/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /* * Tools to build and maintain access control lists. */ #include #include #define ALLOCATE_ATTR_TABLE 1 /* Include the table of PList names */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "aclpriv.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "aclscan.h" #include "parse.h" #include "oneeval.h" #include static CRITICAL acl_parse_crit = NULL; /* * Allocate a new ACL handle * * This function creates a new ACL structure that will be used for * access control information. * * Input: * tag Specifies an identifier name for the new ACL, or * it may be NULL when no name is required. * Returns: * A new ACL structure. */ NSAPI_PUBLIC ACLHandle_t * ACL_AclNew(NSErr_t *errp, char *tag ) { ACLHandle_t *handle; handle = ( ACLHandle_t * ) PERM_CALLOC ( 1 * sizeof (ACLHandle_t) ); if ( handle && tag ) { handle->tag = PERM_STRDUP( tag ); if ( handle->tag == NULL ) { PERM_FREE(handle); return(NULL); } } return(handle); } /* * Appends to a specified ACL * * This function appends a specified ACL to the end of a given ACL list. * * Input: * errp The error stack * flags should always be zero now * acl_list target ACL list * acl new acl * Returns: * < 0 failure * > 0 The number of acl's in the current list */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_ExprAppend( NSErr_t *errp, ACLHandle_t *acl, ACLExprHandle_t *expr ) { if ( acl == NULL || expr == NULL ) return(ACLERRUNDEF); expr->acl_tag = acl->tag; if ( expr->expr_type == ACL_EXPR_TYPE_AUTH || expr->expr_type == ACL_EXPR_TYPE_RESPONSE ) { expr->expr_number = -1; // expr number isn't valid } else { acl->expr_count++; expr->expr_number = acl->expr_count; } if ( acl->expr_list_head == NULL ) { acl->expr_list_head = expr; acl->expr_list_tail = expr; } else { acl->expr_list_tail->expr_next = expr; acl->expr_list_tail = expr; } return(acl->expr_count); } /* * Add authentication information to an ACL * * This function adds authentication data to an expr, based on * the information provided by the parameters. * * Input: * expr an authenticate expression to add database * and method information to. ie, auth_info * auth_info authentication information, eg database, * method, etc. * Returns: * 0 success * < 0 failure */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_ExprAddAuthInfo( ACLExprHandle_t *expr, PList_t auth_info ) { if ( expr == NULL || auth_info == NULL ) return(ACLERRUNDEF); expr->expr_auth = auth_info; return(0); } /* * Add authorization information to an ACL * * This function adds an authorization to a given ACL, based on the information * provided by the parameters. * * Input: * errp The error stack * access_rights strings which identify the access rights to be * controlled by the generated expr. * flags processing flags * allow non-zero to allow the indicated rights, or zero to * deny them. * attr_expr handle for an attribute expression, which may be * obtained by calling ACL_ExprNew() * Returns: * 0 success * < 0 failure */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_AddPermInfo( NSErr_t *errp, ACLHandle_t *acl, char **access_rights, PFlags_t flags, int allow, ACLExprHandle_t *expr, char *tag ) { if ( acl == NULL || expr == NULL ) return(ACLERRUNDEF); expr->expr_flags = flags; expr->expr_argv = (char **) access_rights; expr->expr_tag = PERM_STRDUP( tag ); if ( expr->expr_tag == NULL ) return(ACLERRNOMEM); return(ACL_ExprAppend( errp, acl, expr )); } /* * Add rights information to an expression * * This function adds a right to an authorization, based on the information * provided by the parameters. * * Input: * errp The error stack * access_right strings which identify the access rights to be * controlled by the generated expr. * expr handle for an attribute expression, which may be * obtained by calling ACL_ExprNew() * Returns: * 0 success * < 0 failure */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_ExprAddArg( NSErr_t *errp, ACLExprHandle_t *expr, char *arg ) { if ( expr == NULL ) return(ACLERRUNDEF); if (expr->expr_argv == NULL) expr->expr_argv = (char **) PERM_MALLOC( 2 * sizeof(char *) ); else expr->expr_argv = (char **) PERM_REALLOC( expr->expr_argv, (expr->expr_argc+2) * sizeof(char *) ); if (expr->expr_argv == NULL) return(ACLERRNOMEM); expr->expr_argv[expr->expr_argc] = PERM_STRDUP( arg ); if (expr->expr_argv[expr->expr_argc] == NULL) return(ACLERRNOMEM); expr->expr_argc++; expr->expr_argv[expr->expr_argc] = NULL; return(0); } NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_ExprSetDenyWith( NSErr_t *errp, ACLExprHandle_t *expr, char *deny_type, char *deny_response) { int rv; if ( expr->expr_argc == 0 ) { if ( (rv = ACL_ExprAddArg(errp, expr, deny_type)) < 0 ) return(rv); if ( (rv = ACL_ExprAddArg(errp, expr, deny_response)) < 0 ) return(rv); } else if ( expr->expr_argc == 2 ) { if ( deny_type ) { if ( expr->expr_argv[0] ) PERM_FREE(expr->expr_argv[0]); expr->expr_argv[0] = PERM_STRDUP(deny_type); if ( expr->expr_argv[0] == NULL ) return(ACLERRNOMEM); } if ( deny_response ) { if ( expr->expr_argv[1] ) PERM_FREE(expr->expr_argv[1]); expr->expr_argv[1] = PERM_STRDUP(deny_response); if ( expr->expr_argv[0] == NULL ) return(ACLERRNOMEM); } } else { return(ACLERRINTERNAL); } return(0); } NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_ExprGetDenyWith( NSErr_t *errp, ACLExprHandle_t *expr, char **deny_type, char **deny_response) { if ( expr->expr_argc == 2 ) { *deny_type = expr->expr_argv[0]; *deny_response = expr->expr_argv[1]; return(0); } else { return(ACLERRUNDEF); } } /* * Function to set the authorization statement processing flags. * * Input: * errp The error reporting stack * expr The authoization statement * flags The flags to set * Returns: * 0 success * < 0 failure */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_ExprSetPFlags( NSErr_t *errp, ACLExprHandle_t *expr, PFlags_t flags ) { if ( expr == NULL ) return(ACLERRUNDEF); expr->expr_flags |= flags; return(0); } /* * Function to clear the authorization statement processing flags. * * Input: * errp The error reporting stack * expr The authoization statement * Returns: * 0 success * < 0 failure */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_ExprClearPFlags( NSErr_t *errp, ACLExprHandle_t *expr ) { if ( expr == NULL ) return(ACLERRUNDEF); expr->expr_flags = 0; return(0); } /* * Allocate a new expression handle. * * Returns: * NULL If handle could not be allocated. * pointer New handle. */ NSAPI_PUBLIC ACLExprHandle_t * ACL_ExprNew( const ACLExprType_t expr_type ) { ACLExprHandle_t *expr_handle; expr_handle = ( ACLExprHandle_t * ) PERM_CALLOC ( sizeof(ACLExprHandle_t) ); if ( expr_handle ) { expr_handle->expr_arry = ( ACLExprEntry_t * ) PERM_CALLOC( ACL_TERM_BSIZE * sizeof(ACLExprEntry_t) ) ; expr_handle->expr_arry_size = ACL_TERM_BSIZE; expr_handle->expr_type = expr_type; expr_handle->expr_raw = ( ACLExprRaw_t * ) PERM_CALLOC( ACL_TERM_BSIZE * sizeof(ACLExprRaw_t) ) ; expr_handle->expr_raw_size = ACL_TERM_BSIZE; } return(expr_handle); } /* * LOCAL FUNCTION * * displays the ASCII equivalent index value. */ static char * acl_index_string ( int value, char *buffer ) { if ( value == ACL_TRUE_IDX ) { strcpy( buffer, "TRUE" ); return( buffer ); } if ( value == ACL_FALSE_IDX ) { strcpy( buffer, "FALSE" ); return( buffer ); } sprintf( buffer, "goto %d", value ); return( buffer ); } /* * LOCAL FUNCTION * * displays ASCII equivalent of CmpOp_t */ static char * acl_comp_string( CmpOp_t cmp ) { switch (cmp) { case CMP_OP_EQ: return("="); case CMP_OP_NE: return("!