/* * OpenVPN -- An application to securely tunnel IP networks * over a single TCP/UDP port, with support for SSL/TLS-based * session authentication and key exchange, * packet encryption, packet authentication, and * packet compression. * * Copyright (C) 2002-2010 OpenVPN Technologies, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 * as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program (see the file COPYING included with this * distribution); if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * Support routines for adding/deleting network routes. */ #include "syshead.h" #include "common.h" #include "error.h" #include "route.h" #include "misc.h" #include "socket.h" #include "manage.h" #include "win32.h" #include "options.h" #include "memdbg.h" static void delete_route (struct route *r, const struct tuntap *tt, unsigned int flags, const struct route_gateway_info *rgi, const struct env_set *es); static void get_bypass_addresses (struct route_bypass *rb, const unsigned int flags); #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG static void print_bypass_addresses (const struct route_bypass *rb) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); int i; for (i = 0; i < rb->n_bypass; ++i) { msg (D_ROUTE, "ROUTE: bypass_host_route[%d]=%s", i, print_in_addr_t (rb->bypass[i], 0, &gc)); } gc_free (&gc); } #endif static bool add_bypass_address (struct route_bypass *rb, const in_addr_t a) { int i; for (i = 0; i < rb->n_bypass; ++i) { if (a == rb->bypass[i]) /* avoid duplicates */ return true; } if (rb->n_bypass < N_ROUTE_BYPASS) { rb->bypass[rb->n_bypass++] = a; return true; } else { return false; } } struct route_option_list * new_route_option_list (const int max_routes, struct gc_arena *a) { struct route_option_list *ret; ALLOC_VAR_ARRAY_CLEAR_GC (ret, struct route_option_list, struct route_option, max_routes, a); ret->capacity = max_routes; return ret; } struct route_ipv6_option_list * new_route_ipv6_option_list (const int max_routes, struct gc_arena *a) { struct route_ipv6_option_list *ret; ALLOC_VAR_ARRAY_CLEAR_GC (ret, struct route_ipv6_option_list, struct route_ipv6_option, max_routes, a); ret->capacity = max_routes; return ret; } struct route_option_list * clone_route_option_list (const struct route_option_list *src, struct gc_arena *a) { const size_t rl_size = array_mult_safe (sizeof(struct route_option), src->capacity, sizeof(struct route_option_list)); struct route_option_list *ret = gc_malloc (rl_size, false, a); memcpy (ret, src, rl_size); return ret; } void copy_route_option_list (struct route_option_list *dest, const struct route_option_list *src) { const size_t src_size = array_mult_safe (sizeof(struct route_option), src->capacity, sizeof(struct route_option_list)); if (src->n > dest->capacity) msg (M_FATAL, PACKAGE_NAME " ROUTE: (copy) number of route options in src (%d) is greater than route list capacity in dest (%d)", src->n, dest->capacity); memcpy (dest, src, src_size); } struct route_list * new_route_list (const int max_routes, struct gc_arena *a) { struct route_list *ret; ALLOC_VAR_ARRAY_CLEAR_GC (ret, struct route_list, struct route, max_routes, a); ret->capacity = max_routes; return ret; } struct route_ipv6_list * new_route_ipv6_list (const int max_routes, struct gc_arena *a) { struct route_ipv6_list *ret; ALLOC_VAR_ARRAY_CLEAR_GC (ret, struct route_ipv6_list, struct route_ipv6, max_routes, a); ret->capacity = max_routes; return ret; } static const char * route_string (const struct route *r, struct gc_arena *gc) { struct buffer out = alloc_buf_gc (256, gc); buf_printf (&out, "ROUTE network %s netmask %s gateway %s", print_in_addr_t (r->network, 0, gc), print_in_addr_t (r->netmask, 0, gc), print_in_addr_t (r->gateway, 0, gc) ); if (r->flags & RT_METRIC_DEFINED) buf_printf (&out, " metric %d", r->metric); return BSTR (&out); } static bool is_route_parm_defined (const char *parm) { if (!parm) return false; if (!strcmp (parm, "default")) return false; return true; } static void setenv_route_addr (struct env_set *es, const char *key, const in_addr_t addr, int i) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); struct buffer name = alloc_buf_gc (256, &gc); if (i >= 0) buf_printf (&name, "route_%s_%d", key, i); else buf_printf (&name, "route_%s", key); setenv_str (es, BSTR (&name), print_in_addr_t (addr, 0, &gc)); gc_free (&gc); } static bool get_special_addr (const struct route_list *rl, const char *string, in_addr_t *out, bool *status) { if (status) *status = true; if (!strcmp (string, "vpn_gateway")) { if (rl) { if (rl->spec.flags & RTSA_REMOTE_ENDPOINT) *out = rl->spec.remote_endpoint; else { msg (M_INFO, PACKAGE_NAME " ROUTE: vpn_gateway undefined"); if (status) *status = false; } } return true; } else if (!strcmp (string, "net_gateway")) { if (rl) { if (rl->rgi.flags & RGI_ADDR_DEFINED) *out = rl->rgi.gateway.addr; else { msg (M_INFO, PACKAGE_NAME " ROUTE: net_gateway undefined -- unable to get default gateway from system"); if (status) *status = false; } } return true; } else if (!strcmp (string, "remote_host")) { if (rl) { if (rl->spec.flags & RTSA_REMOTE_HOST) *out = rl->spec.remote_host; else { msg (M_INFO, PACKAGE_NAME " ROUTE: remote_host undefined"); if (status) *status = false; } } return true; } return false; } bool is_special_addr (const char *addr_str) { if (addr_str) return get_special_addr (NULL, addr_str, NULL, NULL); else return false; } static bool init_route (struct route *r, struct resolve_list *network_list, const struct route_option *ro, const struct route_list *rl) { const in_addr_t default_netmask = ~0; bool status; CLEAR (*r); r->option = ro; /* network */ if (!is_route_parm_defined (ro->network)) { goto fail; } if (!get_special_addr (rl, ro->network, &r->network, &status)) { r->network = getaddr_multi ( GETADDR_RESOLVE | GETADDR_HOST_ORDER | GETADDR_WARN_ON_SIGNAL, ro->network, 0, &status, NULL, network_list); } if (!status) goto fail; /* netmask */ if (is_route_parm_defined (ro->netmask)) { r->netmask = getaddr ( GETADDR_HOST_ORDER | GETADDR_WARN_ON_SIGNAL, ro->netmask, 0, &status, NULL); if (!status) goto fail; } else r->netmask = default_netmask; /* gateway */ if (is_route_parm_defined (ro->gateway)) { if (!get_special_addr (rl, ro->gateway, &r->gateway, &status)) { r->gateway = getaddr ( GETADDR_RESOLVE | GETADDR_HOST_ORDER | GETADDR_WARN_ON_SIGNAL, ro->gateway, 0, &status, NULL); } if (!status) goto fail; } else { if (rl->spec.flags & RTSA_REMOTE_ENDPOINT) r->gateway = rl->spec.remote_endpoint; else { msg (M_WARN, PACKAGE_NAME " ROUTE: " PACKAGE_NAME " needs a gateway parameter for a --route option and no default was specified by either --route-gateway or --ifconfig options"); goto fail; } } /* metric */ r->metric = 0; if (is_route_parm_defined (ro->metric)) { r->metric = atoi (ro->metric); if (r->metric < 0) { msg (M_WARN, PACKAGE_NAME " ROUTE: route metric for network %s (%s) must be >= 0", ro->network, ro->metric); goto fail; } r->flags |= RT_METRIC_DEFINED; } else if (rl->spec.flags & RTSA_DEFAULT_METRIC) { r->metric = rl->spec.default_metric; r->flags |= RT_METRIC_DEFINED; } r->flags |= RT_DEFINED; return true; fail: msg (M_WARN, PACKAGE_NAME " ROUTE: failed to parse/resolve route for host/network: %s", ro->network); return false; } static bool init_route_ipv6 (struct route_ipv6 *r6, const struct route_ipv6_option *r6o, const struct route_ipv6_list *rl6 ) { r6->option = r6o; r6->defined = false; if ( !get_ipv6_addr( r6o->prefix, &r6->network, &r6->netbits, NULL, M_WARN )) goto fail; /* gateway */ if (is_route_parm_defined (r6o->gateway)) { if ( inet_pton( AF_INET6, r6o->gateway, &r6->gateway ) != 1 ) { msg( M_WARN, PACKAGE_NAME "ROUTE6: cannot parse gateway spec '%s'", r6o->gateway ); } } else if (rl6->remote_endpoint_defined) { r6->gateway = rl6->remote_endpoint_ipv6; } else { msg (M_WARN, PACKAGE_NAME " ROUTE6: " PACKAGE_NAME " needs a gateway parameter for a --route-ipv6 option and no default was specified by either --route-ipv6-gateway or --ifconfig-ipv6 options"); goto fail; } /* metric */ r6->metric_defined = false; r6->metric = 0; if (is_route_parm_defined (r6o->metric)) { r6->metric = atoi (r6o->metric); if (r6->metric < 0) { msg (M_WARN, PACKAGE_NAME " ROUTE: route metric for network %s (%s) must be >= 0", r6o->prefix, r6o->metric); goto fail; } r6->metric_defined = true; } else if (rl6->default_metric_defined) { r6->metric = rl6->default_metric; r6->metric_defined = true; } r6->defined = true; return true; fail: msg (M_WARN, PACKAGE_NAME " ROUTE: failed to parse/resolve route for host/network: %s", r6o->prefix); r6->defined = false; return false; } void add_route_to_option_list (struct route_option_list *l, const char *network, const char *netmask, const char *gateway, const char *metric) { struct route_option *ro; if (l->n >= l->capacity) msg (M_FATAL, PACKAGE_NAME " ROUTE: cannot add more than %d routes -- please increase the max-routes option in the client configuration file", l->capacity); ro = &l->routes[l->n]; ro->network = network; ro->netmask = netmask; ro->gateway = gateway; ro->metric = metric; ++l->n; } void add_route_ipv6_to_option_list (struct route_ipv6_option_list *l, const char *prefix, const char *gateway, const char *metric) { struct route_ipv6_option *ro; if (l->n >= l->capacity) msg (M_FATAL, PACKAGE_NAME " ROUTE: cannot add more than %d IPv6 routes -- please increase the max-routes option in the client configuration file", l->capacity); ro = &l->routes_ipv6[l->n]; ro->prefix = prefix; ro->gateway = gateway; ro->metric = metric; ++l->n; } void clear_route_list (struct route_list *rl) { const int capacity = rl->capacity; const size_t rl_size = array_mult_safe (sizeof(struct route), capacity, sizeof(struct route_list)); memset(rl, 0, rl_size); rl->capacity = capacity; } void clear_route_ipv6_list (struct route_ipv6_list *rl6) { const int capacity = rl6->capacity; const size_t rl6_size = array_mult_safe (sizeof(struct route_ipv6), capacity, sizeof(struct route_ipv6_list)); memset(rl6, 0, rl6_size); rl6->capacity = capacity; } void route_list_add_vpn_gateway (struct route_list *rl, struct env_set *es, const in_addr_t addr) { rl->spec.remote_endpoint = addr; rl->spec.flags |= RTSA_REMOTE_ENDPOINT; setenv_route_addr (es, "vpn_gateway", rl->spec.remote_endpoint, -1); } static void add_block_local_item (struct route_list *rl, const struct route_gateway_address *gateway, in_addr_t target) { const int rgi_needed = (RGI_ADDR_DEFINED|RGI_NETMASK_DEFINED); if ((rl->rgi.flags & rgi_needed) == rgi_needed && rl->rgi.gateway.netmask < 0xFFFFFFFF && (rl->n)+2 <= rl->capacity) { struct route r; unsigned int l2; /* split a route into two smaller blocking routes, and direct them to target */ CLEAR(r); r.flags = RT_DEFINED; r.gateway = target; r.network = gateway->addr & gateway->netmask; l2 = ((~gateway->netmask)+1)>>1; r.netmask = ~(l2-1); rl->routes[rl->n++] = r; r.network += l2; rl->routes[rl->n++] = r; } } static void add_block_local (struct route_list *rl) { const int rgi_needed = (RGI_ADDR_DEFINED|RGI_NETMASK_DEFINED); if ((rl->flags & RG_BLOCK_LOCAL) && (rl->rgi.flags & rgi_needed) == rgi_needed && (rl->spec.flags & RTSA_REMOTE_ENDPOINT) && rl->spec.remote_host_local != TLA_LOCAL) { size_t i; /* add bypass for gateway addr */ add_bypass_address (&rl->spec.bypass, rl->rgi.gateway.addr); /* block access to local subnet */ add_block_local_item (rl, &rl->rgi.gateway, rl->spec.remote_endpoint); /* process additional subnets on gateway interface */ for (i = 0; i < rl->rgi.n_addrs; ++i) { const struct route_gateway_address *gwa = &rl->rgi.addrs[i]; /* omit the add/subnet in &rl->rgi which we processed above */ if (!((rl->rgi.gateway.addr & rl->rgi.gateway.netmask) == (gwa->addr & gwa->netmask) && rl->rgi.gateway.netmask == gwa->netmask)) add_block_local_item (rl, gwa, rl->spec.remote_endpoint); } } } bool init_route_list (struct route_list *rl, const struct route_option_list *opt, const char *remote_endpoint, int default_metric, in_addr_t remote_host, struct env_set *es) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); bool ret = true; clear_route_list (rl); rl->flags = opt->flags; if (remote_host) { rl->spec.remote_host = remote_host; rl->spec.flags |= RTSA_REMOTE_HOST; } if (default_metric) { rl->spec.default_metric = default_metric; rl->spec.flags |= RTSA_DEFAULT_METRIC; } get_default_gateway (&rl->rgi); if (rl->rgi.flags & RGI_ADDR_DEFINED) { setenv_route_addr (es, "net_gateway", rl->rgi.gateway.addr, -1); #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG print_default_gateway (D_ROUTE, &rl->rgi); #endif } else { dmsg (D_ROUTE, "ROUTE: default_gateway=UNDEF"); } if (rl->spec.flags & RTSA_REMOTE_HOST) rl->spec.remote_host_local = test_local_addr (remote_host, &rl->rgi); if (is_route_parm_defined (remote_endpoint)) { bool defined = false; rl->spec.remote_endpoint = getaddr ( GETADDR_RESOLVE | GETADDR_HOST_ORDER | GETADDR_WARN_ON_SIGNAL, remote_endpoint, 0, &defined, NULL); if (defined) { setenv_route_addr (es, "vpn_gateway", rl->spec.remote_endpoint, -1); rl->spec.flags |= RTSA_REMOTE_ENDPOINT; } else { msg (M_WARN, PACKAGE_NAME " ROUTE: failed to parse/resolve default gateway: %s", remote_endpoint); ret = false; } } if (rl->flags & RG_ENABLE) { add_block_local (rl); get_bypass_addresses (&rl->spec.bypass, rl->flags); #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG print_bypass_addresses (&rl->spec.bypass); #endif } /* parse the routes from opt to rl */ { int i = 0; int j = rl->n; bool warned = false; for (i = 0; i < opt->n; ++i) { struct resolve_list netlist; struct route r; int k; CLEAR(netlist); /* init_route() will not always init this */ if (!init_route (&r, &netlist, &opt->routes[i], rl)) ret = false; else { if (!netlist.len) { netlist.data[0] = r.network; netlist.len = 1; } for (k = 0; k < netlist.len; ++k) { if (j < rl->capacity) { r.network = netlist.data[k]; rl->routes[j++] = r; } else { if (!warned) { msg (M_WARN, PACKAGE_NAME " ROUTE: routes dropped because number of expanded routes is greater than route list capacity (%d)", rl->capacity); warned = true; } } } } } rl->n = j; } gc_free (&gc); return ret; } bool init_route_ipv6_list (struct route_ipv6_list *rl6, const struct route_ipv6_option_list *opt6, const char *remote_endpoint, int default_metric, struct env_set *es) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); bool ret = true; clear_route_ipv6_list (rl6); rl6->flags = opt6->flags; if (default_metric) { rl6->default_metric = default_metric; rl6->default_metric_defined = true; } /* "default_gateway" is stuff for "redirect-gateway", which we don't * do for IPv6 yet -> TODO */ { dmsg (D_ROUTE, "ROUTE6: default_gateway=UNDEF"); } if ( is_route_parm_defined( remote_endpoint )) { if ( inet_pton( AF_INET6, remote_endpoint, &rl6->remote_endpoint_ipv6) == 1 ) { rl6->remote_endpoint_defined = true; } else { msg (M_WARN, PACKAGE_NAME " ROUTE: failed to parse/resolve default gateway: %s", remote_endpoint); ret = false; } } else rl6->remote_endpoint_defined = false; if (!(opt6->n >= 0 && opt6->n <= rl6->capacity)) msg (M_FATAL, PACKAGE_NAME " ROUTE6: (init) number of route options (%d) is greater than route list capacity (%d)", opt6->n, rl6->capacity); /* parse the routes from opt to rl6 */ { int i, j = 0; for (i = 0; i < opt6->n; ++i) { if (!init_route_ipv6 (&rl6->routes_ipv6[j], &opt6->routes_ipv6[i], rl6 )) ret = false; else ++j; } rl6->n = j; } gc_free (&gc); return ret; } static void add_route3 (in_addr_t network, in_addr_t netmask, in_addr_t gateway, const struct tuntap *tt, unsigned int flags, const struct route_gateway_info *rgi, const struct env_set *es) { struct route r; CLEAR (r); r.flags = RT_DEFINED; r.network = network; r.netmask = netmask; r.gateway = gateway; add_route (&r, tt, flags, rgi, es); } static void del_route3 (in_addr_t network, in_addr_t netmask, in_addr_t gateway, const struct tuntap *tt, unsigned int flags, const struct route_gateway_info *rgi, const struct env_set *es) { struct route r; CLEAR (r); r.flags = RT_DEFINED|RT_ADDED; r.network = network; r.netmask = netmask; r.gateway = gateway; delete_route (&r, tt, flags, rgi, es); } static void add_bypass_routes (struct route_bypass *rb, in_addr_t gateway, const struct tuntap *tt, unsigned int flags, const struct route_gateway_info *rgi, const struct env_set *es) { int i; for (i = 0; i < rb->n_bypass; ++i) { if (rb->bypass[i]) add_route3 (rb->bypass[i], ~0, gateway, tt, flags, rgi, es); } } static void del_bypass_routes (struct route_bypass *rb, in_addr_t gateway, const struct tuntap *tt, unsigned int flags, const struct route_gateway_info *rgi, const struct env_set *es) { int i; for (i = 0; i < rb->n_bypass; ++i) { if (rb->bypass[i]) del_route3 (rb->bypass[i], ~0, gateway, tt, flags, rgi, es); } } static void redirect_default_route_to_vpn (struct route_list *rl, const struct tuntap *tt, unsigned int flags, const struct env_set *es) { const char err[] = "NOTE: unable to redirect default gateway --"; if ( rl && rl->flags & RG_ENABLE ) { if (!(rl->spec.flags & RTSA_REMOTE_ENDPOINT)) { msg (M_WARN, "%s VPN gateway parameter (--route-gateway or --ifconfig) is missing", err); } else if (!(rl->rgi.flags & RGI_ADDR_DEFINED)) { msg (M_WARN, "%s Cannot read current default gateway from system", err); } else if (!