=callable (a lambda form)
+ # Test with no context.ugettext:
+ assert not hasattr(context, 'ugettext')
+ assert_equal(o.get_label(), u'The Label')
+ # Test with dummy context.ugettext:
+ assert not hasattr(context, 'ugettext')
+ dummy = dummy_ugettext()
+ context.ugettext = dummy
+ assert o.get_label() is dummy.translation
+ assert dummy.message is message
+ del context.ugettext
+ ## Scenario 2: label=None
+ o = self.cls('name', cli_name=cli_name)
+ assert o.label is None
+ # Test with no context.ugettext:
+ assert not hasattr(context, 'ugettext')
+ assert_equal(o.get_label(), u'the_cli_name')
+ # Test with dummy context.ugettext:
+ assert not hasattr(context, 'ugettext')
+ dummy = dummy_ugettext()
+ context.ugettext = dummy
+ assert_equal(o.get_label(), u'the_cli_name')
+ assert not hasattr(dummy, 'message')
+ # Cleanup
+ del context.ugettext
+ assert not hasattr(context, 'ugettext')
+ def test_convert(self):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.Param.convert` method.
+ """
+ okay = ('Hello', u'Hello', 0, 4.2, True, False)
+ class Subclass(self.cls):
+ def _convert_scalar(self, value, index=None):
+ return value
+ # Test when multivalue=False:
+ o = Subclass('my_param')
+ for value in NULLS:
+ assert o.convert(value) is None
+ for value in okay:
+ assert o.convert(value) is value
+ # Test when multivalue=True:
+ o = Subclass('my_param', multivalue=True)
+ for value in NULLS:
+ assert o.convert(value) is None
+ assert o.convert(okay) == okay
+ assert o.convert(NULLS) is None
+ assert o.convert(okay + NULLS) == okay
+ assert o.convert(NULLS + okay) == okay
+ for value in okay:
+ assert o.convert(value) == (value,)
+ assert o.convert([None, value]) == (value,)
+ assert o.convert([value, None]) == (value,)
+ def test_convert_scalar(self):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.Param._convert_scalar` method.
+ """
+ dummy = dummy_ugettext()
+ # Test with correct type:
+ o = self.cls('my_param')
+ assert o._convert_scalar(None) is None
+ assert dummy.called() is False
+ # Test with incorrect type
+ e = raises(errors2.ConversionError, o._convert_scalar, 'hello', index=17)
+ def test_validate(self):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.Param.validate` method.
+ """
+ # Test with required=True/False:
+ o = self.cls('my_param')
+ assert o.required is True
+ e = raises(errors2.RequirementError, o.validate, None)
+ assert == 'my_param'
+ o = self.cls('my_param', required=False)
+ assert o.required is False
+ assert o.validate(None) is None
+ # Test with multivalue=True:
+ o = self.cls('my_param', multivalue=True)
+ e = raises(TypeError, o.validate, [])
+ assert str(e) == TYPE_ERROR % ('value', tuple, [], list)
+ e = raises(ValueError, o.validate, tuple())
+ assert str(e) == 'value: empty tuple must be converted to None'
+ # Test with wrong (scalar) type:
+ e = raises(TypeError, o.validate, (None, None, 42, None))
+ assert str(e) == TYPE_ERROR % ('value[2]', NoneType, 42, int)
+ o = self.cls('my_param')
+ e = raises(TypeError, o.validate, 'Hello')
+ assert str(e) == TYPE_ERROR % ('value', NoneType, 'Hello', str)
+ class Example(self.cls):
