/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ /* * the "new" ("deluxe") backend import code * * please make sure you use 4-space indentation on this file. */ #include "back-ldbm.h" #include "vlv_srch.h" #include "import.h" #define ERR_IMPORT_ABORTED -23 /********** routines to manipulate the entry fifo **********/ /* this is pretty bogus -- could be a HUGE amount of memory */ /* Not anymore with the Import Queue Adaptative Algorithm (Regulation) */ #define MAX_FIFO_SIZE 8000 static int import_fifo_init(ImportJob *job) { ldbm_instance *inst = job->inst; /* Work out how big the entry fifo can be */ if (inst->inst_cache.c_maxentries > 0) job->fifo.size = inst->inst_cache.c_maxentries; else job->fifo.size = inst->inst_cache.c_maxsize / 1024; /* guess */ /* byte limit that should be respected to avoid memory starvation */ /* conservative computing: multiply by .8 to allow for reasonable overflow */ job->fifo.bsize = (inst->inst_cache.c_maxsize/10) << 3; job->fifo.c_bsize = 0; if (job->fifo.size > MAX_FIFO_SIZE) job->fifo.size = MAX_FIFO_SIZE; /* has to be at least 1 or 2, and anything less than about 100 destroys * the point of doing all this optimization in the first place. */ if (job->fifo.size < 100) job->fifo.size = 100; /* Get memory for the entry fifo */ /* This is used to keep a ref'ed pointer to the last * processed entries */ PR_ASSERT(NULL == job->fifo.item); job->fifo.item = (FifoItem *)slapi_ch_calloc(job->fifo.size, sizeof(FifoItem)); if (NULL == job->fifo.item) { /* Memory allocation error */ return -1; } return 0; } FifoItem *import_fifo_fetch(ImportJob *job, ID id, int worker, int shift) { int idx = id % job->fifo.size; FifoItem *fi; if (job->fifo.item) { fi = &(job->fifo.item[idx]); } else { return NULL; } if (fi->entry) { if (id != fi->entry->ep_id - shift) fi = NULL; else if (worker) { if (fi->bad) return NULL; PR_ASSERT(fi->entry->ep_refcnt > 0); } } return fi; } static void import_fifo_destroy(ImportJob *job) { /* Free any entries in the fifo first */ struct backentry *be = NULL; size_t i = 0; for (i = 0; i < job->fifo.size; i++) { be = job->fifo.item[i].entry; backentry_free(&be); job->fifo.item[i].entry = NULL; job->fifo.item[i].filename = NULL; } free(job->fifo.item); job->fifo.item = NULL; } /********** logging stuff **********/ #define LOG_BUFFER 256 /* this changes the 'nsTaskStatus' value, which is transient (anything logged * here wipes out any previous status) */ static void import_log_status_start(ImportJob *job) { if (! job->task_status) job->task_status = (char *)slapi_ch_malloc(10 * LOG_BUFFER); if (! job->task_status) return; /* out of memory? */ job->task_status[0] = 0; } static void import_log_status_add_line(ImportJob *job, char *format, ...) { va_list ap; int len = 0; if (! job->task_status) return; len = strlen(job->task_status); if (len + 5 > (10 * LOG_BUFFER)) return; /* no room */ if (job->task_status[0]) strcat(job->task_status, "\n"); va_start(ap, format); PR_vsnprintf(job->task_status + len, (10 * LOG_BUFFER) - len, format, ap); va_end(ap); } static void import_log_status_done(ImportJob *job) { if (job->task) { int len = 0; len = strlen(job->task_status); slapi_task_log_status(job->task, "%s", job->task_status); } } /* this adds a line to the 'nsTaskLog' value, which is cumulative (anything * logged here is added to the end) */ void import_log_notice(ImportJob *job, char *format, ...) { va_list ap; char buffer[LOG_BUFFER]; va_start(ap, format); PR_vsnprintf(buffer, LOG_BUFFER, format, ap); va_end(ap); if (job->task) { slapi_task_log_notice(job->task, "%s", buffer); } /* also save it in the logs for posterity */ LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "import %s: %s\n", job->inst->inst_name, buffer, 0); } static int import_task_destroy(Slapi_Task *task) { ImportJob *job = (ImportJob *)task->task_private; if (task->task_log) { slapi_ch_free((void **)&task->task_log); } if (task->task_status) { slapi_ch_free((void **)&task->task_status); } if (job && job->task_status) { slapi_ch_free((void **)&job->task_status); job->task_status = NULL; } FREE(job); task->task_private = NULL; return 0; } static int import_task_abort(Slapi_Task *task) { ImportJob *job; /* don't log anything from here, because we're still holding the * DSE lock for modify... */ if (task->task_state == SLAPI_TASK_FINISHED) { /* too late */ return 0; } /* * Race condition. * If the import thread happens to finish right now we're in trouble * because it will free the job. */ job = (ImportJob *)task->task_private; import_abort_all(job, 0); while (task->task_state != SLAPI_TASK_FINISHED) DS_Sleep(PR_MillisecondsToInterval(100)); return 0; } /********** helper functions for importing **********/ /* Function used to gather a list of indexed attrs */ static int import_attr_callback(void *node, void *param) { ImportJob *job = (ImportJob *)param; struct attrinfo *a = (struct attrinfo *)node; /* OK, so we now have hold of the attribute structure and the job