/** BEGIN COPYRIGHT BLOCK * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this Program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * * In addition, as a special exception, Red Hat, Inc. gives You the additional * right to link the code of this Program with code not covered under the GNU * General Public License ("Non-GPL Code") and to distribute linked combinations * including the two, subject to the limitations in this paragraph. Non-GPL Code * permitted under this exception must only link to the code of this Program * through those well defined interfaces identified in the file named EXCEPTION * found in the source code files (the "Approved Interfaces"). The files of * Non-GPL Code may instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from * the Approved Interfaces without causing the resulting work to be covered by * the GNU General Public License. Only Red Hat, Inc. may make changes or * additions to the list of Approved Interfaces. You must obey the GNU General * Public License in all respects for all of the Program code and other code used * in conjunction with the Program except the Non-GPL Code covered by this * exception. If you modify this file, you may extend this exception to your * version of the file, but you are not obligated to do so. If you do not wish to * provide this exception without modification, you must delete this exception * statement from your version and license this file solely under the GPL without * exception. * * * Copyright (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc. * All rights reserved. * END COPYRIGHT BLOCK **/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif /** * Distributed Numeric Assignment plug-in */ #include #include #include #include #include "portable.h" #include "nspr.h" #include "slapi-private.h" #include "prclist.h" /* Required to get portable printf/scanf format macros */ #ifdef HAVE_INTTYPES_H #include #else #error Need to define portable format macros such as PRIu64 #endif /* HAVE_INTTYPES_H */ /* get file mode flags for unix */ #ifndef _WIN32 #include #endif #define DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM "dna-plugin" #define DNA_PLUGIN_VERSION 0x00020000 #define DNA_DN "cn=Distributed Numeric Assignment Plugin,cn=plugins,cn=config" /* temporary */ #define DNA_SUCCESS 0 #define DNA_FAILURE -1 /* Default range request timeout */ #define DNA_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 10 /** * DNA config types */ #define DNA_TYPE "dnaType" #define DNA_PREFIX "dnaPrefix" #define DNA_NEXTVAL "dnaNextValue" #define DNA_INTERVAL "dnaInterval" #define DNA_GENERATE "dnaMagicRegen" #define DNA_FILTER "dnaFilter" #define DNA_SCOPE "dnaScope" /* since v2 */ #define DNA_MAXVAL "dnaMaxValue" #define DNA_SHARED_CFG_DN "dnaSharedCfgDN" /* Shared Config */ #define DNA_REMAINING "dnaRemainingValues" #define DNA_THRESHOLD "dnaThreshold" #define DNA_HOSTNAME "dnaHostname" #define DNA_PORTNUM "dnaPortNum" #define DNA_SECURE_PORTNUM "dnaSecurePortNum" /* For transferred ranges */ #define DNA_NEXT_RANGE "dnaNextRange" #define DNA_RANGE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT "dnaRangeRequestTimeout" /* Replication types */ #define DNA_REPL_BIND_DN "nsds5ReplicaBindDN" #define DNA_REPL_CREDS "nsds5ReplicaCredentials" #define DNA_REPL_BIND_METHOD "nsds5ReplicaBindMethod" #define DNA_REPL_TRANSPORT "nsds5ReplicaTransportInfo" #define DNA_REPL_PORT "nsds5ReplicaPort" #define DNA_FEATURE_DESC "Distributed Numeric Assignment" #define DNA_EXOP_FEATURE_DESC "DNA Range Extension Request" #define DNA_PLUGIN_DESC "Distributed Numeric Assignment plugin" #define DNA_INT_PREOP_DESC "Distributed Numeric Assignment internal preop plugin" #define DNA_POSTOP_DESC "Distributed Numeric Assignment postop plugin" #define DNA_EXOP_DESC "Distributed Numeric Assignment range extension extop plugin" #define INTEGER_SYNTAX_OID "" #define DNA_EXTEND_EXOP_REQUEST_OID "2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.10" #define DNA_EXTEND_EXOP_RESPONSE_OID "2.16.840.1.113730.3.5.11" static Slapi_PluginDesc pdesc = { DNA_FEATURE_DESC, VENDOR, DS_PACKAGE_VERSION, DNA_PLUGIN_DESC }; static Slapi_PluginDesc exop_pdesc = { DNA_EXOP_FEATURE_DESC, VENDOR, DS_PACKAGE_VERSION, DNA_EXOP_DESC }; /** * linked list of config entries */ struct configEntry { PRCList list; char *dn; char *type; char *prefix; char *filter; Slapi_Filter *slapi_filter; char *generate; char *scope; PRUint64 interval; PRUint64 threshold; char *shared_cfg_base; char *shared_cfg_dn; PRUint64 timeout; /* This lock protects the 5 members below. All * of the above members are safe to read as long * as you call dna_read_lock() first. */ Slapi_Mutex *lock; PRUint64 nextval; PRUint64 maxval; PRUint64 remaining; PRUint64 next_range_lower; PRUint64 next_range_upper; /* This lock protects the extend_in_progress * member. This is used to prevent us from * processing a range extention request and * trying to extend out own range at the same * time. */ Slapi_Mutex *extend_lock; int extend_in_progress; }; static PRCList *dna_global_config = NULL; static PRRWLock *g_dna_cache_lock; static void *_PluginID = NULL; static char *_PluginDN = NULL; static int g_plugin_started = 0; static char *hostname = NULL; static char *portnum = NULL; static char *secureportnum = NULL; /** * server struct for shared ranges */ struct dnaServer { PRCList list; char *host; unsigned int port; unsigned int secureport; PRUint64 remaining; }; static char *dna_extend_exop_oid_list[] = { DNA_EXTEND_EXOP_REQUEST_OID, NULL }; /** * * DNA plug-in management functions * */ int dna_init(Slapi_PBlock * pb); static int dna_start(Slapi_PBlock * pb); static int dna_close(Slapi_PBlock * pb); static int dna_internal_preop_init(Slapi_PBlock *pb); static int dna_postop_init(Slapi_PBlock * pb); static int dna_exop_init(Slapi_PBlock * pb); /** * * Local operation functions * */ static int dna_load_plugin_config(); static int dna_parse_config_entry(Slapi_Entry * e, int apply); static void dna_delete_config(); static void dna_free_config_entry(struct configEntry ** entry); static int dna_load_host_port(); /** * * helpers * */ static char *dna_get_dn(Slapi_PBlock * pb); static int dna_dn_is_config(char *dn); static int dna_get_next_value(struct configEntry * config_entry, char **next_value_ret); static int dna_first_free_value(struct configEntry *config_entry, PRUint64 *newval); static int dna_fix_maxval(struct configEntry *config_entry); static void dna_notice_allocation(struct configEntry *config_entry, PRUint64 new, PRUint64 last, int fix); static int dna_update_shared_config(struct configEntry * config_entry); static void dna_update_config_event(time_t event_time, void *arg); static int dna_get_shared_servers(struct configEntry *config_entry, PRCList **servers); static void dna_free_shared_server(struct dnaServer **server); static void dna_delete_shared_servers(PRCList **servers); static int dna_release_range(char *range_dn, PRUint64 *lower, PRUint64 *upper); static int dna_request_range(struct configEntry *config_entry, struct dnaServer *server, PRUint64 *lower, PRUint64 *upper); static struct berval *dna_create_range_request(char *range_dn); static int dna_update_next_range(struct configEntry *config_entry, PRUint64 lower, PRUint64 upper); static int dna_activate_next_range(struct configEntry *config_entry); static int dna_is_replica_bind_dn(char *range_dn, char *bind_dn); static int dna_get_replica_bind_creds(char *range_dn, struct dnaServer *server, char **bind_dn, char **bind_passwd, char **bind_method, int *is_ssl, int *port); /** * * the ops (where the real work is done) * */ static int dna_config_check_post_op(Slapi_PBlock * pb); static int dna_pre_op(Slapi_PBlock * pb, int modtype); static int dna_mod_pre_op(Slapi_PBlock * pb); static int dna_add_pre_op(Slapi_PBlock * pb); static int dna_extend_exop(Slapi_PBlock *pb); /** * debug functions - global, for the debugger */ void dna_dump_config(); void dna_dump_config_entry(struct configEntry *); /** * set the debug level */ #ifdef _WIN32 int *module_ldap_debug = 0; void plugin_init_debug_level(int *level_ptr) { module_ldap_debug = level_ptr; } #endif /** * * Deal with cache locking * */ void dna_read_lock() { PR_RWLock_Rlock(g_dna_cache_lock); } void dna_write_lock() { PR_RWLock_Wlock(g_dna_cache_lock); } void dna_unlock() { PR_RWLock_Unlock(g_dna_cache_lock); } /** * * Get the dna plug-in version * */ int dna_version() { return DNA_PLUGIN_VERSION; } /** * Plugin identity mgmt */ void setPluginID(void *pluginID) { _PluginID = pluginID; } void *getPluginID() { return _PluginID; } void setPluginDN(char *pluginDN) { _PluginDN = pluginDN; } char *getPluginDN() { return _PluginDN; } /* dna_init ------------- adds our callbacks to the list */ int dna_init(Slapi_PBlock *pb) { int status = DNA_SUCCESS; char *plugin_identity = NULL; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "--> dna_init\n"); /** * Store the plugin identity for later use. * Used for internal operations */ slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_IDENTITY, &plugin_identity); PR_ASSERT(plugin_identity); setPluginID(plugin_identity); if (slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION_01) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_START_FN, (void *) dna_start) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_CLOSE_FN, (void *) dna_close) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION, (void *) &pdesc) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_PRE_MODIFY_FN, (void *) dna_mod_pre_op) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_PRE_ADD_FN, (void *) dna_add_pre_op) != 0 || /* internal preoperation */ slapi_register_plugin("internalpreoperation", /* op type */ 1, /* Enabled */ "dna_init", /* this function desc */ dna_internal_preop_init, /* init func */ DNA_INT_PREOP_DESC, /* plugin desc */ NULL, /* ? */ plugin_identity /* access control */ ) || /* the config change checking post op */ slapi_register_plugin("postoperation", /* op type */ 1, /* Enabled */ "dna_init", /* this function desc */ dna_postop_init, /* init func for post op */ DNA_POSTOP_DESC, /* plugin desc */ NULL, /* ? */ plugin_identity /* access control */ ) || /* the range extension extended operation */ slapi_register_plugin("extendedop", /* op type */ 1, /* Enabled */ "dna_init", /* this function desc */ dna_exop_init, /* init func for exop */ DNA_EXOP_DESC, /* plugin desc */ NULL, /* ? */ plugin_identity /* access control */ ) ) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_init: failed to register plugin\n"); status = DNA_FAILURE; } slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "<-- dna_init\n"); return status; } static int dna_internal_preop_init(Slapi_PBlock *pb) { int status = DNA_SUCCESS; if (slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION_01) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION, (void *) &pdesc) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTERNAL_PRE_MODIFY_FN, (void *) dna_mod_pre_op) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTERNAL_PRE_ADD_FN, (void *) dna_add_pre_op) != 0) { status = DNA_FAILURE; } return status; } static int dna_postop_init(Slapi_PBlock *pb) { int status = DNA_SUCCESS; if (slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION_01) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION, (void *) &pdesc) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_POST_ADD_FN, (void *) dna_config_check_post_op) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_POST_MODRDN_FN, (void *) dna_config_check_post_op) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_POST_DELETE_FN, (void *) dna_config_check_post_op) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_POST_MODIFY_FN, (void *) dna_config_check_post_op) != 0) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_postop_init: failed to register plugin\n"); status = DNA_FAILURE; } return status; } static int dna_exop_init(Slapi_PBlock * pb) { int status = DNA_SUCCESS; if (slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION, SLAPI_PLUGIN_VERSION_01) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION, (void *) &exop_pdesc) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_EXT_OP_OIDLIST, (void *) dna_extend_exop_oid_list) != 0 || slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_EXT_OP_FN, (void *) dna_extend_exop) != 0) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_exop_init: failed to register plugin\n"); status = DNA_FAILURE; } return status; } /* dna_start -------------- Kicks off the config cache. It is called after dna_init. */ static int dna_start(Slapi_PBlock * pb) { char *plugindn = NULL; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "--> dna_start\n"); /* Check if we're already started */ if (g_plugin_started) { goto done; } g_dna_cache_lock = PR_NewRWLock(PR_RWLOCK_RANK_NONE, "dna"); if (!g_dna_cache_lock) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_start: lock creation failed\n"); return DNA_FAILURE; } /** * Get the plug-in target dn from the system * and store it for future use. This should avoid * hardcoding of DN's in the code. */ slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_TARGET_DN, &plugindn); if (NULL == plugindn || 0 == strlen(plugindn)) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_start: had to use hard coded config dn\n"); plugindn = DNA_DN; } else { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_start: config at %s\n", plugindn); } setPluginDN(plugindn); /* We need the host and port number of this server * in case shared config is enabled for any of the * ranges we are managing. */ if (dna_load_host_port() != DNA_SUCCESS) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_start: unable to load host and port information\n"); } /* * Load the config for our plug-in */ dna_global_config = (PRCList *) slapi_ch_calloc(1, sizeof(struct configEntry)); PR_INIT_CLIST(dna_global_config); if (dna_load_plugin_config() != DNA_SUCCESS) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_start: unable to load plug-in configuration\n"); return DNA_FAILURE; } g_plugin_started = 1; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna: ready for service\n"); slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "<-- dna_start\n"); done: return DNA_SUCCESS; } /* dna_close -------------- closes down the cache */ static int dna_close(Slapi_PBlock * pb) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "--> dna_close\n"); dna_delete_config(); slapi_ch_free((void **)&dna_global_config); slapi_ch_free_string(&hostname); slapi_ch_free_string(&portnum); slapi_ch_free_string(&secureportnum); slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "<-- dna_close\n"); return DNA_SUCCESS; } /* * config looks like this * - cn=myplugin * --- cn=posix * ------ cn=accounts * ------ cn=groups * --- cn=samba * --- cn=etc * ------ cn=etc etc */ static int dna_load_plugin_config() { int status = DNA_SUCCESS; int result; int i; time_t now; Slapi_PBlock *search_pb; Slapi_Entry **entries = NULL; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "--> dna_load_plugin_config\n"); dna_write_lock(); dna_delete_config(); search_pb = slapi_pblock_new(); slapi_search_internal_set_pb(search_pb, getPluginDN(), LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, "objectclass=*", NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, getPluginID(), 0); slapi_search_internal_pb(search_pb); slapi_pblock_get(search_pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &result); if (LDAP_SUCCESS != result) { status = DNA_FAILURE; goto cleanup; } slapi_pblock_get(search_pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_SEARCH_ENTRIES, &entries); if (NULL == entries || NULL == entries[0]) { status = DNA_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; } for (i = 0; (entries[i] != NULL); i++) { /* We don't care about the status here because we may have * some invalid config entries, but we just want to continue * looking for valid ones. */ dna_parse_config_entry(entries[i], 1); } /* Setup an event to update the shared config 30 * seconds from now. We need to do this since * performing the operation at this point when * starting up would cause the change to not * get changelogged. */ time(&now); slapi_eq_once(dna_update_config_event, NULL, now + 30); cleanup: slapi_free_search_results_internal(search_pb); slapi_pblock_destroy(search_pb); dna_unlock(); slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "<-- dna_load_plugin_config\n"); return status; } /* * dna_parse_config_entry() * * Parses a single config entry. If apply is non-zero, then * we will load and start using the new config. You can simply * validate config without making any changes by setting apply * to 0. * * Returns DNA_SUCCESS if the entry is valid and DNA_FAILURE * if it is invalid. */ static int dna_parse_config_entry(Slapi_Entry * e, int apply) { char *value; struct configEntry *entry = NULL; struct configEntry *config_entry; PRCList *list; int entry_added = 0; int ret = DNA_SUCCESS; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "--> dna_parse_config_entry\n"); /* If this is the main DNA plug-in * config entry, just bail. */ if (strcasecmp(getPluginDN(), slapi_entry_get_ndn(e)) == 0) { ret = DNA_FAILURE; goto bail; } entry = (struct configEntry *) slapi_ch_calloc(1, sizeof(struct configEntry)); if (NULL == entry) { ret = DNA_FAILURE; goto bail; } value = slapi_entry_get_ndn(e); if (value) { entry->dn = slapi_ch_strdup(value); } slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_CONFIG, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "----------> dn [%s]\n", entry->dn); value = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(e, DNA_TYPE); if (value) { entry->type = value; } else { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_parse_config_entry: The %s config " "setting is required for range %s.\n", DNA_TYPE, entry->dn); ret = DNA_FAILURE; goto bail; } slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_CONFIG, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "----------> %s [%s]\n", DNA_TYPE, entry->type); value = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(e, DNA_NEXTVAL); if (value) { entry->nextval = strtoull(value, 0, 0); slapi_ch_free_string(&value); } else { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_parse_config_entry: The %s config " "setting is required for range %s.\n", DNA_NEXTVAL, entry->dn); ret = DNA_FAILURE; goto bail; } slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_CONFIG, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "----------> %s [%" NSPRIu64 "]\n", DNA_NEXTVAL, entry->nextval); value = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(e, DNA_PREFIX); if (value && value[0]) { entry->prefix = value; } else { /* TODO - If a prefix is not defined, then we need to ensure * that the proper matching rule is in place for this * attribute type. We require this since we internally * perform a sorted range search on what we assume to * be an INTEGER syntax. */ } slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_CONFIG, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "----------> %s [%s]\n", DNA_PREFIX, entry->prefix); /* Set the default interval to 1 */ entry->interval = 1; #ifdef DNA_ENABLE_INTERVAL value = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(e, DNA_INTERVAL); if (value) { entry->interval = strtoull(value, 0, 0); slapi_ch_free_string(&value); } slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_CONFIG, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "----------> %s [%" NSPRIu64 "]\n", DNA_INTERVAL, entry->interval); #endif value = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(e, DNA_GENERATE); if (value) { entry->generate = value; } slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_CONFIG, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "----------> %s [%s]\n", DNA_GENERATE, entry->generate); value = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(e, DNA_FILTER); if (value) { entry->filter = value; if (NULL == (entry->slapi_filter = slapi_str2filter(value))) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM , "Error: Invalid search filter in entry [%s]: [%s]\n", entry->dn, value); ret = DNA_FAILURE; goto bail; } } else { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_parse_config_entry: The %s config " "setting is required for range %s.\n", DNA_FILTER, entry->dn); ret = DNA_FAILURE; goto bail; } slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_CONFIG, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "----------> %s [%s]\n", DNA_FILTER, value); value = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(e, DNA_SCOPE); if (value) { /* TODO - Allow multiple scope settings for a single range. This may * make ordering the scopes tough when we put them in the clist. */ entry->scope = value; } else { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_parse_config_entry: The %s config " "config setting is required for range %s.