+ type = int
+ # Test with some rules and multivalue=False
+ pass1 = DummyRule()
+ pass2 = DummyRule()
+ fail = DummyRule(u'no good')
+ o = Example('example', pass1, pass2)
+ assert o.multivalue is False
+ assert o.validate(11) is None
+ assert pass1.calls == [(request.ugettext, 11)]
+ assert pass2.calls == [(request.ugettext, 11)]
+ pass1.reset()
+ pass2.reset()
+ o = Example('example', pass1, pass2, fail)
+ e = raises(errors2.ValidationError, o.validate, 42)
+ assert == 'example'
+ assert e.error == u'no good'
+ assert e.index is None
+ assert pass1.calls == [(request.ugettext, 42)]
+ assert pass2.calls == [(request.ugettext, 42)]
+ assert fail.calls == [(request.ugettext, 42)]
+ # Test with some rules and multivalue=True
+ pass1 = DummyRule()
+ pass2 = DummyRule()
+ fail = DummyRule(u'this one is not good')
+ o = Example('example', pass1, pass2, multivalue=True)
+ assert o.multivalue is True
+ assert o.validate((3, 9)) is None
+ assert pass1.calls == [
+ (request.ugettext, 3),
+ (request.ugettext, 9),
+ ]
+ assert pass2.calls == [
+ (request.ugettext, 3),
+ (request.ugettext, 9),
+ ]
+ pass1.reset()
+ pass2.reset()
+ o = Example('multi_example', pass1, pass2, fail, multivalue=True)
+ assert o.multivalue is True
+ e = raises(errors2.ValidationError, o.validate, (3, 9))
+ assert == 'multi_example'
+ assert e.error == u'this one is not good'
+ assert e.index == 0
+ assert pass1.calls == [(request.ugettext, 3)]
+ assert pass2.calls == [(request.ugettext, 3)]
+ assert fail.calls == [(request.ugettext, 3)]
+ def test_validate_scalar(self):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.Param._validate_scalar` method.
+ """
+ class MyParam(self.cls):
+ type = bool
+ okay = DummyRule()
+ o = MyParam('my_param', okay)
+ # Test that TypeError is appropriately raised:
+ e = raises(TypeError, o._validate_scalar, 0)
+ assert str(e) == TYPE_ERROR % ('value', bool, 0, int)
+ e = raises(TypeError, o._validate_scalar, 'Hi', index=4)
+ assert str(e) == TYPE_ERROR % ('value[4]', bool, 'Hi', str)
+ e = raises(TypeError, o._validate_scalar, True, index=3.0)
+ assert str(e) == TYPE_ERROR % ('index', int, 3.0, float)
+ # Test with passing rule:
+ assert o._validate_scalar(True, index=None) is None
+ assert o._validate_scalar(False, index=None) is None
+ assert okay.calls == [
+ (request.ugettext, True),
+ (request.ugettext, False),
+ ]
+ # Test with a failing rule:
+ okay = DummyRule()
+ fail = DummyRule(u'this describes the error')
+ o = MyParam('my_param', okay, fail)
+ e = raises(errors2.ValidationError, o._validate_scalar, True)
+ assert == 'my_param'
+ assert e.error == u'this describes the error'
+ assert e.index is None
+ e = raises(errors2.ValidationError, o._validate_scalar, False, index=2)
+ assert == 'my_param'
+ assert e.error == u'this describes the error'
+ assert e.index == 2
+ assert okay.calls == [
+ (request.ugettext, True),
+ (request.ugettext, False),
+ ]
+ assert fail.calls == [
+ (request.ugettext, True),
+ (request.ugettext, False),
+ ]
+ def test_get_default(self):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.Param._get_default` method.
