/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Used by permission. * Copyright (C) 2005 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /* * slapd hashed password routines * */ #include #include #include #include "pwdstorage.h" #include #define SHA_SALT_LENGTH 8 /* number of bytes of data in salt */ #define NOT_FIRST_TIME (time_t)1 /* not the first logon */ static char *hasherrmsg = "pw_cmp: %s userPassword \"%s\" is the wrong length or is not properly encoded BASE64\n"; static char *plugin_name = "NSPwdStoragePlugin"; #define DS40B1_SALTED_SHA_LENGTH 18 /* Directory Server 4.0 Beta 1 implemented a scheme that stored * 8 bytes of salt plus the first 10 bytes of the SHA-1 digest. * It's obsolescent now, but we still handle such stored values. */ int sha_pw_cmp (const char *userpwd, const char *dbpwd, unsigned int shaLen ) { /* * SHA passwords are stored in the database as shaLen bytes of * hash, followed by zero or more bytes of salt, all BASE64 encoded. */ int result = 1; /* failure */ char userhash[MAX_SHA_HASH_SIZE]; char quick_dbhash[MAX_SHA_HASH_SIZE + SHA_SALT_LENGTH + 3]; char *dbhash = quick_dbhash; struct berval salt; int hash_len; /* must be a signed valued -- see below */ unsigned int secOID; char *schemeName; char *hashresult = NULL; /* Determine which algorithm we're using */ switch (shaLen) { case SHA1_LENGTH: schemeName = SHA1_SCHEME_NAME; secOID = SEC_OID_SHA1; break; case SHA256_LENGTH: schemeName = SHA256_SCHEME_NAME; secOID = SEC_OID_SHA256; break; case SHA384_LENGTH: schemeName = SHA384_SCHEME_NAME; secOID = SEC_OID_SHA384; break; case SHA512_LENGTH: schemeName = SHA512_SCHEME_NAME; secOID = SEC_OID_SHA512; break; default: /* An unknown shaLen was passed in. We shouldn't get here. */ goto loser; } /* * Decode hash stored in database. */ hash_len = (strlen(dbpwd) * 3) / 4; /* includes the trailing = if any */ if ( hash_len > sizeof(quick_dbhash) ) { /* get more space: */ dbhash = (char*) slapi_ch_malloc( hash_len ); if ( dbhash == NULL ) goto loser; } hashresult = PL_Base64Decode( dbpwd, 0, dbhash ); if (NULL == hashresult) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, plugin_name, hasherrmsg, schemeName, dbpwd ); goto loser; } else if ( hash_len >= shaLen ) { salt.bv_val = (void*)(dbhash + shaLen); salt.bv_len = SHA_SALT_LENGTH; } else if ( hash_len >= DS40B1_SALTED_SHA_LENGTH ) { salt.bv_val = (void*)dbhash; salt.bv_len = 8; } else { /* unsupported, invalid BASE64 (hash_len < 0), or similar */ slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, plugin_name, hasherrmsg, schemeName, dbpwd ); goto loser; } /* hash the user's key */ if ( sha_salted_hash( userhash, userpwd, &salt, secOID ) != SECSuccess ) { slapi_log_error( SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, plugin_name, "sha_pw_cmp: sha_salted_hash() failed\n"); goto loser; } /* the proof is in the comparison... */ result = ( hash_len >= shaLen ) ? ( memcmp( userhash, dbhash, shaLen )) : /* include salt */ ( memcmp( userhash, dbhash + 8, hash_len - 8 )); /* exclude salt */ loser: if ( dbhash && dbhash != quick_dbhash ) slapi_ch_free_string( &dbhash ); return result; } char * sha_pw_enc( const char *pwd, unsigned int shaLen ) { char hash[MAX_SHA_HASH_SIZE]; char *enc; char *schemeName; unsigned int schemeNameLen; unsigned int secOID; /* Determine which algorithm we're using */ switch (shaLen) { case SHA1_LENGTH: schemeName = SHA1_SCHEME_NAME; schemeNameLen = SHA1_NAME_LEN; secOID = SEC_OID_SHA1; break; case SHA256_LENGTH: schemeName = SHA256_SCHEME_NAME; schemeNameLen = SHA256_NAME_LEN; secOID = SEC_OID_SHA256; break; case SHA384_LENGTH: schemeName = SHA384_SCHEME_NAME; schemeNameLen = SHA384_NAME_LEN; secOID = SEC_OID_SHA384; break; case SHA512_LENGTH: schemeName = SHA512_SCHEME_NAME; schemeNameLen = SHA512_NAME_LEN; secOID = SEC_OID_SHA512; break; default: /* An unknown shaLen was passed in. We shouldn't get here. */ return( NULL ); } /* hash the user's key */ if ( sha_salted_hash( hash, pwd, NULL, secOID ) != SECSuccess ) { return( NULL ); } if (( enc = slapi_ch_malloc( 3 + schemeNameLen + LDIF_BASE64_LEN( shaLen ))) == NULL ) { return( NULL ); } sprintf( enc, "%c%s%c", PWD_HASH_PREFIX_START, schemeName, PWD_HASH_PREFIX_END ); (void)PL_Base64Encode( hash, shaLen, enc + 2 + schemeNameLen ); return( enc ); } /* * Wrapper password comparison functions */ int sha1_pw_cmp (const char *userpwd, const char *dbpwd ) { return sha_pw_cmp( userpwd, dbpwd, SHA1_LENGTH ); } int sha256_pw_cmp (const char *userpwd, const char *dbpwd ) { return sha_pw_cmp( userpwd, dbpwd, SHA256_LENGTH ); } int sha384_pw_cmp (const char *userpwd, const char *dbpwd ) { return sha_pw_cmp( userpwd, dbpwd, SHA384_LENGTH ); } int sha512_pw_cmp (const char *userpwd, const char *dbpwd ) { return sha_pw_cmp( userpwd, dbpwd, SHA512_LENGTH ); } /* * Wrapper password encryption functions */ char * sha1_pw_enc( const char *pwd ) { return sha_pw_enc( pwd, SHA1_LENGTH ); } char * sha256_pw_enc( const char *pwd ) { return sha_pw_enc( pwd, SHA256_LENGTH ); } char * sha384_pw_enc( const char *pwd ) { return sha_pw_enc( pwd, SHA384_LENGTH ); } char * sha512_pw_enc( const char *pwd ) { return sha_pw_enc( pwd, SHA512_LENGTH ); }