info, * let's see what we have. Remember that although this function is called * many times, all these calls are in the context of a single thread, so we * don't need to worry about protecting the data in the job structure. */ /* We need to specifically exclude the entrydn & parentid indexes because * we build those in the foreman thread. */ if (IS_INDEXED(a->ai_indexmask) && (strcasecmp(a->ai_type, "entrydn") != 0) && (strcasecmp(a->ai_type, "parentid") != 0) && (strcasecmp(a->ai_type, "ancestorid") != 0) && (strcasecmp(a->ai_type, numsubordinates) != 0)) { /* Make an import_index_info structure, fill it in and insert into the * job's list */ IndexInfo *info = CALLOC(IndexInfo); if (NULL == info) { /* Memory allocation error */ return -1; } info->name = slapi_ch_strdup(a->ai_type); info->ai = a; if (NULL == info->name) { /* Memory allocation error */ free(info); return -1; } info->next = job->index_list; job->index_list = info; job->number_indexers++; } return 0; } static void import_set_index_buffer_size(ImportJob *job) { IndexInfo *current_index = NULL; size_t substring_index_count = 0; size_t proposed_size = 0; /* Count the substring indexes we have */ for (current_index = job->index_list; current_index != NULL; current_index = current_index->next) { if (current_index->ai->ai_indexmask & INDEX_SUB) { substring_index_count++; } } if (substring_index_count > 0) { /* Make proposed size such that if all substring indices were * reasonably full, we'd hit the target space */ proposed_size = (job->job_index_buffer_size / substring_index_count) / IMPORT_INDEX_BUFFER_SIZE_CONSTANT; if (proposed_size > IMPORT_MAX_INDEX_BUFFER_SIZE) { proposed_size = IMPORT_MAX_INDEX_BUFFER_SIZE; } if (proposed_size < IMPORT_MIN_INDEX_BUFFER_SIZE) { proposed_size = 0; } } job->job_index_buffer_suggestion = proposed_size; } static void import_free_thread_data(ImportJob *job) { /* DBDB free the lists etc */ ImportWorkerInfo *worker = job->worker_list; while (worker != NULL) { ImportWorkerInfo *asabird = worker; worker = worker->next; if (asabird->work_type != PRODUCER) slapi_ch_free( (void**)&asabird); } } void import_free_job(ImportJob *job) { /* DBDB free the lists etc */ IndexInfo *index = job->index_list; import_free_thread_data(job); while (index != NULL) { IndexInfo *asabird = index; index = index->next; slapi_ch_free( (void**)&asabird->name); slapi_ch_free( (void**)&asabird); } job->index_list = NULL; if (NULL != job->mothers) { import_subcount_stuff_term(job->mothers); slapi_ch_free( (void**)&job->mothers); } ldbm_back_free_incl_excl(job->include_subtrees, job->exclude_subtrees); charray_free(job->input_filenames); if (job->fifo.size) import_fifo_destroy(job); if (NULL != job->uuid_namespace) slapi_ch_free((void **)&job->uuid_namespace); if (job->wire_lock) PR_DestroyLock(job->wire_lock); if (job->wire_cv) PR_DestroyCondVar(job->wire_cv); slapi_ch_free((void **)&job->task_status); } /* determine if we are the correct backend for this entry * (in a distributed suffix, some entries may be for other backends). * if the entry's dn actually matches one of the suffixes of the be, we * automatically take it as a belonging one, for such entries must be * present in EVERY backend independently of the distribution applied. */ int import_entry_belongs_here(Slapi_Entry *e, backend *be) { Slapi_Backend *retbe; Slapi_DN *sdn = slapi_entry_get_sdn(e); if (slapi_be_issuffix(be, sdn)) return 1; retbe = slapi_mapping_tree_find_backend_for_sdn(sdn); return (retbe == be); } /********** starting threads and stuff **********/ /* Solaris is weird---we need an LWP per thread but NSPR doesn't give us * one unless we make this magic belshe-call */ /* Fixed on Solaris 8; NSPR supports PR_GLOBAL_BOUND_THREAD */ #define CREATE_THREAD PR_CreateThread static void import_init_worker_info(ImportWorkerInfo *info, ImportJob *job) { info->command = PAUSE; info->job = job; info->first_ID = job->first_ID; info->index_buffer_size = job->job_index_buffer_suggestion; } static int import_start_threads(ImportJob *job) { IndexInfo *current_index = NULL; ImportWorkerInfo *foreman = NULL, *worker = NULL; foreman = CALLOC(ImportWorkerInfo); if (!foreman) goto error; /* start the foreman */ import_init_worker_info(foreman, job); foreman->work_type = FOREMAN; if (! CREATE_THREAD(PR_USER_THREAD, (VFP)import_foreman, foreman, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, PR_GLOBAL_BOUND_THREAD, PR_UNJOINABLE_THREAD, SLAPD_DEFAULT_THREAD_STACKSIZE)) { PRErrorCode prerr = PR_GetError(); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "unable to spawn import foreman thread, " SLAPI_COMPONENT_NAME_NSPR " error %d (%s)\n", prerr, slapd_pr_strerror(prerr), 0); FREE(foreman); goto error; } foreman->next = job->worker_list; job->worker_list = foreman; /* Start follower threads, if we are doing attribute indexing */ current_index = job->index_list; if (job->flags & FLAG_INDEX_ATTRS) { while (current_index) { /* make a new thread info structure */ worker = CALLOC(ImportWorkerInfo); if (! worker) goto error; /* fill it in */ import_init_worker_info(worker, job); worker->index_info = current_index; worker->work_type = WORKER; /* Start the thread */ if (! CREATE_THREAD(PR_USER_THREAD, (VFP)import_worker, worker, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, PR_GLOBAL_BOUND_THREAD, PR_UNJOINABLE_THREAD, SLAPD_DEFAULT_THREAD_STACKSIZE)) { PRErrorCode prerr = PR_GetError(); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "unable to spawn import worker thread, " SLAPI_COMPONENT_NAME_NSPR " error %d (%s)\n", prerr, slapd_pr_strerror(prerr), 0); FREE(worker); goto error; } /* link it onto the job's thread list */ worker->next = job->worker_list; job->worker_list = worker; current_index = current_index->next; } } return 0; error: import_log_notice(job, "Import thread creation failed."); import_log_notice(job, "Aborting all import threads..."); import_abort_all(job, 1); import_log_notice(job, "Import threads aborted."); return -1; } /********** monitoring the worker threads **********/ static void import_clear_progress_history(ImportJob *job) { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < IMPORT_JOB_PROG_HISTORY_SIZE /*- 1*/; i++) { job->progress_history[i] = job->first_ID; job->progress_times[i] = job->start_time; } /* reset libdb cache stats */ job->inst->inst_cache_hits = job->inst->inst_cache_misses = 0; } static double import_grok_db_stats(ldbm_instance *inst) { DB_MPOOL_STAT *mpstat = NULL; DB_MPOOL_FSTAT **mpfstat = NULL; int return_value = -1; double cache_hit_ratio = 0.0; return_value = dblayer_memp_stat_instance(inst, &mpstat, &mpfstat); if (0 == return_value) { unsigned long current_cache_hits = mpstat->st_cache_hit; unsigned long current_cache_misses = mpstat->st_cache_miss; if (inst->inst_cache_hits) { unsigned long hit_delta, miss_delta; hit_delta = current_cache_hits - inst->inst_cache_hits; miss_delta = current_cache_misses - inst->inst_cache_misses; if (hit_delta != 0) { cache_hit_ratio = (double)hit_delta / (double)(hit_delta + miss_delta); } } inst->inst_cache_misses = current_cache_misses; inst->inst_cache_hits = current_cache_hits; if (mpstat) free(mpstat); if (mpfstat) { #if 1000*DB_VERSION_MAJOR + 100*DB_VERSION_MINOR + DB_VERSION_PATCH <= 3204 /* In DB 3.2.4 and earlier, we need to free each element */ DB_MPOOL_FSTAT **tfsp; for (tfsp = mpfstat; *tfsp; tfsp++) free(*tfsp); #endif free(mpfstat); } } return cache_hit_ratio; } static char* import_decode_worker_state(int state) { switch (state) { case WAITING: return "W"; case RUNNING: return "R"; case FINISHED: return "F"; case ABORTED: return "A"; default: return "?"; } } static void import_print_worker_status(ImportWorkerInfo *info) { char *name = (info->work_type == PRODUCER ? "Producer" : (info->work_type == FOREMAN ? "Foreman" : info->index_info->name)); import_log_status_add_line(info->job, "%-25s %s%10ld %7.1f", name, import_decode_worker_state(info->state), info->last_ID_processed, info->rate); } #define IMPORT_CHUNK_TEST_HOLDOFF_TIME (5*60) /* Seconds */ /* Got to be lower than this: */ #define IMPORT_CHUNK_TEST_CACHE_HIT_RATIO (0.99) /* Less than half as fast as we were doing: */ #define IMPORT_CHUNK_TEST_SLOWDOWN_RATIO_A (0.5) /* A lot less fast than we were doing: */ #define IMPORT_CHUNK_TEST_SLOWDOWN_RATIO_B (0.1) static int import_throw_in_towel(ImportJob *job, time_t current_time, ID trailing_ID) { static int number_of_times_here = 0; /* secret -c option allows specific chunk size to be set... */ if (job->merge_chunk_size != 0) { if ((0 != job->lead_ID) && (trailing_ID > job->first_ID) && (trailing_ID - job->first_ID > job->merge_chunk_size)) { return 1; } return 0; } /* Check stats to decide whether we're getting bogged down and should * terminate this pass. */ /* Check #1 : are we more than 10 minutes into the chunk ? */ if (current_time - job->start_time > IMPORT_CHUNK_TEST_HOLDOFF_TIME) { /* Check #2 : Have we slowed down considerably recently ? */ if ((job->recent_progress_rate / job->average_progress_rate) < IMPORT_CHUNK_TEST_SLOWDOWN_RATIO_A) { /* Check #3: Cache performing poorly---the puported reason * for the slowdown */ if (job->cache_hit_ratio < IMPORT_CHUNK_TEST_CACHE_HIT_RATIO) { /* We have a winner ! */ import_log_notice(job, "Decided to end this pass because " "the progress rate has dropped below " "the %.0f%% threshold.", IMPORT_CHUNK_TEST_SLOWDOWN_RATIO_A*100.0); return 1; } } else { if ((job->recent_progress_rate / job->average_progress_rate) < IMPORT_CHUNK_TEST_SLOWDOWN_RATIO_B) { /* Alternative check: have we really, really slowed down, * without the test for cache overflow? */ /* This is designed to catch the case where the cache has * been misconfigured too large */ if (number_of_times_here > 10) { /* Got to get here ten times at least */ import_log_notice(job, "Decided to end this pass " "because the progress rate " "plummeted below %.0f%%", IMPORT_CHUNK_TEST_SLOWDOWN_RATIO_B*100.0); return 