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2 files changed, 0 insertions, 619 deletions
diff --git a/ipalib/ b/ipalib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 583cceed..00000000
--- a/ipalib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-# Authors:
-# Jason Gerard DeRose <>
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat
-# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-Type system for coercing and normalizing input values.
-import re
-from plugable import ReadOnly, lock
-import errors
-def check_min_max(min_value, max_value, min_name, max_name):
- assert type(min_name) is str, 'min_name must be an str'
- assert type(max_name) is str, 'max_name must be an str'
- for (name, value) in [(min_name, min_value), (max_name, max_value)]:
- if not (value is None or type(value) is int):
- raise TypeError(
- '%s must be an int or None, got: %r' % (name, value)
- )
- if None not in (min_value, max_value) and min_value > max_value:
- d = dict(
- k0=min_name,
- v0=min_value,
- k1=max_name,
- v1=max_value,
- )
- raise ValueError(
- '%(k0)s > %(k1)s: %(k0)s=%(v0)r, %(k1)s=%(v1)r' % d
- )
-class Type(ReadOnly):
- """
- Base class for all IPA types.
- """
- def __init__(self, type_):
- if type(type_) is not type:
- raise TypeError('%r is not %r' % (type(type_), type))
- allowed = (bool, int, float, unicode)
- if type_ not in allowed:
- raise ValueError('not an allowed type: %r' % type_)
- self.type = type_
- # FIXME: This should be replaced with a more user friendly message
- # as this is what is returned to the user.
- self.conversion_error = 'Must be a %r' % self.type
- lock(self)
- def __get_name(self):
- """
- Convenience property to return the class name.
- """
- return self.__class__.__name__
- name = property(__get_name)
- def convert(self, value):
- try:
- return self.type(value)
- except (TypeError, ValueError):
- return None
- def validate(self, value):
- pass
- def __call__(self, value):
- if value is None:
- raise TypeError('value cannot be None')
- if type(value) is self.type:
- return value
- return self.convert(value)
-class Bool(Type):
- def __init__(self, true='Yes', false='No'):
- if true is None:
- raise TypeError('`true` cannot be None')
- if false is None:
- raise TypeError('`false` cannot be None')
- if true == false:
- raise ValueError(
- 'cannot be equal: true=%r, false=%r' % (true, false)
- )
- self.true = true
- self.false = false
- super(Bool, self).__init__(bool)
- def convert(self, value):
- if value == self.true:
- return True
- if value == self.false:
- return False
- return None
-class Int(Type):
- def __init__(self, min_value=None, max_value=None):
- check_min_max(min_value, max_value, 'min_value', 'max_value')
- self.min_value = min_value
- self.max_value = max_value
- super(Int, self).__init__(int)
- def validate(self, value):
- if type(value) is not self.type:
- return 'Must be an integer'
- if self.min_value is not None and value < self.min_value:
- return 'Cannot be smaller than %d' % self.min_value
- if self.max_value is not None and value > self.max_value:
- return 'Cannot be larger than %d' % self.max_value
-class Unicode(Type):
- def __init__(self, min_length=None, max_length=None, pattern=None):
- check_min_max(min_length, max_length, 'min_length', 'max_length')
- if min_length is not None and min_length < 0:
- raise ValueError('min_length must be >= 0, got: %r' % min_length)
- if max_length is not None and max_length < 1:
- raise ValueError('max_length must be >= 1, got: %r' % max_length)
- if not (pattern is None or isinstance(pattern, basestring)):
- raise TypeError(
- 'pattern must be a basestring or None, got: %r' % pattern
- )
- self.min_length = min_length
- self.max_length = max_length
- self.pattern = pattern
- if pattern is None:
- self.regex = None
- else:
- self.regex = re.compile(pattern)
- super(Unicode, self).__init__(unicode)
- def convert(self, value):
- assert type(value) not in (list, tuple)
- try:
- return self.type(value)
- except (TypeError, ValueError):
- return None
- def validate(self, value):
- if type(value) is not self.type:
- return 'Must be a string'
- if self.regex and self.regex.match(value) is None:
- return 'Must match %r' % self.pattern
- if self.min_length is not None and len(value) < self.min_length:
- return 'Must be at least %d characters long' % self.min_length
- if self.max_length is not None and len(value) > self.max_length:
- return 'Can be at most %d characters long' % self.max_length
-class Enum(Type):
- def __init__(self, *values):
- if len(values) < 1:
- raise ValueError('%s requires at least one value' %
- type_ = type(values[0])
- if type_ not in (unicode, int, float):
- raise TypeError(
- '%r: %r not unicode, int, nor float' % (values[0], type_)
- )
- for val in values[1:]:
- if type(val) is not type_:
- raise TypeError('%r: %r is not %r' % (val, type(val), type_))
- self.values = values
- self.frozenset = frozenset(values)
- super(Enum, self).__init__(type_)
- def validate(self, value):
- if type(value) is not self.type:
- return 'Incorrect type'
- if value not in self.frozenset:
- return 'Invalid value'
diff --git a/tests/test_ipalib/ b/tests/test_ipalib/
deleted file mode 100644
index eb166069..00000000
--- a/tests/test_ipalib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
-# Authors:
-# Jason Gerard DeRose <>
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat
-# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-Test the `ipalib.ipa_types` module.
