/* * OpenVPN -- An application to securely tunnel IP networks * over a single TCP/UDP port, with support for SSL/TLS-based * session authentication and key exchange, * packet encryption, packet authentication, and * packet compression. * * Copyright (C) 2002-2010 OpenVPN Technologies, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2010 Fox Crypto B.V. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program (see the file COPYING included with this * distribution); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /** * @file Control Channel Verification Module */ #include "syshead.h" #include "misc.h" #include "manage.h" #include "ssl_verify.h" #include "ssl_verify_backend.h" #ifdef USE_OPENSSL #include "ssl_verify_openssl.h" #endif /** Legal characters in an X509 name */ #define X509_NAME_CHAR_CLASS (CC_ALNUM|CC_UNDERBAR|CC_DASH|CC_DOT|CC_AT|CC_COLON|CC_SLASH|CC_EQUAL) /** Legal characters in a common name */ #define COMMON_NAME_CHAR_CLASS (CC_ALNUM|CC_UNDERBAR|CC_DASH|CC_DOT|CC_AT|CC_SLASH) /** Maximum length of common name */ #define TLS_USERNAME_LEN 64 static void string_mod_sslname (char *str, const unsigned int restrictive_flags, const unsigned int ssl_flags) { if (ssl_flags & SSLF_NO_NAME_REMAPPING) string_mod (str, CC_PRINT, CC_CRLF, '_'); else string_mod (str, restrictive_flags, 0, '_'); } /* * Export the untrusted IP address and port to the environment */ static void setenv_untrusted (struct tls_session *session) { setenv_link_socket_actual (session->opt->es, "untrusted", &session->untrusted_addr, SA_IP_PORT); } /* * Remove authenticated state from all sessions in the given tunnel */ static void tls_deauthenticate (struct tls_multi *multi) { if (multi) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < TM_SIZE; ++i) for (j = 0; j < KS_SIZE; ++j) multi->session[i].key[j].authenticated = false; } } /* * Set the given session's common_name */ static void set_common_name (struct tls_session *session, const char *common_name) { if (session->common_name) { free (session->common_name); session->common_name = NULL; #ifdef ENABLE_PF session->common_name_hashval = 0; #endif } if (common_name) { session->common_name = string_alloc (common_name, NULL); #ifdef ENABLE_PF { const uint32_t len = (uint32_t) strlen (common_name); if (len) session->common_name_hashval = hash_func ((const uint8_t*)common_name, len+1, 0); else session->common_name_hashval = 0; } #endif } } /* * Retrieve the common name for the given tunnel's active session. If the * common name is NULL or empty, return NULL if null is true, or "UNDEF" if * null is false. */ const char * tls_common_name (const struct tls_multi *multi, const bool null) { const char *ret = NULL; if (multi) ret = multi->session[TM_ACTIVE].common_name; if (ret && strlen (ret)) return ret; else if (null) return NULL; else return "UNDEF"; } /* * Lock the common name for the given tunnel. */ void tls_lock_common_name (struct tls_multi *multi) { const char *cn = multi->session[TM_ACTIVE].common_name; if (cn && !multi->locked_cn) multi->locked_cn = string_alloc (cn, NULL); } /* * Lock the username for the given tunnel */ static bool tls_lock_username (struct tls_multi *multi, const char *username) { if (multi->locked_username) { if (!username || strcmp (username, multi->locked_username)) { msg (D_TLS_ERRORS, "TLS Auth Error: username attempted to change from '%s' to '%s' -- tunnel disabled", multi->locked_username, np(username)); /* disable the tunnel */ tls_deauthenticate (multi); return false; } } else { if (username) multi->locked_username = string_alloc (username, NULL); } return true; } const char * tls_username (const struct tls_multi *multi, const bool null) { const char *ret = NULL; if (multi) ret = multi->locked_username; if (ret && strlen (ret)) return ret; else if (null) return NULL; else return "UNDEF"; } void cert_hash_remember (struct tls_session *session, const int error_depth, const unsigned char *sha1_hash) { if (error_depth >= 0 && error_depth < MAX_CERT_DEPTH) { if (!session->cert_hash_set) ALLOC_OBJ_CLEAR (session->cert_hash_set, struct cert_hash_set); if (!session->cert_hash_set->ch[error_depth]) ALLOC_OBJ (session->cert_hash_set->ch[error_depth], struct cert_hash); { struct cert_hash *ch = session->cert_hash_set->ch[error_depth]; memcpy (ch->sha1_hash, sha1_hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH); } } } #if 0 static void cert_hash_print (const struct cert_hash_set *chs, int msglevel) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); msg (msglevel, "CERT_HASH"); if (chs) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CERT_DEPTH; ++i) { const struct cert_hash *ch = chs->ch[i]; if (ch) msg (msglevel, "%d:%s", i, format_hex(ch->sha1_hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH, 0, &gc)); } } gc_free (&gc); } #endif void cert_hash_free (struct cert_hash_set *chs) { if (chs) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CERT_DEPTH; ++i) free (chs->ch[i]); free (chs); } } static bool cert_hash_compare (const struct cert_hash_set *chs1, const struct cert_hash_set *chs2) { if (chs1 && chs2) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CERT_DEPTH; ++i) { const struct cert_hash *ch1 = chs1->ch[i]; const struct cert_hash *ch2 = chs2->ch[i]; if (!ch1 && !ch2) continue; else if (ch1 && ch2 && !memcmp (ch1->sha1_hash, ch2->sha1_hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH)) continue; else return false; } return true; } else if (!chs1 && !chs2) return true; else return false; } static struct cert_hash_set * cert_hash_copy (const struct cert_hash_set *chs) { struct cert_hash_set *dest = NULL; if (chs) { int i; ALLOC_OBJ_CLEAR (dest, struct cert_hash_set); for (i = 0; i < MAX_CERT_DEPTH; ++i) { const struct cert_hash *ch = chs->ch[i]; if (ch) { ALLOC_OBJ (dest->ch[i], struct cert_hash); memcpy (dest->ch[i]->sha1_hash, ch->sha1_hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH); } } } return dest; } void tls_lock_cert_hash_set (struct tls_multi *multi) { const struct cert_hash_set *chs = multi->session[TM_ACTIVE].cert_hash_set; if (chs && !multi->locked_cert_hash_set) multi->locked_cert_hash_set = cert_hash_copy (chs); } #ifdef ENABLE_X509_TRACK void x509_track_add (const struct x509_track **ll_head, const char *name, int msglevel, struct gc_arena *gc) { struct x509_track *xt; ALLOC_OBJ_CLEAR_GC (xt, struct x509_track, gc); if (*name == '+') { xt->flags |= XT_FULL_CHAIN; ++name; } xt->name = name; xt->nid = OBJ_txt2nid(name); if (xt->nid != NID_undef) { xt->next = *ll_head; *ll_head = xt; } else msg(msglevel, "x509_track: no such attribute '%s'", name); } #endif /* * Returns the string associated with the given certificate type. */ static const char * print_nsCertType (int type) { switch (type) { case NS_CERT_CHECK_SERVER: return "SERVER"; case NS_CERT_CHECK_CLIENT: return "CLIENT"; default: return "?"; } } /* * Verify the peer's certificate fields. * * @param opt the tls options to verify against * @param peer_cert the peer's certificate * @param subject the peer's extracted subject name * @param subject the peer's extracted common name */ static int verify_peer_cert(const struct tls_options *opt, x509_cert_t *peer_cert, const char *subject, const char *common_name) { /* verify certificate nsCertType */ if (opt->ns_cert_type != NS_CERT_CHECK_NONE) { if (x509_verify_ns_cert_type (peer_cert, opt->ns_cert_type)) { msg (D_HANDSHAKE, "VERIFY OK: nsCertType=%s", print_nsCertType (opt->ns_cert_type)); } else { msg (D_HANDSHAKE, "VERIFY nsCertType ERROR: %s, require