=================================================================== rteval (v) report ------------------------------------------------------------------- Test run: Run time: days h m s Remarks: Tested node: Model: - BIOS version: (ver: , rev : , release date: ) CPU cores: (online: ) (online: ) (unknown) NUMA Nodes: (unknown) Memory: kB Kernel: (RT enabled) Base OS: Architecture: Clocksource: Available: (unknown) System load: Load average: Executed loads: =================================================================== - : (Not run) Measurement profile : With loads, Without loads, measurements in parallel measurements serialised Latency test Started: Stopped: Command: System: Statistics: CPU core Priority: Statistics: Samples: Mean: Median: Mode: Range: Min: Max: Mean Absolute Dev: Std.dev: Hardware latency detector Run duration: seconds Threshold: us Width: us Window size: us Threshold exceeded times Hardware latency detector ** WARNING ** hwlatedect failed to run - @ us Run aborted: Aborted due to latency exceeding us. Measured latency when stopping was us.