-from tests.util import raises, getitem, no_set, no_del, read_only, ClassChecker
-from ipalib import ipa_types, errors, plugable
-def test_check_min_max():
- """
- Test the `ipalib.ipa_types.check_min_max` function.
- """
- f = ipa_types.check_min_max
- okay = [
- (None, -5),
- (-20, None),
- (-20, -5),
- ]
- for (l, h) in okay:
- assert f(l, h, 'low', 'high') is None
- fail_type = [
- '10',
- 10.0,
- 10L,
- True,
- False,
- object,
- ]
- for value in fail_type:
- e = raises(TypeError, f, value, None, 'low', 'high')
- assert str(e) == 'low must be an int or None, got: %r' % value
- e = raises(TypeError, f, None, value, 'low', 'high')
- assert str(e) == 'high must be an int or None, got: %r' % value
- fail_value = [
- (10, 5),
- (-5, -10),
- (5, -10),
- ]
- for (l, h) in fail_value:
- e = raises(ValueError, f, l, h, 'low', 'high')
- assert str(e) == 'low > high: low=%r, high=%r' % (l, h)
-class test_Type(ClassChecker):
- """
- Test the `ipalib.ipa_types.Type` class.
- """
- _cls = ipa_types.Type
- def test_class(self):
- """
- Test the `ipalib.ipa_types.Type` class.
- """
- assert self.cls.__bases__ == (plugable.ReadOnly,)
- def test_init(self):
- """
- Test the `ipalib.ipa_types.Type.__init__` method.
- """
- okay = (bool, int, float, unicode)
- for t in okay:
- o = self.cls(t)
- assert o.__islocked__() is True
- assert read_only(o, 'type') is t
- assert read_only(o, 'name') is 'Type'
- type_errors = (None, True, 8, 8.0, u'hello')
- for t in type_errors:
- e = raises(TypeError, self.cls, t)
- assert str(e) == '%r is not %r' % (type(t), type)
- value_errors = (long, complex, str, tuple, list, dict, set, frozenset)
- for t in value_errors:
- e = raises(ValueError, self.cls, t)
- assert str(e) == 'not an allowed type: %r' % t
- def test_validate(self):
- """
- Test the `ipalib.ipa_types.Type.validate` method.
- """
- o = self.cls(unicode)
- for value in (None, u'Hello', 'Hello', 42, False):
- assert o.validate(value) is None
-class test_Bool(ClassChecker):
- """
- Test the `ipalib.ipa_types.Bool` class.
- """
- _cls = ipa_types.Bool
- def test_class(self):
- """
- Test the `ipalib.ipa_types.Bool` class.
- """
- assert self.cls.__bases__ == (ipa_types.Type,)
- def test_init(self):
- """
- Test the `ipalib.ipa_types.Bool.__init__` method.
- """
- o = self.cls()
- assert o.__islocked__() is True
- assert read_only(o, 'type') is bool
- assert read_only(o, 'name') == 'Bool'
- assert read_only(o, 'true') == 'Yes'
- assert read_only(o, 'false') == 'No'
- keys = ('true', 'false')
- val = 'some value'
- for key in keys:
- # Check that kwarg sets appropriate attribute:
- o = self.cls(**{key: val})
- assert read_only(o, key) is val
- # Check that None raises TypeError:
- e = raises(TypeError, self.cls, **{key: None})
- assert str(e) == '`%s` cannot be None' % key
- # Check that ValueError is raise if true == false:
- e = raises(ValueError, self.cls, true=1L, false=1.0)
- assert str(e) == 'cannot be equal: true=1L, false=1.0'
- def test_call(self):
- """
- Test the `ipalib.ipa_types.Bool.__call__` method.
