/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /* vlv_srch.c */ #include "back-ldbm.h" #include "vlv_srch.h" /* Attributes for vlvSearch */ char* const type_vlvName = "cn"; char* const type_vlvBase = "vlvBase"; char* const type_vlvScope = "vlvScope"; char* const type_vlvFilter = "vlvFilter"; /* Attributes for vlvIndex */ char* const type_vlvSort = "vlvSort"; char* const type_vlvFilename = "vlvFilename"; char* const type_vlvEnabled = "vlvEnabled"; char* const type_vlvUses = "vlvUses"; static const char *file_prefix= "vlv#"; /* '#' used to avoid collision with real attributes */ static const char *file_suffix= LDBM_FILENAME_SUFFIX; static int vlvIndex_createfilename(struct vlvIndex* pIndex, char **ppc); static int vlvIndex_equal(const struct vlvIndex* p1, const sort_spec* sort_control); static void vlvIndex_checkforindex(struct vlvIndex* p, backend *be); /* * Create a new vlvSearch object */ struct vlvSearch* vlvSearch_new() { struct vlvSearch* p = (struct vlvSearch*)slapi_ch_calloc(1,sizeof(struct vlvSearch)); if(p!=NULL) { p->vlv_e= NULL; p->vlv_dn= NULL; p->vlv_name= NULL; p->vlv_base= NULL; p->vlv_scope= LDAP_SCOPE_BASE; p->vlv_filter= NULL; p->vlv_slapifilter= NULL; p->vlv_index= NULL; p->vlv_next= NULL; } return p; } /* * Trim spaces off the end of the string */ static void trimspaces(char *s) { if (s) { PRUint32 i= strlen(s) - 1; while(i > 0 && isascii(s[i]) && isspace(s[i])) { s[i]= '\0'; i--; } } } /* * Re-Initialise a vlvSearch object */ void vlvSearch_reinit(struct vlvSearch* p, const struct backentry *base) { if (p->vlv_initialized) { return; /* no work to do */ } if (LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL != p->vlv_scope) { /* Only kind we re-init is onelevel searches */ return; } /* Now down to work */ if (NULL != p->vlv_slapifilter) { slapi_filter_free(p->vlv_slapifilter,1); } p->vlv_slapifilter= slapi_str2filter( p->vlv_filter ); filter_normalize(p->vlv_slapifilter); /* make (&(parentid=idofbase)(|(originalfilter)(objectclass=referral))) */ { Slapi_Filter *fid2kids= NULL; Slapi_Filter *focref= NULL; Slapi_Filter *fand= NULL; Slapi_Filter *forr= NULL; p->vlv_slapifilter= create_onelevel_filter(p->vlv_slapifilter, base, 0 /* managedsait */, &fid2kids, &focref, &fand, &forr); } } /* * Initialise a vlvSearch object */ void vlvSearch_init(struct vlvSearch* p, Slapi_PBlock *pb, const Slapi_Entry *e, ldbm_instance *inst) { /* VLV specification */ /* Need to copy the entry here because this one is in the cache, * not forever ! */ p->vlv_e= slapi_entry_dup( e ); p->vlv_dn= slapi_sdn_dup(slapi_entry_get_sdn_const(e)); p->vlv_name= slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(e,type_vlvName); p->vlv_base= slapi_sdn_new_dn_passin(slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(e,type_vlvBase)); p->vlv_scope= slapi_entry_attr_get_int(e,type_vlvScope); p->vlv_filter= slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(e,type_vlvFilter); p->vlv_initialized = 1; /* JCM: Should perform some validation and report errors to the error log */ /* JCM: Add brackets around the filter if none are there... */ trimspaces(p->vlv_name); trimspaces(p->vlv_filter); if(strlen(p->vlv_filter)>0) { /* Convert the textual filter, into a Slapi_Filter structure */ p->vlv_slapifilter= slapi_str2filter( p->vlv_filter ); filter_normalize(p->vlv_slapifilter); } /* JCM: Really should convert the slapifilter into a string and use that. */ /* Convert the filter based on the scope of the search */ switch(p->vlv_scope) { case LDAP_SCOPE_BASE: /* Don't need to alter the filter */ break; case LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL: { /* * Get the base object for the search. * The entry "" will never be contained in the database, * so treat it as a special case. */ struct backentry *e= NULL; if ( !slapi_sdn_isempty(p->vlv_base)) { Slapi_Backend *oldbe = NULL; entry_address addr; /* switch context to the target backend */ slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_BACKEND, &oldbe); slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_BACKEND, inst->inst_be); slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN, inst->inst_be->be_database); addr.dn = (char*)slapi_sdn_get_ndn (p->vlv_base); addr.uniqueid = NULL; e = find_entry( pb, inst->inst_be, &addr, NULL ); /* Check to see if the entry is absent. If it is, mark this search * as not initialized */ if (NULL == e) { p->vlv_initialized = 0; /* We crash on anyhow, and rely on the fact that the filter * we create is bogus to prevent chaos */ } /* switch context back to the DSE backend */ slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_BACKEND, oldbe); slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN, oldbe->be_database); } /* make (&(parentid=idofbase)(|(originalfilter)(objectclass=referral))) */ { Slapi_Filter *fid2kids= NULL; Slapi_Filter *focref= NULL; Slapi_Filter *fand= NULL; Slapi_Filter *forr= NULL; p->vlv_slapifilter= create_onelevel_filter(p->vlv_slapifilter, e, 0 /* managedsait */, &fid2kids, &focref, &fand, &forr); /* jcm: fid2kids, focref, fand, and forr get freed when we free p->vlv_slapifilter */ cache_return(&inst->inst_cache,&e); } } break; case LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE: { /* make (|(originalfilter)(objectclass=referral))) */ /* No need for scope-filter since we apply a scope test before the filter test */ Slapi_Filter *focref= NULL; Slapi_Filter *forr= NULL; p->vlv_slapifilter= create_subtree_filter(p->vlv_slapifilter, 0 /* managedsait */, &focref, &forr); /* jcm: focref and forr get freed when we free p->vlv_slapifilter */ } break; } } /* * Destroy an existing vlvSearch object */ void vlvSearch_delete(struct vlvSearch** ppvs) { if(ppvs!=NULL && *ppvs!=NULL) { struct vlvIndex *pi, *ni; slapi_sdn_free(&((*ppvs)->vlv_dn)); slapi_ch_free((void**)&((*ppvs)->vlv_name)); slapi_sdn_free(&((*ppvs)->vlv_base)); slapi_ch_free((void**)&((*ppvs)->vlv_filter)); slapi_filter_free((*ppvs)->vlv_slapifilter,1); for(pi= (*ppvs)->vlv_index;pi!=NULL;) { ni= pi->vlv_next; if(pi->vlv_be != NULL) { vlvIndex_go_offline(pi,pi->vlv_be); } vlvIndex_delete(&pi); pi= ni; } slapi_ch_free((void**)ppvs); *ppvs= NULL; } } /* * Add a search to a list. * * We add it to the end of the list because there could * be other threads traversing the list at this time. */ void vlvSearch_addtolist(struct vlvSearch* p, struct vlvSearch** pplist) { if(pplist!=NULL && p!=NULL) { p->vlv_next= NULL; if(*pplist==NULL) { *pplist= p; } else { struct vlvSearch* last= *pplist; for(;last->vlv_next!