# # cyclictest.py - object to manage a cyclictest executable instance # # Copyright 2009 - 2013 Clark Williams # Copyright 2012 - 2013 David Sommerseth # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. # # For the avoidance of doubt the "preferred form" of this code is one which # is in an open unpatent encumbered format. Where cryptographic key signing # forms part of the process of creating an executable the information # including keys needed to generate an equivalently functional executable # are deemed to be part of the source code. # import os, sys, subprocess, signal, libxml2, shutil, tempfile, time from rteval.Log import Log from rteval.modules import rtevalModulePrototype class RunData(object): '''class to keep instance data from a cyclictest run''' def __init__(self, coreid, datatype, priority, logfnc): self.__id = coreid self.__type = datatype self.__priority = int(priority) self.__description = '' # histogram of data self.__samples = {} self.__numsamples = 0 self.__min = 100000000 self.__max = 0 self.__stddev = 0.0 self.__mean = 0.0 self.__mode = 0.0 self.__median = 0.0 self.__range = 0.0 self.__mad = 0.0 self._log = logfnc def sample(self, value): self.__samples[value] += self.__samples.setdefault(value, 0) + 1 if value > self.__max: self.__max = value if value < self.__min: self.__min = value self.__numsamples += 1 def bucket(self, index, value): self.__samples[index] = self.__samples.setdefault(index, 0) + value if value and index > self.__max: self.__max = index if value and index < self.__min: self.__min = index self.__numsamples += value def reduce(self): import math # check to see if we have any samples and if we # only have 1 (or none) set the calculated values # to zero and return if self.__numsamples <= 1: self._log(Log.DEBUG, "skipping %s (%d samples)" % (self.__id, self.__numsamples)) self.__mad = 0 self.__stddev = 0 return self._log(Log.INFO, "reducing %s" % self.__id) total = 0 keys = self.__samples.keys() keys.sort() sorted = [] mid = self.__numsamples / 2 # mean, mode, and median occurances = 0 lastkey = -1 for i in keys: if mid > total and mid <= (total + self.__samples[i]): if self.__numsamples & 1 and mid == total+1: self.__median = (lastkey + i) / 2 else: self.__median = i total += (i * self.__samples[i]) if self.__samples[i] > occurances: occurances = self.__samples[i] self.__mode = i self.__mean = float(total) / float(self.__numsamples) # range for i in keys: if self.__samples[i]: low = i break high = keys[-1] while high and self.__samples[high] == 0: high -= 1 self.__range = high - low # Mean Absolute Deviation and standard deviation madsum = 0 varsum = 0 for i in keys: madsum += float(abs(float(i) - self.__mean) * self.__samples[i]) varsum += float(((float(i) - self.__mean) ** 2) * self.__samples[i]) self.__mad = madsum / self.__numsamples self.__stddev = math.sqrt(varsum / (self.__numsamples - 1)) def MakeReport(self): rep_n = libxml2.newNode(self.__type) if self.__type == 'system': rep_n.newProp('description', self.__description) else: rep_n.newProp('id', str(self.__id)) rep_n.newProp('priority', str(self.__priority)) stat_n = rep_n.newChild(None, 'statistics', None) stat_n.newTextChild(None, 'samples', str(self.__numsamples)) if self.__numsamples > 0: n = stat_n.newTextChild(None, 'minimum', str(self.__min)) n.newProp('unit', 'us') n = stat_n.newTextChild(None, 'maximum', str(self.__max)) n.newProp('unit', 'us') n = stat_n.newTextChild(None, 'median', str(self.__median)) n.newProp('unit', 'us') n = stat_n.newTextChild(None, 'mode', str(self.