diff options
authorRob Crittenden <>2008-09-10 02:50:26 -0400
committerRob Crittenden <>2008-09-12 20:06:46 -0400
commitec57bc3e44ec5e8f6c7e5e1ad5c56751016e3b09 (patch)
parentd33b7fc839b4eb87bba06f49d16e5d93b0a87caf (diff)
Tool for doing configuration updates over LDAP
This tool takes as input a file which contains basically an LDIF, prefixed with a command: default, add, remove or only. These define the operations to perform such as adding new entries, adding new sub-entries to an existing entry, adding or modifying attributes in a record. If an index entry is modified a task is created to re-create the index. Schema may be added using this tool. 454031
5 files changed, 559 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/ipa-python/ b/ipa-python/
index a5aa33ca..64db350b 100644
--- a/ipa-python/
+++ b/ipa-python/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import ldap
import ldif
import re
import cStringIO
+import copy
import ipa.ipautil
@@ -33,6 +34,13 @@ def utf8_encode_values(values):
return utf8_encode_value(values)
+def copy_CIDict(x):
+ """Do a deep copy of a CIDict"""
+ y = {}
+ for key, value in x.iteritems():
+ y[copy.deepcopy(key)] = copy.deepcopy(value)
+ return y
class Entity:
"""This class represents an IPA user. An LDAP entry consists of a DN
and a list of attributes. Each attribute consists of a name and a list of
@@ -63,7 +71,7 @@ class Entity:
self.dn = '' = ipa.ipautil.CIDict()
- self.orig_data = ipa.ipautil.CIDict(
+ self.orig_data = ipa.ipautil.CIDict(copy_CIDict(
def __nonzero__(self):
"""This allows us to do tests like if entry: returns false if there is no data,
diff --git a/ipa-python/ b/ipa-python/
index 649a3f20..780fef3d 100644
--- a/ipa-python/
+++ b/ipa-python/
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ from types import *
import re
import xmlrpclib
import datetime
+from ipa import config
from subprocess import CalledProcessError
class CalledProcessError(subprocess.CalledProcessError):
@@ -53,6 +54,15 @@ except ImportError:
def __str__(self):
return "Command '%s' returned non-zero exit status %d" % (self.cmd, self.returncode)
+def get_domain_name():
+ try:
+ config.init_config()
+ domain_name = config.config.get_domain()
+ except Exception, e:
+ return None
+ return domain_name
def realm_to_suffix(realm_name):
s = realm_name.split(".")
terms = ["dc=" + x.lower() for x in s]
diff --git a/ipa-server/ b/ipa-server/
index f058013d..e63dcbd8 100644
--- a/ipa-server/
+++ b/ipa-server/
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ SUBDIRS = \
sbin_SCRIPTS = \
ipa-upgradeconfig \
ipa-fix-CVE-2008-3274 \
+ ipa-ldap-updater \
diff --git a/ipa-server/ipa-ldap-updater b/ipa-server/ipa-ldap-updater
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..df0a503c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ipa-server/ipa-ldap-updater
@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Authors: Rob Crittenden <>
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Red Hat
+# see file 'COPYING' for use and warranty information
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 only
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# Documentation can be found at
+# save undo files?
+import sys
+ from optparse import OptionParser
+ from ipaserver import ipaldap
+ from ipa import entity, ipaerror, ipautil, config
+ from ipaserver import installutils
+ import ldap
+ import logging
+ import re
+ import krbV
+ import platform
+ import shlex
+ import time
+ import random
+except ImportError:
+ print >> sys.stderr, """\
+There was a problem importing one of the required Python modules. The
+error was:
+ %s
+""" % sys.exc_value
+ sys.exit(1)
+# global variable
+sub_dict = {}
+live_run = True
+def parse_options():
+ parser = OptionParser("%prog [options] input_file")
+ parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", dest="debug",
+ help="Display debugging information about the update(s)")
+ parser.add_option("-t", "--test", action="store_true", dest="test",
+ help="Run through the update without changing anything")
+ args = config.init_config(sys.argv)
+ options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
+ if len(args) != 2:
+ parser.error("missing file operand")
+ return options, args
+def get_dirman_password(fqdn):
+ """Prompt the user for the Directory Manager password and verify its
+ correctness.