=NULL;last=last->vlv_next); last->vlv_next= p; } } } /* * Compare two VLV Searches to see if they're the same, based on their VLV Search specification. */ static struct vlvIndex * vlvSearch_equal(const struct vlvSearch* p1, const Slapi_DN *base, int scope, const char *filter, const sort_spec* sort_control) { struct vlvIndex *pi= NULL; int r= (slapi_sdn_compare(p1->vlv_base,base)==0); if(r) r= (p1->vlv_scope==scope); if(r) r= (strcasecmp(p1->vlv_filter,filter)==0); if(r) { pi= p1->vlv_index; r= 0; for(;!r && pi!=NULL;) { r= vlvIndex_equal(pi, sort_control); if(!r) { pi= pi->vlv_next; } } } return pi; } /* * Find an enabled VLV Search in a list which matches the * description provided in "base, scope, filter, sort_control" */ struct vlvIndex* vlvSearch_findenabled(backend *be,struct vlvSearch* plist, const Slapi_DN *base, int scope, const char *filter, const sort_spec* sort_control) { struct vlvSearch *t= plist; struct vlvIndex *pi= NULL; for(; (t!=NULL) && (pi == NULL); t= t->vlv_next) { pi= vlvSearch_equal(t,base,scope,filter,sort_control); if(pi!=NULL) { if(!vlvIndex_enabled(pi)) { /* * A VLV Spec which matched the search criteria was found. * But it hasn't been enabled yet. Check to see if the * index is there. But, only check once every 60 seconds. */ time_t curtime = current_time(); if(curtime>pi->vlv_lastchecked+60) { vlvIndex_checkforindex(pi, be); pi->vlv_lastchecked= current_time(); } } if(!vlvIndex_enabled(pi)) { pi= NULL; } } } return pi; } /* * Find a VLV Search in a list which matches the name */ struct vlvIndex* vlvSearch_findname(const struct vlvSearch* plist, const char *name) { const struct vlvSearch* t= plist; for(; t!=NULL ; t= t->vlv_next) { struct vlvIndex *pi= t->vlv_index; for(;pi!=NULL;pi= pi->vlv_next) { if(strcasecmp(pi->vlv_name,name)==0) { return pi; } } } return NULL; } /* * Find a VLV Search in a list which matches the index name */ struct vlvIndex* vlvSearch_findindexname(const struct vlvSearch* plist, const char *name) { const struct vlvSearch* t= plist; for(; t!=NULL ; t= t->vlv_next) { struct vlvIndex *pi= t->vlv_index; for(;pi!=NULL;pi= pi->vlv_next) { if(strcasecmp(pi->vlv_attrinfo->ai_type,name)==0) { return pi; } } } return NULL; } /* * Get a list of VLV Index names. * The returned pointer must be freed with slapi_ch_free */ char * vlvSearch_getnames(const struct vlvSearch* plist) { /* Work out how long the string will be */ char *text; int length= 5; /* enough to hold 'none' */ const struct vlvSearch* t= plist; for(; t!=NULL ; t= t->vlv_next) { struct vlvIndex *pi= t->vlv_index; for(;pi!=NULL;pi= pi->vlv_next) { length+= strlen(pi->vlv_name) + 4; } } /* Build a comma delimited list of Index names */ text= slapi_ch_malloc(length); if(length==5) { strcpy(text,"none"); } else { text[0]= '\0'; t= plist; for(; t!=NULL ; t= t->vlv_next) { struct vlvIndex *pi= t->vlv_index; for(;pi!=NULL;pi= pi->vlv_next) { sprintf(text + strlen(text),"'%s', ",pi->vlv_name); } } } return text; } /* * Find a VLV Search in a list, based on the DN. */ struct vlvSearch* vlvSearch_finddn(const struct vlvSearch* plist, const Slapi_DN *dn) { const struct vlvSearch* curr= plist; for(; curr!=NULL && slapi_sdn_compare(curr->vlv_dn,dn)!=0; curr= curr->vlv_next); return (struct vlvSearch*)curr; } /* * Remove a VLV Search from a list, based on the DN. */ void vlvSearch_removefromlist(struct vlvSearch** pplist, const Slapi_DN *dn) { int done= 0; struct vlvSearch* prev= NULL; struct vlvSearch* curr= *pplist; while(curr!