nsCertType=%s", subject, print_nsCertType (opt->ns_cert_type)); return 1; /* Reject connection */ } } #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x00907000L /* verify certificate ku */ if (opt->remote_cert_ku[0] != 0) { if (x509_verify_cert_ku (peer_cert, opt->remote_cert_ku, MAX_PARMS)) { msg (D_HANDSHAKE, "VERIFY KU OK"); } else { msg (D_HANDSHAKE, "VERIFY KU ERROR"); return 1; /* Reject connection */ } } /* verify certificate eku */ if (opt->remote_cert_eku != NULL) { if (x509_verify_cert_eku (peer_cert, opt->remote_cert_eku)) { msg (D_HANDSHAKE, "VERIFY EKU OK"); } else { msg (D_HANDSHAKE, "VERIFY EKU ERROR"); return 1; /* Reject connection */ } } #endif /* OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER */ /* verify X509 name or common name against --tls-remote */ if (opt->verify_x509name && strlen (opt->verify_x509name) > 0) { if (strcmp (opt->verify_x509name, subject) == 0 || strncmp (opt->verify_x509name, common_name, strlen (opt->verify_x509name)) == 0) msg (D_HANDSHAKE, "VERIFY X509NAME OK: %s", subject); else { msg (D_HANDSHAKE, "VERIFY X509NAME ERROR: %s, must be %s", subject, opt->verify_x509name); return 1; /* Reject connection */ } } return 0; } /* * Export the subject, common_name, and raw certificate fields to the * environment for later verification by scripts and plugins. */ static void verify_cert_set_env(struct env_set *es, x509_cert_t *peer_cert, int cert_depth, const char *subject, const char *common_name, const struct x509_track *x509_track) { char envname[64]; /* Save X509 fields in environment */ #ifdef ENABLE_X509_TRACK if (x509_track) x509_setenv_track (x509_track, es, cert_depth, peer_cert); else #endif x509_setenv (es, cert_depth, peer_cert); /* export subject name string as environmental variable */ openvpn_snprintf (envname, sizeof(envname), "tls_id_%d", cert_depth); setenv_str (es, envname, subject); #if 0 /* export common name string as environmental variable */ openvpn_snprintf (envname, sizeof(envname), "tls_common_name_%d", cert_depth); setenv_str (es, envname, common_name); #endif #ifdef ENABLE_EUREPHIA /* export X509 cert SHA1 fingerprint */ { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); openvpn_snprintf (envname, sizeof(envname), "tls_digest_%d", cert_depth); setenv_str (es, envname, format_hex_ex(peer_cert->sha1_hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH, 0, 1, ":", &gc)); gc_free(&gc); } #endif /* export serial number as environmental variable, use bignum in case serial number is large */ { char *serial = x509_get_serial(peer_cert); openvpn_snprintf (envname, sizeof(envname), "tls_serial_%d", cert_depth); setenv_str (es, envname, serial); x509_free_serial(serial); } } /* * call --tls-verify plug-in(s) */ static int verify_cert_call_plugin(const struct plugin_list *plugins, struct env_set *es, int cert_depth, x509_cert_t *cert, char *subject) { if (plugin_defined (plugins, OPENVPN_PLUGIN_TLS_VERIFY)) { int ret; struct argv argv = argv_new (); argv_printf (&argv, "%d %s", cert_depth, subject); ret = plugin_call (plugins, OPENVPN_PLUGIN_TLS_VERIFY, &argv, NULL, es, cert_depth, cert); argv_reset (&argv); if (ret == OPENVPN_PLUGIN_FUNC_SUCCESS) { msg (D_HANDSHAKE, "VERIFY PLUGIN OK: depth=%d, %s", cert_depth, subject); } else { msg (D_HANDSHAKE, "VERIFY PLUGIN ERROR: depth=%d, %s", cert_depth, subject); return 1; /* Reject connection */ } } return 0; } /* * run --tls-verify script */ static int verify_cert_call_command(const char *verify_command, struct env_set *es, int cert_depth, x509_cert_t *cert, char *subject, const char *verify_export_cert) { const char *tmp_file = NULL; struct gc_arena gc; int ret; struct argv argv = argv_new (); setenv_str (es, "script_type", "tls-verify"); if (verify_export_cert) { gc = gc_new(); if ((tmp_file=x509_write_cert(cert, verify_export_cert,&gc))) { setenv_str(es, "peer_cert", tmp_file); } } argv_printf (&argv, "%sc %d %s", verify_command, cert_depth, subject); argv_msg_prefix (D_TLS_DEBUG, &argv, "TLS: executing verify command"); ret = openvpn_run_script (&argv, es, 0, "--tls-verify script"); if (verify_export_cert) { if (tmp_file) delete_file(tmp_file); gc_free(&gc); } argv_reset (&argv); if (ret) { msg (D_HANDSHAKE, "VERIFY SCRIPT OK: depth=%d, %s", cert_depth, subject); return 0; } msg (D_HANDSHAKE, "VERIFY SCRIPT ERROR: depth=%d, %s", cert_depth, subject); return 1; /* Reject connection */ } /* * check peer cert against CRL directory */ static bool verify_check_crl_dir(const char *crl_dir, X509 *cert) { char fn[256]; int fd; char *serial = x509_get_serial(cert); if (!openvpn_snprintf(fn, sizeof(fn), "%s%c%s", crl_dir, OS_SPECIFIC_DIRSEP, serial)) { msg (D_HANDSHAKE, "VERIFY CRL: filename overflow"); x509_free_serial(serial); return true; } fd = open (fn, O_RDONLY); if (fd >= 0) { msg (D_HANDSHAKE, "VERIFY CRL: certificate serial number %s is revoked", serial); x509_free_serial(serial); close(fd); return true; } x509_free_serial(serial); return false; } int verify_cert(struct tls_session *session, x509_cert_t *cert, int cert_depth) { char *subject = NULL; char common_name[TLS_USERNAME_LEN] = {0}; const struct tls_options *opt; opt = session->opt; ASSERT (opt); session->verified = false; /* get the X509 name */ subject = x509_get_subject(cert); if (!subject) { msg (D_TLS_ERRORS, "VERIFY ERROR: depth=%d, could not extract X509 " "subject string from certificate", cert_depth); goto err; } /* enforce character class restrictions in X509 name */ string_mod_sslname (subject, X509_NAME_CHAR_CLASS, opt->ssl_flags); string_replace_leading (subject, '-', '_'); /* extract the username (default is CN) */ if (x509_get_username (common_name, TLS_USERNAME_LEN, opt->x509_username_field, cert)) { if (!cert_depth) { msg (D_TLS_ERRORS, "VERIFY ERROR: could not extract %s from X509 " "subject string ('%s') -- note that the username length is " "limited to %d characters", opt->x509_username_field, subject, TLS_USERNAME_LEN); goto err; } } /* enforce character class restrictions in common name */ string_mod_sslname (common_name, COMMON_NAME_CHAR_CLASS, opt->ssl_flags); /* warn if cert chain is too deep */ if (cert_depth >= MAX_CERT_DEPTH) { msg (D_TLS_ERRORS, "TLS Error: Convoluted certificate chain detected with depth [%d] greater than %d", cert_depth, MAX_CERT_DEPTH); goto err; /* Reject connection */ } /* verify level 1 cert, i.e. the CA that signed our leaf cert */ if (cert_depth == 1 && opt->verify_hash) { if (memcmp (cert->sha1_hash, opt->verify_hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH)) { msg (D_TLS_ERRORS, "TLS Error: level-1 certificate hash verification failed"); goto err; } } /* save common name in session object */ if (cert_depth == 0) set_common_name (session, common_name); session->verify_maxlevel = max_int (session->verify_maxlevel, cert_depth); /* export certificate values to the environment */ verify_cert_set_env(opt->es, cert, cert_depth, subject, common_name, opt->x509_track); /* export current untrusted IP */ setenv_untrusted (session); /* If this is the peer's own certificate, verify it */ if (cert_depth == 0 && verify_peer_cert(opt, cert, subject, common_name)) goto err; /* call --tls-verify plug-in(s), if registered */ if (verify_cert_call_plugin(opt->plugins, opt->es, cert_depth, cert, subject)) goto err; /* run --tls-verify script */ if (opt->verify_command && verify_cert_call_command(opt->verify_command, opt->es, cert_depth, cert, subject, opt->verify_export_cert)) goto err; /* check peer cert against CRL */ if (opt->crl_file) { if (opt->ssl_flags & SSLF_CRL_VERIFY_DIR) { if (verify_check_crl_dir(opt->crl_file, cert)) goto err; } else { if (x509_verify_crl(opt->crl_file, cert, subject)) goto err; } } msg (D_HANDSHAKE, "VERIFY OK: depth=%d, %s", cert_depth, subject); session->verified = true; done: x509_free_subject (subject); return (session->verified == true) ? 