/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ /* #define DBG_PRINT */ #include extern "C" { #include } #include #include #include #include #include #include "permhash.h" /* uid is unique within a database. The user cache tables are stored per * database. The following table maps a database name to the corresponding * user cache table. The user cache table is another hash table which stores * the UserCacheObj instances. */ static PRHashTable *databaseUserCacheTable = 0; static time_t acl_usr_cache_lifetime = (time_t)120; static PRCList *usrobj_list = 0; static const int num_usrobj = 200; static CRITICAL usr_hash_crit = NULL; /* Controls user cache hash tables & */ /* usrobj link list */ static pool_handle_t *usrcache_pool = NULL; static PRHashTable *singleDbTable = 0; #define USEROBJ_PTR(l) \ ((UserCacheObj*) ((char*) (l) - offsetof(UserCacheObj, list))) static void user_hash_crit_enter (void) { /* Caching may be disabled (usr_hash_crit will be NULL) */ if (usr_hash_crit) crit_enter(usr_hash_crit); } static void user_hash_crit_exit (void) { /* Caching may be disabled (usr_hash_crit will be NULL) */ if (usr_hash_crit) crit_exit(usr_hash_crit); } static void user_hash_crit_init (void) { usr_hash_crit = crit_init(); } static PRHashNumber usr_cache_hash_cert(const void *key) { PRHashNumber h; const unsigned char *s; unsigned int i = 0; SECItem *derCert = (SECItem *)key; unsigned int len = derCert->len; h = 0; for (s = (const unsigned char *)derCert->data; i < len; s++, i++) h = (h >> 28) ^ (h << 4) ^ *s; return h; } static PRHashNumber usr_cache_hash_fn (const void *key) { UserCacheObj *usrObj = (UserCacheObj *)key; if (usrObj->derCert) return usr_cache_hash_cert(usrObj->derCert); else return PR_HashCaseString(usrObj->uid); } static int usr_cache_compare_certs(const void *v1, const void *v2) { const SECItem *c1 = (const SECItem *)v1; const SECItem *c2 = (const SECItem *)v2; return (c1->len == c2 ->len && !memcmp(c1->data, c2->data, c1->len)); } static int usr_cache_compare_fn(const void *v1, const void *v2) { UserCacheObj *usrObj1 = (UserCacheObj *)v1; UserCacheObj *usrObj2 = (UserCacheObj *)v2; if (usrObj1->derCert && usrObj2->derCert) return usr_cache_compare_certs(usrObj1->derCert, usrObj2->derCert); else if (!usrObj1->derCert && !usrObj2->derCert) return PR_CompareCaseStrings(usrObj1->uid, usrObj1->uid); else return 0; } static PRHashTable *alloc_db2uid_table () { return PR_NewHashTable(0, usr_cache_hash_fn, usr_cache_compare_fn, PR_CompareValues, &ACLPermAllocOps, usrcache_pool); } int acl_usr_cache_set_timeout (const int nsec) { acl_usr_cache_lifetime = (time_t)nsec; return 0; } int acl_usr_cache_enabled () { return (acl_usr_cache_lifetime > 0); } int acl_usr_cache_init () { UserCacheObj *usrobj; int i; if (acl_usr_cache_lifetime <= 0) { /* Caching is disabled */ DBG_PRINT1("usrcache is disabled"); return 0; } usrcache_pool = pool_create(); user_hash_crit_init(); if (acl_num_databases() == 0) { /* Something wrong -- No databases registered yet! */ return -1; } else if (acl_num_databases() == 1) { /* Optimize for single database */ DBG_PRINT1("Optimizing usrcache for single db"); singleDbTable = alloc_db2uid_table(); } else { singleDbTable = 0; databaseUserCacheTable = PR_NewHashTable(0, PR_HashCaseString, PR_CompareCaseStrings, PR_CompareValues, &ACLPermAllocOps, usrcache_pool); } /* Allocate first UserCacheObj and initialize the circular link list */ usrobj = (UserCacheObj *)pool_malloc(usrcache_pool, sizeof(UserCacheObj)); if (!usrobj) return -1; memset((void *)usrobj, 0, sizeof(UserCacheObj)); usrobj_list = &usrobj->list; PR_INIT_CLIST(usrobj_list); /* Allocate rest of the UserCacheObj and put them in the link list */ for(i = 0; i < num_usrobj; i++){ usrobj = (UserCacheObj *)pool_malloc(usrcache_pool, sizeof(UserCacheObj)); if (!usrobj) return -1; memset((void *)usrobj, 0, sizeof(UserCacheObj)); PR_INSERT_AFTER(&usrobj->list, usrobj_list); } return (singleDbTable || databaseUserCacheTable) ? 