1; } number_of_times_here++; } } } number_of_times_here = 0; return 0; } static void import_push_progress_history(ImportJob *job, ID current_id, time_t current_time) { int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < IMPORT_JOB_PROG_HISTORY_SIZE - 1; i++) { job->progress_history[i] = job->progress_history[i+1]; job->progress_times[i] = job->progress_times[i+1]; } job->progress_history[i] = current_id; job->progress_times[i] = current_time; } static void import_calc_rate(ImportWorkerInfo *info, int time_interval) { size_t ids = info->last_ID_processed - info->previous_ID_counted; double rate = (double)ids / time_interval; if ( (info->previous_ID_counted != 0) && (info->last_ID_processed != 0) ) { info->rate = rate; } else { info->rate = 0; } info->previous_ID_counted = info->last_ID_processed; } /* find the rate (ids/time) of work from a worker thread between history * marks A and B. */ #define HISTORY(N) (job->progress_history[N]) #define TIMES(N) (job->progress_times[N]) #define PROGRESS(A, B) ((HISTORY(B) > HISTORY(A)) ? \ ((double)(HISTORY(B) - HISTORY(A)) / \ (double)(TIMES(B) - TIMES(A))) : \ (double)0) static int import_monitor_threads(ImportJob *job, int *status) { PRIntervalTime tenthsecond = PR_MillisecondsToInterval(100); ImportWorkerInfo *current_worker = NULL; ImportWorkerInfo *producer = NULL, *foreman = NULL; int finished = 0; int giveup = 0; int count = 1; /* 1 to prevent premature status report */ int producer_done = 0; const int display_interval = 200; time_t time_now = 0; time_t last_time = 0; time_t time_interval = 0; for (current_worker = job->worker_list; current_worker != NULL; current_worker = current_worker->next) { current_worker->command = RUN; if (current_worker->work_type == PRODUCER) producer = current_worker; if (current_worker->work_type == FOREMAN) foreman = current_worker; } if (job->flags & FLAG_USE_FILES) PR_ASSERT(producer != NULL); PR_ASSERT(foreman != NULL); time(&last_time); job->start_time = last_time; import_clear_progress_history(job); while (!finished) { ID trailing_ID = NOID; DS_Sleep(tenthsecond); finished = 1; /* First calculate the time interval since last reported */ if (0 == (count % display_interval)) { time(&time_now); time_interval = time_now - last_time; last_time = time_now; /* Now calculate our rate of progress overall for this chunk */ if (time_now != job->start_time) { /* log a cute chart of the worker progress */ import_log_status_start(job); import_log_status_add_line(job, "Index status for import of %s:", job->inst->inst_name); import_log_status_add_line(job, "-------Index Task-------State---Entry----Rate-"); import_push_progress_history(job, foreman->last_ID_processed, time_now); job->average_progress_rate = (double)(HISTORY(IMPORT_JOB_PROG_HISTORY_SIZE-1)+1 - foreman->first_ID) / (double)(TIMES(IMPORT_JOB_PROG_HISTORY_SIZE-1) - job->start_time); job->recent_progress_rate = PROGRESS(0, IMPORT_JOB_PROG_HISTORY_SIZE-1); job->cache_hit_ratio = import_grok_db_stats(job->inst); } } for (current_worker = job->worker_list; current_worker != NULL; current_worker = current_worker->next) { /* Calculate the ID at which the slowest worker is currently * processing */ if ((trailing_ID > current_worker->last_ID_processed) && (current_worker->work_type == WORKER)) { trailing_ID = current_worker->last_ID_processed; } if (0 == (count % display_interval) && time_interval) { import_calc_rate(current_worker, time_interval); import_print_worker_status(current_worker); } if (current_worker->state != FINISHED) { finished = 0; } if (current_worker->state == ABORTED) { goto error_abort; } } if ((0 == (count % display_interval)) && (job->start_time != time_now)) { char buffer[256], *p = buffer; import_log_status_done(job); p += sprintf(p, "Processed %lu entries ", (u_long)job->ready_ID); if (job->total_pass > 1) p += sprintf(p, "(pass %d) ", job->total_pass); p += sprintf(p, "-- average rate %.1f/sec, ", job->average_progress_rate); p += sprintf(p, "recent rate %.1f/sec, ", job->recent_progress_rate); p += sprintf(p, "hit ratio %.0f%%", job->cache_hit_ratio * 100.0); import_log_notice(job, "%s", buffer); } /* Then let's see if it's time to complete this import pass */ if (!giveup) { giveup = import_throw_in_towel(job, time_now, trailing_ID); if (giveup) { /* If so, signal the lead thread to stop */ import_log_notice(job, "Ending pass number %d ...", job->total_pass); foreman->command = STOP; while (foreman->state != FINISHED) { DS_Sleep(tenthsecond); } import_log_notice(job, "Foreman is done; waiting for " "workers to finish..."); } } /* if the producer is finished, and the foreman has caught up... */ if (producer) { producer_done = (producer->state == FINISHED); } else { producer_done = (job->flags & FLAG_PRODUCER_DONE); } if (producer_done && (job->lead_ID == job->ready_ID)) { /* tell the foreman to stop if he's still working. */ if (foreman->state != FINISHED) foreman->command = STOP; /* if all the workers are caught up too, we're