(rl->spec.flags & RTSA_REMOTE_HOST)) { msg (M_WARN, "%s Cannot obtain current remote host address", err); } else { bool local = BOOL_CAST(rl->flags & RG_LOCAL); if (rl->flags & RG_AUTO_LOCAL) { const int tla = rl->spec.remote_host_local; if (tla == TLA_NONLOCAL) { dmsg (D_ROUTE, "ROUTE remote_host is NOT LOCAL"); local = false; } else if (tla == TLA_LOCAL) { dmsg (D_ROUTE, "ROUTE remote_host is LOCAL"); local = true; } } if (!local) { /* route remote host to original default gateway */ /* if remote_host is not ipv4 (ie: ipv6), just skip * adding this special /32 route */ if (rl->spec.remote_host != IPV4_INVALID_ADDR) { add_route3 (rl->spec.remote_host, ~0, rl->rgi.gateway.addr, tt, flags, &rl->rgi, es); rl->iflags |= RL_DID_LOCAL; } else { dmsg (D_ROUTE, "ROUTE remote_host protocol differs from tunneled"); } } /* route DHCP/DNS server traffic through original default gateway */ add_bypass_routes (&rl->spec.bypass, rl->rgi.gateway.addr, tt, flags, &rl->rgi, es); if (rl->flags & RG_REROUTE_GW) { if (rl->flags & RG_DEF1) { /* add new default route (1st component) */ add_route3 (0x00000000, 0x80000000, rl->spec.remote_endpoint, tt, flags, &rl->rgi, es); /* add new default route (2nd component) */ add_route3 (0x80000000, 0x80000000, rl->spec.remote_endpoint, tt, flags, &rl->rgi, es); } else { /* delete default route */ del_route3 (0, 0, rl->rgi.gateway.addr, tt, flags, &rl->rgi, es); /* add new default route */ add_route3 (0, 0, rl->spec.remote_endpoint, tt, flags, &rl->rgi, es); } } /* set a flag so we can undo later */ rl->iflags |= RL_DID_REDIRECT_DEFAULT_GATEWAY; } } } static void undo_redirect_default_route_to_vpn (struct route_list *rl, const struct tuntap *tt, unsigned int flags, const struct env_set *es) { if ( rl && rl->iflags & RL_DID_REDIRECT_DEFAULT_GATEWAY ) { /* delete remote host route */ if (rl->iflags & RL_DID_LOCAL) { del_route3 (rl->spec.remote_host, ~0, rl->rgi.gateway.addr, tt, flags, &rl->rgi, es); rl->iflags &= ~RL_DID_LOCAL; } /* delete special DHCP/DNS bypass route */ del_bypass_routes (&rl->spec.bypass, rl->rgi.gateway.addr, tt, flags, &rl->rgi, es); if (rl->flags & RG_REROUTE_GW) { if (rl->flags & RG_DEF1) { /* delete default route (1st component) */ del_route3 (0x00000000, 0x80000000, rl->spec.remote_endpoint, tt, flags, &rl->rgi, es); /* delete default route (2nd component) */ del_route3 (0x80000000, 0x80000000, rl->spec.remote_endpoint, tt, flags, &rl->rgi, es); } else { /* delete default route */ del_route3 (0, 0, rl->spec.remote_endpoint, tt, flags, &rl->rgi, es); /* restore original default route */ add_route3 (0, 0, rl->rgi.gateway.addr, tt, flags, &rl->rgi, es); } } rl->iflags &= ~RL_DID_REDIRECT_DEFAULT_GATEWAY; } } void add_routes (struct route_list *rl, struct route_ipv6_list *rl6, const struct tuntap *tt, unsigned int flags, const struct env_set *es) { redirect_default_route_to_vpn (rl, tt, flags, es); if ( rl && !(rl->iflags & RL_ROUTES_ADDED) ) { int i; #ifdef ENABLE_MANAGEMENT if (management && rl->n) { management_set_state (management, OPENVPN_STATE_ADD_ROUTES, NULL, 0, 0); } #endif for (i = 0; i < rl->n; ++i) { struct route *r = &rl->routes[i]; check_subnet_conflict (r->network, r->netmask, "route"); if (flags & ROUTE_DELETE_FIRST) delete_route (r, tt, flags, &rl->rgi, es); add_route (r, tt, flags, &rl->rgi, es); } rl->iflags |= RL_ROUTES_ADDED; } if (rl6 && !rl6->routes_added) { int i; for (i = 0; i < rl6->n; ++i) { struct route_ipv6 *r = &rl6->routes_ipv6[i]; if (flags & ROUTE_DELETE_FIRST) delete_route_ipv6 (r, tt, flags, es); add_route_ipv6 (r, tt, flags, es); } rl6->routes_added = true; } } void delete_routes (struct route_list *rl, struct route_ipv6_list *rl6, const struct tuntap *tt, unsigned int flags, const struct env_set *es) { if ( rl && rl->iflags & RL_ROUTES_ADDED ) { int i; for (i = rl->n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { struct route * r = &rl->routes[i]; delete_route (r, tt, flags, &rl->rgi, es); } rl->iflags &= ~RL_ROUTES_ADDED; } undo_redirect_default_route_to_vpn (rl, tt, flags, es); if ( rl ) { clear_route_list (rl); } if ( rl6 && rl6->routes_added ) { int i; for (i = rl6->n - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const struct route_ipv6 *r6 = &rl6->routes_ipv6[i]; delete_route_ipv6 (r6, tt, flags, es); } rl6->routes_added = false; } if ( rl6 ) { clear_route_ipv6_list (rl6); } } #ifdef ENABLE_DEBUG static const char * show_opt (const char *option) { if (!option) return "nil"; else return option; } static void print_route_option (const struct route_option *ro, int level) { msg (level, " route %s/%s/%s/%s", show_opt (ro->network), show_opt (ro->netmask), show_opt (ro->gateway), show_opt (ro->metric)); } void print_route_options (const struct route_option_list *rol, int level) { int i; if (rol->flags & RG_ENABLE) msg (level, " [redirect_default_gateway local=%d]", (rol->flags & RG_LOCAL) != 0); for (i = 0; i < rol->n; ++i) print_route_option (&rol->routes[i], level); } void print_default_gateway(const int msglevel, const struct route_gateway_info *rgi) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); if (rgi->flags & RGI_ADDR_DEFINED) { struct buffer out = alloc_buf_gc (256, &gc); buf_printf (&out, "ROUTE_GATEWAY"); buf_printf (&out, " %s", print_in_addr_t (rgi->gateway.addr, 0, &gc)); if (rgi->flags & RGI_NETMASK_DEFINED) buf_printf (&out, "/%s", print_in_addr_t (rgi->gateway.netmask, 0, &gc)); #ifdef WIN32 if (rgi->flags & RGI_IFACE_DEFINED) buf_printf (&out, " I=%u", (unsigned int)rgi->adapter_index); #else if (rgi->flags & RGI_IFACE_DEFINED) buf_printf (&out, " IFACE=%s", rgi->iface); #endif if (rgi->flags & RGI_HWADDR_DEFINED) buf_printf (&out, " HWADDR=%s", format_hex_ex (rgi->hwaddr, 6, 0, 1, ":", &gc)); msg (msglevel, "%s", BSTR (&out)); } gc_free (&gc); } #endif static void print_route (const struct route *r, int level) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); if (r->flags & RT_DEFINED) msg (level, "%s", route_string (r, &gc)); gc_free (&gc); } void print_routes (const struct route_list *rl, int level) { int i; for (i = 0; i < rl->n; ++i) print_route (&rl->routes[i], level); } static void setenv_route (struct env_set *es, const struct route *r, int i) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); if (r->flags & RT_DEFINED) { setenv_route_addr (es, "network", r->network, i); setenv_route_addr (es, "netmask", r->netmask, i); setenv_route_addr (es, "gateway", r->gateway, i); if (r->flags & RT_METRIC_DEFINED) { struct buffer name = alloc_buf_gc (256, &gc); buf_printf (&name, "route_metric_%d", i); setenv_int (es, BSTR (&name), r->metric); } } gc_free (&gc); } void setenv_routes (struct env_set *es, const struct route_list *rl) { int i; for (i = 0; i < rl->n; ++i) setenv_route (es, &rl->routes[i], i + 1); } static void setenv_route_ipv6 (struct env_set *es, const struct route_ipv6 *r6, int i) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); if (r6->defined) { struct buffer name1 = alloc_buf_gc( 256, &gc ); struct buffer val = alloc_buf_gc( 256, &gc ); struct buffer name2 = alloc_buf_gc( 256, &gc ); buf_printf( &name1, "route_ipv6_network_%d", i ); buf_printf( &val, "%s/%d", print_in6_addr( r6->network, 0, &gc ), r6->netbits ); setenv_str( es, BSTR(&name1), BSTR(&val) ); buf_printf( &name2, "route_ipv6_gateway_%d", i ); setenv_str( es, BSTR(&name2), print_in6_addr( r6->gateway, 0, &gc )); } gc_free (&gc); } void setenv_routes_ipv6 (struct env_set *es, const struct route_ipv6_list *rl6) { int i; for (i = 0; i < rl6->n; ++i) setenv_route_ipv6 (es, &rl6->routes_ipv6[i], i + 1); } /* * local_route() determines whether the gateway of a provided host * route is on the same interface that owns the default gateway. * It uses the data structure * returned by get_default_gateway() (struct route_gateway_info) * to determine this. If the route is local, LR_MATCH is returned. * When adding routes into the kernel, if LR_MATCH is defined for * a given route, the route should explicitly reference the default * gateway interface as the route destination. For example, here * is an example on Linux that uses LR_MATCH: * * route add -net netmask dev eth0 * * This capability is needed by the "default-gateway block-local" * directive, to allow client access to the local subnet to be * blocked but still allow access to the local default gateway. */ /* local_route() return values */ #define LR_NOMATCH 0 /* route is not local */ #define LR_MATCH 1 /* route is local */ #define LR_ERROR 2 /* caller should abort adding route */ static int local_route (in_addr_t network, in_addr_t netmask, in_addr_t gateway, const struct route_gateway_info *rgi) { /* set LR_MATCH on local host routes */ const int rgi_needed = (RGI_ADDR_DEFINED|RGI_NETMASK_DEFINED|RGI_IFACE_DEFINED); if (rgi && (rgi->flags & rgi_needed) == rgi_needed && gateway == rgi->gateway.addr && netmask == 0xFFFFFFFF) { if (((network ^ rgi->gateway.addr) & rgi->gateway.netmask) == 0) return LR_MATCH; else { /* examine additional subnets on gateway interface */ size_t i; for (i = 0; i < rgi->n_addrs; ++i) { const struct route_gateway_address *gwa = &rgi->addrs[i]; if (((network ^ gwa->addr) & gwa->netmask) == 0) return LR_MATCH; } } } return LR_NOMATCH; } void add_route (struct route *r, const struct tuntap *tt, unsigned int flags, const struct route_gateway_info *rgi, /* may be NULL */ const struct env_set *es) { struct gc_arena gc; struct argv argv; const char *network; const char *netmask; const char *gateway; bool status = false; int is_local_route; if (!