\n", DNA_SCOPE, entry->dn); ret = DNA_FAILURE; goto bail; } slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_CONFIG, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "----------> %s [%s]\n", DNA_SCOPE, entry->scope); /* optional, if not specified set -1 which is converted to the max unisgnee * value */ value = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(e, DNA_MAXVAL); if (value) { entry->maxval = strtoull(value, 0, 0); slapi_ch_free_string(&value); } else { entry->maxval = -1; } slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_CONFIG, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "----------> %s [%" NSPRIu64 "]\n", DNA_MAXVAL, entry->maxval); value = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(e, DNA_SHARED_CFG_DN); if (value) { Slapi_Entry *shared_e = NULL; Slapi_DN *sdn = NULL; char *normdn = NULL; sdn = slapi_sdn_new_dn_byref(value); if (sdn) { slapi_search_internal_get_entry(sdn, NULL, &shared_e, getPluginID()); slapi_sdn_free(&sdn); } /* Make sure that the shared config entry exists. */ if (!shared_e) { /* We didn't locate the shared config container entry. Log * a message and skip this config entry. */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_parse_config_entry: Unable to locate " "shared configuration entry (%s)\n", value); ret = DNA_FAILURE; slapi_ch_free_string(&value); goto bail; } else { slapi_entry_free(shared_e); shared_e = NULL; } normdn = slapi_create_dn_string("%s", value); if (NULL == normdn) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_parse_config_entry: failed to normalize dn: " "%s\n", value); ret = DNA_FAILURE; goto bail; } entry->shared_cfg_base = normdn; /* We prepend the host & port of this instance as a * multi-part RDN for the shared config entry. */ normdn = slapi_create_dn_string("%s=%s+%s=%s,%s", DNA_HOSTNAME, hostname, DNA_PORTNUM, portnum, normdn); if (NULL == normdn) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_parse_config_entry: failed to create dn: " "%s=%s+%s=%s,%s", DNA_HOSTNAME, hostname, DNA_PORTNUM, portnum, value); ret = DNA_FAILURE; goto bail; } entry->shared_cfg_dn = normdn; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_CONFIG, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "----------> %s [%s]\n", DNA_SHARED_CFG_DN, entry->shared_cfg_base); } value = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(e, DNA_THRESHOLD); if (value) { entry->threshold = strtoull(value, 0, 0); slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_CONFIG, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "----------> %s [%s]\n", DNA_THRESHOLD, value); slapi_ch_free_string(&value); } else { entry->threshold = 1; } slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_CONFIG, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "----------> %s [%" NSPRIu64 "]\n", DNA_THRESHOLD, entry->threshold); value = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(e, DNA_RANGE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT); if (value) { entry->timeout = strtoull(value, 0, 0); slapi_ch_free_string(&value); } else { entry->timeout = DNA_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; } slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_CONFIG, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "----------> %s [%" NSPRIu64 "]\n", DNA_RANGE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT, entry->timeout); value = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(e, DNA_NEXT_RANGE); if (value) { char *p = NULL; /* the next range value is in the form "-" */ if ((p = strstr(value, "-")) != NULL) { *p = '\0'; ++p; entry->next_range_lower = strtoull(value, 0, 0); entry->next_range_upper = strtoull(p, 0, 0); /* validate that upper is greater than lower */ if (entry->next_range_upper <= entry->next_range_lower) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_parse_config_entry: Illegal %s " "setting specified for range %s. Legal " "format is -.\n", DNA_NEXT_RANGE, entry->dn); ret = DNA_FAILURE; entry->next_range_lower = 0; entry->next_range_upper = 0; } /* make sure next range doesn't overlap with * the active range */ if (((entry->next_range_upper <= entry->maxval) && (entry->next_range_upper >= entry->nextval)) || ((entry->next_range_lower <= entry->maxval) && (entry->next_range_lower >= entry->nextval))) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_parse_config_entry: Illegal %s " "setting specified for range %s. %s " "overlaps with the active range.\n", DNA_NEXT_RANGE, entry->dn, DNA_NEXT_RANGE); ret = DNA_FAILURE; entry->next_range_lower = 0; entry->next_range_upper = 0; } } else { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_parse_config_entry: Illegal %s " "setting specified for range %s. Legal " "format is -.\n", DNA_NEXT_RANGE, entry->dn); ret = DNA_FAILURE; } slapi_ch_free_string(&value); } /* If we were only called to validate config, we can * just bail out before applying the config changes */ if (apply == 0) { goto bail; } /* Calculate number of remaining values. */ if (entry->next_range_lower != 0) { entry->remaining = ((entry->next_range_upper - entry->next_range_lower + 1) / entry->interval) + ((entry->maxval - entry->nextval + 1) / entry->interval); } else if (entry->nextval >= entry->maxval) { entry->remaining = 0; } else { entry->remaining = ((entry->maxval - entry->nextval + 1) / entry->interval); } /* create the new value lock for this range */ entry->lock = slapi_new_mutex(); if (!entry->lock) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_parse_config_entry: Unable to create lock " "for range %s.\n", entry->dn); ret = DNA_FAILURE; goto bail; } /** * Finally add the entry to the list * we group by type then by filter * and finally sort by dn length with longer dn's * first - this allows the scope checking * code to be simple and quick and * cunningly linear */ if (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(dna_global_config)) { list = PR_LIST_HEAD(dna_global_config); while (list != dna_global_config) { config_entry = (struct configEntry *) list; if (slapi_attr_type_cmp(config_entry->type, entry->type, 1)) goto next; if (slapi_filter_compare(config_entry->slapi_filter, entry->slapi_filter)) goto next; if (slapi_dn_issuffix(entry->scope, config_entry->scope)) { PR_INSERT_BEFORE(&(entry->list), list); slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_CONFIG, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "store [%s] before [%s] \n", entry->scope, config_entry->scope); entry_added = 1; break; } next: list = PR_NEXT_LINK(list); if (dna_global_config == list) { /* add to tail */ PR_INSERT_BEFORE(&(entry->list), list); slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_CONFIG, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "store [%s] at tail\n", entry->scope); entry_added = 1; break; } } } else { /* first entry */ PR_INSERT_LINK(&(entry->list), dna_global_config); slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_CONFIG, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "store [%s] at head \n", entry->scope); entry_added = 1; } bail: if (0 == entry_added) { /* Don't log error if we weren't asked to apply config */ if ((apply != 0) && (entry != NULL)) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_parse_config_entry: Invalid config entry " "[%s] skipped\n", entry->dn); } dna_free_config_entry(&entry); } else { ret = DNA_SUCCESS; } slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "<-- dna_parse_config_entry\n"); return ret; } static void dna_free_config_entry(struct configEntry ** entry) { struct configEntry *e = *entry; if (e == NULL) return; if (e->dn) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_CONFIG, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "freeing config entry [%s]\n", e->dn); slapi_ch_free_string(&e->dn); } if (e->type) slapi_ch_free_string(&e->type); if (e->prefix) slapi_ch_free_string(&e->prefix); if (e->filter) slapi_ch_free_string(&e->filter); if (e->slapi_filter) slapi_filter_free(e->slapi_filter, 1); if (e->generate) slapi_ch_free_string(&e->generate); if (e->scope) slapi_ch_free_string(&e->scope); if (e->shared_cfg_base) slapi_ch_free_string(&e->shared_cfg_base); if (e->shared_cfg_dn) slapi_ch_free_string(&e->shared_cfg_dn); if (e->lock) slapi_destroy_mutex(e->lock); slapi_ch_free((void **) entry); } static void dna_delete_configEntry(PRCList *entry) { PR_REMOVE_LINK(entry); dna_free_config_entry((struct configEntry **) &entry); } static void dna_delete_config() { PRCList *list; while (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(dna_global_config)) { list = PR_LIST_HEAD(dna_global_config); dna_delete_configEntry(list); } return; } static void dna_free_shared_server(struct dnaServer **server) { struct dnaServer *s = *server; slapi_ch_free_string(&s->host); slapi_ch_free((void **)server); } static void dna_delete_shared_servers(PRCList **servers) { PRCList *server; while (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(*servers)) { server = PR_LIST_HEAD(*servers); PR_REMOVE_LINK(server); dna_free_shared_server((struct dnaServer **)&server); } slapi_ch_free((void **)servers); *servers = NULL; return; } static int dna_load_host_port() { int status = DNA_SUCCESS; Slapi_Entry *e = NULL; Slapi_DN *config_dn = NULL; char *attrs[4]; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "--> dna_load_host_port\n"); attrs[0] = "nsslapd-localhost"; attrs[1] = "nsslapd-port"; attrs[2] = "nsslapd-secureport"; attrs[3] = NULL; config_dn = slapi_sdn_new_dn_byref("cn=config"); if (config_dn) { slapi_search_internal_get_entry(config_dn, attrs, &e, getPluginID()); slapi_sdn_free(&config_dn); } if (e) { hostname = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(e, "nsslapd-localhost"); portnum = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(e, "nsslapd-port"); secureportnum = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(e, "nsslapd-secureport"); slapi_entry_free(e); } if (!hostname || !portnum) { status = DNA_FAILURE; } slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "<-- dna_load_host_port\n"); return status; } /* * dna_update_config_event() * * Event queue callback that we use to do the initial * update of the shared config entries shortly after * startup. */ static void dna_update_config_event(time_t event_time, void *arg) { Slapi_PBlock *pb = NULL; struct configEntry *config_entry = NULL; PRCList *list = NULL; /* Get read lock to prevent config changes */ dna_read_lock(); /* Loop through all config entries and update the shared * config entries. */ if (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(dna_global_config)) { list = PR_LIST_HEAD(dna_global_config); /* Create the pblock. We'll reuse this for all * shared config updates. */ if ((pb = slapi_pblock_new()) == NULL) goto bail; while (list != dna_global_config) { config_entry = (struct configEntry *) list; /* If a shared config dn is set, update the shared config. */ if (config_entry->shared_cfg_dn != NULL) { slapi_lock_mutex(config_entry->lock); /* First delete the existing shared config entry. This * will allow the entry to be updated for things like * port number changes, etc. */ slapi_delete_internal_set_pb(pb, config_entry->shared_cfg_dn, NULL, NULL, getPluginID(), 0); /* We don't care about the results */ slapi_delete_internal_pb(pb); /* Now force the entry to be recreated */ dna_update_shared_config(config_entry); slapi_unlock_mutex(config_entry->lock); slapi_pblock_init(pb); } list = PR_NEXT_LINK(list); } } bail: dna_unlock(); slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); } /**************************************************** Distributed ranges Helpers ****************************************************/ /* * dna_fix_maxval() * * Attempts to extend the range represented by * config_entry. * * The lock for configEntry should be obtained * before calling this function. */ static int dna_fix_maxval(struct configEntry *config_entry) { PRCList *servers = NULL; PRCList *server = NULL; PRUint64 lower = 0; PRUint64 upper = 0; int ret = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; if (config_entry == NULL) { goto bail; } /* If we already have a next range we only need * to activate it. */ if (config_entry->next_range_lower != 0) { ret = dna_activate_next_range(config_entry); if (ret != 0) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_fix_maxval: Unable to activate the " "next range for range %s.