0 : -1; } /* If the user hash table exists in the databaseUserCacheTable then return it. * Otherwise, create a new hash table, insert it in the databaseUserCacheTable * and then return it. */ static int usr_cache_table_get (const char *dbname, PRHashTable **usrTable) { PRHashTable *table; if (singleDbTable) { *usrTable = singleDbTable; return LAS_EVAL_TRUE; } user_hash_crit_enter(); table = (PRHashTable *)PR_HashTableLookup(databaseUserCacheTable, dbname); if (!table) { /* create a new table and insert it in the databaseUserCacheTable */ table = alloc_db2uid_table(); if (table) { PR_HashTableAdd(databaseUserCacheTable, pool_strdup(usrcache_pool, dbname), table); } } *usrTable = table; user_hash_crit_exit(); return table ? LAS_EVAL_TRUE : LAS_EVAL_FAIL; } int acl_usr_cache_insert (const char *uid, const char *dbname, const char *userdn, const char *passwd, const char *group, const SECItem *derCert, const time_t time) { PRHashTable *usrTable; UserCacheObj *usrobj; UserCacheObj key; int rv; if (acl_usr_cache_lifetime <= 0) { /* Caching is disabled */ return LAS_EVAL_TRUE; } rv = usr_cache_table_get (dbname, &usrTable); if (rv != LAS_EVAL_TRUE) return rv; user_hash_crit_enter(); key.uid = (char *)uid; key.derCert = (SECItem *)derCert; usrobj = (UserCacheObj *)PR_HashTableLookup(usrTable, &key); if (usrobj) { time_t elapsed = time - usrobj->time; int expired = (elapsed >= acl_usr_cache_lifetime); /* Free & reset the old values in usrobj if -- there is an old value * and if the new value is given then it is different or the usrobj * has expired */ /* Set the field if the new value is given and the field is not set */ /* If the usrobj has not expired then we only want to update the field * whose new value is non-NULL and different */ /* Work on the 'uid' field */ if (usrobj->uid && (uid ? strcmp(usrobj->uid, uid) : expired)) { pool_free(usrcache_pool, usrobj->uid); usrobj->uid = 0; } if (uid && !usrobj->uid) { usrobj->uid = pool_strdup(usrcache_pool, uid); } /* Work on the 'userdn' field */ if (usrobj->userdn && (userdn ? strcmp(usrobj->userdn, userdn) : expired)) { pool_free(usrcache_pool, usrobj->userdn); usrobj->userdn = 0; } if (userdn && !usrobj->userdn) { usrobj->userdn = pool_strdup(usrcache_pool, userdn); } /* Work on the 'passwd' field */ if (usrobj->passwd && (passwd ? strcmp(usrobj->passwd, passwd) : expired)) { pool_free(usrcache_pool, usrobj->passwd); usrobj->passwd = 0; } if (passwd && !usrobj->passwd) { usrobj->passwd = pool_strdup(usrcache_pool, passwd); } /* Work on the 'group' field -- not replace a valid group */ if (!expired && usrobj->group && (group ? strcmp(usrobj->group, group) : expired)) { pool_free(usrcache_pool, usrobj->group); usrobj->group = 0; } if (group && !usrobj->group) { usrobj->group = pool_strdup(usrcache_pool, group); } /* Work on the 'derCert' field */ if (usrobj->derCert && (derCert ? (derCert->len != usrobj->derCert->len || memcmp(usrobj->derCert->data, derCert->data, derCert->len)) : expired)) { SECITEM_FreeItem(usrobj->derCert, PR_TRUE); usrobj->derCert = 0; } if (derCert && !usrobj->derCert) { usrobj->derCert = SECITEM_DupItem((SECItem *)derCert); } /* Reset the time only if the usrobj has expired */ if (expired) { DBG_PRINT1("Replace "); usrobj->time = time; } else { DBG_PRINT1("Update "); } } else { /* Get the last usrobj from the link list, erase it and use it */ /* Maybe the last usrobj is not invalid yet but we don't want to grow * the list of usrobjs. The last obj is the best candidate for being * not valid. We