+ """
+ password = installutils.read_password("Directory Manager", confirm=False, validate=False)
+ # Try out the password
+ try:
+ conn = ipaldap.IPAdmin(fqdn)
+ conn.do_simple_bind(bindpw=password)
+ conn.unbind()
+ except ldap.CONNECT_ERROR, e:
+ sys.exit("\nUnable to connect to LDAP server %s" % fqdn)
+ except ldap.SERVER_DOWN, e:
+ sys.exit("\nUnable to connect to LDAP server %s" % fqdn)
+ except ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS, e :
+ sys.exit("\nThe password provided is incorrect for LDAP server %s" % fqdn)
+ return password
+def detail_error(detail):
+ """IPA returns two errors back. One a generic one indicating the broad
+ problem and a detailed message back as well which should have come
+ from LDAP. This function will parse that into a human-readable string.
+ """
+ msg = ""
+ desc = detail[0].get('desc')
+ info = detail[0].get('info')
+ if desc:
+ msg = desc
+ if info:
+ msg = msg + " " + info
+ return msg
+def identify_arch():
+ """On multi-arch systems some libraries may be in /lib64, /usr/lib64, etc.
+ Determine if a suffix is needed based on the current architecture.
+ """
+ arch = platform.platform()
+ if arch == "x86_64":
+ return "64"
+ else:
+ return ""
+def remove_quotes(line):
+ """Remove leading and trailng double or single quotes"""
+ if line.startswith('"'):
+ line = line[1:]
+ if line.endswith('"'):
+ line = line[:-1]
+ if line.startswith("'"):
+ line = line[1:]
+ if line.endswith("'"):
+ line = line[:-1]
+ return line
+def parse_values(line):
+ """Parse a comma-separated string into separate values and convert them
+ into a list. This should handle quoted-strings with embedded commas
+ """
+ lexer = shlex.shlex(line)
+ lexer.wordchars = lexer.wordchars + ".()-"
+ l = []
+ v = ""
+ for token in lexer:
+ if token != ',':
+ if v:
+ v = v + " " + token
+ else:
+ v = token
+ else:
+ l.append(remove_quotes(v))
+ v = ""
+ l.append(remove_quotes(v))
+ return l
+def read_file(filename):
+ if filename == '-':
+ fd = sys.stdin
+ else:
+ fd = open(filename)
+ text = fd.readlines()
+ if fd != sys.stdin: fd.close()
+ return text
+def entry_to_entity(ent):
+ """Tne Entry class is a bare LDAP entry. The Entity class has a lot more
+ helper functions that we need, so convert to dict and then to Entity.
+ """
+ entry = dict(
+ entry['dn'] = ent.dn
+ for key,value in entry.iteritems():
+ if isinstance(value,list) or isinstance(value,tuple):
+ if len(value) == 0:
+ entry[key] = ''
+ elif len(value) == 1:
+ entry[key] = value[0]
+ return entity.Entity(entry)
+def parse_update_file(conn, data):
+ """Parse the update file into a dictonary of lists and apply the update
+ for each DN in the file."""
+ global sub_dict
+ valid_keywords = ["default", "add", "remove", "only"]
+ update = {}
+ dn = None
+ lcount = 0
+ for line in data:
+ # Strip out \n and extra white space
+ lcount = lcount + 1
+ # skip comments and empty lines
+ line = line.rstrip()
+ if line.startswith('#') or line == '': continue
+ if line.lower().startswith('dn:'):
+ if dn is not None:
+ update_record(conn, update)
+ update = {}
+ dn = line[3:].strip()
+ update['dn'] = ipautil.template_str(dn, sub_dict)
+ else:
+ if dn is None:
+ raise SyntaxError, "dn is not defined in the update"
+ if line.startswith(' '):
+ v = d[len(d) - 1]
+ v = v + " " + line.strip()
+ d[len(d) - 1] = v
+ update[index] = d
+ continue
+ line = line.strip()
+ values = line.split(':', 2)
+ if len(values) != 3:
+ raise SyntaxError, "Bad formatting on line %d: %s" % (lcount,line)
+ index = values[0].strip().lower()
+ if index not in valid_keywords:
+ raise SyntaxError, "Unknown keyword %s" % index
+ attr = values[1].strip()
+ value = values[2].strip()
+ value = ipautil.template_str(value, sub_dict)
+ new_value = ""
+ if index == "default":
+ new_value = attr + ":" + value
+ else:
+ new_value = index + ":" + attr + ":" + value
+ index = "updates"
+ d = update.get(index, [])
+ d.append(new_value)
+ update[index] = d
+ if dn is not None:
+ update_record(conn, update)
+ return
+def create_index_task(conn, attribute):
+ """Create a task to update an index for an attribute"""
+ global live_run
+ r = random.SystemRandom()
+ # Refresh the time to make uniqueness more probable. Add on some
+ # randomness for good measure.