\n", config_entry->dn); } } else if (config_entry->shared_cfg_base) { /* Find out if there are any other servers to request * range from. */ dna_get_shared_servers(config_entry, &servers); if (servers) { /* We have other servers we can try to extend * our range from. Loop through them and * request range until someone gives us some * values, or we hit the end of the list. */ server = PR_LIST_HEAD(servers); while (server != servers) { if (dna_request_range(config_entry, (struct dnaServer *)server, &lower, &upper) != 0) { server = PR_NEXT_LINK(server); } else { /* Someone provided us with a new range. Attempt * to update the config. */ if ((ret = dna_update_next_range(config_entry, lower, upper)) == 0) { break; } } } /* free the list of servers */ dna_delete_shared_servers(&servers); } } bail: return ret; } /* dna_notice_allocation() * * Called after a new value has been allocated from the range. * This function will update the config entries and cached info * appropriately. This includes activating the next range if * we've exhausted the current range. * * The last parameter is the value that has just been allocated. * The new parameter should be the next available value. If you * set both of these parameters to 0, then this function will * just check if the next range needs to be activated and update * the config accordingly. * * The lock for configEntry should be obtained before calling * this function. */ static void dna_notice_allocation(struct configEntry *config_entry, PRUint64 new, PRUint64 last, int fix) { /* update our cached config entry */ if ((new != 0) && (new <= (config_entry->maxval + config_entry->interval))) { config_entry->nextval = new; } /* check if we've exhausted our active range */ if ((last == config_entry->maxval) || (config_entry->nextval > config_entry->maxval)) { /* If we already have a next range set, make it the * new active range. */ if (config_entry->next_range_lower != 0) { /* Make the next range active */ if (dna_activate_next_range(config_entry) != 0) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_notice_allocation: Unable to activate " "the next range for range %s.\n", config_entry->dn); } } else { config_entry->remaining = 0; /* update the shared configuration */ dna_update_shared_config(config_entry); } } else { if (config_entry->next_range_lower != 0) { config_entry->remaining = ((config_entry->maxval - config_entry->nextval + 1) / config_entry->interval) + ((config_entry->next_range_upper - config_entry->next_range_lower +1) / config_entry->interval); } else { config_entry->remaining = ((config_entry->maxval - config_entry->nextval + 1) / config_entry->interval); } /* update the shared configuration */ dna_update_shared_config(config_entry); } /* Check if we passed the threshold and try to fix maxval if so. We * don't need to do this if we already have a next range on deck. */ if ((config_entry->next_range_lower == 0) && (config_entry->remaining <= config_entry->threshold)) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_notice_allocation: Passed threshold of %" NSPRIu64 " remaining values " "for range %s. (%" NSPRIu64 " values remain)\n", config_entry->threshold, config_entry->dn, config_entry->remaining); /* Only attempt to fix maxval if the fix flag is set. */ if (fix != 0) { dna_fix_maxval(config_entry); } } return; } static int dna_get_shared_servers(struct configEntry *config_entry, PRCList **servers) { int ret = LDAP_SUCCESS; Slapi_PBlock *pb = NULL; Slapi_Entry **entries = NULL; char *attrs[5]; /* First do a search in the shared config area for this * range to find other servers who are managing this range. */ attrs[0] = DNA_HOSTNAME; attrs[1] = DNA_PORTNUM; attrs[2] = DNA_SECURE_PORTNUM; attrs[3] = DNA_REMAINING; attrs[4] = NULL; pb = slapi_pblock_new(); if (NULL == pb) { ret = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; goto cleanup; } slapi_search_internal_set_pb(pb, config_entry->shared_cfg_base, LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, "objectclass=*", attrs, 0, NULL, NULL, getPluginID(), 0); slapi_search_internal_pb(pb); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &ret); if (LDAP_SUCCESS != ret) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_get_shared_servers: search failed for shared " "config: %s [error %d]\n", config_entry->shared_cfg_base, ret); goto cleanup; } slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_SEARCH_ENTRIES, &entries); if (entries && entries[0]) { Slapi_DN *cfg_sdn = NULL; int i; cfg_sdn = slapi_sdn_new_dn_byref(config_entry->shared_cfg_dn); /* We found some entries. Go through them and * order them based off of remaining values. */ for (i = 0; entries[i]; i++) { /* skip our own shared config entry */ if (slapi_sdn_compare(cfg_sdn, slapi_entry_get_sdn(entries[i]))) { struct dnaServer *server = NULL; /* set up the server list entry */ server = (struct dnaServer *) slapi_ch_calloc(1, sizeof(struct dnaServer)); server->host = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(entries[i], DNA_HOSTNAME); server->port = slapi_entry_attr_get_uint(entries[i], DNA_PORTNUM); server->secureport = slapi_entry_attr_get_uint(entries[i], DNA_SECURE_PORTNUM); server->remaining = slapi_entry_attr_get_ulonglong(entries[i], DNA_REMAINING); /* validate the entry */ if (!server->host || server->port == 0 || server->remaining == 0) { /* free and skip this one */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_get_shared_servers: skipping invalid " "shared config entry (%s)\n", slapi_entry_get_dn(entries[i])); dna_free_shared_server(&server); continue; } /* add a server entry to the list */ if (*servers == NULL) { /* first entry */ *servers = (PRCList *) slapi_ch_calloc(1, sizeof(struct dnaServer)); PR_INIT_CLIST(*servers); PR_INSERT_LINK(&(server->list), *servers); } else { /* Find the right slot for this entry. We * want to order the entries based off of * the remaining number of values, higest * to lowest. */ struct dnaServer *sitem; PRCList* item = PR_LIST_HEAD(*servers); while (item != *servers) { sitem = (struct dnaServer *)item; if (server->remaining > sitem->remaining) { PR_INSERT_BEFORE(&(server->list), item); break; } item = PR_NEXT_LINK(item); if (*servers == item) { /* add to tail */ PR_INSERT_BEFORE(&(server->list), item); break; } } } } } slapi_sdn_free(&cfg_sdn); } cleanup: slapi_free_search_results_internal(pb); slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); return ret; } /* * dna_request_range() * * Requests range extension from another server. * Returns 0 on success and will fill in upper * and lower. Returns non-0 on failure and will * zero out upper and lower. */ static int dna_request_range(struct configEntry *config_entry, struct dnaServer *server, PRUint64 *lower, PRUint64 *upper) { char *bind_dn = NULL; char *bind_passwd = NULL; char *bind_method = NULL; int is_ssl = 0; struct berval *request = NULL; char *retoid = NULL; struct berval *responsedata = NULL; BerElement *respber = NULL; LDAP *ld = NULL; char *lower_str = NULL; char *upper_str = NULL; int set_extend_flag = 0; int ret = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; int port = 0; int timelimit; #if defined(USE_OPENLDAP) struct timeval timeout; #endif /* See if we're allowed to send a range request now */ slapi_lock_mutex(config_entry->extend_lock); if (config_entry->extend_in_progress) { /* We're already processing a range extention, so bail. */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_request_range: Already processing a " "range extension request. Skipping request.\n"); slapi_unlock_mutex(config_entry->extend_lock); goto bail; } else { /* Set a flag indicating that we're attempting to extend this range */ config_entry->extend_in_progress = 1; set_extend_flag = 1; slapi_unlock_mutex(config_entry->extend_lock); } /* Fetch the replication bind dn info */ if (dna_get_replica_bind_creds(config_entry->shared_cfg_base, server, &bind_dn, &bind_passwd, &bind_method, &is_ssl, &port) != 0) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_request_range: Unable to retrieve " "replica bind credentials.\n"); goto bail; } if ((request = dna_create_range_request(config_entry->shared_cfg_base)) == NULL) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_request_range: Failed to create " "range extension extended operation request.\n"); goto bail; } if ((ld = slapi_ldap_init(server->host, port, is_ssl, 0)) == NULL) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_request_range: Unable to " "initialize LDAP session to server %s:%u.\n", server->host, server->port); goto bail; } /* Disable referrals and set timelimit and a connect timeout */ ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, LDAP_OPT_OFF); timelimit = config_entry->timeout / 1000; /* timeout is in msec */ ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_TIMELIMIT, &timelimit); #if defined(USE_OPENLDAP) timeout.tv_sec = config_entry->timeout / 1000; timeout.tv_usec = (config_entry->timeout % 1000) * 1000; ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, &timeout); #else ldap_set_option(ld, LDAP_X_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, &config_entry->timeout); #endif /* Bind to the replica server */ ret = slapi_ldap_bind(ld, bind_dn, bind_passwd, bind_method, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (ret != LDAP_SUCCESS) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_request_range: Error binding " " to replica server %s:%u. [error %d]\n", server->host, server->port, ret); goto bail; } /* Send range extension request */ ret = ldap_extended_operation_s(ld, DNA_EXTEND_EXOP_REQUEST_OID, request, NULL, NULL, &retoid, &responsedata); if (ret != LDAP_SUCCESS) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_request_range: Error sending " "range extension extended operation request " "to server %s:%u [error %d]\n", server->host, server->port, ret); goto bail; } /* Verify that the OID is correct. */ if (strcmp(retoid, DNA_EXTEND_EXOP_RESPONSE_OID) != 0) { ret = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_request_range: Received incorrect response OID.