1 : 0; err: tls_clear_error(); session->verified = false; goto done; } /* *************************************************************************** * Functions for the management of deferred authentication when using * user/password authentication. *************************************************************************** */ #ifdef ENABLE_DEF_AUTH /* key_state_test_auth_control_file return values, NOTE: acf_merge indexing depends on these values */ #define ACF_UNDEFINED 0 #define ACF_SUCCEEDED 1 #define ACF_DISABLED 2 #define ACF_FAILED 3 #endif #ifdef MANAGEMENT_DEF_AUTH void man_def_auth_set_client_reason (struct tls_multi *multi, const char *client_reason) { if (multi->client_reason) { free (multi->client_reason); multi->client_reason = NULL; } if (client_reason && strlen (client_reason)) multi->client_reason = string_alloc (client_reason, NULL); } static inline unsigned int man_def_auth_test (const struct key_state *ks) { if (management_enable_def_auth (management)) return ks->mda_status; else return ACF_DISABLED; } #endif #ifdef PLUGIN_DEF_AUTH /* * auth_control_file functions */ void key_state_rm_auth_control_file (struct key_state *ks) { if (ks && ks->auth_control_file) { delete_file (ks->auth_control_file); free (ks->auth_control_file); ks->auth_control_file = NULL; } } static void key_state_gen_auth_control_file (struct key_state *ks, const struct tls_options *opt) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); const char *acf; key_state_rm_auth_control_file (ks); acf = create_temp_file (opt->tmp_dir, "acf", &gc); if (acf) { ks->auth_control_file = string_alloc (acf, NULL); setenv_str (opt->es, "auth_control_file", ks->auth_control_file); } /* FIXME: Should have better error handling? */ gc_free (&gc); } static unsigned int key_state_test_auth_control_file (struct key_state *ks) { if (ks && ks->auth_control_file) { unsigned int ret = ks->auth_control_status; if (ret == ACF_UNDEFINED) { FILE *fp = fopen (ks->auth_control_file, "r"); if (fp) { const int c = fgetc (fp); if (c == '1') ret = ACF_SUCCEEDED; else if (c == '0') ret = ACF_FAILED; fclose (fp); ks->auth_control_status = ret; } } return ret; } return ACF_DISABLED; } #endif /* * Return current session authentication state. Return * value is TLS_AUTHENTICATION_x. */ int tls_authentication_status (struct tls_multi *multi, const int latency) { bool deferred = false; bool success = false; bool active = false; #ifdef ENABLE_DEF_AUTH static const unsigned char acf_merge[] = { ACF_UNDEFINED, /* s1=ACF_UNDEFINED s2=ACF_UNDEFINED */ ACF_UNDEFINED, /* s1=ACF_UNDEFINED s2=ACF_SUCCEEDED */ ACF_UNDEFINED, /* s1=ACF_UNDEFINED s2=ACF_DISABLED */ ACF_FAILED, /* s1=ACF_UNDEFINED s2=ACF_FAILED */ ACF_UNDEFINED, /* s1=ACF_SUCCEEDED s2=ACF_UNDEFINED */ ACF_SUCCEEDED, /* s1=ACF_SUCCEEDED s2=ACF_SUCCEEDED */ ACF_SUCCEEDED, /* s1=ACF_SUCCEEDED s2=ACF_DISABLED */ ACF_FAILED, /* s1=ACF_SUCCEEDED s2=ACF_FAILED */ ACF_UNDEFINED, /* s1=ACF_DISABLED s2=ACF_UNDEFINED */ ACF_SUCCEEDED, /* s1=ACF_DISABLED s2=ACF_SUCCEEDED */ ACF_DISABLED, /* s1=ACF_DISABLED s2=ACF_DISABLED */ ACF_FAILED, /* s1=ACF_DISABLED s2=ACF_FAILED */ ACF_FAILED, /* s1=ACF_FAILED s2=ACF_UNDEFINED */ ACF_FAILED, /* s1=ACF_FAILED s2=ACF_SUCCEEDED */ ACF_FAILED, /* s1=ACF_FAILED s2=ACF_DISABLED */ ACF_FAILED /* s1=ACF_FAILED s2=ACF_FAILED */ }; #endif /* ENABLE_DEF_AUTH */ if (multi) { int i; #ifdef ENABLE_DEF_AUTH if (latency && multi->tas_last && multi->tas_last + latency >= now) return TLS_AUTHENTICATION_UNDEFINED; multi->tas_last = now; #endif /* ENABLE_DEF_AUTH */ for (i = 0; i < KEY_SCAN_SIZE; ++i) { struct key_state *ks = multi->key_scan[i]; if (DECRYPT_KEY_ENABLED (multi, ks)) { active = true; if (ks->authenticated) { #ifdef ENABLE_DEF_AUTH unsigned int s1 = ACF_DISABLED; unsigned int s2 = ACF_DISABLED; #ifdef PLUGIN_DEF_AUTH s1 = key_state_test_auth_control_file (ks); #endif /* PLUGIN_DEF_AUTH */ #ifdef MANAGEMENT_DEF_AUTH s2 = man_def_auth_test (ks); #endif /* MANAGEMENT_DEF_AUTH */ ASSERT (s1 < 4 && s2 < 4); switch (acf_merge[(s1<<2) + s2]) { case ACF_SUCCEEDED: case ACF_DISABLED: success = true; ks->auth_deferred = false; break; case ACF_UNDEFINED: if (now < ks->auth_deferred_expire) deferred = true; break; case ACF_FAILED: ks->authenticated = false; break; default: ASSERT (0); } #else /* !ENABLE_DEF_AUTH */ success = true; #endif /* ENABLE_DEF_AUTH */ } } } } #if 0 dmsg (D_TLS_ERRORS, "TAS: a=%d s=%d d=%d", active, success, deferred); #endif if (success) return TLS_AUTHENTICATION_SUCCEEDED; else if (!active || deferred) return TLS_AUTHENTICATION_DEFERRED; else return TLS_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED; } #ifdef MANAGEMENT_DEF_AUTH /* * For deferred auth, this is where the management interface calls (on server) * to indicate auth failure/success. */ bool tls_authenticate_key (struct tls_multi *multi, const unsigned int mda_key_id, const bool auth, const char *client_reason) { bool ret = false; if (multi) { int i; man_def_auth_set_client_reason (multi, client_reason); for (i = 0; i < KEY_SCAN_SIZE; ++i) { struct key_state *ks = multi->key_scan[i]; if (ks->mda_key_id == mda_key_id) { ks->mda_status = auth ? ACF_SUCCEEDED : ACF_FAILED; ret = true; } } } return ret; } #endif /* **************************************************************************** * Functions to verify username and password * * Authenticate a client using username/password. * Runs on server. * * If you want to add new authentication methods, * this is the place to start. *************************************************************************** */ /* * Verify the user name and password using a script */ static bool verify_user_pass_script (struct tls_session *session, const struct user_pass *up) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); struct argv argv = argv_new (); const char *tmp_file = ""; bool ret = false; /* Is username defined? */ if ((session->opt->ssl_flags & SSLF_AUTH_USER_PASS_OPTIONAL) || strlen (up->username)) { /* Set environmental variables prior to calling script */ setenv_str (session->opt->es, "script_type", "user-pass-verify"); if (session->opt->auth_user_pass_verify_script_via_file) { struct status_output *so; tmp_file = create_temp_file (session->opt->tmp_dir, "up", &gc); if( tmp_file ) { so = status_open (tmp_file, 0, -1, NULL, STATUS_OUTPUT_WRITE); status_printf (so, "%s", up->username); status_printf (so, "%s", up->password); if (!status_close (so)) { msg (D_TLS_ERRORS, "TLS Auth Error: could not write username/password to file: %s", tmp_file); goto done; } } else { msg (D_TLS_ERRORS, "TLS Auth Error: could not create write " "username/password to temp file"); } } else { setenv_str (session->opt->es, "username", up->username); setenv_str (session->opt->es, "password", up->password); } /* setenv incoming cert common name for script */ setenv_str (session->opt->es, "common_name", session->common_name); /* setenv client real IP address */ setenv_untrusted (session); /* format command line */ argv_printf (&argv, "%sc %s", session->opt->auth_user_pass_verify_script, tmp_file); /* call command */ ret = openvpn_run_script (&argv, session->opt->es, 0, "--auth-user-pass-verify"); if (!session->opt->auth_user_pass_verify_script_via_file) setenv_del (session->opt->es, "password"); } else { msg (D_TLS_ERRORS, "TLS Auth Error: peer provided a blank username"); } done: if (tmp_file && strlen (tmp_file) > 0) delete_file (tmp_file); argv_reset (&argv); gc_free (&gc); return ret; } /* * Verify the username and password using a plugin */ static int verify_user_pass_plugin (struct tls_session *session, const struct user_pass *up, const char *raw_username) { int retval = OPENVPN_PLUGIN_FUNC_ERROR; struct key_state *ks = &session->key[KS_PRIMARY]; /* primary key */ /* Is username defined? */ if ((session->opt->ssl_flags & SSLF_AUTH_USER_PASS_OPTIONAL) || strlen (up->username)) { /* set username/password in private env space */ setenv_str (session->opt->es, "username", raw_username); setenv_str (session->opt->es, "password", up->password); /* setenv incoming cert common name for script */ setenv_str (session->opt->es, "common_name", session->common_name); /* setenv client real IP address */ setenv_untrusted (session); #ifdef PLUGIN_DEF_AUTH /* generate filename for deferred auth control file */ key_state_gen_auth_control_file (ks, session->opt); #endif /* call command */ retval = plugin_call (session->opt->plugins, OPENVPN_PLUGIN_AUTH_USER_PASS_VERIFY, NULL, NULL, session->opt->es, -1, NULL); #ifdef PLUGIN_DEF_AUTH /* purge auth control filename (and file itself) for non-deferred returns */ if (retval != OPENVPN_PLUGIN_FUNC_DEFERRED) key_state_rm_auth_control_file (ks); #endif setenv_del (session->opt->es, "password"); setenv_str (session->opt->es, "username", up->username); } else { msg (D_TLS_ERRORS, "TLS Auth Error (verify_user_pass_plugin): peer provided a blank username"); } return retval; } #ifdef MANAGEMENT_DEF_AUTH /* * MANAGEMENT_DEF_AUTH internal ssl_verify.c status codes */ #define KMDA_ERROR 0 #define KMDA_SUCCESS 1 #define KMDA_UNDEF 2 #define KMDA_DEF 3 static int verify_user_pass_management (struct tls_session *session, const struct user_pass *up, const char *raw_username) { int retval = KMDA_ERROR; struct key_state *ks = &session->key[KS_PRIMARY]; /* primary key */ /* Is username defined? */ if ((session->opt->ssl_flags & SSLF_AUTH_USER_PASS_OPTIONAL) || strlen (up->username)) { /* set username/password in private env space */ setenv_str (session->opt->es, "username", raw_username); setenv_str (session->opt->es, "password", up->password); /* setenv incoming cert common name for script */ setenv_str (session->opt->es, "common_name", session->common_name); /* setenv client real IP address */ setenv_untrusted (session); if (management) management_notify_client_needing_auth (management, ks->mda_key_id, session->opt->mda_context, session->opt->es); setenv_del (session->opt->es, "password"); setenv_str (session->opt->es, "username", up->username); retval = KMDA_SUCCESS; } else { msg (D_TLS_ERRORS, "TLS Auth Error (verify_user_pass_management): peer provided a blank username"); } return retval; } #endif /* * Main username/password verification entry point */ void verify_user_pass(struct user_pass *up, struct tls_multi *multi, struct tls_session *session) { int s1 = OPENVPN_PLUGIN_FUNC_SUCCESS; bool s2 = true; struct key_state *ks = &session->key[KS_PRIMARY]; /* primary key */ struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); char *raw_username; #ifdef MANAGEMENT_DEF_AUTH int man_def_auth = KMDA_UNDEF; if (management_enable_def_auth (management)) man_def_auth = KMDA_DEF; #endif /* preserve raw username before string_mod remapping, for plugins */ ALLOC_ARRAY_CLEAR_GC (raw_username, char, USER_PASS_LEN, &gc); strcpy (raw_username, up->username); string_mod (raw_username, CC_PRINT, CC_CRLF, '_'); /* enforce character class restrictions in username/password */ string_mod_sslname (up->username, COMMON_NAME_CHAR_CLASS, session->opt->ssl_flags); string_mod (up->password, CC_PRINT, CC_CRLF, '_'); /* call plugin(s) and/or script */ #ifdef MANAGEMENT_DEF_AUTH if (man_def_auth == KMDA_DEF) man_def_auth = verify_user_pass_management (session, up, raw_username); #endif if (plugin_defined (session->opt->plugins, OPENVPN_PLUGIN_AUTH_USER_PASS_VERIFY)) s1 = verify_user_pass_plugin (session, up, raw_username); if (session->opt->auth_user_pass_verify_script) s2 = verify_user_pass_script (session, up); /* check sizing of username if it will become our common name */ if ((session->opt->ssl_flags & SSLF_USERNAME_AS_COMMON_NAME) && strlen (up->username) >= TLS_USERNAME_LEN) { msg (D_TLS_ERRORS, "TLS Auth Error: --username-as-common name specified and username is longer than the maximum permitted Common Name length of %d characters", TLS_USERNAME_LEN); s1 = OPENVPN_PLUGIN_FUNC_ERROR; } /* auth succeeded? */ if ((s1 == OPENVPN_PLUGIN_FUNC_SUCCESS #ifdef PLUGIN_DEF_AUTH || s1 == OPENVPN_PLUGIN_FUNC_DEFERRED #endif ) && s2 #ifdef MANAGEMENT_DEF_AUTH && man_def_auth != KMDA_ERROR #endif && tls_lock_username (multi, up->username)) { ks->authenticated = true; #ifdef PLUGIN_DEF_AUTH if (s1 == OPENVPN_PLUGIN_FUNC_DEFERRED) ks->auth_deferred = true; #endif #ifdef MANAGEMENT_DEF_AUTH if (man_def_auth != KMDA_UNDEF) ks->auth_deferred = true; #endif if ((session->opt->ssl_flags & SSLF_USERNAME_AS_COMMON_NAME)) set_common_name (session, up->username); #ifdef ENABLE_DEF_AUTH msg (D_HANDSHAKE, "TLS: Username/Password authentication %s for username '%s' %s", ks->auth_deferred ? "deferred" : "succeeded", up->username, (session->opt->ssl_flags & SSLF_USERNAME_AS_COMMON_NAME) ? "[CN SET]" : ""); #else msg (D_HANDSHAKE, "TLS: Username/Password authentication %s for username '%s' %s", "succeeded", up->username, (session->opt->ssl_flags & SSLF_USERNAME_AS_COMMON_NAME) ? "[CN SET]" : ""); #endif } else { msg (D_TLS_ERRORS, "TLS Auth Error: Auth Username/Password verification failed for peer"); } gc_free (&gc); } void verify_final_auth_checks(struct tls_multi *multi, struct tls_session *session) { /* While it shouldn't really happen, don't allow the common name to be NULL */ if (!session->common_name) set_common_name (session, ""); /* Don't allow the CN to change once it's been locked */ if (multi->locked_cn) { const char *cn = session->common_name; if (cn && strcmp (cn, multi->locked_cn)) { msg (D_TLS_ERRORS, "TLS Auth Error: TLS object CN attempted to change from '%s' to '%s' -- tunnel disabled", multi->locked_cn, cn); /* change the common name back to its original value and disable the tunnel */ set_common_name (session, multi->locked_cn); tls_deauthenticate (multi); } } /* Don't allow the cert hashes to change once they have been locked */ if (multi->locked_cert_hash_set) { const struct cert_hash_set *chs = session->cert_hash_set; if (chs && !cert_hash_compare (chs, multi->locked_cert_hash_set)) { msg (D_TLS_ERRORS, "TLS Auth Error: TLS object CN=%s client-provided SSL certs unexpectedly changed during mid-session reauth", session->common_name); /* disable the tunnel */ tls_deauthenticate (multi); } } /* verify --client-config-dir based authentication */ if (session->opt->client_config_dir_exclusive) { struct key_state *ks = &session->key[KS_PRIMARY]; /* primary key */ struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); const char *cn = session->common_name; const char *path = gen_path (session->opt->client_config_dir_exclusive, cn, &gc); if (!cn || !strcmp (cn, CCD_DEFAULT) || !test_file (path)) { ks->authenticated = false; msg (D_TLS_ERRORS, "TLS Auth Error: --client-config-dir authentication failed for common name '%s' file='%s'", session->common_name, path ? path : "UNDEF"); } gc_free (&gc); } }