__mode)) n.newProp('unit', 'us') n = stat_n.newTextChild(None, 'range', str(self.__range)) n.newProp('unit', 'us') n = stat_n.newTextChild(None, 'mean', str(self.__mean)) n.newProp('unit', 'us') n = stat_n.newTextChild(None, 'mean_absolute_deviation', str(self.__mad)) n.newProp('unit', 'us') n = stat_n.newTextChild(None, 'standard_deviation', str(self.__stddev)) n.newProp('unit', 'us') hist_n = rep_n.newChild(None, 'histogram', None) hist_n.newProp('nbuckets', str(len(self.__samples))) keys = self.__samples.keys() keys.sort() for k in keys: if self.__samples[k] == 0: # Don't report buckets without any samples continue b_n = hist_n.newChild(None, 'bucket', None) b_n.newProp('index', str(k)) b_n.newProp('value', str(self.__samples[k])) return rep_n class Cyclictest(rtevalModulePrototype): def __init__(self, config, logger=None): rtevalModulePrototype.__init__(self, 'measurement', 'cyclictest', logger) self.__cfg = config # Create a RunData object per CPU core f = open('/proc/cpuinfo') self.__numanodes = int(self.__cfg.setdefault('numanodes', 0)) self.__priority = int(self.__cfg.setdefault('priority', 95)) self.__buckets = int(self.__cfg.setdefault('buckets', 2000)) self.__numcores = 0 self.__cyclicdata = {} for line in f: if line.startswith('processor'): core = line.split()[-1] self.__cyclicdata[core] = RunData(core, 'core',self.__priority, logfnc=self._log) self.__numcores += 1 if line.startswith('model name'): desc = line.split(': ')[-1][:-1] self.__cyclicdata[core].description = ' '.join(desc.split()) f.close() # Create a RunData object for the overall system self.__cyclicdata['system'] = RunData('system', 'system', self.__priority, logfnc=self._log) self.__cyclicdata['system'].description = ("(%d cores) " % self.__numcores) + self.__cyclicdata['0'].description self._log(Log.DEBUG, "system has %d cpu cores" % self.__numcores) self.__started = False self.__cyclicoutput = None self.__breaktraceval = None def __getmode(self): if self.__numanodes > 1: self._log(Log.DEBUG, "running in NUMA mode (%d nodes)" % self.__numanodes) return '--numa' self._log(Log.DEBUG, "running in SMP mode") return '--smp' def __get_debugfs_mount(self): ret = None mounts = open('/proc/mounts') for l in mounts: field = l.split() if field[2] == "debugfs": ret = field[1] break mounts.close() return ret def _WorkloadSetup(self): self.__cyclicprocess = None pass def _WorkloadBuild(self): self._setReady() def _WorkloadPrepare(self): self.__interval = self.__cfg.has_key('interval') and '-i%d' % int(self.__cfg.interval) or "" self.__cmd = ['cyclictest', self.__interval, '-qmu', '-h %d' % self.__buckets, "-p%d" % int(self.__priority), self.__getmode(), ] if self.__cfg.has_key('threads') and self.__cfg.threads: self.__cmd.append("-t%d" % int(self.__cfg.threads)) if self.__cfg.has_key('breaktrace') and self.__cfg.breaktrace: self.__cmd.append("-b%d" % int(self.__cfg.breaktrace)) # Buffer for cyclictest data written to stdout self.__cyclicoutput = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile(mode='rw+b') def _WorkloadTask(self): if self.__started: # Don't restart cyclictest if it is already runing return self._log(Log.DEBUG, "starting with cmd: %s" % " ".join(self.__cmd)) self.__nullfp = os.open('/dev/null', os.O_RDWR) debugdir = self.__get_debugfs_mount() if self.__cfg.has_key('breaktrace') and self.__cfg.breaktrace and debugdir: # Ensure that the trace log is clean trace = os.path.join(debugdir, 'tracing', 'trace') fp = open(os.path.join(trace), "w") fp.write("0") fp.flush() fp.close() self.