diff options
5 files changed, 269 insertions, 70 deletions
diff --git a/rteval/ b/rteval/
index 61ef982..4b696f7 100644
--- a/rteval/
+++ b/rteval/
@@ -99,12 +99,24 @@ class CPUtopology:
def getCPUsockets(self):
return self.__cpu_sockets
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- cputop = CPUtopology()
- n = cputop.parse()
- x = libxml2.newDoc('1.0')
- x.setRootElement(n)
- x.saveFormatFileEnc('-','UTF-8',1)
+def unit_test(rootdir):
+ try:
+ cputop = CPUtopology()
+ n = cputop.parse()
+ print " ---- XML Result ---- "
+ x = libxml2.newDoc('1.0')
+ x.setRootElement(n)
+ x.saveFormatFileEnc('-','UTF-8',1)
+ print " ---- getCPUcores() / getCPUscokets() ---- "
+ print "CPU cores: %i (online: %i) - CPU sockets: %i" % (cputop.getCPUcores(False),
+ cputop.getCPUcores(True),
+ cputop.getCPUsockets())
+ return 0
+ except Exception, e:
+ print "** EXCEPTION %s", str(e)
+ return 1
- # print "CPU cores: %i (online: %i) - CPU sockets: %i" % (cputop.getCPUcores(False), cputop.getCPUcores(True), cputop.getCPUsockets())
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unit_test()
diff --git a/rteval/ b/rteval/
index 3b08a2c..4f4835c 100644
--- a/rteval/
+++ b/rteval/
@@ -83,12 +83,35 @@ class DMIinfo(object):
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+def unit_test(rootdir):
from pprint import pprint
- d = DMIinfo('.')
- x = xmlout.XMLOut('dmi_test', "0.0")
- x.NewReport()
- d.genxml(x)
- x.close()
- x.Write('-')
+ class unittest_ConfigDummy(object):
+ def __init__(self, rootdir):
+ self.config = {'installdir': '%s/rteval'}
+ self.__update_vars()
+ def __update_vars(self):
+ for k in self.config.keys():
+ self.__dict__[k] = self.config[k]
+ try:
+ ProcessWarnings()
+ if os.getuid() != 0:
+ print "** ERROR ** Must be root to run this unit_test()"
+ return 1
+ cfg = unittest_ConfigDummy(rootdir)
+ d = DMIinfo(cfg)
+ x = xmlout.XMLOut('dmi_test', "0.0")
+ x.NewReport()
+ d.genxml(x)
+ x.close()
+ x.Write('-')
+ return 0
+ except Exception, e:
+ print "** EXCEPTION: %s" % str(e)
+ return 1
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(unit_test('.'))
diff --git a/rteval/ b/rteval/
index 5fad260..bb77da2 100644
--- a/rteval/
+++ b/rteval/
@@ -185,3 +185,19 @@ class rtevalConfig(rtevalCfgSection):
return rtevalCfgSection(self.__config_data[section])
except KeyError, err:
raise KeyError("The section '%s' does not exist in the config file" % section)
+def unit_test(rootdir):
+ try:
+ cfg = rtevalConfig()
+ cfg.Load(rootdir + '/rteval/rteval.conf')
+ print cfg
+ return 0
+ except Exception, e:
+ print "** EXCEPTION %s", str(e)
+ return 1
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys
+ sys.exit(unit_test('..'))
