PACKAGE := python-ethtool VERSION := $(shell rpm -q --qf '%{VERSION} ' --specfile rpm/SPECS/$(PACKAGE).spec | cut -d' ' -f1) rpmdirs: @[ -d rpm/BUILD ] || mkdir rpm/BUILD @[ -d rpm/RPMS ] || mkdir rpm/RPMS @[ -d rpm/SRPMS ] || mkdir rpm/SRPMS @[ -d rpm/SOURCES ] || mkdir rpm/SOURCES bz2: rpmdirs git archive --format=tar --prefix=$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)/ HEAD | \ bzip2 -9 > rpm/SOURCES/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.bz2 install: python install --root=$(DESTDIR) rpm: bz2 rpmdirs rpmbuild -ba --define "_topdir $(PWD)/rpm" rpm/SPECS/$(PACKAGE).spec bz2dev: rpmdirs @mkdir -p /tmp/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) @tar cf - `cat MANIFEST` | (cd /tmp/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION) ; tar xf -) @(cd /tmp; tar cf - $(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION)) | bzip2 -9 > rpm/SOURCES/$(PACKAGE)-$(VERSION).tar.bz2 rpmdev: bz2dev rpmdirs rpmbuild -ba --define "_topdir $(PWD)/rpm" rpm/SPECS/$(PACKAGE).spec build: python build # Need to set PYTHONPATH appropriately when invoking this test: python tests/ -v python -m unittest discover -v valgrind --leak-check=full python tests/ # As of 5f6339c432dc227e456b70c459cf6f57c6cfe7c2 I (dmalcolm) hope to have # fixed the memory leaks within python-ethtool itself, but I expect # to see a few blocks lost within libnl which appear to be caches, # and thus (presumably) false positives: # ==9163== 4,600 (80 direct, 4,520 indirect) bytes in 2 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 2,559 of 2,612 # ==9163== at 0x4C26F18: calloc (vg_replace_malloc.c:566) # ==9163== by 0x1152C307: nl_cache_alloc (in /usr/lib64/ # ==9163== by 0x115309FC: rtnl_link_alloc_cache (in /usr/lib64/ # ==9163== by 0x1130C843: get_etherinfo (etherinfo.c:315) # ==9163== by 0x1130CFD0: _ethtool_etherinfo_getter (etherinfo_obj.c:152) # ==9163== by 0x4F07E90: PyEval_EvalFrameEx (ceval.c:2330) # ...etc... # ==9163== LEAK SUMMARY: # ==9163== definitely lost: 160 bytes in 4 blocks # ==9163== indirectly lost: 9,040 bytes in 60 blocks # ==9163== possibly lost: 489,676 bytes in 3,299 blocks # ==9163== still reachable: 1,277,848 bytes in 11,100 blocks # ==9163== suppressed: 0 bytes in 0 blocks