+ """
+ class PassThrough(object):
+ value = None
+ def __call__(self, value):
+ assert self.value is None
+ assert value is not None
+ self.value = value
+ return value
+ def reset(self):
+ assert self.value is not None
+ self.value = None
+ class Str(self.cls):
+ type = unicode
+ def __init__(self, name, **kw):
+ self._convert_scalar = PassThrough()
+ super(Str, self).__init__(name, **kw)
+ # Test with only a static default:
+ o = Str('my_str',
+ normalizer=PassThrough(),
+ default=u'Static Default',
+ )
+ assert_equal(o.get_default(), u'Static Default')
+ assert o._convert_scalar.value is None
+ assert o.normalizer.value is None
+ # Test with default_from:
+ o = Str('my_str',
+ normalizer=PassThrough(),
+ default=u'Static Default',
+ default_from=lambda first, last: first[0] + last,
+ )
+ assert_equal(o.get_default(), u'Static Default')
+ assert o._convert_scalar.value is None
+ assert o.normalizer.value is None
+ default = o.get_default(first=u'john', last='doe')
+ assert_equal(default, u'jdoe')
+ assert o._convert_scalar.value is default
+ assert o.normalizer.value is default
+ # Test with create_default:
+ o = Str('my_str',
+ normalizer=PassThrough(),
+ default=u'Static Default',
+ create_default=lambda **kw: u'The created default',
+ )
+ default = o.get_default(first=u'john', last='doe')
+ assert_equal(default, u'The created default')
+ assert o._convert_scalar.value is default
+ assert o.normalizer.value is default
+class test_Flag(ClassChecker):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.Flag` class.
+ """
+ _cls = parameter.Flag
+ def test_init(self):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.Flag.__init__` method.
+ """
+ # Test with no kwargs:
+ o = self.cls('my_flag')
+ assert o.type is bool
+ assert isinstance(o, parameter.Bool)
+ assert o.autofill is True
+ assert o.default is False
+ # Test that TypeError is raise if default is not a bool:
+ e = raises(TypeError, self.cls, 'my_flag', default=None)
+ assert str(e) == TYPE_ERROR % ('default', bool, None, NoneType)
+ # Test with autofill=False, default=True
+ o = self.cls('my_flag', autofill=False, default=True)
+ assert o.autofill is True
+ assert o.default is True
+ # Test when cloning:
+ orig = self.cls('my_flag')
+ for clone in [orig.clone(), orig.clone(autofill=False)]:
+ assert clone.autofill is True
+ assert clone.default is False
+ assert clone is not orig
+ assert type(clone) is self.cls
+ # Test when cloning with default=True/False
+ orig = self.cls('my_flag')
+ assert orig.clone().default is False
+ assert orig.clone(default=True).default is True
+ orig = self.cls('my_flag', default=True)
+ assert orig.clone().default is True
+ assert orig.clone(default=False).default is False
+class test_Bytes(ClassChecker):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.Bytes` class.
+ """
+ _cls = parameter.Bytes
+ def test_init(self):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.Bytes.__init__` method.
+ """
+ o = self.cls('my_bytes')
+ assert o.type is str
+ assert o.rules == tuple()
+ assert o.class_rules == tuple()
+ assert o.all_rules == tuple()
+ assert o.minlength is None
+ assert o.maxlength is None
+ assert o.length is None
+ assert o.pattern is None
+ # Test mixing length with minlength or maxlength:
+ o = self.cls('my_bytes', length=5)
+ assert o.length == 5
+ assert len(o.class_rules) == 1
+ assert len(o.rules) == 0
+ assert len(o.all_rules) == 1
+ permutations = [
+ dict(minlength=3),
+ dict(maxlength=7),
+ dict(minlength=3, maxlength=7),
+ ]
+ for kw in permutations:
+ o = self.cls('my_bytes', **kw)
+ assert len(o.class_rules) == len(kw)
+ assert len(o.rules) == 0
+ assert len(o.all_rules) == len(kw)
+ for (key, value) in kw.iteritems():
+ assert getattr(o, key) == value
+ e = raises(ValueError, self.cls, 'my_bytes', length=5, **kw)
+ assert str(e) == \
+ "Bytes('my_bytes'): cannot mix length with minlength or maxlength"
+ # Test when minlength or maxlength are less than 1:
+ e = raises(ValueError, self.cls, 'my_bytes', minlength=0)
+ assert str(e) == "Bytes('my_bytes'): minlength must be >= 1; got 0"
+ e = raises(ValueError, self.cls, 'my_bytes', maxlength=0)
+ assert str(e) == "Bytes('my_bytes'): maxlength must be >= 1; got 0"
+ # Test when minlength > maxlength:
+ e = raises(ValueError, self.cls, 'my_bytes', minlength=22, maxlength=15)
+ assert str(e) == \
+ "Bytes('my_bytes'): minlength > maxlength (minlength=22, maxlength=15)"
+ # Test when minlength == maxlength
+ e = raises(ValueError, self.cls, 'my_bytes', minlength=7, maxlength=7)
+ assert str(e) == \
+ "Bytes('my_bytes'): minlength == maxlength; use length=7 instead"
+ def test_rule_minlength(self):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.Bytes._rule_minlength` method.