\n"); goto bail; } /* Parse response */ if (responsedata) { respber = ber_init(responsedata); ber_scanf(respber, "{aa}", &lower_str, &upper_str); } /* Fill in upper and lower */ if (upper_str && lower_str) { *upper = strtoull(upper_str, 0, 0); *lower = strtoull(lower_str, 0, 0); ret = 0; } else { ret = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; } bail: if (set_extend_flag) { slapi_lock_mutex(config_entry->extend_lock); config_entry->extend_in_progress = 0; slapi_unlock_mutex(config_entry->extend_lock); } slapi_ldap_unbind(ld); slapi_ch_free_string(&bind_dn); slapi_ch_free_string(&bind_passwd); slapi_ch_free_string(&bind_method); slapi_ch_free_string(&retoid); slapi_ch_free_string(&lower_str); slapi_ch_free_string(&upper_str); ber_free(respber, 1); ber_bvfree(request); ber_bvfree(responsedata); if (ret != 0) { *upper = 0; *lower = 0; } return ret; } static struct berval *dna_create_range_request(char *range_dn) { struct berval *requestdata = NULL; struct berval shared_dn = { 0, NULL }; BerElement *ber = NULL; shared_dn.bv_val = range_dn; shared_dn.bv_len = strlen(shared_dn.bv_val); if((ber = ber_alloc()) == NULL) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_create_range_request: Error " "allocating request data.\n"); goto bail; } if (LBER_ERROR == (ber_printf(ber, "{o}", shared_dn.bv_val, shared_dn.bv_len))) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_create_range_request: Error " "encoding request data.\n"); goto bail; } if (ber_flatten(ber, &requestdata) == -1) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_create_range_request: Error " "encoding request data.\n"); goto bail; } bail: ber_free(ber, 1); return requestdata; } /**************************************************** Helpers ****************************************************/ static char *dna_get_dn(Slapi_PBlock * pb) { char *dn = 0; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "--> dna_get_dn\n"); if (slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_TARGET_DN, &dn)) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_get_dn: failed to get dn of changed entry"); goto bail; } bail: slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "<-- dna_get_dn\n"); return dn; } /* config check matching config dn or a descendent reloads config */ static int dna_dn_is_config(char *dn) { int ret = 0; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "--> dna_is_config\n"); if (slapi_dn_issuffix(dn, getPluginDN())) { ret = 1; } slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "<-- dna_is_config\n"); return ret; } #define DNA_LDAP_TAG_SK_REVERSE 0x81L static LDAPControl *dna_build_sort_control(const char *attr) { LDAPControl *ctrl; BerElement *ber; int rc; ber = ber_alloc(); if (NULL == ber) return NULL; rc = ber_printf(ber, "{{stb}}", attr, DNA_LDAP_TAG_SK_REVERSE, 1); if (-1 == rc) { ber_free(ber, 1); return NULL; } rc = slapi_build_control(LDAP_CONTROL_SORTREQUEST, ber, 1, &ctrl); ber_free(ber, 1); if (LDAP_SUCCESS != rc) return NULL; return ctrl; } /**************************************************** Functions that actually do things other than config and startup ****************************************************/ /* * dna_first_free_value() * * We do search all values between nextval and maxval asking the * server to sort them, then we check the first free spot and * use it as newval. If we go past the end of the range, we * return LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR and set newval to be > the * maximum configured value for this range. */ static int dna_first_free_value(struct configEntry *config_entry, PRUint64 *newval) { Slapi_Entry **entries = NULL; Slapi_PBlock *pb = NULL; LDAPControl **ctrls = NULL; char *attrs[2]; char *filter; char *prefix; char *type; int result, status, filterlen; PRUint64 tmpval, sval, i; char *strval = NULL; /* check if the config is already out of range */ if (config_entry->nextval > config_entry->maxval) { *newval = config_entry->nextval; return LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; } prefix = config_entry->prefix; type = config_entry->type; tmpval = config_entry->nextval; attrs[0] = type; attrs[1] = NULL; /* We don't sort if we're using a prefix (non integer type). Instead, * we just search to see if the next value is free, and keep incrementing * until we find the next free value. */ if (prefix) { /* The 7 below is for all of the filter characters "(&(=))" * plus the trailing \0. The 20 is for the maximum string * representation of a " NSPRIu64 ". */ filterlen = strlen(config_entry->filter) + strlen(prefix) + strlen(type) + 7 + 20; filter = slapi_ch_malloc(filterlen); snprintf(filter, filterlen, "(&%s(%s=%s%" PRIu64 "))", config_entry->filter, type, prefix, tmpval); } else { ctrls = (LDAPControl **)slapi_ch_calloc(2, sizeof(LDAPControl)); if (NULL == ctrls) return LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; ctrls[0] = dna_build_sort_control(config_entry->type); if (NULL == ctrls[0]) { slapi_ch_free((void **)&ctrls); return LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; } filter = slapi_ch_smprintf("(&%s(&(%s>=%" NSPRIu64 ")(%s<=%" NSPRIu64 ")))", config_entry->filter, type, tmpval, type, config_entry->maxval); } if (NULL == filter) { ldap_controls_free(ctrls); ctrls = NULL; return LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; } pb = slapi_pblock_new(); if (NULL == pb) { ldap_controls_free(ctrls); ctrls = NULL; slapi_ch_free_string(&filter); return LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; } slapi_search_internal_set_pb(pb, config_entry->scope, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter, attrs, 0, ctrls, NULL, getPluginID(), 0); slapi_search_internal_pb(pb); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &result); if (LDAP_SUCCESS != result) { status = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; goto cleanup; } slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_SEARCH_ENTRIES, &entries); if (NULL == entries || NULL == entries[0]) { /* no values means we already have a good value */ *newval = tmpval; status = LDAP_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; } if (prefix) { /* The next value identified in the config entry has already * been taken. We just iterate through the values until we * (hopefully) find a free one. */ for (tmpval += config_entry->interval; tmpval <= config_entry->maxval; tmpval += config_entry->interval) { /* filter is guaranteed to be big enough since we allocated * enough space to fit a string representation of any unsigned * 64-bit integer */ snprintf(filter, filterlen, "(&%s(%s=%s%" PRIu64 "))", config_entry->filter, type, prefix, tmpval); /* clear out the pblock so we can re-use it */ slapi_free_search_results_internal(pb); slapi_pblock_init(pb); slapi_search_internal_set_pb(pb, config_entry->scope, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, filter, attrs, 0, 0, NULL, getPluginID(), 0); slapi_search_internal_pb(pb); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &result); if (LDAP_SUCCESS != result) { status = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; goto cleanup; } slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_SEARCH_ENTRIES, &entries); if (NULL == entries || NULL == entries[0]) { /* no values means we already have a good value */ *newval = tmpval; status = LDAP_SUCCESS; goto cleanup; } } } else { /* entries are sorted and filtered for value >= tval therefore if the * first one does not match tval it means that the value is free, * otherwise we need to cycle through values until we find a mismatch, * the first mismatch is the first free pit */ sval = 0; for (i = 0; NULL != entries[i]; i++) { strval = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(entries[i], type); errno = 0; sval = strtoull(strval, 0, 0); if (errno) { /* something very wrong here ... */ status = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; goto cleanup; } slapi_ch_free_string(&strval); if (tmpval != sval) break; if (config_entry->maxval < sval) break; tmpval += config_entry->interval; } } /* check if we went past the end of the range */ if (tmpval <= config_entry->maxval) { *newval = tmpval; status = LDAP_SUCCESS; } else { /* we set newval past the end of the range * so the caller can easily detect that we * overflowed the configured range. */ *newval = tmpval; status = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; } cleanup: slapi_ch_free_string(&filter); slapi_ch_free_string(&strval); slapi_free_search_results_internal(pb); slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); return status; } /* * Perform ldap operationally atomic increment * Return the next value to be assigned */ static int dna_get_next_value(struct configEntry *config_entry, char **next_value_ret) { Slapi_PBlock *pb = NULL; LDAPMod mod_replace; LDAPMod *mods[2]; char *replace_val[2]; /* 16 for max 64-bit unsigned plus the trailing '\0' */ char next_value[17]; PRUint64 setval = 0; PRUint64 nextval = 0; int ret; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "--> dna_get_next_value\n"); /* get the lock to prevent contention with other threads over * the next new value for this range. */ slapi_lock_mutex(config_entry->lock); /* get the first value */ ret = dna_first_free_value(config_entry, &setval); if (LDAP_SUCCESS != ret) { /* check if we overflowed the configured range */ if (setval > config_entry->maxval) { /* try for a new range or fail */ ret = dna_fix_maxval(config_entry); if (LDAP_SUCCESS != ret) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_get_next_value: no more values available!!\n"); goto done; } /* get the first value from our newly extended range */ ret = dna_first_free_value(config_entry, &setval); if (LDAP_SUCCESS != ret) goto done; } else { /* dna_first_free_value() failed for some unknown reason */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_get_next_value: failed to allocate a new ID!!\n"); goto done; } } nextval = setval + config_entry->interval; /* update nextval if we have not reached the end * of our current range */ if ((config_entry->maxval == -1) || (nextval <= (config_entry->maxval + config_entry->interval))) { /* try to set the new next value in the config entry */ PR_snprintf(next_value, sizeof(next_value),"%" NSPRIu64, nextval); /* set up our replace modify operation */ replace_val[0] = next_value; replace_val[1] = 0; mod_replace.