don't want to compare the time -- just use it. */ PRCList *tail = PR_LIST_TAIL(usrobj_list); usrobj = USEROBJ_PTR(tail); /* If the removed usrobj is in the hashtable, remove it from there */ if (usrobj->hashtable) { PR_HashTableRemove(usrobj->hashtable, usrobj); } /* Free the memory associated with the usrobj */ if (usrobj->userdn) pool_free(usrcache_pool, usrobj->userdn); if (usrobj->passwd) pool_free(usrcache_pool, usrobj->passwd); if (usrobj->group) pool_free(usrcache_pool, usrobj->group); if (usrobj->derCert) SECITEM_FreeItem(usrobj->derCert, PR_TRUE); if (usrobj->uid) pool_free(usrcache_pool, usrobj->uid); /* Fill in the usrobj with the current data */ usrobj->uid = pool_strdup(usrcache_pool, uid); usrobj->userdn = userdn ? pool_strdup(usrcache_pool, userdn) : 0; usrobj->passwd = passwd ? pool_strdup(usrcache_pool, passwd) : 0; usrobj->derCert = derCert ? SECITEM_DupItem((SECItem *)derCert) : 0; usrobj->group = group ? pool_strdup(usrcache_pool, group) : 0; usrobj->time = time; /* Add the usrobj to the user hash table */ PR_HashTableAdd(usrTable, usrobj, usrobj); usrobj->hashtable = usrTable; DBG_PRINT1("Insert "); } /* Move the usrobj to the head of the list */ PR_REMOVE_LINK(&usrobj->list); PR_INSERT_AFTER(&usrobj->list, usrobj_list); /* Set the time in the UserCacheObj */ if (usrobj) { rv = LAS_EVAL_TRUE; } else { rv = LAS_EVAL_FAIL; } DBG_PRINT4("acl_usr_cache_insert: derCert = \"%s\" uid = \"%s\" at time = %ld\n", usrobj->derCert ? (char *)usrobj->derCert->data : "", uid, time); user_hash_crit_exit(); return rv; } static int acl_usr_cache_get_usrobj (const char *uid, const SECItem *derCert, const char *dbname, const time_t time, UserCacheObj **usrobj_out) { PRHashTable *usrtable; UserCacheObj *usrobj; UserCacheObj key; time_t elapsed; int rv; *usrobj_out = 0; if (acl_usr_cache_lifetime <= 0) { /* Caching is disabled */ return LAS_EVAL_FALSE; } rv = usr_cache_table_get(dbname, &usrtable); if (!usrtable) return LAS_EVAL_FALSE; key.uid = (char *)uid; key.derCert = (SECItem *)derCert; usrobj = (UserCacheObj *)PR_HashTableLookup(usrtable, &key); if (!usrobj) return LAS_EVAL_FALSE; rv = LAS_EVAL_FALSE; elapsed = time - usrobj->time; /* If the cache is valid, return the usrobj */ if (elapsed < acl_usr_cache_lifetime) { rv = LAS_EVAL_TRUE; *usrobj_out = usrobj; DBG_PRINT4("usr_cache found: derCert = \"%s\" uid = \"%s\" at time = %ld\n", usrobj->derCert ? (char *)usrobj->derCert->data : "", usrobj->uid, time); } else { DBG_PRINT4("usr_cache expired: derCert = \"%s\" uid = \"%s\" at time = %ld\n", usrobj->derCert ? (char *)usrobj->derCert->data : "", usrobj->uid, time); } return rv; } int acl_usr_cache_passwd_check (const char *uid, const char *dbname, const char *passwd, const time_t time, char **dn, pool_handle_t *pool) { UserCacheObj *usrobj; int rv; user_hash_crit_enter(); rv = acl_usr_cache_get_usrobj(uid, 0, dbname, time, &usrobj); if (rv == LAS_EVAL_TRUE && usrobj->passwd && passwd && !strcmp(usrobj->passwd, passwd)) { /* extract dn from the usrobj */ *dn = usrobj->userdn ? pool_strdup(pool, usrobj->userdn) : 0; rv = LAS_EVAL_TRUE; DBG_PRINT1("Success "); } else { rv = LAS_EVAL_FALSE; DBG_PRINT1("Failed "); } DBG_PRINT3("acl_usr_cache_passwd_check: uid = \"%s\" at time = %ld\n", uid, time); user_hash_crit_exit(); return rv; } int acl_usr_cache_group_check (const char *uid, const char *dbname, const char *group, const time_t time) { UserCacheObj *usrobj; int rv; user_hash_crit_enter(); rv = acl_usr_cache_get_usrobj(uid, 0, dbname, time, &usrobj); if (rv == LAS_EVAL_TRUE && usrobj->group && group && !strcmp(usrobj->group, group)) { DBG_PRINT1("Success "); } else { rv = LAS_EVAL_FALSE; DBG_PRINT1("Failed "); } DBG_PRINT3("acl_usr_cache_group_check: uid = \"%s\" group = \"%s\"\n", uid, group ? group : ""); user_hash_crit_exit(); return rv; } int acl_usr_cache_group_len_check (const char *uid, const char *dbname, const char *group, const int len, const time_t time) { UserCacheObj *usrobj; int rv; user_hash_crit_enter(); rv = acl_usr_cache_get_usrobj(uid, 0, dbname, time, &usrobj); if (rv == LAS_EVAL_TRUE && usrobj->group && group && !strncmp(usrobj->group, group, len)) { rv = LAS_EVAL_TRUE; DBG_PRINT1("Success "); } else { rv = LAS_EVAL_FALSE; DBG_PRINT1("Failed "); } DBG_PRINT3("acl_usr_cache_group_check: uid = \"%s\" group = \"%s\"\n", uid, group); user_hash_crit_exit(); return rv; } int acl_usr_cache_get_userdn (const char *uid, const char *dbname, const time_t time, char **userdn, pool_handle_t *pool) { UserCacheObj *usrobj; int rv; *userdn = 0; user_hash_crit_enter(); rv = acl_usr_cache_get_usrobj(uid, 0, dbname, time, &usrobj); if (rv == LAS_EVAL_TRUE) { *userdn = usrobj->userdn ? pool_strdup(pool, usrobj->userdn) : 0; DBG_PRINT1("Success "); } else { DBG_PRINT1("Failed "); } DBG_PRINT3("acl_usr_cache_get_userdn: uid = \"%s\" userdn = \"%s\"\n", uid, *userdn ? *userdn : ""); user_hash_crit_exit(); return *userdn ? LAS_EVAL_TRUE : LAS_EVAL_FALSE; } int acl_usr_cache_userdn_check (const char *uid, const char *dbname, const char *userdn, const time_t time) { UserCacheObj *usrobj; int rv; user_hash_crit_enter(); rv = acl_usr_cache_get_usrobj(uid, 0, dbname, time, &usrobj); if (rv == LAS_EVAL_TRUE && usrobj->userdn && userdn && !strcmp(usrobj->userdn, userdn)) { DBG_PRINT1("Success "); } else { rv = LAS_EVAL_FALSE; DBG_PRINT1("Failed "); } DBG_PRINT3("acl_usr_cache_userdn_check: uid = \"%s\" userdn = \"%s\"\n", uid, userdn ? userdn : ""); user_hash_crit_exit(); return rv; } int acl_usr_cache_set_userdn (const char *uid, const char *dbname, const char *userdn, const time_t time) { int rv; /* acl_usr_cache_insert updates the existing un-expired entry or creates a * new one */ rv = acl_usr_cache_insert(uid, dbname, userdn, 0, 0, 0, time); return rv; } int acl_usr_cache_get_group (const char *uid, const char *dbname, const time_t time, char **group, pool_handle_t *pool) { UserCacheObj *usrobj; int rv; *group = 0; user_hash_crit_enter(); rv = acl_usr_cache_get_usrobj(uid, 0, dbname, time, &usrobj); if (rv == LAS_EVAL_TRUE) { *group = usrobj->group ? pool_strdup(pool, usrobj->group) : 0; DBG_PRINT1("Success "); } else { DBG_PRINT1("Failed "); } DBG_PRINT3("acl_usr_cache_get_group: uid = \"%s\" group = \"%s\"\n", uid, *group ? *group : ""); user_hash_crit_exit(); return *group ? LAS_EVAL_TRUE : LAS_EVAL_FALSE; } int acl_usr_cache_set_group (const char *uid, const char *dbname, const char *group, const time_t time) { int rv; /* acl_usr_cache_insert updates the existing un-expired entry or creates a * new one */ rv = acl_usr_cache_insert(uid, dbname, 0, 0, group, 0, time); return rv; } int acl_cert_cache_insert (void *cert_in, const char *dbname, const char *uid, const char *dn, const time_t time) { CERTCertificate *cert = (CERTCertificate *)cert_in; SECItem derCert = cert->derCert; int rv; rv = acl_usr_cache_insert(uid, dbname, dn, 0, 0, &derCert, time); return rv; } /* Returns LAS_EVAL_TRUE if the user's cache is valid and returns uid */ int acl_cert_cache_get_uid (void *cert_in, const char *dbname, const time_t time, char **uid, char **dn, pool_handle_t *pool) { CERTCertificate *cert = (CERTCertificate *)cert_in; SECItem derCert = cert->derCert; UserCacheObj *usrobj = 0; int rv; rv = acl_usr_cache_get_usrobj(0, &derCert, dbname, time, &usrobj); if (rv == LAS_EVAL_TRUE && usrobj && usrobj->uid) { *uid = pool_strdup(pool, usrobj->uid); *dn = usrobj->userdn ? pool_strdup(pool, usrobj->userdn) : 0; } else { *uid = 0; *dn = 0; rv = LAS_EVAL_FALSE; } return rv; }