=NULL && !done) { if(slapi_sdn_compare(curr->vlv_dn,dn)==0) { if(curr==*pplist) { *pplist= curr->vlv_next; } else { prev->vlv_next= curr->vlv_next; } done= 1; } else { prev= curr; curr= curr->vlv_next; } } } /* * Access Control Check to see if the client is allowed to use this VLV Search. */ int vlvSearch_accessallowed(struct vlvSearch *p, Slapi_PBlock *pb) { char *attrs[2] = { NULL, NULL}; attrs[0] = type_vlvName; return (plugin_call_acl_plugin ( pb, (Slapi_Entry*)p->vlv_e, attrs, NULL, SLAPI_ACL_READ, ACLPLUGIN_ACCESS_READ_ON_VLV, NULL ) ); } const Slapi_DN *vlvSearch_getBase(struct vlvSearch* p) { return p->vlv_base; } int vlvSearch_getScope(struct vlvSearch* p) { return p->vlv_scope; } Slapi_Filter *vlvSearch_getFilter(struct vlvSearch* p) { return p->vlv_slapifilter; } int vlvSearch_isVlvSearchEntry(Slapi_Entry *e) { return slapi_entry_attr_hasvalue(e, "objectclass", "vlvsearch"); } void vlvSearch_addIndex(struct vlvSearch *pSearch, struct vlvIndex *pIndex) { pIndex->vlv_next= NULL; if(pSearch->vlv_index==NULL) { pSearch->vlv_index= pIndex; } else { struct vlvIndex* last= pSearch->vlv_index; for(;last->vlv_next!=NULL;last=last->vlv_next); last->vlv_next= pIndex; } } /* ============================================================================================== */ /* * Create a new vlvIndex object */ struct vlvIndex* vlvIndex_new() { struct vlvIndex* p = (struct vlvIndex*)slapi_ch_calloc(1,sizeof(struct vlvIndex)); if(p!=NULL) { p->vlv_sortspec= NULL; p->vlv_attrinfo= attrinfo_new(); p->vlv_sortkey= NULL; p->vlv_filename= NULL; p->vlv_mrpb= NULL; p->vlv_syntax_plugin= NULL; p->vlv_indexlength_lock= PR_NewLock(); p->vlv_indexlength_cached= 0; p->vlv_indexlength= 0; p->vlv_online = 1; p->vlv_enabled = 0; p->vlv_lastchecked= 0; p->vlv_uses= 0; p->vlv_search= NULL; p->vlv_next= NULL; } return p; } /* * Destroy an existing vlvIndex object */ void vlvIndex_delete(struct vlvIndex** ppvs) { if(ppvs!=NULL && *ppvs!=NULL) { slapi_ch_free((void**)&((*ppvs)->vlv_sortspec)); { int n; for(n=0;(*ppvs)->vlv_sortkey[n]!=NULL;n++) { if((*ppvs)->vlv_mrpb[n] != NULL) { destroy_matchrule_indexer((*ppvs)->vlv_mrpb[n]); slapi_pblock_destroy((*ppvs)->vlv_mrpb[n]); } } } ldap_free_sort_keylist((*ppvs)->vlv_sortkey); attrinfo_delete(&((*ppvs)->vlv_attrinfo)); slapi_ch_free((void**)&((*ppvs)->vlv_mrpb)); slapi_ch_free((void**)&((*ppvs)->vlv_syntax_plugin)); PR_DestroyLock((*ppvs)->vlv_indexlength_lock); slapi_ch_free((void**)ppvs); *ppvs= NULL; } } /* * Initialise a vlvSearch object */ void vlvIndex_init(struct vlvIndex* p, backend *be, struct vlvSearch* pSearch, const Slapi_Entry *e) { struct ldbminfo *li = (struct ldbminfo *) be->be_database->plg_private; char *filename= NULL; if (NULL == p) return; /* JCM: Should perform some validation and report errors to the error log */ /* JCM: Add brackets around the filter if none are there... */ p->vlv_sortspec= slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(e,type_vlvSort); trimspaces(p->vlv_sortspec); p->vlv_name= slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(e,type_vlvName); trimspaces(p->vlv_name); p->vlv_search= pSearch; /* Convert the textual sort specification into a keylist structure */ ldap_create_sort_keylist(&(p->vlv_sortkey),p->vlv_sortspec); { /* * For each sort attribute find the appropriate syntax plugin, * and if it has a matching rule, create a matching rule indexer object. */ int n; for(n=0;p->vlv_sortkey[n]!