- """
- o = self.cls()
- assert o(True) is True
- assert o('Yes') is True
- assert o(False) is False
- assert o('No') is False
- for value in (0, 1, 'True', 'False', 'yes', 'no'):
- # value is not be converted, so None is returned
- assert o(value) is None
-class test_Int(ClassChecker):
- """
- Test the `ipalib.ipa_types.Int` class.
- """
- _cls = ipa_types.Int
- def test_class(self):
- """
- Test the `ipalib.ipa_types.Int` class.
- """
- assert self.cls.__bases__ == (ipa_types.Type,)
- def test_init(self):
- """
- Test the `ipalib.ipa_types.Int.__init__` method.
- """
- o = self.cls()
- assert o.__islocked__() is True
- assert read_only(o, 'type') is int
- assert read_only(o, 'name') == 'Int'
- assert read_only(o, 'min_value') is None
- assert read_only(o, 'max_value') is None
- okay = [
- (None, -5),
- (-20, None),
- (-20, -5),
- ]
- for (l, h) in okay:
- o = self.cls(min_value=l, max_value=h)
- assert o.min_value is l
- assert o.max_value is h
- fail_type = [
- '10',
- 10.0,
- 10L,
- True,
- False,
- object,
- ]
- for value in fail_type:
- e = raises(TypeError, self.cls, min_value=value)
- assert str(e) == (
- 'min_value must be an int or None, got: %r' % value
- )
- e = raises(TypeError, self.cls, max_value=value)
- assert str(e) == (
- 'max_value must be an int or None, got: %r' % value
- )
- fail_value = [
- (10, 5),
- (5, -5),
- (-5, -10),
- ]
- for (l, h) in fail_value:
- e = raises(ValueError, self.cls, min_value=l, max_value=h)
- assert str(e) == (
- 'min_value > max_value: min_value=%d, max_value=%d' % (l, h)
- )
- def test_call(self):
- """
- Test the `ipalib.ipa_types.Int.__call__` method.
- """
- o = self.cls()
- # Test calling with None
- e = raises(TypeError, o, None)
- assert str(e) == 'value cannot be None'
- # Test with values that can be converted:
- okay = [
- 3,
- '3',
- ' 3 ',
- 3L,
- 3.0,
- ]
- for value in okay:
- assert o(value) == 3
- # Test with values that cannot be converted:
- fail = [
- object,
- '3.0',
- '3L',
- 'whatever',
- ]
- for value in fail:
- assert o(value) is None
- def test_validate(self):
- """
- Test the `ipalib.ipa_types.Int.validate` method.
- """
- o = self.cls(min_value=2, max_value=7)
- assert o.validate(2) is None
- assert o.validate(5) is None
- assert o.validate(7) is None
- assert o.validate(1) == 'Cannot be smaller than 2'
- assert o.validate(8) == 'Cannot be larger than 7'
- for val in ['5', 5.0, 5L, None, True, False, object]:
- assert o.validate(val) == 'Must be an integer'
-class test_Unicode(ClassChecker):
- """
- Test the `ipalib.ipa_types.Unicode` class.
- """
- _cls = ipa_types.Unicode
- def test_class(self):
- """
- Test the `ipalib.ipa_types.Unicode` class.
- """
- assert self.cls.__bases__ == (ipa_types.Type,)
- def test_init(self):
- """
- Test the `ipalib.ipa_types.Unicode.__init__` method.