done */ if (trailing_ID == job->lead_ID) break; } /* if the foreman is done (end of pass) and the worker threads * have caught up... */ if ((foreman->state == FINISHED) && (job->ready_ID == trailing_ID)) { break; } count++; } import_log_notice(job, "Workers finished; cleaning up..."); /* Now tell all the workers to stop */ for (current_worker = job->worker_list; current_worker != NULL; current_worker = current_worker->next) { if (current_worker->work_type != PRODUCER) current_worker->command = STOP; } /* Having done that, wait for them to say that they've stopped */ for (current_worker = job->worker_list; current_worker != NULL; ) { if ((current_worker->state != FINISHED) && (current_worker->state != ABORTED) && (current_worker->work_type != PRODUCER)) { DS_Sleep(tenthsecond); /* Only sleep if we hit a thread that is still not done */ continue; } else { current_worker = current_worker->next; } } import_log_notice(job, "Workers cleaned up."); /* If we're here and giveup is true, and the primary hadn't finished * processing the input files, we need to return IMPORT_INCOMPLETE_PASS */ if (giveup && (job->input_filenames || (job->flags & FLAG_ONLINE) || (job->flags & FLAG_REINDEXING /* support multi-pass */))) { if (producer_done && (job->ready_ID == job->lead_ID)) { /* foreman caught up with the producer, and the producer is * done. */ *status = IMPORT_COMPLETE_PASS; } else { *status = IMPORT_INCOMPLETE_PASS; } } else { *status = IMPORT_COMPLETE_PASS; } return 0; error_abort: return ERR_IMPORT_ABORTED; } /********** running passes **********/ static int import_run_pass(ImportJob *job, int *status) { int ret = 0; /* Start the threads running */ ret = import_start_threads(job); if (ret != 0) { import_log_notice(job, "Starting threads failed: %d\n", ret); goto error; } /* Monitor the threads until we're done or fail */ ret = import_monitor_threads(job, status); if (ret == ERR_IMPORT_ABORTED) { goto error; } else if (ret != 0) { import_log_notice(job, "Thread monitoring aborted: %d\n", ret); goto error; } error: return ret; } static void import_set_abort_flag_all(ImportJob *job, int wait_for_them) { ImportWorkerInfo *worker; /* tell all the worker threads to abort */ job->flags |= FLAG_ABORT; /* setting of the flag in the job will be detected in the worker, foreman * threads and if there are any threads which have a sleeptime 200 msecs * = import_sleep_time; after that time, they will examine the condition * (job->flags & FLAG_ABORT) which will unblock the thread to proceed to * abort. Hence, we will sleep here for atleast 3 sec to make sure clean * up occurs */ /* allow all the aborts to be processed */ DS_Sleep(PR_MillisecondsToInterval(3000)); if (wait_for_them) { /* Having done that, wait for them to say that they've stopped */ for (worker = job->worker_list; worker != NULL; ) { DS_Sleep(PR_MillisecondsToInterval(100)); if ((worker->state != FINISHED) && (worker->state != ABORTED)){ continue; } else{ worker = worker->next; } } } } /* tell all the threads to abort */ void import_abort_all(ImportJob *job, int wait_for_them) { ImportWorkerInfo *worker; /* tell all the worker threads to abort */ job->flags |= FLAG_ABORT; for (worker = job->worker_list; worker; worker = worker->next) worker->command = ABORT; if (wait_for_them) { /* Having done that, wait for them to say that they've stopped */ for (worker = job->worker_list; worker != NULL; ) { DS_Sleep(PR_MillisecondsToInterval(100)); if ((worker->state != FINISHED) && (worker->state != ABORTED)) continue; else worker = worker->next; } } } /* Helper function to make up filenames */ int import_make_merge_filenames(char *directory, char *indexname, int pass, char **oldname, char **newname) { /* Filenames look like this: attributename and need to be renamed to: attributename.n where n is the pass number. */ *oldname = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/%s%s", directory, indexname, LDBM_FILENAME_SUFFIX); *newname = slapi_ch_smprintf("%s/%s.%d%s", directory, indexname, pass, LDBM_FILENAME_SUFFIX); if (!*oldname || !*newname) { slapi_ch_free_string(oldname); slapi_ch_free_string(newname); return -1; } return 0; } /* Task here is as follows: * First, if this is pass #1, check for the presence of a merge * directory. If it is not present, create it. * If it is present, delete all the files in it. * Then, flush the dblayer and close files. * Now create a numbered subdir of the merge directory for this pass. * Next, move the index files, except entrydn, parentid and id2entry to * the merge subdirectory. Important to move if we can, because * that can be millions of times faster than a copy. * Finally open the dblayer back up because the caller expects * us to not muck with it. */ static int import_sweep_after_pass(ImportJob *job) { backend *be = job->inst->inst_be; int ret = 0; import_log_notice(job, "Sweeping files for merging later..."); ret = dblayer_instance_close(be); if (0 == ret) { /* Walk the list of index jobs */ ImportWorkerInfo *current_worker = NULL; for (current_worker = job->worker_list; current_worker != NULL; current_worker = current_worker->next) { /* Foreach job, rename the file to .n, where n is the * pass number */ if ((current_worker->work_type != FOREMAN) && (current_worker->work_type != PRODUCER) && (strcasecmp(current_worker->index_info->name, "parentid") != 0)) { char *newname = NULL; char *oldname = NULL; ret = import_make_merge_filenames(job->inst->inst_dir_name, current_worker->index_info->name, job->current_pass, &oldname, &newname); if (0 != ret) { break; } if (PR_Access(oldname, PR_ACCESS_EXISTS) == PR_SUCCESS) { ret = PR_Rename(oldname, newname); if (ret != PR_SUCCESS) { PRErrorCode prerr = PR_GetError(); import_log_notice(job, "Failed to rename file \"%s\" to \"%s\", " SLAPI_COMPONENT_NAME_NSPR " error %d (%s)", oldname, newname, prerr, slapd_pr_strerror(prerr)); slapi_ch_free( (void**)&newname); slapi_ch_free( (void**)&oldname); break; } } slapi_ch_free( (void**)&newname); slapi_ch_free( (void**)&oldname); } } ret = dblayer_instance_start(be, DBLAYER_IMPORT_MODE); } if (0 == ret) { import_log_notice(job, "Sweep done."); } else { if (ENOSPC == ret) { import_log_notice(job, "ERROR: NO DISK SPACE LEFT in sweep phase"); } else { import_log_notice(job, "ERROR: Sweep phase error %d (%s)", ret, dblayer_strerror(ret)); } } return ret; } /* when the import is done, this function is called to bring stuff back up. * returns 0 on success; anything else is an error */ static int import_all_done(ImportJob *job, int ret) { ldbm_instance *inst = job->inst; /* Writing this file indicates to future server startups that * the db is OK */ if (ret == 0) { char inst_dir[MAXPATHLEN*2]; char *inst_dirp = NULL; inst_dirp = dblayer_get_full_inst_dir(inst->inst_li, inst, inst_dir, MAXPATHLEN*2); ret = dbversion_write(inst->inst_li, inst_dirp, NULL); if (inst_dirp != inst_dir) slapi_ch_free_string(&inst_dirp); } if (job->task != NULL && 0 == job->task->task_refcount) { /* exit code */ job->task->task_exitcode = ret; job->task->task_state = SLAPI_TASK_FINISHED; job->task->task_progress = job->task->task_work; job->task->task_private = NULL; slapi_task_status_changed(job->task); } if (job->flags & FLAG_ONLINE) { /* start up the instance */ ret = dblayer_instance_start(job->inst->inst_be, DBLAYER_NORMAL_MODE); if (ret != 0) return ret; /* bring backend online again */ slapi_mtn_be_enable(inst->inst_be); } return ret; } int import_main_offline(void *arg) { ImportJob *job = (ImportJob *)arg; ldbm_instance *inst = job->inst; backend *be = inst->inst_be; int ret = 0; time_t beginning = 0; time_t end = 0; int finished = 0; int status = 0; int verbose = 1; ImportWorkerInfo *producer = NULL; if (job->task) job->task->task_refcount++; PR_ASSERT(inst != NULL); time(&beginning); /* Decide which indexes are needed */ if (job->flags & FLAG_INDEX_ATTRS) { /* Here, we get an AVL tree which contains nodes for all attributes * in the schema. Given this tree, we need to identify those nodes * which are marked for indexing. */ avl_apply(job->inst->inst_attrs, (IFP)import_attr_callback, (caddr_t)job, -1, AVL_INORDER); vlv_getindices((IFP)import_attr_callback, (void *)job, be); } /* Determine how much index buffering space to allocate to each index */ import_set_index_buffer_size(job); /* initialize the entry FIFO */ ret = import_fifo_init(job); if (ret) { if (! (job->flags & FLAG_USE_FILES)) { PR_Lock(job->wire_lock); PR_NotifyCondVar(job->wire_cv); PR_Unlock(job->wire_lock); } goto error; } if (job->flags & FLAG_USE_FILES) { /* importing from files: start up a producer thread to read the * files and queue them */ producer = CALLOC(ImportWorkerInfo); if (! producer) goto error; /* start the producer */ import_init_worker_info(producer, job); producer->work_type = PRODUCER; if (job->flags & FLAG_REINDEXING) { if (! CREATE_THREAD(PR_USER_THREAD, (VFP)index_producer, producer, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, PR_GLOBAL_BOUND_THREAD, PR_UNJOINABLE_THREAD, SLAPD_DEFAULT_THREAD_STACKSIZE)) { PRErrorCode prerr = PR_GetError(); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "unable to spawn index producer thread, " SLAPI_COMPONENT_NAME_NSPR " error %d (%s)\n", prerr, slapd_pr_strerror(prerr), 0); goto error; } } else { import_log_notice(job, "Beginning import job..."); if (! CREATE_THREAD(PR_USER_THREAD, (VFP)import_producer, producer, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, PR_GLOBAL_BOUND_THREAD, PR_UNJOINABLE_THREAD, SLAPD_DEFAULT_THREAD_STACKSIZE)) { PRErrorCode prerr = PR_GetError(); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "unable to spawn import producer thread, " SLAPI_COMPONENT_NAME_NSPR " error %d (%s)\n", prerr, slapd_pr_strerror(prerr), 0); goto error; } } if (0 == job->job_index_buffer_suggestion) import_log_notice(job, "Index buffering is disabled."); else import_log_notice(job, "Index buffering enabled with bucket size %lu", job->job_index_buffer_suggestion); job->worker_list = producer; } else { /* release the startup lock and let the entries start queueing up * in for import */ PR_Lock(job->wire_lock); PR_NotifyCondVar(job->wire_cv); PR_Unlock(job->wire_lock); } /* Run as many passes as we need to complete the job or die honourably in * the attempt */ while (! finished) { job->current_pass++; job->total_pass++; ret = import_run_pass(job, &status); /* The following could have happened: * (a) Some error happened such that we're hosed. * This is indicated by a non-zero return code. * (b) We finished the complete file without needing a second pass * This is indicated by a zero return code and a status of * IMPORT_COMPLETE_PASS and current_pass == 1; * (c) We completed a pass and need at least another one * This is indicated by a zero return code and a status of * IMPORT_INCOMPLETE_PASS * (d) We just completed what turned out to be the last in a * series of passes * This is indicated by a zero return code and a status of * IMPORT_COMPLETE_PASS and current_pass > 1 */ if (ret == ERR_IMPORT_ABORTED) { /* at least one of the threads has aborted -- shut down ALL * of the threads */ import_log_notice(job, "Aborting all import threads..."); /* this abort sets the abort flag on the threads and will block for * the exit of all threads */ import_set_abort_flag_all(job, 1); import_log_notice(job, "Import threads aborted."); goto error; } if (0 != ret) { /* Some horrible fate has befallen the import */ import_log_notice(job, "Fatal pass error %d", ret); goto error; } /* No error, but a number of possibilities */ if ( IMPORT_COMPLETE_PASS == status ) { if (1 == job->current_pass) { /* We're done !!!! */ ; } else { /* Save the files, then merge */ ret = import_sweep_after_pass(job); if (0 != ret) { goto error; } ret = import_mega_merge(job); if (0 != ret) { goto error; } } finished = 1; } else { if (IMPORT_INCOMPLETE_PASS == status) { /* Need to go round again */ /* Time to save the files we've built for later */ ret = import_sweep_after_pass(job); if (0 != ret) { goto error; } if ( (inst->inst_li->li_maxpassbeforemerge != 0) && (job->current_pass > inst->inst_li->li_maxpassbeforemerge) ) { ret = import_mega_merge(job); if (0 != ret) { goto error; } job->current_pass = 1; ret = import_sweep_after_pass(job); if (0 != ret) { goto error; } } /* Fixup the first_ID value to reflect previous work */ job->first_ID = job->ready_ID + 1; import_free_thread_data(job); job->worker_list = producer; import_log_notice(job, "Beginning pass number %d", job->total_pass+1); } else { /* Bizarro-slapd */ goto error; } } } /* kill the producer now; we're done */ if (producer) { import_log_notice(job, "Cleaning up producer thread..."); producer->command = STOP; /* wait for the lead thread to stop */ while (producer->state != FINISHED) { DS_Sleep(PR_MillisecondsToInterval(100)); } } /* Now do the numsubordinates attribute */ import_log_notice(job, "Indexing complete. Post-processing..."); /* [610066] reindexed db cannot be used in the following backup/restore */ if ( !(job->flags & FLAG_REINDEXING) && (ret = update_subordinatecounts(be, job->mothers, NULL)) != 0) { import_log_notice(job, "Failed to update numsubordinates attributes"); goto error; } /* And the ancestorid index */ if ((ret = ldbm_ancestorid_create_index(be)) != 0) { import_log_notice(job, "Failed to create ancestorid index"); goto error; } import_log_notice(job, "Flushing caches..."); if (0 != (ret = dblayer_flush(job->inst->inst_li)) ) { import_log_notice(job, "Failed to flush database"); goto error; } /* New way to exit the routine: check the return code. * If it's non-zero, delete the database files. * Otherwise don't, but always close the database layer properly. * Then return. This ensures that we can't make a half-good/half-bad * Database. */ error: /* If we fail, the database is now in a mess, so we delete it */ import_log_notice(job, "Closing files..."); cache_clear(&job->inst->inst_cache); if (0 != ret) { dblayer_delete_instance_dir(be); dblayer_instance_close(job->inst->inst_be); } else { if (0 != (ret = dblayer_instance_close(job->inst->inst_be)) ) { import_log_notice(job, "Failed to close database"); } } if (!(job->flags & FLAG_ONLINE)) dblayer_close(job->inst->inst_li, DBLAYER_IMPORT_MODE); time(&end); if (verbose && (0 == ret)) { int seconds_to_import = end - beginning; size_t entries_processed = job->lead_ID - (job->starting_ID - 1); double entries_per_second = (double) entries_processed / (double) seconds_to_import; if (job->not_here_skipped) { if (job->skipped) import_log_notice(job, "Import complete. Processed %lu entries " "(%d bad entries were skipped, " "%d entries were skipped because they don't " "belong to this database) in %d seconds. " "(%.2f entries/sec)", entries_processed, job->skipped, job->not_here_skipped, seconds_to_import, entries_per_second); else import_log_notice(job, "Import complete. Processed %lu entries " "(%d entries were skipped because they don't " "belong to this database) " "in %d seconds. (%.2f entries/sec)", entries_processed, job->not_here_skipped, seconds_to_import, entries_per_second); } else { if (job->skipped) import_log_notice(job, "Import complete. Processed %lu entries " "(%d were skipped) in %d seconds. " "(%.2f entries/sec)", entries_processed, job->skipped, seconds_to_import, entries_per_second); else import_log_notice(job, "Import complete. Processed %lu entries " "in %d seconds. (%.2f entries/sec)", entries_processed, seconds_to_import, entries_per_second); } } if (0 != ret) { import_log_notice(job, "Import failed."); if (job->task != NULL) { job->task->task_state = SLAPI_TASK_FINISHED; job->task->task_exitcode = ret; slapi_task_status_changed(job->task); } } else { if (job->task) job->task->task_refcount--; import_all_done(job, ret); } /* This instance isn't busy anymore */ instance_set_not_busy(job->inst); import_free_job(job); if (producer) FREE(producer); return(ret); } /* * to be called by online import using PR_CreateThread() * offline import directly calls import_main_offline() * */ void import_main(void *arg) { import_main_offline(arg); } int ldbm_back_ldif2ldbm_deluxe(Slapi_PBlock *pb) { backend *be = NULL; int noattrindexes = 0; ImportJob *job = NULL; char **name_array = NULL; int total_files, i; PRThread *thread = NULL; job = CALLOC(ImportJob); if (job == NULL) { LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "not enough memory to do import job\n", 0, 0, 0); return -1; } slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_BACKEND, &be); PR_ASSERT(NULL != be); job->inst = (ldbm_instance *)be->be_instance_info; slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_LDIF2DB_NOATTRINDEXES, &noattrindexes ); slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_LDIF2DB_FILE, &name_array ); /* the removedupvals field is blatantly overloaded here to mean * the chunk size too. (chunk size = number of entries that should * be imported before starting a new pass. usually for debugging.) */ slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_LDIF2DB_REMOVEDUPVALS, &job->merge_chunk_size); if (job->merge_chunk_size == 1) job->merge_chunk_size = 0; /* get list of specifically included and/or excluded subtrees from * the front-end */ ldbm_back_fetch_incl_excl(pb, &job->include_subtrees, &job->exclude_subtrees); /* get cn=tasks info, if any */ slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_BACKEND_TASK, &job->task); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_LDIF2DB_ENCRYPT, &job->encrypt); /* get uniqueid info */ slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_LDIF2DB_GENERATE_UNIQUEID, &job->uuid_gen_type); if (job->uuid_gen_type == SLAPI_UNIQUEID_GENERATE_NAME_BASED) { char *namespaceid; slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_LDIF2DB_NAMESPACEID, &namespaceid); job->uuid_namespace = slapi_ch_strdup(namespaceid); } job->flags = FLAG_USE_FILES; if (NULL == name_array) /* no ldif file is given -> reindexing */ job->flags |= FLAG_REINDEXING; if (!noattrindexes) job->flags |= FLAG_INDEX_ATTRS; for (i = 0; name_array && name_array[i] != NULL; i++) charray_add(&job->input_filenames, slapi_ch_strdup(name_array[i])); job->starting_ID = 1; job->first_ID = 1; job->mothers = CALLOC(import_subcount_stuff); /* how much space should we allocate to index buffering? */ job->job_index_buffer_size = import_get_index_buffer_size(); if (job->job_index_buffer_size == 0) { /* 10% of the allocated cache size + one meg */ PR_Lock(job->inst->inst_li->li_config_mutex); job->job_index_buffer_size = (job->inst->inst_li->li_import_cachesize/10) + (1024*1024); PR_Unlock(job->inst->inst_li->li_config_mutex); } import_subcount_stuff_init(job->mothers); if (job->task != NULL) { /* count files, use that to track "progress" in cn=tasks */ total_files = 0; while (name_array && name_array[total_files] != NULL) total_files++; /* add 1 to account for post-import cleanup (which can take a * significant amount of time) */ if (0 == total_files) /* reindexing */ job->task->task_work = 2; else job->task->task_work = total_files + 1; job->task->task_progress = 0; job->task->task_state = SLAPI_TASK_RUNNING; job->task->task_private = job; job->task->destructor = import_task_destroy; job->task->cancel = import_task_abort; job->flags |= FLAG_ONLINE; /* create thread for import_main, so we can return */ thread = PR_CreateThread(PR_USER_THREAD, import_main, (void *)job, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, PR_GLOBAL_THREAD, PR_UNJOINABLE_THREAD, SLAPD_DEFAULT_THREAD_STACKSIZE); if (thread == NULL) { PRErrorCode prerr = PR_GetError(); LDAPDebug(LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "unable to spawn import thread, " SLAPI_COMPONENT_NAME_NSPR " error %d (%s)\n", prerr, slapd_pr_strerror(prerr), 0); import_free_job(job); FREE(job); return -2; } return 0; } /* old style -- do it all synchronously (THIS IS GOING AWAY SOON) */ return import_main_offline((void *)job); }