#!/usr/bin/env python #.awk '$0 ~ /case [0-9]+: .. 3/ { sys.stdout.write($2 }' src/dmidecode.c|tr ':\n' ', ' from pprint import pprint import os, sys, random, tempfile, time import commands DUMPS_D = "private" def ascii(s, i): return "\033[%d;1m%s\033[0m"%(30+i, str(s)) def black(s): return "\033[30;1m%s\033[0m"%(str(s)) def red(s): return "\033[31;1m%s\033[0m"%(str(s)) def green(s): return "\033[32;1m%s\033[0m"%(str(s)) def yellow(s): return "\033[33;1m%s\033[0m"%(str(s)) def blue(s): return "\033[34;1m%s\033[0m"%(str(s)) def magenta(s): return "\033[35;1m%s\033[0m"%(str(s)) def cyan(s): return "\033[36;1m%s\033[0m"%(str(s)) def white(s): return "\033[37;1m%s\033[0m"%(str(s)) DISPATCH = { 1 : red, 2 : green, 3 : yellow, 4 : blue, 5 : magenta, 6 : cyan, 7 : white, } LINE = "%s\n"%(magenta("="*80)) dmidecode = True in [os.path.exists(os.path.join(_, "dmidecode")) for _ in os.getenv("PATH").split(':')] if dmidecode: print "Please install `dmidecode' (the binary) for complete testing." FH, DUMP = tempfile.mkstemp() os.unlink(DUMP) os.close(FH) total = 0 success = 0 def passed(): global total global success total += 1 success += 1 sys.stdout.write("%s\n"%green("PASS")) def failed(): global total total += 1 sys.stdout.write("%s\n"%red("FAIL")) def test(r): if r: passed() return True else: failed() return False total += 1 sys.stdout.write(LINE) sys.stdout.write(" * Importing module...") try: import dmidecode success += 1 passed() sys.stdout.write(" * Version: %s\n"%blue(dmidecode.version)) sys.stdout.write(" * DMI Version String: %s\n"%blue(dmidecode.dmi)) print "-"*80 sys.stdout.write(" * Testing that default device is /dev/mem...") test(dmidecode.get_dev() == "/dev/mem") sys.stdout.write(" * Testing that write-lock will not break on dump()...") test(not dmidecode.dump()) sys.stdout.write(" * Testing ability to change device to %s..."%DUMP) test(dmidecode.set_dev(DUMP)) sys.stdout.write(" * Testing that device has changed to %s..."%DUMP) test(dmidecode.get_dev() == DUMP) sys.stdout.write(" * Testing that write on new file is ok...") test(dmidecode.dump()) sys.stdout.write(" * Testing that file was actually written...") time.sleep(0.1) if test(os.path.exists(DUMP)): os.unlink(DUMP) types = range(0, 42)+range(126, 128) bad_types = [-1, -1000, 256] sections = ["bios", "system", "baseboard", "chassis", "processor", "memory", "cache", "connector", "slot"] devices = [] if os.path.exists(DUMPS_D): devices.extend([os.path.join(DUMPS_D, _) for _ in os.listdir(DUMPS_D)]) else: sys.stdout.write(" * If you have memory dumps to test, create a directory called `%s' and drop them in there.\n"%(DUMPS_D)) devices.append("/dev/mem") random.shuffle(types) random.shuffle(devices) random.shuffle(sections) for dev in devices: sys.stdout.write(LINE) sys.stdout.write(" * Testing %s..."%yellow(dev)); sys.stdout.flush() if test(dmidecode.set_dev(dev) and dmidecode.get_dev() == dev): i = 0 for section in sections: i += 1 sys.stdout.write(" * Testing %s (%d/%d)..."%(cyan(section), i, len(sections))); sys.stdout.flush() try: output = getattr(dmidecode, section)() test(output is not False) if output: sys.stdout.write(" * %s\n"%black(output.keys())) except LookupError, e: failed() sys.stdout.write(" x %s\n"%red(e)) for i in bad_types: sys.stdout.write(" * Testing bad type %s..."%red(i)); sys.stdout.flush() try: output = dmidecode.type(i) test(output is False) except SystemError: failed() for i in types: sys.stdout.write(" * Testing type %s..."%red(i)); sys.stdout.flush() try: output = dmidecode.type(i) if dmidecode: _output = commands.getoutput("dmidecode -t %d"%i).strip().split('\n') test(len(_output) == 1 and len(output) == 0 or True) else: test(output is not False) if output: sys.stdout.write(" * %s\n"%output.keys()) except: failed() except ImportError: failed() color = red if success == total: color = green sys.stdout.write("Score: %s/%s\n"%(color(success), color(total)))