- """
- o = self.cls()
- assert o.__islocked__() is True
- assert read_only(o, 'type') is unicode
- assert read_only(o, 'name') == 'Unicode'
- assert read_only(o, 'min_length') is None
- assert read_only(o, 'max_length') is None
- assert read_only(o, 'pattern') is None
- assert read_only(o, 'regex') is None
- # Test min_length, max_length:
- okay = (
- (0, 1),
- (8, 8),
- )
- for (l, h) in okay:
- o = self.cls(min_length=l, max_length=h)
- assert o.min_length == l
- assert o.max_length == h
- fail_type = [
- '10',
- 10.0,
- 10L,
- True,
- False,
- object,
- ]
- for value in fail_type:
- e = raises(TypeError, self.cls, min_length=value)
- assert str(e) == (
- 'min_length must be an int or None, got: %r' % value
- )
- e = raises(TypeError, self.cls, max_length=value)
- assert str(e) == (
- 'max_length must be an int or None, got: %r' % value
- )
- fail_value = [
- (10, 5),
- (5, -5),
- (0, -10),
- ]
- for (l, h) in fail_value:
- e = raises(ValueError, self.cls, min_length=l, max_length=h)
- assert str(e) == (
- 'min_length > max_length: min_length=%d, max_length=%d' % (l, h)
- )
- for (key, lower) in [('min_length', 0), ('max_length', 1)]:
- value = lower - 1
- kw = {key: value}
- e = raises(ValueError, self.cls, **kw)
- assert str(e) == '%s must be >= %d, got: %d' % (key, lower, value)
- # Test pattern:
- okay = [
- '(hello|world)',
- u'(take the blue pill|take the red pill)',
- ]
- for value in okay:
- o = self.cls(pattern=value)
- assert o.pattern is value
- assert o.regex is not None
- fail = [
- 42,
- True,
- False,
- object,
- ]
- for value in fail:
- e = raises(TypeError, self.cls, pattern=value)
- assert str(e) == (
- 'pattern must be a basestring or None, got: %r' % value
- )
- # Test regex:
- pat = '^(hello|world)$'
- o = self.cls(pattern=pat)
- for value in ('hello', 'world'):
- m = o.regex.match(value)
- assert == value
- for value in ('hello beautiful', 'world!'):
- assert o.regex.match(value) is None
- def test_validate(self):
- """
- Test the `ipalib.ipa_types.Unicode.validate` method.
- """
- pat = '^a_*b$'
- o = self.cls(min_length=3, max_length=4, pattern=pat)
- assert o.validate(u'a_b') is None
- assert o.validate(u'a__b') is None
- assert o.validate('a_b') == 'Must be a string'
- assert o.validate(u'ab') == 'Must be at least 3 characters long'
- assert o.validate(u'a___b') == 'Can be at most 4 characters long'
- assert o.validate(u'a-b') == 'Must match %r' % pat
- assert o.validate(u'a--b') == 'Must match %r' % pat
-class test_Enum(ClassChecker):
- """
- Test the `ipalib.ipa_types.Enum` class.
- """
- _cls = ipa_types.Enum
- def test_class(self):
- """
- Test the `ipalib.ipa_types.Enum` class.
- """
- assert self.cls.__bases__ == (ipa_types.Type,)
- def test_init(self):
- """
- Test the `ipalib.ipa_types.Enum.__init__` method.
- """
- for t in (unicode, int, float):
- values = (t(1), t(2), t(3))
- o = self.cls(*values)
- assert o.__islocked__() is True
- assert read_only(o, 'type') is t
- assert read_only(o, 'name') is 'Enum'
- assert read_only(o, 'values') == values
- assert read_only(o, 'frozenset') == frozenset(values)
- # Check that ValueError is raised when no values are given:
- e = raises(ValueError, self.cls)
- assert str(e) == 'Enum requires at least one value'
- # Check that TypeError is raised when type of first value is not
- # allowed:
- e = raises(TypeError, self.cls, 'hello')
- assert str(e) == '%r: %r not unicode, int, nor float' % ('hello', str)
- #self.cls('hello')
- # Check that TypeError is raised when subsequent values aren't same
- # type as first:
- e = raises(TypeError, self.cls, u'hello', 'world')
- assert str(e) == '%r: %r is not %r' % ('world', str, unicode)
- def test_validate(self):
- """
- Test the `ipalib.ipa_types.Enum.validate` method.
- """
- values = (u'hello', u'naughty', u'nurse')
- o = self.cls(*values)
- for value in values:
- assert o.validate(value) is None
- assert o.validate(str(value)) == 'Incorrect type'
- for value in (u'one fish', u'two fish'):
- assert o.validate(value) == 'Invalid value'
- assert o.validate(str(value)) == 'Incorrect type'