diff --git a/rteval/ b/rteval/
index b4fe371..648131b 100644
--- a/rteval/
+++ b/rteval/
@@ -257,58 +257,76 @@ class XMLOut(object):
return self.currtag.addChild(nodes)
+def unit_test(rootdir):
+ try:
+ x = XMLOut('rteval', 'UNIT-TEST', None, 'UTF-8')
+ x.NewReport()
+ x.openblock('run_info', {'days': 0, 'hours': 0, 'minutes': 32, 'seconds': 18})
+ x.taggedvalue('time', '11:22:33')
+ x.taggedvalue('date', '2000-11-22')
+ x.closeblock()
+ x.openblock('uname')
+ x.taggedvalue('node', u'testing - \xe6\xf8')
+ x.taggedvalue('kernel', 'my_test_kernel', {'is_RT': 0})
+ x.taggedvalue('arch', 'mips')
+ x.closeblock()
+ x.openblock('hardware')
+ x.taggedvalue('cpu_cores', 2)
+ x.taggedvalue('memory_size', 1024*1024*2)
+ x.closeblock()
+ x.openblock('loads', {'load_average': 3.29})
+ x.taggedvalue('command_line','./load/loader --extreme --ultimate --threads 4096',
+ {'name': 'heavyloader'})
+ x.taggedvalue('command_line','dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null', {'name': 'lightloader'})
+ x.closeblock()
+ x.close()
+ print "------------- XML OUTPUT ----------------------------"
+ x.Write("-")
+ print "------------- XSLT PARSED OUTPUT --------------------"
+ x.Write("-", "rteval_text.xsl")
+ print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
+ x.Write("/tmp/xmlout-test.xml")
+ del x
+ print "------------- LOAD XML FROM FILE -----------------------------"
+ x = XMLOut('rteval','UNIT-TEST', None, 'UTF-8')
+ x.LoadReport("/tmp/xmlout-test.xml", True)
+ print "------------- LOADED XML DATA --------------------------------"
+ x.Write("-")
+ print "------------- XSLT PARSED OUTPUT FROM LOADED XML--------------"
+ x.Write("-", "rteval_text.xsl")
+ x.close()
+ ## Test new data parser ... it eats most data types
+ print "------------- TESTING XMLOut::ParseData() --------------"
+ x.NewReport()
+ x.ParseData("ParseTest", "test string", {"type": "simple_string"})
+ x.ParseData("ParseTest", 1234, {"type": "integer"})
+ x.ParseData("ParseTest", 39.3904, {"type": "float"})
+ x.ParseData("ParseTest", (11,22,33,44,55), {"type": "tuples"})
+ x.ParseData("ParseTest", (99,88,77), {"type": "tuples", "comment": "Changed default tuple tag name"},
+ "int_values")
+ test = {"var1": "value 1",
+ "var2": { "varA1": 1,
+ "pi": 3.1415926,
+ "varA3": (1,
+ 2,
+ {"test1": "val1"},
+ (4.1,4.2,4.3),
+ 5),
+ "varA4": {'another_level': True,
+ 'another_value': "blabla"}
+ },
+ "utf8 data": u'æøå',
+ u"løpe": True}
+ x.ParseData("ParseTest", test, {"type": "dict"}, prefix="test ")
+ x.close()
+ x.Write("-")
+ return 0
+ except Exception, e:
+ print "** EXCEPTION %s", str(e)
+ return 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
- x = XMLOut('rteval', '0.6', None, 'UTF-8')
- x.NewReport()
- x.openblock('run_info', {'days': 0, 'hours': 0, 'minutes': 32, 'seconds': 18})
- x.taggedvalue('time', '11:22:33')
- x.taggedvalue('date', '2000-11-22')
- x.closeblock()
- x.openblock('uname')
- x.taggedvalue('node', u'testing - \xe6\xf8')
- x.taggedvalue('kernel', 'my_test_kernel', {'is_RT': 0})
- x.taggedvalue('arch', 'mips')
- x.closeblock()
- x.openblock('hardware')
- x.taggedvalue('cpu_cores', 2)
- x.taggedvalue('memory_size', 1024*1024*2)
- x.closeblock()
- x.openblock('loads', {'load_average': 3.29})
- x.taggedvalue('command_line','./load/loader --extreme --ultimate --threads 4096', {'name': 'heavyloader'})
- x.taggedvalue('command_line','dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/null', {'name': 'lightloader'})
- x.closeblock()
- x.close()
- print "------------- XML OUTPUT ----------------------------"
- x.Write("-")
- print "------------- XSLT PARSED OUTPUT --------------------"
- x.Write("-", "rteval_text.xsl")
- print "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
- x.LoadReport("latency.xml", True)
- x.Write("-")
- x.Write("-", "rteval_text.xsl")
- x.close()
- ## Test new data parser ... it eats most data types
- x.NewReport()
- x.ParseData("ParseTest", "test string", {"type": "simple_string"})
- x.ParseData("ParseTest", 1234, {"type": "integer"})
- x.ParseData("ParseTest", 39.3904, {"type": "float"})
- x.ParseData("ParseTest", (11,22,33,44,55), {"type": "tuples"})
- x.ParseData("ParseTest", (99,88,77), {"type": "tuples", "comment": "Changed default tuple tag name"},
- "int_values")
- test = {"var1": "value 1",
- "var2": { "varA1": 1,
- "pi": 3.1415926,
- "varA3": (1,
- 2,
- {"test1": "val1"},
- (4.1,4.2,4.3),
- 5),
- "varA4": {'another_level': True,
- 'another_value': "blabla"}
- },
- "utf8 data": u'æøå',
- u"løpe": True}
- x.ParseData("ParseTest", test, {"type": "dict"}, prefix="test ")
- x.close()
- x.Write("-")
+ sys.exit(unit_test('..'))