__cyclicoutput.seek(0) self.__cyclicprocess = subprocess.Popen(self.__cmd, stdout=self.__cyclicoutput, stderr=self.__nullfp, stdin=self.__nullfp) self.__started = True def WorkloadAlive(self): if self.__started: return self.__cyclicprocess.poll() is None else: return False def _WorkloadCleanup(self): while self.__cyclicprocess.poll() == None: self._log(Log.DEBUG, "Sending SIGINT") os.kill(self.__cyclicprocess.pid, signal.SIGINT) time.sleep(2) # now parse the histogram output self.__cyclicoutput.seek(0) for line in self.__cyclicoutput: if line.startswith('#'): # Catch if cyclictest stopped due to a breaktrace if line.startswith('# Break value: '): self.__breaktraceval = int(line.split(':')[1]) continue vals = line.split() index = int(vals[0]) for i in range(0, len(self.__cyclicdata)-1): if str(i) not in self.__cyclicdata: continue self.__cyclicdata[str(i)].bucket(index, int(vals[i+1])) self.__cyclicdata['system'].bucket(index, int(vals[i+1])) for n in self.__cyclicdata.keys(): self.__cyclicdata[n].reduce() # If the breaktrace feature of cyclictest was enabled and triggered, # put the trace into the log directory debugdir = self.__get_debugfs_mount() if self.__breaktraceval and debugdir: trace = os.path.join(debugdir, 'tracing', 'trace') cyclicdir = os.path.join(self.__cfg.reportdir, 'cyclictest') os.mkdir(cyclicdir) shutil.copyfile(trace, os.path.join(cyclicdir, 'breaktrace.log')) self._setFinished() self.__started = False os.close(self.__nullfp) del self.__nullfp def MakeReport(self): rep_n = libxml2.newNode('cyclictest') rep_n.newProp('command_line', ' '.join(self.__cmd)) # If it was detected cyclictest was aborted somehow, # report the reason abrt_n = libxml2.newNode('abort_report') abrt = False if self.__breaktraceval: abrt_n.newProp('reason', 'breaktrace') btv_n = abrt_n.newChild(None, 'breaktrace', None) btv_n.newProp('latency_threshold', str(self.__cfg.breaktrace)) btv_n.newProp('measured_latency', str(self.__breaktraceval)) abrt = True # Only add the node if an abortion happened if abrt: rep_n.addChild(abrt_n) rep_n.addChild(self.__cyclicdata["system"].MakeReport()) for thr in range(0, self.__numcores): if str(thr) not in self.__cyclicdata: continue rep_n.addChild(self.__cyclicdata[str(thr)].MakeReport()) return rep_n def ModuleInfo(): return {"parallel": True, "loads": True} def ModuleParameters(): return {"interval": {"descr": "Base interval of the threads in microseconds", "default": 100, "metavar": "INTV_US"}, "buckets": {"descr": "Histogram width", "default": 2000, "metavar": "NUM"}, "priority": {"descr": "Run cyclictest with the given priority", "default": 95, "metavar": "PRIO"}, "breaktrace": {"descr": "Send a break trace command when latency > USEC", "default": None, "metavar": "USEC"} } def create(params, logger): return Cyclictest(params, logger) if __name__ == '__main__': from rteval.rtevalConfig import rtevalConfig l = Log() l.SetLogVerbosity(Log.INFO|Log.DEBUG|Log.ERR|Log.WARN) cfg = rtevalConfig({}, logger=l) prms = {} modprms = ModuleParameters() for c, p in modprms.items(): prms[c] = p['default'] cfg.AppendConfig('cyclictest', prms) cfg_ct = cfg.GetSection('cyclictest') cfg_ct.reportdir = "." cfg_ct.buckets = 200 # cfg_ct.breaktrace = 30 runtime = 10 c = Cyclictest(cfg_ct, l) c._WorkloadSetup() c._WorkloadPrepare() c._WorkloadTask() print "Running for %i seconds" % runtime time.sleep(runtime) c._WorkloadCleanup() rep_n = c.MakeReport() xml = libxml2.newDoc('1.0') xml.setRootElement(rep_n) xml.saveFormatFileEnc('-','UTF-8',1)