(r->flags & RT_DEFINED)) return; gc_init (&gc); argv_init (&argv); network = print_in_addr_t (r->network, 0, &gc); netmask = print_in_addr_t (r->netmask, 0, &gc); gateway = print_in_addr_t (r->gateway, 0, &gc); is_local_route = local_route(r->network, r->netmask, r->gateway, rgi); if (is_local_route == LR_ERROR) goto done; #if defined(TARGET_LINUX) #ifdef CONFIG_FEATURE_IPROUTE /* FIXME -- add LR_MATCH support for CONFIG_FEATURE_IPROUTE */ argv_printf (&argv, "%s route add %s/%d via %s", iproute_path, network, count_netmask_bits(netmask), gateway); if (r->flags & RT_METRIC_DEFINED) argv_printf_cat (&argv, "metric %d", r->metric); #else argv_printf (&argv, "%s add -net %s netmask %s", ROUTE_PATH, network, netmask); if (r->flags & RT_METRIC_DEFINED) argv_printf_cat (&argv, "metric %d", r->metric); if (rgi && is_local_route == LR_MATCH) argv_printf_cat (&argv, "dev %s", rgi->iface); else argv_printf_cat (&argv, "gw %s", gateway); #endif /*CONFIG_FEATURE_IPROUTE*/ argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); status = openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: Linux route add command failed"); #elif defined (WIN32) { DWORD ai = ~0; argv_printf (&argv, "%s%sc ADD %s MASK %s %s", get_win_sys_path(), WIN_ROUTE_PATH_SUFFIX, network, netmask, gateway); if (r->flags & RT_METRIC_DEFINED) argv_printf_cat (&argv, "METRIC %d", r->metric); if (rgi && is_local_route == LR_MATCH) { ai = rgi->adapter_index; argv_printf_cat (&argv, "IF %u", (unsigned int)ai); } argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); if ((flags & ROUTE_METHOD_MASK) == ROUTE_METHOD_IPAPI) { status = add_route_ipapi (r, tt, ai); msg (D_ROUTE, "Route addition via IPAPI %s", status ? "succeeded" : "failed"); } else if ((flags & ROUTE_METHOD_MASK) == ROUTE_METHOD_EXE) { netcmd_semaphore_lock (); status = openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: Windows route add command failed"); netcmd_semaphore_release (); } else if ((flags & ROUTE_METHOD_MASK) == ROUTE_METHOD_ADAPTIVE) { status = add_route_ipapi (r, tt, ai); msg (D_ROUTE, "Route addition via IPAPI %s [adaptive]", status ? "succeeded" : "failed"); if (!status) { msg (D_ROUTE, "Route addition fallback to route.exe"); netcmd_semaphore_lock (); status = openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: Windows route add command failed [adaptive]"); netcmd_semaphore_release (); } } else { ASSERT (0); } } #elif defined (TARGET_SOLARIS) /* example: route add -netmask somegateway */ argv_printf (&argv, "%s add", ROUTE_PATH); #if 0 if (r->flags & RT_METRIC_DEFINED) argv_printf_cat (&argv, "-rtt %d", r->metric); #endif argv_printf_cat (&argv, "%s -netmask %s %s", network, netmask, gateway); /* FIXME -- add LR_MATCH support for Solaris */ argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); status = openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: Solaris route add command failed"); #elif defined(TARGET_FREEBSD) argv_printf (&argv, "%s add", ROUTE_PATH); #if 0 if (r->flags & RT_METRIC_DEFINED) argv_printf_cat (&argv, "-rtt %d", r->metric); #endif argv_printf_cat (&argv, "-net %s %s %s", network, gateway, netmask); /* FIXME -- add LR_MATCH support for FreeBSD */ argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); status = openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: FreeBSD route add command failed"); #elif defined(TARGET_DRAGONFLY) argv_printf (&argv, "%s add", ROUTE_PATH); #if 0 if (r->flags & RT_METRIC_DEFINED) argv_printf_cat (&argv, "-rtt %d", r->metric); #endif argv_printf_cat (&argv, "-net %s %s %s", network, gateway, netmask); /* FIXME -- add LR_MATCH support for Dragonfly */ argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); status = openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: DragonFly route add command failed"); #elif defined(TARGET_DARWIN) argv_printf (&argv, "%s add", ROUTE_PATH); #if 0 if (r->flags & RT_METRIC_DEFINED) argv_printf_cat (&argv, "-rtt %d", r->metric); #endif if (rgi && is_local_route == LR_MATCH) { /* Mac OS X route syntax for LR_MATCH: route add -cloning -net -netmask -interface en0 */ argv_printf_cat (&argv, "-cloning -net %s -netmask %s -interface %s", network, netmask, rgi->iface); } else { argv_printf_cat (&argv, "-net %s %s %s", network, gateway, netmask); } argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); status = openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: OS X route add command failed"); #elif defined(TARGET_OPENBSD) || defined(TARGET_NETBSD) argv_printf (&argv, "%s add", ROUTE_PATH); #if 0 if (r->flags & RT_METRIC_DEFINED) argv_printf_cat (&argv, "-rtt %d", r->metric); #endif argv_printf_cat (&argv, "-net %s %s -netmask %s", network, gateway, netmask); /* FIXME -- add LR_MATCH support for OpenBSD/NetBSD */ argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); status = openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: OpenBSD/NetBSD route add command failed"); #else msg (M_FATAL, "Sorry, but I don't know how to do 'route' commands on this operating system. Try putting your routes in a --route-up script"); #endif done: if (status) r->flags |= RT_ADDED; else r->flags &= ~RT_ADDED; argv_reset (&argv); gc_free (&gc); } static const char * print_in6_addr_netbits_only( struct in6_addr network_copy, int netbits, struct gc_arena * gc) { /* clear host bit parts of route * (needed if routes are specified improperly, or if we need to * explicitely setup/clear the "connected" network routes on some OSes) */ int byte = 15; int bits_to_clear = 128 - netbits; while( byte >= 0 && bits_to_clear > 0 ) { if ( bits_to_clear >= 8 ) { network_copy.s6_addr[byte--] = 0; bits_to_clear -= 8; } else { network_copy.s6_addr[byte--] &= (~0 << bits_to_clear); bits_to_clear = 0; } } return print_in6_addr( network_copy, 0, gc); } void add_route_ipv6 (struct route_ipv6 *r6, const struct tuntap *tt, unsigned int flags, const struct env_set *es) { struct gc_arena gc; struct argv argv; const char *network; const char *gateway; bool status = false; const char *device = tt->actual_name; if (!r6->defined) return; gc_init (&gc); argv_init (&argv); network = print_in6_addr_netbits_only( r6->network, r6->netbits, &gc); gateway = print_in6_addr( r6->gateway, 0, &gc); if ( !tt->ipv6 ) { msg( M_INFO, "add_route_ipv6(): not adding %s/%d, no IPv6 on if %s", network, r6->netbits, device ); return; } msg( M_INFO, "add_route_ipv6(%s/%d -> %s metric %d) dev %s", network, r6->netbits, gateway, r6->metric, device ); /* * Filter out routes which are essentially no-ops * (not currently done for IPv6) */ #if defined(TARGET_LINUX) #ifdef CONFIG_FEATURE_IPROUTE argv_printf (&argv, "%s -6 route add %s/%d dev %s", iproute_path, network, r6->netbits, device); if (r6->metric_defined) argv_printf_cat (&argv, " metric %d", r6->metric); #else argv_printf (&argv, "%s -A inet6 add %s/%d dev %s", ROUTE_PATH, network, r6->netbits, device); if (r6->metric_defined) argv_printf_cat (&argv, " metric %d", r6->metric); #endif /*CONFIG_FEATURE_IPROUTE*/ argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); status = openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: Linux route -6/-A inet6 add command failed"); #elif defined (WIN32) /* netsh interface ipv6 add route 2001:db8::/32 MyTunDevice */ argv_printf (&argv, "%s%sc interface ipv6 add route %s/%d %s", get_win_sys_path(), NETSH_PATH_SUFFIX, network, r6->netbits, device); /* next-hop depends on TUN or TAP mode: * - in TAP mode, we use the "real" next-hop * - in TUN mode we use a special-case link-local address that the tapdrvr * knows about and will answer ND (neighbor discovery) packets for */ if ( tt->type == DEV_TYPE_TUN ) argv_printf_cat( &argv, " %s", "fe80::8" ); else argv_printf_cat( &argv, " %s", gateway ); #if 0 if (r->metric_defined) argv_printf_cat (&argv, " METRIC %d", r->metric); #endif /* in some versions of Windows, routes are persistent across reboots by * default, unless "store=active" is set (pointed out by Tony Lim, thanks) */ argv_printf_cat( &argv, " store=active" ); argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); netcmd_semaphore_lock (); status = openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: Windows route add ipv6 command failed"); netcmd_semaphore_release (); #elif defined (TARGET_SOLARIS) /* example: route add -inet6 2001:db8::/32 somegateway 0 */ /* for some weird reason, this does not work for me unless I set * "metric 0" - otherwise, the routes will be nicely installed, but * packets will just disappear somewhere. So we use "0" now... */ argv_printf (&argv, "%s add -inet6 %s/%d %s 0", ROUTE_PATH, network, r6->netbits, gateway ); argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); status = openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: Solaris route add -inet6 command failed"); #elif defined(TARGET_FREEBSD) || defined(TARGET_DRAGONFLY) argv_printf (&argv, "%s add -inet6 %s/%d -iface %s", ROUTE_PATH, network, r6->netbits, device ); argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); status = openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: *BSD route add -inet6 command failed"); #elif defined(TARGET_DARWIN) argv_printf (&argv, "%s add -inet6 %s -prefixlen %d -iface %s", ROUTE_PATH, network, r6->netbits, device ); argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); status = openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: MacOS X route add -inet6 command failed"); #elif