+ """
+ o = self.cls('my_bytes', minlength=3)
+ assert o.minlength == 3
+ rule = o._rule_minlength
+ translation = u'minlength=%(minlength)r'
+ dummy = dummy_ugettext(translation)
+ assert dummy.translation is translation
+ # Test with passing values:
+ for value in ('abc', 'four', '12345'):
+ assert rule(dummy, value) is None
+ assert dummy.called() is False
+ # Test with failing values:
+ for value in ('', 'a', '12'):
+ assert_equal(
+ rule(dummy, value),
+ translation % dict(minlength=3)
+ )
+ assert dummy.message == 'must be at least %(minlength)d bytes'
+ assert dummy.called() is True
+ dummy.reset()
+ def test_rule_maxlength(self):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.Bytes._rule_maxlength` method.
+ """
+ o = self.cls('my_bytes', maxlength=4)
+ assert o.maxlength == 4
+ rule = o._rule_maxlength
+ translation = u'maxlength=%(maxlength)r'
+ dummy = dummy_ugettext(translation)
+ assert dummy.translation is translation
+ # Test with passing values:
+ for value in ('ab', '123', 'four'):
+ assert rule(dummy, value) is None
+ assert dummy.called() is False
+ # Test with failing values:
+ for value in ('12345', 'sixsix'):
+ assert_equal(
+ rule(dummy, value),
+ translation % dict(maxlength=4)
+ )
+ assert dummy.message == 'can be at most %(maxlength)d bytes'
+ assert dummy.called() is True
+ dummy.reset()
+ def test_rule_length(self):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.Bytes._rule_length` method.
+ """
+ o = self.cls('my_bytes', length=4)
+ assert o.length == 4
+ rule = o._rule_length
+ translation = u'length=%(length)r'
+ dummy = dummy_ugettext(translation)
+ assert dummy.translation is translation
+ # Test with passing values:
+ for value in ('1234', 'four'):
+ assert rule(dummy, value) is None
+ assert dummy.called() is False
+ # Test with failing values:
+ for value in ('ab', '123', '12345', 'sixsix'):
+ assert_equal(
+ rule(dummy, value),
+ translation % dict(length=4),
+ )
+ assert dummy.message == 'must be exactly %(length)d bytes'
+ assert dummy.called() is True
+ dummy.reset()
+class test_Str(ClassChecker):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.Str` class.
+ """
+ _cls = parameter.Str
+ def test_init(self):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.Str.__init__` method.
+ """
+ o = self.cls('my_str')
+ assert o.type is unicode
+ assert o.minlength is None
+ assert o.maxlength is None
+ assert o.length is None
+ assert o.pattern is None
+ def test_convert_scalar(self):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.Str._convert_scalar` method.
+ """
+ o = self.cls('my_str')
+ mthd = o._convert_scalar
+ for value in (u'Hello', 42, 1.2):
+ assert mthd(value) == unicode(value)
+ for value in [True, 'Hello', (u'Hello',), [42.3], dict(one=1)]:
+ e = raises(errors2.ConversionError, mthd, value)
+ assert == 'my_str'
+ assert e.index is None
+ assert_equal(e.error, u'must be Unicode text')
+ e = raises(errors2.ConversionError, mthd, value, index=18)
+ assert == 'my_str'
+ assert e.index == 18
+ assert_equal(e.error, u'must be Unicode text')
+ def test_rule_minlength(self):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.Str._rule_minlength` method.