diff --git a/unit-tests/ b/unit-tests/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f450cbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit-tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2010 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. This copyrighted material
+# is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify, copy, or
+# redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU General
+# Public License v.2.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
+# PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# Author: David Sommerseth <>
+import os, sys
+class UnitTest(object):
+ "Unified unit test class"
+ def __init__(self, srcrootdir):
+ "UnitTest constructor. srcrootdir argument must point at the source root directory"
+ self.imported_mods = []
+ self.mod_impcount = 0
+ self.mod_impfail = 0
+ self.mod_testpass = 0
+ self.mod_testfail = 0
+ self.mod_testmiss = 0
+ self.rootdir = srcrootdir
+ sys.path.insert(0, self.rootdir)
+ def LoadModules(self, modules):
+ """Loads all the defined modules. The modules argument takes a tuple list
+ consisting of ('subdir','module name')"""
+ for (directory, mod) in modules:
+ # Check if the directory is in the "include" path
+ try:
+ sys.path.index('%s/%s' % (self.rootdir,directory))
+ except ValueError:
+ # Not found, insert it
+ sys.path.insert(0, '%s/%s' % (self.rootdir, directory))
+ try:
+ impmod = __import__(mod)
+ print "** Imported %s/%s" % (directory, mod)
+ self.imported_mods.append({'name': '%s/%s' %(directory, mod),
+ 'module': impmod})
+ self.mod_impcount += 1
+ except ImportError, e:
+ print "!! ** ERROR ** Failed to import %s/%s (Exception: %s)" % (directory, mod, str(e))
+ self.mod_impfail += 1
+ return True
+ def RunTests(self):
+ "Runs the unit_test() function in all successfully imported modules"
+ for m in self.imported_mods:
+ try:
+ # Check if the unit_test() function exists and is callable before trying
+ # to run the unit test
+ if callable(m['module'].unit_test):
+ print
+ print 78 * '-'
+ print "** Running unit test for: %s" % m['name']
+ print 78 * '.'
+ res = m['module'].unit_test(self.rootdir)
+ print 78 * '.'
+ if res == 0:
+ print "** Result of %s: PASS" % m['name']
+ self.mod_testpass += 1
+ else:
+ print "** Result of %s: FAILED (return code: %s)" % (m['name'], str(res))
+ self.mod_testfail += 1
+ print 78 * '='
+ else:
+ self.mod_testmiss += 1
+ print "!!! ** ERROR ** Could not run %s::unit_test()" % m['name']
+ except AttributeError:
+ self.mod_testmiss += 1
+ print "!!! ** ERROR ** No %s::unit_test() method found" % m['name']
+ def PrintTestSummary(self):
+ "Prints a result summary of all the tests"
+ print
+ print " --------------------"
+ print " ** TEST SUMMARY ** "
+ print " --------------------"
+ print
+ print " - Modules:"
+ print " Declared for test: %i" % (self.mod_impcount + self.mod_impfail)
+ print " Successfully imported: %i" % self.mod_impcount
+ print " Failed import: %i" % self.mod_impfail
+ print
+ print " - Tests:"
+ print " Tests scheduled: %i" % (self.mod_testpass + self.mod_testfail + self.mod_testmiss)
+ print " Sucessfully tests: %i" % self.mod_testpass
+ print " Failed tests: %i" % self.mod_testfail
+ print " Missing unit_test() %i" % self.mod_testmiss
+ print
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Retrieve the root directory if the source dir
+ # - use the first occurence of the 'v7' subdir as the root dirq
+ srcrootdir_ar = os.getcwd().split('/')
+ rootdir = '/'.join(srcrootdir_ar[0:srcrootdir_ar.index('rteval')+1])
+ print "** Source root dir: %s" % rootdir
+ # Prepare the unit tester
+ tests = UnitTest(rootdir)
+ # Load defined modules ('subdir','import name')
+ tests.LoadModules((
+ ('rteval','cputopology'),
+ ('rteval','dmi'),
+ ('rteval','rtevalConfig'),
+ ('rteval','xmlout')
+ ))
+ # Run all tests
+ tests.RunTests()
+ tests.PrintTestSummary()