defined(TARGET_OPENBSD) argv_printf (&argv, "%s add -inet6 %s -prefixlen %d %s", ROUTE_PATH, network, r6->netbits, gateway ); argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); status = openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: OpenBSD route add -inet6 command failed"); #elif defined(TARGET_NETBSD) argv_printf (&argv, "%s add -inet6 %s/%d %s", ROUTE_PATH, network, r6->netbits, gateway ); argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); status = openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: NetBSD route add -inet6 command failed"); #else msg (M_FATAL, "Sorry, but I don't know how to do 'route ipv6' commands on this operating system. Try putting your routes in a --route-up script"); #endif r6->defined = status; argv_reset (&argv); gc_free (&gc); } static void delete_route (struct route *r, const struct tuntap *tt, unsigned int flags, const struct route_gateway_info *rgi, const struct env_set *es) { struct gc_arena gc; struct argv argv; const char *network; const char *netmask; const char *gateway; int is_local_route; if ((r->flags & (RT_DEFINED|RT_ADDED)) != (RT_DEFINED|RT_ADDED)) return; gc_init (&gc); argv_init (&argv); network = print_in_addr_t (r->network, 0, &gc); netmask = print_in_addr_t (r->netmask, 0, &gc); gateway = print_in_addr_t (r->gateway, 0, &gc); is_local_route = local_route(r->network, r->netmask, r->gateway, rgi); if (is_local_route == LR_ERROR) goto done; #if defined(TARGET_LINUX) #ifdef CONFIG_FEATURE_IPROUTE argv_printf (&argv, "%s route del %s/%d", iproute_path, network, count_netmask_bits(netmask)); #else argv_printf (&argv, "%s del -net %s netmask %s", ROUTE_PATH, network, netmask); #endif /*CONFIG_FEATURE_IPROUTE*/ if (r->flags & RT_METRIC_DEFINED) argv_printf_cat (&argv, "metric %d", r->metric); argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: Linux route delete command failed"); #elif defined (WIN32) argv_printf (&argv, "%s%sc DELETE %s MASK %s %s", get_win_sys_path(), WIN_ROUTE_PATH_SUFFIX, network, netmask, gateway); argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); if ((flags & ROUTE_METHOD_MASK) == ROUTE_METHOD_IPAPI) { const bool status = del_route_ipapi (r, tt); msg (D_ROUTE, "Route deletion via IPAPI %s", status ? "succeeded" : "failed"); } else if ((flags & ROUTE_METHOD_MASK) == ROUTE_METHOD_EXE) { netcmd_semaphore_lock (); openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: Windows route delete command failed"); netcmd_semaphore_release (); } else if ((flags & ROUTE_METHOD_MASK) == ROUTE_METHOD_ADAPTIVE) { const bool status = del_route_ipapi (r, tt); msg (D_ROUTE, "Route deletion via IPAPI %s [adaptive]", status ? "succeeded" : "failed"); if (!status) { msg (D_ROUTE, "Route deletion fallback to route.exe"); netcmd_semaphore_lock (); openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: Windows route delete command failed [adaptive]"); netcmd_semaphore_release (); } } else { ASSERT (0); } #elif defined (TARGET_SOLARIS) argv_printf (&argv, "%s delete %s -netmask %s %s", ROUTE_PATH, network, netmask, gateway); argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: Solaris route delete command failed"); #elif defined(TARGET_FREEBSD) argv_printf (&argv, "%s delete -net %s %s %s", ROUTE_PATH, network, gateway, netmask); argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: FreeBSD route delete command failed"); #elif defined(TARGET_DRAGONFLY) argv_printf (&argv, "%s delete -net %s %s %s", ROUTE_PATH, network, gateway, netmask); argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: DragonFly route delete command failed"); #elif defined(TARGET_DARWIN) if (rgi && is_local_route == LR_MATCH) { argv_printf (&argv, "%s delete -cloning -net %s -netmask %s -interface %s", ROUTE_PATH, network, netmask, rgi->iface); } else { argv_printf (&argv, "%s delete -net %s %s %s", ROUTE_PATH, network, gateway, netmask); } argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: OS X route delete command failed"); #elif defined(TARGET_OPENBSD) || defined(TARGET_NETBSD) argv_printf (&argv, "%s delete -net %s %s -netmask %s", ROUTE_PATH, network, gateway, netmask); argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: OpenBSD/NetBSD route delete command failed"); #else msg (M_FATAL, "Sorry, but I don't know how to do 'route' commands on this operating system. Try putting your routes in a --route-up script"); #endif done: r->flags &= ~RT_ADDED; argv_reset (&argv); gc_free (&gc); } void delete_route_ipv6 (const struct route_ipv6 *r6, const struct tuntap *tt, unsigned int flags, const struct env_set *es) { struct gc_arena gc; struct argv argv; const char *network; const char *gateway; const char *device = tt->actual_name; if (!r6->defined) return; gc_init (&gc); argv_init (&argv); network = print_in6_addr_netbits_only( r6->network, r6->netbits, &gc); gateway = print_in6_addr( r6->gateway, 0, &gc); if ( !tt->ipv6 ) { msg( M_INFO, "delete_route_ipv6(): not deleting %s/%d, no IPv6 on if %s", network, r6->netbits, device ); return; } msg( M_INFO, "delete_route_ipv6(%s/%d)", network, r6->netbits ); #if defined(TARGET_LINUX) #ifdef CONFIG_FEATURE_IPROUTE argv_printf (&argv, "%s -6 route del %s/%d dev %s", iproute_path, network, r6->netbits, device); #else argv_printf (&argv, "%s -A inet6 del %s/%d dev %s", ROUTE_PATH, network, r6->netbits, device); #endif /*CONFIG_FEATURE_IPROUTE*/ argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: Linux route -6/-A inet6 del command failed"); #elif defined (WIN32) /* netsh interface ipv6 delete route 2001:db8::/32 MyTunDevice */ argv_printf (&argv, "%s%sc interface ipv6 delete route %s/%d %s", get_win_sys_path(), NETSH_PATH_SUFFIX, network, r6->netbits, device); /* next-hop depends on TUN or TAP mode: * - in TAP mode, we use the "real" next-hop * - in TUN mode we use a special-case link-local address that the tapdrvr * knows about and will answer ND (neighbor discovery) packets for * (and "route deletion without specifying next-hop" does not work...) */ if ( tt->type == DEV_TYPE_TUN ) argv_printf_cat( &argv, " %s", "fe80::8" ); else argv_printf_cat( &argv, " %s", gateway ); #if 0 if (r->metric_defined) argv_printf_cat (&argv, "METRIC %d", r->metric); #endif argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); netcmd_semaphore_lock (); openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: Windows route add ipv6 command failed"); netcmd_semaphore_release (); #elif defined (TARGET_SOLARIS) /* example: route delete -inet6 2001:db8::/32 somegateway */ /* GERT-TODO: this is untested, but should work */ argv_printf (&argv, "%s delete -inet6 %s/%d %s", ROUTE_PATH, network, r6->netbits, gateway ); argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: Solaris route delete -inet6 command failed"); #elif defined(TARGET_FREEBSD) || defined(TARGET_DRAGONFLY) argv_printf (&argv, "%s delete -inet6 %s/%d -iface %s", ROUTE_PATH, network, r6->netbits, device ); argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: *BSD route delete -inet6 command failed"); #elif defined(TARGET_DARWIN) argv_printf (&argv, "%s delete -inet6 %s -prefixlen %d -iface %s", ROUTE_PATH, network, r6->netbits, device ); argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: *BSD route delete -inet6 command failed"); #elif defined(TARGET_OPENBSD) argv_printf (&argv, "%s delete -inet6 %s -prefixlen %d %s", ROUTE_PATH, network, r6->netbits, gateway ); argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: OpenBSD route delete -inet6 command failed"); #elif defined(TARGET_NETBSD) argv_printf (&argv, "%s delete -inet6 %s/%d %s", ROUTE_PATH, network, r6->netbits, gateway ); argv_msg (D_ROUTE, &argv); openvpn_execve_check (&argv, es, 0, "ERROR: NetBSD route delete -inet6 command failed"); #else msg (M_FATAL, "Sorry, but I don't know how to do 'route ipv6' commands on this operating system. Try putting your routes in a --route-down script"); #endif argv_reset (&argv); gc_free (&gc); } /* * The --redirect-gateway option requires OS-specific code below * to get the current default gateway. */ #if defined(WIN32) static const MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE * get_windows_routing_table (struct gc_arena *gc) { ULONG size = 0; PMIB_IPFORWARDTABLE rt = NULL; DWORD status; status = GetIpForwardTable (NULL, &size, TRUE); if (status == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { rt = (PMIB_IPFORWARDTABLE) gc_malloc (size, false, gc); status = GetIpForwardTable (rt, &size, TRUE); if (status != NO_ERROR) { msg (D_ROUTE, "NOTE: GetIpForwardTable returned error: %s (code=%u)", strerror_win32 (status, gc), (unsigned int)status); rt = NULL; } } return rt; } static int test_route (const IP_ADAPTER_INFO *adapters, const in_addr_t gateway, DWORD *index) { int count = 0; DWORD i = adapter_index_of_ip (adapters, gateway, &count, NULL); if (index) *index = i; return count; } static void test_route_helper (bool *ret, int *count, int *good, int *ambig, const IP_ADAPTER_INFO *adapters, const in_addr_t gateway) { int c; ++*count; c = test_route (adapters, gateway, NULL); if (c == 0) *ret = false; else ++*good; if (c > 1) ++*ambig; } /* * If we tried to add routes now, would we succeed? */ bool test_routes (const struct route_list *rl, const struct tuntap *tt) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); const IP_ADAPTER_INFO *adapters = get_adapter_info_list (&gc); bool ret = false; int count = 0; int good = 0; int ambig = 0; bool adapter_up = false; if (is_adapter_up (tt, adapters)) { ret = true; adapter_up = true; if (rl) { int i; for (i = 0; i < rl->n; ++i) test_route_helper (&ret, &count, &good, &ambig, adapters, rl->routes[i].gateway); if ((rl->flags & RG_ENABLE) && (rl->spec.flags & RTSA_REMOTE_ENDPOINT)) test_route_helper (&ret, &count, &good, &ambig, adapters, rl->spec.remote_endpoint); } } msg (D_ROUTE, "TEST ROUTES: %d/%d succeeded len=%d ret=%d a=%d u/d=%s", good, count, rl ? rl->n : -1, (int)ret, ambig, adapter_up ? "up" : "down"); gc_free (&gc); return ret; } static const MIB_IPFORWARDROW * get_default_gateway_row (const MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE *routes) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); DWORD lowest_metric = ~0; const MIB_IPFORWARDROW *ret = NULL; int i; int best = -1; if (routes) { for (i = 0; i < routes->dwNumEntries; ++i) { const MIB_IPFORWARDROW *row = &routes->table[i]; const in_addr_t net = ntohl (row->dwForwardDest); const in_addr_t mask = ntohl (row->dwForwardMask); const DWORD index = row->dwForwardIfIndex; const DWORD metric = row->dwForwardMetric1; dmsg (D_ROUTE_DEBUG, "GDGR: route[%d] %s/%s i=%d m=%d", i, print_in_addr_t ((in_addr_t) net, 0, &gc), print_in_addr_t ((in_addr_t) mask, 0, &gc), (int)index, (int)metric); if (!net && !mask && metric < lowest_metric) { ret = row; lowest_metric = metric; best = i; } } } dmsg (D_ROUTE_DEBUG, "GDGR: best=%d lm=%u", best, (unsigned int)lowest_metric); gc_free (&gc); return ret; } void get_default_gateway (struct route_gateway_info *rgi) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); const IP_ADAPTER_INFO *adapters = get_adapter_info_list (&gc); const MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE *routes = get_windows_routing_table (&gc); const MIB_IPFORWARDROW *row = get_default_gateway_row (routes); DWORD a_index; const IP_ADAPTER_INFO *ai; CLEAR(*rgi); if (row) { rgi->gateway.addr = ntohl (row->dwForwardNextHop); if (rgi->gateway.addr) { rgi->flags |= RGI_ADDR_DEFINED; a_index = adapter_index_of_ip (adapters, rgi->gateway.addr, NULL, &rgi->gateway.netmask); if (a_index != ~0) { rgi->adapter_index = a_index; rgi->flags |= (RGI_IFACE_DEFINED|RGI_NETMASK_DEFINED); ai = get_adapter (adapters, a_index); if (ai) { memcpy (rgi->hwaddr, ai->Address, 6); rgi->flags |= RGI_HWADDR_DEFINED; } } } } gc_free (&gc); } static DWORD windows_route_find_if_index (const struct route *r, const struct tuntap *tt) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); DWORD ret = ~0; int count = 0; const IP_ADAPTER_INFO *adapters = get_adapter_info_list (&gc); const IP_ADAPTER_INFO *tun_adapter = get_tun_adapter (tt, adapters); bool on_tun = false; /* first test on tun interface */ if (is_ip_in_adapter_subnet (tun_adapter, r->gateway, NULL)) { ret = tun_adapter->Index; count = 1; on_tun = true; } else /* test on other interfaces */ { count = test_route (adapters, r->gateway, &ret); } if (count == 0) { msg (M_WARN, "Warning: route gateway is not reachable on any active network adapters: %s", print_in_addr_t (r->gateway, 0, &gc)); ret = ~0; } else if (count > 1) { msg (M_WARN, "Warning: route gateway is ambiguous: %s (%d matches)", print_in_addr_t (r->gateway, 0, &gc), count); ret = ~0; } dmsg (D_ROUTE_DEBUG, "DEBUG: route find if: on_tun=%d count=%d index=%d", on_tun, count, (int)ret); gc_free (&gc); return ret; } bool add_route_ipapi (const struct route *r, const struct tuntap *tt, DWORD adapter_index) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); bool ret = false; DWORD status; const DWORD if_index = (adapter_index == ~0) ? windows_route_find_if_index (r, tt) : adapter_index; if (if_index != ~0) { MIB_IPFORWARDROW fr; CLEAR (fr); fr.dwForwardDest = htonl (r->network); fr.dwForwardMask = htonl (r->netmask); fr.dwForwardPolicy = 0; fr.dwForwardNextHop = htonl (r->gateway); fr.dwForwardIfIndex = if_index; fr.dwForwardType = 4; /* the next hop is not the final dest */ fr.dwForwardProto = 3; /* PROTO_IP_NETMGMT */ fr.dwForwardAge = 0; fr.dwForwardNextHopAS = 0; fr.dwForwardMetric1 = (r->flags & RT_METRIC_DEFINED) ? r->metric : 1; fr.dwForwardMetric2 = ~0; fr.dwForwardMetric3 = ~0; fr.dwForwardMetric4 = ~0; fr.dwForwardMetric5 = ~0; if ((r->network & r->netmask) != r->network) msg (M_WARN, "Warning: address %s is not a network address in relation to netmask %s", print_in_addr_t (r->network, 0, &gc), print_in_addr_t (r->netmask, 0, &gc)); status = CreateIpForwardEntry (&fr); if (status == NO_ERROR) ret = true; else { /* failed, try increasing the metric to work around Vista issue */ const unsigned int forward_metric_limit = 2048; /* iteratively retry higher metrics up to this limit */ for ( ; fr.dwForwardMetric1 <= forward_metric_limit; ++fr.dwForwardMetric1) { /* try a different forward type=3 ("the next hop is the final dest") in addition to 4. --redirect-gateway over RRAS seems to need this. */ for (fr.dwForwardType = 4; fr.dwForwardType >= 3; --fr.dwForwardType) { status = CreateIpForwardEntry (&fr); if (status == NO_ERROR) { msg (D_ROUTE, "ROUTE: CreateIpForwardEntry succeeded with dwForwardMetric1=%u and dwForwardType=%u", (unsigned int)fr.dwForwardMetric1, (unsigned int)fr.dwForwardType); ret = true; goto doublebreak; } else if (status != ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS) goto doublebreak; } } doublebreak: if (status != NO_ERROR) msg (M_WARN, "ROUTE: route addition failed using CreateIpForwardEntry: %s [status=%u if_index=%u]", strerror_win32 (status, &gc), (unsigned int)status, (unsigned int)if_index); } } gc_free (&gc); return ret; } bool del_route_ipapi (const struct route *r, const struct tuntap *tt) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); bool ret = false; DWORD status; const DWORD if_index = windows_route_find_if_index (r, tt); if (if_index != ~0) { MIB_IPFORWARDROW fr; CLEAR (fr); fr.dwForwardDest = htonl (r->network); fr.dwForwardMask = htonl (r->netmask); fr.dwForwardPolicy = 0; fr.dwForwardNextHop = htonl (r->gateway); fr.dwForwardIfIndex = if_index; status = DeleteIpForwardEntry (&fr); if (status == NO_ERROR) ret = true; else msg (M_WARN, "ROUTE: route deletion failed using DeleteIpForwardEntry: %s", strerror_win32 (status, &gc)); } gc_free (&gc); return ret; } static const char * format_route_entry (const MIB_IPFORWARDROW *r, struct gc_arena *gc) { struct buffer out = alloc_buf_gc (256, gc); buf_printf (&out, "%s %s %s p=%d i=%d t=%d pr=%d a=%d h=%d m=%d/%d/%d/%d/%d", print_in_addr_t (r->dwForwardDest, IA_NET_ORDER, gc), print_in_addr_t (r->dwForwardMask, IA_NET_ORDER, gc), print_in_addr_t (r->dwForwardNextHop, IA_NET_ORDER, gc), (int)r->dwForwardPolicy, (int)r->dwForwardIfIndex, (int)r->dwForwardType, (int)r->dwForwardProto, (int)r->dwForwardAge, (int)r->dwForwardNextHopAS, (int)r->dwForwardMetric1, (int)r->dwForwardMetric2, (int)r->dwForwardMetric3, (int)r->dwForwardMetric4, (int)r->dwForwardMetric5); return BSTR (&out); } /* * Show current routing table */ void show_routes (int msglev) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); int i; const MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE *rt = get_windows_routing_table (&gc); msg (msglev, "SYSTEM ROUTING TABLE"); if (rt) { for (i = 0; i < rt->dwNumEntries; ++i) { msg (msglev, "%s", format_route_entry (&rt->table[i], &gc)); } } gc_free (&gc); } #elif defined(TARGET_LINUX) void get_default_gateway (struct route_gateway_info *rgi) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); int sd = -1; CLEAR(*rgi); /* get default gateway IP addr */ { FILE *fp = fopen ("/proc/net/route", "r"); if (fp) { char line[256]; int count = 0; unsigned int lowest_metric = ~0; in_addr_t best_gw = 0; while (fgets (line, sizeof (line), fp) != NULL) { if (count) { unsigned int net_x = 0; unsigned int mask_x = 0; unsigned int gw_x = 0; unsigned int metric = 0; unsigned int flags = 0; const int np = sscanf (line, "%*s\t%x\t%x\t%x\t%*s\t%*s\t%d\t%x", &net_x, &gw_x, &flags, &metric, &mask_x); if (np == 5 && (flags & IFF_UP)) { const in_addr_t net = ntohl (net_x); const in_addr_t mask = ntohl (mask_x); const in_addr_t gw = ntohl (gw_x); if (!net && !mask && metric < lowest_metric) { best_gw = gw; lowest_metric = metric; } } } ++count; } fclose (fp); if (best_gw) { rgi->gateway.addr = best_gw; rgi->flags |= RGI_ADDR_DEFINED; } } } /* scan adapter list */ if (rgi->flags & RGI_ADDR_DEFINED) { struct ifreq *ifr, *ifend; in_addr_t addr, netmask; struct ifreq ifreq; struct ifconf ifc; struct ifreq ifs[20]; /* Maximum number of interfaces to scan */ if ((sd = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { msg (M_WARN, "GDG: socket() failed"); goto done; } ifc.ifc_len = sizeof (ifs); ifc.ifc_req = ifs; if (ioctl (sd, SIOCGIFCONF, &ifc) < 0) { msg (M_WARN, "GDG: ioctl(SIOCGIFCONF) failed"); goto done; } /* scan through interface list */ ifend = ifs + (ifc.ifc_len / sizeof (struct ifreq)); for (ifr = ifc.ifc_req; ifr < ifend; ifr++) { if (ifr->ifr_addr.sa_family == AF_INET) { /* get interface addr */ addr = ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in *) &ifr->ifr_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr); /* get interface name */ strncpynt (ifreq.ifr_name, ifr->ifr_name, sizeof (ifreq.ifr_name)); /* check that the interface is up, and not point-to-point or loopback */ if (ioctl (sd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifreq) < 0) continue; if (!