+ """
+ o = self.cls('my_str', minlength=3)
+ assert o.minlength == 3
+ rule = o._rule_minlength
+ translation = u'minlength=%(minlength)r'
+ dummy = dummy_ugettext(translation)
+ assert dummy.translation is translation
+ # Test with passing values:
+ for value in (u'abc', u'four', u'12345'):
+ assert rule(dummy, value) is None
+ assert dummy.called() is False
+ # Test with failing values:
+ for value in (u'', u'a', u'12'):
+ assert_equal(
+ rule(dummy, value),
+ translation % dict(minlength=3)
+ )
+ assert dummy.message == 'must be at least %(minlength)d characters'
+ assert dummy.called() is True
+ dummy.reset()
+ def test_rule_maxlength(self):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.Str._rule_maxlength` method.
+ """
+ o = self.cls('my_str', maxlength=4)
+ assert o.maxlength == 4
+ rule = o._rule_maxlength
+ translation = u'maxlength=%(maxlength)r'
+ dummy = dummy_ugettext(translation)
+ assert dummy.translation is translation
+ # Test with passing values:
+ for value in (u'ab', u'123', u'four'):
+ assert rule(dummy, value) is None
+ assert dummy.called() is False
+ # Test with failing values:
+ for value in (u'12345', u'sixsix'):
+ assert_equal(
+ rule(dummy, value),
+ translation % dict(maxlength=4)
+ )
+ assert dummy.message == 'can be at most %(maxlength)d characters'
+ assert dummy.called() is True
+ dummy.reset()
+ def test_rule_length(self):
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.Str._rule_length` method.
+ """
+ o = self.cls('my_str', length=4)
+ assert o.length == 4
+ rule = o._rule_length
+ translation = u'length=%(length)r'
+ dummy = dummy_ugettext(translation)
+ assert dummy.translation is translation
+ # Test with passing values:
+ for value in (u'1234', u'four'):
+ assert rule(dummy, value) is None
+ assert dummy.called() is False
+ # Test with failing values:
+ for value in (u'ab', u'123', u'12345', u'sixsix'):
+ assert_equal(
+ rule(dummy, value),
+ translation % dict(length=4),
+ )
+ assert dummy.message == 'must be exactly %(length)d characters'
+ assert dummy.called() is True
+ dummy.reset()
+def test_create_param():
+ """
+ Test the `ipalib.parameter.create_param` function.
+ """
+ f = parameter.create_param
+ # Test that Param instances are returned unchanged:
+ params = (
+ parameter.Param('one?'),
+ parameter.Int('two+'),
+ parameter.Str('three*'),
+ parameter.Bytes('four'),
+ )
+ for p in params:
+ assert f(p) is p
+ # Test that the spec creates an Str instance:
+ for spec in ('one?', 'two+', 'three*', 'four'):
+ (name, kw) = parameter.parse_param_spec(spec)
+ p = f(spec)
+ assert p.param_spec is spec
+ assert == name
+ assert p.required is kw['required']
+ assert p.multivalue is kw['multivalue']
+ # Test that TypeError is raised when spec is neither a Param nor a str:
+ for spec in (u'one', 42, parameter.Param, parameter.Str):
+ e = raises(TypeError, f, spec)
+ assert str(e) == \
+ TYPE_ERROR % ('spec', (str, parameter.Param), spec, type(spec))
+def test_messages():
+ """
+ Test module level message in `ipalib.parameter`.
+ """
+ for name in dir(parameter):
+ if name.startswith('_'):
+ continue
+ attr = getattr(parameter, name)
+ if not (isclass(attr) and issubclass(attr, parameter.Param)):
+ continue
+ assert type(attr.type_error) is str
+ assert attr.type_error in parameter.__messages