+ sub_dict['TIME'] = int(time.time()) + r.randint(0,10000)
+ cn = ipautil.template_str("indextask_$TIME", sub_dict)
+ dn = "cn=%s, cn=index, cn=tasks, cn=config" % cn
+ e = ipaldap.Entry(dn)
+ e.setValues('objectClass', ['top', 'extensibleObject'])
+ e.setValue('cn', cn)
+ e.setValue('nsInstance', 'userRoot')
+ e.setValues('nsIndexAttribute', attribute)
+"Creating task to index attribute: %s", attribute)
+ logging.debug("Task id: %s", dn)
+ if live_run:
+ conn.addEntry(e.dn, e.toTupleList())
+ return dn
+def monitor_index_task(conn, dn):
+ """Give a task DN monitor it and wait until it has completed (or failed)"""
+ global live_run
+ if not live_run:
+ # If not doing this live there is nothing to monitor
+ return
+ # Pause for a moment to give the task time to be created
+ time.sleep(1)
+ attrlist = ['nstaskstatus', 'nstaskexitcode']
+ entry = None
+ done = False
+ while not done:
+ try:
+ entry = conn.getEntry(dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, "(objectclass=*)", attrlist)
+ except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
+ logging.error("Task not found: %s", dn)
+ return
+ except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_DATABASE_ERROR), e:
+ logging.error("Task lookup failure %s: %s", e, detail_error(e.detail))
+ return
+ status = entry.getValue('nstaskstatus')
+ if status is None:
+ # task doesn't have a status yet
+ time.sleep(1)
+ continue
+ if status.lower().find("finished") > -1:
+"Indexing finished")
+ done = True
+ logging.debug("Indexing in progress")
+ time.sleep(1)
+ return
+def create_default_entry(dn, default):
+ """Create the default entry from the values provided.
+ The return type is entity.Entity
+ """
+ entry = ipaldap.Entry(dn)
+ if not default:
+ # This means that the entire entry needs to be created with add
+ return entry_to_entity(entry)
+ for line in default:
+ # We already do syntax-parsing so this is safe
+ (k, v) = line.split(':',1)
+ e = entry.getValues(k)
+ if e:
+ # multi-valued attribute
+ e = list(e)
+ e.append(v)
+ else:
+ e = v
+ entry.setValues(k, e)
+ return entry_to_entity(entry)
+def get_entry(conn, dn):
+ """Retrieve an object from LDAP.
+ The return type is ipaldap.Entry
+ """
+ searchfilter="objectclass=*"
+ sattrs = ["*"]
+ scope = ldap.SCOPE_BASE
+ return conn.getList(dn, scope, searchfilter, sattrs)
+def apply_updates(dn, updates, entry):
+ """updates is a list of changes to apply
+ entry is the thing to apply them to
+ returns the modified entry
+ """
+ if not updates:
+ return entry
+ only = {}
+ for u in updates:
+ # We already do syntax-parsing so this is safe
+ (utype, k, values) = u.split(':',2)
+ values = parse_values(values)
+ e = entry.getValues(k)
+ if not isinstance(e, list):
+ if e is None:
+ e = []
+ else:
+ e = [e]
+ for v in values:
+ if utype == 'remove':
+ logging.debug("remove: '%s' from %s, current value %s", v, k, e)
+ try:
+ e.remove(v)
+ except ValueError:
+ logging.warn("remove: '%s' not in %s", v, k)
+ pass
+ entry.setValues(k, e)
+ logging.debug('remove: updated value %s', e)
+ elif utype == 'add':
+ logging.debug("add: '%s' to %s, current value %s", v, k, e)
+ # Remove it, ignoring errors so we can blindly add it later
+ try:
+ e.remove(v)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ e.append(v)
+ logging.debug('add: updated value %s', e)
+ entry.setValues(k, e)
+ elif utype == 'only':
+ logging.debug("only: set %s to '%s', current value %s", k, v, e)
+ if only.get(k):
+ e.append(v)
+ else:
+ e = v
+ only[k] = True
+ entry.setValues(k, e)
+ logging.debug('only: updated value %s', e)
+ print_entity(entry)
+ return entry
+def print_entity(e, message=None):
+ """The entity object currently lacks a str() method"""
+ logging.debug("---------------------------------------------")
+ if message:
+ logging.debug("%s", message)
+ logging.debug("dn: " + e.dn)