(ifreq.ifr_flags & IFF_UP)) continue; /* get interface netmask */ if (ioctl (sd, SIOCGIFNETMASK, &ifreq) < 0) continue; netmask = ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in *) &ifreq.ifr_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr); /* check that interface matches default route */ if (((rgi->gateway.addr ^ addr) & netmask) != 0) continue; /* save iface name and netmask */ strncpynt (rgi->iface, ifreq.ifr_name, sizeof(rgi->iface)); rgi->gateway.netmask = netmask; rgi->flags |= (RGI_IFACE_DEFINED|RGI_NETMASK_DEFINED); /* now get the hardware address. */ memset (&ifreq.ifr_hwaddr, 0, sizeof (struct sockaddr)); if (ioctl (sd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &ifreq) < 0) { msg (M_WARN, "GDG: SIOCGIFHWADDR(%s) failed", ifreq.ifr_name); goto done; } memcpy (rgi->hwaddr, &ifreq.ifr_hwaddr.sa_data, 6); rgi->flags |= RGI_HWADDR_DEFINED; break; } } } done: if (sd >= 0) close (sd); gc_free (&gc); } #elif defined(TARGET_FREEBSD)||defined(TARGET_DRAGONFLY) #include #include #include /* all of this is taken from in FreeBSD */ #define RTA_DST 0x1 #define RTA_GATEWAY 0x2 #define RTA_NETMASK 0x4 #define RTM_GET 0x4 #define RTM_VERSION 5 #define RTF_UP 0x1 #define RTF_GATEWAY 0x2 /* * These numbers are used by reliable protocols for determining * retransmission behavior and are included in the routing structure. */ struct rt_metrics { u_long rmx_locks; /* Kernel must leave these values alone */ u_long rmx_mtu; /* MTU for this path */ u_long rmx_hopcount; /* max hops expected */ u_long rmx_expire; /* lifetime for route, e.g. redirect */ u_long rmx_recvpipe; /* inbound delay-bandwidth product */ u_long rmx_sendpipe; /* outbound delay-bandwidth product */ u_long rmx_ssthresh; /* outbound gateway buffer limit */ u_long rmx_rtt; /* estimated round trip time */ u_long rmx_rttvar; /* estimated rtt variance */ u_long rmx_pksent; /* packets sent using this route */ u_long rmx_filler[4]; /* will be used for T/TCP later */ }; /* * Structures for routing messages. */ struct rt_msghdr { u_short rtm_msglen; /* to skip over non-understood messages */ u_char rtm_version; /* future binary compatibility */ u_char rtm_type; /* message type */ u_short rtm_index; /* index for associated ifp */ int rtm_flags; /* flags, incl. kern & message, e.g. DONE */ int rtm_addrs; /* bitmask identifying sockaddrs in msg */ pid_t rtm_pid; /* identify sender */ int rtm_seq; /* for sender to identify action */ int rtm_errno; /* why failed */ int rtm_use; /* from rtentry */ u_long rtm_inits; /* which metrics we are initializing */ struct rt_metrics rtm_rmx; /* metrics themselves */ }; struct { struct rt_msghdr m_rtm; char m_space[512]; } m_rtmsg; #define ROUNDUP(a) \ ((a) > 0 ? (1 + (((a) - 1) | (sizeof(long) - 1))) : sizeof(long)) /* * FIXME -- add support for netmask, hwaddr, and iface */ void get_default_gateway (struct route_gateway_info *rgi) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); int s, seq, l, pid, rtm_addrs, i; struct sockaddr so_dst, so_mask; char *cp = m_rtmsg.m_space; struct sockaddr *gate = NULL, *sa; struct rt_msghdr *rtm_aux; #define NEXTADDR(w, u) \ if (rtm_addrs & (w)) {\ l = ROUNDUP(u.sa_len); memmove(cp, &(u), l); cp += l;\ } #define ADVANCE(x, n) (x += ROUNDUP((n)->sa_len)) #define rtm m_rtmsg.m_rtm CLEAR(*rgi); pid = getpid(); seq = 0; rtm_addrs = RTA_DST | RTA_NETMASK; bzero(&so_dst, sizeof(so_dst)); bzero(&so_mask, sizeof(so_mask)); bzero(&rtm, sizeof(struct rt_msghdr)); rtm.rtm_type = RTM_GET; rtm.rtm_flags = RTF_UP | RTF_GATEWAY; rtm.rtm_version = RTM_VERSION; rtm.rtm_seq = ++seq; rtm.rtm_addrs = rtm_addrs; so_dst.sa_family = AF_INET; so_dst.sa_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); so_mask.sa_family = AF_INET; so_mask.sa_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); NEXTADDR(RTA_DST, so_dst); NEXTADDR(RTA_NETMASK, so_mask); rtm.rtm_msglen = l = cp - (char *)&m_rtmsg; s = socket(PF_ROUTE, SOCK_RAW, 0); if (write(s, (char *)&m_rtmsg, l) < 0) { warn("writing to routing socket"); gc_free (&gc); close(s); return false; } do { l = read(s, (char *)&m_rtmsg, sizeof(m_rtmsg)); } while (l > 0 && (rtm.rtm_seq != seq || rtm.rtm_pid != pid)); close(s); rtm_aux = &rtm; cp = ((char *)(rtm_aux + 1)); if (rtm_aux->rtm_addrs) { for (i = 1; i; i <<= 1) if (i & rtm_aux->rtm_addrs) { sa = (struct sockaddr *)cp; if (i == RTA_GATEWAY ) gate = sa; ADVANCE(cp, sa); } } else { gc_free (&gc); return false; } if (gate != NULL ) { rgi->gateway.addr = ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in *)gate)->sin_addr.s_addr); rgi->flags |= RGI_ADDR_DEFINED; gc_free (&gc); } else { gc_free (&gc); } } #elif defined(TARGET_DARWIN) #include #include #include #include #include struct rtmsg { struct rt_msghdr m_rtm; char m_space[512]; }; #define ROUNDUP(a) \ ((a) > 0 ? (1 + (((a) - 1) | (sizeof(uint32_t) - 1))) : sizeof(uint32_t)) #define NEXTADDR(w, u) \ if (rtm_addrs & (w)) {\ l = ROUNDUP(u.sa_len); memmove(cp, &(u), l); cp += l;\ } #define ADVANCE(x, n) (x += ROUNDUP((n)->sa_len)) #define max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) void get_default_gateway (struct route_gateway_info *rgi) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); struct rtmsg m_rtmsg; int sockfd = -1; int seq, l, pid, rtm_addrs, i; struct sockaddr so_dst, so_mask; char *cp = m_rtmsg.m_space; struct sockaddr *gate = NULL, *ifp = NULL, *sa; struct rt_msghdr *rtm_aux; # define rtm m_rtmsg.m_rtm CLEAR(*rgi); /* setup data to send to routing socket */ pid = getpid(); seq = 0; rtm_addrs = RTA_DST | RTA_NETMASK | RTA_IFP; bzero(&m_rtmsg, sizeof(m_rtmsg)); bzero(&so_dst, sizeof(so_dst)); bzero(&so_mask, sizeof(so_mask)); bzero(&rtm, sizeof(struct rt_msghdr)); rtm.rtm_type = RTM_GET; rtm.rtm_flags = RTF_UP | RTF_GATEWAY; rtm.rtm_version = RTM_VERSION; rtm.rtm_seq = ++seq; rtm.rtm_addrs = rtm_addrs; so_dst.sa_family = AF_INET; so_dst.sa_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); so_mask.sa_family = AF_INET; so_mask.sa_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); NEXTADDR(RTA_DST, so_dst); NEXTADDR(RTA_NETMASK, so_mask); rtm.rtm_msglen = l = cp - (char *)&m_rtmsg; /* transact with routing socket */ sockfd = socket(PF_ROUTE, SOCK_RAW, 0); if (sockfd < 0) { msg (M_WARN, "GDG: socket #1 failed"); goto done; } if (write(sockfd, (char *)&m_rtmsg, l) < 0) { msg (M_WARN, "GDG: problem writing to routing socket"); goto done; } do { l = read(sockfd, (char *)&m_rtmsg, sizeof(m_rtmsg)); } while (l > 0 && (rtm.rtm_seq != seq || rtm.rtm_pid != pid)); close(sockfd); sockfd = -1; /* extract return data from routing socket */ rtm_aux = &rtm; cp = ((char *)(rtm_aux + 1)); if (rtm_aux->rtm_addrs) { for (i = 1; i; i <<= 1) { if (i & rtm_aux->rtm_addrs) { sa = (struct sockaddr *)cp; if (i == RTA_GATEWAY ) gate = sa; else if (i == RTA_IFP) ifp = sa; ADVANCE(cp, sa); } } } else goto done; /* get gateway addr and interface name */ if (gate != NULL ) { /* get default gateway addr */ rgi->gateway.addr = ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in *)gate)->sin_addr.s_addr); if (rgi->gateway.addr) rgi->flags |= RGI_ADDR_DEFINED; if (ifp) { /* get interface name */ const struct sockaddr_dl *adl = (struct sockaddr_dl *) ifp; int len = adl->sdl_nlen; if (adl->sdl_nlen && adl->sdl_nlen < sizeof(rgi->iface)) { memcpy (rgi->iface, adl->sdl_data, adl->sdl_nlen); rgi->iface[adl->sdl_nlen] = '\0'; rgi->flags |= RGI_IFACE_DEFINED; } } } /* get netmask of interface that owns default gateway */ if (rgi->flags & RGI_IFACE_DEFINED) { struct ifreq ifr; sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (sockfd < 0) { msg (M_WARN, "GDG: socket #2 failed"); goto done; } CLEAR(ifr); ifr.ifr_addr.sa_family = AF_INET; strncpynt(ifr.ifr_name, rgi->iface, IFNAMSIZ); if (ioctl(sockfd, SIOCGIFNETMASK, (char *)&ifr) < 0) { msg (M_WARN, "GDG: ioctl #1 failed"); goto done; } close(sockfd); sockfd = -1; rgi->gateway.netmask = ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr.ifr_addr)->sin_addr.s_addr); rgi->flags |= RGI_NETMASK_DEFINED; } /* try to read MAC addr associated with interface that owns default gateway */ if (rgi->flags & RGI_IFACE_DEFINED) { struct ifconf ifc; struct ifreq *ifr; const int bufsize = 4096; char *buffer; buffer = (char *) gc_malloc (bufsize, true, &gc); sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (sockfd < 0) { msg (M_WARN, "GDG: socket #3 