="); case CMP_OP_GT: return(">"); case CMP_OP_LT: return("<"); case CMP_OP_GE: return(">="); case CMP_OP_LE: return("<="); default: return("unknown op"); } } /* * Add a term to the specified attribute expression. * * Input: * errp Error stack * acl_expr Target expression handle * attr_name Term Attribute name * cmp Comparison operator * attr_pattern Pattern for comparison * Ouput: * acl_expr New term added * Returns: * 0 Success * < 0 Error */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_ExprTerm( NSErr_t *errp, ACLExprHandle_t *acl_expr, char *attr_name, CmpOp_t cmp, char *attr_pattern ) { ACLExprEntry_t *expr; ACLExprRaw_t *raw_expr; if ( acl_expr == NULL || acl_expr->expr_arry == NULL ) return(ACLERRUNDEF); if ( acl_expr->expr_term_index >= acl_expr->expr_arry_size ) { acl_expr->expr_arry = ( ACLExprEntry_t *) PERM_REALLOC ( acl_expr->expr_arry, (acl_expr->expr_arry_size + ACL_TERM_BSIZE) * sizeof(ACLExprEntry_t)); if ( acl_expr->expr_arry == NULL ) return(ACLERRNOMEM); acl_expr->expr_arry_size += ACL_TERM_BSIZE; } expr = &acl_expr->expr_arry[acl_expr->expr_term_index]; acl_expr->expr_term_index++; expr->attr_name = PERM_STRDUP(attr_name); if ( expr->attr_name == NULL ) return(ACLERRNOMEM); expr->comparator = cmp; expr->attr_pattern = PERM_STRDUP(attr_pattern); if ( expr->attr_pattern == NULL ) return(ACLERRNOMEM); expr->true_idx = ACL_TRUE_IDX; expr->false_idx = ACL_FALSE_IDX; expr->start_flag = 1; expr->las_cookie = 0; expr->las_eval_func = 0; if ( acl_expr->expr_raw_index >= acl_expr->expr_raw_size ) { acl_expr->expr_raw = ( ACLExprRaw_t *) PERM_REALLOC ( acl_expr->expr_raw, (acl_expr->expr_raw_size + ACL_TERM_BSIZE) * sizeof(ACLExprRaw_t)); if ( acl_expr->expr_raw == NULL ) return(ACLERRNOMEM); acl_expr->expr_raw_size += ACL_TERM_BSIZE; } raw_expr = &acl_expr->expr_raw[acl_expr->expr_raw_index]; acl_expr->expr_raw_index++; raw_expr->attr_name = expr->attr_name; raw_expr->comparator = cmp; raw_expr->attr_pattern = expr->attr_pattern; raw_expr->logical = (ACLExprOp_t)0; #ifdef DEBUG_LEVEL_2 printf ( "%d: %s %s %s, t=%d, f=%d\n", acl_expr->expr_term_index - 1, expr->attr_name, acl_comp_string( expr->comparator ), expr->attr_pattern, expr->true_idx, expr->false_idx ); #endif return(0); } /* * Negate the previous term or subexpression. * * Input: * errp The error stack * acl_expr The expression to negate * Ouput * acl_expr The negated expression * Returns: * 0 Success * < 0 Failure */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_ExprNot( NSErr_t *errp, ACLExprHandle_t *acl_expr ) { int idx; int ii; int expr_one = 0; ACLExprRaw_t *raw_expr; if ( acl_expr == NULL ) return(ACLERRUNDEF); if ( acl_expr->expr_raw_index >= acl_expr->expr_raw_size ) { acl_expr->expr_raw = ( ACLExprRaw_t *) PERM_REALLOC ( acl_expr->expr_raw, (acl_expr->expr_raw_size + ACL_TERM_BSIZE) * sizeof(ACLExprRaw_t)); if ( acl_expr->expr_raw == NULL ) return(ACLERRNOMEM); acl_expr->expr_raw_size += ACL_TERM_BSIZE; } raw_expr = &acl_expr->expr_raw[acl_expr->expr_raw_index]; acl_expr->expr_raw_index++; raw_expr->logical = ACL_EXPR_OP_NOT; raw_expr->attr_name = NULL; /* Find the last expression */ idx = acl_expr->expr_term_index - 1; for ( ii = idx; ii >= 0; ii-- ) { if ( acl_expr->expr_arry[ii].start_flag ) { expr_one = ii; break; } } #ifdef DEBUG_LEVEL_2 printf("not, start index=%d\n", expr_one); #endif /* * The intent here is negate the last expression by * modifying the true and false links. */ for ( ii = expr_one; ii < acl_expr->expr_term_index; ii++ ) { if ( acl_expr->expr_arry[ii].true_idx == ACL_TRUE_IDX ) acl_expr->expr_arry[ii].true_idx = ACL_FALSE_IDX; else if ( acl_expr->expr_arry[ii].true_idx == ACL_FALSE_IDX ) acl_expr->expr_arry[ii].true_idx = ACL_TRUE_IDX; if ( acl_expr->expr_arry[ii].false_idx == ACL_TRUE_IDX ) acl_expr->expr_arry[ii].false_idx = ACL_FALSE_IDX; else if ( acl_expr->expr_arry[ii].false_idx == ACL_FALSE_IDX ) acl_expr->expr_arry[ii].false_idx = ACL_TRUE_IDX; } return(0) ; } /* * Logical 'and' the previous two terms or subexpressions. * * Input: * errp The error stack * acl_expr The terms or subexpressions * Output: * acl_expr The expression after logical 'and' */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_ExprAnd( NSErr_t *errp, ACLExprHandle_t *acl_expr ) { int idx; int ii; int expr_one = ACL_FALSE_IDX; int expr_two = ACL_FALSE_IDX; ACLExprRaw_t *raw_expr; if ( acl_expr == NULL ) return(ACLERRUNDEF); if ( acl_expr->expr_raw_index >= acl_expr->expr_raw_size ) { acl_expr->expr_raw = ( ACLExprRaw_t *) PERM_REALLOC ( acl_expr->expr_raw, (acl_expr->expr_raw_size + ACL_TERM_BSIZE) * sizeof(ACLExprRaw_t) ); if ( acl_expr->expr_raw == NULL ) return(ACLERRNOMEM); acl_expr->expr_raw_size += ACL_TERM_BSIZE; } raw_expr = &acl_expr->expr_raw[acl_expr->expr_raw_index]; acl_expr->expr_raw_index++; raw_expr->logical = ACL_EXPR_OP_AND; raw_expr->attr_name = NULL; /* Find the last two expressions */ idx = acl_expr->expr_term_index - 1; for ( ii = idx; ii >= 0; ii-- ) { if ( acl_expr->expr_arry[ii].start_flag ) { if ( expr_two == ACL_FALSE_IDX ) expr_two = ii; else if ( expr_one == ACL_FALSE_IDX ) { expr_one = ii; break; } } } #ifdef DEBUG_LEVEL_2 printf("and, index=%d, first expr=%d, second expr=%d\n", idx, expr_one, expr_two); #endif for ( ii = expr_one; ii < expr_two; ii++) { if ( acl_expr->expr_arry[ii].true_idx == ACL_TRUE_IDX ) acl_expr->expr_arry[ii].true_idx = expr_two; if ( acl_expr->expr_arry[ii].false_idx == ACL_TRUE_IDX ) acl_expr->expr_arry[ii].false_idx = expr_two; } acl_expr->expr_arry[expr_two].start_flag = 0; return(0); } /* * Logical 'or' the previous two terms or subexpressions. * * Input: * errp The error stack * acl_expr The terms or subexpressions * Output: * acl_expr The expression after logical 'or' */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_ExprOr( NSErr_t *errp, ACLExprHandle_t *acl_expr ) { int idx; int ii; int expr_one = ACL_FALSE_IDX; int expr_two = ACL_FALSE_IDX; ACLExprRaw_t *raw_expr; if ( acl_expr == NULL ) return(ACLERRUNDEF); if ( acl_expr->expr_raw_index >= acl_expr->expr_raw_size ) { acl_expr->expr_raw = ( ACLExprRaw_t *) PERM_REALLOC ( acl_expr->expr_raw, (acl_expr->expr_raw_size + ACL_TERM_BSIZE) * sizeof(ACLExprRaw_t) ); if ( acl_expr->expr_raw == NULL ) return(ACLERRNOMEM); acl_expr->expr_raw_size += ACL_TERM_BSIZE; } raw_expr = &acl_expr->expr_raw[acl_expr->expr_raw_index]; acl_expr->expr_raw_index++; raw_expr->logical = ACL_EXPR_OP_OR; raw_expr->attr_name = NULL; /* Find the last two expressions */ idx = acl_expr->expr_term_index - 1; for ( ii = idx; ii >= 0; ii-- ) { if ( acl_expr->expr_arry[ii].start_flag ) { if ( expr_two == ACL_FALSE_IDX ) expr_two = ii; else if ( expr_one == ACL_FALSE_IDX ) { expr_one = ii; break; } } } #ifdef DEBUG_LEVEL_2 printf("or, index=%d, first expr=%d, second expr=%d\n", idx, expr_one, expr_two); #endif for ( ii = expr_one; ii < expr_two; ii++) { if ( acl_expr->expr_arry[ii].true_idx == ACL_FALSE_IDX ) acl_expr->expr_arry[ii].true_idx = expr_two; if ( acl_expr->expr_arry[ii].false_idx == ACL_FALSE_IDX ) acl_expr->expr_arry[ii].false_idx = expr_two; } acl_expr->expr_arry[expr_two].start_flag = 0; return(0); } /* * INTERNAL FUNCTION (GLOBAL) * * Write an expression array to standard output. This * is only useful debugging. */ int ACL_ExprDisplay( ACLExprHandle_t *acl_expr ) { int ii; char buffer[256]; if ( acl_expr == NULL ) return(0); for ( ii = 0; ii < acl_expr->expr_term_index; ii++ ) { printf ("%d: if ( %s %s %s ) ", ii, acl_expr->expr_arry[ii].attr_name, acl_comp_string( acl_expr->expr_arry[ii].comparator ), acl_expr->expr_arry[ii].attr_pattern ); printf("%s ", acl_index_string(acl_expr->expr_arry[ii].true_idx, buffer)); printf("else %s\n", acl_index_string(acl_expr->expr_arry[ii].false_idx, buffer) ); } return(0); } /* * Creates a handle for a new list of ACLs * * This function creates a new list of ACLs. The list is initially empty * and can be added to by ACL_ListAppend(). A resource manager would use * these functions to build up a list of all the ACLs applicable to a * particular resource access. * * Input: * Returns: * NULL failure, otherwise returns a new * ACLListHandle */ NSAPI_PUBLIC ACLListHandle_t * ACL_ListNew(NSErr_t *errp) { ACLListHandle_t *handle; handle = ( ACLListHandle_t * ) PERM_CALLOC ( sizeof(ACLListHandle_t) ); handle->ref_count = 1; return(handle); } /* * Allocates a handle for an ACL wrapper * * This wrapper is just used for ACL list creation. It's a way of * linking ACLs into a list. This is an internal function. */ static ACLWrapper_t * acl_wrapper_new(void) { ACLWrapper_t *handle; handle = ( ACLWrapper_t * ) PERM_CALLOC ( sizeof(ACLWrapper_t) ); return(handle); } /* * Description * * This function destroys an entry a symbol table entry for an * ACL. * * Arguments: * * sym - pointer to Symbol_t for an ACL entry * argp - unused (must be zero) * * Returns: * * The return value is SYMENUMREMOVE. */ static int acl_hash_entry_destroy(Symbol_t * sym, void * argp) { if (sym != 0) { /* Free the acl name string if any */ if (sym->sym_name != 0) { PERM_FREE(sym->sym_name); } /* Free the Symbol_t structure */ PERM_FREE(sym); } /* Indicate that the symbol table entry should be removed */ return SYMENUMREMOVE; } /* * LOCAL FUNCTION * * Create a new symbol with the sym_name equal to the * acl->tag value. Attaches the acl to the sym_data * pointer. */ static Symbol_t * acl_sym_new(ACLHandle_t *acl) { Symbol_t *sym; /* It's not there, so add it */ sym = (Symbol_t *) PERM_MALLOC(sizeof(Symbol_t)); if ( sym == NULL ) return(NULL); sym->sym_name = PERM_STRDUP(acl->tag); if ( sym->sym_name == NULL ) { PERM_FREE(sym); return(NULL); } sym->sym_type = ACLSYMACL; sym->sym_data = (void *) acl; return(sym); } /* * LOCAL FUNCTION * * Add a acl symbol to an acl_list's symbol table. * * Each acl list has a symbol table. the symbol table * is a quick qay to reference named acl's */ static int acl_sym_add(ACLListHandle_t *acl_list, ACLHandle_t *acl) { Symbol_t *sym; int rv; if ( acl->tag == NULL ) return(ACLERRUNDEF); rv = symTableFindSym(acl_list->acl_sym_table, acl->tag, ACLSYMACL, (void **)&sym); if ( rv == SYMERRNOSYM ) { sym = acl_sym_new(acl); if ( sym ) rv = symTableAddSym(acl_list->acl_sym_table, sym, (void *)sym); } if ( sym == NULL || rv < 0 ) return(ACLERRUNDEF); return(0); } /* * LOCAL FUNCTION * * Destroy an acl_list's symbol table and all memory referenced * by the symbol table. This does not destroy an acl_list. */ static void acl_symtab_destroy(ACLListHandle_t *acl_list) { /* Destroy each entry in the symbol table */ symTableEnumerate(acl_list->acl_sym_table, 0, acl_hash_entry_destroy); /* Destory the hash table itself */ symTableDestroy(acl_list->acl_sym_table, 0); acl_list->acl_sym_table = NULL; return; } /* * Appends to a specified ACL * * This function appends a specified ACL to the end of a given ACL list. * * Input: * errp The error stack * flags should always be zero now * acl_list target ACL list * acl new acl * Returns: * > 0 The number of acl's in the current list * < 0 failure */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_ListAppend( NSErr_t *errp, ACLListHandle_t *acl_list, ACLHandle_t *acl, int flags ) { ACLWrapper_t *wrapper; ACLHandle_t *tmp_acl; if ( acl_list == NULL || acl == NULL ) return(ACLERRUNDEF); if ( acl_list->acl_sym_table == NULL && acl_list->acl_count == ACL_TABLE_THRESHOLD ) { /* * The symbol table isn't really critical so we don't log * an error if its creation fails. */ symTableNew(&acl_list->acl_sym_table); if ( acl_list->acl_sym_table ) { for (wrapper = acl_list->acl_list_head; wrapper; wrapper = wrapper->wrap_next ) { tmp_acl = wrapper->acl; if ( acl_sym_add(acl_list, tmp_acl) ) { acl_symtab_destroy(acl_list); break; } } } } wrapper = acl_wrapper_new(); if ( wrapper == NULL ) return(ACLERRNOMEM); wrapper->acl = acl; if ( acl_list->acl_list_head == NULL ) { acl_list->acl_list_head = wrapper; acl_list->acl_list_tail = wrapper; } else { acl_list->acl_list_tail->wrap_next = wrapper; acl_list->acl_list_tail = wrapper; } acl->ref_count++; acl_list->acl_count++; if ( acl_list->acl_sym_table ) { /* * If we fail to insert the ACL then we * might as well destroy this hash table since it is * useless. */ if ( acl_sym_add(acl_list, acl) ) { acl_symtab_destroy(acl_list); } } return(acl_list->acl_count); } /* * Concatenates two ACL lists * * Attaches all ACLs in acl_list2 to the end of acl_list1. acl_list2 * is left unchanged. * * Input: * errp pointer to the error stack * acl_list1 target ACL list * acl_list2 source ACL list * Output: * acl_list1 list contains the concatenation of acl_list1 * and acl_list2. * Returns: * > 0 Number of ACLs in acl_list1 after concat * < 0 failure */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_ListConcat( NSErr_t *errp, ACLListHandle_t *acl_list1, ACLListHandle_t *acl_list2, int flags ) { ACLWrapper_t *wrapper; int rv; if ( acl_list1 == NULL || acl_list2 == NULL ) return(ACLERRUNDEF); for ( wrapper = acl_list2->acl_list_head; wrapper != NULL; wrapper = wrapper->wrap_next ) if ( (rv = ACL_ListAppend ( errp, acl_list1, wrapper->acl, 0 )) < 0 ) return(rv); return(acl_list1->acl_count); } /* * LOCAL FUNCTION * * Free up