+ attr = e.attrList()
+ for a in attr:
+ value = e.getValues(a)
+ if isinstance(value,str):
+ logging.debug(a + ": " + value)
+ else:
+ logging.debug(a + ": ")
+ for l in value:
+ logging.debug("\t" + l)
+def update_record(conn, update):
+ global live_run
+ found = False
+ new_entry = create_default_entry(update.get('dn'),
+ update.get('default'))
+ try:
+ e = get_entry(conn, new_entry.dn)
+ if len(e) > 1:
+ # we should only ever get back one entry
+ # FIXME, wrong exception type
+ raise SyntaxError, "More than 1 entry returned on a dn search!? %s" % new_entry.dn
+ entry = entry_to_entity(e[0])
+ found = True
+"Updating existing entry: %s", entry.dn)
+ except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_NOT_FOUND):
+ # Doesn't exist, start with the default entry
+ entry = new_entry
+"New entry: %s", entry.dn)
+ except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_DATABASE_ERROR):
+ # Doesn't exist, start with the default entry
+ entry = new_entry
+"New entry, using default value: %s", entry.dn)
+ print_entity(entry)
+ # Bring this entry up to date
+ entry = apply_updates(entry.dn, update.get('updates'), entry)
+ print_entity(entry, "Final value")
+ if not found:
+ # New entries get their orig_data set to the entry itself. We want to
+ # empty that so that everything appears new when generating the
+ # modlist
+ # entry.orig_data = {}
+ try:
+ if live_run:
+ conn.addEntry(entry.dn, entry.toTupleList())
+ except Exception, e:
+ logging.error("Add failure %s: %s", e, detail_error(e.detail))
+ else:
+ # Update LDAP
+ try:
+ logging.debug("%s" % conn.generateModList(entry.origDataDict(), entry.toDict()))
+ if live_run:
+ conn.updateEntry(entry.dn, entry.origDataDict(), entry.toDict())
+ except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_EMPTY_MODLIST), e:
+"Entry already up-to-date")
+ except ipaerror.exception_for(ipaerror.LDAP_DATABASE_ERROR), e:
+ logging.error("Update failed: %s: %s", e, detail_error(e.detail))
+ if ("cn=index" in entry.dn and
+ "cn=userRoot" in entry.dn):
+ id = create_index_task(conn,
+ monitor_index_task(conn, id)
+ return
+def main():
+ global sub_dict, live_run
+ loglevel = logging.INFO
+ options, args = parse_options()
+ if options.debug:
+ loglevel = logging.DEBUG
+ if options.test:
+ live_run = False
+ logging.basicConfig(level=loglevel,
+ format='%(levelname)s %(message)s')
+ try:
+ krbctx = krbV.default_context()
+ except krbV.Krb5Error, e:
+ print "Unable to get default kerberos realm: %s" % e[1]
+ sys.exit(1)
+ fqdn = installutils.get_fqdn()
+ if fqdn is None:
+ print "Unable to determine hostname"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ domain = ipautil.get_domain_name()
+ libarch = identify_arch()
+ suffix = ipautil.realm_to_suffix(krbctx.default_realm)
+ sub_dict = { "REALM" : krbctx.default_realm, "FQDN": fqdn,
+ "DOMAIN" : domain, "SUFFIX" : suffix,
+ "LIBARCH" : libarch, "TIME" : int(time.time()) }
+ dirman_password = get_dirman_password(fqdn)
+ try:
+ data = read_file(args[1])
+ except Exception, e:
+ print e
+ sys.exit(1)
+ conn = None
+ try:
+ conn = ipaldap.IPAdmin(fqdn)
+ conn.do_simple_bind(bindpw=dirman_password)
+ parse_update_file(conn, data)
+ finally:
+ if conn: conn.unbind()
+ return
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main())
+except SystemExit, e:
+ sys.exit(e)
+except KeyboardInterrupt, e:
+ sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/ipa-server/ b/ipa-server/
index 2a79de03..a33ea5c6 100644
--- a/ipa-server/
+++ b/ipa-server/
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ fi
%attr(755,root,root) %{_initrddir}/ipa_kpasswd
%attr(755,root,root) %{_initrddir}/ipa_webgui
@@ -172,6 +173,9 @@ fi
+* Tue Sep 9 2008 Rob Crittenden <> - 1.0.0-4
+- Add ipa-ldap-updater
* Wed Jul 23 2008 Rob Crittenden <> - 1.0.0-3
- Move location of the self-signed CA serial number