failed"); goto done; } ifc.ifc_len = bufsize; ifc.ifc_buf = buffer; if (ioctl(sockfd, SIOCGIFCONF, (char *)&ifc) < 0) { msg (M_WARN, "GDG: ioctl #2 failed"); goto done; } close(sockfd); sockfd = -1; for (cp = buffer; cp <= buffer + ifc.ifc_len - sizeof(struct ifreq); ) { ifr = (struct ifreq *)cp; const size_t len = sizeof(ifr->ifr_name) + max(sizeof(ifr->ifr_addr), ifr->ifr_addr.sa_len); if (!ifr->ifr_addr.sa_family) break; if (!strncmp(ifr->ifr_name, rgi->iface, IFNAMSIZ)) { if (ifr->ifr_addr.sa_family == AF_LINK) { struct sockaddr_dl *sdl = (struct sockaddr_dl *)&ifr->ifr_addr; memcpy(rgi->hwaddr, LLADDR(sdl), 6); rgi->flags |= RGI_HWADDR_DEFINED; } } cp += len; } } done: if (sockfd >= 0) close(sockfd); gc_free (&gc); } #undef max #elif defined(TARGET_OPENBSD) || defined(TARGET_NETBSD) #include #include #include /* all of this is taken from in OpenBSD 3.6 */ #define RTA_DST 0x1 /* destination sockaddr present */ #define RTA_GATEWAY 0x2 /* gateway sockaddr present */ #define RTA_NETMASK 0x4 /* netmask sockaddr present */ #define RTM_GET 0x4 /* Report Metrics */ #define RTM_VERSION 3 /* Up the ante and ignore older versions */ #define RTF_UP 0x1 /* route usable */ #define RTF_GATEWAY 0x2 /* destination is a gateway */ /* * Huge version for userland compatibility. */ struct rt_metrics { u_long rmx_locks; /* Kernel must leave these values alone */ u_long rmx_mtu; /* MTU for this path */ u_long rmx_hopcount; /* max hops expected */ u_long rmx_expire; /* lifetime for route, e.g. redirect */ u_long rmx_recvpipe; /* inbound delay-bandwidth product */ u_long rmx_sendpipe; /* outbound delay-bandwidth product */ u_long rmx_ssthresh; /* outbound gateway buffer limit */ u_long rmx_rtt; /* estimated round trip time */ u_long rmx_rttvar; /* estimated rtt variance */ u_long rmx_pksent; /* packets sent using this route */ }; /* * Structures for routing messages. */ struct rt_msghdr { u_short rtm_msglen; /* to skip over non-understood messages */ u_char rtm_version; /* future binary compatibility */ u_char rtm_type; /* message type */ u_short rtm_index; /* index for associated ifp */ int rtm_flags; /* flags, incl. kern & message, e.g. DONE */ int rtm_addrs; /* bitmask identifying sockaddrs in msg */ pid_t rtm_pid; /* identify sender */ int rtm_seq; /* for sender to identify action */ int rtm_errno; /* why failed */ int rtm_use; /* from rtentry */ u_long rtm_inits; /* which metrics we are initializing */ struct rt_metrics rtm_rmx; /* metrics themselves */ }; struct { struct rt_msghdr m_rtm; char m_space[512]; } m_rtmsg; #define ROUNDUP(a) \ ((a) > 0 ? (1 + (((a) - 1) | (sizeof(long) - 1))) : sizeof(long)) /* * FIXME -- add support for netmask, hwaddr, and iface */ void get_default_gateway (struct route_gateway_info *rgi) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); int s, seq, l, rtm_addrs, i; pid_t pid; struct sockaddr so_dst, so_mask; char *cp = m_rtmsg.m_space; struct sockaddr *gate = NULL, *sa; struct rt_msghdr *rtm_aux; #define NEXTADDR(w, u) \ if (rtm_addrs & (w)) {\ l = ROUNDUP(u.sa_len); memmove(cp, &(u), l); cp += l;\ } #define ADVANCE(x, n) (x += ROUNDUP((n)->sa_len)) #define rtm m_rtmsg.m_rtm CLEAR(*rgi); pid = getpid(); seq = 0; rtm_addrs = RTA_DST | RTA_NETMASK; bzero(&so_dst, sizeof(so_dst)); bzero(&so_mask, sizeof(so_mask)); bzero(&rtm, sizeof(struct rt_msghdr)); rtm.rtm_type = RTM_GET; rtm.rtm_flags = RTF_UP | RTF_GATEWAY; rtm.rtm_version = RTM_VERSION; rtm.rtm_seq = ++seq; rtm.rtm_addrs = rtm_addrs; so_dst.sa_family = AF_INET; so_dst.sa_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); so_mask.sa_family = AF_INET; so_mask.sa_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); NEXTADDR(RTA_DST, so_dst); NEXTADDR(RTA_NETMASK, so_mask); rtm.rtm_msglen = l = cp - (char *)&m_rtmsg; s = socket(PF_ROUTE, SOCK_RAW, 0); if (write(s, (char *)&m_rtmsg, l) < 0) { warn("writing to routing socket"); gc_free (&gc); close(s); return false; } do { l = read(s, (char *)&m_rtmsg, sizeof(m_rtmsg)); } while (l > 0 && (rtm.rtm_seq != seq || rtm.rtm_pid != pid)); close(s); rtm_aux = &rtm; cp = ((char *)(rtm_aux + 1)); if (rtm_aux->rtm_addrs) { for (i = 1; i; i <<= 1) if (i & rtm_aux->rtm_addrs) { sa = (struct sockaddr *)cp; if (i == RTA_GATEWAY ) gate = sa; ADVANCE(cp, sa); } } else { gc_free (&gc); return false; } if (gate != NULL ) { rgi->gateway.addr = ntohl(((struct sockaddr_in *)gate)->sin_addr.s_addr); rgi->flags |= RGI_ADDR_DEFINED; gc_free (&gc); } else { gc_free (&gc); } } #else /* * This is a platform-specific method that returns data about * the current default gateway. Return data is placed into * a struct route_gateway_info object provided by caller. The * implementation should CLEAR the structure before adding * data to it. * * Data returned includes: * 1. default gateway address (rgi->gateway.addr) * 2. netmask of interface that owns default gateway * (rgi->gateway.netmask) * 3. hardware address (i.e. MAC address) of interface that owns * default gateway (rgi->hwaddr) * 4. interface name (or adapter index on Windows) that owns default * gateway (rgi->iface or rgi->adapter_index) * 5. an array of additional address/netmask pairs defined by * interface that owns default gateway (rgi->addrs with length * given in rgi->n_addrs) * * The flags RGI_x_DEFINED may be used to indicate which of the data * members were successfully returned (set in rgi->flags). All of * the data members are optional, however certain OpenVPN functionality * may be disabled by missing items. */ void get_default_gateway (struct route_gateway_info *rgi) { CLEAR(*rgi); } #endif bool netmask_to_netbits (const in_addr_t network, const in_addr_t netmask, int *netbits) { int i; const int addrlen = sizeof (in_addr_t) * 8; if ((network & netmask) == network) { for (i = 0; i <= addrlen; ++i) { in_addr_t mask = netbits_to_netmask (i); if (mask == netmask) { if (i == addrlen) *netbits = -1; else *netbits = i; return true; } } } return false; } /* * get_bypass_addresses() is used by the redirect-gateway bypass-x * functions to build a route bypass to selected DHCP/DNS servers, * so that outgoing packets to these servers don't end up in the tunnel. */ #if defined(WIN32) static void add_host_route_if_nonlocal (struct route_bypass *rb, const in_addr_t addr) { if (test_local_addr(addr, NULL) == TLA_NONLOCAL && addr != 0 && addr != ~0) add_bypass_address (rb, addr); } static void add_host_route_array (struct route_bypass *rb, const IP_ADDR_STRING *iplist) { while (iplist) { bool succeed = false; const in_addr_t ip = getaddr (GETADDR_HOST_ORDER, iplist->IpAddress.String, 0, &succeed, NULL); if (succeed) { add_host_route_if_nonlocal (rb, ip); } iplist = iplist->Next; } } static void get_bypass_addresses (struct route_bypass *rb, const unsigned int flags) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); /*bool ret_bool = false;*/ /* get full routing table */ const MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE *routes = get_windows_routing_table (&gc); /* get the route which represents the default gateway */ const MIB_IPFORWARDROW *row = get_default_gateway_row (routes); if (row) { /* get the adapter which the default gateway is associated with */ const IP_ADAPTER_INFO *dgi = get_adapter_info (row->dwForwardIfIndex, &gc); /* get extra adapter info, such as DNS addresses */ const IP_PER_ADAPTER_INFO *pai = get_per_adapter_info (row->dwForwardIfIndex, &gc); /* Bypass DHCP server address */ if ((flags & RG_BYPASS_DHCP) && dgi && dgi->DhcpEnabled) add_host_route_array (rb, &dgi->DhcpServer); /* Bypass DNS server addresses */ if ((flags & RG_BYPASS_DNS) && pai) add_host_route_array (rb, &pai->DnsServerList); } gc_free (&gc); } #else static void get_bypass_addresses (struct route_bypass *rb, const unsigned int flags) /* PLATFORM-SPECIFIC */ { } #endif /* * Test if addr is reachable via a local interface (return ILA_LOCAL), * or if it needs to be routed via the default gateway (return * ILA_NONLOCAL). If the target platform doesn't implement this * function, return ILA_NOT_IMPLEMENTED. * * Used by redirect-gateway autolocal feature */ #if defined(WIN32) int test_local_addr (const in_addr_t addr, const struct route_gateway_info *rgi) { struct gc_arena gc = gc_new (); const in_addr_t nonlocal_netmask = 0x80000000L; /* routes with netmask <= to this are considered non-local */ bool ret = TLA_NONLOCAL; /* get full routing table */ const MIB_IPFORWARDTABLE *rt = get_windows_routing_table (&gc); if (rt) { int i; for (i = 0; i < rt->dwNumEntries; ++i) { const MIB_IPFORWARDROW *row = &rt->table[i]; const in_addr_t net = ntohl (row->dwForwardDest); const in_addr_t mask = ntohl (row->dwForwardMask); if (mask > nonlocal_netmask && (addr & mask) == net) { ret = TLA_LOCAL; break; } } } gc_free (&gc); return ret; } #else int test_local_addr (const in_addr_t addr, const struct route_gateway_info *rgi) /* PLATFORM-SPECIFIC */ { if (rgi) { if (local_route (addr, 0xFFFFFFFF, rgi->gateway.addr, rgi)) return TLA_LOCAL; else return TLA_NONLOCAL; } return TLA_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } #endif