=NULL;n++); p->vlv_mrpb= (Slapi_PBlock**)slapi_ch_calloc(n+1,sizeof(Slapi_PBlock*)); p->vlv_syntax_plugin= (void **)(Slapi_PBlock**)slapi_ch_calloc(n+1,sizeof(Slapi_PBlock*)); for(n=0;p->vlv_sortkey[n]!=NULL;n++) { slapi_attr_type2plugin( p->vlv_sortkey[n]->sk_attrtype, &p->vlv_syntax_plugin[n] ); if(p->vlv_sortkey[n]->sk_matchruleoid!=NULL) { create_matchrule_indexer(&p->vlv_mrpb[n],p->vlv_sortkey[n]->sk_matchruleoid,p->vlv_sortkey[n]->sk_attrtype); } } } /* Create an index filename for the search */ if(vlvIndex_createfilename(p,&filename)) { p->vlv_filename= slapi_ch_smprintf("%s%s%s",file_prefix,filename,file_suffix); /* Create an attrinfo structure */ p->vlv_attrinfo->ai_type= slapi_ch_smprintf("%s%s",file_prefix,filename); p->vlv_attrinfo->ai_indexmask= INDEX_VLV; /* Check if the index file actually exists */ if(li!=NULL) { vlvIndex_checkforindex(p, be); } p->vlv_lastchecked= current_time(); } slapi_ch_free((void**)&filename); } /* * Determine how many {key,data} pairs there are in the VLV Index. * We only work out the length of the index once, then we cache * it and maintain it. */ PRUint32 vlvIndex_get_indexlength(struct vlvIndex* p, DB *db, back_txn *txn) { if (NULL == p) return 0; if(!p->vlv_indexlength_cached) { DBC *dbc = NULL; DB_TXN *db_txn = NULL; int err= 0; if (NULL != txn) { db_txn = txn->back_txn_txn; } err = db->cursor(db, db_txn, &dbc, 0); if(err==0) { DBT key= {0}; DBT data= {0}; key.flags= DB_DBT_MALLOC; data.flags= DB_DBT_MALLOC; err= dbc->c_get(dbc,&key,&data,DB_LAST); if(err==0) { free(key.data); key.data= NULL; free(data.data); data.data= NULL; err= dbc->c_get(dbc,&key,&data,DB_GET_RECNO); if(err==0) { PR_Lock(p->vlv_indexlength_lock); p->vlv_indexlength_cached= 1; p->vlv_indexlength= *((db_recno_t*)data.data); PR_Unlock(p->vlv_indexlength_lock); free(data.data); } } dbc->c_close(dbc); } else { /* couldn't get cursor??? */ } } return p->vlv_indexlength; } /* * Increment the index length count. * We keep track of the index length for efficiency. */ void vlvIndex_increment_indexlength(struct vlvIndex* p, DB *db, back_txn *txn) { if (NULL == p) return; if(p->vlv_indexlength_cached) { PR_Lock(p->vlv_indexlength_lock); p->vlv_indexlength++; PR_Unlock(p->vlv_indexlength_lock); } else { p->vlv_indexlength= vlvIndex_get_indexlength(p, db, txn); } } /* * Decrement the index length count. * We keep track of the index length for efficiency. */ void vlvIndex_decrement_indexlength(struct vlvIndex* p, DB *db, back_txn *txn) { if (NULL == p) return; if(p->vlv_indexlength_cached) { /* jcm: Check for underflow? */ PR_Lock(p->vlv_indexlength_lock); p->vlv_indexlength--; PR_Unlock(p->vlv_indexlength_lock); } else { p->vlv_indexlength= vlvIndex_get_indexlength(p, db, txn); } } /* * Increment the usage counter */ void vlvIndex_incrementUsage(struct vlvIndex* p) { if (NULL == p) return; p->vlv_uses++; } /* * Get the filename of the index. */ const char * vlvIndex_filename(const struct vlvIndex* p) { if (NULL == p) return NULL; return p->vlv_filename; } /* * Check if the index is available. */ int vlvIndex_enabled(const struct vlvIndex* p) { if (NULL == p) return 0; return p->vlv_enabled; } int vlvIndex_online(const struct vlvIndex *p) { if (NULL == p) return 0; return