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mod_replace.mod_type = DNA_NEXTVAL; mod_replace.mod_values = replace_val; mods[0] = &mod_replace; mods[1] = 0; pb = slapi_pblock_new(); if (NULL == pb) { ret = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; goto done; } slapi_modify_internal_set_pb(pb, config_entry->dn, mods, 0, 0, getPluginID(), 0); slapi_modify_internal_pb(pb); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &ret); slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); pb = NULL; } if (LDAP_SUCCESS == ret) { slapi_ch_free_string(next_value_ret); *next_value_ret = slapi_ch_smprintf("%" NSPRIu64, setval); if (NULL == *next_value_ret) { ret = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; goto done; } /* update our cached config */ dna_notice_allocation(config_entry, nextval, setval, 1); } done: slapi_unlock_mutex(config_entry->lock); if (pb) slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "<-- dna_get_next_value\n"); return ret; } /* * dna_update_shared_config() * * Updates the shared config entry if one is * configured. Returns the LDAP result code. * * The lock for configEntry should be obtained * before calling this function. * */ static int dna_update_shared_config(struct configEntry * config_entry) { int ret = LDAP_SUCCESS; if (config_entry && config_entry->shared_cfg_dn) { /* Update the shared config entry if one is configured */ Slapi_PBlock *pb = NULL; LDAPMod mod_replace; LDAPMod *mods[2]; char *replace_val[2]; /* 16 for max 64-bit unsigned plus the trailing '\0' */ char remaining_vals[17]; /* We store the number of remaining assigned values * in the shared config entry. */ PR_snprintf(remaining_vals, sizeof(remaining_vals),"%" NSPRIu64, config_entry->remaining); /* set up our replace modify operation */ replace_val[0] = remaining_vals; replace_val[1] = 0; mod_replace.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mod_replace.mod_type = DNA_REMAINING; mod_replace.mod_values = replace_val; mods[0] = &mod_replace; mods[1] = 0; pb = slapi_pblock_new(); if (NULL == pb) { ret = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; } else { slapi_modify_internal_set_pb(pb, config_entry->shared_cfg_dn, mods, NULL, NULL, getPluginID(), 0); slapi_modify_internal_pb(pb); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &ret); /* If the shared config for this instance doesn't * already exist, we add it. */ if (ret == LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT) { Slapi_Entry *e = NULL; /* Set up the new shared config entry */ e = slapi_entry_alloc(); /* the entry now owns the dup'd dn */ slapi_entry_init(e, slapi_ch_strdup(config_entry->shared_cfg_dn), NULL); slapi_entry_add_string(e, SLAPI_ATTR_OBJECTCLASS, "extensibleObject"); slapi_entry_add_string(e, DNA_HOSTNAME, hostname); slapi_entry_add_string(e, DNA_PORTNUM, portnum); if (secureportnum) { slapi_entry_add_string(e, DNA_SECURE_PORTNUM, secureportnum); } slapi_entry_add_string(e, DNA_REMAINING, remaining_vals); /* clear pb for re-use */ slapi_pblock_init(pb); /* e will be consumed by slapi_add_internal() */ slapi_add_entry_internal_set_pb(pb, e, NULL, getPluginID(), 0); slapi_add_internal_pb(pb); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &ret); } if (ret != LDAP_SUCCESS) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_update_shared_config: Unable to update shared config entry: %s [error %d]\n", config_entry->shared_cfg_dn, ret); } slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); pb = NULL; } } return ret; } /* * dna_update_next_range() * * Sets the proper value for the next range in * all configuration entries and in-memory cache. * * The range you are updating should be locked * before calling this function. */ static int dna_update_next_range(struct configEntry *config_entry, PRUint64 lower, PRUint64 upper) { Slapi_PBlock *pb = NULL; LDAPMod mod_replace; LDAPMod *mods[2]; char *replace_val[2]; /* 32 for the two numbers, 1 for the '-', and one for the '\0' */ char nextrange_value[34]; int ret = 0; /* Try to set the new next range in the config entry. */ PR_snprintf(nextrange_value, sizeof(nextrange_value), "%" NSPRIu64 "-%" NSPRIu64, lower, upper); /* set up our replace modify operation */ replace_val[0] = nextrange_value; replace_val[1] = 0; mod_replace.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mod_replace.mod_type = DNA_NEXT_RANGE; mod_replace.mod_values = replace_val; mods[0] = &mod_replace; mods[1] = 0; pb = slapi_pblock_new(); if (NULL == pb) { ret = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; goto bail; } slapi_modify_internal_set_pb(pb, config_entry->dn, mods, 0, 0, getPluginID(), 0); slapi_modify_internal_pb(pb); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &ret); slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); pb = NULL; if (ret != LDAP_SUCCESS) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_update_next_range: Error updating " "configuration entry [err=%d]\n", ret); } else { /* update the cached config and the shared config */ config_entry->next_range_lower = lower; config_entry->next_range_upper = upper; dna_notice_allocation(config_entry, 0, 0, 0); } bail: return ret; } /* dna_activate_next_range() * * Makes the next range the active range. This * will update the config entry, the in-memory * config info, and the shared config entry. * * The lock for configEntry should * be obtained before calling this function. */ static int dna_activate_next_range(struct configEntry *config_entry) { Slapi_PBlock *pb = NULL; LDAPMod mod_maxval; LDAPMod mod_nextval; LDAPMod mod_nextrange; LDAPMod *mods[4]; char *maxval_vals[2]; char *nextval_vals[2]; char *nextrange_vals[1]; /* 16 for max 64-bit unsigned plus the trailing '\0' */ char maxval_val[17]; char nextval_val[17]; int ret = 0; /* Setup the modify operation for the config entry */ PR_snprintf(maxval_val, sizeof(maxval_val),"%" NSPRIu64, config_entry->next_range_upper); PR_snprintf(nextval_val, sizeof(nextval_val),"%" NSPRIu64, config_entry->next_range_lower); maxval_vals[0] = maxval_val; maxval_vals[1] = 0; nextval_vals[0] = nextval_val; nextval_vals[1] = 0; nextrange_vals[0] = 0; mod_maxval.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mod_maxval.mod_type = DNA_MAXVAL; mod_maxval.mod_values = maxval_vals; mod_nextval.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mod_nextval.mod_type = DNA_NEXTVAL; mod_nextval.mod_values = nextval_vals; mod_nextrange.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_DELETE; mod_nextrange.mod_type = DNA_NEXT_RANGE; mod_nextrange.mod_values = nextrange_vals; mods[0] = &mod_maxval; mods[1] = &mod_nextval; mods[2] = &mod_nextrange; mods[3] = 0; /* Update the config entry first */ pb = slapi_pblock_new(); if (NULL == pb) { ret = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; goto bail; } slapi_modify_internal_set_pb(pb, config_entry->dn, mods, 0, 0, getPluginID(), 0); slapi_modify_internal_pb(pb); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &ret); slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); pb = NULL; if (ret != LDAP_SUCCESS) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_activate_next_range: Error updating " "configuration entry [err=%d]\n", ret); } else { /* Update the in-memory config info */ config_entry->maxval = config_entry->next_range_upper; config_entry->nextval = config_entry->next_range_lower; config_entry->next_range_upper = 0; config_entry->next_range_lower = 0; config_entry->remaining = ((config_entry->maxval - config_entry->nextval + 1) / config_entry->interval); /* update the shared configuration */ dna_update_shared_config(config_entry); } bail: return ret; } /* * dna_is_replica_bind_dn() * * Checks if the passed in DN is the replica bind DN. This * is used to check if a user is allowed to request range * from us. * * Returns 1 if bind_dn matches the replica bind dn, 0 otherwise. */ static int dna_is_replica_bind_dn(char *range_dn, char *bind_dn) { char *replica_dn = NULL; Slapi_DN *replica_sdn = NULL; char *replica_bind_dn = NULL; Slapi_DN *replica_bind_sdn = NULL; Slapi_DN *range_sdn = NULL; Slapi_DN *bind_sdn = NULL; Slapi_Entry *e = NULL; char *attrs[2]; Slapi_Backend *be = NULL; const char *be_suffix = NULL; int ret = 0; /* Find the backend suffix where the shared config is stored. */ range_sdn = slapi_sdn_new_dn_byref(range_dn); if ((be = slapi_be_select(range_sdn)) != NULL) { be_suffix = slapi_sdn_get_dn(slapi_be_getsuffix(be, 0)); } /* Fetch the "cn=replica" entry for the backend that stores * the shared config. We need to see what the configured * replica bind DN is. */ if (be_suffix) { /* This function converts the old DN style to the new one. */ replica_dn = slapi_create_dn_string("cn=replica,cn=\"%s\",cn=mapping tree,cn=config", be_suffix); if (NULL == replica_dn) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_is_replica_bind_dn: failed to create " "replica dn for %s\n", be_suffix); return 1; } replica_sdn = slapi_sdn_new_dn_passin(replica_dn); attrs[0] = DNA_REPL_BIND_DN; attrs[1] = 0; /* Find cn=replica entry via search */ slapi_search_internal_get_entry(replica_sdn, attrs, &e, getPluginID()); if (e) { replica_bind_dn = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(e, DNA_REPL_BIND_DN); } else { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_is_replica_bind_dn: Failed to fetch replica entry " "for range %s\n", range_dn); } } if (replica_bind_dn) { /* Compare the passed in bind dn to the replica bind dn */ bind_sdn = slapi_sdn_new_dn_byref(bind_dn); replica_bind_sdn = slapi_sdn_new_dn_passin(replica_bind_dn); if (slapi_sdn_compare(bind_sdn, replica_bind_sdn) == 0) { ret = 1; } } slapi_entry_free(e); slapi_sdn_free(&range_sdn); slapi_sdn_free(&replica_sdn); slapi_sdn_free(&replica_bind_sdn); slapi_sdn_free(&bind_sdn); return ret; } static int dna_get_replica_bind_creds(char *range_dn, struct dnaServer *server, char **bind_dn, char **bind_passwd, char **bind_method, int *is_ssl, int *port) { Slapi_PBlock *pb = NULL; Slapi_DN *range_sdn = NULL; char *replica_dn = NULL; Slapi_Backend *be = NULL; const char *be_suffix = NULL; char *attrs[6]; char *filter = NULL; char *bind_cred = NULL; char *transport = NULL; Slapi_Entry **entries = NULL; int ret = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; /* Find the backend suffix where the shared config is stored. */ range_sdn = slapi_sdn_new_dn_byref(range_dn); if ((be = slapi_be_select(range_sdn)) != NULL) { be_suffix = slapi_sdn_get_dn(slapi_be_getsuffix(be, 0)); } /* Fetch the replication agreement entry */ if (be_suffix) { /* This function converts the old DN style to the new one. */ replica_dn = slapi_create_dn_string("cn=replica,cn=\"%s\",cn=mapping tree,cn=config", be_suffix); if (NULL == replica_dn) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_get_replica_bind_creds: failed to create " "replica dn for %s\n", be_suffix); ret = LDAP_PARAM_ERROR; goto bail; } filter = slapi_ch_smprintf("(&(nsds5ReplicaHost=%s)(|(" DNA_REPL_PORT "=%u)" "(" DNA_REPL_PORT "=%u)))", server->host, server->port, server->secureport); attrs[0] = DNA_REPL_BIND_DN; attrs[1] = DNA_REPL_CREDS; attrs[2] = DNA_REPL_BIND_METHOD; attrs[3] = DNA_REPL_TRANSPORT; attrs[4] = DNA_REPL_PORT; attrs[5] = 0; pb = slapi_pblock_new(); if (NULL == pb) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_get_replica_bind_creds: Failed to " "allocate pblock\n"); goto bail; } slapi_search_internal_set_pb(pb, replica_dn, LDAP_SCOPE_ONELEVEL, filter, attrs, 0, NULL, NULL, getPluginID(), 0); slapi_search_internal_pb(pb); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &ret); if (LDAP_SUCCESS != ret) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_get_replica_bind_creds: Failed to fetch replica " "bind credentials for range %s, server %s, port %u [error %d]\n", range_dn, server->host, server->port, ret); goto bail; } slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_SEARCH_ENTRIES, &entries); if (NULL == entries || NULL == entries[0]) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_get_replica_bind_creds: Failed to fetch replication " "agreement for range %s, server %s, port %u\n", range_dn, server->host, server->port); ret = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; goto bail; } /* Get the replication bind dn and password from the agreement. It * is up to the caller to free these when they are finished. */ slapi_ch_free_string(bind_dn); slapi_ch_free_string(bind_method); *bind_dn = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(entries[0], DNA_REPL_BIND_DN); *bind_method = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(entries[0], DNA_REPL_BIND_METHOD); bind_cred = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(entries[0], DNA_REPL_CREDS); transport = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(entries[0], DNA_REPL_TRANSPORT); *port = slapi_entry_attr_get_int(entries[0], DNA_REPL_PORT); /* Check if we should use SSL */ if (transport && (strcasecmp(transport, "SSL") == 0)) { *is_ssl = 1; } else if (transport && (strcasecmp(transport, "TLS") == 0)) { *is_ssl = 2; } else { *is_ssl = 0; } /* fix up the bind method */ if ((NULL == *bind_method) || (strcasecmp(*bind_method, "SIMPLE") == 0)) { slapi_ch_free_string(bind_method); *bind_method = slapi_ch_strdup(LDAP_SASL_SIMPLE); } else if (strcasecmp(*bind_method, "SSLCLIENTAUTH") == 0) { slapi_ch_free_string(bind_method); *bind_method = slapi_ch_strdup(LDAP_SASL_EXTERNAL); } else if (strcasecmp(*bind_method, "SASL/GSSAPI") == 0) { slapi_ch_free_string(bind_method); *bind_method = slapi_ch_strdup("GSSAPI"); } else if (strcasecmp(*bind_method, "SASL/DIGEST-MD5") == 0) { slapi_ch_free_string(bind_method); *bind_method = slapi_ch_strdup("DIGEST-MD5"); } else { /* some other weird value */ ; /* just use it directly */ } /* Decode the password */ if (bind_cred) { int pw_ret = 0; slapi_ch_free_string(bind_passwd); pw_ret = pw_rever_decode(bind_cred, bind_passwd, DNA_REPL_CREDS); if (pw_ret == -1) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_get_replica_bind_creds: Failed to decode " "replica bind credentials for range %s, server %s, " "port %u\n", range_dn, server->host, server->port); goto bail; } else if (pw_ret != 0) { /* The password was already in clear text, so pw_rever_decode * simply set bind_passwd to bind_cred. Set bind_cred to NULL * to prevent a double free. The memory is now owned by * bind_passwd, which is the callers responsibility to free. */ bind_cred = NULL; } } } /* If we didn't get both a bind DN and a decoded password, * then just free everything and return an error. */ if (*bind_dn && *bind_passwd) { ret = 0; } else { slapi_ch_free_string(bind_dn); slapi_ch_free_string(bind_passwd); slapi_ch_free_string(bind_method); } bail: slapi_ch_free_string(&filter); slapi_sdn_free(&range_sdn); slapi_ch_free_string(&replica_dn); slapi_ch_free_string(&bind_cred); slapi_free_search_results_internal(pb); slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); return ret; } /* for mods and adds: where dn's are supplied, the closest in scope is used as long as the type and filter are identical - otherwise all matches count */ static int dna_pre_op(Slapi_PBlock * pb, int modtype) { char *dn = 0; PRCList *list = 0; struct configEntry *config_entry = 0; struct slapi_entry *e = 0; Slapi_Entry *resulting_e = 0; char *last_type = 0; char *value = 0; int generate = 0; Slapi_Mods *smods = 0; Slapi_Mod *smod = 0; LDAPMod **mods; int free_entry = 0; char *errstr = NULL; int ret = 0; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "--> dna_pre_op\n"); /* Just bail if we aren't ready to service requests yet. */ if (!g_plugin_started) goto bail; if (0 == (dn = dna_get_dn(pb))) goto bail; if (LDAP_CHANGETYPE_ADD == modtype) { slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_ADD_ENTRY, &e); } else { /* xxxPAR: Ideally SLAPI_MODIFY_EXISTING_ENTRY should be * available but it turns out that is only true if you are * a dbm backend pre-op plugin - lucky dbm backend pre-op * plugins. * I think that is wrong since the entry is useful for filter * tests and schema checks and this plugin shouldn't be limited * to a single backend type, but I don't want that fight right * now so we go get the entry here * slapi_pblock_get( pb, SLAPI_MODIFY_EXISTING_ENTRY, &e); */ Slapi_DN *tmp_dn = slapi_sdn_new_dn_byref(dn); if (tmp_dn) { slapi_search_internal_get_entry(tmp_dn, 0, &e, getPluginID()); slapi_sdn_free(&tmp_dn); free_entry = 1; } /* grab the mods - we'll put them back later with * our modifications appended */ slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_MODIFY_MODS, &mods); smods = slapi_mods_new(); slapi_mods_init_passin(smods, mods); /* We need the resulting entry after the mods are applied to * see if the entry is within the scope. */ if (e) { resulting_e = slapi_entry_dup(e); if (mods && (slapi_entry_apply_mods(resulting_e, mods) != LDAP_SUCCESS)) { /* The mods don't apply cleanly, so we just let this op go * to let the main server handle it. */ goto bailmod; } } } if (0 == e) goto bailmod; if (dna_dn_is_config(dn)) { /* Validate config changes, but don't apply them. * This allows us to reject invalid config changes * here at the pre-op stage. Applying the config * needs to be done at the post-op stage. */ Slapi_Entry *test_e = NULL; /* For a MOD, we need to check the resulting entry */ if (LDAP_CHANGETYPE_ADD == modtype) { test_e = e; } else { test_e = resulting_e; } if (dna_parse_config_entry(test_e, 0) != DNA_SUCCESS) { /* Refuse the operation if config parsing failed. */ ret = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; if (LDAP_CHANGETYPE_ADD == modtype) { errstr = slapi_ch_smprintf("Not a valid DNA configuration entry."); } else { errstr = slapi_ch_smprintf("Changes result in an invalid " "DNA configuration."); } } /* We're done, so just bail. */ goto bailmod; } dna_read_lock(); if (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(dna_global_config)) { list = PR_LIST_HEAD(dna_global_config); while (list != dna_global_config && LDAP_SUCCESS == ret) { config_entry = (struct configEntry *) list; /* did we already service this type? */ if (last_type) { if (!slapi_attr_type_cmp(config_entry->type, last_type, 1)) goto next; } /* is the entry in scope? */ if (config_entry->scope) { if (!slapi_dn_issuffix(dn, config_entry->scope)) goto next; } /* does the entry match the filter? */ if (config_entry->slapi_filter) { Slapi_Entry *test_e = NULL; /* For a MOD operation, we need to check the filter * against the resulting entry. */ if (LDAP_CHANGETYPE_ADD == modtype) { test_e = e; } else { test_e = resulting_e; } if (LDAP_SUCCESS != slapi_vattr_filter_test(pb, test_e, config_entry-> slapi_filter, 0)) goto next; } if (LDAP_CHANGETYPE_ADD == modtype) { /* does attribute contain the magic value or is the type not there? */ value = slapi_entry_attr_get_charptr(e, config_entry->type); if ((value && !slapi_UTF8CASECMP(config_entry->generate, value)) || 0 == value) { generate = 1; } slapi_ch_free_string(&value); } else { /* check mods for magic value */ Slapi_Mod *next_mod = slapi_mod_new(); smod = slapi_mods_get_first_smod(smods, next_mod); while (smod) { char *type = (char *) slapi_mod_get_type(smod); if (slapi_attr_types_equivalent(type, config_entry->type)) { /* If all values are being deleted, we need to * generate a new value. */ if (SLAPI_IS_MOD_DELETE(slapi_mod_get_operation(smod))) { int numvals = slapi_mod_get_num_values(smod); if (numvals == 0) { generate = 1; } else { Slapi_Attr *attr = NULL; int e_numvals = 0; slapi_entry_attr_find(e, type, &attr); if (attr) { slapi_attr_get_numvalues(attr, &e_numvals); if (numvals >= e_numvals) { generate = 1; } } } } else { /* This is either adding or replacing a value */ struct berval *bv = slapi_mod_get_first_value(smod); /* If generate is already set, a previous mod in * this same modify operation either removed all * values or set the magic value. It's possible * that this mod is adding a valid value, which * means we would not want to generate a new value. * It is safe to unset generate since it will be * reset here if necessary. */ generate = 0; /* If we have a value, see if it's the magic value. */ if (bv) { int len = strlen(config_entry->generate); if (len == bv->bv_len) { if (!slapi_UTF8NCASECMP(bv->bv_val, config_entry->generate, len)) { generate = 1; } } } else { /* This is a replace with no new values, so we need * to generate a new value. */ generate = 1; } } } slapi_mod_done(next_mod); smod = slapi_mods_get_next_smod(smods, next_mod); } slapi_mod_free(&next_mod); } /* We need to perform one last check for modify operations. If an * entry within the scope has not triggered generation yet, we need * to see if a value exists for the managed type in the resulting * entry. This will catch a modify operation that brings an entry * into scope for a managed range, but doesn't supply a value for * the managed type. */ if ((LDAP_CHANGETYPE_MODIFY == modtype) && !generate) { Slapi_Attr *attr = NULL; if (slapi_entry_attr_find(resulting_e, config_entry->type, &attr) != 0) { generate = 1; } } if (generate) { char *new_value; int len; /* create the value to add */ ret = dna_get_next_value(config_entry, &value); if (DNA_SUCCESS != ret) { errstr = slapi_ch_smprintf("Allocation of a new value for" " %s failed! Unable to proceed.", config_entry->type); break; } len = strlen(value) + 1; if (config_entry->prefix) { len += strlen(config_entry->prefix); } new_value = slapi_ch_malloc(len); if (config_entry->prefix) { strcpy(new_value, config_entry->prefix); strcat(new_value, value); } else strcpy(new_value, value); /* do the mod */ if (LDAP_CHANGETYPE_ADD == modtype) { /* add - add to entry */ slapi_entry_attr_set_charptr(e, config_entry->type, new_value); } else { /* mod - add to mods */ slapi_mods_add_string(smods, LDAP_MOD_REPLACE, config_entry->type, new_value); } /* free up */ slapi_ch_free_string(&value); slapi_ch_free_string(&new_value); /* make sure we don't generate for this * type again */ if (LDAP_SUCCESS == ret) { last_type = config_entry->type; } generate = 0; } next: list = PR_NEXT_LINK(list); } } dna_unlock(); bailmod: if (LDAP_CHANGETYPE_MODIFY == modtype) { /* Put the updated mods back into place. */ mods = slapi_mods_get_ldapmods_passout(smods); slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_MODIFY_MODS, mods); slapi_mods_free(&smods); } bail: if (free_entry && e) slapi_entry_free(e); if (resulting_e) slapi_entry_free(resulting_e); if (ret) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_pre_op: operation failure [%d]\n", ret); slapi_send_ldap_result(pb, ret, NULL, errstr, 0, NULL); slapi_ch_free((void **)&errstr); ret = DNA_FAILURE; } slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "<-- dna_pre_op\n"); return ret; } static int dna_add_pre_op(Slapi_PBlock * pb) { return dna_pre_op(pb, LDAP_CHANGETYPE_ADD); } static int dna_mod_pre_op(Slapi_PBlock * pb) { return dna_pre_op(pb, LDAP_CHANGETYPE_MODIFY); } static int dna_config_check_post_op(Slapi_PBlock * pb) { char *dn; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "--> dna_config_check_post_op\n"); if ((dn = dna_get_dn(pb))) { if (dna_dn_is_config(dn)) dna_load_plugin_config(); } slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "<-- dna_config_check_post_op\n"); return 0; } /**************************************************** * Range Extension Extended Operation ***************************************************/ static int dna_extend_exop(Slapi_PBlock *pb) { int ret = -1; struct berval *reqdata = NULL; BerElement *tmp_bere = NULL; char *shared_dn = NULL; char *bind_dn = NULL; char *oid = NULL; PRUint64 lower = 0; PRUint64 upper = 0; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "--> dna_extend_exop\n"); /* Fetch the request OID */ slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_EXT_OP_REQ_OID, &oid); if (!oid) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_extend_exop: Unable to retrieve request OID.