memory associated with and ACLExprEntry. Probably * only useful internally since we aren't exporting * this structure. */ static void ACL_ExprEntryDestroy( ACLExprEntry_t *entry ) { LASFlushFunc_t flushp; if ( entry == NULL ) return; if ( entry->las_cookie ) /* freeLAS(NULL, entry->attr_name, &entry->las_cookie); */ { ACL_LasFindFlush( NULL, entry->attr_name, &flushp ); if ( flushp ) ( *flushp )( &entry->las_cookie ); } if ( entry->attr_name ) PERM_FREE( entry->attr_name ); if ( entry->attr_pattern ) PERM_FREE( entry->attr_pattern ); return; } /* * LOCAL FUNCTION * * This function is used to free all the pvalue memory * in a plist. */ static void acl_expr_auth_destroy(char *pname, const void *pvalue, void *user_data) { PERM_FREE((char *) pvalue); return; } /* * Free up memory associated with and ACLExprHandle. * * Input: * expr expression handle to free up */ NSAPI_PUBLIC void ACL_ExprDestroy( ACLExprHandle_t *expr ) { int ii; if ( expr == NULL ) return; if ( expr->expr_tag ) PERM_FREE( expr->expr_tag ); if ( expr->expr_argv ) { for ( ii = 0; ii < expr->expr_argc; ii++ ) if ( expr->expr_argv[ii] ) PERM_FREE( expr->expr_argv[ii] ); PERM_FREE( expr->expr_argv ); } for ( ii = 0; ii < expr->expr_term_index; ii++ ) ACL_ExprEntryDestroy( &expr->expr_arry[ii] ); if ( expr->expr_auth ) { PListEnumerate(expr->expr_auth, acl_expr_auth_destroy, NULL); PListDestroy(expr->expr_auth); } PERM_FREE( expr->expr_arry ); PERM_FREE( expr->expr_raw ); PERM_FREE( expr ); return; } /* * Free up memory associated with and ACLHandle. * * Input: * acl target acl */ NSAPI_PUBLIC void ACL_AclDestroy(NSErr_t *errp, ACLHandle_t *acl ) { ACLExprHandle_t *handle; ACLExprHandle_t *tmp; if ( acl == NULL ) return; acl->ref_count--; if ( acl->ref_count ) return; if ( acl->tag ) PERM_FREE( acl->tag ); if ( acl->las_name ) PERM_FREE( acl->las_name ); if ( acl->attr_name ) PERM_FREE( acl->attr_name ); handle = acl->expr_list_head; while ( handle ) { tmp = handle; handle = handle->expr_next; ACL_ExprDestroy( tmp ); } PERM_FREE(acl); return; } /* * Destorys a input ACL List * * Input: * acl_list target list * Output: * none target list is freed */ NSAPI_PUBLIC void ACL_ListDestroy(NSErr_t *errp, ACLListHandle_t *acl_list ) { ACLWrapper_t *wrapper; ACLWrapper_t *tmp_wrapper; ACLHandle_t *tmp_acl; if ( acl_list == NULL ) return; if ( acl_list->acl_sym_table ) { /* Destroy each entry in the symbol table */ symTableEnumerate(acl_list->acl_sym_table, 0, acl_hash_entry_destroy); /* Destory the hash table itself */ symTableDestroy(acl_list->acl_sym_table, 0); } ACL_EvalDestroyContext( (ACLListCache_t *)acl_list->cache ); wrapper = acl_list->acl_list_head; while ( wrapper ) { tmp_acl = wrapper->acl; tmp_wrapper = wrapper; wrapper = wrapper->wrap_next; PERM_FREE( tmp_wrapper ); ACL_AclDestroy(errp, tmp_acl ); } PERM_FREE( acl_list ); return; } /* * FUNCTION: ACL_ListGetFirst * * DESCRIPTION: * * This function is used to start an enumeration of an * ACLListHandle_t. It returns an ACLHandle_t* for the first * ACL on the list, and initializes a handle supplied by the * caller, which is used to track the current position in the * enumeration. This function is normally used in a loop * such as: * * ACLListHandle_t *acl_list = ; * ACLHandle_t *cur_acl; * ACLListEnum_t acl_enum; * * for (cur_acl = ACL_ListGetFirst(acl_list, &acl_enum); * cur_acl != 0; * cur_acl = ACL_ListGetNext(acl_list, &acl_enum)) { * ... * } * * The caller should guarantee that no ACLs are added or removed * from the ACL list during the enumeration. * * ARGUMENTS: * * acl_list - handle for the ACL list * acl_enum - pointer to uninitialized enumeration handle * * RETURNS: * * As described above. If the acl_list argument is null, or the * referenced ACL list is empty, the return value is null. */ NSAPI_PUBLIC ACLHandle_t * ACL_ListGetFirst(ACLListHandle_t *acl_list, ACLListEnum_t *acl_enum) { ACLWrapper_t *wrapper; ACLHandle_t *acl = 0; *acl_enum = 0; if (acl_list) { wrapper = acl_list->acl_list_head; *acl_enum = (ACLListEnum_t)wrapper; if (wrapper) { acl = wrapper->acl; } } return acl; } NSAPI_PUBLIC ACLHandle_t * ACL_ListGetNext(ACLListHandle_t *acl_list, ACLListEnum_t *acl_enum) { ACLWrapper_t *wrapper = (ACLWrapper_t *)(*acl_enum); ACLHandle_t *acl = 0; if (wrapper) { wrapper = wrapper->wrap_next; *acl_enum = (ACLListEnum_t)wrapper; if (wrapper) acl = wrapper->acl; } return acl; } /* * FUNCTION: ACL_AclGetTag * * DESCRIPTION: * * Returns the tag string associated with an ACL. * * ARGUMENTS: * * acl - handle for an ACL * * RETURNS: * * The return value is a pointer to the ACL tag string. */ NSAPI_PUBLIC const char * ACL_AclGetTag(ACLHandle_t *acl) { return (acl) ? (const char *)(acl->tag) : 0; } /* * Finds a named ACL in an input list. * * Input: * acl_list a list of ACLs to search * acl_name the name of the ACL to find * flags e.g. ACL_CASE_INSENSITIVE * Returns: * NULL No ACL found * acl A pointer to an ACL with named acl_name */ NSAPI_PUBLIC ACLHandle_t * ACL_ListFind (NSErr_t *errp, ACLListHandle_t *acl_list, char *acl_name, int flags ) { ACLHandle_t *result = NULL; ACLWrapper_t *wrapper; Symbol_t *sym; if ( acl_list == NULL || acl_name == NULL ) return( result ); /* * right now the symbol table exists if there hasn't been * any collisions based on using case insensitive names. * if there are any collisions then the table will be * deleted and we will look up using list search. * * we should probably create two hash tables, one for case * sensitive lookups and the other for insensitive. */ if ( acl_list->acl_sym_table ) { if ( symTableFindSym(acl_list->acl_sym_table, acl_name, ACLSYMACL, (void **) &sym) >= 0 ) { result = (ACLHandle_t *) sym->sym_data; if ( result && (flags & ACL_CASE_SENSITIVE) && strcmp(result->tag, acl_name) ) { result = NULL; /* case doesn't match */ } } return( result ); } if ( flags & ACL_CASE_INSENSITIVE ) { for ( wrapper = acl_list->acl_list_head; wrapper != NULL; wrapper = wrapper->wrap_next ) { if ( wrapper->acl->tag && strcasecmp( wrapper->acl->tag, acl_name ) == 0 ) { result = wrapper->acl; break; } } } else { for ( wrapper = acl_list->acl_list_head; wrapper != NULL; wrapper = wrapper->wrap_next ) { if ( wrapper->acl->tag && strcmp( wrapper->acl->tag, acl_name ) == 0 ) { result = wrapper->acl; break; } } } return( result ); } /* * Function parses an input ACL file and resturns an * ACLListHandle_t pointer that represents the entire * file without the comments. * * Input: * filename the name of the target ACL text file * errp a pointer to an error stack * * Returns: * NULL parse failed * */ NSAPI_PUBLIC ACLListHandle_t * ACL_ParseFile( NSErr_t *errp, char *filename ) { ACLListHandle_t *handle = NULL; int eid = 0; int rv = 0; char *errmsg; ACL_InitAttr2Index(); if ( acl_parse_crit == NULL ) acl_parse_crit = crit_init(); crit_enter( acl_parse_crit ); if ( acl_InitScanner( errp, filename, NULL ) < 0 ) { rv = ACLERROPEN; eid = ACLERR1900; errmsg = system_errmsg(); nserrGenerate(errp, rv, eid, ACL_Program, 2, filename, errmsg); } else { handle = ACL_ListNew(errp); if ( handle == NULL ) { rv = ACLERRNOMEM; eid = ACLERR1920; nserrGenerate(errp, rv, eid, ACL_Program, 0); } else if ( acl_PushListHandle( handle ) < 0 ) { rv = ACLERRNOMEM; eid = ACLERR1920; nserrGenerate(errp, rv, eid, ACL_Program, 0); } else if ( acl_Parse() ) { rv = ACLERRPARSE; eid = ACLERR1780; } if ( acl_EndScanner() < 0 ) { rv = ACLERROPEN; eid = ACLERR1500; errmsg = system_errmsg(); nserrGenerate(errp, rv, eid, ACL_Program, 2, filename, errmsg); } } if ( rv || eid ) { ACL_ListDestroy(errp, handle); handle = NULL; } crit_exit( acl_parse_crit ); return(handle); } /* * Function parses an input ACL string and returns an * ACLListHandle_t pointer that represents the entire * file without the comments. * * Input: * buffer the target ACL buffer * errp a pointer to an error stack * * Returns: * NULL parse failed * */ NSAPI_PUBLIC ACLListHandle_t * ACL_ParseString( NSErr_t *errp, char *buffer ) { ACLListHandle_t *handle = NULL; int eid = 0; int rv = 0; char *errmsg; ACL_InitAttr2Index(); if ( acl_parse_crit == NULL ) acl_parse_crit = crit_init(); crit_enter( acl_parse_crit ); if ( acl_InitScanner( errp, NULL, buffer ) < 0 ) { rv = ACLERRNOMEM; eid = ACLERR1920; nserrGenerate(errp, rv, eid, ACL_Program, 0); } else { handle = ACL_ListNew(errp); if ( handle == NULL ) { rv = ACLERRNOMEM; eid = ACLERR1920; nserrGenerate(errp, rv, eid, ACL_Program, 0); } else if ( acl_PushListHandle( handle ) < 0 ) { rv = ACLERRNOMEM; eid = ACLERR1920; nserrGenerate(errp, rv, eid, ACL_Program, 0); } else if ( acl_Parse() ) { rv = ACLERRPARSE; eid = ACLERR1780; } if ( acl_EndScanner() < 0 ) { rv = ACLERROPEN; eid = ACLERR1500; errmsg = system_errmsg(); nserrGenerate(errp, rv, eid, ACL_Program, 2, "buffer", errmsg); } } if ( rv || eid ) { ACL_ListDestroy(errp, handle); handle = NULL; } crit_exit( acl_parse_crit ); return(handle); } /* * LOCAL FUNCTION * * Convert sub-expression to string. */ static int acl_expr_string( ACLExprOp_t logical, ACLExprStack_t *expr_stack ) { char **expr_text; char **prev_expr_text; char *tmp; switch (logical) { case ACL_EXPR_OP_NOT: if ( expr_stack->stack_index < 1 ) { printf("expression stack underflow.\n"); return(ACLERRINTERNAL); } expr_text = &expr_stack->expr_text[expr_stack->stack_index - 1]; tmp = (char *) PERM_MALLOC(strlen(*expr_text) + 7); if ( tmp == NULL ) return(ACLERRNOMEM); if ( expr_stack->found_subexpression ) { sprintf(tmp, "not (%s)", *expr_text); expr_stack->found_subexpression = 0; expr_stack->last_subexpression = expr_stack->stack_index - 1; } else { sprintf(tmp, "not %s", *expr_text); } PERM_FREE(*expr_text); *expr_text = tmp; return(0); case ACL_EXPR_OP_AND: case ACL_EXPR_OP_OR: if ( expr_stack->stack_index < 2 ) { printf("expression stack underflow.\n"); return(ACLERRINTERNAL); } expr_stack->stack_index--; prev_expr_text = &expr_stack->expr_text[expr_stack->stack_index]; expr_stack->stack_index--; expr_text = &expr_stack->expr_text[expr_stack->stack_index]; tmp = (char *) PERM_MALLOC (strlen(*expr_text) + strlen(*prev_expr_text) + 15); if ( tmp == NULL ) return(ACLERRNOMEM); if ( expr_stack->found_subexpression && expr_stack->stack_index == expr_stack->last_subexpression && logical == ACL_EXPR_OP_AND ) { sprintf(tmp, "%s and\n (%s)", *expr_text, *prev_expr_text); } else if ( expr_stack->found_subexpression && expr_stack->stack_index == expr_stack->last_subexpression ) { sprintf(tmp, "%s or\n (%s)", *expr_text, *prev_expr_text); } else if ( logical == ACL_EXPR_OP_AND ) { sprintf(tmp, "%s and\n %s", *expr_text, *prev_expr_text); } else { sprintf(tmp, "%s or\n %s", *expr_text, *prev_expr_text); } expr_stack->found_subexpression++; expr_stack->stack_index++; PERM_FREE(*expr_text); PERM_FREE(*prev_expr_text); *expr_text = tmp; *prev_expr_text = NULL; return(0); default: printf("Bad boolean logic value.\n"); return(ACLERRINTERNAL); } } /* * LOCAL FUNCTION * * Reduce all sub-expressions to a single string. */ static int acl_reduce_expr_logic( ACLExprStack_t *expr_stack, ACLExprRaw_t *expr_raw ) { char **expr_text; char **prev_expr_text; char *tmp; if (expr_raw->attr_name) { if (expr_stack->stack_index >= ACL_EXPR_STACK ) { printf("expression stack overflow."); return(ACLERRINTERNAL); } if ( expr_stack->found_subexpression && expr_stack->stack_index > 0 ) { prev_expr_text = &expr_stack->expr_text[expr_stack->stack_index-1]; tmp = (char *) PERM_MALLOC(strlen(*prev_expr_text) + 3); sprintf(tmp, "(%s)", *prev_expr_text); PERM_FREE(*prev_expr_text); *prev_expr_text = tmp; expr_stack->found_subexpression = 0; expr_stack->last_subexpression = expr_stack->stack_index - 1; } expr_stack->expr[expr_stack->stack_index] = expr_raw; expr_text = &expr_stack->expr_text[expr_stack->stack_index]; *expr_text = (char *) PERM_MALLOC(strlen(expr_raw->attr_name) + strlen(expr_raw->attr_pattern) + 7); if ( *expr_text == NULL ) return(ACLERRNOMEM); sprintf(*expr_text, "%s %s \"%s\"", expr_raw->attr_name, acl_comp_string(expr_raw->comparator), expr_raw->attr_pattern); expr_stack->stack_index++; expr_stack->expr_text[expr_stack->stack_index] = NULL; } else { return(acl_expr_string(expr_raw->logical, expr_stack)); } return(0); } /* * LOCAL FUNCTION * * Appends str2 to str1. * * Input: * str1 an existing dynamically allocated string * str2 a text string * Returns: * 0 success * < 0 failure */ static int acl_to_str_append(acl_string_t * p_aclstr, const char *str2) { int str2len, newlen; if (p_aclstr == NULL || str2 == NULL) return (ACLERRINTERNAL); if (p_aclstr->str == NULL) { p_aclstr->str = (char *) PERM_MALLOC(4096); if (p_aclstr->str == NULL) return (ACLERRNOMEM); p_aclstr->str_size = 4096; p_aclstr->str_len = 0; } str2len = strlen(str2); newlen = p_aclstr->str_len + str2len; if (newlen >= p_aclstr->str_size) { p_aclstr->str_size = str2len > 4095 ? str2len+p_aclstr->str_size+1 : 4096+p_aclstr->str_size ; p_aclstr->str = (char *) PERM_REALLOC(p_aclstr->str, p_aclstr->str_size); if (p_aclstr->str == NULL) return (ACLERRNOMEM); } memcpy((void *)&(p_aclstr->str[p_aclstr->str_len]), (void *) str2, str2len+1); p_aclstr->str_len += str2len; return 0; } /* * LOCAL FUNCTION * * Output Authorization Expression type either "Allow" or "Deny" */ static int acl_to_str_expr_type( acl_string_t *str_t, ACLExprHandle_t *expr ) { switch (expr->expr_type) { case ACL_EXPR_TYPE_ALLOW: acl_to_str_append(str_t, "allow "); if ( IS_ABSOLUTE(expr->expr_flags) ) acl_to_str_append(str_t, "absolute "); return(0); case ACL_EXPR_TYPE_DENY: acl_to_str_append(str_t, "deny "); if ( IS_ABSOLUTE(expr->expr_flags) ) acl_to_str_append(str_t, "absolute "); return(0); case ACL_EXPR_TYPE_AUTH: acl_to_str_append(str_t, "authenticate "); if ( IS_ABSOLUTE(expr->expr_flags) ) acl_to_str_append(str_t, "absolute "); return(0); case ACL_EXPR_TYPE_RESPONSE: acl_to_str_append(str_t, "deny with "); return(0); default: return(ACLERRINTERNAL); } } /* * LOCAL FUNCTION * * Output Authorization Expression Rights "(right, right)" */ static int acl_to_str_expr_arg( acl_string_t *str_t, ACLExprHandle_t *expr ) { int ii; if ( expr->expr_argc <= 0 ) { return(ACLERRINTERNAL); } if ( expr->expr_type == ACL_EXPR_TYPE_RESPONSE ) { acl_to_str_append(str_t, expr->expr_argv[0]); acl_to_str_append(str_t, "=\""); acl_to_str_append(str_t, expr->expr_argv[1]); acl_to_str_append(str_t, "\";\n"); return(0); } acl_to_str_append(str_t, "("); for (ii = 0; ii < expr->expr_argc; ii++) { acl_to_str_append(str_t, expr->expr_argv[ii]); if ( ii < expr->expr_argc - 1 ) { acl_to_str_append(str_t, ","); } } acl_to_str_append(str_t, ") "); return(0); } /* * LOCAL FUNCTION * * Walks through the authentication statement PList_t and * prints the structure to a string. */ static void acl_to_str_auth_expr(char *lval, const void *rval, void *user_data) { // ###### char **str = (char **) user_data; acl_string_t * p_aclstr = (acl_string_t *) user_data; acl_to_str_append(p_aclstr, "\t"); acl_to_str_append(p_aclstr, lval); acl_to_str_append(p_aclstr, " = \""); acl_to_str_append(p_aclstr, (char *) rval); acl_to_str_append(p_aclstr, "\";\n"); return; } /* * LOCAL FUNCTION * * Output the logic part of the authencation statement to a string. */ static int acl_to_str_auth_logic( acl_string_t *str_t, ACLExprHandle_t *expr) { if ( expr->expr_auth == NULL ) { acl_to_str_append(str_t, "{\n"); acl_to_str_append(str_t, "# Authenticate statement with no body?\n"); acl_to_str_append(str_t, "\tnull=null;\n"); acl_to_str_append(str_t, "};\n"); return(0); } acl_to_str_append(str_t, "{\n"); PListEnumerate(expr->expr_auth, acl_to_str_auth_expr, (void *) str_t); acl_to_str_append(str_t, "};\n"); return(0); } /* * LOCAL FUNCTION * * Output the logic part of the authorization statement to a string. */ static int acl_to_str_expr_logic( acl_string_t *str_t, ACLExprHandle_t *expr, ACLExprStack_t *expr_stack) { int rv = 0; int ii; expr_stack->stack_index = 0; expr_stack->found_subexpression = 0; expr_stack->last_subexpression = -1; for (ii = 0; ii < expr->expr_raw_index; ii++) { rv = acl_reduce_expr_logic(expr_stack, &expr->expr_raw[ii]); if (rv) break; } if (!rv && expr_stack->expr_text[0]) { acl_to_str_append(str_t, "\n "); acl_to_str_append(str_t, expr_stack->expr_text[0]); acl_to_str_append(str_t, ";\n"); PERM_FREE(expr_stack->expr_text[0]); } return(rv); } /* * LOCAL FUNCTION * * Output an ACL list to a string. */ static int acl_to_str_create( acl_string_t *str_t, ACLListHandle_t *acl_list ) { ACLWrapper_t *wrap; ACLHandle_t *acl; ACLExprHandle_t *expr; int rv = 0; ACLExprStack_t *expr_stack; expr_stack = (ACLExprStack_t *) PERM_MALLOC(sizeof(ACLExprStack_t)); if ( expr_stack == NULL ) return(ACLERRNOMEM); acl_to_str_append(str_t, "# File automatically written\n"); acl_to_str_append(str_t, "#\n"); acl_to_str_append(str_t, "# You may edit this file by hand\n"); acl_to_str_append(str_t, "#\n\n"); if ( acl_list->acl_list_head == NULL ) { PERM_FREE(expr_stack); return(0); } acl_to_str_append(str_t, "version 3.0;\n"); for (wrap = acl_list->acl_list_head; wrap && !rv; wrap = wrap->wrap_next ) { acl = wrap->acl; if ( acl->tag ) { acl_to_str_append(str_t, "\nacl \""); acl_to_str_append(str_t, acl->tag); acl_to_str_append(str_t, "\";\n"); } else { acl_to_str_append(str_t, "\nacl;\n"); } for (expr = acl->expr_list_head; expr && rv == 0; expr = expr->expr_next ) { if ( (rv = acl_to_str_expr_type(str_t, expr)) < 0 ) break; if ( (rv = acl_to_str_expr_arg(str_t, expr)) < 0) break; switch (expr->expr_type) { case ACL_EXPR_TYPE_DENY: case ACL_EXPR_TYPE_ALLOW: rv = acl_to_str_expr_logic(str_t, expr, expr_stack); break; case ACL_EXPR_TYPE_AUTH: rv = acl_to_str_auth_logic(str_t, expr); break; case ACL_EXPR_TYPE_RESPONSE: break; } } } PERM_FREE(expr_stack); return(rv); } /* * Creates an ACL text string from an ACL handle * * Input: * errp error stack * acl target text string pointer * acl_list Source ACL list handle * Ouput: * acl a chunk of dynamic memory pointing to ACL text * Returns: * 0 success * < 0 failure */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_WriteString(NSErr_t *errp, char **acl, ACLListHandle_t *acl_list) { int rv; acl_string_t str_t = {NULL,0,0}; if ( acl_list == NULL || acl == NULL ) return(ACLERRUNDEF); rv = acl_to_str_create(&str_t, acl_list); *acl = str_t.str; return ( rv ); } /* * Write an ACL text file from an input ACL list structure. * * Input: * filename name for the output text file * acl_list a list of ACLs to convert to text * Output: * errp an error stack, set if there are errors * to report * Returns: * 0 success * ACLERROPEN, * ACLERRNOMEM on failure */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_WriteFile( NSErr_t *errp, char *filename, ACLListHandle_t *acl_list ) { int rv; int eid; char *errmsg; #ifdef UTEST FILE *ofp; #else SYS_FILE ofp; #endif acl_string_t aclstr = {NULL,0,0}; char *acl_text = NULL; if ( filename == NULL || acl_list == NULL ) { rv = ACLERROPEN; eid = ACLERR1900; errmsg = system_errmsg(); nserrGenerate(errp, rv, eid, ACL_Program, 2, filename, errmsg); return(ACLERROPEN); } #ifdef UTEST ofp = fopen(filename, "w"); if ( ofp == NULL ) { #else ofp = system_fopenWT(filename); if ( ofp == SYS_ERROR_FD ) { #endif rv = ACLERROPEN; eid = ACLERR1900; errmsg = system_errmsg(); nserrGenerate(errp, rv, eid, ACL_Program, 2, filename, errmsg); return(ACLERROPEN); } rv = acl_to_str_create(&aclstr, acl_list); acl_text = aclstr.str; if ( rv ) { eid = ACLERR3000; rv = ACLERRNOMEM; nserrGenerate(errp, rv, eid, ACL_Program, 0); } else { #ifdef UTEST if (fputs(acl_text, ofp) == 0) { #else if (system_fwrite_atomic(ofp, acl_text, strlen(acl_text))==IO_ERROR) { #endif eid = ACLERR3200; rv = ACLERRIO; errmsg = system_errmsg(); nserrGenerate(errp, rv, eid, ACL_Program, 2, filename, errmsg); } } if ( acl_text ) PERM_FREE(acl_text); #ifdef UTEST fclose(ofp); #else system_fclose(ofp); #endif return(rv); } /* * Delete a named ACL from an ACL list * * Input: * acl_list Target ACL list handle * acl_name Name of the target ACL * Returns: * 0 success * < 0 failure */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_ListAclDelete(NSErr_t *errp, ACLListHandle_t *acl_list, char *acl_name, int flags ) { ACLHandle_t *acl = NULL; ACLWrapper_t *wrapper; ACLWrapper_t *wrapper_prev = NULL; Symbol_t *sym; if ( acl_list == NULL || acl_name == NULL ) return(ACLERRUNDEF); if ( flags & ACL_CASE_INSENSITIVE ) { for ( wrapper = acl_list->acl_list_head; wrapper != NULL; wrapper = wrapper->wrap_next ) { if ( wrapper->acl->tag && strcasecmp( wrapper->acl->tag, acl_name ) == 0 ) { acl = wrapper->acl; break; } wrapper_prev = wrapper; } } else { for ( wrapper = acl_list->acl_list_head; wrapper != NULL; wrapper = wrapper->wrap_next ) { if ( wrapper->acl->tag && strcmp( wrapper->acl->tag, acl_name ) == 0 ) { acl = wrapper->acl; break; } wrapper_prev = wrapper; } } if ( acl ) { if ( wrapper_prev ) { wrapper_prev->wrap_next = wrapper->wrap_next; } else { acl_list->acl_list_head = wrapper->wrap_next; } if ( acl_list->acl_list_tail == wrapper ) { acl_list->acl_list_tail = wrapper_prev; } acl = wrapper->acl; acl_list->acl_count--; PERM_FREE(wrapper); if ( acl_list->acl_sym_table ) { if ( symTableFindSym(acl_list->acl_sym_table, acl->tag, ACLSYMACL, (void **) &sym) < 0 ) { /* not found, this is an error of some sort */ } else { symTableRemoveSym(acl_list->acl_sym_table, sym); acl_hash_entry_destroy(sym, 0); } } ACL_AclDestroy(errp, acl); return(0); } return(ACLERRUNDEF); } /* * local function: translate string to lower case * return <0: fail * 0: succeed */ int open_file_buf(FILE ** file, char * filename, char *mode, char ** buf, long * size) { int rv = 0; long cur = 0; long in = 0; struct stat fi; if (filename==NULL || mode==NULL) { rv = ACLERROPEN; goto open_cleanup; } if ((*file=fopen(filename,mode))==NULL) { rv = ACLERROPEN; goto open_cleanup; } if (system_stat(filename, &fi)==-1) { rv = ACLERROPEN; goto open_cleanup; } *size = fi.st_size; if ((*buf=(char *)PERM_MALLOC(*size+1))==NULL) { rv = ACLERRNOMEM; goto open_cleanup; } rv = 0; while (cur<*size) { in=fread(&(*buf)[cur], 1, *size, *file); cur = cur+in; if (feof(*file)) { break; } if (ferror(*file)) { rv = ACLERRIO; break; } } if (rv==0) (*buf)[cur] = 0; open_cleanup: if (rv<0) { if (*file) fclose(*file); if (*buf) { PERM_FREE(*buf); *buf = NULL; } } return rv; } /* * local function: writes buf to disk and close the file */ void close_file_buf(FILE * file, char * filename, char * mode, char * buf) { if (file==NULL) return; fclose(file); if (strchr(mode, 'w')!=NULL || strchr(mode, 'a')!=NULL) { file = fopen(filename, "wb"); fwrite(buf,1,strlen(buf),file); fclose(file); } if (*buf) { PERM_FREE(buf); } } /* * local function: translate string to lower case */ char * str_tolower(char * string) { register char * p = string; for (; *p; p++) *p = tolower(*p); return string; } /* * local function: get the first name appear in block * return: 0 : not found, * 1 : found */ int acl_get_first_name(char * block, char ** name, char ** next) { char bounds[] = "\t \"\';"; char boundchar; char *p=NULL, *q=NULL, *start=NULL, *end=NULL; if (block==NULL) return 0; try_next: if ((p=strstr(block, "acl"))!=NULL) { // check if this "acl" is the first occurance in this line. for (q=p-1; ((q>=block) && *q!='\n'); q--) { if (strchr(" \t",*q)==NULL) { // if not, try next; block = p+3; goto try_next; } } p+=3; while (strchr(bounds,*p)&&(*p!=0)) p++; if (*p==0) return 0; boundchar = *(p-1); start = p; while ((boundchar!=*p)&&(*p!=0)&&(*p!=';')) p++; if (*p==0) return 0; end = p; *name = (char *)PERM_MALLOC(end-start+1); strncpy(*name, start, (end-start)); (*name)[end-start]=0; *next = end; return 1; } return 0; } /* * local function: find the pointer to acl string from the given block */ char * acl_strstr(char * block, char * aclname) { const char set[] = "\t \"\';"; char * name, * rstr = NULL; char * lowerb = block; int found = 0; if (block==NULL||aclname==NULL) return NULL; while ((name = strstr(block, aclname))!=NULL && !found) { if (name>lowerb) { // This should be true, just in case if ((strchr(set,name[-1])!=0) && (strchr(set,name[strlen(aclname)])!=0)) { // the other 2 sides are in boundary set, that means, this is an exact match. while (&name[-1]>=lowerb) { name --; if (strchr(set, *name)==0) break; // should point to 'l' } if (name==lowerb) return NULL; if ((name-2)>=lowerb) if ((name[-2]=='a') && (name[-1]=='c') && (*name=='l')) { name -= 2; // name point to 'a' rstr = name; while (TRUE) { if (name==lowerb) { found = 1; break; } else if (name[-1]==' '||name[-1]=='\t') name --; else if (name[-1]=='\n') { found = 1; break; } else break; // acl is not at the head, there are other chars. } } } block = name + strlen(aclname); } } return rstr; } /* * Destroy a NameList * * Input: * name_list a dynamically allocated array of strings * Returns: * 0 success * < 0 failure */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_NameListDestroy(NSErr_t *errp, char **name_list) { int list_index; if ( name_list == NULL ) return(ACLERRUNDEF); for ( list_index = 0; name_list[list_index]; list_index++ ) { PERM_FREE(name_list[list_index]); } PERM_FREE(name_list); return(0); } /* * Gets a name list of consisting of all ACL names for input list. * * Input: * acl_list an ACL List handle * name_list pointer to a list of string pointers * Returns: * 0 success * < 0 failure */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_ListGetNameList(NSErr_t *errp, ACLListHandle_t *acl_list, char ***name_list) { const int block_size = 50; ACLWrapper_t *wrapper; int list_index; int list_size; char **tmp_list; char **local_list; char *name; if ( acl_list == NULL ) return(ACLERRUNDEF); list_size = block_size; local_list = (char **) PERM_MALLOC(sizeof(char *) * list_size); if ( local_list == NULL ) return(ACLERRNOMEM); list_index = 0; local_list[list_index] = NULL; for ( wrapper = acl_list->acl_list_head; wrapper != NULL; wrapper = wrapper->wrap_next ) { if ( wrapper->acl->tag ) name = wrapper->acl->tag; else name = "noname"; if ( list_index + 2 > list_size ) { list_size += block_size; tmp_list = (char **) PERM_REALLOC(local_list, sizeof(char *) * list_size); if ( tmp_list == NULL ) { ACL_NameListDestroy(errp, local_list); return(ACLERRNOMEM); } local_list = tmp_list; } local_list[list_index] = PERM_STRDUP(name); if ( local_list[list_index] == NULL ) { ACL_NameListDestroy(errp, local_list); return(ACLERRNOMEM); } list_index++; local_list[list_index] = NULL; } *name_list = local_list; return(0); } /* * Changes method to method plus DBTYPE, and registers * databases. * * Input: * errp error stack * acl_list Target ACL list handle * Returns: * 0 success * < 0 failure */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_ListPostParseForAuth(NSErr_t *errp, ACLListHandle_t *acl_list ) { ACLHandle_t *acl; ACLWrapper_t *wrap; ACLExprHandle_t *expr; char *method; char *database; int rv; ACLDbType_t *dbtype; ACLMethod_t *methodtype; if ( acl_list == NULL ) return(0); for ( wrap = acl_list->acl_list_head; wrap; wrap = wrap->wrap_next ) { acl = wrap->acl; if ( acl == NULL ) continue; for ( expr = acl->expr_list_head; expr; expr = expr->expr_next ) { if ( expr->expr_type != ACL_EXPR_TYPE_AUTH || expr->expr_auth == NULL) continue; rv = PListGetValue(expr->expr_auth, ACL_ATTR_METHOD_INDEX, (void **) &method, NULL); if ( rv >= 0 ) { methodtype = (ACLMethod_t *)PERM_MALLOC(sizeof(ACLMethod_t)); rv = ACL_MethodFind(errp, method, methodtype); if (rv) { nserrGenerate(errp, ACLERRUNDEF, ACLERR3800, ACL_Program, 3, acl->tag, "method", method); PERM_FREE(methodtype); return(ACLERRUNDEF); } rv = PListSetValue(expr->expr_auth, ACL_ATTR_METHOD_INDEX, methodtype, NULL); if ( rv < 0 ) { nserrGenerate(errp, ACLERRNOMEM, ACLERR3810, ACL_Program, 0); return(ACLERRNOMEM); } PERM_FREE(method); } rv = PListGetValue(expr->expr_auth, ACL_ATTR_DATABASE_INDEX, (void **) &database, NULL); if (rv < 0) continue; /* The following function lets user use databases which are * not registered by their administrators. This also fixes * the backward compatibility. */ dbtype = (ACLDbType_t *)PERM_MALLOC(sizeof(ACLDbType_t)); rv = ACL_RegisterDbFromACL(errp, (const char *) database, dbtype); if (rv < 0) { nserrGenerate(errp, ACLERRUNDEF, ACLERR3800, ACL_Program, 3, acl->tag, "database", database); PERM_FREE(dbtype); return(ACLERRUNDEF); } rv = PListInitProp(expr->expr_auth, ACL_ATTR_DBTYPE_INDEX, ACL_ATTR_DBTYPE, dbtype, NULL); if ( rv < 0 ) { nserrGenerate(errp, ACLERRNOMEM, ACLERR3810, ACL_Program, 0); return(ACLERRNOMEM); } } } return(0); } /* * LOCAL FUNCTION * * Output Authorization Expression Rights "right, right" */ static int acl_decompose_expr_arg( acl_string_t *str_t, ACLExprHandle_t *expr ) { int ii; if ( expr->expr_argc <= 0 ) { return(ACLERRINTERNAL); } if ( expr->expr_type == ACL_EXPR_TYPE_RESPONSE ) { acl_to_str_append(str_t, expr->expr_argv[0]); acl_to_str_append(str_t, " \""); acl_to_str_append(str_t, expr->expr_argv[1]); acl_to_str_append(str_t, "\";\n"); return(0); } for (ii = 0; ii < expr->expr_argc; ii++) { acl_to_str_append(str_t, expr->expr_argv[ii]); if ( ii < expr->expr_argc - 1 ) { acl_to_str_append(str_t, ","); } } acl_to_str_append(str_t, ";\n"); return(0); } /* * LOCAL FUNCTION * * Walks through the authentication statement PList_t and * prints the structure to a string. */ static void acl_decompose_auth_expr(char *lval, const void *rval, void *user_data) { acl_string_t * p_aclstr = (acl_string_t *) user_data; // #### acl_to_str_append(p_aclstr, " "); acl_to_str_append(p_aclstr, lval); acl_to_str_append(p_aclstr, "=\""); acl_to_str_append(p_aclstr, (char *) rval); acl_to_str_append(p_aclstr, "\""); return; } /* * LOCAL FUNCTION * * Output the logic part of the authencation statement to a string. */ static int acl_decompose_auth_logic( acl_string_t * str_t, ACLExprHandle_t *expr) { if ( expr->expr_auth == NULL ) return(0); acl_to_str_append(str_t, "exprs"); PListEnumerate(expr->expr_auth, acl_decompose_auth_expr, (void *) str_t); acl_to_str_append(str_t, ";\n"); return(0); } /* * LOCAL FUNCTION * * Output the logic part of the authorization statement to a string. */ static int acl_decompose_expr_logic( acl_string_t *str_t, ACLExprHandle_t *expr, ACLExprStack_t *expr_stack) { int rv = 0; int ii; expr_stack->stack_index = 0; expr_stack->found_subexpression = 0; expr_stack->last_subexpression = -1; for (ii = 0; ii < expr->expr_raw_index; ii++) { rv = acl_reduce_expr_logic(expr_stack, &expr->expr_raw[ii]); if (rv) break; } if (!rv && expr_stack->expr_text[0]) { acl_to_str_append(str_t, "exprs "); acl_to_str_append(str_t, expr_stack->expr_text[0]); acl_to_str_append(str_t, ";\n"); PERM_FREE(expr_stack->expr_text[0]); } return(rv); } static int acl_decompose(acl_string_t *str_t, ACLListHandle_t *acl_list) { ACLWrapper_t *wrap; ACLHandle_t *acl; ACLExprHandle_t *expr; int rv = 0; ACLExprStack_t *expr_stack; expr_stack = (ACLExprStack_t *) PERM_MALLOC(sizeof(ACLExprStack_t)); if ( expr_stack == NULL ) return(ACLERRNOMEM); if ( acl_list->acl_list_head == NULL ) { PERM_FREE(expr_stack); return(0); } acl_to_str_append(str_t, "version 3.0;"); for (wrap = acl_list->acl_list_head; wrap && !rv; wrap = wrap->wrap_next ) { acl = wrap->acl; if ( acl->tag ) { acl_to_str_append(str_t, "\nname \""); acl_to_str_append(str_t, acl->tag); acl_to_str_append(str_t, "\";\n"); } else { acl_to_str_append(str_t, "\nname;\n"); } for (expr = acl->expr_list_head; expr && rv == 0; expr = expr->expr_next ) { switch (expr->expr_type) { case ACL_EXPR_TYPE_DENY: acl_to_str_append(str_t, "type deny;\nrights "); if ( (rv = acl_decompose_expr_arg(str_t, expr)) < 0 ) break; if ( IS_ABSOLUTE(expr->expr_flags) ) acl_to_str_append(str_t, "absolute true;\n"); rv = acl_decompose_expr_logic(str_t, expr, expr_stack); break; case ACL_EXPR_TYPE_ALLOW: acl_to_str_append(str_t, "type allow;\nrights "); if ( (rv = acl_decompose_expr_arg(str_t, expr)) < 0 ) break; if ( IS_ABSOLUTE(expr->expr_flags) ) acl_to_str_append(str_t, "absolute true;\n"); rv = acl_decompose_expr_logic(str_t, expr, expr_stack); break; case ACL_EXPR_TYPE_AUTH: acl_to_str_append(str_t, "type authenticate;\nattrs "); if ( (rv = acl_decompose_expr_arg(str_t, expr)) < 0 ) break; if ( IS_ABSOLUTE(expr->expr_flags) ) acl_to_str_append(str_t, "absolute true;\n"); rv = acl_decompose_auth_logic(str_t, expr); break; case ACL_EXPR_TYPE_RESPONSE: acl_to_str_append(str_t, "type response;\nattrs "); rv = acl_decompose_expr_arg(str_t, expr); break; } } } PERM_FREE(expr_stack); return(rv); } /* * Converts an ACLListHandle_t to a parameter list suitable for passing * to the ACL UI. * * Input: * errp error stack * acl a pointer to a string, holds the result of the * decomposition. * acl_list Target ACL list handle * Returns: * 0 success * < 0 failure */ NSAPI_PUBLIC int ACL_Decompose(NSErr_t *errp, char **acl, ACLListHandle_t *acl_list) { int rv ; acl_string_t aclstr={NULL,0,0}; if ( acl_list == NULL || acl == NULL ) return(ACLERRUNDEF); rv = acl_decompose(&aclstr, acl_list); *acl = aclstr.str; return ( rv ); } /* * The following routines are used to validate input parameters. They always * return 1, or cause an PR_ASSERT failure. The proper way to use them is * with an PR_ASSERT in the calling function. E.g. * PR_ASSERT(ACL_AssertAcllist(acllist)); */ int ACL_AssertAcllist(ACLListHandle_t *acllist) { ACLWrapper_t *wrap; if (acllist == ACL_LIST_NO_ACLS) return 1; PR_ASSERT(acllist); PR_ASSERT(acllist->acl_list_head); PR_ASSERT(acllist->acl_list_tail); PR_ASSERT(acllist->acl_count); PR_ASSERT(acllist->ref_count > 0); for (wrap=acllist->acl_list_head; wrap; wrap=wrap->wrap_next) { PR_ASSERT(ACL_AssertAcl(wrap->acl)); } /* Artificially limit ACL lists to 10 ACLs for now */ PR_ASSERT(acllist->acl_count < 10); return 1; } int ACL_AssertAcl(ACLHandle_t *acl) { PR_ASSERT(acl); PR_ASSERT(acl->ref_count); PR_ASSERT(acl->expr_count); PR_ASSERT(acl->expr_list_head); PR_ASSERT(acl->expr_list_tail); return 1; } static PList_t ACLAttr2IndexPList = NULL; int ACL_InitAttr2Index(void) { int i; if (ACLAttr2IndexPList) return 0; ACLAttr2IndexPList = PListNew(NULL); for (i = 1; i < ACL_ATTR_INDEX_MAX; i++) { PListInitProp(ACLAttr2IndexPList, 0, ACLAttrTable[i], (const void *)i, NULL); } return 0; } /* * Attempt to locate the index number for one of the known attribute names * that are stored in plists. If we can't match it, just return 0. */ int ACL_Attr2Index(const char *attrname) { int index = 0; if ( ACLAttr2IndexPList ) { PListFindValue(ACLAttr2IndexPList, attrname, (void **)&index, NULL); if (index < 0) index = 0; } return index; }