p->vlv_online; } void vlvIndex_go_offline(struct vlvIndex *p, backend *be) { if (NULL == p) return; p->vlv_online = 0; p->vlv_enabled = 0; p->vlv_indexlength = 0; p->vlv_attrinfo->ai_indexmask |= INDEX_OFFLINE; dblayer_erase_index_file_nolock(be, p->vlv_attrinfo, 1 /* chkpt if not busy */); } void vlvIndex_go_online(struct vlvIndex *p, backend *be) { if (NULL == p) return; p->vlv_attrinfo->ai_indexmask &= ~INDEX_OFFLINE; p->vlv_online = 1; vlvIndex_checkforindex(p, be); } /* * Access Control Check to see if the client is allowed to use this VLV Index. */ int vlvIndex_accessallowed(struct vlvIndex *p, Slapi_PBlock *pb) { if (NULL == p) return 0; return vlvSearch_accessallowed(p->vlv_search, pb); } const Slapi_DN *vlvIndex_getBase(struct vlvIndex* p) { if (NULL == p) return NULL; return vlvSearch_getBase(p->vlv_search); } int vlvIndex_getScope(struct vlvIndex* p) { if (NULL == p) return 0; return vlvSearch_getScope(p->vlv_search); } Slapi_Filter *vlvIndex_getFilter(struct vlvIndex* p) { if (NULL == p) return NULL; return vlvSearch_getFilter(p->vlv_search); } const char *vlvIndex_getName(struct vlvIndex* p) { if (NULL == p) return NULL; return p->vlv_name; } /* * JCM: Could also match reverse sense of index and use in reverse. */ static int vlvIndex_equal(const struct vlvIndex* p1, const sort_spec* sort_control) { int r= 1; const sort_spec *t1= sort_control; LDAPsortkey *t2= p1->vlv_sortkey[0]; int n= 1; for(;t1!=NULL && t2!=NULL && r;t1= t1->next,t2=p1->vlv_sortkey[n],n++) { r= (t1->order && t2->sk_reverseorder) || (!t1->order && !t2->sk_reverseorder); if(r) r= (strcasecmp(t1->type, t2->sk_attrtype)==0); if(r) { if(t1->matchrule==NULL && t2->sk_matchruleoid==NULL) { r= 1; } else if(t1->matchrule!=NULL && t2->sk_matchruleoid!=NULL) { r= (strcasecmp(t1->matchrule, t2->sk_matchruleoid)==0); } else { r= 0; } } } if(r) r= (t1==NULL && t2==NULL); return r; } /* * Check if the index file actually exists, * and set vlv_enabled appropriately */ static void vlvIndex_checkforindex(struct vlvIndex* p, backend *be) { DB *db = NULL; /* if the vlv index is offline (being generated), don't even look */ if (! p->vlv_online) return; if (dblayer_get_index_file(be, p->vlv_attrinfo, &db, 0) == 0) { p->vlv_enabled = 1; dblayer_release_index_file( be, p->vlv_attrinfo, db ); } else { p->vlv_enabled = 0; } } int vlvIndex_isVlvIndexEntry(Slapi_Entry *e) { return slapi_entry_attr_hasvalue(e, "objectclass", "vlvindex"); } /* * Create the filename for the index. * Extract all the alphanumeric characters from the descriptive name. * Convert to all lower case. */ static int vlvIndex_createfilename(struct vlvIndex* pIndex, char **ppc) { int filenameValid= 1; unsigned int i; char *p, *filename; filename= slapi_ch_malloc(strlen(pIndex->vlv_name) + 1); p= filename; for(i=0;ivlv_name);i++) { if(isalnum(pIndex->vlv_name[i])) { *p= TOLOWER( pIndex->vlv_name[i] ); p++; } } *p= '\0'; if(strlen(filename)==0) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "Couldn't generate valid filename from Virtual List View Index Name (%s). Need some alphabetical characters.\n", pIndex->vlv_name, 0, 0); filenameValid= 0; } /* JCM: Check if this file clashes with another VLV Index filename */ *ppc= filename; return filenameValid; } int vlv_isvlv(char *filename) { if (0 == strncmp(filename, file_prefix, 4)) return 1; return 0; }