\n"); goto free_and_return; } /* Make sure the request OID is correct. */ if (strcmp(oid, DNA_EXTEND_EXOP_REQUEST_OID) != 0) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_extend_exop: Received incorrect request OID.\n"); goto free_and_return; } /* Fetch the request data */ slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_EXT_OP_REQ_VALUE, &reqdata); if (!reqdata) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_extend_exop: No request data received.\n"); goto free_and_return; } /* decode the exop */ if ((tmp_bere = ber_init(reqdata)) == NULL) { ret = -1; goto free_and_return; } if (ber_scanf(tmp_bere, "{a}", &shared_dn) == LBER_ERROR) { ret = -1; goto free_and_return; } slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_extend_exop: received range extension " "request for range [%s]\n", shared_dn); /* Only allow range requests from the replication bind DN user */ slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_CONN_DN, &bind_dn); if (!dna_is_replica_bind_dn(shared_dn, bind_dn)) { ret = LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS; goto free_and_return; } /* See if we have the req. range configured. * If so, we need to see if we have range to provide. */ ret = dna_release_range(shared_dn, &lower, &upper); if (ret == LDAP_SUCCESS) { /* We have range to give away, so construct * and send the response. */ BerElement *respber = NULL; struct berval *respdata = NULL; struct berval range_low = {0, NULL}; struct berval range_high = {0, NULL}; char lowstr[16]; char highstr[16]; /* Create the exop response */ PR_snprintf(lowstr, sizeof(lowstr), "%" NSPRIu64, lower); PR_snprintf(highstr, sizeof(highstr), "%" NSPRIu64, upper); range_low.bv_val = lowstr; range_low.bv_len = strlen(range_low.bv_val); range_high.bv_val = highstr; range_high.bv_len = strlen(range_high.bv_val); if ((respber = ber_alloc()) == NULL) { ret = LDAP_NO_MEMORY; goto free_and_return; } if (LBER_ERROR == (ber_printf(respber, "{oo}", range_low.bv_val, range_low.bv_len, range_high.bv_val, range_high.bv_len))) { slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_extend_exop: Unable to encode exop response.\n"); ber_free(respber, 1); ret = LDAP_ENCODING_ERROR; goto free_and_return; } ber_flatten(respber, &respdata); ber_free(respber, 1); slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_EXT_OP_RET_OID, DNA_EXTEND_EXOP_RESPONSE_OID); slapi_pblock_set(pb, SLAPI_EXT_OP_RET_VALUE, respdata); /* send the response ourselves */ slapi_send_ldap_result( pb, ret, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL ); ret = SLAPI_PLUGIN_EXTENDED_SENT_RESULT; ber_bvfree(respdata); slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_extend_exop: Released range %" NSPRIu64 "-%" NSPRIu64 ".\n", lower, upper); } free_and_return: slapi_ch_free_string(&shared_dn); slapi_ch_free_string(&bind_dn); if (NULL != tmp_bere) { ber_free(tmp_bere, 1); tmp_bere = NULL; } slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "<-- dna_extend_exop\n"); return ret; } /* * dna_release_range() * * Checks if we have any values that we can release * for the range specified by range_dn. */ static int dna_release_range(char *range_dn, PRUint64 *lower, PRUint64 *upper) { int ret = 0; int match = 0; PRCList *list = NULL; Slapi_DN *cfg_base_sdn = NULL; Slapi_DN *range_sdn = NULL; struct configEntry *config_entry = NULL; int set_extend_flag = 0; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "--> dna_release_range\n"); if (range_dn) { range_sdn = slapi_sdn_new_dn_byref(range_dn); dna_read_lock(); /* Go through the config entries to see if we * have a shared range configured that matches * the range from the exop request. */ if (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(dna_global_config)) { list = PR_LIST_HEAD(dna_global_config); while ((list != dna_global_config) && match != 1) { config_entry = (struct configEntry *)list; cfg_base_sdn = slapi_sdn_new_dn_byref(config_entry->shared_cfg_base); if (slapi_sdn_compare(cfg_base_sdn, range_sdn) == 0) { /* We found a match. Set match flag to * break out of the loop. */ match = 1; } else { config_entry = NULL; list = PR_NEXT_LINK(list); } slapi_sdn_free(&cfg_base_sdn); } } /* config_entry will point to our match if we found one */ if (config_entry) { int release = 0; Slapi_PBlock *pb = NULL; LDAPMod mod_replace; LDAPMod *mods[2]; char *replace_val[2]; /* 16 for max 64-bit unsigned plus the trailing '\0' */ char max_value[17]; /* Need to bail if we're performing a range request * for this range. This is to prevent the case where two * servers are asking each other for more range for the * same managed range. This would result in a network * deadlock until the idletimeout kills one of the * connections. */ slapi_lock_mutex(config_entry->extend_lock); if (config_entry->extend_in_progress) { /* We're already processing a range extention, so bail. */ slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_PLUGIN, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_release_range: Already processing a " "range extension request. Skipping request.\n"); slapi_unlock_mutex(config_entry->extend_lock); ret = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; goto bail; } else { /* Set a flag indicating that we're attempting to extend this range */ config_entry->extend_in_progress = 1; set_extend_flag = 1; slapi_unlock_mutex(config_entry->extend_lock); } /* Obtain the lock for this range */ slapi_lock_mutex(config_entry->lock); /* Refuse if we're at or below our threshold */ if (config_entry->remaining <= config_entry->threshold) { ret = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; goto bail; } /* If we have a next range, we need to give up values from * it instead of from the active range */ if (config_entry->next_range_lower != 0) { /* Release up to half of our values from the next range. */ release = (((config_entry->next_range_upper - config_entry->next_range_lower + 1) / 2) / config_entry->threshold) * config_entry->threshold; if (release == 0) { ret = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; goto bail; } *upper = config_entry->next_range_upper; *lower = *upper - release + 1; /* Try to set the new next range in the config */ ret = dna_update_next_range(config_entry, config_entry->next_range_lower, *lower - 1); } else { /* We release up to half of our remaining values, * but we'll only release a range that is a multiple * of our threshold. */ release = ((config_entry->remaining / 2) / config_entry->threshold) * config_entry->threshold; if (release == 0) { ret = LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM; goto bail; } /* We give away values from the upper end of our range. */ *upper = config_entry->maxval; *lower = *upper - release + 1; /* try to set the new maxval in the config entry */ PR_snprintf(max_value, sizeof(max_value),"%" NSPRIu64, (*lower - 1)); /* set up our replace modify operation */ replace_val[0] = max_value; replace_val[1] = 0; mod_replace.mod_op = LDAP_MOD_REPLACE; mod_replace.mod_type = DNA_MAXVAL; mod_replace.mod_values = replace_val; mods[0] = &mod_replace; mods[1] = 0; pb = slapi_pblock_new(); if (NULL == pb) { ret = LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR; goto bail; } slapi_modify_internal_set_pb(pb, config_entry->dn, mods, 0, 0, getPluginID(), 0); slapi_modify_internal_pb(pb); slapi_pblock_get(pb, SLAPI_PLUGIN_INTOP_RESULT, &ret); slapi_pblock_destroy(pb); pb = NULL; if (ret == LDAP_SUCCESS) { /* Adjust maxval in our cached config and shared config */ config_entry->maxval = *lower - 1; dna_notice_allocation(config_entry, config_entry->nextval, 0, 0); } } if (ret != LDAP_SUCCESS) { /* Updating the config failed, so reset. We don't * want to give the caller any range */ *lower = 0; *upper = 0; slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_FATAL, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "dna_release_range: Error updating " "configuration entry [err=%d]\n", ret); } } bail: if (set_extend_flag) { slapi_lock_mutex(config_entry->extend_lock); config_entry->extend_in_progress = 0; slapi_unlock_mutex(config_entry->extend_lock); } if (config_entry) { slapi_unlock_mutex(config_entry->lock); } slapi_sdn_free(&range_sdn); dna_unlock(); } slapi_log_error(SLAPI_LOG_TRACE, DNA_PLUGIN_SUBSYSTEM, "<-- dna_release_range\n"); return ret; } /**************************************************** End of Functions that actually do things other than config and startup ****************************************************/ /** * debug functions to print config */ void dna_dump_config() { PRCList *list; dna_read_lock(); if (!PR_CLIST_IS_EMPTY(dna_global_config)) { list = PR_LIST_HEAD(dna_global_config); while (list != dna_global_config) { dna_dump_config_entry((struct configEntry *) list); list = PR_NEXT_LINK(list); } } dna_unlock(); } void dna_dump_config_entry(struct configEntry * entry) { printf("<---- type -----------> %s\n", entry->type); printf("<---- filter ---------> %s\n", entry->filter); printf("<---- prefix ---------> %s\n", entry->prefix); printf("<---- scope ----------> %s\n", entry->scope); printf("<---- next value -----> %" PRIu64 "\n", entry->nextval); printf("<---- max value ------> %" PRIu64 "\n", entry->maxval); printf("<---- interval -------> %" PRIu64 "\n", entry->interval); printf("<---- generate flag --> %s\n", entry->generate); printf("<---- shared cfg base > %s\n", entry->shared_cfg_base); printf("<---- shared cfg DN --> %s\n", entry->shared_cfg_dn); printf("<---- threshold ------> %" PRIu64 "", entry->threshold); }